Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Sep 1964, p. 12

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12. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 23, 1964 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITCR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' Motor City Blanked 5-0 By People's | The local Motor City team "LACROSSE, with the fully anticipated' success of the Oshawa Green Gaels and the Brooklin Merchants, as they make their bids tonight for Canadian championship honors in The Minto Cup Junior finals and The Mann Cup Senior finals, respectively, holds the spotlight, in the interest of sports fans around these parts. Both Brooklin and Oshawa can wrap up their title series with victories tonight. In the case of Brooklin, they have two games left so will be making a supreme effort at Whitby Arena tonight, to: stall off this late drive by a determined Vancouver club. In the case of the Green Gaels, Coach Jim Bishop, figures that Oshawa goalie Mery Marshall had "'an off night' 'on Monday -- his first since the playoffs opened six weeks ago -- and that with Mar- shall back to form tonight, it's expected the Green Gaels will win their second-straight Canadian championship. x X Bras 4 CITY CHAMPIONSHIP finals are giving local softball the best action of the season, so far. In the opener, last week, Scugog Cleaners nosed out Bad Boys 2-1 in a 16-inning thrill- er. Last night, the Juniors made it two-straight in this 3-out- of-5 title set with another cliff-hanger, a 1-0 decision, with Robbie Mason limiting Bad Boys to only four hits for the shutout while rival Ted Jones held the Cleaners to six safe- ties. In addition to the fact that the Alexandra Park diamond is booked for every night this week, with a scheduled playoff softball game, both teams have some of their regulars. work- ing on the night shift, so they have agreed to go with the third game of the series, on Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock. Tonight finds Toronto Plating meeting Peterborough Georgies in their third and deciding game of OASA Inter. "A" playoffs, at Alexandra Park. Tomorrow it's Richmond _ Hill "Shells" ys Oshawa Tony's in an exhibition game, with Ray Judd as the big attraction. Friday night, Scugog Clean- ers Junior girls play Toronto Sandy's in: the PWSU cham- pionship finals and) on Saturday night, St. Thomas visits Toy's, in the opener of their OASA Senior "A" Southern Ontario finals. Kiwanis Bantam finals and Midget Round- Robin playoffs continue tonight with key. games at Storie Park and North Oshawa. Brooklin plays their third game with Tweed, down in Cobourg, tomorrow night. x x xX X SPORT SHORTS: -- Chicago Black Hawks' Kenny Whar- ram, former Lady Byng Trophy winner and a top goal- scorer in the NHL season last night, suffered a- fractured nose lagt night in Peterborough yen struck by the puck, from a slap shot, off the stick of Toronto Leaf defenseman Kent Douglas. It was first reported that Wharram had suf- fered a fractured skull but the necessary hospital repairs for- tunately proved not that serious... . THE ABC is reported to have turned down an NHL bid to have some games tele- vised, after the football season. . . . NEIGHBORHOOD Assoc. Dart League is holding a meeting at Woodview Community Centre building tomorrow night, eight o'clock, when entries for the 1964-64 dart league season will be closed. Mrs. J. E. Pullen, 5-1602, is the league contact, for individuals interested in joining... . . WORLD SERIES time is fast rolling around, just two weeks away and right now the pennant races have baseball fans agog. N.Y. Yankees won two over the In- dians yesterday with Whitey Ford back in form, so they ap- pear headed for the American League title -- in this home- stretch spurt. In the National League, Phillies are faltering a little. They lost to Cincy Redlegs yesterday, while Cardi- nals and Giants both won, This one will go right down to the wire! Scugog Cleaners Blank 'Bad Boys In 2nd Game, 1-0 Scugog Cleaners scored the|loaded the bases after two out, only run of the game, to Past the first inning, on an error out Bad Boy Appliances 1-0, last/to Ron Wright, a single by Bob night at Alexandra Park, in the|Young and a walk to Frank second game of the Oshawa City|Szyszka, but Jones fanned Hick- arid District Softball Assoc.jey to end the threat. Scugogs "City Championship" finals, a 3-|got a single from Mason and a out-of-5 series which "Scugogs"}walk to Solomon, in the second now lead, two games to nil. inning, but again failed to click Third game of this champion-| The orphan tally of the game ship set has been scheduled for,came in the bottom of the fourth Sunday afternoon, at Alexandra/ining. 'Duk e" Cashman Park, 3.00 p.m, singled with one out. and. ad- Last night's tilt proved an-|vanced on~ Mason's sacrifice. other stern pitching duel with|Bob Solomon rapped a single to Robbie Mason again going to\centre, scoring Cashman, with the mound for Scugog Cleaners|Wat proved the only run of the while Ted Jones fulfilled the/night. Bad Boys' pitching. assignment.| Berwick had two of his team's In chalking up his 1-0 shutout four hits, with Cheeseman and ard second-straight victory of) March each having a double for the series, Mason limited Bad Bad Boys. Bob Young had two Boys to only four scattered hits,|of the six hits for Scugog Clean- struck out 11 batters and issued/ers, with Solomon, Hickey, just one lone walk, which came|Cashman and Mason sharing in the first inning, after two out.|the other four safeties, Bill Berwick got the first hit) pap Boys Wright, 1b; off Mason, a single to open the/perwick, cf; Brabin, If; Cheese- fourth frame. In the sixth, with|,. : are ): Whiteley one out, Wright was safe on Bhisy, Bnew ; printed Bu genet outfield error and advanced. to." "OW? Ty NUS) SS "anes, third base on Berwick's second-|*" straight hit, but Mason got!. SCUGOG CLEANERS -- Sok George Brabin to pop up andiomon, c; Tilk, If; Gaskell, ss; Hickey made a brilliant one- Young, 1b; Szyszka, 2b; Hickey, handed catch to rob Wayneicf, Nef; Norris, 3b; Cashman, Cheeseman of an extra-base|rf; Mason, p. blow, that likely saved the) ------------------- game. HEADED ORFU "Rich"? March opened the 7th : ' for Bad Boys with, a right-field) NEWMARKET, Ont. (CP) -- Downey, 63-year-old double. He was thrown out at the| Donald F plate on a good relay play, Tilk.|!awyer and former president of to-Gaskell-to-Solomon, when he| the Ontario Rugby Football Un- tried to score from second on|i0n, collapsed and- died of a Ted Whiteley's long fly to the heart attack in court here Mon- outfield. day. . last Bowl, power-packed People's 5-0 decision. Motor City bowler "last "Saturday when Orval Brown, who bowled last year with Hotel Pierre, was signed up, It is. hoped that Orval will help: the team consider- ably. Peoples "won all five games by' scores 'of © 1,294-1,176, 1,430- 1,289, 1,269-1,115, 1,172-1,155, im and 1,2181,071; The Jewellers are known as igreat ninth afd tenth frame shooters and they proved this as they won at 'léast three of the five games; in' the last two frames, when they were either behind or the match was even. For Motor City, Al Perry |was the top bowler of the day with 976 for 38) frames includ- ing a nicé 281 game and a fine relief stint in' the first game when he picked up 16 pins in six frames' of bowling. Other individual scores for Motor City were as follows: Harold Baliem 958 for 40 frames (279, 251); Orval Brown 942 for 40 (333); Ron Swartz 707 for 31 (262); Si Rizun 820 for 36 (278); |John Trott 398 for 16, Ed Brown 370 for 17 (256) -and Sel Himes 635 for 30. The Motor City boys seem to have loosened up as yet and seem to be trying a little too hard. It is hoped that this situation will remedy itself} Oshawa and District Bantam | ran into some tough opposition Saturday- at Knob Hill when they bowled ' the Credit Jewellers team and dropped a signed a new SPORTS CALENDAR 74BOATS COMPETE : TODAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL © : deciding game of series. 6.00 p.m, Oshawa Minor Assoc.: Playoffs: Rundle Park and Lake Vista at |North Oshawa; both games at | 6.00 p.m, PWSU Ontario. Junior Finals; Oshawa Scugog Cleaners vs Toronto Sandy's TY, at Toronto {Monarch Park, 7.30 p.m.; Ist jgame of 2-out-of-3 series. | LACROSSE | Canadian Junior "Minto Cup" | Championship Finals: Oshawa {Green Gaels vs New -Westmin- ster Salmonbellies, at New. West- minster, 8.30 p.m.; 5th game of 4-out-of-7 series. Canadian Senior "Mann Cup" Championship Finals: Van- couver Carlings vs Brooklin Merchants, at Whitby Commun. ity Arena, 8.30. p.m.; 6th game of 4-out-of-7 series. THURSDAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL Exhibition Game --. Richmond |Hill "Shells" vs Oshawa Tony's, at Alexandra Park, 8.15 p.m. OASA Intermediate "C" Play- Tweed Lombanks, at Cobourg, 8.15 p.m.; 3rd and deciding |game of series. OASA Intermediate "A" Play- offs: Peterborough "Georgies" vs Toronto Plating; at Alex- andra Park, 8.00 p.m.; 3nd and ni Oshawa Minor Assoc. Kiwanis Bantam League Cham- pionship Finals: Sunnyside Park) vs Storie Park, at Storie Park, 4th gare of 3-out-of-5 series, at Midget League Round - Robin Connaught Park at With a record entry of 74 Championships ithe past weekend at Winder- mere, Lake Rosseau. ed into "A" and 'B" classes, with the 'A" class skippers qualifying from. past perform- ances. A senies of five races, over a triangular -course, was sailed, with the best four to count. Last year's runner-up, Don Giffin, of Shadow. Lakes Sailing Club, took finst place and won the coveted John Geikie Trophy with a total seore of 11. Former champions, Oshawa's Jack Langmaid (Shadow Lakes S.C.) and Bill Gooderham (RCYC) tied for second with a score of 14, while Oshawa's Diek McLaughlin, (Muskoka Lakes Sailing Club), winner in the 1962 series took fourth place. Heinz Baerhold, of Cones- toga placed fifth, Of interest to many was the /fact that both Oshawa skippers had their. young sons crewing leach race. Sailing with Jack \Langmaid was his son Bob, age 14, while Dick McLaughlin's son Peter, age 13, not only crewed, but skippered the boat on the iwindward legs. Dick McLaugh- lin won two races im the series, land by winning the 5th and ifinal nace, he and his crew won The Hiram Walker silver trays. The defending champion, Dr. Harvey Doherty (MLSC) c¢ap- tured 8th position in a closely- do 'not/%fs -- Brooklin Concretes and/fought series with Dr. John {Anderson of .Oshawa |who placed 'ninth. Competition in the "B" series (SLSC), this coming Saturday when they|Girls Championship Finals --/and The Hiram Walker Trophy ltravel to Willow Bow! to take|Courtice at Kingside Park, 5.30) going on the strong L. J. McGuinness team. jp.m.; 2nd game of 2-out-of-3 |. 2 lfinal series. to John Patterson of {MLSC. Second place to Mike White and Bruce Ryall of SLSC boats, the Canadian Albacore i ips were held over This year the fleetwas ivid-| was very keen, with first place | Oshawa Sailors Do Well 'Albacore Championships' and third to George Scott of! Lakeside Yacht Club, Take! Erie. : | Sailing consistently well, and| leading a large contingent from! Balsam Lake, Dr. John Phillips and crew Tom Reed of Osh- awa, placed fourth, followed by Oshawa's Bill Holland, Jr. and Sr., competing for the first time in the Canadian Championships Representing the Rideau Lakes Sailing Club and also from Osh- awa were Ted Bastedo and his wife, "Pat." Winds were extremely tight for the first nace, held on Fri-| day afternoon and it was nec-| essary to shorten the course to) once around. Saturday and Spn-| day provided ideal sailing con-; ditions, with three races held Saturday and one on Sunday. Remember When?... By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Milwaukee _ Braves clinched the first National | League pennant in history' | for Milwaukee six years. ago today by defeating St. Louis Cardinals 4-2 on Hank Aar- on's two-run homer in the 11th inning. It put Milwau- 4 -kee six games ahead of St. Louis with only five games left to play. New York Yan- kees won the world series four games to three. More ComfortWearing FALSE TEETH Here is a pleasant way to overcome loose plate discomfort. FASTEETH, | an improved powder, sprinkled on upper and lower. plates holds them firmer so that they feel more com~ fortable. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling, It's alkaline (non- acid). Does not sour. Checks "plate odor breath". Get FAS' today | @¢ drug counters everywhere. Cheeseman kept Bad Boys', hopes alive with a double in the 9th, after two out but Mason got| March on a pop-up, to end the} Mar OIL FURNACE? Ted Jones gave up only six! Cell hits and struck out 11 batters| PERRY also, in a great bid to even up| the series. 723-3443 'NEED A NEW... Scugog' Cleaners | Day or night It's Coming Saturday September 26 YOU GETA BARREL OF FLAVOUR IN EVERY BOTTLE OF Call for Brading-the quality ale that's strong on flavour Daisy "Cub" B-B GUN 9.88 : Fry Cadbury's CHOCOLA' ADULTS: ONLY | ALLOWED SPECIALS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE DAILY 10:00 a.m. a 10:00 | uff Vall « >. ee ee om / / >« Sa FOR PRICE SAKE -- WE BEAT A LL THURS. - FRI. - SAT. SPECIALS ONLY Fluffy Fur Covered Steering Wheel MUFFS For Your Car Compare at 98¢ FOR PRICE SAKE @ LOWER LEVEL @ 350 shot repeater, Compare ot 7.95 FOR PRICE SAKE e@ L@WER LEVEL » SPECIAL! 2-Cup Size TEA POTS Compare et 98c FOR PRICE SAKE @ LOWER LEVEL @ 7-Ox. Bags CHOCOLATE WAFERS---CHOCOLATE TE PEANUTS -- MACAROONS er CHOCOLATE RAISINS. Compere at 39c bag. FOR PRICE SAKE Dow Corning SILICONE SHOE SAVER Leather. preservative and woter repellant. Compare ot 98¢ NO WHERE ELSE e@ LOWER LEVEL @ One Bushe! Size--POLY Compare at 1.00 FOR PRICE SAKE Decorator Hassock FOOT STOOLS in smart styling and colors. Compare ot 8.95 FOR PRICE SAKE 4.88 @ LOWER LEVEL BASKET RY e@ LOWER LEVEL @ 'Regular Size KOTEX Compare at St¢ FOR PRICE SAKE "37: © MAIN FLOOR © / @ MAIN FLOOR New White, Pink or Green Palmolive BATH BAR SOAP, Compare at 3 for 59c. FOR PRICE SAKE Ladies' All-Nylon Crepe Head Squares or Scarfes Compare at 49c your choice | of color. FOR PRICE SAKE 28: @ MAIN FLOOR @ SPECIAL AT O.D.H. Electric Guitar . Carrying Case Amplifier ke Dual Purpose Strap © Professional Picks Complete NO WHERE ELSE @ LOWER LEVEL ¢ WATCH IMPORTANT NEWS ABOUT 0.D.H. ANNUAL Birthday Sale EASY-ON Spray Starch 1S-oz. pressure bomb compare at 69¢ FOR PRICE SAKE 45° @ MAIN FLOOR @ NEW LOTION MILD DETERGENT SOAP dish liquid. Giant size compare at 1,19 FOR PRICE SAKE c @ MAIN FLOOR @ Boy's Sizes 8 to 16 V-NECK BAN-LON LONG-SLEEVE SWEATERS by Tommy Knight of Canede Compare at 6.98 FOR PRICE SAKE 3.33 @ MAIN FLOOR » BUDS Variety of printed patterns and Ladies' Terry | APRONS: Assorted designs ond molar Compare, ot.,1.29 \ FOR PRICE SAKE 66: @ MAIN FLOOR @ 20 A7°| | \ 3 « 38° 100% Cotton Ladies' GOWNS colors, Compare at 2.98 NO WHERE ELSE ey. . @ MAIN FLOOR » © Prestone Brand Chemicals ¢ For Your Car's Winter Needs Winterview WINDSHIELD WASHER Anti-Freeze Compore ot 1.29 Cooling System SEALER & STOP Compare ot 1.19 10-Minute RAD FLUSH, Compare at 98c oe Prestone Prime with M-9 Antilgtoll) GAS LINE ANTI-FREEZE Compsre OBR eee LEAK 16° 63* 22° PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE Compore at 3.95 Gal. ... Just Arrived! Men's. Heavy Soled Hi-Cut Winter WORK BOOTS best quolity bieck leather upper: compere ot 15,98 FOR PRICE SAKE e@ LOWER LEVEL @ Caulkin ecoke kl Get Ready for Winter AUTOMATIC CARTRIDGE Guns SAKE Cc @ LOWER LEVEL @ FOR PRICE Boy's Hunter Style Rubber Boots ankle fitted with 3 eyelet lace tops for dry feet ell fell and winter, compore at 5.98 FOR PRICE SAKE ~ | \ 2.99 LOWER LEVEL 9 White, Grey or Black CAULKING CARTRIDGES for home or morive use comPore at 59 NO' WHERE ELSE @ LOWER LEVEL « OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 1038 KING ST. WEST

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