Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Oct 1964, p. 13

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TI-CATS TRIUMPH BC. Lions Extend Undefeated Streak count for the rest of the Hamil- ton scoring. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 5,1964 15 TUES. ONLY SPECIAL OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE OPEN DAILY 10:00 a.m. . TO 10:00 p.m. SATURDAY 6:00 P.M, ADULTS ONLY ALLOWED SPECIALS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT »* TO LIMIT QUANTITIES" ' Cardinals Snatch _ National Pennant Very Last Game Cincinnati Reds 1 the veteran 38-year-old knuckle- both clubs tied for , baller, ended it. one game behind. At Cincinnati, acting coach Dick Sisler started John Tsi- GIANTS FIRE DARK , touris, who was gone by the San Francisco Giants wound | third inning. Six others followed up in fourth place, losing to-Chi-| with much the same success as cago Cubs 9-2 before manager|the tables were turned on the Al Dark was fired and coach) Reds, who had started the Phil- Herman Franks named his suc-|jies on a 10-game losing streak cessor. that cost them first place. Milwaukee Braves blanked} Richie Allen and Jim Bunning Pittsburgh Pirates 6-0 and fin-|were the key men for the Phil- ished fifth while Los Angeles |lies. Dodgers whipped Houston Colts} Allen triggered a_ three-run 11-1 and tied the Pirates for! third inning with a double, ho- sixth place. mered in the fifth and capped The Cardinals, who will open|a five-run sixth with a three-run the World Series at home/homer. Bunning, meanwhile, against New York Yankees, had| stopped the Reds on six hits and lost two straight in less than|did not allow a runner past sec- 24 hours to the Mets and were ond while bringing his record to in danger Sunday until the fifth in the EFC standings with idle Ottawa Rough Riders. Saskatchewan's loss, the first after a. five - game winning streak, dumped the Riders into third place in the WFC, They were tied with Calgary enter- ing weekend action. Kapp, who put on @ marvel- lous passing display for the 27,249 fans at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition Stadium, was the contributing factor in B.C.'s victory over stubborn Toronto defenders, His pass to halfback Willie Fleming to open the scoring was the 104th touchdown pass of his WFC career, tying him in that department with Indian Jack Jacobs, onetime Winnipeg star. SCORES WINNER He later scored the winning touchdown. Also scoring a Lion touchdown was rookie Bob Swift while Peter Kempf added two converts. Jim Vollenweider and Dick -Shatto scored the Argo touchdown. Karl Sweetan converted both and Dave Mann kicked a single. In the Hamilton game, both teams scored with the wind that gusted at times up to 40 miles an hour. Art Baker scored for Hamilton the first time the Ticats handled the ball and Zeno Karcz fell on a blocked kick in the Riders' end zone for Hamilton's second TD. Don Sutherin added two con- verts and kicked a wind - as-/ sisted 54-yard field goal to arc-| FOOTBALL |" SCORES |S. F. Giants By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Canadian League Fire Dark, By IAN MacLAINE Canadian Press Staff Writer First place was at stake in both Eastern and Western con- ferences during weekend Cama- dian Football League action and the odds-on favorites came through, but only the breaks in the game made the difference. British Columbia Lions main- tained their ed string Saturday night in Toronto when they edged the Arg ts 20-15 after a former Argo, Ron Mor- ris, intercepted a pass early in the last quarter. Quarterback Joe Kapp then began to pick Toronto's defence apart before carrying across himself and salvaging the Lions' win after Argos had made a spirited comeback from a 14-0 deficit to take a one- point lead. -The Eastern Conference got the benefit of Sunday's game in Hamilton when the Tiger- Cats, despite being outplayed in all offensive departments, edged Saskatchewan Roughrid- and Warrenlers 17-15, Again the breaks went in) Hamilton's favor when the Rid-| ers threatened to take the lead no fewer than three times, only to lose the bail because of an alert Hamilton defence that was responsible for one of the Ti- By MIKE RATHET Associated Press Sports Writer Johnny Keane, the tired but triumphant manager of St. Laue, Cardinals, changed from other going to Billy Gray. Reg Whitehouse added two converts and Martin Fabi booted a 67- yard punt for the Saskatche- wan scoring. PLAYER INJURED The Ridems lost end Jim Mc- Naughton early in the game with what was diagnosed as a fractured collarbone. Hamilton team manager Len Back was another injury victim. He suf- fered head, neck and back in- juries when Hamilton's Tommy Grant, thrown off balance as he reached for a Bernie Faloney pass at the sidelines, went bar- relling into the Hamilton bench, knocking the manager uncon- scious. He was taken to Hamil- ton General Hospital where au- thorities reported his condition as satisfactory. The Lions will attempt to ex- | tend their unbeaten string to 11) tonight when they tackle Mont- | real Alouettes in Montreai. | The game will be televised in| the East by the CTV network | beginning at 8 p.m, EDT. } Saskatchewan visits Ottawa | Tuesday in another game which | will be available to CTV view-| ers in the East, beginning at| 8 pm. EDT, The Als, who started the EFC season with three straight wins and gave every indication of| running over the rest 'of the| league, have since lost five in a| ace reli and kissed Mr. Keane before heading for a champagne shower, Keane had just came out the winner in one of the tightest Na- tional League pennant battles in history as his Cardinals whipped New York Mets 11-5 Sunday, clinched their first pen- nant since 1946 on the final day of the season, and avoided the possibility of the first three-way playoff in major league history. Later, the. Cardinals were tossing champagne in their dressing room and Keane, try- ing to catch his breath, was be- ing closely watched by the Car- dinals' physician, Dr. I. C. Mid- dleman. "Oh man, I'm glad _ that's) over," Keane said. 'Maybe I) can rest now." | Cardinal president August A.) 19-8. inning as New York held a 3-2) Larry Jackson brought his lead. lrecord to 24-11 for the Cubs-- But after a leadoff walk to|top winner in the majors--while Lou Brock by the Mets starter | keeping nine San Francisco hits Galen Cisco, the Cardinals got|fainly well scattered. Willie started |Mays hit homer No. 47 for the Bill White singled and Ken Giants, Boyer slapped a double down; Bob Sadowski the left field line that tied the|Spahn, who pitched the ninth, | Busch Jr. came up and said to|score 3-3. White came home on|combined on a three-hitter for Keane: |Dick Groat's grounder, and one|the Braves while rookie Billy "This is the greatest day of|out later, Dal Maxvill nipped a|Southworth hit his first major my life. I was so nervous that| single that produced anotherjleague homer against the Pi- I almost died. My heart is still) run. jrates pattering." The Mets came back with a| John Purdin, pitched the first "T think mine has stopped|run in the sixth but Bob Gibson) five innings for the Dodgers and| cats' converted touchdowns ear- beating," said Keane. | choked off that threat. The Car-| started them on their way tol lier in the game. "Tt was, certainly, a pulsat-|dinals continued to build their|their victory over the Colts, al-| crant FIRST ing finish. lkead on homers by White and|lowing only one hit--a homer The wi jeft the Lions in first! Philadelphia Phillies drubbediCurt Flood and then Schultz,!by Jim Wynn. sn i he Wearsen Gotter:| ONE-GAME MARGIN sce, oe Doin up on, Cleny Yankees Win Their APASANSARS ALES 1 cntenitilineaenl SZ URES STTOCRETTRGE RAIN, MAELSSN ASLO RIRMUO "IT'S OUR 6th ANNIVERSARY HAPPY BIRTHDAY SALE! Boy's or Girl's BIKE $100 CASH if your child was born 6 yeers ago during our Birth- Here te ail heve to do! Bring us @ Birthd dey Week (October 4th-October 10th) register the Greeting Card and deposit it in our "Heppy Birthday" dete of their birth at 0.0.H. before 10 p.m. October Box before er 9th, 10:00 p.m. Draw will 9th. On Saturday, October 10th et 2:00 p.m. we meade on Seturdey, October 1 et 4 p.m. Enter You may be the winner! $50.00 Consolation if not present for the draw. Winnipeg Blue Bombers Sunday in a WFC game 24-16, scoring eight points in the last three minutes. The Argos remained deadlocked (n third place in the East with Montreal Alouettes. | Each team has three wins. The Hamilton victory vaulted| the Ticats into a first-place tie| will draw a winner from those who ore istered. as often @s you wish! PARENTS NOTE:--Pleese Bring Proof of Birthday. Eastern Conference WLT F APt | | | | | 5th-Straight Title By MURRAY CHASS | eighth inning, triggering a five-|tle in modern major league his- | Geo. Knudson Associated Press Sports Writer|run rally in the Saturday game, |tory. Tony Oliva has the American)won 8-3. League batting championship, Brooks Robinson has the runs- batted - in title and Chicago White Sox have baseball's long- est winning streak. But New York Yankees have their usual year-end spoils--the American League pennant. The White Sox, who whipped Kansas City Athletics 6-0 Sun- day for their ninth consecutive triumph, barely missed tying the Yankees, who clinched their fifth straight pennant Saturday, then lost 2-1 in 13 innings to Cleveland Indians on the final Clete Boyer raced home with| Sunday, |\feated Washington Sena- capped by Max Allis' over the head of Tom Tresh in deep left field. kelsen, who came on in the sixth and allowed only one hit day of the season Sunday. before Pedro Ramos took over Richardson lined the bail over) the head of Dick Howser at| short stop with two out. How-) ball popped out of his glove and| the winning run. The Indians had tied the score} in the sixth with a two-run raily tniple The victory went to Pete Mik- Oliva hit six points better than Baltimore Orioles' Robin- son, who won the runs-batted-in title with 118. Runner-up. to Rob- In the only other AL game tors 14-8. CLINCHED THE PENNANT The Yankees clinched the pennant Saturday with an 8-3 rout over Cleveland, while Bal- timore and Detroit Tigers wound up their regular season activities with the Orioles win- ning 7-4, Chicago shutout Kan- | | | | jser, timing his jump perfeotly,|inson was Dick Stuart of Boston) lleaped high in the air but the|}who won the crown last year.| Boston Red Sox de-|nadian PGA champion George) Beats Balding In Playoff Set FRESNO, Calif. (AP) -- Ca- |Kmudson of Toronto shot a five-| junder par 67 in his final round | 72nd hole in the $35,000 Fresno| Open golf tournament Sunday and dropped a birdie putt on the second sudden deatth play- off hole to beat his fellow Tor- ontonian for the prize. | to overtake Al Balding on the) $5,000 first) Toronto ' 6 6 3 Ottawa 2 Hamilton 3 Montreal 5 37 Western Conference B.C. 70 Calgary 8 4 Sask, 7 Edmonton Winnipeg Saturday's Result British Columbia 20 Toronto 15 Sunday's Result Saskatchewan 15 Hamilton 17° Calgary 24 Winnipeg 16 Tonight's Game British Columbia at Montreal SATURDAY American League New York 17 San Diego 17 Buffalo 23 Oakland 20 1 212 145 13| ia| Hire Franks 0191 228 6 3211 9717 0 224 212 16 4 0 267 159 14 2 8 0128342 4) 110 1219312 3 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Al-| vin Dark was fired Sunday as'| manager of San Francisco Gi-| ants after four years at the helm of the National League club. | Coach Herman Franks was | named the new manager by Gi- ants president. Horace Stone- ham at a press conference one- half hour after the fourth-place Giants lost their last game of the season to Chicago Cubs 9-2. Dark's firing was the fourth} managerial shift announced re-| cently, Lum Harris has__re-| placed Harry Craft at Houston Herman has replaced/ FREE TO 6 LUCKY CUSTOMERS CHOSEN. FROM OUR HAPPY SHOPPERS DURING OUR 6TH BIRTHDAY SALE! You will receive your total purchase free when the pre-set alerm rings et the check-out counter you ore using. You will be limited to the items you heve on hand et the time the alarm rings. 6 BIRTHDAY CAKES Te 6 lucky eustomers chosen from our heppy shop- pers during our 6th Anniversary Sale. Clue to winl-- @ it may be the first customer of the day @ moy be the lest custo of the dey @ It mey be enytime! . . . So be he ALL "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" S 10th UNLESS SPECIFIED... PECIALS GOOD TO OCTOBER OR REGRETTABLY SOLD OUT! 10:00 A.M. DOOR BUSTER SYLVANIA LITE BULBS your choice of 40-60-100 watts. Com- pare at 2 for 59c. 1:00 P.M. DOOR BUSTER MONOPOLY GAMES compare at 4,95 On the first extra hole of the| playoff they tied in par fours. On 'the second, a par-four 415- yarder, Balding pulled his tee shot into the rough to the left. Knudson, in good position Chicago finished one game/in the ninth. Billy back in second place, Minnesota Twins, losing to New York plays St. Louls|Les Angeles Angels 3-0, finished Cardinals in the World Series|in a sixth place tie, but their) starting Wednesday. | rookie of the year candidate, The charging Yankees scored | Oliva, wound up the season with United League Wheeling 35 Joliet 9 Charleston 27 Grand Rapids 7 SUNDAY National League Philadelphia 21 Pittsburgh 7 sas City 7-0, Boston shutout Washington 7-0 and Minnesota edged Los. Angeles 5-3. The Indians, who has lost 15 of 17 games to New York, won jthe final contest with a run in 2.66 8:00 to 10:00 P.M. CLOSING LADIES' FANCY ¢ John Pesky at Boston and| ) TUES. 1:00 P.M..ONLY .... Danny Murtaugh has resigned at Pittsburgh | |. Rumors that 1964 would be '\Dark's last at the Giants' helm started even before the season TUES. 10.00 A.M. ONLY each 5:00 P.M. DOOR BUSTER REGULAR SIZE 9" the tie-breaking run off Bobby a Richardson's single in thelfirst rookie to win a batting ti- 323. average, becoming the BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS the 18th inning. Vic Davalillo led off with a bunt single, moved to third on Fred Whit- field's single and came home as Leon. Wagner hit into a force By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) National League | W. L Pet. GBL|New York St. Louis Cincinnati Philadelphia San Francisco Milwaukee Los Angeles Pittsburgh Chicago Houston 407 New York .327 Saturday's Results New York 15 St. Louis 5 574 -- 568 1 568 1 556 3 3435 494 494 469 93 69 70 | Baltimore | Detroit | Boston | Washington |Cleveland. 3 New Chicago 10 San Francisco 7 | Kansas City 0 Chicago 7 Pittsburgh 5 Milwaukee 11 | Houston 0 Los Angeles 7 | (Only games scheduled) Sunday's Results New York 5 St. Louis 11 Philadelphia 10 Cincinnati 0 American League Ww Pet. 611 605 1 599 2 525 14 506 17 488 20 488 20 444.27 .383 37 57105 .352 42 Saturday's Results York 8 99 98 Chicago Los Angeles Cleveland Minnesota Kansas City Detroit 6 Baltimore 7 Washington. 0 Boston 7 Los Angeles 3 Minnesota 5 Sunday's Results |Cleveland 2 New York 1 | Washington 8 ata vat? Boston 14 Chi 4 L play. | Rookie Bruce Howard pitched|dian PGA championship this GBL/|a two-hitter for the White Sox|year and already has banked jae Tom McCraw scored one| $13,781 in official tour winnings, jof the daffier runs of long sea-|steadily crept up on the 40- |Son. a wild pitch, and he raced to second: Athletics' catcher Dave Duncan retrieved the ball and threw it into centre field. Over to third base went McCraw, and he continued home as Nelson Mathews | third. YESTERDAY'S STARS down the middle, dropped his second eight feet from the pin and took a birdie three for vic- tory as Balding had to settle for par. Knudson, who won the Cana- lyear-old Balding, who was un-| | McCraw walked in the sixth|able to do better than par 7) inning, but the fourth ball was| Sunday. St. Louis 23 Washington 17 Cleveland 27 Dallas 6 Los Angeles 20 Baltimore 35 New York 3 Detroit 26 opened. Dark was named Giants man- ager in 1961. | Dark, from Lake Charles, | Minnesota 24 Green Bay 23 Chicago 21 San Francisco 31 American League Boston 39 Denver 10 Houston 7 Kansas City 28 United League Indianapolis 44 Quebec 7 Canton 20 Toledo 13 La., joined the' Giants in 1950, | played with the National) League champions of 1951 and | the world championship team of | 1954. During 14 active seasons in the majors, he also played for | St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago! Cubs, Philadelphia Phillies and | A year-olds and up. Purse $600 (7). fired the ball past|7-Lord Dean, Hanson + MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS Braves FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile trot for 3, Duff's Lassie, King C. Lee, Count Yates and Griffith Hanover, 5.50 5.30 3.30 Sabrina Lee, Madill 16.80 -6.60 6-Kintutica, Ingles Start good, won driving. | Zyear-olds and up. Purse |7-Sloe Gin, Marchuk 2-Scotch Red, &-Prima Fraser, Varcoe Start gopd, from mobile ga! Also Ran in Order: Bush Pilot, Loftus Lee, Theigiers, and Wonder Bud. SECOND RACE -- 514 furlong pace for $600 (8). 6.00 3.40 2.80 Filion 440 3.10 SIXTH RACE -- "Garden City Stakes", | 3.00|1 5-16 miles pace for 3-year-olds and up. Purse $4,040 (6). 1-Beverly Dillard, Shea 8-Dean Herbert, Herbert 5-Sonny Creed, Galbraith Start good, won driving. Also Ran In Order: The McNab, 8. Byrd, and Armbro Express. QUINELLA, 1 AND 8, PAID $46.00 2.90 te for all,| SEVENTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for Pittshure ' Chicago 9 San Francisco 2 Houston 1 Los Angeles 11 Watrkee | Los Angeles 3 Minnesota 0 (Only games scheduled) WOODBINE RACE RESULTS FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,900 oliaming three year olds 6 furs (12) Susie's Roman Waish 4Marina Miad Harrison W-Jive Girl Dittfach Start good, wos driving Also ran in order-- Jesto, King Rip, Ta- ranto, Art's treat Miss Armedan, Rose Tudor, Santa Teresa, A-Nobel Score and Rampart Street A--J L Appeibaun and L W Ruby Entry Winner B F by Roman Might--Dawn Light by Ponder. Trainer G Erttel. Pool $0,212. Double Poo! 83,797. 7.70 6.20 7.80 29.20 13.90 9.40 SECOND RACE -- Purse $1,900 cliam- Ing three year olds 6 furs (11) 9-Bonne Vitesse Davidson 11.10 6.60 4.10 V-Lady Domain Waish 21.60. 9,50 4&Poppy Talk Harris 3.40 Start good, won easily Also Ran in order -- Armadan, Water duck, Oevii Lecom, Prilynn Autumn Souvenir, Dula Gall, Bar Hostess and Sign Play THE DAILY DOUBLE, Susie's Roman (6) and Bonne Vitesse (9) Paid $207.60 Winner BC by Canadian Champ --La Vitesse by Menetrier. Trainer D H Campbell. Pool 83,185, THIRD RACE. -- Purse $1,900 cliaming three year olds and up 7 furs (11) S-Bronze Turkey Parsons 10.50 5.90 4.70 9-Field Triat Harrison 6.0 5.00 10-Humber Broom Maxwell 16.30 Start , won easily Also ran in order -- Real Biack, Du Barry Rose, Grey Beau, Band Olero, La France, Nagnac, Gilenspeed and Prince Tour Winner BLK M by Dutch Lane--Miss c 'hop 4 Trainer W L Sayles. Pool 97,329. FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,300 cliam- tng three year olds and up 7 furs (6) 3-Roman Thunder Maxwell 3.90 3.20 2.60 éMitzi's Folly Inda 10.80 4.30 7-Peters Sister Davidson 42 Start good, won ridden out Also ran in order -- Framer Jack, Jac- quile and Winsmanship Late Scratch --Bala Roman Winner DK B or BR G by Roman Might --Isabeauty by Isollater. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 allowan eos three year olds fosied in CDA 7 ture (6) Le 9.70 6.00 3.10 5.20 2.70 2.50 4-Fast Answer Dittfach 2-Big Rocky Davidson 1-Tin Pan Alley Maxwell Start good, won driving Also ran in order -- :Brief Wind, aged dust-and fabison THE QUINELLA, Fast Answer (4) and Big Rocky (2), Paid $55.70 Winner B C by Bull Page --Question Time by Polynesian. Trainer J C Meyer. Poo} 53,314, Quinella Pool 57,812. SIXTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 added Added "Autumn Stakes HCDP. Three yrs, olds and up 1 1-14 miles (9) ' 2-Whiteborough A'Strong 34.50 16.60 2.20 2-King Gorm Maxwell 11.10 2.10 1A--Runadir Dittfach 2.10 Start good, won driving Also ran in order -- Swerve, A-Dr. Gid- dings, Doolin Point, A-Greek Form Bet- fort and A-Iilustrator A-Willow Downs Fram and E B Seedhouse Entry SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $20,000 "Cor- onation Futurity Stakes" Two year olds foaled in CDA 1 1-8 miles (12) 5-Good Old Mort Gomez 3C-Greek Salt Fitzsimmons 1A-Northern Queen Bailey Start good, won easily Also ran in order -- B-Des Erabies, B- Grand Galop, B-Flyaiong, Lord Veveriey, C-Caledon Colonel, Tie Pilot, A-Champ- ain, Lucky. Marine Revetling Isle. of Mul A-Windfieds Fram Entry B-J L Levesque, Mrs..$ Thomas, T E H and D B Weldon Entry C Smythe Entry Late Scratch --A-Flaming Triumph Winner CH C by Promised Land.--Blve Path by Blue Swords. Trainer E B Seedhouse, Pool 134,275. 4.70 EIGTH RACE -- Purse $2,100 claiming three year olds and up | 1-16 miles (12) 12Xerxes Davidson 2-General John Maxwell 4-Well Now Harris Start good,won easily Also ran in order -- Hereforall, Bonnie Bird, Falsun, Hop Hop Bonnie Fiare, Sil-| ver Beau, Mystere, Sherre Khan and Sau) agette Winner CH @ by Tehran--Venus by @ Bridge. Trainer PD A Cooper. Pool 111,050. Tota; Pool 913,970. Attendance 15,780. otal Attendance 23 days-187,883, 9.10 §.10 3.90 : 700 3.30 _ Wednesday, 29.40 12.90 .7.50 3.90 3.10 5.90 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "Pt Bot-Gibson--and Barney -chultz, Cardinals, |came on in relief and protected an 11-5 victory over New York first National League pennant since 1946. | Batting--Richie Allen, Phil- lies, slammed two homers and a double, driving in four runs in 10-0 victory over Cincinnati -|Mets that brought St. Louis its! wi | © Riggs, Fieety Riddell, Dean Sultan B,| and/Sweet Petunia. | DAILY DOUBLE, 7 AND fon Tranety 1 'Also Ran in Order: Adioo Scott, Molly | 7, PAID $15.10) THIRD RACE -- 1 mile pace for 3| Gracie Lochinvar, Jarvis Rab, and Arm-| year-olds and up. Purse $700 (8).. {6-Direct Paul, McFadden {that kept Reds from tying Car-} dinals for National League pen- nant. | WORLD SERIES PLAYING DATES By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS This is the schedule for the World Series between the St. Louis Cardinals, champion of the National League, and the New York Yankees, champion of the American League, an- nounced by Baseball Commis- sioner Ford Frick, Oct, 7, York at St. Louis Thursday, Oct. 8. New York at St. Louis Friday, Oct. 9, open date for travel Saturday, Oct. 10, St. Louis at New York | Sunday,.Oct. 11, St. Louis at New York Monday, Oct. 12, St. Louis at New York, if necessary Tuesday, Oct. 13, open date for travel Wednesday, Oct. 14, New York at*St. Louis, if neces- SaTy Thursday, Oct. 15, New | York at St. Louis, if neces- sary All games in seven series start bocal time New the best-of- at 1 p.m. | | | t | | | | | ]-Kawartha Helen, W'dell 10.10 6.00 4.40 8-Silver's Laird, McDougall 7.10 ne Start good, won handily. | Also Ran in Order: Hieland Chiet, Hold | The Phone, Theda Bara, Prima Joe, and) Pete The Tramp. | FOURTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for > one} C. Volo, Prince Locust, and Thun- year-olds and up. Purse $700 (8), 2-Johnny Dale, Alex'er 10.70 5.40 4.50 5-Sootland's Van, Geisel 6.00 7.00 3-Uncle Spud, Walsh 5.20 Start good, won driving. | Also Ran In Order: Minor Helen, Dr. W. Vernon's Star, Noble Argot, and Jas- per's Gold. FIFTH RACE -- 1 mile trot for d-year- olds and up. Purse $1,100 (8). | 5-Trust Account, McK'ley 4.70 3.80 2.90 \-Helen E Lee, Harvey 15.90 7.30 2Silk Boy W, tea : Start good, won driving. A'so Ran in Order: Johnnie R, Mac Canada Qualifies For Cage Tourney YOKOHAMA (CP) -- Canada and South Korea qualified for the Olympic basketball cham- pionship Sunday in the final games of the pre - Olympic round-robin tournament. Mexico and Australia prev-| iously had clinched places in| the 16 - team championship| bracket. | } Canada beat Cuba 72-63 to} wind up with a 7-2 record for| the 10-country round-robin. The Philippines routed South Korea 90-54. That gave the Kor- eans and Cuba 5-4: records for the tournament, but South Kor- ea had beaten Cuba and thus took the Olympic berth. Canadian coach Doug Heaslip of Toronto said after the game: | "1 feel, terrific, my boys did) well." | | year-olds. Purse $1,300 (7). | SFrosty 8 agit, f 6-Missil E Dares, Hayes 4.20 Start good, won handily. A'so Ran in Order: Bryan H_ Direc' bro Eclipse. EIGHTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for -| olds and up. Purse $2,000 (7). é-Superior Richard, Hie 1-Kwik Kat, Arthur 4Patermo, Findley Start good, won handily. A'so Ran in Order: Karen Sota, Col der Bars. NINTH RACE -- 1 mile pace for 4) year-olds and up. Purse $1,200 (7). 5A-Pierre Herbert, H'bert 6.50 3.80 oat MILLEN 50 3.00 450 6 -Henry's Allen, Filion 4 4 -Billy Boy, Atmore Start good, won handily. Also Ran in Order: Hal, Tonka G, and Armbro Electra, Late Can., Single Goose Total Pool 224,555. Attendance 5,450, 4.00 . Wally | 2.90 Walter Hat, Fritz 2.90 N70 5.80 4.20 | 6.70 4.30 2.90 Lady G, Crystal PAINT TRAY and ROLLER SET complete with handle and frame com- TUES. 5:00 P.M, ONLY ...... 00° AUTO WAX J-Wax or Johnson's Spray Shine Car-Nu. Both with built-in cleaners. Compare at 1.95 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL 1 46 Your Choice so aia a oie aen'e L @ LOWER LEVEL @ GLOVES 100% worsted wool decorated with sequins and tiny beads. Compare at 1.29 pair. 36° MON. 8 to 10 ONLY. PORTABLE ELECTRIC HAND MIXERS By lone. Lightweight end powerful. Compare ot 17.95. 10, bb f) 15-20-25-30 AMPS s Household Electric Fuses Compore at 2 for 25¢ 6° HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL each .. @ LOWER LEVEL » MEN'S HEAVY SOLED WORK SHOES HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL .. @ LOWER LEVEL @ We Have the Largest, Complete Stock of HALLOWE'EN JACK O'LANTERNS -- MASKS -- WIGS -- COSTUMES -- CANDIES -- HALLOWE'EN COS- METICS, ete... . all at BIG DIS- COUNTS! SHOP THIS WEEK FOR BEST SELECTION. ' 1500 WATT PORTABLE Ibraemor : qa rdens | (Stevenson Rd, N, end Annapolis Ave.) t, | Oshawa's Most Convenient Community 1 Individually designed homes at sensible prices. | EXCLUSIVE REALTOR Real Estate Ltd, | 9 BAGOT ST. 728-1679 Always there with ready casheee For "BACK TO SCHOOL" expenses, or any good reason. $5090 to $5,000020 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED 240 Branches. fr 286 KING ST, W., | | § OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 'om Coast to Ceast \ NF-64-86 728-1636 2 Oil proof neoprene soles and heel. With steel er' for long comfortable wear, Compare ot 12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL .... 8. @ LOWER LEVEL @ CANADIAN MADE'AND APPROVED TELE-TONE 5 TUBE MANTEL RADIO White or brown cabinets. Compare at 21,95 HAPPY @ LOWER LEVEL @ BIRTHDAY SPECIAL! 7-PIECE KITCHEN UTENSIL SETS Lustrous duralin handles and chrome finish. Compore ot 2.98 set. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL e@ LOWER LEVEL @ CANADIAN MADE BLANKETS 80% wool; 20% viscose . . 80". Get ready for winter now! Compare at 5.95 2 96 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL ) e@ MAIN FLOOR @ by Torcan. Warm up thet cold room this yeor Compere ot 23.95. 16 66 r) HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL, .. e@ LOWER LEVEL @ 12.96 CARRIAGE OR CRIB PADS Thick mattress filling covered with waterproof viny! in nursery patterns for girls or boys. Compere et 98c HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL @ MAIN FLOOR @ . lorge 60" x. SOFT! FLEECY! RECEIVING BLANKET 100% cotton flannelette, 30' x 40' Compare ot 1.29 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL | @ MAIN FLOOR @ BOY'S SIZES 3 TO 6X LINED CHINO PANTS Half boxer waists. Compare at 3.49 1 96 pair. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL . . @ MAIN FLOOR @ COLGATE'S NEW "CONGESTAID"" Instant Medicated Vapour for prompt relief of colds and hay fever, Compare at 1.39 HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL e MAIN FLOOR~» SPONGY SOFT PILLOWS Nylon covered. Compare at 2.95 each. "HAPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL: @ MAIN FLOOR @ 1.26 NYLON, WASHABLE SCATTER MATS use any room. Dries like a towel. 2 sizes. Compare et 1.95 Compare at. 2.59 HAPPY 26 HAPPY 1 .66 BIRTHDAY BIRTHDAY 1038 KING ST. WEST

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