Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Sep 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRIC Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West . Manager: John Gault CMA SLAYS THE DRAGONS Tel. 668-3703 DESPITE AFFLECK URGING No Recommendations For Drowning Death wheel of his 18-foot craft over to his lifelong friend, Alan Cox, also 36, and fell over- board. said but drift to one side and miss him. 'I saw the figure fall over| saw. the flailing of water, and thought! "Then I : realized he was not) "An experienced davioniaé| could have saved Thompson,") he felt. The inquiry learned that nei-/ ther Cox nor Thompson knew much about the operation power . Cox couldn't well and Thompson was "terrified of the water" accord- ing to his brother-in-law, Arnold Sanderson of Port Hope. BOAT IS DANGEROUS Mr. Barber, speaking ex- temporaneously, called for legislation "Which would com- pel people by law to pass tests in boating before being allowed on the water." "The populace doesn't seem | to realize that the boat is a dangerous thing to handle. "Cox", he stressed, 'ought not to have been allowed to be in the position he was in." The inquiry learned from Constable Harold Hockins that the boat was stocked with life- saving gear, including jackets, ropes and floating None of these were used. NEVER WORE A JACKET Mr. Barber had litle regard for either lifejackets or motor- boats. "'T've been sailing for 65 years, and I never wore a lifejacket, even on the ocean. As a sailor' in a dinghy, the lifejacket so hampers, movement 'that it is safer not to wear one. "And I wouldn't go in a pow- erboat if I was paid." He described the speed of the Thompson craft as excessive in the conditions prevailing, which included a 180-<degree fast turn. Constable Hockins listed four through a urinalysis, that By JOHN GAULT (Whitby Editor) Perhaps the least known-about and most remarked-upon prob- lem in contemporary society is mental health. It: has been sometime since necromancers and. clerics de- nounced the mentally-ill as be- ing possessed of evil spirits, but like any established "truth' of medieval Christianity, this atti- tude has persisted. The public at large still sus- pects and despises those unfor- tunate enough to have spent time being cured in a mental hospital. There is a stigma at- tached to their lives. Their so- cial relationships are affected. Their jobs are constantly in jeopardy. They live in glass houses. Inadvertently they become the village idiot, the pariah and the outcast. When the most impor- tant and essential thing in their lives is rehabilitation through social intercourse, this is the thing they are denied. | The reason for this general LEGISLATION NEEDED |public antipathy is not hard to Constable Hockins suggested) nderstand, because up until re- legislation for an intermediary!cently, no broad program of charge to the only one NOW €X-\yblic education has been imple- istent, dangerous boating. This| mented. wi re as 'careless'. to : . 'ould compare as *" | 'There have been voices crying jin the wilderness. Psychiatrists, tion, concerning the amount of/Some educators, and humanitar- alcohol required to constitute|ians have been making futile drunkenness. They - were out|thrusts at the windmills of ig- only 10 to 15 minutes before re-\Norance since the emancipation turning their verdict, which| ed, Thompson had replaced the 35-horsepower motor that was on the boat when he bought it a month before with a 50-horsepower motor. --The change of operations at any speed is dangerous, and especially at fast speeds. --Lifejackets were not donned. --Inexperienced men were operating. Medical evidence showed, boats Thompson had a liquor count of 1.6. It isa rule of thumb that 1.5-is equal te drunkenness but Cox swore that Thompson was defects which he felt contribut- ed to the accident. --The boat. was overpower- stated: -- |ding anniversary Sept. 29. Their) "We find Donald Thompson|friends and relatives wish them) died as a result of drowning." |every happiness. WHITBY P Jack Ing, 325 Dovedale drive, | has recently passed all his De-| jpartment of Highway tests in} ERSONALS Friday, Sept. 25, Grade 11 stu-jCoath; touch - and - take table, | driving instructor. | dents from Denis O'Connor High School, travelled to Stratford by chartered bus to see the presen- tation of 'King Lear'. It proved interesting and educational. Accompanying the students were Father L. J. Austin, Sis- ters Mary Diane, Mary Rose, St.) John of the Cross, of Whitby; and Sister Mary Roberts from Pembroke. Members of the Par- ents' Auxiliary who also. accom- Winona McEwen, Bessie Cos-| way; dolis table, Mae Phair;| Mrs. John Boychyn, Anderson| tea tables and kitchen, Jean|Street, Whitby, opened her home| Wickett, Mary Inkpen. Tuesday evening. Ladies were| The bazaar will be officially |interested to hear the speaker, opened by Past District Deputy|Mrs. Sloan Alma Smith of To- Grand Matron Winnifred New.|ronto give information on the| ton, and pouring tea will be Past! All Canadian NUYU Club. | Matrons. David, son of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Donna Bradley is cele-\Jake Reid celebrated his third|can re-orient themselves in an} brating her 16th birthday today, | birthday Monday. To celebrate| the occasion a party was ar-| lof mental patients from the dun- geons. But only in the last 45 years has the public "'per se" taken a truly active part in helping the mentally-il, both in hospital and post-hospital rehabilitation. . Tne Canadian Mental Health Association, which began its drive for operation funds this formation and guidance to the, relatives and friends of the men- tally-ill person, should they be interested enough to want to help him. They also provide transporta- relatives together, and in some cases to take patients to and tion that will bring patients and : Mental Health: Some Empathy In Hell creased out-patient facilities are, all objectives of the CMHA drive. They strive for, and accom- plish; improved mental health \called on by a canvasser, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 30, 1964 5 z you) world the mysteries of the mind may send your donation t¢ Mrs.|are being exposed. M. B. Dymond, Chairman, at} The dungeons, the snakepits the above address.) and the colonies are gone be- Society is moving away from|cause a few have realized a belief in dragons, and fear of|severe lacking existed, and did the dark. In our affluent, liberallsomething about ti. cases the Association itself pro- vides financial backing for the week, is a cross-section of the public taking the active and em- pathetic role in this. Throughout the country, more than 13,00 persons in 140 CM- HA branches are devoting their time and energy and resources| to research, education and serv- ices in the field of mental health. Tn Ontario alone, the volunteer workers contributed more than 100,000 man-hours last year in this regard. Basing their activ- ities on the premise that 'man has_humanity for his fellow man", the Association members move into the realms of that heretofore "netherworld". They make regular visits to the 1: Ontario Hospitals in the province, (It should be noted here that Dr. Matthew Dymond, the prov- ince's present and MLA for this riding has Been an integral and driving) Ajthough education is probably force in removing the stigma and taboos of mental hospitals. (Through his efforts, temporaries the walls of ignor- ance are being torn down, as quickly as the bars and fences are being removed.) The CMHA organizes outings, | pienics, parties and schools for |the patients, as well as making personal visits to homes, clinics, and regular hospitals. The necessity of this is more| \Toronto to qualify him as alobvious and emphasized by the) fact that at least one third of all mental patients tacts with either friends. have no con- family or Re-emengence into a naturally hostile world, as previously} severe mentioned, exerts a Suain. In order to lessen this, the CMHA has five "White Cross Centres" where former patients easy social atmosphere. These centres also provide in- health minister, ; and| Association, it takes on a dif- those of his enlightened con-|ferent aura in dealing with a from the centre and hospital. increased betterment in serv- ices. EDUCATION nine : | In order to roll back the stag : covers of fear and ignorance| Research is financed on a na- concerning mental disease and|tional level through a fund. This treatment, the CMHA provides|!s contributed to by ail written and oral material, holds|branches. | public meetings and forums, and) {py the short time the fund has arranges tours. been in existence, it has fi- Specialized information is sent d the research of four doc- to the "first-aiders" in -- tors in the mental health field. ee: Se ee sys Money can buy happiness for a aes: : thousands of people (one in year, the CMHA will have 10 ba 10 born in Canada) wh workshops to aid them in their > aa sep , 0 dealings with these people. are attempting to regain it or discover it for the first time, White Cross Clubs have been : established at one university (The local branch office of the CMHA is 187 Simcoe street and two teachers colleges, to educate the educators in the|south, Oshawa. If you are not \field of mental illness and re- |habilitation. |SOCIAL ACTION ithe most important form of so- lcial action undertaken by the Family Monuments Created To Individual seat GB STAFFORD BROS, L TD. | MONUMENTS | 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 \hostile and uninformed public. Public treatment services, im- proved hospital facilities and a One-Stop TROUGHTON MEATS Try Our New Budget Freezer Plan Nothing Down - 6 Months to Pay Red and Blue Brand HINDS OF BEEF Ib" 59- CUT, WRAPPED AND MARKED Fresh HOGS Wisp WRAPPED HEAD ON HEAD OFF u, 39° us, 42° All Meats Government Inspected -- Fully Guaranteed -- PHONE 668-4633 DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murols @ Custom Draperies |] @ C.LL. Paints and Varnishes |) @ Broadioom and Rugs | © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER | Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 BABY CONTEST Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Oct. 1, 2, 3 ' Bring This Ad for a 107 Byron St. S., Whitby | COLOR PORTRAIT Sept. 30. Her companions of An- panied the pupils were: Mrs. Charles Polito, Mrs, Ed. Finan,|derson Street High School and) ranged with friends and rela-| Mrs. Tony VanderWyst and Mrs.|friends wish her a happy birth-| tives. f Carl Parise. day. } . .| The hibiscus plant was used) Rev. W. J. S. McClure of! Richard Butler celebrated his|py 18th century women who| Whitby Presbyterian Church|third birthday Sept. 24. Young|-rshed the flower for eyebrow | was guest preacher Sunday,|Suests attending his party were:|anq hair dye. Sept. 27 at Ashburn Burn's|Laurie Fuller, Darlene Spencer,|-- Presbyterian Church for their -- -- eh Anniversary services, morning Spencer, liam ' Your Savings | Earn and evening. was also celebrating his second birthday, all of Whitby, and Nor- Whitby Presbyterian Ohoir av! 512% On 5 Year man and Sam Badams of Bow- under. the direction of Mrs. P.)manville. A nicely decorated N. Spratt provided the music|birthday cake was served along and choir singing for the eve-|with other goodies. Biter ari, Mon Jes Mes. Joseph Barri GUARANTEED - INVESTMENTS 1 VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Mr. and and their son Scott of Yarmouth, Miss Janis Wood celebrated 308 Dundas St. W. Whitby Nothing to buy.:. One Free Portrait to a Family Whiplash Victim Gets $20,000 "Whiplash": victim, Mrs. Vic- toria Millar; was awarded a judgment of $20,000 at the Fail Assizes of the Ontario Supreme Court, in Whitby Set, Mrs. Millar, of 200 Montrave avenue, Oshawa, represented by Oshawa Lawyer Terence V. . a damages action against Western Iron and Metal, and Toronto truck driver Jack Conway. Mrs. Millar suffered severe whiplash injuries to her neck when the car in which she was BOTTLE DRIVE SATURDAY, OCT. 3rd Sponsored by . . . Nova Scotia, are guests at the! her 14th birthday Sept. 29. Her home of their son and daughter-| friends wish her many happy re-|intlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bur- turns of the day. rill, 121 Johnson avenue. Miss Linda Borchuk is vaca-| Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bryant and tioning in New York City for a|son Michael spent last weekend few days this week. at Norland visiting their parents ik : A changes in her life brought! executive meeting at the school. | To pick Apples. Report ~ Red Wing about by the "constant pain" |President Mrs. John Boychyn ' i wg hey ee ee pomes Orchards in person by 8 A.M. An outdoors enthusiast, Mrs./ments were made for a home- Millar, said that since the acci-/hake sale to be held Saturday, dent she has not been able to/Oct, 3 at Blair Park Plaza with participate in any of the sports/the following executive mem- or recreational activities she)pers taking an active part: Mrs. and her husband had enjoyed) hale Pettes, Mrs. L. V. English, prior to 1962. Mrs. John Boychyn, Mrs. G. C. "I have to lie down and rest/Knowles, Mrs. Noreen Darling, | at work and have not been able/ Mrs. §, J, Eeekma, Mrs. Frank) to water ski or swim or even!Carr and Mrs. Greg Rivers. hi ia | Dr. Gill said that the term) Mrs: Cora~Faltow~is--general whiplash was used because of;convener for the Eastern Star| the nature of the accident|No. 248 annual bazaar to be held| caused by a snapping action of|Saturday, Oct. 3 at the Whitby the neck in an accident, This|Community Arena, second floor | causes damage to the tissues in/from 3 to 5 p.m. The following | the spinal column. |members will be in charge of) Counsel for the defence said tables: | that the responsibility for the) Homebaking table, Veronica | accident was not disputed. |Manning PM, Grace Blow PM;)| E. M. Millar, her husband|candy, Gladys McEachern, | and joint plaintiff in the action, | Bertha McBrien; needlework | was awarded $2.486.16 for medi-|and knitting, Christine Archi-| cal and other expenses suffered|bald, Lucille Robinson; curi-} by him as a result of thelosity table, Dorothy Lunney,| accident. Cora Stungess; country store,' Mr. Kelly started the action|Audrey Woods, Ruth Stone claiming $20,000 as general|house; Christmas table attended | WHITBY ARENA damages and was awarded ithe) by Star Points ; Christmas) full amount. cards, Eunice Beer, Betty) REGISTRATION FEES: Seniors -- 15. i BROCK Evening Shows Start at 7 and 8:20 | ievebaanel ite aoe Mag "ae "er WHITBY Last Complete Show Starts 8:20 JUNIOR -- 7.00 Ist child 5.00 2nd child 4.00 each additional child. Club Professionals -- MRS. G. TAYLOR MR. M. MATTHEWS 2'/2 Miles West.of Whitby on No, 2 Hwy. és ea 3:95 = 1,95 Whitby Figure 20% OFF E mmprtiametiee ae pare ALL STANDARD COLORS 20% OFF igure Skating Club REGISTRATION Saturday, Oct. 3rd 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. at @ 3 to 5 Poses Taken @ Colour Clothes Suggested ' @ Two first 8" x 10" FREE PORTRAITS 3°25" 3" x 5" color portraits Money to be used for Peel St. Park. Contest Judgment Will Be In Window Next Week Ruth of Oshawa were Sunday) Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Blair, MR. Vv, McCARL OR MR. M. SILVER Oshawa, July 20, 1962. dinner guests at the home of|Oshawa, sister and brother-in- Her injuries were described " ; | Mr. and Ms. Benson Brown| | | men be, Be. Alex Gil Helos ian, Cathy Debt and ; " \the weekend in Belleville, the} M E fy WANT E D ; ail ta ecenanet ie will| vuests of Mr. and Mrs. William| f stand and told the court of the|school Association held an| INSIDE FLATWALL, SEMI-GLOSS, CILTONE- SATIN-_LATEX--.-- @ All Work Guaranteed x 7" eolor rd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petrosky |) cada a a passenger collided with a : 668-5966 668-2491 YOUNG MODERNS their parents, Mr. and Mrs.\law of Mrs. Thomas Linton, as "one of the most severe \Jeff, 96 Crocus crescent, spent) Mrs. Millar, her neck in a sur-|D@wson. GP ? A N T S GP @ No Age Limit i EVERY ENTRY BECOMES ELIGIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING . prizes of mounted -- Any returnable bottles will be picked up. or Ag and children, John, Frank and| ae. oe ee ee truck on Park road south in Fred Broome, Perry street. |Whitby celebrated their wed- MAY BE CALLED FOR PICK-UP 135 BROCK STREET SOUTH, WHITBY 668-5022 whiplash cases I have ever have. caused Mrs. Millar con-| gical collar, took the witness! Dundas Street East Home and| DRIES IN 30 MINUTES DISCONTINUED WALL MURALS by Sunworthy 2 PRICE PAINTING - DECORATING - CUSTOM DRAPERIES | BROADLOOM - RUGS Decorate Now ! -- Pay Later -- No Interest or Carrying Charges DODD « SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. - 107 BYRON ST. SOUTH wc West of 4 Corners Turn South FREE DELIVERY -- PHONE 668-5862 -- SUPPORT YOUR HUMANE SOCIETY TAG DAY THIS WEEK ! THREE AGAINST THE WILDERNESS Hockey Skates Will Not Be Allowed WEDNESDAY: OCT. 7th * PARENTS' NIGHT x WHITBY ARENA - WALT DISNEY the WHITBY 8 P.M. g Outstanding Picture of the Year

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