Se ee ii p eeew Ress AR Ree AEP eo ee 5 tem BEDROOM BEDROOM B-4" x2" B-4'xi0-0" DESIGN No. $00 1685 Sq.Ft, Gor, $54 ' : ston. | womemncn| ston, % wena" & i : raze werner" A ogee ones | ' - ' 13-7"x10-8" FF meee | ° Deh =e, bi} sart HOME DESIGN No. 500 This modern design is truly a home for entertaining and outdoor living. It has a most interesting layout. The living area with its open planning makes this portion an attrac- tive social centre, yet the kit- chen is effectively closed off by the open fireplace and the glass wall behind the counter. Traffic to all parts of the house is excellent, and ex- tends through the hobby room to the garage, patio and out- door barbecue. All rooms are extra large making this a Home to be proud of. Con- struction is brick and stune veneer, 1,687 Sq. Ft. Stan- dard Blueprints for this De- sign No. 500 cost $15,000 for the first set, and $5.00 for ad ditional] sets. They are avail- able in Canada by return mail. fhe Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, © Enclosed please find of Plans entitled Name Address "HOME PLANNING GUIDE". Mail reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times), PreeeT ICICI $1.00 for which send me Book (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent sales tax). Now available at this Newspaper Office (or from address below) is our new Design Book en- titled "Suburban and Coun- try Homes designed for Cana- dians", price $1.00 tax free. This 1964 edition includes in- formation on Cost of Building and Financing in Canada, Heating, Insulation, Construc- tional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new designs -- Ranch, one and half storey, split level, two storey colon- ial, and duplex homes. Also included in this book are full details on how to order blue- prints. FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN DRIED CANE STOOLS QUESTION: Many years ago I bought a pair of low wovenitorced between the front of the cane stools, which we use for window frame and back of pg oedema ip | front stop, these exert enough q@pecial treatment, other than) dusting and cleaning. How can) the cane be restored? | ANSWER: The cane can be restored by brushing it gener- ously with linseed oil, then wip- ing off all unabsorbed oil within a half hour to avoid formation of a gummy residue on the sur- face. This is almost impossible to remove later. Or brush on pure, fresh, white shellac (thin- ned half-and-half with denatured. alcohol). Spray-type shellac, thinned spar varnish, or clear plastic spray can also be applied. STAINS ON STAINLESS STEEL QUESTION: There are several stubborn stains on my stainless steel counter. These don't come off with the usual washing with @ hot mild soap solution. What do you suggest using? : For. stubborn stains, use stainless fine steel wool and whiting; then polish with a soft cloth. Special stain- less steel cleaners are now available at supermarkets, hardware and houseware stores; follow label directions. Occasionally, rubbing the stain- less stee] surface with a very light machine oil will remove marks and also retard staining. You are right to use only a mild hot soap solution on stain- Jess steel surfaces. This should be rinsed off thoroughly with clear water, then wiped dry. HOLDING UP WINDOWS QUESTION: What can I buy to hold up some windows which do not have pulleys? We bought an old house. The first floor windows have pulleys, but. up- stairs bedroom windows do not. ANSWER: Many hardware dealers and some housewares etores stock small. strips of clock spring steel, slightly arch- ed, about 314 inches wide, with| sharp teeth at each end. When work is necessary. REMOVE RUBBER BASE QUESTION: Our concrete floor in the basement is painted with a rubber base paint and we now want to put down an asphalt tile floor. Must we re- move the paint before putting down the tile? The paint is not peeling anywhere. ANSWER: Asphalt tile can be put down over rubber base paint in good condition and ad- hering tightly all over the floor surface, first, however, test the put down tile over it, Thig ap- plies only to rubber base paint. Be sure the paint surface is ab- solutely clean and free of any pressure to hold the window|trace of wax, grease, s00t, etc., where desired. No carpentry; paint surface with a 10 per cent solution of lye. If the paint re- mains unaffected, it is safe to before installing tile. INSTALLING FIREPLACE QUESTION: We have a cabin- type vacation shack which we sometimes use during very cold] weather, We are considering in- stalling a Franklin stove-type fireplace. Are these practical for heating? Is a double flue re- quired? ANSWER: After a series of tests, the department of agri- culture is of the opinion that dis- advantages of the ordinary fire-' place (drafts, limited heat radi- ation area, etc.) are lessened! by "modified" fireplaces such as the Frankln stove. Two fuel- TOP QUALITY ESSO FOR CONTINUED HEATING COMFORT _ Some valuable information on the subject of oil heating plants and heating with oil are pre- sented by the National Fuel Oil Council. These deal with several common aspects of oil heating. TWO BASIC FACTORS The basic factors in home heating plant accidents are: (1) the type of fuel burned. (2) the type of heating equip- ment which it is burned in. Heating oil is a relatively safe fuel since it is non-explosive, non-tric controls. This is the type of toxic and, in its inert state, non-inflammable. However, heating oil (No. 2 fuel oii) is distinct from other types of oil fuels used in the -- md ag a gp sd rent in the equip- ment in which it is burned. Heating oil (No. 2 fuel oil) is always burned in a central heat- ing-plant consisting of automatic pment regulated by electric controls. This is the type of heating installed in the majority of oil homes and particularly in the northern half of the country where full heating is required. It is the type commonly under- stood when the term "'oil heat- ing" is used. EQUIPMENT USED Central oil heating has high relative safety. The following summarizes the technical rea- sons for this: burning devices connected to the same flue will interfere with proper drafts; a separate flu is recommended for each. NAIL SPOTS UNDER VARNISH QUESTION: I made a small end table, countersinking nai!s and filling the nail holes with a wood putty. The wood had been stained walnut and i applied a varnish finish. Now there are white spots under the varnish at every filled nail hole. How can this be corrected? ANSWER: Sand off the yar- nish over the putty spots. Then stain the wood putty to match the walnut surface, Touch up with varnish, Or remove the wood putty. Then replace with a putty-like material in stick form available in popular wood colors at ply- wood dealers and hardware stores, Two Basic Factors Detailed For Home Heating With Oil Central oil heating consists of an automatically operated heat- ing plant with three full groups of electric controls, It manufactures heat by atom- izing liquid fuel oil -- breaking it up into particles and then mixing it with air -- within a comple brick or similar material. Combustion occurs only when the balanced oil-air mixture is ignited by a controlled electric spark, This regulated heat in the fire chamber is transferred special surfaces (never by di- rect contact) to one of three transistor heat - carrying med- jums, 'The three are' warm air, hot water or steam--they carry the heat via enclosed ducts or pipes throughout the house. The heating oil (No. 2 fuel oil) is stored in a large, heavy gauge steel tank located com- pletely separate from the burn- er. oil is fed from this through piping to the burner al- ways under full regulation of the electric controls which shut it off at any time there is a mal- function. THE CONTROLS In automatic oil heating there are three interchecking electric controls: 1. The thermostat which is a thermometer equipped to send an electrical message to the at plant to turn it on or off, 2. The basic combustion con- trol sees that this message is executed only if there is the proper mixture of atomized oil and proper ignition. It will halt the burner temporarily or lock it off on "safety" if all condi- tions are not right. This control is backed up by the stackswitch mounted on the stack -- which will also close down operations if the flow of combustion gases to the outside is too hot or too cold. oe 3. The third electric control is the limit control which holds within safe limits the pressures or the temperatures within the system which distributes the heat. All these contrgls back each other up, so that if one misses, the next takes over. In central oil heating there is never any manual operation. All adjust- ment and servicing are carried on by professional servicemen. enclosed metal fire] is The principal facts about the safety of heating oll (No. 3 fuel oil) are: It Is Non-Inflammable In Its Normal State, 1, No. 2 fuel oil is @ refined and stable petroleum fuel which virtually non-inflammable in its inert state, Its fire point the temperature at which it can catch fire~is between Fahrenheit. Gauge Opinion : pe SURE DEVE 140 and 150 degrees not be confused (This should with "flash point", the technical temperature at which there is' partial vaporization and at times flashing. No. 2 fuel oil will not catch fire for 30 to 30 de- grees above its "flash point".) As stored in the home and until atomized under controls in the insulated fire chamber, unless exposed to extreme and unlike- ly conditions, heating oil will not burn. A lighted match can be dipped into a container of it and unknown with heating 2. It is even more unlikely heating can be caused by heat- ing oil burned in automatic cen- tral heating. An explosion is technically a large blast fully consuming all gaseous products almost. instantly and having great force. No fuel can explode until it has been completely or largely vaporized into a gas. Large quantities of vaporized heating oil mixed with air and touched off by an open flame constitute a situation which just doesn't occur in operation of an automatic central heating sys- tem. There has virtually never been a true explosion of heating oil in an automatic home heat- ing plant, nor has there been with heating oil stored or piped outside the plant in the home. that a true explosion in home ti the match will be snuffed out.|2° Spontaneous nyt rigerd also is ; cleaning becomes a breeze. You never have to juggle elec- tric appliances in a Medallion All-Electric home. Adequate housepower ensures ample cir- cuits for your present appli- ances, and extra circuits for the future, Receptacles are con- veniently placed in every room, A "Cascade 40' or other hy- dro approved fast-recovery 40- gallon electric water heater in home guarantees plenty of hot water whenever it is needed. Because a Medallion All-Elec- tric home is light-conditioned, you are assured of good general illumination and proper lighting in specific work areas through: | 3. Heating oil is completely non-toxic -- it has no inherent fumes dangerous to health. 'highly improbable, To sum up, the basic charac- teristics of heating oil and the automatic, electrically-control- led equipment in which it is burned are such that a central oil hea plant accident, even if it should occur, will rarely set fire to a house and will not cause an explosion. Minor. acci- dents can occur, but serious in- ly infrequent. Serious damage or injury are | jury or major damage are high- t cic inaeaiciiediaieitiaitdiahiiiaeaiiaiiedecetet out the home, | | JAMES i 'O'MALLEY ' Construction Ltd. 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions i OLD WORLD AIRTITE INSULATION LONDON Rock Wool Blower Method NEW AND OLD HOMES ANY TYPE HEATING Electric Heated Homes A Specialty © FREE ESTIMATES ® 942-1920 @ Offices @ Remodeling, ~ o> HOME HEAT HEATING EQUIPMENT (No down payment, 10 years to pay) For Full Details PHONE 668-2991 RGU SERVICE AT NO COST TO YOU (lA E SONS LIMITED tnut St Ww WHITBY ONE-PIECE CONCRETE ie MMULDIATE DELIUERY CW ALL YE @ FOR YOUR NEW HOME @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS AND PLATFORM 1, Duan step} "YOUR FIRST STEP TO GEAUTY AND SApETE" It's low cost. APPROVED "Cascade 40" Water Heating Appliance is an APPROVED PRODUCT Geveloped through the combined research and resources of Ontario Hydro and the electrical manufac- turers. Ifyou have an automatic dishwasher... ie or an automatic clotheswasher ER or an automatic mud collector... Cae or an automatic soil distributor As your needs Increase, so does "Cascade 40's" output. It can produce hot water SIX TIMES AS FAST AS AVERAGE USE DEMANDS! then you should have the new approved "Cascade 40" electric water heating appliance - WITH A "CASCADE 40" YOU NEED NEVER RUN OUT OF And no matter how much hot water you use, you save with Hydro's HOT WATER AGAIN, It's electric. It's safe. It's dependable. low rates. "Cascade 40" Is flameless, clean, silent. And there is a ten year guarantee on the tank. Have an approved "Cascade 40" Electric Water Heating Appliance installed in your home. your for details calf hydro 655-3311 CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. LIMITED 385 KING STREET EAST ONTARIO Townsend Eleciric 723-2343 Sharpe Eleciric COMPANY 110 WOOD ST., OSHAWA For Supplementary Electric Het Cell Tozer Electric Lid. PHONE 728-4611 728-8214 56 PRINCE ST. Consistent, High Quality _ Fuel Oil Reliable, Automatic Deliveries Courteous, Expert Servicemen Make Sure a cozy, Carefree Winter! CALL 725-3581 agi dpi opt glee ee