16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdcy, sepremper 12, 1709 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 oN xe Zag 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Satur : 8 to 12 16--Femate Help Wanted -17--Male Help Wanted 17. Help Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY ft Plgmmmintag | rsx | 'DRAFTSMEN. | MACHINERY ~ La? a evens, Serer, tober ccs Beran pte Building Trades Instruction Trede Schools rag CALLED Fon A ae Mp ?| wit in you ano ary | OmmMe : ¥ ee 3 is . DINGLER prt tery $y Diy bY line o capable of ame a 2 neten | Ze METHOD |" ATENTON |S corey | SaTRAES | Breeee Izing in re-shingling, roofing, DRIVING SCHOOL 17 to 49 : Ne investment 'eit - hie he ane g voce MR. Y. HOLYOAKE lathing and insulating. ; i é ; Telephone 728-0881 | Heavy Equipment ae Le RWAG Oshawa 728-3608 giving details of experience, 723.6603 Telephone. 728-0681 y Equip * 6 education, age, mortal sto- BATHURST CEMENT WORK |iaivey omer seromnr, onm| , Operators : By, SCRAPS- FACTORY i lt | CONTAINERS Le Gakice fener caes, Gee, fe demand for: bull- ' All replies will be kept eon- LTD. we re, y * FLOORS. CURBS ond Pinas LESSONS ae Rosslend| dozers, scrapers, motor Y Y, WORKERS fidential. Apply to PATIOS Road East. Telephone 7A408 after | es, See A gd ; BOX 243 P.0.;BOX 150 , and shovels. If y ; Electronic Firm requi e § B. McLEAN Money To Loon ed ad top instructors right 2%, ARQUHD iil site liable women for siaaaetion OSHAWA. TIMES WHI BY, ONT. Phone 725-5946 PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? 1_vay_ hovel ©" the equipment. Don't | ¢ o Yond ar nosaurtns work 8 a.m, to 4:30 p.m, YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim,{900d credit I'll lend you up to $500. tol delay --- enquire now. 4 Sat BE FOUND 5 day week. Usual company WE'RE OFF!!! LICENSED neys built and repaired; gas linings gf eign Li ae is puree fonaaiae Write giving name, add- Z lee c benefits. Apply to 1 i tte M CHANIC stalled; roofs repaired. Free estimates, 3 w © Our seasonal boom \723-2997, Toronto, 481-5289, ress and telephone num- | § : the HORE THAN 100, CENTRALAS CA ember storts our 'Fabulous Goo Yorking conditions. ~~ Jay CARPENTRY, cablnets., Arboril®.1\4 oe sees ber: 25 on LTD eye N. | Fall Selling Season. There is Al 4 | Apply fort Bho big Mlb rho ahd a NATIONAL SCHOCL OF | . no better, no easier, time to sion's Sunoco Service one M M oa | 942-1540 wn tol paaad wee | eee QUALITY CARPENTRY, 'custom built ortgage one' OPERATION - 2 e sell commercia ad Rilchems. end rep-rooms,. floors and cal 9 - bl ¥ BOX F3 5--Farmer's Column 11--Articles For Rent trial, institutional accounts, JomaR FAR\s, in Ashburn requires apple ing ties, chimneys, rooting, ete. Satistec-) Available mer AE PART-TIME waitress required, Apply but no domestic selling, Our |pickers. Appy Omar Farms in Ashburn, ; ma tion a 725-8571 eam aw interest of town enquiries invited. Custom Farm Work RENT!!! Hilltop Snack Bar, RR 3, Oshawa products, a basic commodity, Two TRUC fae Bick Bistine Rosidencer' Hiab, ASIA. Woods: as eo i, ae TV--Radio Repairs Forage harvesting, raking and New name brand professional |CARILLON TOWERS has openings tor 2%@ 801d on @ unique selling |s99 weekly. \write "Bos" st oie Sous Whitby 'cel. NHA. ond oher ROOM papered. $8 and up. Bungsiows| Valuotion, Arranged " baleing and combining. equipment six ladies, part-time and fulltime. Earn| .Plon thot results in our men | Times. first_morigage funds available. painted fable prices. Also, inside we DENTI rh Telephone UNITED RENT-ALLS ? Nreok. Mo "colleehing" or delvery, Ciaally eee utiness con LOCAL FiNkicE COMPANY requires JAMES "MACOO NALD, ee, LLB, |work, ail. prices labour only. 725-7297 RES! TV TOWERS We rent most anything for |cen' a "ettasn', "piecing or dewvery,| tinually from 85% of thelr |younp, mon Preset eam aqietle Geo, Golding. CITY AND DISTRICT | Percy Davidson and Son most job or occassion. 728-7942, accounts, Full commission te its. Mr. Wilkinson, Aja» rking|ALL TYPES building repairs, chimneys, SUMMER PROPERTIES } Economy and . paid as orders are received °, EARN EX p By oveiee' THOMA All type remodeling. | VACANT LAND 728- 1343 28-5565 TRA MONEY. Show Canada's! with full commission on re- CLERK for st hardware store in Ajax. i finest 'iné- ot Christmas cards. Wi SUMING #- EWARTE and WONALD LL ----------- aaa Cor, Wilson Rd. S..& Olive *AP8| peats.. No cash investment. |Experience redired. Apply j MANNING F, SWARTZ and RONALD L. IMPROVEMENTS, roofing and Deluxe CEDAR POSTS, poles all sizes, Also cedar : ee : etc. Over 350 Items. For free, : gg he + |Alax Hard. Sa Gee SWARTZ, Barristers, Sotlcitors, Notaries,|MOME IMPROVEMENYS, | roofing tng 'Miibars Online Priced to sui. your budget |trees for hedges, etc. Phone' C, Smith,| Brides, Bridesmids. gowns, |baevtlullyllustrated catalogue, samples Car necessory. Full or port {Al ard Alax Shopping Centre, ; lor, Residence: 0104/24 general repairs. All work guaranteed. mortgage Brokers Association TERM Newtonville, 2263. : crinolines, headpieces veils, |Jeandron Greeting Card 'co. 125 King} time. Only men forty years |PRIVATE roomwith board, 5 day week. Street Cael, TAT, ; P. Nellis, 396 Bruce Street, 728-2061. gag S ARRANGED GENESEE SEED wheal. Wheat and oat| mink stoles, white fox furs, Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, pth ag considered. Complete [Centrally locat | Apply 173 Ritson Road A c straw for sale, Dial 655-3055, dishes, cuttlery, glasses, |iay Ske Wy ae ae toils from The Certified |50U™- , rrister, Soll- A u ' 7 ELIABLE lady to care for two chil- WL authanad ei ooo pg an ly Fg The. Times| Cartage SUMMERLAND OSHAWA lV : tables,, chairs, church runn- {dren in children's home, light house| Electric Company, Dundas, oo eprchenogs40. per week for 18 Building, 86 King Street East, ma. VF's folly Thaured, ont trucking, clean 8--Hunting er work. Call 728-2998 after 4, Ontario. aie ee Clients' funds avaliable~-for mortgages.|ing 5; perpen, garages, etc. Reasonable} SECURITIES SUPPLY LIMITED ARTS GUN REPAIR, 10 Bond ~Sirect SARGEANT'S RENTALS | RELIABLE cleaning lady 'required. Two Couls $. Hyman, QC: Herbert S. Hyman, rates, 725-9843. West, Oshi Rifles, shotouns, pistols, Gays per week, Telephone 725-4520. : } 361 GIBBONS ST. _[tecntand'modern vt, fraea |g ea "utson 5728-3338 _|watiaste women 10 care tw wwe] HILL-CORNISH |"8--Msle ¢ Female BA.________________ |i, ONDE, all types of cartage. Bay GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, S0lL) Ridges, | 939-4191. LIMITED repaired, 728-9731. Hours 90 9: Saturday|BRIDES, bridesmaids gowns- Crinolines:lchildren in my home. Fike' dine We H nted 4 114 King Street East = 9 to 6 headpleces, veils (P.S. Garters, too). For. ee Mons J. M. Greer, | GOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, ; St. North 728-8] 80 fost ds ate ne +_---|mals, semi-formals. All new _ styles. N poten Biacddath i hastened ELECTRIC LTD ac pene Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL,|Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully 112 Simcoe St. Nor q Sargeant's Rentals and Sales, 725-2338, |NEED extra money? $50 and more, can . : and insured. 728-3661. Oshawa, Ontario. 728-3868 | |----__------ on | 9a---Summer Properties aA easily be earned by showing our fabulous shawa, T | For Sal R CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, ChUrchiChrisimas cards, gifts, toys, to friends Riecail ' mea aid BAILEY, Barristers, Sol z TY TOWERS 'or Sale or Rent 'aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412/and neighbors, Wo'experience necessary | Require man experienced in citors, Notaries Public. ane. funds Dentistry ; i |WASAGA, housekeeping cottages localed| Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, Our exciting, full-color catalogue makes} industrial and commercial 4 He picking. anon Va King Street East, BIALEK, DR. ¢. P. -- Dental surgeon, Ist Time In Canada and jamong shady evergreens, right on the|ENTERTAINING -- fifty to one hundred|!! easy to get plenty of orders. Send no| electrical repairs. Must be ' Fn of Plekering on JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, He abalt 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. ad iA t R beach, All conveniences. Facilities include|people? Oshawa Tennis Club fof ben Paigptd "bh vy et bel taki gar --e oble to test and repair motors \ 144 Ki re intment 728-5842 or Res. 728-8: steam-bath and shower house, ping-pong,|quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, approval and free catalogue. Monarci ie \ money fe oat Oe. ie ines tl nei deel tae eae 15 Year. nrenna epair horseshoes, badminton, volleybail, base-|Facilties, bar, Kitchen, parking, Ree-|Card Co. Dept. 16 217 Cannon, Hamil tonics bedi begun st * | ball, smail games, Openings from August|sonable rates, 723-2140, r s backgrou Preterred. EDO, on Hegarte. | ore gy eheas tae J Dressmaking and Mortg ages TRIO ug oe Rates reauced 1 ory WANTED. Apply ig person to ROOM AND BOARD {4 gentleman, close first 37 King Street East ard DRESSMAKING oe all [ends ot ladies' TELEV] Hise. Festa aynnae mena. Wasega 12 Articles ae Med frances Restaurant, 120 Brock Street) Please apply. through to downtown and NorthGeneral Motors, as 7336, Charles C. MeGibbon,|wear, High quality work. Call 668-8463, pnts : jorth, 29 Elgin Street East. Er ioe. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. LA as raghel 1110 «Henry = Street, CORONATION Lt aonb ar SION hagas + lly lg ad ge SHA €OOK in small country hotel dining NATIONAL ROOM AND BOARD {ol gentiemen,south OB, a D room, Telephone Coboconk 454-3301, 2 district, lunches pa hift workers EREIGNTON, --DRYWAN, "MURDOCH, |DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coniy, dresses Investment Co. Ltd. ming, 725290" or write Mallac cottages, AUTO WRECKING CO. | raswime cones ergy cong re EMPLOYMENT welcelita" parking. Tebphons "sebavie VICTOR, j No-/alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting ' 2 a 2 specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 688-2372.| The foremost Canadian Pub: 728 5143 AVAILABLE Jore luv, August and sep-| Wants Cars for Wrecking. osha Hotel, King Street East, Oshawa. SERVICE RELIABLE baby siti thauired, middle 7: for and faries, Bank of Commerce lic Co, in the field, no amar a ~~ H Pp f le, al: i Yy woman or widW trefi » Oshawa, 723-3346; ic Co, in eld, now tember. Park Lana' five-room efficiency 'arts for sale, also scrap iron [URGENTLY needed. Woman or girl to aged breferred, 5-day we creighton, GC) or residences: Gardening and Supplies introduces long - term 15 TV SERVICE CALLS bungalows" Good fishing, For tull particy-| and metals, etc. bought. live in. Four children, 3 schoolage, $181 314 Simcoe St. South |wek--Atter five call 728-2944, Py Drynan, ac, 72-8554) G L. Ke ig YEAR - OPEN - Second $2 95 lars write C-O Erinsville P.O. or tele! Open Saturday oll a Phone | Per_week. Call before 3 p.m, 723-6374, ime . lu ROOM AND BOARD 72-4758 > two tlemer doch, QC, J. Victor, " t ot) phone 4785. JENCED sales girl for ladies' willing fo share. Cerrally located. G.M. So es reeoes and Aerooments of sale i "GRASS TIME ont nde g ht Rg SSURGESH LAKES BOCHIOINT | 725-29 11eem' BO BLOOR:E, -tresay $0 weer. Siooee Bg os day workers preferjd. Telephone 72> bought and sold, and arranged. e y y! Calis taken until 8 p.m. aa - for right party. Write Box 646 Oshewa 3713. EB ad ety Raper ER BI i ge ot al £32 weekiy. All inside conveniences, tal IANO, wanted: repair | Wormy, "Bestltimgg, (wan bert Wrile Be DRAFTSMAN ___cturci strait 7. For gerviemon Building Trades peta dy om % ao coven wer 10 | TV ENTERPRISES. nie. Onewe, MIRE To, palet other" with SRISIT" RIE in clean home. Gool:meals, downtown, SUPERFING GRASS Mix OT de 723-3553 FOR SALE. Pigeon River -- 3 bedrooms, WanTED to buy dog house large size for|%ren and do light housework. Telephone) sip gwor Norn Gopal Motes. Phone ED LANGLOIS SHADY PLACE MIX For full details, call ------ be Inside conveniences Take over or P8Y!s German Shepherd. Reasonable and in|725-0842. Intermediate or senior re- |725-2879. HOME BUILDER ra i |723-2265, (after hours 725-3376) TV SERVICE "Lea Tarst mortgage Hampton, 25%! ge0d condition, Dial 723-9693. between 4-6|WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE. If you would] quired by growing Ajax sheet |MILL STREET 103 | Room and board We Specialize in TIMOTHY-ALSIKE CE 2509. p.m. enjoy working three or four hours a dav for 2 gentlemen, willp to share, lunches bd ; WNDIVIDUAL GRASS SEED SCHOFIELD-AKER rare : calling regularly each month on & group} metal monufacturer. Salary |packed. Close to G.Msouth plant. Park- Concrete Foundations SO-GREEN 7-7-7 DAY OR EVENING 9e--Marine Equipment . sa:_. |of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route A Ronee Ing facilities, Apply pove. 173 ALBERT ST EVERGR Limited 728-528 -- __.|13----Business Opportunities |;, in and around Oshawa-| depending on qualifications. | j . GREEN 6-9-6 imite - 6 } j |Whitby and are willing to make light de-} Medical and life insurance {cooked meals, willing share. Close te 728-4169 TURF SPECIAL 10-6-4 360 King St. West | |liveries, etc., write Studio Girl Cosmetics) 4 agit Ririannt south GM. Parking ae GM employes Festina PEAT MOSS || OSHAWA EE _| TOOL DEALERS [erateicet commune] Caaf Permanent, [Et fawn 1 ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing, POTTING SOIL MORTGAGE ELECTRONICS FR WANTED = * wea ala Fon ancoinan 22--Offices, Stres, Storage eur specialty. work a repairs. Pe a 'foe Land i. Rooting COOPER SMITH SOUTHEND TV = and serial. WINTER have High School education, be able #0 and_ Construction. 725-0957. LOANS ly Lake Vista TV, 480 type, Be willing and able to work hard, 9 | FOR TRENCHING and complete septic gb aOR al Due to' expansion, we have | must be courteous and able to get alon ng tank installations, all materials included. 16 Celina = '723- 1139 Moneys for first mortgages CITY TV TOWERS, sitarnbal also: re- an opening in the Oshawa |with people. Previous experience helpful, OFFICE PACE Call Frank Brink, Hampton 263-27 Interest at 7% pairs. All work guaranteed, §11 Dean STOR AGE area, for a qualified man to but not necessary. Apply in_own hand- ») ili i oldest and best known lines |COOK, full time and waitresses perk OD 'No charge for valuations Well Drilling--Digging | sh OF Huchenicl facle Gall ioe Wt ran way once a ELECTRONIC and raat, tanaaise conrad W| GRAVEL and SAND | 'purchased? "ements ne arinen thew Wares bt cat -- po COUNTER MAN | in Times kuilding le Street West, RELIABLE aie to look after two-yeer- ; i Moneys for second mortgages 3 act, Witty. 660-2569 or 668-2909. BO ATS Above average income, oid child while mother works, and do| Required by Major Electronic CHIMNEYS, new and rs , TOP S i: Ft nage Morteages Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. sell one of North America's |Writing, to Box 329, Oshawa Times. EXPERIENCED ond repel o th AVAILIBLE pion choral ce NEW AND OLD roofing ani chimneys Phone Fost prvice. 1--Women's Column small investment, light household duties. 728-9195. Supply Company ° for new ies ifi Rates Fe F. SWARTZ SaRMANEIE we cee | EXPERIENCED short order cook. Day| wholesale outlet. CONTA BP sg ed 723 ] 16] age King St. East eee rare Bk special. Page Hair Ps el AND MOTORS For 'more specific informa: ae Southend Restaurant, 723-5131 . L WIISON Cath--1 insertion of 24 words $1.08 OSHAWA : Oshawa, Ontario ots tion telephone Racaeie ade eel eae Me wie in confidence to Mr. et. GARDEN CENTRE | 723- 4679 2--Persona} PURCHASED NOW TORONTO 444-8421 liveah 'italy Oowwe" Blvd." Nori. GENUINE AUTOTRONICS AT THE ib sos |PRIVATE and and corporate monies for ail ----| ' Telephone 723-9691 ; SOD, top quality, prompt delivery. Free|Mortgages;. mortgages and a Sy All Greatly Reduced j : poche 1188 Simcoe St. South eatimates. Telephone PIEESSN or THigpia®|sale purchasna, roeniene goreement. of LEN - PULLAN oes tae | Mr. Robinson 8:30 A.M. to | WAITRESS required, 7 fo 4 shift, and 4 to each rREE unt yo Ber " q j : Also short order cook. Apply Mr. Charge = 10 per cent Riitones TREES -- cut Wimmed and pe |doch and Victor. (See Barristers.") | (ENGLISH TAILOR) 8 P.M. Monday to Friday, 11 shit Alea son heal SALES CLERK WINDSOR AZA = . ae SIBLE lady to take charge ot NURSERY and eg woo, cot dally, wad, \Musical Services Geren Kiel ae SMITH SP T 8.90: $9 12 AM. Stuy. RSE esi ate jatar works, --| Alert young man, Must Thera one. few sites ve rT i a dha rmstrong Sod. Tele |PIANO, reed, pi ind elec i -- ns eneesnnneennees |6:10 a.m, to 5 p.m. five days wi y. H H * cant a' is Store @velop- . 'nial, 'figure abt counts Iphone 725-5864 funing ie receletneiran ectronley "organ SUIT & DRESS FOR SALE 7" 715.2090. be neat with nice per. ment with bank on I¢ation. 353 KING ST. WEST | VALUABLE PROPERTY |WOMAN wanted for "housework: part: sonality. Apply in per- Would you like to opepte in words plowea with Gravely Roto|A: Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, i prem TSleptione Brocktin é06/6t ALTERATIONS B time. Telephone. 725-3339 son at this up and {coming ing UILDING Plaza? For more infornjation | } BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- LEN BOWLER -- Landscaping and gar-| Optometrist | INVISIBLE MENDING) | EARN $23 weekly plus @ free wardrobe in SOCIAL NOTICES : | $2.00 'per Insertion with 25¢ od- |stabue. flog 'sisnest siveters are, ntl®. RICHARD BLACK, OD Wii imes| > 10-12 PRINCE ST. | TELEPHONE and -equinment, King: (ond: "lyase Vote get wee at cea Maher Shoe Store Call | Gibbons. | ' : Street North, Suite 6, Presently modern ditional cherge if not paid with- [rotting asphalt, tnwns sanded, sodde,| ny je 4, Oshawa, reer 728-5311 728-734] | lunch counter, suitable for |¥assing, experience necessary. | MV f 110 OSHAWA GUIDE RE ALTY clipping, fertilizers, trees,. hedging, nurs- _---- nen | other. business 3425 Industrial Blvd., Dept. $-2716, Mont- SHOPPING CENTRE 1N. MEMORIAMS ery stock, Telephone 728-7787, *lumbing and Heati | Removal of superfluous hair, | TELEPHONE 723-2742 __ |real 39, Quebec. $2.00 for the first 3 words and s |JOHN B RO U W E R LANDSCAPING vor PLUMBIN tii | Marie Murduft will. be in atta condllion ta toot ~Unkatiata|\ eee TOOL MAKER LTD. each thereafter, plus 12c per jine of |728-6392 for free landscape' design, Call IMBING and heating. Specia-| Oshawa, Sept. 21, 22, and {cedar strip, windshield, lights, steering SERVICE STATION | -|17--Male Help Wanted | izing repairs, remodeliin Rea: H verse 25¢ additional charge If not evenings, 6 to 10. Fertilizing, sodding, 9. sonable} 23. f te baht bach Hone | 'tines xls wiltin 7 days scane, evereréerac:traet, Ge tates." Free estimates. 328 Simcoe South, 2aed, Thora Gendsha Hore beg recor. motor, Remote FOR LEASE WANTED LEAD HAND Realtors 16 Simcoe St. §. oo | oP. LEA A DARLINGTON GARDEN SERVICE. For aOR ee eee ' jtelephone 728-8655. i ' Eg Ri Re pore words end Se [all your garden requirements. Reason- en pit A) repairs, and remodeting,| re ELECTROLYSIS |ié HORSEPOWER Scott electric, ply- ib ida irl PULL TIME = PART TIME Peg rc = 723-1 121 | each thereafter, with 25¢ able rates. Bowmanville 623-3905. rate. free, Dial 723-1191, J |wood boat and controls, $275. Also boat! 4 6.) 71 Salesmen to call on gasoline J charge if not pald within 7 days BAY RIDGES, nursery' tod, delivered, |Foley. ae 723-464] trailer, 723-5674, y for nig hie : stations, 26% commission, Reply. to Box STORE FOR REN laid, peat loam. J. Atkinson, Picker! nel aLt PLUMBING and hears |PERMANENTS 0 16 FOOT Fibregiass Larson boat, 40 HP 1.40 d j " jise. on special, Page Hal glass Larson : earn $61.40 every day on 228 Oshawa Tim | pomp inch (Dini Ba ee Oe 3020 or 839-2272. [Telephone 725-821, Harold He stark Lid. | (psa 396 Pine Avenue. ¥e ali Mercury motor, fraller, spare tire, fe: EVENINGS 723-3198 only 4 sales, big repeat ord- one ames umbing Heating and Engineering. 255 | belts, ' pie De aly pesca asad Instruction Sirncne roel Sout RIDE UIRED Oshawa Sh ter eee ee 2 ae 14-Employment Wonted mae ni opto a ve BODYMAN Ooapponay: re - Ae anes, ee a Ta en, eee Lak Saleh eae "Thane See leacREE ROOM SEES] Aeniotiat Mabueries [ ce teat mace 'elephone 5 ) Lt ast. Arriving 7.4 p will min ACTION SALES. ONTARIO Plumbing Heating and Sraisearing. Oe | 7254258. nO: 1S BMT Septione 723-7970. children) NATIONAL INDUSTRIES | Must be fully experienced. tion Simcoe South opposite Tin own home, Allan Street, Whitby, Tel ' $2.10 per inch per insertion. Sivtce tice Sah Iphone 660-440. " "19 Melinda St. Toronto, Ont. Highest wages paid to right Adelaide Howse. For further AUTHORS invited submit MSS th a ae sine DRIVING aaarapaae poems) for book Sail types 11---Articles For Rent BOOKKI + woman, "experienced ~on|SPLENDID Rawieigh Business available} party. Full and part-time. information ell. |Rug-Upholstery Service Nesnoneale terms. Stockwell Ltd., Ilfra-| and general office|in counties Durham and Ontario and in ) : | combe, 'England. (estd, 1898). work. Telephone Bowmanville, 623-2975, |Oshawa. Products. well. known. Opportuni- Telephone 728-7781 . 7 5 p.m. day previous. | SCHOOL RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- | RENTALS [anys CARE for small children in mv/cyaunlimited for big Sales and big Profits, <> 7255132 mn. lished 17 years. Complete range of mate- 3--Pets & 1 kc | home, Fedead vane, Fi information |St@rt_your business on credit without ex- LOST AND FOUND, BIRTHS, : rials. Workmanship guaranteed five ivestoc | y or more Information| perience. Write Rawleigh, Dept. 1-310-224,|CLERK for retall hardware store In Alex, Learn to Drive 1964 Models j|years. Free estimates. Credit terms.|QUART ard O Call 728-5455, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal.|full time, experience required. Appiy in DEATHS Mattresses re-built. Furniture re-finished. eek eee 6 year oid.) F ALL KINDS LATHE HAND wants parttime work, 3 to : person to Alax Hardware, Alex. 410 qq. ft. lication. $12,000 1S NOT TOO MUCH fer th 9.30 a.m. day of publication, PICK-UP SERVICE Oshawa Uphoistering Company, 287 Dean MINIATURE ca sadsies REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- 4 hours a day, Telephone 668-5609. we want In the Oshawa Cae Man oar THREE TO FOUR ambitious men need- In completely lmodern build- Avenue, 725-0311. puppies, black : ; - CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ROAD TESTS ARRANGED sired , "| massaging belts, rowing ma- MAN looking for employment as painter,|40, with car, to take short auto trips.ied to add to our sales staff, Training ? 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous. poh iit and refinish Your Fura 271. Phone Brooklin, 655: Chines Bike exercibers ph all {carpenter or general handy man. Tele-|Write B. 2. Dickerson: aw Petroleum, |provided. Apply 299 Simcoe Street South.) ing 'a Good | vig Ample . . liom Furniture, 5 cs ¥ 2 le * 3 nme or larger -- 10 a.m. day pee Sas sdtiinatea.. Wntiby: ee tee GERMAN IRMAN" SHEPHERD ~ puppies aT $6 per month. phone any time, 728-9287. 534 N. Main, forth, Texas. awa Times, parking. Suitele for barber é : weeks old, males. and females, $10. and) PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pi | : : or office space eis a Autimatic and Stondard CHESTERFIELDS and ola chairs, re |sis. ao mitchell 'Avenue. 4 cleaning rods, pipe we ale 15--Agents Wanted CITY OF OSHAWA 728:1973 CORRECTIONS ee \ covered like eco Get the "ae? for eg MINIATURE Pinch at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe 5S. inscher puppies, purebred, pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- i y Registered champi y : yn ; #20 am. day of publication. Oshawa: 728-6934 |at en. Fanereie Aigo proven. female In wheip. Telephone] f@"% Pipe threading dies WINA TV ___| SURVEY RODMEN -- 400 S @OX NUMBER RENTAL -- 50c : , after 5, oilet auger, ' ce : FUTORING tor recovering, Gatton Uptolsterings 75] 3AMC SAMOYEDS, 2 females registered, ideal PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- MAKE EXTRA MONEY For rodding and chaining. May operate transit and level, assist OFFICE |SPACE Charles Street, 723-7212. pets. Seven weeks old. Innocu! n stepladders, aluminum exten- eT f Instrumentman in preparing grade sheets, reduce survey notes. AVAILABLE: eer dewormed. Markham, 294-0626. sion ladders, ladder jacks, Wing porebie TY seh: enlie you |. loss or damage parcnig ha a eon of Sales and Service BEAUTIFUL: Baby, budgies, ibe 'er steel scaffolding compressors, * muer a Ce greene INSPECTORS FOR ROAD AND " iy Cor ork ' through elther fallure vor delay in cademic Tutoring College. | +y-FoWERS trom $39.95. Roof anfennas|114 Elgi Pely Mrs, Broad,| spray guns, wallpaper steam- ih ys i SEWER CONSTRUCTION ; pply tt ing St. forwarding such repiles, however Summer school soon to com- |from. $19.95. Alex. Bay Ridges, Pleker-| eee | ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, Christmas Cofds and Gifts, Earn 1 Abe 9 figence or ~|g0z¥ "3S _RANCH Kennels j i . : ' ; enetwien the Tinies will not be te- mence. All oges, grade, sub-./inm Wilby and Oehawa.. Twoveer guar German" Shepherds, loners. | catered] propane torches. bid profits. Friends and neigh Examine and report on construction and progress of assigned . 942-0637. _ " ' ite for j 1 id le for replies uncalled for in , 4 € dade Mt 2 Stud services, Boarding, Quar-|. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- bours buy on sight. Write contracts, roads, sewers, sidewalks, curb and gutters, etc., an bpp i bia jects, Reading, Math., Eng- | GUARANTEED repairs fo all \wringer|ter horses, foals. Trailer Ashburn, Brook:| cement mixers, finishing tro- free colour catalogue and samples safgty measures with regard to Provincial legislation re trenches. FOR "RENT » lish, Science, etc., fro " Stu- heyy and ranges. Free estimates. Cal WN Os __| wels, wheel barrows, electric oF approval. Special money-making ee : Light Industrial huilding on REGULATIONS . dent's own textbooks, private i i ge ey oe ee od malas: vibrator, air compressor, jack plan for Churches, Clubs, Schools. Applications close 5:00 p.m., September 16th, 1964, King Street West) 3500 <9, The Oshawa Times will not be re or group. Septic Service male, $20. Telephone Port Perry gas2asr| ammers, hand trowels, water Homer-Warren Co., Dept. 24, 411 ' 1 icul lificati to: ft. ample parki ply 29 aerate ter. arrers, i. avertioe- pt ep TY AMT) ums, portable heaters, steel Clendenin. Aves. Terente, Apply giving full particulars of qua ifications, experience to: King St. reek ng. \p y submitted other-wise than in SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service|BOXER puppies, purebred. Reasonable, h : pal not for more than one inser- ACADEMIC on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street/Also - miniature poodies. Telephone scaffolding, electric generator, - PERSONNEL OFFICER tion ose advertisement, nor beyond | THITORING CQLLEGE |West: Whitby, 668-2563. 728-9122, ramset, power rollers, electric 3 City Hall 725-279 charge for a single inser- BOSTON TERRIER pups, @ weeks cla,| hammers, masonry saw, build- 16--Female » Help Wanted - : Oshawa, Ontario tion of the advertisement in which ale and female. Registered. Che} i jacks, t i ee CALL 723-6701 [Surveyors _ tee Pear at Sine ee | SECRETARY ------ WHITBY -- Office for rent The Oshawa Times reserves the right | rT.) ae --lit: FLIM, and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| hone 728-9122, ' | MAN : ee eget ---piter-sew, electric-pl 4 : A TRA for professional use, Ample to classify Bdvertising according to LEARN TO DRIVE eevee De ter ce Or bear rien tortie pice paeitioear att ric plane, tar | For purchasing Department. } : "i Its proper classification ot the | 725-6881 |Reasonable. Call Pickering 839-2537 even- paulins, sand blaster, power Position will require speed parking facilities. Apply 292 case of display advertisements, IDON N AND FLEISCHMANN, ost hole ; illati | i y The Times will not be held respon- Oshawa Driving School Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial plug cal RAE IS a se ae Be wade bale and accuracy and willingness King Street West, ishawa, sible for more space than that, in | reasonable. rates, standard and [prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. ee CT cette Orch tenn | Achcaes fHdor sandals, beety ee rey, short. 725-2734 | which the actual error automatic c mn P * at end inocula' 4 Ne ig and will be helpful but not " fv publishers PBB "bayer a Professional lstuctor ee eae lene welding . outfits, 200 necessary. Pronea supply A major Finance Company whose growth has been a factor in \ pegs Aes a v 728-0091 ; ss FOXHOUNDS. wegistered Walker pups} amp, electric welders. porticulars to" Canada's development, offers an unusual opportunity for an Sy inaccuracies i 'ay tan ae OSHAWA ANO WHITBY roi ae Se eee ney oe ST AN'S ambitious young man, He will probably be between the ages. |23---Wanted To Rebt ag garsibrcimna cancelled before TUTOR -- = Qualified e experienced | Teacher, -- BOX 337 > a "~~ = od wot te taut' ba aeriigranceintet The [vats Gane nea cad hg so _ Any i * inance xperiet ment, awa vicinity, requir bed fam ; pubtcation will be charged one day's |2!! sublects Grades | to 8. For further; People 5--Farmer's Column Sharpening & Rentals Ltd: OSHAWA TIMES successful applicant will: be trained in all phases of the small ily. Telephone 728-5024. information, please call 723-1484 Sing the Praises FOR SALE -- oats, 70 cents; wheal $1.75 223 King St. W., Oshawa |RELIABLE HOUSE: loan and acceptance field and will then move up to a Branch ~|APARTMENT -- Two a . living LILLIAN: MAE MARSH, 0.E.A. Dancin bushel. Call Jerry Treybal, Enter off Burk St. di | USEKEEPER to mind| o le ving IT'S EASY TO.PLACE A ing é per bushel. Call Jerry Treybal, Mearns) luring four children and 'do light househsid) M 's position. CONTACT M LMER room, kitchen and 'bathroom. in\shawa, TIMES FAMILY WANT AD School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Pre-| _ of Oshawo Avenue, North Bowmanville. Phone 623 road repair: duties. Live in or out. Apply 391 Mitchell pe ol » CT MR. HE Whitby or "Alax:" Please phon Whitby School, Kinderdance, Fridays, Saturdays, | 2837. . A ; a 668-3083 Cali Classified Direct Classitied \GASH on tha spot! Highest prices paid PHONE 7233224 SALESLADY for dria store. Somme ex- ONE BEDROOM apartment. wadied by PIANO, classical and popular, for infor- Ads for dead and crippled farm stock, Tele-/WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,|experien: i oe! oung couple, no children, central location 723 3492 mation Portal pen Tuck, 74 Burk i phone collect. Hampton 263-2721, Marwilllreducing machines, sick room. supplies' Apply ell 'ae oa wine, WW YORKVILLE AVENUE by hopping. centre, Urgent, Reasonable Pur Farm, Licence 333-C-44. 7 "Ald Rentele, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, oad, South. itn TORONTO 5, ONTARIO -- 924-8111 rent, 728-1721. ~s 8