odo erads bade 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, October 15,'1964 |27--Reol Estate For Sale -------- For Sele 29--Automobiles For Sale IN memoriam | JOSEPH BOSCO | TILDEN PAID TOR REALTOR CAR AND TRUCK Good clean cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid off. Png pty Bigs Ry RENTALS DODD MOTOR SALES Sawyer, who passed away October 1% 728-/31/ (All Makes and Models) 314 PARK RD, SOUTH willing hands witi foil no more, | - 833 Simcoe St. South true, PUL Albert ee 30--Automobiles Wanted | MARY ST. ; BUYING OR SELLING ie Comfortable and tidy, 2 bed- | CARS WANTED bungalow on lovely lot s li Reng $12 200 with terms. TED CAMPIN Buying a New Car? , Sell your used car to "Ted" V.LA. MOTORS Talk" "Cash" to. the New : Lovely bungalow at East city | 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA | Co Dealer and "SAVE BH Be cent lead Bil, Giedys, limits on large lot. $10,900. (Just East of Wilson Rood) TED CAMPIN MOTORS sebaceous le la earalten | exing: prce: 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | 723-4494 _Res. 725-5574 | | SAVE $500 eB ne sei | Build now under the Depart- KELLY DISNEY SPOT CASH 'CARD OF THANKS -- o gad lh be "USED CAR LTD. PAID FOR } pian. jouses in . : 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST Good cl . Trade Places Ges 1 hig yhoo ind of the city. WHITBY --- 668.5891 clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. Poke , Connecticut, on TUSS| trict for cards sent to Danelle. They were! Neil Campbell ... 725-1015 Cars bough 1 Bearers. 1964, Myrtle ong f very much appreciated. Anyone oles Solly Wallace ... 725-6297 "conor DODD MOTOR SALES wife of the late J: sending sous eer, "te, rater ot Greve Banatie, burr, Bis Cox avenue, Piti:| John Gravelle ... 728-0594 314 PARK RD. SOUTH Doro) burgh 7 A ies sda vy Gs iy, Murray Boyle .. : » Agnes Dutty.! Doug Skinner ... 728-4900 Always top quality 723-9421 723-4270 Trade up or down r FOR SALE OR TRADE -- 1958 Buick 1955 TO 1958 CHEVROLET or Pontiac, DWIN -- famil the tate): Elmer Fredin ... 725-2753 1 Comureryy, The. fom: | y GOODWIN = The family, of the tate se Crawford... 723-1021 | !edoor hardtop, good condition. 1948 |900d, condition, will trade 1954 Pontiac ty will os visitors in the Chapel | sopreciation and sincere thanks to friends | ae ve yoy ~ maootere for v4 en-|and take over payments, or cash, 725-7970. from°7 to 9 Fridéy evening, | ano neighbors for their ade of kindness, : |% ive-window coupe body, |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars flor. a ee lowered. Call Brook-'for wrecking. Highest prices. paid. 200 of . - Cae ty an Ral rata] OPEN HOUSE. |Stersttssarse: sii," lone ute Pee marae wre| UNDERGROUND IN MONTREAL ly. automatic. Asking $475. 728-3157, larke Street, Oshawa, on Tuesday, ~The Goodwin Fem lers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars : OX, | HERCIA -- A sincere thankyou to Dr. OaLuxe STATION WAGON, 1959, Pon | wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or M08, More than 300 of these ve- Montreai's new subway. The been described as "more like way cars", "| 5. E. Rundle and Dr. Kowalsky and to tine, Va Laarenten, 4 +barrel carburetor, _hicles have been ordered for' rubber - wheeled cams have underground buses than rail- the nurses and staff of Ward 2D, for . Ki St. West y' power pect 31--Automobile Repair 'ob- | their care and attention, and to the many Drive out King 5t, est | Power brakes. Performance, comfort, gene and Saas Ie ee to Thickson's Road turn .| pockets? Buy. privately bg Be ge MUFFLER BRAKES. R ra ce yg, ppg south to Bellwood Drive 660-8168 after 5.30 evenings. mw! General Repairs to all Chinese Pig For Faster, OBITUARIES 4 service in the chapel Friday, October 16 | pital. : for his many visits. . PRIVATE. 1956 Ford sedan, - ot 2 pte oe Senne. Sen: Coene: Mrs. Paul Hercia, and follow the signs. ining condition, good tires, sd, makes. tery, 0: 3 Dry, on Apply 152 Lupin Drive, 10 Bays to serve you More Prolitic Breeding MRS. LORNE E. HUBBLE |the Whitby Baptist Church and RICH, Ellen . After 4, short Wines at the Oshews CLASSIFIED prep gitet ri a, 1984 FONTIAC tdoor seden, bive, 317 KENT'S WESTERN epMonton (CP)--Dr. Wes-\of Heredity in 1944. It was sup- a a + oo S Page eles oo Ge gg vie (10. els all with attached gar- {mission apply No i Herbert A Us. Conde: aaletank trokeee sa tna ithin three| hea or some time, Mrs.|many yea c Mee re ce oe pee ADVERTISING | ee Oshawa rbert Avena, | TIRE SERVICE os gaunt ines a nig cod neck 'atiee Lah and, breed Luella Hubble of RR 3, Frank-|cle and ladies' aid of the ante se Whitby ner rare leena| | |iransmisson, custom ne, automatic 145 KING W. 728-1607 versity of Alberta, is looking for|litters of up to 14 young, four|f0rd, died at the Golden Plough | Predeceased by her husban at W. €. Town Funeral Chapel, (Continued from Page 25) | € sale. No reasonable offer refused, OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert;a Chinese pig that matures|more than the average western Lodge at Cobourg, Monday. She|Ethelbert Rich, in 1923, Mre py stat pim interme Grew KEI PETER a Sma carburetor and auto electric service. 222 faster and breeds more prolific-|]i tte was in her 78th year. Rich is survived by a son, Leo- 'Oct. Interment Grove- protic: | jitter. day, 17, at 2 p.m. Inte | H S | 1959 VAUXHALL estate wagon, In excel King West, 728-0817. ally than any western variety.| "The breed could be of con- Born in Rawdon township, she|nard J. Rich of Whitby. A'so Vi Minist the side Cemetery, Brooklin, Minister lent condit owner car. Telephone | TRANSMISSION specialists, transmis! He has asked Al Oeming, Al-|siderable economic signifi-|¥45 the daughter of the late Mr.|surviving are a grandson, Cyrif Reverend J. McLeod. 27--Real Estate For Sale |Aiax 942- 0225 otter 5 p.m. ine of 6 |sions are our only b . 1038 Simcoe | Mrs. M = REALTOR |1956 CHEVROLET, four-door sedan, $150 |North. Phone 728- ae 7 berta Game Farm director, to|cance," says Dr. Combs. He|#"d William E. Mills. She| |Rich and a great-grandson, TABB, Charles E. ; At Southaven Nursing Home, Newcastle 728-7328 | Seer _ Lee TEEN, EXPERT brake 'service and front end/Seek the pig--if it still exists--| says he would like to cross the "pe sy ota at hee Cobourg fobows ey tice Gra one on Wednesday, October 14, 1964, Charles 1959 TWO-TONE FORD Fairlane 500, aut-|Suspension alignment. 226 Celina Street.| during his current tour of North|breed with western varieties of ge for past four years, |Cea a , €. Tabb, RR 1, Tyrone, aged 68 years, - matic, V-8, whitewalls, radio, etc, Re-|Call 723-4233. _|China search of fecund|2"d previous to that in Frank-| The funeral service will be 7 i 397225 a GREENWOOD, Myrtle (Bradiey) | : i Seer eer Tete eT ee + father of Nor- built motor and transmission. Excel. -- in sears rare ani-|swine to combine its Phe hs ee Ee. Cakes, preher of Hd B li lent condition. Phone 725-1690. ee 33--Market Basket mals for his Game Farm. characteristics with the better | ford community. held at the W. C. Town Funerat John, Tyrone, Tom, Orono, Emily (Hrs. | All In Brooklin |isscorvaie-monsa, four-door, auto- | APPLES -- Macs, Courtiends, Spy, DT. Combs first read about) growth rate and leaner car- She Wek 6. Meee ot Oe ee ee pH pee vy pmctitonl pecillace by a nine | REALTY LIMITED |imatic, radio, bucket seats, whitewalls, | Secors. May Belle Orchards. 1 mile not the breed of pig in a Journal'casses of western pigs. |Stockdale United Church andjday, Oct, 17, followed by inter- SPANKING NEW ee aaatined, by. lady. Very | of Whitby, No. 12 Highway. $2.00 and up. was a well known and highly|ment in Groveside Cemetery, and Fred, Burketon. Resting at the Mor- | good condition. 728-8656 or 723-5643 ris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Serv-| 728-5157 DERS for freezers. Roasting chickens |respected member of the com-|Brooklin. Rev. J. McLeod, pas- f : ; |1988 PONTIAC Convergibi o : \ c ice in the ae oh ericey st 2.30 p.m | 3 cg 1 storey brick |ing, power windo weenie Sone, ae: 4 iba $1.25. Clement Bros, Poultry, | munity. jtor of Whitby Baptist Church, | JUST LISTED home. hat wt patra |der, automatic, good condition, $895, Tele: | ooo aeeaseds oueh pasty We | Surviving are three nephews: | will conduct the service. eee: ne See Tey one 6% financing ot $95.00 mem, lorae Wen wee : UB; $2.50 each: Delivered' Teleohons Wesley Sharpe of Stockdale and t Entered rest in | Near schools, Early 'posses- | 1964 PONTIAC Super Sport, V-8 with auto-| soe i | FUNERAL OF monthly with toxes, 'this 3 : _ _ |matic, with all p $100 - | 725-8304, | Donald and Clinton Bate of} INES m rane Baby Elana Ter "ald Sonter Seen back wh Geena. -| pels Fade down, Reason | ance to suit your budget This avtomebtie| CARROTS, $1 bushel, 25 cents 6-qt. baske OCT 17 h R S | Frankford. | JAMES TAMBLYN SLEEMAN Visser, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. oo in basement, Early pos- . . Sion oe warranty, in showroom con- | Beets, $2 bushel, $0 cents é-at. basket. W. ' t | UMMAGE DAIE | Also surviving are two nieces|, The funeral service for James Ser, esr wn cM Resting at the| session, Call immediately. $13,500 FULL PRICE | ise acabiaN-sgaumone sy Courtice. Go north fo first corner. | Exiday, 10 o'clock \Mrs. John McColl of RR 1,)/Tamblyn Sleeman was held in Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa. For PONTYPOOL | ' black, &cylinder, automatic cade eece0 | MacINTOSH APPLES, east on No. 2 High- St Gre or 's | Y, ' | Frankford, and Mrs. John Fer-|the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral eee ae Hon Pan reSt73. ™ er 3 beh by | Brick 6 years old. 3 bedroom | walls, wheel discs, windshield washers, |W2Y/ Past Bad Boy's to Oshawa Motel, . gory Good 'Clothin |guson of Whitby, Ont. She was|Chapel, Wednesday, Oct. 14, at strong oe eer, | tevaly ' e sh ages bungalow, many extras. Lorge | Phone 728-1489 after 6. urn north, approximately 4. mile. Bring 9, predeceased by her husband, the|3. .30 p.m. Mr. Sleeman, last resi- E'S FLORISTS Lorge living room, large kit- | wel covered patio. $3,000 |1958 PONTIAC Parisienne, 3-door hard. CARROTS, Br Fas ag | CPTA |. St. Andrew's Church late Lorne E. Hubble, 12 years |dence 50 Farewell avenue, died LOCKE'S chen. All modern a down. Immediate 'possession, |{0P. This Is a real scarce model. $25|Beets, $2 bushel, S0C at. SFaaker W. ago. jin Oshawa General Hospital, Funeral arrangements ond ences, Taxes less thon | GH Gut lek oF Nicols: Motors, 666-2331 © Eymann, V2 mile east of Nichols Garage, ae | Sunday, Oct, 11." Rev, "Not? floral requirements for all $100.00 per year. Approxi- | Courtice. Go north to first corner. H t Ca | occasions. motely 2 acres of land. A | ON QUIET STREET $395 FULL FRICE. $5 down, $5 weekly WiNTER CABBAGE $1.25 dozen arves rniva RUMMAGE SALE | WALTER E. SMITH Hotinbs, nihiater Or | ey, OSHAWA SHOPPING . real good buy | 4 room bungalow, oil heated, ar. for sonane ot MN Motors, | Also corn. Wm. Sacks, vob n Road d ORILLIA -- Walter E. Smith,|United Church, conducted the CENTRE FARMS aitoched garage. ond work | 66-3331. 'ofers, ' South. First house South of Hydro Sub- an Bazaar | Friday Oct 16 |61, of 27 James street, a former|service and interment was in HOUR PHONE SERVICE Tw hy from, Ore < | shop. Good garden. Ideal for [$25 DOWN, $9 weekly buys a 1961 Chevy lac ard ---| | ' : jemployee of the Canada Wood|Mount Lawn Cemetery. " 728-6555 Sens - Nock de pak older couple. $11,900. Corvair'va ton pickup. Immaculate cond'- 34--Lost and Found Pe 7:30 P.M | to be held-at |Specialties Co., died in the| Pallbearers were Wilfred ee a Higher 7 J 12. Both ee eet Sere TWO BEAGLES, male and female, Ponty- : . : . | St. Mar of the Peo le | |Soldiers' Memorial Hospital re-|Jones, George Reid, Nelson: Hike wey ah sect th Otter tistings ovoiloble. $10 DOWN, $5 weekly. You can own anv | pool area last Monday, October 12. Re 54 p cently. His interests included|Ward, Roy Terwillegar, Lyman Kindness beyond Price, yet fist 98 se ee 160 cae | Be NCONS Mat ces ye" CUT Premises ward, Telephone Newcastle 987-4716 Church Auditorium |watch and clock repair. Gifford and Lloyd Gifford. Within reach of all pone oe oe . 34 FULL PRICE buys ihis 95 Chevy [LOST -- Valuable dos, pert German | OSHAWA JAYCEES =| 539 STEVENSON RD. NORTH | Mr. Smith was born in Bays- Only $275.00 per ac G LA y Shepherd, part Boxer, FUNERAL OF | I Bel Air. Sound in Bircmount | ville on April 12, 1903, the son GERROW | OWNER MUST SELL work. At Nicole Motors, eaRsiane * Y| Road, = Highway, No, 2, area, Friday, | BIN G @) BAZAAR | Of Me. and Mrs, Herbert smith.| _ MRS. LUDWIG (LOUIS) GN | 1 acre with 4 bedroom house | BROKER |CONVERTIBLES: $25 down, $14 weekly |!ar with licence 2360.T. Any information | a : » |He lived at Shanty Bay for : MERINGER FINERAL HOME | end aoroce, with smal bor. re cm ae eae | TONIGT Jahns UCM: Steunhem | an damn lin 9 Hedwigs Catholic Charehe 390 KING STREET WEST Comme on sean fond Gnas | BROOKLIN ee ee is cS) meant, si peti prs ll ter i hr M einige Pegs obi : Page int ; "oon a perigee sed . re : . Sat., : Fé : 5 ais m., TELEPHONE 728-6226 | to oll offers. Real buy. 655-497] store, New behery, etic toe ane] 'Th i Of | 1 ee ee | Oct. 17, 1964 ot 2:30 p.m. | He attended St. David's Church.|Rev. A. Bagsik, for Mrs. Lud- INCOME HOME WALKOUT MiseneOy ONG) "ailcraa Sires! Noth Whiley, ousands | 2 - $250 Jackpots a Ee neta Mr. Smith is survived by his|Wig (Louis) Meringer, who Lary Centrally »located 10 room *|models to choose from. Trades eccepted.| i949 MONARCH -- Ideal for customizing, | } Booths and Goodies of all kinds) wife, two sons, William of Ather-|in Oshawa General Hospital, IN MEMORIAM brick only $17,900.00. Call Sy D. Hyman Real Estate Limited, |s¢9.95, 1957 Zephyr six, real economy A F . | NUMBERS 53 and 58 "JAPANESE TEA GARDEN" _ jley and Arthur at home; two Monday, Oct. 12, in her 75th now, don't miss this valuable | Te eed ot 'Her wy St Ronee Brive rt orgeries H Early Bird Game i -- sar jdaughters, Juney and Barbara, | year. ames Pisgg Ad ~= In loving memory of our | tocation. galow with recreation room, double car- | 668-4307 | NOVEL BINGO lat home; a sister Hazel of Pallbearers were 706 nepal oil ag Willem Badgley, NORTH-WEST Port, L-shaped living-dining room. Cozy) 194 CHEVELLE Malibu, convertible, ' RED BARN THURSDAY EVENINGS. 7:45 Gravenhurst; brothers; Percy /Sid Meringer, Fred Meringer, Owner says Sell. Let us see Yncrvepaa Larue Bice) Pid sird area. | power glide, 155 hp engine, red with white Across Canada | : : : of Pickering and Sherwood and|Joe Konarowski, Alex Stryratka your offer on this beautiful -- |725-0413. 2 rive: |top. Call 728-4473. z : ee -- poe pr Sg 20h Arthur of Toronto, and a grand-|and Ricky Starzynski. a a acKks 5 3. bedroom Brick Bungalow [A DREAM le this wonderful modern one |trngeeNurmcrd taste eingtw wather,| VANCOUVER (CP)--Art col-| AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT conc bh OIE BOE. doushior Deteane. WALTER GORDON DUNCAN « with carport. Sell landscaped. and half storey brick. Centrally located, | white walls, cherrywood and ivory finish. lectors should use reputable | Get Tickets Early Mey be doubled ce tripled MRS. ELLEN RICH The funeral service for Walter BADGLEY -- In loving memory of « . lose to Ki East. Neat » ry dear Dad, William Badgley, who passed, A real beauty to inspect. Consists ofa Deaiituity sorcerers, | Cial 1400s dealers and avoid art auctions| $180 IN JACKPOTS The death occurred at the Gordon Duncan who died in \Oshawa General Hospital Wed-| Port Hope General Hospital,' 'or eway one year ar ego today. | 00: Ad II lendsoaped lot. V: 1958 PONTIAC, two-d ix-cylind 4 aint niet "Flight i ion" | God gave me wondertul father, | 4 BEDR MS aly' prices. Terms can be arrecued 10 tomatic, radio, wa oe Private $495. if they wish to avoid purc hasing| Flig Ente Pashion | 4 His memory wail never grow old, Waiting for a large family | suit any budget, Call for appointment | Telephone 725-5125 after 6 p.m fraudulent paintings, says Na-| Contact Mrs. C, R. Lunn | Door Prize $15 |nesday, Oct. 14, of Mrs, Ellen/Sat., Oct, 10, in his 63rd year, He Seahioned t4e smile so oon, or rooming house operator, [Arthur Weinberger. 725-8851. |USED CAR PARTS, spindies to make than Stolow, the National Gal- 723-7164 Tere SALE, October 16 1.15 @t/Rich, 1508 Dufferin street, [was held in the Armstrong Fun-' God needed @ new star in heaven, Centrally located, Close to |SALE PRICE $25,900 or rentel $140|trailers, also used tires. 509 Bloor Street lery's expert on art frauds. Before Monday, Oct. 19th CRA, 100 Gibb Street. ot ~ | shopping, close to bus, This |monthly. 1,700 square feet, new, luxur-|East after 4, 723-2281 P ' ont Set Nearer Whitby. Mrs. Rich; who was in/eral Chapel, Wed., Oct. 14th, at ious four: . Gr Here for a series of lectures, | her 84th year, had been in |2 p.m, Canon F. G, Ongley, rec- dite for sale, Garner Rossland Read coe 1962 CORVAIR 2-door automatic. Excel-|scattred across Canada. One was a daughter of the late Mr. |ment was in Mount Lawn Ceme- | dear neighbor and friend, William (Bill) 1982 Guy Bell Dorothy Wood | Wilson Road South, Close {0 schools, |"ew tires. Telephone Bowmanville, Toronto last spring igland,-in 1903, she came to Can-|ley, Don Cooper, Neil Hamilton, A _falghiver sadly missed, across from the Post 'Office, |Ushawa Times. steering, V-8 automatic. Color maroon. |Jaboratory of the National Gal- 1 Game at $30.00 -- 1 Game ot $50.00 service, GO ACTIVE. List So we miss you; OR TERMS, LIST WITH |1960 CHEVROLET Brookwood wagon, six! "'T aiso think there is now a| A i 1964 "OLDSMOBILE F Mae orien Non telnnene sania Pal scenic 1008) ys, automatic PE gre see; Mr. Stolow said he is convinced | | @ | Y C R @ S S B | N G O ee for three weeks. itor of St. George's Anglican ca his children Randy, Michael "TIMMY! Pauline Beol Hertha Kirk TO CONTRACTORS ONLY. Commerc |extras. 5,700 miles, Telephone 728-1408. | there are thousands of forgeries | Born in London, England, she/Church, officiated and inter- sicelay << ww \wied' @amey a ong Fabel peggy aed Highway 12. Telephone 6685104 pry-| ent Fonction, Price $1.49. 'Terms. After sony ruck paintings ao FREE ADMISSION and Mrs, John Coombs. Mar-|tery. ss ed t a t fraud trial i -| . Geer neighbor end friend. WilKam (Bil). Bo Johnson Steve Lehon | RIVE-ROOM brick ~conguiow, saat ot [1959 FORD custom two-door, & autometic, eatured in an art fraud n FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16th |ried at Worthing, Sussex, En Pallbearers were Ron Gour- One short year cannot er $4,000 down, Tak ivat tgage, | 623-7095 Mr. Stolow, director of the na- ada and Whitby 43 years a Alan M The memory of his smiling face, 48 'Sancon Street South, ~ ler ertoo ar avs per com Write Ber le: | 955 "PONTIAC; Zaoor herdiony power |td'o nal conservation research! 20 REGULAR GAMES -- 18 Games at $10. ea. or Fagg el pads G cane ollatd tack Gace Pigden, we never can replace. ont ' ~F --Sadly missed by neighbors Phil end pat.| For professional real estote .|28-Real Estate Wanted Good condition. Make offer. Telephone! tary "said the Toronto trial ac- SPECIAL JACKPOT $240 in 56 Nos BADGLEY --~ In io -- | 1959 PONTIAC Parisi idoor, 6 cylin. |Complished a "significant break- | . . Ld hed dear husband, Willem: Wie wes oe your home with ACTIVE To SELL YOUR HOME |der, automatic, Peso eotellare condition: through'. for honest art puvey- $20.00 Consolation : or an 1c @a 1r S Gontally Killed October 15, 1963. REALTY LIMITED, REAL- | AST FOR CASH | Telephone Whitby, 668-5447. Se ing in Canada. PLUS $10.00 each horizontal line " y TORS. ; f : 2 la our memory, you sy as it sancecd, wits Wolly radle:. Like. OPW: lull in the sale' -of fraudulent SHARE - the - WEALTH Gather At Gas e H Treasured with a love sincere. i h t JOHN F DeWITH [1955 CHEVROLET A-1 condition, standard |work," he said. "Only don't for-| | Regular Jackpot $200 in 54 Nos, $20.00 Consolation Pp aven You 'are where we cornet see you, ' C a Zmann . 6 cylinder $375. Telephone Whitby 668-8419|get that the frauds exhibited at GOOD PARKING 7:45 PM NO CHILDREN PLEASE | Your voice annot hi | ve voice we ox net heer, sy | R | REALTOR = et SE ee -- a5 | the trial have now been re- . : By GERRY McNEIL recall a villager ever scaling ever absent; always near eaitor : 6 Convertible, |turned to their owners. Who| -- ener pci calc eataactetaa be : Sadly missed by wife Vivian Bowmanville 623-3950 metic. red, white top, black interior. lk PERCE, Que. (CP) -- The} the rock to the top. The adven- $2,695 full price. Call 725-7538. nows when they might turn up| opt ' t d * : 114-Brock St. North " SUNNYSIDE PARK North Atlantiic's sea birds,|turous are stopped by mem Ps ag In loving memory of a Forget WANED Five toom Brick bungalow) 1958 BLUE DKW station wagon, used as lagain on the market? creaking in the salt wind like|-ories of tons of it falling sud La indmoti a ark, adiliac vi ie lor Phon | i - Srontrnthers. rs. Annie Jeckson. who Whitby area, Private. Cash buyer. . Telephone | so ee eee Forged. Signatures, works that M O N S + E R B | N G O rusty shutters, all gather at this | denly into the sea. stag 1964 CORVAIR Monza, two-door coupe, 4 are merely Copies, or works just A : * father "srendtatner 'na great grend. 668 3338 caval WAITING some with all Gash for | unite nile wear gay if ft bey in the style of paintings by be CLUB CAMELOT te oR ag al se ian 'an aa th "ae "4 father, Joseph Jackson, who passed away 4 Oh oe wih | Saermenllss | seems MOET Be a ie Nae amen. sp : ms ee i», | Gaspe Peninsula. 00 tons a year an is shou riiaedy. berry your! North | West: Oshawa, lovely HoL tiie Onwas roe. Write rural locgycer caren i bev 4 prt year apa (King St. E.--one block east of city limits--Opposite "Bad Boys") | aitred Hitchcock might easily | ive it another 13,000 years as ie Gone dom of the wn 3 bedrom brick with attached Properties Dept, H. Keith Lid., 18)-Eg-| PRIVATE, l7e? Chevrole! Bel Alr. In, ex ase a end as fy wil FRIDAY -- OCTOBER 16th have used Perce as the loca-|Perce's main attraction. ing = ; | kitchen linton Ave. E., Toronto 12 . sledbieg er 4 p.m. Call_Alax' as Montreal and as far west as} eal? , : rs A ll-equi nd_in the morning -- we remember) garage, extra large kitchen, | 942-3982 Calgary, he said $1200 IN PRIZES tion for his chiller, The Birds.|. 4 Well-equipped team from . --Always remembered, son Jack, Hila) poinveom with vanity, becuti- 29. Automobiles For Sale 191 METROPOLITAN convertible Al) "Phe 'number of wealthy Some sort of odd-beaked aerial| Montreal climbed it in 1963--it an tornily. fully decorated. Asking $16,- ondition, Telephone 725-8391 between 6 he number of wealthy art EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:45 dar is el blithely glid-|!00ked like a cinch--but the 700.00 with terms, Call and 7 p.m collectors who don't get expert 20---$20 GAMES--20 vo Ihe Woist here? © |ice = cracked limestone almost JACKSON -- In loving memory pf a} Helen Simpson 1956 PONTIAC sedan, standard, 6 cylin. |advice is enormous.' 1--$150 JACKPOT--1 ing past the tourist here. made th dear father and mother, Joseph and Annie © der, radio, low mileage, good body and |---- 2--$250 JACKPOTS--2 The gannets alone outnumber |™2de them turn back. Jackson, who died December 22, 1963 8d! Whitby, immaculate 6 room mechanical condition. Telephone 728-4348, 5 $30 SPECIALS 5 the community's 1,761 inhabi-|,, Before the village is the rock, : CHALS--*! y's 1, October 15, 1936. - A Just a thought of remembrance, brick bungalow, excellent lo- 1964 VOLVO station wagon, safety belts tants 10 to 1, and the gannets| 'he island and open water and on ji T JACKPOT NOS, 55-57 z van : Just @ memory fond and true, cation, 3 large bedrooms, }{ windshield washers, floor mets, whitewell B d die g | DOO! a behind it is 1,050-foot Mont Ste. ~ , = ires. Immediate condition. e on a n | DOOR PRIZE ADMISSIONS 1.00 |are far outnumbered by the , And @ heertechs still for both of you.| dining room, lovely. land- = - hence Tn TT T 1 a NO CHILDREN PLEASE silicided thieving gulls. Anne, oneeos, the craggy, red --Lovingly remembered by Bertha and scoped, only $15,500.00 | IMMAC i f i Shickshock Mountains that pe- Olive Y oe good terms, Call Helen Simp- | IMMACULATE i968. Portier Pactsieipa Pa tlie NORCO sesS a BRO a RR RLM EON OER BEN TE. -- > puis: er into the sea here. r son - power steering, radio, new Switewells asier i the petrels, the auks, kitti uae tts loving al bed ® dear x | Will take older model trade. 728 ' wakes, cormorants and shear- GOOD FISHING is ear Ole ae Passed) Whitby, 4 bedroom 11% stor- | |1962 CORVAIR, automatic, pete "white: | BRING THIS waters, with occasional flights i Game, including bears, 1s There is an ache in our hearts today | ey house, brick, two bath- | KEYED UP TO | walls, chrome discs, bucket posts, redis radio. | of Canada geese mallards and i i . The yeers,walnever ane ewey | Sy ood 'reside | Reman rad eae. Bed conatin PECIAL Y2 PRICE PASS ducks f oe fe etal wai lee A piece in our hearts that no one can| fools, Garage, good reticen- | | fsb RONSIACY gona conaniGer" --_ > V2 ucks for variety. there is good salmon fishing in i, | tial district, close to schools. | BUY A NEW CAR? [cutch, new brakes and tires. Apply 137; TORONTO (CP)--Bond prices Birds are continually wheel-| rivers throughout the Gaspe. Your memory we will always keep. | Asking $16,000.00 terms ar- * \Gibb Street Sadly missed by wife, Annie, son Mor-| ranged, open to offer. Call : were mainly easier Tuesday To the FRIDAY, OCT. 16th ing about the high bald 'capes) "Jacques Cartier anchored off ce GuiaaMUNeaae, Oleas arenccniionen BUY ONE WITH A LOW-COST --_|1957_ DODGE station wagon end th trad ' that surround the two deep) Bonaventure Island in 1534 and hares, Mertin and Dovid. W. Schatzmann evenings. at LIFE-INSURED |Meteor. Your choice! $495 or make 'ier | wi rading moderate and % oves here, They clean the nd in ~ Cc 668-3253. Call 725-8132 losses fractional. 1 there is good salmon fishing in SAWYER -- In loving memory of a 1959 OLDSMOBILE, power steering, Day - to - day money was in KINSMEN SUPER CAR beaches, lead the fishermen to! rivers throughout the Gaspe. dear father, Will Sawyer, who r 4 the he pes peel Hg wyer, passed! Oshawa, Brick bungalc power brakes, radio, automatic, new! abundant supply and cost '3! he herring and sit atop the Jacques Cartier anchored off i res, batt A-} 5 3A This month comes with deep regret, | "OMS, gorage, huge tiehed Sool PLAN: phone e095? atter § clocks 1 per cent. snug houses as if they owned Bonaventure Island in 1534 and It brings back a a we shall never rec. room with 12 ft. bar ' D. them | With built inc kitchen: Asking LOAN 1965 FORD Mustang convertible, low), The 91 - day treasury bills es B | N G @) oe Both birds and.tourists are at- since then French, English and forget. K if Pi Sot marncrtes et you snail never die nde 00, - terms can [298 engine, $3900. Pickering reise | Friday' ¥ toe ee tracted by Perce's striking cont te ce wn pig ® i \ THE BA! i i py Sere -- rr ne" | eaae Set see a eet lene | We compardte ebd at ttre AT THE potriaatinerrew tet their cod catches. | Mechanically good. $150 or best offer.|market, Trans - Canada Pipe COVERED WITH EGGS Privateers in the 17th century MONUMENTS --- MARKERS | Income and Investment, 5 After 6 7252933 Lines convertible debentures, PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE The birds plaster the wind-|@% Tum-runners in the 20th RIMAR | suite oportment . building. VOLVO 1980 OLDSWOBILE, "good running condi-| due Dec.-1, 1989, traded as high ward cliffs of Bonaventure Is- reed Perce, and two English | Central location in Whitby tion." Full price $48. 1951 GMC one-ton! as $12414 and closed at $123 bid i ; ' land, a few miles hore. wi rigates ravaged the community MEMORIALS Conimaicial sane. Full Brice SALES AND SERVICE stake truck; new motor, tires ete. W953119 $104 asked. Over $8,200 in Prizes including | their nests and Igo Bg in 1690. $30,000.0 Ya-ton pick-up, excellent as| *9 | ; 152 SIMCOE ST. 5 | 000.00, property : clear JAKE and BILL'S service truck for gas station. 728-8938. Tnment of Canada issues $3 a boat ride to see this sight,|_.C0d are still caught, and her- terms avoilable. Call W. | % 1 Of iv ¢| Ti OSHAWA : 1969 "MGA, 1400 wire wheels, two tops, e about five to 10 cents "ee i Just a few hundred feet off| Ting and lobster, but the tourist sail Bd osah Schatzmann. : GARAGE : sngw "tires red, radio, Private. Pori|edsier in the short end and ¥%4 1965 PLYMOUTH Deluxe Sedan ot $2,000 Cash. $1,000 Hie | = cape that divides Perce'|industry is the one on which neheral Repair on Game $1800 Big Snowball (57 Nos.) $1100 Small Snow- two deep coves is Perce Rock,| 'he village now depends. De- 723-1002 728-6627 7 suite apartment building in i ee --|~-Qdhowe, dust Off Khorse E Auto-Electric Service [9a STUDEBAKER. 'chewy semen y a 288-foot-high, 1,534-foot-4long | SPite a short two-month season, ; the hard - working villagers MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL | nmeor General Motors Plant. 449. Ritson Road South tion at Mary and King. Telephone 723- ttern. ball (52 nos.) $600 regular games. $450 Special games pierced limestone giant, Department | Good income. Asking $40,- Oshawa 72810921 1964 FORD convertible, red with bisck| J | : Its crumbling crevices and have managed to. make a suc- : e 000.00. Open to off i! ~ ----+ top, whitewall tires. V8 automatic, Powa | : ; cess of it. ts "aa ral nd gale Helen Simmpacn eras, 62 hath FOPD, four-door, ¢<yliekier pmlo- steering, power brakes, power Ag SETS PRECEDENT Many Free and Valuable Door Prizes -- 'eh loaded with oT wd ; 1d power windows, power top dio, it i ' ca aw was ssed Ss Wm. Greenhalgh mgr., will [NEW four-bedroom home with attached | "MY ight, bucket seats, $3500. 725-7311" exten-, William the. Conqueror was oN | year to at onmiholbgtets ee) EARLY WALKERS ¢ C garage available. Electric heat, | 1962 CHE -ET two-door, V8 automatic |s 2205 y i 2 i Don't forget to buy the econo ack fe | sate pe hea cell at your. convenience on at, two wasi 1 jon crowned king of England in 1066 r rg 1y the economy pack for value and save rfioney. gourmets 'from climbing the; The Tennesee Walking Horse 2 transmissi.., excellent condition. through this or any other pertinent 'ooms, stone front and built-in stove and 4 : Winner moy pick up cor at Keith Brown ear lot in any eolour, rock to get at the nests. comes by its particular gait joven are a few ot the extras." Trade con-|9Ut_Will sacrifice for quick sale TI. | CAR PARTS for 1956 Fairlane Thunder-|at Westminster Abbey, a prac- need for courteous memorial | sidered. Cali $. D. Hyman Real Estate| i990 VAUXHALL station we bird motor, automatic irensmiseton, pm, |tice that has been continued b "i00. lend all Axl y pork informetion, 723-2633, fem 72-286, | Telephone Whitby 660-4451, tie 7174, ii ae Mics Regal | enalish ever ainca | . ome Beco ay it pes =i yo dy rh the run »