Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1964, p. 7

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ENR aw os pie A PENNY FR poche oy feo~ doy pitied Pai eet bumll: apllencerhe imager Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, October 3, 1964 7 PERSONALS e253. a : 35 : a Bee ae See Mrs, Cynil Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. George McCulloch, also Mr. and Mrs. Walton Pascoe, Bowman- ville, Mrs. Alexander Craig and her OM HEAVEN Mrs. Erie Pearson, Lakefield, ticle i iin NE OPI BL 5 NTMI |t0 a oe high school | dance like a skunk belongs at a and Mrs. Klaine Pearson, | r : 4 iy in Westmount | #74 are visiting Mts. Oraig's ROAM D 5 Deg pb Sepa ANN LANDERS At High School Dear Aftin Landers: Ev is 7 and I am %. We 'have: been married for two years and ex pect our first child any minute. Last night Eyv's oldest sister telephoned to sayy her daughter Barbara (age 17) was in tears. Batbara's date broke his leg and will be undble to take ber sorority dance. She asked Ev if he'd be a "lifesaver" and take Barbara.' Ev replied, 'I'd love to." for him to leave me aloné. He insists I am narrow - minded Who Wants Daddy Hop? jealous, plus a few other things, It you tell me I am wrong I will apologize. Thank you, -- P. G. WIFE Dear Wife: Your husband be- longs at a high school sorority lu lawn party. If he is foolish enough to go I hope the stork visits you while he's out twisting with the kids. when I was 14, -- SMARTER NOW fort to help other teen - agers scores. Dear Smarter: You were a icky girl and I hope your ef- Dear Ann: I'd like to share, something with thé mother who "|one else did? Because love saw. | |READER she have faith in you when no "Then the best girl in the world said _* you-- even though Pree' one another, 'What did SHE see in HIM?' Love saw. "When things were you éven lost faith in a gteat-heartéd man or became your friend and you through. Why? Because fine and love saw. one of us, but only CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum "There is big in can see it, Who can Say love is blind?" -- A those who Dear Reader: Thank you for sharing. TOOTHACHE Don't suffer agony. In seconds get re- lief that lasts with ORA-JEL. Speed- release formula puts medications to "work instantly to stop throbbing pain. Recommended by many dentists as "first-aid" for toothaches yet so sefe doctors recommend it for teething. 89¢ ORA-JEL Fenelon Falls. She is the | United Church, the bridal couple daughter, Mrs. Robert Meldrum.) 1+ would serve him right. wa,: distressed because her son She is Penny Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mis, Allan Pear- stm, Malaga road, Her proud grandparents are Mr, and were attended by Mr, and Mrs,|Mr. Meldrum and family, Rit- laa peat A reception|son toad south. They will be followed at the home of the|feaving on Tuesday, October 6 to Y | bride's parents Mr. and Mrs, return to Scotland, While in Osh- i Have casthal an afticte with waging ~ | Witiiam C. Young with relatives| awa. Net ---- a apse I began to date when 1 was|me for 54 years. It appeared in land close friends in attendance. +o crud wae pore scg gland ng 12, My mother was probably|the Jackson, Mich. Citizen Pa- Mrs. © H eicaka's i Ww Vales Miss Cona Cruse is convening hér newest granddaughter, Jac- ede ad by age as a demert Gridge for the Oshawa jqueline Meldrum, who te a gre| Was 141 looked 18 and acted 22, LADIES! iness and 'ofessional| three weeks old, home from Business | Several of these boys I went No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Judith Reeson Widely Feted Honoring Her Marriage Today {he mana ever tobe el Mon gogo meeting was|Oshawa. Mr. and Mirs: Chase. | Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist | ing i hall | a ke aavions Te the "club's |held Tecently at the home of|ney who are returning to Eng-| Wholarsiin and loan fund for, Mrs. Thomas Norton, where /land early next week, also @n-| - Z er 8g . ae ae plans for their upcoming fashion |joyed a trip to Niagara Falils. | this afternoon in King Street the acaba hen teligtibote . of further vocational training. row "'Fldght: Iolo Waahion" United Church has been much| 'he hostess w: wi es eee bs moby , FOR entertained i hono: irde-to- » i _| Mrs. Clinton Cross, formerly | were finalized. It is to be held _ 2 < pee ne peeks $0 mere ce of Oshawa, whose husband,|in St. Gregory's Auditorium in HOME os Se, ies =. her Caw petbered $0. greehes wi")! Canon Clinton D, Cross is now| October and is being sponsored APPOINTMENTS mm. 8. E. aye ee . eran electric fry-pan. rectot of St. Timothy's Church,|by the Evening Chapter of the boo og ae inert "ured Friends and relatives from |Toronto, was a welcome guest a OGH Women's Auxiliary, Mrs. PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. | po beeen ol pao 3 'of an| Ashburn, Columbus and Brook-|st, Geonge's fall luncheon last Henry Bickle is the convener 728-9317 ibowac taenket adjustable iron-|lin were guests of Mrs. Roy | Wednesday. and Mrs. C. R. Lunn is the | ing board and pantry-shelif gifts | Jackson at her home in Lind-| : saligone 9 ticket convener. i "--ronecmrane mannan ® neighbors and friends|*47, Witere Miss Heewon was! | Soe Se ined at dinner Mr. end Mrs, Teonard Fow- FOVOOOAAAOANEOOUAAGAOONANAALEUAAANA Fonme: esented with two place set ig fin ' urday at the Hotel Gen-|ler, Simcoe street north, have r FAMOUS BRANDS | BEST STYLES . FINE QUALITY |, Bras Foundations Uniforms FREE ADVICE AND FITTINGS BY TRAINED EXPERTS Thornton's Corners met at)). ; Hast Sat = tings of her chosen chica. 'Mrs.| Mrs. W. G.|as their guests, Mrs. Fowler's WARD'S | . Wilfred J. rat N ' Terris 'ud pg id Len ll a dae ae i Ras, tee, aret. in honor of|parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas |] Simeoe $. et Athol 725-1151 HNAAOAVOANUUSUAAVOUNUOSUOAUUNEUAAE emer neeraaniacenatn Dear Ann Landers: I am 18|married Miss X, She could see years old now and jt took mé/none of the girl's fine- qualities six years to figure something! which her son saw. ut great-granddaughter of Mrs. William Chalmers, also of Fetielon Falls. --Aldsworth Photograph: OSHAWA RECREATION CENTRE Fall and Winter Programme For Youth | SYNCHRONIZED SWIM CLUB (16 and under) BALLET SCHOOL (8-12 years) PHILOSOPHER'S ACADEMY (Grades 12 and 13) FIGURE SKATING CLINIC (8-12 years) SKIING CLINIC (16 years arid under) JUDO CLUB (16 years and under) GYMNASTICS (over 16 years of age) RECORD CLUB (16 and under) CAMPING CLUB (14 to 16) WOODWORK CLUB (16 and under) AUTO MECHANICS CLUB (16 years and over) OSHAWA STUDENT TRAVEL CLUB (grades 7 and 8) BOYS' BAND (16 and under) Interested parties in eny of the ebove activities are asked to contact the O.R.C. Where is sufficient registration ond interest shown in any one ef the above mentioned aetiviti eset Me provide an instructor, and these facilities d d y to the p your choice. Miss Judith Ann Reeson| James and Mns, whose marriage to Mr. Phillip| assisted the hostess, Clifford Dudley is taking place) yrs John D, McLaughlin was _ When you need "HOME-NURSING" Gall a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 'Home-Nursing Core for EVERYONE" WANTED! -- Thirty, friendly, fun loving couples to learn the new modern style of square dancing. Every Wednesdey night through the Fell and Winter (shift work ne problem). |! If interested call 725-2744 or |) 623-2237. shower. Mrs. Harris was assis- of Lindsay their 40th wedding anniversary,|Champney, Morden, Surt- ted by Mrs. C. E. Scott, Mrs. | Mie. 3 'Clifford Dudley and|The party included Mr. andjrey England. A reception was Douglas Lander and Mrs, A... Gaucher, Miss Darlene|Mrs. J. Norval Willson, Mr, and|held in their honor, and they ne- Bimker. | Dudley entertained the bride4o-|Mns, Leighton Souch, Mr. and ceived many gifts from the A supper panty-at--which. the |e and her attendants at dinner|Mrs. Rudy Loa, Mr. and Mrs. /guests who had come from Scar- bride-elect was presented with) a the Oshawa Golf Club. Jack Coleman and Mr, and Mrs,|borough, Milton, Malton, and a bridge table and chairs was! wre Gordon Reeson hdnored| Ernest Cay. Mr. and Mrs. Burns | AAAAAA mo given by Miss Barbara Heyes at) her duaghter with a trousseau| were presented with an electric | the home of Mrs, James Thomp-lte, 'To receive, the hostess|carver and following the dinner son, Park Lane Apantments.|wore powder blue lace, Assis-|the balance of the evening was The guests were members Of/ting her, the bridegroom's|spent playing cards at the home | the Laboratory Technician staff) mother wore turquoise blue and |of Mr. and Mrs, Cay, Woodiea| of Oshawa General Hospital. {gach had a corsage of pink car-| crescent. | The bridesmaids entertained! nations. The bride-clect was in| | et the home of Miss Sally James| green brocade with a wihite. Mrs. H. V. Myens, 840 Shane | i ville street, and Mrs, §. D. Cal: . The hostess! gardenia corsage. houn, who lives dinectily opposite | was assisted by Miss Barbara} Mrs, E. M. Yourth, Mrs. H. Et ftenbec S87, one heloing wel Heyes, Miss Darlene Dudiey and/ Pierson and Mrs. E. W. Jack-|7 i. unit of Simcoe Street Mrs, David Reeson. son, aunts of the bride, poured | hited C A shower was anranged by|tea, Mrs. T. J. Laurie, Mrs. L.|, 7 Mrs. T. James Laurie and a\A. McConkey and Miss Latha or a vee ote made of a set of|Reeson, also aunts, and MMS. | oatsche reapecively, Min wncheon dishes. Mise Sallly| John MeLaughlin, served. Me . The flower girl, Miss Jane|E- Souch and iced bb Heli! 'Friends Honor | were a for those Autumn as the ooo of Please contact the O.R.C. 725-1111, or write to the O.R.C., 100 GIBB STREET no later than October 10th. Jroland wie in your Home, Church or Studio 21 ATHOL ST, W. 723-3680 Shaw, kept the door, Miss Sally ec aah Miss Marian Ellis j2x4, "=: Miss Damlene Dudley, the trous- seau. Guests were present from Lindsay and White Rock, B.C. CHRISTMAS IN EUROPE! in change of the gift room Miss Reeson, who will be David Reeson and Miss Marian Ellis whose mat-| making her home in Sudbury, fiage to Mr. Jack Forbes Brown| was entertained at dinner at takes place this afternoon in|was entertained at a farewell Albert Street United Church has/dinner at Ports of Call, Toronto, been honored at several showers |hy members of the Laboratory recently. iTechnician staff and Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and Mrs./Mrs. J. Clifford Dudley, parents James Ellis held. a miscel-|of the bridegroom, entertained laneous shower at the former's following the wedding rehears- home on Arthur street. jsal, Mrs. David Wood, Oshawa,) ------------ RAM Re efd Mrs, Chris Barchard, New- PASSENGER BEHIND castle, held a shower at the lat-| RINGWOOD, England (CP)-- ter's home where co-workers | youth told Hampshire police from the Second Floor at Bow- nis gint friend had disappeared manvillé Memorial Hospital! ¢ram the pillion seat of his mo- prese the bride-to-be with|tor scooter on a 12-mile trip pieces of Biue Mountain pottery.|from Dorset. Police found her » Mrs. Victor Miller and Mrs,| at the starting point of his trip-- Howard McCabe were C0-|she was le't standing when he hostesses at miscellaneous) drove off, shower, Former neighbors on Barrie avenue made a preéesen- tation of an ironing board and stainless steel flatware, The pent: were sted th sery: ing the guests by Mrs. Grant Gudgeon. The women of Albert Street United Church held a miscel- lanious shower at her home in Scarborough. After the rehearsal last even- ing, the bridal party and. friends were entertained at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. How- atd McCabe and Mr. McCabe, Poplar street James and Miss Barbara Heyes Bride Of Today | SEE THE OLD COUNTRY CELEBRATE...AND SAVE UP TO 25%! ot. ith_eole. fr ie ds in Europe = ~ = ~ _aoenee --=6r just share the Old Country holiday mood? It's, "HAPPY HOLIDAY" SAILINGS MRELANO*--ENGLAWO--PRANCE--ROLLAND--QERMARTY different. Give yourself that treat while fares are low. Join our "Christmas in Europe" group (minimum membership 25 persons) and save yourself 25%! You'll From MONTREAL & QUEBEC: sail from Montreal on Nov. 24 in the MAASDAM, have {MAASDAM seven wonderful weeks in Europe and return by 8.8, STATENDAM, Jan. 19 to New York. From NEW YORK: *NIEUW AMSTERDAM Nov. 19 PRINSES MARGRIET Dec. 4 *STATENDAM Dec. 10 if those dates don't suit your plans, pick another sailing AND MANY MORE SAILINGS { GAS FURNACE FROM OUR "TREASURE CHEST" HERE'S ALL YOU DO: Buy a new forced warm air Gas Furnace or Boiler from an authorized Consumers' Gas Dealer. Choose from these brands: Anthes, Beach, Clare, Coleman, Findlay, Modern, Moffat, Robert-Gordon. Bring your.contract to the Gas Company office in any of the following areas: 2. ; _*_» Oshawa, Peterborough or Lindsay, and get your key t our "Treasure Chest", 3, See hacia c nen techni ee other keys, You pick out the key 'you wish, Try the key you select in the lock on the "Treasure Chest", If it opens the lock you get your new gas furnace ABSOLUTELY FREE! , (Inétallation not included) THAT'S ALL THERE IS TO ITI THERE IS NO RESTRICTION ON NUMBER OF WINNERS. This contest is available to customers in the following areas only: Ajax, itby, ille, Oshawa, Pickering, Peterboroug! Lindsay. This applies only to Furnaces and Boilers purchased between September 26th and October 30th, 1964. EVERY BUYER CAN WIN! Winners to be published im local papers. @onsumers' Gas OSHAWA LINDSAY from our schedule--sail from Montreal or New York. Various thrift season reductions. Moreover, a grand 278 Ibs free baggage allowance. Enjoy the s-p-a-c-e and comfort found only oh ships, Ask your travel agent. He knows! 40 Front Street West, Toronto. suatta's of 2b 1321 LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A., M.D.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character AT MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. INFORMATION 723-7253 Y LATER PLAN AVAILABLE DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY \ PHONE 668-3304 pore nie Fall Fashions For Boys & Girls Choose from rack ofter rack of the latest styles from in- fonts to size 14. Charge ond Budget Accounts Invited. > "The Best Costs Less At" vJoluINichA|clE|s| OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 723-9441 For Personalized Travel Arrangements -- Call FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) LTD. 57 KING ST. EAST 728-6201 PETERBOROUGH

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