Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Oct 1964, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, October 5, 1964 Canadian First Gained In National Fire Code JIts thinking occupied the -minds and hearts of more than 30 experts over eight years. No best-seller in the conven- tional sense, it is not designed for se peed -time reading. But for municipalities (and like- minded s) ina nation of 19,000,000, with one of the world's worst fire loss rates, it is recommended study. And because hundreds of Can- adians needlessly perish by fire every year, it is truly a docu- ment for living-- a blue-print for greater community safety. For Canada, it is another "first," It is National Fire Code of Sugar Prices Sour Cubans -- WASHINGTON (AP)--Tumbl- ing sugar prices have put a squeeze on Cuban finances which, in the opinion of U.S. experts, will keep the Cuban economy in the doldrums dur- ing the next two years, This is the assessment of the impact on Cuba of the plunge from. more than 12 cents a pound to below four cents, This drop in the world market price of sugar, the island's No. 1 in- come producer, has come in Jess than a year. Canada 1963, published by the Associate Committee on Nation- al Fire Codes, National Re- search Council of Canada, hard cover, 182 pages, $1.50. MODEL CHECKLIST The authors provide the basis of a model fire prevention by- law, particularly valuable to authorities of smaller munici- palities in adapting sensible, practical regulations for pro- tection of their people, Also, of course, it offers a checklist for existing acts. Besides the Association of Canadian Fire Marshals and Commissioners, the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, and the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities, the organizations assisting in the production include: All Canada Insurance Federation, Associa- tion of Consulting Engineers of Canada, Canadian Construction Association, Canadian Labor Congress, Canadian Underwrit- ers' Association, Engineering In- stitute of Canada and Royal Apoutares Institute of Can- ALL OVER WORLD The increasing awareness of fire prevention need across the country, the committee believes, is reflected in the book. It is in- teresting to note that in the few months since publication was d, many requests for copies have come from coun- tries all over the world. "This indicates that people are more and more thinking about fire wherever they are," says the committee. Canadians burned up an~es- \timated $155,000,000 in property in 1963, It was the greatest fire Joss of any year in their history. The 1962 total was $140,144,643. Soaring industry losses mainly accounted for the increase. Fig- ures exclude forest and federal Soaring Industry Losses Push Fire Damage High lowest death rate ever. The 1962 rate was 3.3, for 626 victims. In relation to population, the annual incidence of fires is com- ng down, The simple fact is that fires are becoming more expensive. Eight persons were killed in Erath last night when the 4 "EIGHT DIE IN WATER TANK COLLAPSE town water.tank collapsed on the City Hall as Hurricane py Ny Reg aeapapane ron iQUDAYS END LONDON (Reuters) = 'The yapatvomicn ty took Queen and Prince Philip, wit 3 their | _ NEWS IN BRIEF AUTO BUILDER DIES LONDON (AP) Charles Cooper, 71, builder of Britain's famous Cooper racing autos, died at.his home near London |tries and breweries, about 300 ship diesel engines, 189 electric \locomotives, 142 diesel locomo- |tives, shoes, woollen goods and) \furniture, DEATH TOLL NOW 17 CAIRO (AP)--The death toll younger sons, Prince An- : drew and Prince Edward, re- were searching the rubble for|iyrned to London Friday at the seven persons believed still/ end of their Balmoral holidays. trapped, |She and Prince Philip leave BATHING PRICES | Monday for their visit to Can- jad WELLS, England (CP)--The i Sh annaper op Gg ag wen RC's, Protestants Head Get Rocks In BELFAST (AP) -- The vio- lence in Northern Ireland's election campaign has revived old feuds that re: lead- ers of all Irish parties had], hoped were dying. For the first time in many years, the lines in Belfast's back streets were drawn ly between Roman Catho- sharp! lics and Protestants, After) gam, three nights of rioting scores of persons lay injured or were un- der arrest, So far the violence has been confined to a few blocks of a predominantly Catholic and working class district in west Belfast. The weapons have been rocks and Molotov cocktails from the rioters, batons and -- canes from 'the po- ce, But the fight is in fact an- 'other chapter 'in an argument that has lasted centuries. On the one side is the demand among Roman Catholics for an end of 'the partition of Ireland. The Protestant insist on contin- ued union with Britain, It is thus an extension of the Battle of the Boyne River in Ireland in 1690 where the Pro- testant King William III de- feated the Catholic King James II and his Irish supporters. Pro- testants still chalk 'Remember King Billy" on the walls of Catholic areas. In the last few years these di- visions diminished, annual cost of beach hut sites at this Norfolk community is going Independence left the dominantly Protestant rd eyteey Ireland still ~~ had e United Kingdom, They their own Parliament but send 12 members to Britain's House of Commons, All 12 seats are held un- ionists loyal both to the and to the British Conservative party. They are contested by Labor candidates who accept partition Petal vat at rote: wor! ass vi and by 10 phates Rory J from Friday's collapse of a five-|\wp by 50 per cent to £3, Park- government fires. Ten years ago the average loss storey house rose to 17 Satur-jing @ trailer willl cost up to 25 U.S. experts calculated that ae Per capita, the 1963 estimate 1965 will virtually wipe out of a household fire was $400.|Friday | night, | British racing Cuba's 1963-64 foreign exchange surplus which came from soar- ing sugar prices which had re- sulted from a temporary world shortage. Premier Fidel Castro has been using his cash to buy from non-Communist countries which are more interested in sales than in U.S. political objections. Instead of expanding his rchases abroad, it is believed ere that Castro now will have to tighten his belt and U.S. al- lies will become a lot more re- luctant to hand over goods on credit, And if sugar becomes clearly in surplus, the Unietd States may have more success in persuading non-Communists to buy their sugar outside of Cuba. Municipal, OPP is $8.21, compared with $7.47 in 1962. The worst previous per capita loss, $8.05, was in 1957. Offsetting monetary consider- ations, two significant develop- ments are reported: Now it is over $600, And a fire|2ces Stirling Moss, Mike Haw- which a quarter of a century) 'horn and Peter Collins all ago burned up a family corner | made their names in Cooper grocery store at a loss in thou-|°4™S- sands today has its counterpart : " | SIGN TRADE PACT in a million dollar supermatt| PRAGUE (Reuters) -- Russia Fire deaths substantially de- clined. Only 551 «men, women, children) lost their lives, At 2.9 (deaths per 100,000) this is the conflagratéon, perhaps wiping out an entire shopping plaza. These illustrations are as good as any. Farm Beats Finance In House Priority OTTAWA (CP) -- Farm fi-|last week that the bill be sent nance problems take priority|}to the Commons agriculture again in the Commons debating| committee, where farm ongan- time today over the problem of|izations and others could be protecting Canadian ownership| called to testify, of Canada's big financial insti-/ Agriculture Minister Hay s, Forces To Be tutions. |sponsoring the first really new Scheduled for debate are the/piece of farm legislation intro- details of a bill' authorizing/du¢ed by the present govern- loans to grocps of farmers for) ment, has promised that if any | will supply Czechoslovakia next lyear with 6,000,000 tons of oil, |8,200,000 tons of iron ore and more than 1,500 tractors under a trade agreement signed here Friday, the Czechoslovak news agency Ceteka reported Satur- day. Czechoslovakia exports to for chemical and hight indus- day, police reported. Police said five victims were still in hospital and rescue workers per cent more. The council ex- plained present changes, intro- duced 30 yeams ago, ane too low. rotits loos 3 Queen's University Department of University Extension Extension Tutorials NOTICE THE HISTORY 2 TUTORIAL CLASS which was to be held this Seturday, October 3 hes After years of research, modern science has developed 2 remarkable new way to make false teeth fit beautifully~stop looseness, slipping, clicking, relieve sore spots--with- out messy, old-fashioned pastes, jers and pads! It's CUSHION GRIP--amazing new pliable plastic that holds false teeth snug as a dentist's mold, through soothing suction--makes loose dentures fit eg again. Result is, you can talk, ugh, eat anything without discomfort or embarrassment. & <p Wow! False Teeth J Fit Beautifully! Amazing dental discovery, 'Cushion Grip'® -- ends sore spots ~ tures to hold snug Nothing to mix! One application lasts months! signifies thot the drug a3 a dentist's mold! Tasteless! onto dentures, then insert false teeth into mouth and bite down, instantly, CUSHION GRIP molds to contours of mouth and gums -- provides beautiful fit--holds dentures isappear, quickly One application lasts for months, despite nightly cleaning, yet CUSHION GRIP is easily removed ikea desired. What's more, CUSHION GRIP actually refits, relines worn dentures, Save 73¢...For generous trial offer send 25¢, name ond address to PHARMACO CUSHION GRIP is easy to use--nothing to } mix or ! Simply squeeze out of tube your ° 3535 Metropolitan Bivd,, Pointe Claire, P.O, Boe ae 0 peetent you Jpesicas [pier PRESCRIPTION DRUGS - Q. Why can't | buy certain drugs without « prescription? Isn't this some kind of conspiracy between the druggist and the doctor? A. Yes, you might call it a conspirocy conspiracy to protect your health! Certoin drugs ore labeled: 'Federal Law Prohibits Dispensing Without Prescription." This "prescription legend" -- 6 is potent enough to re- quire the judgment of a licensed medical prac- titioner to authorize its use by the patient ond to determining the dosage to be taken, the frequency of administration, the length of time it is to be used, ond the odvisability of repeated odminis- tration. The pharmocist is the lego! custodian of" such drugs and it is the pharmacist who is re- sponsible for compliance with the low. Patients sometimes emborros their pharmacist by insist- Ing thot they be allowed to purchase a "pre- scription legend" drug without a prescription or thot he refill their prescription for such a drug without the doctor's opprovol, In refusing, your phormacist is complying with the law, ond he Buy your Canada Savings Bonds (Average Yield to maturity 5.00% Per Annum) , Remember -- the diagnosis ond treatment of disease co-operative purchase and use} a ts are ded after been CANCELLED. Joined By Wire LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- A new private teletype communication network will go into operation next February between munici- pal police forces in cities of 'more than 10,000 persons and (provincial police headquarters and detachments, OPP Com- missioner Eric H. Silk said Sat- urday night. With the new communication Unkup, provincial police and municipal forces will be able to keep track of suspected crim- inals anywhere in the province, he told the annual convention of the Ontario section of the American Radio Relay League.| The convention attracted) some 290 amateur radio opera-| tors from Ontario, Quebec, Michigan, Massachusetts and Saskatchewan. Commissioner Silk, himself an amateur radio buff, said the new communication system is necessary to cope with today's ¢riminal who is aided by mod- ern communication and trans- Portation, WILL LINK 70 "We exxpect 70 of the muni- cipal forces to be included in the new system," he sald. "There will be a private wire system with public lines of the telex (the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific c ication systems)."' Teletypes will also be in- --stalled "in OPP general fhead- | quarters, Toronto; 17 district headquarters and more than 30 langer OPP detachments, the commissioner said. The linkup mayaiso be in- stalled in the department of transport's motor vehicle iden- tifications branch and other or ag services branches, he said. of farm machinery. Next on the list is the first stage of a bill estah'-*'ng a federa' * "d to re- .orce provincial op .nsur- ance programs. These measures are almost certain to consume all of to- day's debating time, but. the government has listed for the third item Finance Minister Gordon's complicated and 'ex- tensive bill amending the laws governing insurance companies. While supporting the farm machinery syndicates bill 'in principle, Conservative MPs have complained its details do not cover problems that could arise in practice. They urged 'Boy, 16, Shot Through Lung PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- A| 16-year-old Toronto boy was in| fair condition in hospital here} Sunday after accidentally shoot-| ing himself through the right lung. | Michael Pomroy was standing on a 20-foot rock when his .22- calibre rifle slipped from his hands and discharged, The youth was with his 13-year-old brother, Robert, and two Peter- borough friends, The accident occurred Satur- day at Nethton, about 35 miles North of here, __ ~ Pomroy had difficulty breath ing and was given mouth-to- mouth resusclation by William Campbell, 17, of Peterborough. Campbell carried the youth ap- proximately one mile through bushland before help arrived, Pomroy was put into a wait- ing station wagon, but the ve- hicle developed mechanical dif- ficulties. it ALUMINUM AWNINGS PORCH ENCLOSURES STORM-SCREEN DOORS-WINDOWS PRIME WINDOWS CMHC ACCEFTED FLEXALUM SIDING JALOUSIES ALUMATOPS FOR [Storm Window troubles the committee. a year's operation of the new act, they will be submitted to! The next lecture of the series will be held on October 17 ls the function of the patient's personal physicion. At this Pharmacy, the dispensing of prescribed at the Wes A Stnile for Your «> 'HAVE YOUR WINTER WORK DONE NOW' For a campany that you can rely on for quality workmanship it's GENERAL CONTRACTORS OSHAWA Specializing in; TUCK POINTING BRICK LAYING -- CHIMNEY INSULATING PAINTING CEMENT WORK ROOFING GENERAL REPAIRS. WATER PROOFING Telephone an "24 ho ytime 723-5941 ur service" The government Inspector from the Minimum Wege Burecu wes satisfied with the farmer's answers on the wages he paid his help, when the farmer con- cluded: "Anod the only other worker here is the helf-wit end he gets his board each week ond tobeceo." "But thet's illegal," snorted the inspee- tor, "Let me talk te this man." "Yer doin' thet right now," seld the farmer, Speaking of Inspecting, nothing gets o more thorough inspection than the garments you send us to be dry cleaned, Nothing escapes our expert spotter's eye when he goes over your garments to decide just what cleaning process is re- quired. And the final inspection in the: finishing room is your assur- ence your garments will be re- turned perfectly cleaned, aL CLEMWIT SERVICES? 725-3555 medicine is @ personal service rendered with true professional interest in the health problem of the yindividual, Ontario. juestions directed to Selence Editors 0, Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, AS : S A ~ @ FREE DELIVERY @ OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. 723-4621 'ALUMINUM | OSHAWA FREE PARKING " End' Sereenj and forever ;.... install 12 Red Cap Ale-12 Black Label Beer In one handy case of 24 Royal Ask for application form at your nearest branch, Buy for cash or by instal- ments, Canada Savings Bonds never fluctuate in value, can be cashed any time for full face value, plus interest, a ROYAL BAN KK. Twin Pack -- PICK-UP TRUCKS EI Bondo Lied 20 ST. ST ee Showroom and Factory PHONE 728-1633 95 ATHOL ST. E., OSHAWA ! Whether you're entertaining at home or at the cottage, get ready for the long weekend with a Red and Black TWIN PACK: You get 12 Red Cap Ale. and 12 Black Label Beer in one handy case of 24 (and you know you can't go wrong with Ontario's two largest selling beers). You'll find new, lift-out "Cool'n Carry" trays inside. And you pay less for this 24-case than for two twelves so you save money, too. Don't forget to pick up a Red and Black TWIN PACK--today! (Or, phone for free home delivery.) THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED Two great brews for entertaining! _ |

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