Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Oct 1964, p. 14

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to ent = a ji Fs eee 14 THU GOHAWA Vinee, Pndey, Gerber 9, ; | TENSE MOMENTS IN SECOND GAME OF WORLD SERIES YESTERDAY As it was, they came clone, dont fae on a , 06 imteriocking game tween Hamilton Tiger-Cats and 0, in Vancouver, Attendance wee firet announced as 96,126, revieed to 47,008, The argest crowd ever to vee wonnon CKL game was who saw Calgary Stam- peders in Vancouver last year, Thursday, Lions general man- ager Herb Capozz did « recount on the Sept, 26 game--it cam 206, Some 800 stand CURLING SOUTHVIEW CURLING CLUB BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS GIRLS SECTION Two Draws Wednesday Evenings 7:30 and 9:30 - oe oa Mts 3 ARETE a AI weil y z :. © MEMBERSHIP FEE $30.00 he 'abe Bhai : aa Un aaeeane _ _ MEMBERSHIP MEETING RHRRY RIPHARNSON Bat f% Cmte Sed % the % # ' dei 4 REG TO HFFRR? jon MeKinley, over the tatter's OCTOBER 14, 1964 a 7:30 P.M, file Bat GH the ball, Hit THO tiie GF vestertiay's = Werte tie 6. Are. shown Arccartes ta BARHAMY etite. «= Reane (Aad), inanager of decision that Yankee batter Het Begike GH at the handle, Rated ball atte 34 St. isis, tris Pichon Nob eibegn (48) tive St. Lois Caniinale, Jawa Joe Pepitone had been 'vouch Applications Now Available @nen Raph Greahed & hele serHHA of Hie Settee THE Ht oBid Bare Siinire Bet Me AP Wienhe st hae plate Winpire Al!) ed' by @ pliehed ball, in the Phone 623-2670 sini Mining Of yestentay's © NEW MEMBERS WELCOME « =--_ 'Hit-Batter Cal fa - a Stottlemyre Trumps jg Turning Point | Cards To Equalize of ttn Lehn ura tne 'cane taco Be dupe heard a "tick." Was it bond bed said 'Tt hit me.'" sound of a ball hitting Joe Pep- yINCED fy JOR REICHLIER are good bul there i¢ fly one, With Gibson out for a Olneh itone's thigh-sor hia bat? |GROAT NoT CONVINCE vEw ¥ ar hel Randy Koufax 1 regard Soufae| hitter, the. Yankees salted the "Look,"' countered Cardinal WHEW YORK (AP) é\ Sandy Koufaw 1 vege And Bob Gibson, who threw shortstop Dick Groat, "when aj Ww Seri phe @li ev 1} sper piteher."' for them to play in Vankee Sta 4, Pi Ore Terres Wee ae oe ne |" waste the pitch, heard a "noise," Was)". oats hit by a bail he just loesn't stand there like Pepi- their park We got adjusted or flesh? he . Ma pretty good, Now let's see if - sain.|tone did and wait for the um- The hotly debated possibilities) ie to tell him to go to first. they get adjusted to our park ae game with a four-run barrage oo tha ar Tole Cand He drops hig bat and takes off. in the ninth, triggered by Linz' nals' dressing 'eooms follo ving| - think Pepitone would have home run off reliever Barney r m a | done just that if he's been hit." ot We ae Ee victory over te! "what did he wont m6 to . abeger Ah S€C-! do," snapped Pepitone, 'Roll The Yankees left St. Louis : with a .3%4 batting average _ game of the 1964 World Se-| over in pain?" "Tt thought I saw my curve Vere Vankece appeared 14 have! twice in the Dodgers' four-game @ defided edge aver Si, Leis) sweep last October, establishing Cardinals because of # rookie|/s record with 15 strikeouts in icher named Mel Stottlinyre the opener Tee young Tighthander| First baseman Joe Pepitone whigmed the Cards &3 on seven| was.the central figure Thursday tite Thureday tor the first Yan-|in the series' biggest contro- kee tring \after five etraight| verey to date geriet detente The rhubarb on in ne : Re gus Big ~ ot our scouts reported| gixth Inning with the score tle erra, asked whether he was) | 1 dot deena mgt be a ' 1-1, Mickey Mantle opened|giad to get out of Busch ata-|, Feeltone bg awarded ire | Blance oft his (Pepitone's) bat fest pitcher on their staff,"'| the Yankees' half of' the --_ geo t \MeKinley of wThe uoian oy yoy arg te : ¢" i eo oe t 4dhird manager Jotnny| drawing a walk from Gibson 17 "Twenty 'our hits in two} ' noise a inded like a ball po -- i cop pir tured | ston Howard lined to second] games ain't go bad, is it? It's oe ap Mey +4 or + the hitting a bat." 3100.-*500. MATCH NUMBERS tir that good." lhaseman Dal Maxvill, The|our turn now, It's just as hard| 8) ict inetn pate ne he 1 sliced off my ON CARD WITH The next three games, follow.| 00 Grn Peotone WAS (WO | cmemmmmnnmmmnmensanmmmmmgeees| CCC Sixth inning, " .¢ scOrelthigh, sau Pepitone, "and I | striae and one ball when the Png tied 1-1 at the time, with turned around to the umpire NUMBERS PRINTED | OR ing a day of reat today, will be and . ' first baseman took a half swing) THE BOX SCORE | Fankeos ponte A eM be pons] 7 poets ---- BE $1000 chee dene 8 | § _ oe * played al Yankee a oor : oe Be tlemyre is scheduled to pitch) a! an in curve ball, ST. LOUIS (AP)--Box score) "Pepitone took a sort of hall-| down to first whether I told him DOMINION egy ane vichery each today bul New|) Koufax defeated the VYankees| dium ae tt ie for ue to play in it a curve ball smacking wood again Monday Plate umpire Bill McKinley 2-1 on Tom Tresh's single. base.' He would have sent me ena : ee oust on By Fgh awarded a econd game of the) swing at the ball, but he didn't] or not." | Simmens (184) onpod right. (first base. Gibson, Keone and the! hit. it," McKinley said, "He just} However, there was no argu-| hamfer Jim Bouton nas) gfientive Cardinal iutielé rushed Yeskess =A RBI PO A)sort of half-stepped toward itiment over the pitching job the Yankees. wtier that Keane|to the plate | Linz 9s 1 S\and the curve ball just camejqurned in by Mel Stottlemyre, will heve to come back -with | Rich' son 2 4 2\ir and hit him right there on|the youthful Yankee pitcher why Mar Seteck, ond Gineon (SRDS DEBATE DECISION | Maric of 2 0| the thigh wae weak te Geteaea. ", ; All the Cendingls insisted the Mentle rf 6 6| "That play was: the turning | "He is an excellent pitcher," a ae 3 ° ¢ 2 tor the eng fifth bell gienced off Pepitone's bat.|Loper rt 6 6 6| point of the ball game," said|said Keane. 'I don't know of J 1 2 1 aor, ea8 AF... Yon rrr a "We ell heard the ball bit the Howard ¢ 4 1/Cardinal] manager Jobnny|anyone in our league who has Whitey Ford primed for the bet first," insisted Keane Pepitone ib 14 1\ Keane, "The game was tight--|a style like him, He's a better! fourth game, with his weuall "Pepitone didn't make «|Tresh MU 1 61-1. The pitch hit Pepitone's| pitcher than our scouting re- / |move toward first until McKin-|C. Boyer %b 6 3, bat. It (the ball) may have hit) ports had led us to believe. He's | 6 6 1 $\him, but we heard it hit hig bat| real quick; we didn't have any| 812 «8 27 18| first linformation that he wag that RHRBIPO A! Yankee manager Berra said) quick," 6 4 o\he really couldn't see what hap-| 'I surprised myself because 6 6) pened because his back was to|1 wasn't nervous," Stottlemyre 6 | the infield at the time said, 'I felt I had good stuff 6 1] "FE 'tick,' "| warming wp, I thought I'd do aie - - lall right," | 'We have @ pretty good hit |Diate, Burkhart (N) first base,|ting hall club," said Gibson | | Soar (A) second base, V. Sinith/a final tribute to the 22-year D MINI n 9) 6%) third base, A, Smith (A)lald Rtottlemyre, "But we J 7 2 2 9 2 1 z gliett fteld, Secory (N) night) couldn't get much off that kid 06 tleid, 12:20, A-30,06 'He's nothing but good," ; pone 6 6 0 6 H é ast Rx 2 1 1 2 4 2 6 6 6 y a zt 6 1 2 pt fy males to be spite |" sent him to first base, | | Siottlemyre p 6 Ford has been almost unbeat- thought McKinley asked firg!| Totals base umpire for. help but both\cardinals A able in spacious Yankee Sta-| ined he didn't." K ae i "The pitch hit me. on thel pence YANES POUND GIBSON thigh," said Pepitone. "Right| white 1b Stottlemyre, the 22-year-old) here." K. Boyer 3t sinker ball gpecialist, containde|; Then he pointed to his lett |G ront os a the Cards with only. two outfield) thigh. No one told him that Mc-lnyocerver ¢ fies aside from their feven|Kinley had pointed to his own Shannen nt safeties. The Yankees pounded|right thigh in giving his ver- Maxvill 2b Gibson erxi three relievers for a! sion. a Werwick dozen hits, including four dou-| That disputed play was the dohuite ¢ bles and a home run. | turning point. Tommy Tresh f6l-| pi nso bd 'This gave the Yankees 24|lowed with a single that scored Craig a? hits in two games, three more) Mantle with the tie - breaking de 4 than they accumulated in the! run. Giheon | entire series against Los An-| The Yankees added two more heuinner raed Dodgers last year. The in the seventh, extending their Buchek 2b ga Hi ne it ai rT; CuMHMOSOuHKNeewewsa eT eosoooscoooo-+oro have 19 hits in the twojlead to 41 on-singles by Phil|°" \Linz, Bobby Richardson and| als = 32 7 comiictatrnits aces set | Enjoy football on TV: "take five" for fifty ale! NOmrPooeoor reer soococsoosooocoo- 4-Struck out for Craig in 9th nde 3 Yankees 000 101 204--~8 TIS olrers Cardinals 001 000 O11--3 x ' E-None. DP--Ling, Richard- : i : * son and Pepitone, LOB--Yan- ' : jkees 10, Cardinals 5. 2B--Rich- @) ea |andson | (NY), Howard, "Pepi tone, Skinner, Mantie. 3 ROME (CP) -- British golf-|gar Tutwiler and William C.|Groat, HR--Linz. § -- Gibson. ers jead| Campbell respectively. SF--C, Boyer, Tresh, ' in the world amateur golf team) The British score for the day IP HRER championships Thursday night|was @ relatively poor 231 and|Stottlemyre (W) 9 after the second day of play|only a@ spectacular total of 214/ Gibson (L) é marred by high winds end/on the first day of play kept the) Schultz 5 ehdwers team in first place. Richardson 3 A U.S. team moved up to) Individual leader of the tour-| Craig 3 | second plece from sixth in the|nament at the halfway mark) BB - Stottlemyre 2 (Groat, @aniings end New Zealand's}was Angelo Croce of Italy, who| White), Gibson 3 (Linz, Tresh, foursome jumped to third place|has posted a 70 and @ 75 for a|Mantle), Richardson 2 (How- from 1ith. total 145. ard, C. Boyer). $0-Stottlemyre was fifth, following) Tied for -- ve J (Flood, White, K. Boyer, are } eslock of| James), Gibson 9 (Richardson, nd of the second 18|Canada and Juan Antonio Es-|Maris, Mantle 2, Pepitone, the 72-hole tour-|trade of Mexico with 146|Tresh, Stottlemyre 3), Craig 1 tote ||strokes, Weslock, of Burlington,|(Stottiemyre). HBP-By Gibson . 'The|Ont., shot a 72 Thursday. Es-|(Pepitone). WP - Gibson. PB- lew Zea- ag turned in a second-round|H ow ard, WU - McKinley (A) anada | (4. Oe eee | Weslock's 72 added to Keith . are| Alexander's 75 'and Doug sil-| LaS Vegas 'Bookies' | four-day|Verburg's 80 gave Canada 227 Bisenhower|for Thursday's round and: 481 Re-Instate Yankees on Rome's/for 36 holes, Silverburg and) LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -- course. yf ager' po A otradane Lag Vegas bookmakers made cores par'New York a-1-2 World Series} lgurth. dis-|holes, then bird: comet, Gel ad iTth, idee une' t Neg eae aa after the over-par six on the last hole, ankees defeated &. Lowis Gaty Cowan of Kitchener,|Camdinals 83 and evened the fourth member of the team and|series at one game each, the individual winner in the| New York is a 5-8. choice to win the thifd. game Saturd at Yankee Stadium. Pog aT i have to lay 2 : : ; P ae ec [2 te, win you were bet- | jsecond <¢ : |ting the Yankees will win th . un Vy The Canadians' two - day to-| series and $8 to $5 if ams. Sie: "Sr Anh ee j : 059308 ane | betting they will win Saturday ; : ae ' ' Dale der 1078 -- aie sivertn Tela eee soeee got ite Cardinale ~Watch Canadian Pro Football on TV brought to you by Canada's fastest growing ale--Labatt's 50 Ale. @ end 77 by B4-'s0 -- 184; Copan 77-85 -- 162. 17-5 for Saturday's geome. 3 i HE tinh 75 8 : otgte® iit K

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