Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Sep 1964, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, September 28, 1964 St. Thomas Beats Tonys Via Homers Memor-la fine defensive performance to keep Oshawa Tony's in check, hero of the win had to be centre-fielder » $t. Thomas Western ials defeated Oshawa Tony's at d Park on Saturday : StL 7 = it e ia got on base via Smith's error, -iwent to third with his speedy base-running and scored when -|Ken Fortey singled to centre, after two out. homer into deep centre, for his :|fourth, by Bob Booth agd Neil s--and|the sixth inning to get on the "| single and a wild throw and In the 8th, MoCaw belted a) "plate but in addition, this was one of the Oshawa club's poor- "est nights in defensive play. "THREE HOME-Runs While Dick Hames and his thrid circuit clout of the night. Ted Morrison followed with a idouble then Fortey homered, to complete the St, Thomas scor- McCaw, with his three homers} *solid-fielding mates, turned in was of course their batting ace. |3b; Taylor, p; Smith, p in 4th; Fortey had a homer and single. Ron Taylor started on the slab for Tony's with Bev Smith tak- ling over in the fourth frame. Taylor fanned thrée and Smith whiffed a half-dozen. SNEDDON SCORES TWICE Back-to-back singles in the McMahon, coming after one out, gave Tony's their first real chance but they had to wait until score-sheet. Jack Sneddon open- ed with a single and advanced lon a passed ball. He moved to third on Armstrong's sacrifice to centre and scored on Booth's infield grounder. In the 8th, Sneddon was safe on an error at shortstop, ad- vanced on Jack. Armstrong's scored on a sacrifice fly by Booth for Tony's other tally. McMahon picked up two of Oshawa's six hits, Sneddon, Armstrong, Booth and Ron Eliott sharing the other four. ST. THOMAS: -- Marcinko, rf; Patterson, 2b; Almos, 1b; Kemp, lf; McCaw, cf; Morrison, c; Fortey, ss; Hames, p; Clark, |3b. | OSHAWA: -- Oldfield, ss Sneddon, 1b; Armstrong, 2b; Booth, c; McMahon, cf; Mro- ezek, Mf; Elliott, rf; O'connor, Kelly, batted in 9th; batted in 9th. Suddard, OYC REGATTA "reer | Ashbridge Skipper Wins Corby Trophy Blue Jay entries dominated "the Fourth Annual Coynterboard Regatta at the Oshawa Yacht "Club on Saturday. Twenty-one "entries from five clubs made up at the Oshawa club, Approxi- mately 15 yachts completed. Racing conditions a t the Osh- awa lakefront were favourable with high running seas per- romo City Major five-pin play on Saturday. In a closely fought sefies, it was Bayview winning the first game, 1252 to 1162; Acadians the second 1395 to 1242 and also it was the Cleaners in the third, 1238 to 1182. Bayview came back to take the fourth game 1196 to 1136 and Oshawa Lads Lose Opener In OBA Tyke Brantford Tykes won the open- ing game of the OBA Tyke Championship Finals here at Alexandra Park Saturday night, whipping Oshawa Legion 8-3. Second game in the best 2-of-3 series is scheduled for Brant- ford this Saturday, at 2 p.m. The winners scored two runs in the finst,'single tallies in the second and third, and exploded for four runs in the sixth, Osh- awa got single runs in the first, second and fifth innings. F. Papat started for Brant- ford, but was taken out in the second when Oshawa staged a milk rally and scored one run. B. Gibbs relieved him im that with one away and a man on base, but he struck out the next two batters. Gibbs went the rest of the way and picked up the victory. He allowed one run over five and one-half innings, gave up two hits, and fanned nine. Losing pitcher Paul Jubb pitched six innings and was re- | | M. Kolynko (crew). Third -- B.| Chipp, ABYC; P. Way (crew). FIREFLY CLASS First -- W. Dilling, OYC; Bill and Jo Anne Dilling (crews). |Mathews pitched the final frame d retired the side in order.|L. sponsible for all the runs. Larry) an Brantford got nine hits, includ- ing six off Jubb. Both sides walked two batters. F. Hickey, was the big slugger) for Brantford when he clouted Acadian Cleaners Lose In Odd Game To Bayview Bowl -|the fifth emd final game was taken by the Toronto squad, -|1267 to 1134. Reg Hickey was at his best for the Oshawa crew with gome terrific trundling, his 1266 total for 46 frames included games of 374 and 338. It was most unfortunate that Reg had one bad break in the final frame of the third game, which was dropped by a very small margin, Ozzie Keeler battled gamely for 1191 for his 46 frames, Ron Jay 799 for 32; Jim Cassells 744 for 35; 'Dutch' Lugtenburg 655 for 32 and Gerry Bennett who saw very little action, 168 for 9. Bob despite considerable trouble, turned in a very good total of 1242 for his five game stint. Jay started out with a couple of dandy games, 316 and 305 but he became too deadly on the centre pin as did "Slinky" Casselis. The Bayview club was best served by Dick Brook 1264; Green 1242, for a well-earned victory. The team totals were, Bay- view Bowl 6139, Acadian Clean- ers 6065, Based on the results to date, the league is well-balanced and it will take a supreme effort by any of the clubs to make a playoff spot. This makes for the best of competition and Aca- dians will soon have to make a move upward in defence of their title. The standing: Peopies Credit Jewellers 11 pts; Aimco Auto- motive 11; . Anthony Lid, 11; Willow Bow! 11; Tuxedo Junc- tion 9; Plantation Bowl 9; Man. Life Ins. 9; Mowat Cartage 8; Bayview Bowl 7; Ace Bowling 7; Knob Hill Bowl 6; Acadian Cleaners 6; Aprile Lanes 6;) J. McGuinness 5; Motor City Lanes 3 and Bowlerama 2. Satunday's league play will take place at Aprile Lanes, when the Acadians will tangle with the Aprile entry. Pete Senchuk 1245 amd Bob SPORTS CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL Oshawa Civil Service League Championship Finals -- Thom: p> son's Plumbing vs Wood's Transport, at Alexandra Park, 8.00 p.m.; 3rd and deciding game of title series. Oshawa Minor Assoc, (Ki- watis Bantam Cham- pionship Finals) -- Storie Park and Sunnyside Park, at Radio Park, 5.45 p.m.; 3rd. and de- ciding game of title series. Oshawa Minor Assoc. (Midget League Round-Robin Playoffs)-- Connaught Park and Ni p.m.; sudden-death game, to de- cide right to meet Storie Park in League Championship finals. TUESDAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL ' Oshawa City and District Assoc. 'City Championship Fi- 1s" Scugog Cleaners vs Bad Boy's Appliance, at Alex- andra Park, 8.00 p.m.; 3rd game of 3-out-of-5 series, WRESTLING Exhibition of professional wrestling, three bouts, at Osh- awa Children's Arena, 8.45 p.m. Vancouver Youth Saturday night saw the Osh- awa and District Soccer Asso- ciation close the season, with the game between Italia and Rangers. They pla: the final of the Lancaster Cup competi had de eliminations George Cox whistled a fine game, with Bill Simpson and ipigon|Genry Ploeger on the touch Park, at Fernhill Park, 5.30|lines. The first 30 minutes of thirty-minute mark, For the rest of the first half, Rangers kept one goal ahead of the strong Italia team.A few good shots were fired, but the "keeper" or goalpost was always in the way. The: finst ten minutes of the! second half saw Herbert! »|Italia Sets World Mark secon Schmied] agd Angelo Bressan VANCOUVER (CP) -- Janejof Italia beat Gordon Kea in Hughes of Vancouver shattered |the Rangers' net. This put Italia the world record in the wom-|ahead with 2-1 and the game en's 880-yard freestyle Saturday|went up-and-down the field, for with a stunning time-trial per-|the rest of the game, with Her- formance of 9:57.1. bert Schmied! booting in his Miss Hughes, 16 - year - old|second and Italia's third goal. member of the Canadian Olym-| It is @ fact that Italia really pic team, chopped 14.3 seconds|W@s not up to the brilliant play off the 10:11.4 record estab-| lished in 1959 by Iisa Konrads of| DRESSEN SIGNS Australia. : DETROIT (AP) -- Detroit Coach Harold Firby of the Ca-|Tigers signed manager Charles nadian Olympic team said Miss|Dressen Saturday to a.new one- Hughes was alone in Vancou-|year contract Terms were not ver's Empire Pool and swim-|disclosed Dressen became Ti- ming without benefit of crowd|ger manager June 18, 1063, re- support. placing Bob Scheffing GAUGE AND GAME they sometimes show, but the Rangers players were not always on the bali themselves. However, the game, as far as quality is concerned, rated with any of the games played this season, Right after the game, Jim Gard, president of the ODSA, presented the desirable Lancas- ter Cup to the Italia captain, be put beside the other two cups the Italia club captured this year. This season, six clubs parttici- pated in the various competi- tions in the First Division. The final standings were as follows: LEAGUE STANDING W T L GR GA Pts, 6 Rangers 6 Ukrainia 5 Local 222 2 Hungaria was third place over to a better goal average. | The four top-scorers of this) season were: Adriano Didanielii, | 26 goals (Italia); John Van Hoof,| 16 goals (Rangers); Angelo) Bressan, 11 goals (Italia) and Frank Harwood, 9 goals (Thistles). | On October 24, a banquet will be held at the UAW Hall, to conclude the season and to offi- ciall, present the various tro- Adriano Didanielli. This one can: Italia Soccer Club © Wins Lancaster Cup, Climaxes '64 Season Afternoon Leagues Now Forming Oohawa Pasa Bd SEE OUR AD ON LADIES PAGE FOR DETAILS ae Duck Hunting In Comfort sisting all afternoon. Ofifcial starter, Gene Sorsoleifl, post- Second -- A, Willetts, National/a two-run homer in the firs t| Yacht Club; B, Willetts (crew).|inning to stake the winners to an the Blue Jay class. Fireflies, "Albacores and Flying Terns 'were other classes--represented in the fleet of 40 boats. An added salute to the OYC regatta was the Toronto-Oshawa race of the Lake Yacht Cruising Association. An overecast morning gave way to sunny skies and a brisk 10-15 mph breeze. The Royal Canadian Yacht Club commit- tee boat started the race from Toronto at 12 noon and began clocking them in around 4 p.m. Alex Oakley poned the start of the race for 15 minutes as the competitors hurriedly prepared for the day's racing. A wind shift during this time created a less favourable start- ing line, which the racing com- mittee was unable to correct before race time. CORBY TROPHY The Corby Trophy for annual Blue Jay competition at the OYC was presented to this year's winner by district company rep- resentative, Ross Murison. Mr. Murison noted that since its inception four years ago, this Third -- P. Switzer, OYC; M. Varcoe (crew). ALBACORE CLASS First -- Bill Holland, Balsom | Lake Sailing Club; Tom Reid) (crew). Second -- D. Pollack, | ABYC; F. Pollack (crew). Third) -- M. Brown, ABYC; C. Brown) (crew). FLYING TERN CLASS First -- J. Johnson, OYC-Jr.; | V. Lock (crew). Second -- T. Johnson, OYC-Jr.; N. Tisdale (crew). Third-- B. Wilson, OYC -Jr.; J. Pope (crew). TORONTO-OSHAWA YACHT CRUISE iif; early 2-0 lead. Gibbs and P. Froman stroked two singles each. George Obe, T. Dallaway and R. McCormick shared the other safeties. Jeff Stapleton 'smashed a double 'plus a single and drove in two runs to pace Oshawa's attack, Terry McKee, Mike Clapp, Gary Allison and Peter Murdoch * 1 one hit er ' | Clap, scored. twice a ovale three bases. T. McKee was an- other high-flying speedster with FOR MORE SPORT SEE PAGES 16-21 Hickey, rf, 2b in 2nd; Froman, $s; Papat, p, rf in 2nd; Dailla- way, c, rf in 6th; McConmick, cf; Robins, 3b; Corke, lf in 7th and. Kewley, 1b in 4th. OSHAWA --- Clapp, If; T, Mc- Kee, rf; D. McKee, ss; Staple- ton, 3b; Mitchell, 1b; Allison, rf; Murdoch, ¢c; Taylor, cf; 'five stolen bases. BRANTFORD -- St. Amand, Obe, 1b; Gibbs, p in 2nd; | Jubb, p; Elliott, 1b in 6th; Mor- ris, cf in 5th; Matthews, p in 7th and Miller, award has been won by Ron Playford of Frenchmen's Bay Yacht Club. Playord, who finish- ed first again this season, com- mitted a foul during the race and was protested out of it. This left the way open for young skipper Don Walton of Ash- bridge's Bay Yacht Club to claim the coveted award. Walton, who skippered a fine race with able assistance from crew R. Anderson, commented after that this was the first big win of his sailing career. The Oshawa club hosted a dance for all visiting sailors Saturday night. Presentations Easily Wins Kilo. Walk TORONTO (CP)--Alex Oak- ley, 35, of Oshawa, one of Can- ada's hopes for an Olympic gold medal in Tokyo next month, Sunday won a 25-kilom- eter walking race sponsored by the Toronto Gladstone Athletic Club. Oakley gave up a 15-minute handicap to the other four com- First boat to arrive -- "Ber-| nice" -- RCYC -- Ted Walker, skipper. Overall Winner: CCA, conrec- ted time--Molson Award. "'Car- ousel"-- Port Credit Yacht Club, Perry Connelly, skipper. Overall. Winner -- L.OR,.--cor- rected time -- Molson Award. "Snorkel Il'-- IYC, Harry Smith, skipper. NOHA Requests NHL Clubs Aid MOHAWK RACEWAY RESULTS FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile trot for 3-year-| Stakes,' 15-16 miles trot for d-yeer-olds! olds and up. Purse $600 (8). jand up. Purse $3,980 (6). | 4Flashy Chuck, Holmes 23.20 8.40 6.00) 2-C'dian Intrusion, Walker 4.40 2.50 2.20 7-Kintutiea, Ingies 3.70 3.70| SDanny A, Galbraith 2.60 2.2 1-Mr. Twist, Palmer 5.30| WA-Betsy Herbert, Herbert 2.90 Start good, won driving. Start good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: Worthy Blue, Amer-| Also Ran in Order: A--Replica Her- loan Pilot, Slade Hanover,DQ--Yankee! bert, DQ--Fanny Symbol, and Lullwater Titan, and Hassi | Frost DQ--Finished 6th, disqualified and placed| DQ--Finished 4th, disquatified and placed 7th for a lapped on break at the wire. | 5th for interference. QUINELLA, 2 AND &, PAID $9.30 SECOND RACE -- 54 Furlong pace for "olds and up. Purse $600 (8). SEVENTH RACH -- 1 Mile pace for 8Sioe Gin, Marchuk 8.70 4.60 3.20| year-olds and up. Purse $1,100 (7). SRpima Fraser, Varcoe 5.10 3.00) 6Lynden Mac, Webster 29.30 14.30 5.60 4Wilmington Belle, Filion 3.20) 2.Minor Joe, Hie 11.30 5.50 Start good, won drivi | 7-Plerre Herbert, Herb=-:--- 3.40} Also Ran in Order: Patriotic, Governor) Start good, won driving. petitors and won in two hours, three minutes, 15 seconds. Russ Clark, 22, of Oshawa was second in two hours, 21 minutes, 2.5 seconds and Jim Kiraly, 28, of Cobourg, Ont., was third. Oakley leayes for Japan Thursday witH the rest of the Canadian Olympic team. were made at the affair to the Cruising Association Yachtsmen. Awards and presentations were made to the following 'skip- pers: BLUE JAY CLASS Corby Trophy-- D. Walton, ABYC; R. Anderson (crew). Second -- N. Lawrence, OYC; Olympic Team | SUDBURY (CP) -- Pleas for the six National Hockey League |clubs to come to the assistance teams in world competition were heard during thé annual meeting of the Northern Ontario Hockey Association Saturday. WOODBINE RACE RESULTS Pat Patterson, president of the Ontario Hockey Associa- |\tiion, said the NHIL clubs should assist in sending a strong team 12._FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,900 claim- ids and up 6 furs (127 Also ran in order -- Royalatache and\to the Olympic Games. a_for- ei And~Max- lof Canadian amateur hockey) 5¢ Start good, |The QUINELLA, Good Old Mort and 2-Milator Dittfach 960 450 390|/Sea Bea Sea, Paid $14.00 12-Brietsin Shuk Silverman, mer president of the NOHA who coached a Sudbury team to the 0 280| Winner CH C by Promised Land --Blue Swords, | Trainer J C Meyer. Pool 48,222. Quinella Poo} 54,530. SAmbrose Gal Potts Also ran_in order -- Armadan, Miss/ Armedan, Feverzauber, Femme De Fury, Canted, Field Trial, Hash Boy, House Boy bak inner cre Vibra' Mil Me b # Winner for -- ie by)" "Peace Chance. ss | filles foaled in CDA 1 1-16 miles (10) Trainer R K Smith. Pool 61481 Double|! A-Lady Victoria Gomez 280 20 2 Pool 88,210. |3-Seariett O'Hera Rogers 320 340 |1A-Northern Queen Dittfach 380 230 .260 hy caer gh x Pr hr gr Werder = xpressed, Wally three year olds ui D iso ran in -- Ex , ri} r latte Victoria Gerden, Northern , 1340 870. 590| Serene Cathy, Lady Rhythm, and Coun- 17 0| nwctielte Fram ot | A-Wi is Fram ry Winner OK B on ted Victoria P --Lady Angela by Hyperion. Trainer P Richards, Poo! 110,084, SEVENTH RACE a Moy tf Nn ded "Seagram Cup Stakes sf on year olds and up foaled in CDA 1' miles Turf Course (11) 1-Galindo Harris 4Canebora Gomez 2-€ Day Laggivssngehst e Start good, won driv' claim-| Also ran in order -- Langerest, Albion Star, King Gorm, Latin Artitst Already Die, Royal Maple and fast answer Winner DK B or BR G by Consider 3nd --Texelia by Texas Sandman. Trainer A @ Smithers. Pool 131,997. |SIGHTH RACE -- Purse $5,000 handicap |three year olds 1 1-16 miles (6) pg 2 |$Runadir _ Dittfech 670 \3Plertou Fitzsimmons 320 270 queen DQ--Finished first but was disqualified and third ty yee Milator (2) and Nagnac 4 Paid 40 bates B G by Nagpuni -- Necklace by Khated. _ Trainer RK Smith. Pool 72,477. 2060 1350 730 40 wO THIRD. RACE -- Purse $2,400 three year olds and up 6 furs (7) 54 380 280 Bi Entry Avvinner CH G by Neau Max-Way Out .|world hockey championship, | 5" | said it was up to the NHL teams in and assist Canadian "It we send a team to the Olympics as we did last year I'm sure the pro teams would Doll, co-operate and not turn their prospects prof until after they returned from Eur- ope," Patterson said. Silverman went a step fur- ther and said: 'There is no reason why .each NHL team couldn' lend one player for a couple of weeks during the ee Olym- 2-Piain John Harris Dition, Cunny's Lou Yvke, Kayson Hal, | and Joliyrood Richard. DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 8, PAID $263.90 THIRD RACE -- | Mile frot for 3-year- olds and up, Purse $1,000 vi. at + +H: MacDuff, Hie 4, B is. : 6.60 5.20) 3.70 Start good, Also Ran In Order: MacDuff's Lassie, Cloyd Hanover, Riverdale Bob, and Lord Dean. pace for 8). 2 2 FOURTH RACE -- | Mile year-olds and up. Purse $700 ( 1-Chris Yeado, Habkirk 7.10 &Deep Run Grattan, McLean &-Hold The hive ge ht hea Stert good, won ving. Alse Ran in Order: Sliver's Boy, Argyel Patsy, Hieland Chief, Miss Star Magic, 'end-Gatie's-Jet- 2 x 50 30 0 80 2. $0 2. 3. FIFTH RACE -- 1 std ar for d-yeer- Start good, won driving, Also Ran in Order: Agete, Noble Argot, Mighty Midnight, Vernon's Star, and Harrigan, SIXTH RACH -- 'The Fort George Pict | OSHAWA'S ONLY Master Gunsmith 28 Years of Experience OTTO SCHWARTZ. 167 SinkedenYy. §. Coll 723-6921 repairs, telescope re-modeling uns, hand guns. New end used. Ammunition end ae- eessories. Goose Also Ran In Order: Single qi Walter Superior Dele, Tom Telly, and Het. RIGHTH RACE -- "The Jay Herbert', 1 mile pace for 3-year-clds and up, Jun- lor Invitation Handicap. Purse $2,000 (5). 5-Sonny Creed, Galbralin 5.60 3.50 2.30 4-Beverly Dillerd, Shea 3.40 2.60 2-Palermo, List 2.0 Start good, won driving. Also Ran in Order: Armbro sain" NINTH RACE -- | Mile pace for > year-olds and up. Purse $1,300 (7). 5-Karen Sota, McFadden 4.10 3.10 2. 7-Deep Run Danny, MoLean 40 3 tieet goods won ortvi ta , won driving. - Also Ran in Order: Dr. McGregor, Crystel_Hal, Fleetwood E Graten, Marky. és Late Can., Lochinver Duke, Tota| Poo! 206,314, Attendance 5,421, Prince Locust. UINELLA, § AND 4, PAID $14.20 2.90 Your Satisfaction Is Our Aim All Cars Car Our GUARANTEE KELLY DISNEY USED CARS Ltd. 1200 Dundas E. Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TE2MS DROP IN By KEN ROBERTS Hats off! Let's give the De- partment of Lands and Forests a real hand! Never in the history of hunt- ing regulation pamphlets has the government done such an excellent job of clearly defining aneas, bag limits, licenses re- quirements and general hunt- ing rules. This step, clarifying the pam- phiet, was sorely needed and now, we have it. These, as in the past, are available {rom nearly all sport stores, which should: alleviate the need of sending to the department. The. opening of the duck sea- son in the Central region was Saturday, the 26th. Although ducks have been opened to the north from the 15th on, when the Central district opens, duck hunting really hits high gear. Five per day, not more than one of which may be a canvas- back or redhead, or two of which, may be wood ducks. Possession limit ts twice the daily bag limit. On and after October 25, two additional scaup or goldeneye may be taken per day and four additional may be in possession. Mergansers are not counted in the daily bag or possession limit. This past week, weather con- ditions have not been the best for ducks, the slight warming _jtrend tends to retard their ad- Means Proper Clothing removed from the spirit of the hunt. But, bear one thing in mind going hunting is. not a matter of grabbing your gun and going. Care and prepara tion should go hand-in-hand and this applies especially to your choice of clothing. We always go by this adage-- "You can take off what you have, but you can't put on what you haven't got." For this first part of the season, things aren't really that critical, but as the season progresses, it can and does get mighty cold, - Try to achieve these points in your dress keep dry, warm, and relatively concealed. Keeping dry can be accomplish- ed by a rubberized coat while many oilcloths are available. Choosing a dark green or cam- ouflage color is invaluable from the standpoint of concealment. Feet, as usual, are a problem. Many aircell boots are on the market, These boots are rubber and quite warm and dry, and are excellent for standing still. However, to walk or run in these boots, your feet will soon perspire. Body warmth can be achieved through loose fitting woollen garments, that will create airspaces and insulate efficiently. Top off your outfit with wool socks and a reversible cap. The merits of a reversible cap are many, it can be worn red up when other hunters are near and: pose a threat. Or, it can .|be. green or tan up, to give you -lexcellent concealment when the danger of fellow hunters is not present. Good Luck! -- and be sure of } - in an accident caused by an uninsured or your targte! FRONTEND SPECIAL $9.95 MOST CARS Start good, won driving é ran inorder -- Canaditiis, Peter Le Grand and KY.Quilt Winner cH ¢ by Nadir --Brown Sedge in. 'Total Attendance 17 days --144,453. Total Mutuel Handie 17 days $8,734,497. | Alibhal. Ona F H Merril Jr. Pool 99,579, HH RACE -- Purse $2,700 aliow- biged and four year olds 1 1-16 7 90 240 470 20 20 =|" HILLBILLIES vs' TOLOS... TUES., SEPT, 29th----8:45 P.M.--OSHAWA ARENA Start good, won easily 'Also Ran in order -- Fabison, my Vel- 'entine, Shere Khen end A-Lat'n Bid A€8B and T & King Entry anon a ye i peel i vie ar B Kalensiy. Poot 103,602. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 silowan- ces two year olds foaled in COA one mile 'end 70 yerds (5) RAY VILLMER E : vs if HANS . SCHMIDT (LYONS) BILLY RED LYONS LEIPLER DIAL 723-9721 TICKETS FOR THESE EXHIBITIONS AT THE CASINO REST. - 180 - 125 - 75 = PAT MILOSH PROMOTER O.H.A. JR. "A" HOCKEY ®@ First Exhibition Game © OSHAWA GENERALS vs TORONTO MARLBOROS (MEMORIAL CUP WINNERS) WED, SEPT. 30,8 PM. anville Community Arena Tickets Now On Sale at the Locations: @ 'JIM BISHOP SPORTING GOODS, 151 King East, Oshawa @ BOLAHOOD SPORTSHAVEN © BOWMANVILLE ARENA BO: , 61 King East, Oshawa X OFFICE. Phone For Appointment © SET TOE-IN © SET TOE-OUT @ SET CAMBER @ SET CASTER © ADJUST STEERING BOX % Repack Front Wheel Bearings BRAKE 10 ADJUSTMENT $1 ur y GENERAL TIRE OF OSHAWA 534 RITSON RD. S. 728-6221 hit-and-run driver? The Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund pays. The fund is set up to protect you against loss in such accidents. It assumes the liability of the uninsured and unknown driver, For any one accident you can collect from the fund up to a limit of $35,000 in damages. The uninsured driver will arrange te repay the fund--or face suspension of his licence until he does! Every motor vehicle owner in Ontario is required by law to show proof of automobile liability insur- ance or pay a $20 fee to the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund. This fee is not an insurance It provides no protection whatever. If at any time his automobile liability insurance is cancelled or lapses, he must immediately pay the $20 fee, or face a fine of up to $500! The wisest course for any Ontarie motorist is to make sure he is adequately covered by | automobile liability insurance. For further information, mail the coupon below. ©o is t of T: Pp rt Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2 Please send me complete information on the MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT CLAIMS FUND cIrr. | Ontario Department of Transport Hon. Irwin Haskett, Minister

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