Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3703 Jury Awards $16,000 To Failing to Accident Victim jduced showing that Wilson suf-;mate of his loss of earnings fered a '"'whip-lash" injury to|was in excess of $53,000. his neck in the crash. | Counsel for Wilson asserted The injury, the doctors said,jthat Owles should have seen Jcaused severe pain in the head|the sign. for a prolonged period of time; Counsel for the trucking com- and the pain caused Beran por said that the truck was upset,' and "severehdepression gaily parked, and introduced necessitating extensive medical|evidence claiming that the sign treatment including treatment|could, in fact, be seen by a aaa, chartered account eg -- é , a e! -|section. ant, said that the severe head-| The six-man jury found Owles ache and pw errau kept him eo ing! in the from full pr 'ive work forja ent and set the compen- 'more than a year, and that helsation to the injured Wilson at suffered financially because of} Mr. Justice D. G. Stewart his inability to keep up his endlexplained the points of law of the partnership. which atose at the three-day He submitted that a fair esti-itrial. -land his partner in business had) $16,227.05. jong aN a | SOCIAL NEWS AND ITEMS The Thomins Committee for the New Democratic Party in this riding held their first sep- eral membership meeting, Nok. y . 14 in the Canadian of the committee, opened the meeting with a géneral welcome to the ladies, and gave a short talk on events leading up to jthe meeting. Larry Deschenes, President of \the New Democrats in this rid- jing, was then called upon by|than |Mins. Bnooks to say a few words jand intraduce the guest speak- jer, for the evening, Miss Eva |Latham. 'Director of Thomins' Affairs for the New Democratic Party from Ottawa. | Miss Latham wais appointed director in 1962. This appoint- ment reflects the strong cénvic- tion of the pamty's executive, lthat women form an important |section of Canadian opinion, and must be given every encourage ment to play a full role in pub- lie affairs. Since her appointment Miss Latham has onganized and met with Thomins groups al] across "Whitby New jReg Molyneux and Mrs, Jack 'Young. Fioral committee, Mrs. Ross Brown; group leaders, Mrs. Garfield Munson, Mrs. Dale Mil- burn, Mrs. Ross Quint and Mis. George Tracy. Speaker for the ing, Rev. Delos. Scott, gave as his topic "Why Missions?" He had three reasons: finst, 'Jesus said so" as in Matthew chapter 28; sec- ond, 'Tremendous needs'; third, "Brevity of Times" (later you think). Rey. Scott closed in prayer and was thanked by new presi- dent, Mrs. Fallow. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ed. Abhamoff, Mrs. William MacDonald and Mrs. Charles Milburn, The next genenal meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 15; wor! i: meeting, Oct. UCW UNIT 7 St. Mark's United Chunch Women, Unit 7, held its month- ly meeting at the church hail. Leader Mrs.. Tom Farndale welcomed President of UCW, Mrs. H. T. Fallaise and all members, She then opened the meeting with a poem entitled dent,-Doris Ames; First Vice President, Bette Griffin; sec- ond Vice President, Mary Ellen Polak; secretary, Beth Cour- tice; treasurer, Jess McFadden; registrar, Dorothy Fairley; Dir- ectors, June Webster, Marg Richards; Bulletin editor, Doris Goddard Kinettes were happy to wel- come Kinette Marty Heatn, who moved to Ottawa during -- her term as President, She was presented with her Past Presi- dent pin and plaque by Presi- dent, Marie Hill. REBEKAH LODGE The meeting of Benevolent Rebekah Lodge was held in the Lodge Hall, Wednesday, Sept. 116. The meeting was brought to jorder by Noble Grand Sister |Gwen , assisted by Vice Grand Sister Wanda Tizzard. |The voll was called with four lofficers absent. There were no visitors, The Charter was then drapped in memory of one of the local members, Brother George Whitelaw. The minutes of the last meet- ling were read, Vice Grand read lher visiting report. Members Lunch was then gerved under the convenership of Sister Lattie cake and happy birthday was suhg. The cake was donated by Sisters Jean Wickett and Doro- thy Adair. sters who are on the Guard of Honor are reminded of the practice and the next hoped to see more members aml visitors in attendance. UCW UNIT 6 . St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 6 met in the Church parlor Thursday, Sept. 17 at 8 o'clock, Mrs. W. R, Scott, welcomed the members. Mrs. Roy Mollon played. quiet music for medita- tion. Mrs. Ralph Crawford and Miss Roxena Ledgett conducted the worship service. All reports Wére read and approved. Mrs. W. R. Scott presided over the business portion of the meeting. The thanks - offering sep meeting will be held . 6 at 8 o'clock in the Church ~ Plaskitt and committee Sister Lattie then cut her birthday gular meeting be held Thitsday, Oct. 15. night, October 7 at 8 p.m. It is THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 25, 1964 5 Democrat Ladies Form Group Lodge closed in regular form.;was wili|Canadian Legion Hall at 8 p. with general conveners Anderson and Mrs. Mrs, Alex .Igram, Regent,|day, Sept. 25 at 2:30 p.m. opened the meeting emd wel-'home of Mrs. George RED WING ORCHARDS FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLE ROADSIDE MARKET OPEN Thursday and Friday 1 p.m. -- 8 p.m. over Darras eit We tee, lwish all the sick and shut-ins a/hall. Unit No. 6 will have charge tember "vated West | Geri by Ma peniod brie aly recovery and expressed|of the worship service. | at guests of tha SPD Gan intent Jat, GRU OR ee etter Gut soon again.) "Mrs, Gordon White distribu- attended the conference of the}; e group with a nead-| Sister Isobell Saunders tead)teq thankoffering envelopes. | International Council of Social|®& Called "When We Reallyinepart from the Assembly. AlMiss Ledgett and Mrs. Gordon Democratic Women in Amster- moet by Rev. E. Gtlmore|heanty vote of thanks was -- White were in charge of the| Owles said that his vision of jdam. it wes Gochded to acld @ bake uit done. Sister" Joon. Mace| Osram Wess & tbe Fecendiag] a stop sign was blocked by a By CLIFF GORDON jmade three saves for every soft} Her speech was on organiza-| sale Friday Sept. 25 at 2 p.m. pond the whigerty report | potato chip truck which was| Tonight is the night they crown one he let in. tion of women's groups, Thelat the old A end P Store, Brock|" It was decided that the Re- A 7 l D f d parked at the intersection|the Mann Cup Champions, The) At time of writing it is not|Thomins' need in political activ-|stneet north with. Unit 10 assist-|bckahs would hold the usual nimal Vetenders | to the sign. question by thousands of fans|known if Don Onaggs, who has|ity and their various ventures) ing Unit 7. night of card games for the win- hens " Wilson started * oo in this anea is: "Wiil it wl been out of action for the entire|in different parts of the country! Mrs, Fallaise thanked thel tor months, second: and fourth Sponsor Big Red against Owles and Owles in'Vancouver Carling defending|series so far, will be back in ac-|was an inspiration to all pres-| i i i f soh i _ turn filed suit against the|champs who take the bows orj|tion or not. If not it is to be ent. 2 gg ER ga ithe Metin pee | -- commencing Oct, _ The Animal Defenders Club, a Humpty - Dumpty C0 m pany|will it be the gailant Brooklin}hoped that Brooklin will be| Miss Latham was thanked by|closed with Benediction Chetan inedestioli were then|Junior version of the SPCA, are whose truck, he said, blocked |team, making their fimst bid for|allowed a replacement for him,|Mrs. Bmooks for taking time| A work period followed with| read Invitations to other Lodges| SPonsoning & special showing of his view and caused the acci-|the big cup?" preferably a defenceman with|fnom her busy schedule to be|the indies cutting out patches|in this district for ins eet Paey peoeon, Se | he brooklin team coming out|some color and one who is not|present, Miss Betty Steffler pre-|and patterns for quilts. This is|of Officers for the term 1064-65. Red' at the All Saints' Parish) Medical evidence was intto-\o¢ the smallest town in. the|afnaid to shove some of these!sented her with a gift in appre-|for welfare work. " {Several members will.go to Ajax | 4#ll -- ---- =| vorld with a Sr. Lacrosse oiub/200-pound Carlings lads out Of ciation. | Lunch was served by dct. 6. Sunshine Re-| A few tickets ere still evail-) able to the performance. Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m, -- 8 p.m. 21/, MILES WEST OF WHITBY ON No, 2 ' Highway at "The Big Red Apples" Best In 'Mann fi, te" wae "os Decided Tonight vehicle. TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY 1964 TAXES THE SECOND AND LAST INSTALMENT Is Due on or Before THURSDAY, OCTOBER Ist, 1964 These Taxes May Be Paid at THE TOWNSHIP OFFICE COLUMBUS, ONTARIO OR AT THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, 27 SIMCOE ST, NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Penalties Will Be Added To Unpaid Second Instalments After October 2nd, 1964 Mrs. | Tuesday, 1 have come a long way. They|the way. | It was decided that the next | Howamd Elliott's group, The|bekah Lodge will hold a Bazaar rs. 1¢ 0 {woo the league championship! The Vancouver team aie reall meeting will be held Tuesday,/next meeting will be held Oct./Sept. 23 at the Masonic Temple, | for the second year in a row.|pros when it comes to the chip/Oct. 6 and that lettens would be/19 instead of the regular date/Centre street, Oshawa. Tea and | Then they had to take seven) games. |sent out to this effect. due to the holiday weekend of|dessert will be served from 1 One-Sto raws ays games to oust the St, Catharines) They have been around along) 'The meeting was adjourned| Thanksgiving. Ip.ra, All are welcome, Pp Athletics and the same feat|time and will be damn tough to al Poder new business, tie Of: 7 inals agai jand a tasty finch was then/ PARENTS' AUXILIARY | ns eet, t |took place in the finals against/peat come game time tonight. Al served | zN Y iticers for the ensuin; wee or De elt |the Brampton Sealltests. S0|iot of the pressure is off them) om | 'Members of the Parents' AUX-|siected. Statens the lseven game series are nothing/now.and the same amount is on|MISSIONARY SOCIETY jlliary held a meeting Friday, Lodge for birthday and anniver- SHOP Mrs, Mildred Nichol, who lastinew to the Brooklin team. ~ |the Brooklin team. It is not easy| Faith Baptist Church Wom-|Sept. 18 at the Grey Sisters Con-|sary cans received, happy week was convicted before! One thing we do feel however,'to come up after dropping twolen's Missionary Society held its| Vent. pirthday being sung to Sister|] © Wallpaper end Murals Judge Alex Hall of the theft of|;, that' the Brooklin team who|in a row, but we feel that this/finst meeting of the season| President Ed. Dochuk chaired) viel Smith. Penny Drill for|] © Custom Draperles two hospital beds valued at/naye fad a good look at the|Brooklin team can do it if they/Thunsday evening at the church|the meeting which opened with] owors' fund completed the ll © CLL. Pointe end Varnishes || under $50, was sentenced Tues-\\fann Cup, will have to come up|play the brand of lacrosse that|auditorium. The meeting open-/Prayer. During the meeting) vening © Broadl de day to 30 days in the County) ih @ much improved game on|has canried them this far. ed with a hymn, followed by|Mans were made for the finst © Netlenn Otters Petite Jail. Friday night or they will be run-| They will have to run, nun and|Prayer, roll call and the treas-|Seneral meeting to be held Wed- ze lorizer Pain | : jnesday, Sept. 23 at 8 p.m.- at Ss E DODD & SOUTER Sentencing her, Judge Halll) parc .ip In if th ing|Urer's neport. said he had given considenable|"°' |run more, if they hope to bring E . the Dennis O'Connor High| cae ae te | School. | Decor Centre Ltd. There wene a number Of/that coveted trophy to the East thought to the matter of punieh-| ings that cost them the ball|whare it has not rested for sey-|committee, Mrs. Dale Milbum) Following the meeting a Pos ment. Thirty days, he thought, was @ just sentence, *Mrs. Nichol had pleaded not guilty to the charge. The beds were stolen from the Rouge Hills Nursing Home at Picker- ing which Mrs. Nichol had rent- ed from a Mrs. Eva Davis. WHITBY |game on Wednesday night. Sure|eral years. it is easy to sit back and second! jt is the opinion of this writer, guess now that the damage iS/and 1 am ure of eveny true fla- done. But we have that privilege| onosse-blooded Bnooklin fan that in our job, The defensive work) our fellows have a good chance of some of the local players WaS/of winning. It has been a long, next to nil. At least four goalls|hard season for the players as on Wednesday night were @s @ i result of poor checking around the local goal. A couple of the¢ forwards might better have was assisted by (Mirs. William MacDonald for the election of officers as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. Delos Scott; president, Mos. Florence Fallow; vice-president, ich; assistant secre- tamy, Mrs. William Wilde; treas. urer, Mrs. Jim Shearer; pian- | KINETTES roast will be held. All paments of pupils attending the Denis O'Connor High School are urged to attend. The meeting closed with pnay- er. Refreshments were served by Sister Anna Clare, On Sept. 14 Kinette Club of Ajax met with Kinsmen Club SECURE GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 512% for 5 Years 514% for 3 or 4 Years 434% for 1 or 2 Years Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby M. Wm, GOLDIE, TAX COLLECTOR. VICTORIA BETTER BUYS! BIG PERSONALS Recently District Deputy James Smyth of District No. Knights of Columbus tgavelied to Coboung to install the officens stayed home in bed the way they ran and checked in the final two periods. Sure some of : 'Well Baker let) ¢p, big bubble now, when it breaks let's make sure the stans fall the Mann Cup, So, are ail mighty proud of you it is today, It is all just like alist, Mrs. Paul Dale; also Mris./for joint installation of their Joyce Dzikewick; Missionary convener, Mrs, Chatles Mil- burn; social conveners, Mrs. Ed. Abramoff and Mins. Rose- mary Clarke; commit- tee, Mins. William ld, Officers. The ceremony was conducted at Ajax Community Centre by Kinsmen Deputy Governor Harry Hudson. Officers of Kinette Club for and GREY TRUST '|Mrs. Bowyer Philip, Mrs. Sid]1964-65 are as follows: Presi.| 208 PUNDAS SUREET W. Wade; sewing conveners, Mrs.|dent, Marie Hill; Past Presi- Knights of Columbus. Accom- G Mrs. Leo Steffler. panying him were District War- den Morgan O'Connor and staft|Light ooo gaa were served from Whitby Council Knights of|by the . Columbus, comprising ge Mr. and Mrs. George. Robert- Ron Norrish and Dave McGin- 4etorta, British Colum- nis of Ajax and Harold Watters ne pipe one at the home of and Past Grand Knight Frank) ye' and Mrs. William Holley, Canzi of Whitby. 712 Dundas street --_ Pile = 5 Fi { High $c) An executive meeting for) sttoliing up town on members of Viscount Green-|Imitiation Day Mr. pee ep haga wood Chapter IODE is beingjhad a | greens re trend held Friday, Sept. 25 at 2.30/Grade 9 student. -- agg p.m. at the home of Mrs,|ness of Whitby orci oe yyy " to our visitors Mr. Geergs Aaserees yet was taken a little Mr. and Mrs, Andy Sym of|aback by this certain proposall, Piymouth, Michigan, spent a Young People! few dais visiting at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Richard Bonsall, 414 Dovedale Drive --ARE YOU IN Meaford, visited friends in TROUBLE? Whitby and Pickering on Tues-/] DISTRESSED ABOUT day, | YOUR FUTURE? Mr, and Mis. G, ©, Roddis] --DO YOU HAVE and family, King street, spent|| PROBLEMS TOO "Jast. weekend visiting his DIFFICULT TO SOLVE |) mother, Mrs, Louis Roddis of BY YOURSELF? | London. : 2 1 A minister with uch exper- |] Miss Katherine Roddis has re-|[ ience in helping teen-agers |} turned to Kitchener to resume | would like to help you and pray her teaching duties for you. CALL 668-5772 or 668-4611 DAY OR NIGHT We also have a Imited number 7 of copies of the book "THE CROSS AND of the Father Duffy Council © 4. pineau, Mrs. Harold Forbes and MUFFLERS INSTALLED for Chevrolet '55 to '64 ONLY « « .. 5.98 (Clamps Extra) LAWN CHAIRS | LOUNGE CHAIRS Sturdy Construction Mrs. Clare Jones, formerly of Pickering and now residing at Regular Canadian Tire Price . ... 16,99 Regular Canadian Tire Price 9.95 CLEAROUT 7.66 cLEAROUT 12.75 Duck Decoys cin. 119 TIRES | CAMERAS Tube Type with film 750/14 -- 670/15 TO CLEAR Ony 698] 1.49 Gale and Gary, twin children of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bonchuk, recently celebrated their 11th, birthdays. Their friends wish) them both belated happy birth- das { Miss Gretta Barker accom- pamied friends on a motor trip to Buffalo, New York THE SWITCHBLADE" Mrs. James Smyth, 906 Henry} The story of thé work of REV. street opened her home to the|| WILKERSON -- among New members of St. John the Evan-|] York's Teen Gangs. gelist "Traveling Bridge and Free to you to help you Euchre Club'. Present were: BROCK. Evenings Shows at 6:55 and 8:20 | WHITBY LAST Sate SHOW AT 8:20 4 A time and a place for a Pilsener The time is when you're just standing around. - : The place is out in the kitchen. The talk is for men. And the beer is Pilsener, It's the lively lager from Labatt's. Get Labatt's Pilsener Beer. EDUGH Labatis BEER ' NS ASSOCIATE STORE ? GERALD BECK LIMITED 311 BROCK ST. N. PHONE 668-5828 Y PILSENER _| ENJOY CANADIAN PRO FOOTBALL ON TV -- BROUGHT TO YOU BY LABATT'S WHITBY -

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