Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Oct 1964, p. 8

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\ a | : | le. 5 @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 5, 1964 Dear Ann Landers: Will you|checked in. They had ult] E ANN LANDERS please tell me how a, church-|cases and said their car had) Mrs. C. D. Russell presided at/ Whitby branches. ing thie period. The hours i a , , going, God-feaming woman who|broken down. They stayed one|the opening meeting of the Di-| Miss Isobel Sorley, the nuree| worked were 1613. There were pom ;: " is trying to run a hie ar _ a 4 Bi mafiirectors of the Victorian Order of|in change, gave her report for|8 night calls, The total fees P. eal rooming nouse can prot r- y looking : "|Nurses, The meeting was held|June, July and August. A total| collected were $1908.75 of which In self inst the funny stuff be-/ghter. I'm sure it was the same}. aii / 7 arrot $ oqu g ra ough "ssa ae ahs i the night |i" the board room of the City|of 1,481 visits were made end! $356.25 was from welfare. ' Deaf Ann Landers: You can F nay \print this letter just as I had the accident. I didn't tell no VON Cr. Ral pnd wf nurses of the Oshawa and|55 new patients admitted dur- couple Paget sod Pt were|! didn't want to make trouble. | tended. The minutes were read mawried | Must I ask every couple wh0lpy the secretary, Miss Helen! Z| just and would like to) rent a room for a few weeks. | Wants to! Senta sone SS ar I should have known thi was fishy. She was camrying in| my parents anything. Now I feelloniy a hatbox and he had a Dear No Partner: If you de- i¢|2Utlty because I'm fetting Bob/shaving kit. mand a manniage centificate as} on ail the gg He says to} They stayed Saturday night ~~ ot wn ea "oe Se jkeep quiet or I'll get him into and. left Sunday morning. The|°™PtY Toomin house, . Our greg Pegging mp more trouble, My conscience|money was on fe, dresser 80 (i'm afraid you, apd ai] other "onemeargh roger Parrot ww hen{'S, killing me. -- SLEEPLESS! wasn't out anything. But I'm|innkeepers, will te rg Plato raatios off radio end TV| ome burned up because they lied to/People, and your own Judgment. | Dear Sleepless: Insist. that|/me. I know these kids were not) =-- = Now Many Wear = REUEF.1= Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads commercials he rag Pel yoo | give you permission to tell) manried. nae wi | s Last weekend another couple | FALSE TEETH | 2.7.2 ' the announcers. His P,| Oshawa Diving Club | With More Comfort | swine" "isin PA lyour parents. Bob is trying to} Morgan is the greatest. = noble but it's unfair of him| bg pga ie bard i real relief as mil- Skin and Scuba Classes i (aaa it Bry ng pe 9 For Men & Women The. other evening our neigh-\t9 impose this burden on your bors had a panty. The guests) 4 : 5 gathered to iisten to Plato! Your parents should discuss lions do with Dr. ido his routine, Suddeniy Plato the situation with Bob's parents more firmly.To eat and talk in more foes weries AT THE BOYS' CLUB | comfort, just sprinkle @ little FAS- fo is ~ selling aid For: information | TEETH on your plates. No gummy, | '°F Sunions: ALEX MacDONALD 725-9704 || f00ey. pasty, taste or feeling, Checks BILL MITCHELL 623-7285 'here, but I said, "No," because|Hall and was very~ well at-| _Y.W.C.A. certificate? -- INO PARTNER OF SIN A discussion followed which! showed that there was satis- co-operation between =SUPER-Fasr- / fee ARR IEE RSET EE NLT ERI I I TT eg see MORE INFORMATION CALL 723-7625 wife. Bernie cheats on his honorable thing to do. (1 think jwife." - . fair and honorable is a 50-50 |) Bernie is my husband and I) split on costs.) didn't think it was very funny.| |All the guests roared. | Do parrots know what they lare saying or do they just pick up phrases and repeat them? I've heard a variety of opin- OFF TO THE RECEPTION lions and I'd appneciate an ans- : wer from you.--STANDING BY Aldsworth Photography | Saar aecome Si: Fulveta 6 "ne Tey imate soon Tt Bonnie Hewitt, Edward Parker | nz, cmt ints La" Exchange Vows In Westmount "ear ssn antes: 1 40,1 'shrieked, "Bernie cheats on his! ang decide what is the fair and "plate odor" (denture breath). Get i) FASTEETH at any drug counter. pect this is a big, fat gag and if 1 were you I'd forget all about lit Westmount United Church was the setting recently for the mar- riage of Bonnie Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mr. William Parker, Mr. Peter|were out the other night and Fleming, Mr. Howard Gibson|Bob had his father's new Ford. and Mr. Alfred Parker, all of|I just got my driver's license Oshawa and Mr. Warren Clou-|and was real excited about it. tier, Kingston. lI asked Bob if he'd let me take ker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earn| 'The reception was held in the|the wheel and he said OK. Parker, all of Oshawa. The | Church hall, where the bride's} The car I learned on is @ Reverend Frank Ward officia-| mother received wearing a pink|Chevnolet and I wasn't accus- ted. |sheath, matching three-quarter |tomed to a Ford. Don't ask me Given in marriage by her| coat, beige hat and accessories|what i did wrong, Ann, but I brother, Mr. Dallas Hewitt, the| with a corsage of yellow roses. |hit a tree and the damage bride wore a formal gown de-| The bridegroom's mother assis-|added. up to $275. signed with a lace bodice and a|ted wearing a three-piece blue| Bob lied to his parents and skirt of lace and tulle over satin! syit black hat and accessories |said he was driving when we underskirt. Her crown of pearls|with a corsage of pink roses.|----ommee ___--_________-- and flowers held her waist-| porore the cou | ple left on a p. o- Juch | ee ---- or -- motor trip around Lake Ontario, | rhe a aah Ah ae Mrs. the bride donned a three-piece | Warre gris ti Ki 0 '| black and white suit with black PIANO arren Cloutier, Kingston, "| accessories and a corsage Of | CLASSICAL, POPULAR, THEORY 74 Burk St. PHONE canes 725-4587 Hewitt, to Edward Earnest Par- tario, and the other attendants white roses, for travelling. On Ellon ggg ge vomes I nN their return, they will live at| son, and Mrs. Dallas Hewitt, ali| 2 King street east. of Oshawa. The junior birdes- maid was Miss Tedeen Hewitt and the flower girl was Miss | Debbie Parker, both of Oshawa. |7 The matron of honor wore a |?" gold peau de Soie semi-formal ~~ sheath with a matching over-| skirt and elbow-length sleeves and carried a bouquet of yellow and bronze chrysanthemums. The other attendants wore 7 dresses similarily styled in Am- erican beauty red and carried bouquets of white chrysanthe- mums centered with three red | roses. All wore matchin pill-hboxes with wispy veils of tulle. The flower girl wore a white dress featuring a full skirt, a coronet of flowers on her head and carried a bouquet similar to her senior attendants. The best man was Mr. Gerald Tymoshik and the ushers were} ISTH SCOUT GROUP AUX. The first meeting of this sea-| A Touch of Paris in our Bridol Gowns @ Bridesmaids Gowns @ *\ Heod Pieces @ Veils @ Crinolines @ '4 Ladies' Formals and Semi-Formals @ | Mink Stoles @ Mink Shrugs @ White Fox Furs @ Sargeants Rentals 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 || son of the 15th Scout Group Auxiliary was opened by the) president, Mrs. Morley Genge. All reports were read from the last meeting in May. At the close of the business a presentation was made by Mrs. Gordon Varnum to Mrs. Edward Simons of a Long Serv-| ice Award gold brooch, on be-| half of the Boy Scouts of Can- | Latin American Instruction Enjoyed by ell Ages et the YWCA Meet New Friends and hove Fun this Winter. Thursday Evening 8-9 p.m. Woltz and Fox Trot; 9-10 p.m. Latin American Dances, ada. Mrs. Morley Genge thank- ed Mrs. Gordon Varnum for tak- ing part in the meeting. Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Morley Genge and Mrs. Clark The RAGE is GLAZE Du Bavy presents 3 exciting new shades of overglaze to enhance any lipstick GOLDEN GLACE adds warm sunny overtones _TAWNY GLACE adds rich, burnished highlights PEARL GLACE adds an iridescent shimmer Register or Phone Y.W.C.A. 723-7625 oe] AA SA VINE eee Everyone has something to save for... 1 fashion shade of Royal: § Lipstick plus 2 GLACE PETITES ALL 3 ONLY 150 Canada Savings Bonds / now on sale! GOOD TO KEEP You get interest on 1964 Canada Savings Bonds on Nov. 1st each year--4%% foreach of the first two years; 5% for each of the next five years and 5%% for each of the ~ remaining three years--giving an average return when held to maturity in ten years of 5.00% a year. SIMPLE TO CASH You can cash Canada Savings Bonds at any time at any bank at their full face value plus earned interest. When ready money is required all you have to do is complete the redemption form.on the Bond and present it to your Bank. You will receive your money immediately. EASY TO BUY You can buy Canada Savings Bonds for cash or on instalments--at work on the Payroll Savings Plan--or at banks, authorized investment dealers, stockbrokers, trust or loan companies, Denominations 'are $50, $100, $500, $1,000 and $5,000 up to a limit of $10,000 per pérson. Open Every Evening Till 9 P.M. Free City Wide Delivery 4 28 KING ST. EAST -- 723-4621 | ee iS 4

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