Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1964, p. 5

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' £ aan : Se THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Youth Program Is B Council Will rete Whitby At St. John Evangelist Brass Bands Whitby's St. John the Evan-|be a skating party Noy, 12, and gelist Catholic Church has tion organized, and is . . Dec. bd Raggaeeey argh iiitby Town Council is to for- wide experience in organizing| Ra. Band paying sate nee two groups oriented to the younger segment of the parish. with young people, plans t0 im-iwanning efforts at the : S al Canadian the National Exhibition. Father Owen Cochrane, who "They are a credit to the! was transferred here recently ¢ "void" fe S ~ CORNER = on roe a ae, O'Connor Panents' Auxiliary: from St. Benedicts in Rexdale, has undertaken the i on of| with 'The Salesian Guild' for 18-and- over people, and a Catholic Youth Onganization for the 14- to-18-year-olds. league among the group, and is The purpose of the Salesian|hopeful that young Guild (named for St. Francis|will take part in the latter de Sales), Father Cochrane ex- i ual, intellectual and social pro- 103 BYRON ST. S. gram,"" ; The first venture by this AWAITS MAILBOXES group~will be a dance Thurs-| INGERSOLL, Ont. (CP)--The day evening at St. John's Par-|postmaster's office here has ish Hall; on Oct. 8, they will/completed its planning for door- hold a Hootenanny and corn|to-door mail service. Now it roast. A discussion period on|must wait until 80 per cent of submitted topics will households have. numbers and activity, - . ' plained, is to Cath-| The CYO will hold dances on occupy | hou: proceedings Oct. 22. There will! mailboxes. Harris Gets 2 More Yrs. In The Pen Ronald Harris racked up criminal convictions 10 and 11 here yesterday, and ran his present stint in penitentiary to four years. Harris, 29, and Ronald Clarke, both of Whitby were sentenced on charges of break, enter and theft, and of stolen goods by Magistrate Harry Jermyn. Clarke, who had only. three 'previous convictions, was given a year definite, and six months indeterminate in reformatory. Harris, who was convicted of robbery with violence here Sept 1, was given a year on each count. The sentences Will run pone pupae to time now being WHITBY And DISTRICT Drunk Drivers 'Amateur Lawyer Will Be Sory 'Irks Mr Affleck cupied eight out of 23 positions! ' on the count docket yesterday.| Attempts to defend himself in| Before he (Debney) finished Magistrate Harry JermyNla lawyer-like manner brought|saying 'No, only on a con- disgust and concern at|a Pickering contractor under the|structional basis," Mr. Affleck and wamed that he might)/fire of a real lawyer, Crown|was on his feet. have to start viewing| Attorney Bruce Affleck. "That is completely inrele- a little differently' im) Donald McIntosh, of Wes t)vant," he said. "No one is in- the boozing auto-/Rouge, and president of a hold-|tenested in what arrangements * ing company was charged) you made with others." -- in regard to both|undér the Master-and-Servants| McIntosh was attempting to and care-and-con-jact by Lawrence Fleury of/establish to the court that he ; in position or|Ajax, and appeared in court/never hined on an hourly Vasis: to be driven with the/here yesterday. a have never done any hir- inside) has been flaunt-| Magistrate Harry Jermyn,|s, except by byeiag "a Pi re frequently in the|aiso obviously irritated by Mc-|he began to explain. op vg ontihs of this year |}intosh's courtroom demeanor,|2nd another = = os any other time in his- eave him three days to pay|ttis home "'drun ema . ee eng money." te ripe eMac --" The Crown stopped him in Cynil Young, who stole a tran- "4 , so will be| Mid-sentence, 'sistor radio from his nearest Wi doce eg His, Wor-| 'That is inrelevent, inadmiss-/nearest neighbor, and who ship warned. "I should place ajable, and immaterial," he yell-/Pleaded guilty to this Sept. 15, fine on someone who is such ajed. "You better hire a lawyer) Was given six months definite nuisance to the court." if you have any future dealings |and three months indefinite in McIntosh faces 10 days in/with this court. |Teformatory, jail should he fail to comply) "Or you better stick to the| He was convicted last week of with the court's ruling. facts."' | taking the radio from the home| Fleury claimed he had put} McIntosh, at Mr. Affleck's |f Harold Rowley, 1000 Byron | admitted owing the|Street south after breaking in.| peor 24, lived at 1001 Byron Tel. 668-3703 | Requirements STAFFORD BROS, " LTD, MONUMENTS . 318 DUNDAS EAST § WHITBY basketball and badminton it if bring young olics into social contact with|a regular basis every second their fellows, and maintain this|Sunday at the High School. contact. Athletic activities will be d in the Gym every i " | The Guild, he st d, is not|SP merely a social club, but an|Saturday morning. instrument to fill the "void" for| Both of these will be run with g the assistance of the Denis i i ie if SIX-MONTH SENTENCE > rs eee ee eed WHITBY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD And Its Advisory Vocation Committee ANNOUNCES REGISTRATION FOR NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES Thurs. Sept. 24th and Tues, Sept, 29th 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. HAVERSACKS | Heavy duty duck, should- er straps. Reg. 1.49, NOW ie 97° HUNTING VESTS Waterproof fabric, complete with shell pocket and utility pocket, Red or Green, Reg. 4.95. 997 OUR PRICE .. GUN CASES Padded, waterproof. Reg. 4.95, : 2.97 OUR PRICE .. FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES Leak proof, tong life, heevy duty, * 'speciaL re 97° Classes will be formed in the ¢ourses for which there hes been sufficient advance registration @ MILLINERY @ OIL PAINTING e SHORTHAND e TYPE- WRITING @ BUSINESS MACHINES e@ BOOKKEEPING @ CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH e ENGLISH FOR NEW CANADIANS @ DRAFTING e@ ELEMENTARY AUTO MECH- ANICS e INTERMEDIATE AUTO MECHANICS e@ CAR- PENTRY @ WELDING e ELECTRICITY @ ELECTRONICS @ MACHINE SHOP @ SEWING e INTERIOR DECORATING @ PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR WOMEN e PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR MEN REGISTRATION FEE $10.00 A material fee is charged for some courses, Most classes will be held one night per week for a two or three hour period. REGISTRATION AT HENDERSON HIGH SCHOOL -- WHITBY By CLIFF GORDON | cluded getting Tonight could be one of the} that cost five goal biggest nights in the lives of the) ern "Brewery Boys ve, each or 1 dozen POWERFUL | INSULATED BEAM | H ; unting Boots LANTERN Steel mat ae slip sole. Reg. 9.95 6.97 Reg. 9.95 5.97 _OUR PRICE eee OUR PRICE... ELDON Eich-A-Sketch | Racing Car Set ° Minor Lacrosse Playoffs Here On Thursday * 'Whitby Minor Lacrosse Asso- sciation Playoffs begin Thursday : put} night in the Whitby Arena. --_|in some 64 howrs in the employ| gomand The Bulldogs take on the|of Mcintosh on two projects. He} money to Fleury, Ramblers at 6 p.m. in novice|had been ony Siped te of -- South action. At 7 the Peewee series|work, at $2.50 per hour, but) -------- gre opens with the Darts taking on) was refused the remainder. | PERSONALS | JAPAN SEEKS MARKETS the Stingrays. Picci ton or ogg ot | TORONTO (CP)--Japan's six| In an exhibition game at SiGeorge Debney, on We ston'-| Mrs. Charles Gill of Brock/largest cities will display metal pam., the Whitby Bantams willjand asked tint if gh evr |street south, left hurriedly for|paper, bamboo, wood and glass tangle with their Osltawa oppo-|worked hourly for his COM-|Fngland Sunday on receiving|produots here to show ih abait nents of the same class. Dene: jnews of the sudden death of her|ties and attempt to gain a | mother, Mrs. Robert Cook. Mrs.|greater share of the Canadian | Gill will ttend the funeral, and/consumer market. IF BROOKLIN WINS | then spend some time, possibly . a month, with her father and ie in Sept. 24 at 4 o'clock. This is to i L . bd feromy fi Lonten jenable the kindergarten moth-| Ol l lg Ou a Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lee, 334/ers to get acquainted and also| : | Dovedale drive, Whitby, have) to have the opportunity to meet] opened their home for inter-)the kindergarten teacher. Mrs. denominational' prayer meet-/D. J. Delaney. Conveners for| oS I l dal l ' jings. All who are interested in| the tea ame Mrs. William Cor-| "ja deeper life are wggoug ¥ mack and Mrs. Alex Pearce. | on alties} attend. The meetings are he! ov Ttokee arent ouek evening at 8 p.m. except) Mr. and Mrs. Alfred King and oe lan Napanee wen Ol j "not| Rev. G. A. Greaitonax -/ , ' e Brooklin Sr. Lacrosse players./be fooled with. They have Not | oor |home of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence They now stand on the threshold/ won the Mann cup two years in! J Blackburn, 113 Bell dri of winning the world's most|a row by just drinking the right' Mr, and Mrs. Donald Estes of| ae : coveted trophy in Senior La-/kind of 'Refresher' or Wearing) Otis, Oregon, have been yisit-|_ Dennis O Connor high School | crosse, the Mang Cup. |the right sweaters. They have) ing for the past week with teir/Parents Auxiliary, following | The Brooklin team have been; Plenty of spunk, and know how.| cousin, Mrs. Norman Wood, RR} their first general meeting of | in the underdogs role all year.|how. 12, Whitby. Wednesday, Sept. 23, will hold a | They lost 11 players to Peter-| We are- not™-taking anything! zi ee ,./ Com. roast. In charge will be! borough's new entry, the Speedy|away from the Brooklin team.) Faith Baptist Church Women's) Mrs, Carl Parise and Mrs. R. T. Erns, and this (it was said)/They are a fine team. They| Missionary Society will senna' an' Hughes, Ed Dochuk will be pre- made the local team good for|have added what they feel is the econ yee oe Siding over the meeting. All par- about a fourth place finish. How-| best that can be had in the East, | Sept. mS pm. ' Be. ne ents of Denis O'Connor High ever this was not the case. Man-|and from the record in scoring| Fallow, president, will chair the School students are invited to ager Art Morton along with his|we feel that the pickups have|meeting. attend. | coach Ken Crawford and assist-|well warranted the 'local de-| yathieen Rowe 'Home and ant coach Bill Vipond whipped cisions. School Association is holding all their charges eg re eee | We chatted with Bill Vipond, | kindergarten tea, Thursday ship team. piay' assistant coach and president of = came, It was a gruelling series the Brooklin team last night aid One of the most modern educa- with St. Kitts im whicti the locals) he had this to say: "We should fought back after trailing 3-2 to|come up with a big game Wed- cap a tremendous driye, Then) nesday, I feel our fellows were One-Stop GORDON OSBORNE tional toys. Hours of fun for the young and old. Reg, 4.98. J Complete with power pok, cars, track and high speed rpass. Reg. 24.95, Wit DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper end Murels Custom Draperies © CLL. Paints end Varnishes © Broadioom end Rugs @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby that hectic Brampton series| over-confident in Monday night's came along. Brooklin cakewailk-| came, Also we really missed ed to a 3-0 lead and were shoo-| Larry Ferguson on that big line. | ins for the title; But Brampton| Avan was not nearly as effect-| had other ideas. They fought! ive without him. Also the Brook-| ~ back and tied the score before/ jin defence did not look good on xe bowing out in grand style to the! a number of occasions." Brooklin team. Then) sq there you have it, fellows. | came the Mann Cup. The big game is here in the| Brookii heavy. under-|_ d , dogs in tis etleie ton. They did, | Whitby arena tonight, let's not however, win the first two|M@Xe any mistakes. games much to the amazement) of the so-called experts. \ But the Beer Boys rebounded with a win in the Liftlock City of Peter- borough. Brooklin came right back the following night to hand the Westerners the worst defeat of the series. Monday night was a different game again. The Western team got all the bounce as they played inspired lacrosse. They capitalized on the) Brooklin mistakes which in- SURE REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 Dorothy Melrose -- Nick Van Den Broek Clare Shank -- Ike Perry SPECIAL 16.97 ry LIMITED QUANTITY AMAZON Sword Plants Reg. 2.00 SPECIAL 97° mee 3.37 Tropical Fish Specials Neons, Zebras, Green Swords ond Fancy Guppies. 3 for 97¢ WHITBY NEAR SEPARATE AND PUBLIC SCHOOL On close in Warden Wilson Avenue with 65' x 135' lot, forced air oil heating! 4 piece bath ond 2 piece wash room, very impressive recreation room ond extra bedroom in basement. The other 3 bedrooms are a foir size, the bathroom hos the proper ceramic tile finish and the decoration is clean and oppealing. The exterior of the home needs some imagination but the possibilities ore interesting. Full price $14,500. Inspect ond make your offer for @ quick sale, FARTHEST NORTH } Point Barrow, Alaska, is the northernmost point in' the United States, BROCK - Whitby -- STAINLESS STEEL . Aquariums 51 gallon size. Reg. 7.95, OUR PRICE ... 4,97 STYRAFOAM COOLER 3 sizes, keeps ice upto 48 hrs. Reg. up to 5.95. 2.29 OUR PRICE .... Pump & Filter Sets Fully guaranteed motor, com- plete with charcoal, glass wool oe 700 eg. 7.0U. OUR PRICE tees 5.98 HOCKEY GLOVES 4 roll knuckle, fibre cuff, oll leather, full sizes, 8.97 Reg. 16.95. OUR PRICE .. ~~, Evening Shows ot 7 and 9 p.m. Feature Starts at 7 and 9:20 p.m. BUILDING LOT iN WHITBY $2950 50 ft. lot x 143' on residential Street in Town. Buy now and build before next spring. prices go up EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR FAMILY HOME On Palace Street, Whitby, walking distance to centre of town for the whole family, 3 spacious bedrooms, dining room, living room and a roomy kitchen. This larger modern brick home with 60' x 142' lot may be just what you are looking for with recreation room In basement ond other interesting features. Full price $14,900 with e@round $3,000 down poyment. GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 512% for 5 Years 514% for 3 or 4 Years 434% for 1 or 2 Years VICTORIA lt! -- TRUST] TROUGHTON MEATS 308 wus sreeer wW. 104 LUPIN DRIVE BLAIR PARK PLAZA TRADE OR SELL -- $15,900 ee Ge eS Gee Gree cote seers Try Our New Budget Freezer Plan Nothing Down - 6 Months to Pay Red and Blue Brand BOYS' . Rugby Helmets Reg. to 4.95 OUR PRICE ALL HOUSE & GIFTWARE % PRICE TRANSPARENT _-- Garden FREE Loan of Hose Spreader with | 1," diameter, guor- any purchase | Coin" Reo 3.95. of Fertilizer bs NO or Grass Seed 2.37 With --Michael Callen -- Dean Jones Barbara Eden -- Kay Stevens Recommended as Adult Entertainment HOW MANY HOMES CAN YOU BUY FOR $12,500 and have 3 good size bedrooms, family size kitchen plus dining room area and large living room, This sleeper is going to make someone happy with the 60' lot, recreation room, outside patio, barbecue pir etc. The monthly payment is only $103.00 which includes taxes, interest and principal. Move in this comfortable brick home before the cool breezes blow and enjoy that warm satisfying feeling that home ownership brings. This is a fine resi- dential area in Whitby. e Owner is looking for any reasonable deo! and will accept older home in a trade in Whitby or Oshawa, His interest in this home is about $3,800, If you have a clean home priced from $10,000 to $12,000 and wish to have e nearly new 3 bedroom split level with attached gorage, walkout basement, recreation room, 4 piece with vanity bathroom, Hollywood kitchen etc, Call us and let us: work out the details. This could be just what you have been looking for. Young People! --ARE YOU IN TROUBLE? --DISTRESSED ABOUT YOUR FUTURE? --DO YOU HAVE PROBLEMS TOO DIFFICULT TO SOLVE A CUTE COSY BUNGALOW IN AJAX And practically hidden behind fine young trees and @ well kept hedge giving thot extre privacy for folks who enjoy a quiet retreat away from the ordinary, This two bedroom brick bungalow is one of these quality home with many extras to delight the most fastidious house BARBECUES | Scatter Mats 24" ROUND STYLE--with heavy SIDES OF BEEF CUT, WRAPPED AND MARKED ib. 47: Rump Roasts, Round Steak Roasts and Round Steaks, BY YOURSELF? A minister with much. exper- ience in helping teen-agers would like to help you and pray for you. CALL 668-5772 or 668-4611 DAY OR NIGHT We olso have a Imited number of copies of the book. "THE CROSS AND THE SWITCHBLADE" The story of the work of REV. WILKERSON among New York's Teen Gangs. Free to you to help you. to the pleasing features are the basement rooms. All Meats Government Inspected -- Fully Guaranteed -- * PHONE 668-4633 218 DUNDAS ST. E, seeker, As soon as you enter the front door and take your first step on the richly carpeted living room and continue through the larger thon average bedrooms, the practical kitchen generous garden you will know that this could be. the one for you, Some of the spacious clothes closets, extra plumbing installations and built in Drive by this interesting property at 38 Exeter Rd. and notice how close it is to the modern up to date shopping centre and other town conveniences, Full price $13,950 with obout $3800 down. . RENTERS -- NOTICE -- $1,200 DOWN -- FINISHED HOME With finished landscaping, shrubs and mony 'extras including immaculate decoration. This is a compact three bedroom home near High School and King Street School, Whitby. Owner moving to City. Wants quick sale. You witl like this one so oct quickly, Full price $13,800. Some less with larger down payment, WHERE LISTINGS ARE ADVERTISED AND MERCHANDISED WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 duty motor, spit and hood. Shop soiled, Reg. 19.95 13.97 OUR PRICE 24' ROUND STYLE--1 of a kind, shop soiled. Heavy duty motor, spit, chrome wheels warming oven. Reg. 29.95. 18,97 OUR PRICE SQUARE WESTERN STYLE with hood, bottom shelf, chrome wheels, spit and heavy duty motor, Reg. 24.95. OUR PRICE Made from broadloom ends, Reg. 1.97. OUR 96° 3 PRICE WEB Chaise Lounge Reg. 9.95 tt OUR PRICE EE

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