Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Sep 1964, p. 10

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said. By KEN SMITH dian Press Business Editor WINNIPEG (CP) John , Chairman of the Eico- bruise atop the child's head broke off and was carried to the lung. with prompt medical eare, he| She. and her mother, Mrs, Elva Musgrove said the bruises a blood clot under a_ severe|Tesulted ' DESCRIBES BODY He said the body was covered in part by a severe diaper rash, was swollen around the JEWELRY CENTRES Florence and Venite are the main centres of the manufac. ture of Italian jewelry. Red-Faced Tories. Reveal Deficit LONDON (CP) -- A general election only 18 days away, the Conservative government pub- The child's mother, Mrs, -- pome "Sateeuvey day. arrassing trade statistics. to- Balance - of - payments fig- ures, for the first ball of 1964 show a deficit of &756.000,000, Of that sum, se¢.906.00 is ace -- counted for b, the 'avestment the Italian Montecatini petro- chemical group, oy" shell Oi fn The newspaper, The Sun, es timates the total deficit for the year could be between £300,000,- 10 Tr pasar POU, Wetinaien, Sertomtor 90, 1008 protected industries at the ex- Mr. Capon said people have|pense of existing industries in been persuaded that the govern leconomy with its destruction of R. M. Macintosh of Toronto,\the. propping up of declining | TORONTO (CP)--An soquest ee s oJ rr, | |the 'very incentives that havelasistant general manager of| Sectors of the economy Gl abies corartbored a child's death. on bead ecoanmic Gein apply foresight to economic ncn of no ge be- : wee aw in- economy after another speaker|nizh employment, an improving! gaa . See Ge one cause of death was a lung ob- struction caused when part of Deutsch, : pepe i i hensive|he had charged them and sent nemic Council Canada, said -\levels, a viable balance of pay-jfor '"'playing beggar-my-neigh-unions in any comprehensive Tuesday it is Seale orm to ex- se panel discussion ae |ments situation and for alll Ca-|bor: games among the prov-| is difficult,|them to consider their verdict. Hi told hi 35th 'a i t bi: pect fr ket|province that regional planning volved wage controls and they|w tneses give nearly five hours e to e 35th: annual meet- pros-| reasona' ex ee market) pro ! | i Ses r 4 ing 'at the Canadian Chamber of a ee liendes rf achieve these aimsican be turned into' a weapon for|were not ready to accept that. lof testimony, including that of ; now is by itself could take over the whole sphere of fulfilling soci- tion of government poli cies which, with the market ' | \without other considerations," N ] A d Ab I VERNMENT living standards other provinces g n GO eas BUSINESS lany other ment can plan the economy and) "sometimes the federal gov-| Child' D D M t Sh @ Wei ht "We must avoid the medio-|s0 keep them from want. ernment ites seems to take the 1 S eat h owes octor g " ; i) into the Aug. 25 death of two- |made us great. the Bank of Nova Scotia, told) Dr. J. Parizeau of L'Ecole|" 3 ing should|des Etudes Commerciales in|Y¢@*-0ld Katherine Krac_ was ; | Dr. Robert C, Ritchie, pathol- ogist at Northwestern General Si ed. ; \cial governments can reduce the case had been unearth roo oa renege Af standand of living, main tenance jii® ir sonal peptone \the pianning techniques used.| Dr. F. D. Cruickshank sum- ig attempt , | o Me 4 i eg," | in Canada, he added.|He ordere! them to return Fri- private alone toland controls, by seeking to|nadians to have a share in the/inces. : especially 5 dé able to meet the economic|eliminate the te of open|higher living standards. "We have seen a fair number| Labor leaders feared a far-|92Y % hear further evidence Commerce deeply involved in the economy of the country and it is not ten- ety's wishes. _Y What is needed, he told the forces of private enterprise, as" achieve the social aims. Y; the hot-house breeding of local he said. at system ever devised, ; |crity and rigidity of the planned/sHoULD BE RATIONAL P a pathologist who said é s = | Mr. Deutsch, in his rebuttal, the same panel planni : A : Of Economic Aims lsaid there is general agreement|be only a rational attempt to) Montreal said there is a real adjourned unexpectedly Tues Hospital, said the immediate dent of Du Pont of Canada Ltd.,|of reasonable stability of price|as nothing more than a devioe| Getting the support of labor ed the jury 55 minutes after today's societ market competition, destroy the "I' frankly doubt anyone can/of indications in nearly every|reaching plan necessarily in-| The jurors had heard seven able to suggest private business 800 delegates, is proper utiliza- Deutsch's address turned into a defence of the role of!' economic planning in today's) Windfall Up To50Cents * TORONTO (CP)--The stock) market recovered after a. dull! morning session to set record index highs and finish slightly ¥ on the upside durng moderate |) 7 trading Tuesday. Speculative) *% action improved amid rising});: 7 ices. The 15-stock base metals in- dex established a record high at the close of 70.69 by gaining %. Both the industrial and Tor- onto Stock Exchange indexes |; atained all-time peaks in the}; afternoon. | Interprovincial Pipe Line gained 114 to a peak of 93, wihiile Chemcell added % to 17% after) touching a high of 18, Du Pont|) tacked on a point to a high of ae f ie 68, while Canada Steamship : added 1% to a high of 32.) ad oo) PONTIAC WINNER MRS. D, CASEY Northern Canada gained 16) TORONTO PONTIAC WINNER MRS, E, UNDERWOOD HAMILTON X ee Ruck PK CFTQ comme » MON.» FRI. cents to $2.11 among specula-| tives, and a high of| $2.30. W ndfaill rose six cents to} 50 cents on volume of 78,600) gx Mattagami Lake and Inco ; , eparked senior base metals list |; ae in heavy trading. The former | . é added 114 to 16% and Inco rose | j y 1% to 91% only % away from |; : its high, Falconbridge gained % |'" j : to 78, ar* Cominco and Nor- |! ¢ anda added % each to 40 and ; } #0. ; , Gold trading was helped by |) ,-ai : ag @ Hollinger, up % to 20%, and Be7s by Dome, ahead % to 4%. | 4 be 5 h On ndex, industrials rose .50 MRS. TYLER ' to 165.30 _ the TSE her a TORONTO .37, Golds gained 1. Tas 79 bet western ofls lost .03) 100,000 LUCKY GREEN to 96.19. Volume was 3,417,000] s o. shares compared with 3,518,000 | "Disciplined" DALLAS (AP)--The Dallas |" Times Herald said in a copy-| righted story Tuesday that the FBI took disciplinary against two FBI 100 GALLONS what i called "unimpeachable sources' but did not name the agents. The agent was demoted at a los of $1000 in anual pay and the 100,000 LUCKY GREEN AM newspaper said one SS was ordered transferred but re- fused the transfer and retired.| ald, accused as the assas- 'President Kennedy Nov-} 22 in Dallas, once lived in New! Orleans, where he was active): in a 'fair play for Cuba" or- ganization In Washington FBI headquar-| ; ters declined to comment on the report. Volvo To Build Toronto Depot | TORONTO (CP)--A Volvo of- ficial said Tuesday the firm is! planning to build a $1,200,000 office and parts depot in Tor- onto next year. Gunnar Engeliau, managing director of the Swedish car) St. 5 MRS. E. A, MANUEL NIAGARA FALLS 5,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS MRS. H. GREENSIDES ST. CATHARINES 5,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS MRS. BARBARA PYLYPIW WELLAND 5,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS MRS. ALLCOCK COBOURG 50,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS MRS. H, A, HUNT NIAGARA FALLS 5,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS MRS. PAT GOCZA ST. CATHARINES 5,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS company, said the decision to) acquire land and build a 20,000-| square-foot centre in Toronto was part of a three-year pro- gram mapped for Canadian op-| erations at a meeting of com-|{ pany executives Monday, The company's subsidiary firm, Volvo (Canada) L4d., makes Volvo cars and marine engines in Dartmouth, N.S., and maintains distributing. fa-| cilities in Toronto and Vancou-| ver. | Mr. Engellau said the break- even point for the Dartmouth plant is 3,000 cars annually. and there is a chance the Canadian TAMPS subsidiary will turn a profit this year. He said 2,040 cars were sold in Canada last year and the company expects to double this during the three-year pro- gram. He said no decision has been reached yet as to whether the Maritime pliant will be ex | al WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE JAR VICK'S VAPORUB © Te COUPON EXPinES OCT, 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 12's PKG. SOAP PADS BRILLO TIT COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-07, AERO TIN LIQUID SPRAY STARCH REDD! STARCH T26 §=6COUPON EXPiags OCT. 7 (WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 5-07, PKG. JIFFY POP 72S COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 SHOPPING CENTRE STORE NOW OPEN WED., TH URS., AND | 2 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10 FL. OZ. TIN NORTH AMERICAN BUTTON " COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6 FL. OZ, FIGURINE BusELE CLUB FUN BATH TIS «COUPON EXPiRES OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-02, PKG. zero COLD WATER SOAP TH? «COUPON EXPings OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-18, PKG. PRASOURY GUTTERMAR or REGULAI PANCAKE MIX 724 COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 al EXTRA STAMPS 1 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 0S WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 8}-OZ, PKGS, GENERAL MILLS COCO PUFFS TI «COUPON Exrines OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 64 PL. OZ, BOTTLE CORONATION BREAKFAST ORANGE DRINK TI® «COUPON ExPinas OCT. 7 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12 FL. OZ, JAR ROBERTSON'S THICK-CUT ORANGE MARMALADE Tat «COUPON GxPiRES OCT, 7 WITH COUPON @ PURCHASE OF ONE KING SIZE PKG, OXYDOL T37 «COUPON EXrinES OCT. 7 al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS ds WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF FOUR 10 FL. OZ. TINS CLARKS TOMATO SOUP THY «COUPON ExPinES OCT, 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 74-OZ. PKG. HUNTLEY & PALMER PETIT BEURRE BISCUITS Tie §=«COUPOM ExPings OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 28-07. PKG, MIXED CEREAL PABLUM T20) «<COUPON ExPingS OCT. 7 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PKG. ROBIN HOOD PUDDING SAKE MIXES T3e «COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 of EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 1 I EXTRA STAMPS TI2, COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 60's PKG. RIDGWAY'S TEA BAGS T2Y COUPON Expines OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT PKG. MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES THe COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 7 B WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO HEADS ONTARIO CABBAGE 'Tae COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS rk EXTRA STAMPS ki WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT TUBE MENNEN LATHER SHAVE TIS COUPON ExPinEs OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9-02. CELLO PKG, MOSTESS SCOTCH MINTS Ta2 «COUPON EXPines OCT. 7 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24-FL. OZ, BOTTLE LIQUID DETERGENT THRIFT 'T3) COUPON EXPings OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO ONTARIO GROWN CELERY STALKS 740 «COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 0 EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS mK EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 19-02. O8 ONE 248, POLY BAS KERNEL CORN 'TH4 «COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT PKG. 20 MULE TEAM BORAX BORATEEM TOILET TISSUE 'Tia «COUPON EXPines OCT. 7 TWO BATH SIZE BARS GREEN ~ WOODBURY BEAUTY SOAP TH6 COUPON EXPinEs OCT. 7 00 $6500 cis action | 4 J P fA S N agents who} 4 ie % were in charge of the Lee Har-| ae : : vey Oswald case prior to the GAS LI N E : assassination of President Ken-) 'sion. @ nedy. - MRS. KENNEDY H The Times Herald quoted ig with each car 000 and £400,000,000. > STAMPS other, stationed in New wate il ERE ARE SOM ¥ OF : ad t [ te) USAN os. OF y TAR wee MRS. T. SOUTHALL ST. CATHARINES ) EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) 5,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PKG. CHINESE FOODS TIS COUPON mxPiREs OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9 FL. OZ, JAR © DB. SMITH PURE BLUEBERRY JAM Tad «COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-18, PKG CLEANER SOLVEASE T23) CQUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE PKG: FRESH ONTARIO PARSRIPS Tad COUPON EXPIRES ocr, 7 MRS. M. REIMER BEAMSVILLE 5,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS MRS. D. ALLEN HAMILTON 5,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS "MRS, WM, MARTIN WELLAND 5,000 LUCKY GREEN STAMPS ) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS I WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OP TWO 20 FL. OZ. TINS WETHEY'S APPLE PIE FILLING Té -- COUPON EXPIRES OCT. ? WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16 FL. OZ. JAR WETHEY'S BREAD &.BUTTER PICKLES 'T25, COUPON EXPines OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-18. PRG. CRINO SKIM MILK POWDER T34 «COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-18. PKG. ONTARIO 'T42 COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 FRI. TILL 9:30 P.M. - DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TILL 9 P.M.

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