mm | THE OOHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Sopteniber 10, 1966 : Kets ¢ * "Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 . ; 8 a.m, to5'p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 11--Articles For Rent 13--Business Opportunities|17---Male Help Wanted BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY], OF ALL KINDS'| "WANTED | srs some REDUC! _ mediately for steady employ- ae Car je to. : ment in modern Hamilton , og \ ld ] c 2: % ' Accountants Building Trades Instruction Plumbing and Heating : ea | 3 items roo oa ing one excellent HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charier- TERING, new and repairs, stucco, ALL PLUMBING and heating suppiise. cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- medical and vacation plans. od Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld-|A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, 728-3420. ONTARIO Telephone 735380), de HS, Lad, f Sok pine wereiinn, 'taps eat For personal interview send Yer King, sireet Basi, | Oshawa) NEW "AND OLD raafing ani chimneys| Sindee Invests sort sa ; SS . ters, pipe threading dies . details of experience to P.O. _ HE, Beadle, CA; C. Lukow, CA. rene eae ; DRIVING Sie Hkaliser baud \ : eT wsihunee -- 1 auleee < Box 218, Stn. "C" Hamil- Chortered Accountants, Licensed. Trustoss| oe é tnrtelotions, alt materiols Inchssed. SCHOOL pet ed cnet Dt ac ' \ stepladders, aluminum exten- small Investment. pide All replies con- In Bankruptcy, East, ion ladders, | bali tia Ih ey, & King Street Easticai grank Brink, Hampton 263-2710. lished 17 years, Complete range of mate ) A Gost son, Saar, ladder or For wor specie. poeta tion: tele; onl tnd BURROWS, Chariered A Cartage Loom to'Drive 1964 Models |ymrs, Emme setimates.. Crogi terms) MEAD: HUNTER, naa yoptnge Sollscsor sean phone CAREER Street East, esses KS Wit You out ene Roneld. R- a we, Case. 'edmond Vas Fay insured, ont irvcking, clean, PICK-UP SERVICE Oshawa Uphoistering Company, 287 Dean nogp vaa on CAP Af THE SAME' ers, rerpea | blow torches, | TORONTO 444-8421 OPPORTUNITY Burrows, gar ve ote. Avenue, 725-03 % £16 YOUR FRIEND FoR LIFE. u rates, 725-9843, : ROAD TESTS ARRANGED REUPHOLSTER = "ad Fetish Your tara nme Wi ® at BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- a Mr. Robinson 8:30 A.M, to With international ie ppl oy "Wig @ cartage, Bay ro ee Cars estimates, Whitby, 668-753 or 6sbl76 ia : } tag a oo cht 8 P.M, Monday to Fridey, Her Rg -- le An Le lh Ath SE icensed nstructor oe ene i . '4 BROOKS, Chartered MOVING AND CARTAGE, s CHESTERFIELDS and ola chairs, re sesinate air compressor, j 8.30 to 12 AM. Soturday. Accountant, me, Gale teow) 205W, Oshawa Shop-loshewe, Whitby, Reasonable rates, Fully Automatic and Standard covered like new. Get the best for less) : Mt 8 i , hand ole cents rae poms Somer Wyss eee ' iH i Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe §. ping a as oe and insured, 728-3661. h 708 934 |e at Modern. Uphoeterers, 14 Me 96? Gi cane m8, pumps, portable heaters, steel 14--Employment Wanted nished, Retirement and group Complete Bookkeeping service, 184 Bond] py ae." Oshawa -693 cuettansiacete Te-upholstered end re- al sock 9 scaffolding, electric generator, RELIAB LE MOTHER will mind children) benefits. No experience re- Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605, bd styled. Free estimate. See our material CHURCH. romset, power rollers, electric jin own i * lan Street, Whitby, Tele-| Quired ---- we train you. Op iMONTRIFI, RIEHL, WATERS ond Co,|BIALEK, DR. C. P. -- Dental surgeon, TUTORING for recovering, Dalton Uphoistering, 75 nowt hammers, masonry saw, build- Phone' 66-44 portunity for advancement to hccountante, 728-7527) Oshawa) 12, Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, | For Charles. Street, 723-7212 weeranmsast, | (20,000,000 : ing jacks, mortor mixers, |PNTER PAN Dey Nurser G@ulliied dey Shopping, Centre, Suite 2158, Alex, 942-|@Ppolniment 728-8842 or Res, 7268441, |» pny tare A HORSEPOWER. eric se chain hoist, leare, 730, a.m. $20 pin atl. simees| he right mon, Apply 9890; Whitby, 688-4131. Announcing the opening of |S@les end Service "reat Pager Misc lene tt |Nethy Tbaie - SINGER Dressmaking Academic Tutoring College. Sa ere nae oe a one aiann as datescpinsuar ia BOOKKEEPER, woman, experienced paca sect toxhisstate. SIA + }EV"TOWERS from $39.95. Roof antennas paulins, sand blaster, .power if Drapes ro W Barristers DRESSMAKING -- all kinds of ladies' Summer school soon to com- from $19.95. Alax, Bay Ridges, Picker- post hale auger, gscillating Work. Foitbhane machine and general office) SE ING CENTER t GUMPRREVS,; BOVCHYN, and HILL-|wear. High quality work, 'Call 668-8463, ing, Whitby and Oshawa. 'Two-year guar- 'elephone Bowmanville, 623-2975, 16 Simcoe St. North MAN Berrios, solos unk Ing Mrs. Vooglary, 1110 Henry -- Street,| mence, All ages, grade, sub- |antee on all work, 942-0637. -|3--Pets & Livestock 9a--Summer Properties sanders, disc wie CARE for one or two children in ' Oshaw hitby. jects, Reading, Math,, Eng- ARANTEED repsirs to all wringe sanders, floor sanders, acety- own home. Fenced yard. 723-7043 or QC1"G.'s Boyenyn, QC: W. A, Hillman, GRESSMAKING -- Suits, coals, dresses, lish, Sclenas yi feat ste echery wid Tangee: Free eotimlee, Cal MINIATURE Pisa Sepre paneer. For Sale or Rent lene welding outfits, 200 |312 French Street C00 K BA, LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB.Jalterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting} "8". Botieel sy 78-1742. Roe eerie le in' whelp. 'Telepnone|STURGEON LAKE, Bobcaygeon, cor| amp, electric welders. DAY CARE for smail children in my : 7251177, Residence: 723-4326, 725-\a specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 688-2372.) dent's own textbooks, private | |7a5-7205 after 5. tages for rent from August 8th, $45 a STAN'S home. Fenced yard. For more information) Fully experienced, required oth $55 weekly. All inside conveniences, Ball 4604; Whitby 668-1761, NHA and other oy aroun. |Septic Service SAMOYEDS, 2 foriies registered, ideal |ena.ane2 elite for modern hospital, dietary first mortgage funds available. E A xterminators | ' depart: james jeaned, promp! service| pets, Seven weeks old. lepartment. Good salary and Bere 'td talc: ne Notary 'Pub: te s ACADEMIC on oe. oe ee 204 Chestnut Street|de-wormed. Markham, 294-0626, _|9¢--Marine Equipment | Sharpening - gga Ltd. 15--Agents Wanted benefits, 5-day (40 bie: Commi 4 1 West, Whitby, 668-2563. iFUL budgies, ready for ing ot. W., Osnawa week. Hospital, med and West, 6 Oshawa, momarle. cent parking PRESTO PEST CONTROL) TUTORING COLLEGE | pont talking strain. Apply Mrs, Broad,|13-FOOT FIBREGLAS boat and fraller.| Enter " Burk 34 during WIN A TV Pension fom " available: 725-4716 or 725-4717. Fleas, Roaches, Bed Bugs, CALA 723. 1- Surveyor Rd subeh sel : for fast sale 728 ovine oad. repair: MAKE EXTRA MONEY r MANNING F. SWARTZ ond RONALD L.| Beetles, Moths, Mice, Rots, 23-670 bididat o saiato Canal CORY 9 RANCH Kennata, --Regiatereal "_f08 3656 anytime, a PHONE 733: 3924 Please apply in person Diree- * SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries,| etc I--T-EXPR --|it, LIM, ene TROLLOPE, Ontario Land) CORN 9 Menerds, puppies, 1962 SCOTT 28 horsepower motor, good) 1 TINE /L9 0424 - tor of Personnel Money to loan. Henry Block, 26 Kind] Homes, factories, apartments, | LEARN" TO | DRIVE Surveyors 111. Rigi, Sires: East. bloodlines. Stud services, Boarding. uar-|condition. 237 Clarke Street or. telephone ENTERTAINING -- fiffy to one hundred| Win a portoble TV set, while you wh Street East, 7234697, Residence: D'al) ee Bhone Don ot the Ann, |ter horses, foals, Trailer Ashburn, Brook- yim. Sl ppapio? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| make extra money. No experience re) h G 23-4029. me Drivi DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, im 655-4662. 2 FOOT outboard cruiser, fully equipped.|quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, Sell tim tep-veh snawa eneral Mountjoy. Oshawa Driving School |Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial bive HERD pur x ft. Tel 725.| Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking, Rea-| "ecessory. haar, Boscibeseaes : HYMAN AND HYMAN, 'Barrister, Soll- Lrg GERMAN SHEPHERD _ pupp! Owner buying larger boat. Telephone 725- Prva. PP rw, Christmos Cards ond Gifts. Eorn citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times) 725-9871 reasonable rates, standard and \prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632, * aa tainaten, 728. sonable rates, 723-2140" Jy eet East, 723-1137, automatic cars, -- rn ae -- big profits. Friends end neigh- Hospital Buliding, 86 King Str as } F P : |$15, 304 Mitche ALL" A-T condifion. 14 foot Lakefield creme, Wes svg ne eee Gardening and Supplies rofessional_ Instructors. \Trade Schools TWO SADDLE horses, well broken, com-|cedar strip, windshield, lights, steering) 12----Articles Wanted bours buy on sight. Write for re 8, Hyman, QC: Herbert 6. Hyman, Sears SR REE SHENSON cap sia | 728-0091 = ee eae peas "Ibe with saddles. Telephone 728-3498. abr 2 on bah ye yi SHAW free colour catalogue and samples bad | coon decgptr ype controls, ski-prop, fife jackets, . GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, ey Soll "GRASS TIME" \-- SEAWARD | ATTENTION ae PUPS Bt weeks old; males, telephone 728-8655. | AUTO WRECKING CO OS ee ee Std xn yr citors, etc, 114 King Strest East, Dis! | , > 5-2853,|16 HORSEPOWER Scolt electric, eg plen , ' : 72-2278. Residence Phones: J. M. Greer,| NO, 1 FINE GRASS MIX | EZE METH 0 D | MEN |rale, $26, Telephone Port Perry 985-28 16 Worse POWER Scott electric, ol Wane. Cars" te Waele, Hana; aGaren' Cs; Bist ana D QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL.| "papKLAWN" GRASS MIX 7 to 49 BOXER puppies, purebred, Reem trailer, 723-5674, Parts for sale, also scrap iron Clendenan Ave., Toronto. $3 per hour Tew. SUBURBAN GRASS MIX to 4 fo ea and: metals, etc, bought. 'MACKEY end BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- SUPERFINE GRASS. MIX 728-9122 rnp aly Figregies, few condition, ally oy Rye gO for jobbing 'shop citors, Notaries Public. Mortgage funds SHADY PLACE MIX DRIVING SCHOOL! Heavy Equipment |tosrow TERRIER pups, 6 weeks cid,|Bied ony sun ip y y: 16--Femole Helo Wented Reply to 'Box mon Solicitors. Clients' funds avellable for TURF SPECIAL 10-6-4 jall sublects Grades 1 to 8. For yell dozers, scrapers, motor |recistered, $35.00. Telephone Whitby 6 | New name brand professional _|ENCYCLOPEDIA Giltannica, ian ear.| We ore looking for ladies MECHANIC Be" eager Fe Bostedor Ci Norman POTTING SOIL [eee Re Mae OE, Ooncee Rice, cha snevel, Wf yu oy sand. Tele) "UNITED RENT-ALLS evenings, September; October | and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, No- co |WARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,| | FOR. SALE We will train you as a party 725-2552 available. 362 iva_King Street East, 723-1107. male and female, Registered. Also Chi- 725. 2311 89 BLOOR E. My tre TI TIMOTHY-ALSIKE | huahua puppies and grown dogs. Tele- f eth, 228 Oshawa Times N, QC, Solicit {hu FOTRP Han nea cs king 'tine!| INDIVIDUAL GRASS SEED | Rate $395 Ve ie. | Operators |phone 720-9122, -|UimArticles For Rent __ ipiano, wang rena worm, Smt = TOYS, FUN $ $$ LICENSED Bast, Osha Oshawa, 728-8232, a SO-GREEN 7-7-7 ate er Fiour _| Are in demand for bull- |pepi@ReeD American Walker Fox| rit price offered, Write Sebastian Hohmann, ; MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, EVERGREEN 6-9-6 [TUTOR -- Qualified experienced teac |Hound puppies. Born July 27th. Liter] RENT! ! ! | Street East (3rd |Information, please call 723-1484, | Ser tion. Also collection of good books. Write) Who want to' earn extra Good working conditions. im ete te cn PEAT MOSS st tet HL Ad graders, draglines, back- | IBox {az Oshawa Times Christmas money by working ng . Al Prest Ney Service Edmondson. |School, Kinderdance, Fridays, Saturdays,| 5 right " ii} We rent most anything for |13--Business Opportunities| and November. reston § sunogo exsvonvon, ~ oavwan,--wowooen,| COOPER SMITH [ieronic'temoie isms" Srey Boss eters PSA orc oe Kon RE By aera ee eaeseaa 77s 3A Somes 925 SIMCOE ST. NORTH » Bank of Commerce Buliding, 5) : eo : Eat 728- | i Hi Sieve Street North, Oshewa, m346;| 16 Celina St, 723-1139 lhe faking sirect pans. keaster| delay enquire now. |5__Farmer's Column 28-5565 | VALUABLE as abl demonstrator to a a fu | i ivi i i i 1 f toys ond gifts. 7 - Creighton, @Ci or r sth Beha Mieeade Write giving name, add- | Cor. Wilson Rd. S. & Olive | BUILDIN ine of toy 9 . Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Mur. TOP SOIL -- FILL [PIANO LESSONS -- Vicinity " Rossland] ress and telephone num- | Custom Farm Work | Brides, Bridesmids. gowns, and equipment, King and Commission, car, essential. DRAFTSMAN | | iC, 723-4758; J. C, Victor, 9AS- Telephone 728-8695 after 6) J : i i crindlines, hedpieces veils, - Gibbons. Presently modern No investment, deliveries or TIS, Mortgages and Agreements of Sale| SOD ol eaeiee site | ber: Forage harvesting, raking and ought and sold, and arranged, | PIANO, classical and popular, for Infor-| NATIONAL SCHOCL OF | baleing and combining. mink. stoles, white fox furs, lunch: counter, suitable for collections. Call now: Intermediate or senior re- dishes, cuttlery, lasses, other business. quired rowing Ajax sheet . Oshawa 728-3608 piling mation contact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk} | n Building Trades GRAVEL and SAND [Site ostows, rsa? HEAVY EQUIPMENT | _ Telephone fables", chairs orc eT ee 959.9742 ST ee ED LANGLOIS Phone Money Te Lean | id a | Percy Davidson and Son ers. |HIGHLY PROFITABLE variety store | depending on qualifications. HOME BUILDER | S23.) 16] |PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If you have Out of town enquiries invited. | 728- 1343. SARGEANT'S RENTALS petlatlpranlehy eid orn ier Pct le a EXPERIENCED Medical ond life insurance We Specialize in | (oy naymabes tn th arta to creme ie ~ CATTLE FEED. 463 Ritson S 725-3338 _\Hyman Real Estate Limited, 726626 | CEVWZINICC MAACHINE benefits. Permanent, te Foundati ; ion or r _ \ 5 ns- Crinolines, Conerete Foundations OSHAWA |tion or any worthwhile purpose. Telephone! TV: "Radio Repairs FOR SALE [BRIDES rigeamais gowna- Crinalings | Smert OPERATORS 173 ALBERT ST, |Toronto, 481-52 728-4169 GARDEN CENTRE TV TOWERS Corn silage. Delivered within | als. sembformals. All new. styles./ Business FOR AUTOMOTIVE SEWING. For appointment Sargeant's Rentals and Sales, 725-3338, j Ww . People Free Estimates ph thirty mile radius of Whitby. -- | eiaiRs, cara and banquet tables, church : APPLY PRES T 8) Economy and Call aisle 'runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412; Sing the Praises CANADIAN 942 6500 CEMENT WORK LAWN services | Mortgage Money Deluxe sien eg Millard | Ramp NRE asm oeoccoman| | Onew AUTOMOTIVE TRIM |~ EXPERIENCED Lawns, weeds, fertilizing, Available Diead=to sui weor budedt |reducing machines, sick room supplles.| WALKS, STOOPS, driveways, parking lots, and Fe aio ee 9 FOR SALE -- oats, 70 cents) wheat $1.75/Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 125-1644, Ads 274 McKENZIE AVENUE FLOORS, CURBS and H n® per bushel. Call Jerry Treybal, Mearns men | ELEC TRONK PATIOS. bean lyse Low Interest Listaltot yawns acl hall cage ac le oP 99 --Summer Properties 9o--Summer Properties NO eee ae COUNTER MAN TELEPHONE 725-9871 | | . See eae | B. McLEAN Mw eramerrs "oscar OSHAWA TV |sitijerrriertenessieree:-cxi) For Sale or Rent 'For Sole or Rent Sewing Teacher | Required by Major Electronie Phone 725-5946 estimates. Telephone 725-8552 or 723-9910. | | Supply Company . for new FEKW RANA Geir Waa Alle ae 1 Must have at least 5 yeors TREES -- Git trimmed wnd-roroves| CITY AND DISTRICT 'SUPPLY LIMITED [FRR POSTS. Pete *lphase c.smin "Where Dreams Come True' | dressmaking experience, be- | Wholesale outlet OF ING, 100rs, 4 "Jona" See, sees oe floors, Br sf nd a a. at 725-0214, SUMMER PROPERTIES 361 GIBBONS ST. ot 2283. : tween 25 ond 45 years of 723-5131 Sass i bee Fig and ' Roofing | N! se a eld soa, ar daily, sand, CASH t 1 Highest prices paid bs ef i ' 725-6937, bess i aa Armstrong Sod. Tele VACANT LAND 728- 8] 80 for deed. A oped Tarm, sock. hier BEAUTI FUL 8 8 Sie ci saree aoa . sigs in confidence to Mr, . arw , new andrea, roofing Members Ontario Ror barney Licance: 30804, conditions, benefit plan, good GENUINE AUTOTRONICS _ " . F, Mc-|GARDENS plowea with G I Roto i Conn RRS. onewe ase * | plow Telephone. Brookiln as53104. "| Mortgage Brokers Association GENESEE SEED wheat. Wheat ana oai| starting solory. For appoint- 1188 Simcoe St. South Ky CARPENTRY." cabinele,"Arborily| TREE fo trim? Call "Slim Or cot tem | ay TOWERS: straw for sale, Dial 655-3055. | ment apply: bathroom and kitchen Fomneceting, Cell-|down. Free estimates, 725-5118, » SUMMERLAND PRESTO PARM SERVICES -- Whitewas SI NGER BODYMAN 4 wall and floor tiles CohiUEW BOWLER -- Landscaping and ¢ ar and [ings tly control; weeds--pastures, brush, lect 965-2674. dening service, sidewalk slabs, pati rons, Boo Jeeterey ore Lerne SEWING CENTER SIM ARENT i te atau ae| SECURITIES | Antenna Repair |femt"nae mi The Oe of er 16 Simcoe St. North | Must_be fully experianced, Ing tiles, chimneys, roofing, etc. Satistac-|fertilized, power rolling, pruning, hedge! TRIO \6 -Auction Highest wages paid to right SEURBULEON. sah ary stocks Telephone T010. seal ee For people who prefer a better summer Home CASHIER perty: Pll ete eee HOUSEBUILDING, additions, verandas,)--~ cupboards, framing, block foundations.|JOHN B RO U W E R LANDSCAPING 112 Simcoe. St. North TELEVISION ' AUCTION SALE with long season and retirement possibilities . . . Full. or part time. Experienced Telephone 728-7781 " . fe land: if Call fooltngs, etc. A, Summers, 728-7245 728-6992 i" Mad "sie oe Oshawe, Ontario = 725-3568 171 BOND ST. E, OSHAWA RGOM, Dabred, 58 and op. BunObCN NEI" twarewt, rene eh ps tel 798.5143 | EMERALD ISLE IS THE LOGICAL ANSWER | eed Noth "| COMPOUNDER Inted, pina ach Rat slaty Ah Ac Sere all prices labour only. 725-7297. Geo.| DARLINGTON GARDEN SERVICE. For Se cmmraee onli tee aan | Tat Time In Canada | -E"3 SS __| SATURDAY, | | BRAEMOR IGA TRAINEE lly invited to visit f ~ neys built and repaired; gas linings In-lBAY Ri $, ery sod, delivered, 15 Year You and your family ond friends ore cordially fr, '4 Minimum Grade 12. Grade 13 stalled: roofs repaired. Free estimates, \aid, peat Team, Atkinson, Plekering) $2 95 Sept. 19th, 1964 Emerald Isle and inspect the many completed summer homes an orefated. Ta lash waameric | 2nd Mortgages Calls taken until 8 p.m. BOWES & COLKS PROPERTIES OF PeTERSOROUGH paris Law Technician monufacturing. Phone CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES | CORONATION TV ENTERPRISES a oh AB You will find ot Emerald Isle a lovely estate of sweeping lawns Experienced preferred. Mini- 725-0544 and tall trees. No two lots are alike and there is a pleasing variety mum Grade 13 if is Between 6:30 to 8:30 P.M, 25 WORD MINIMUM | Investment Co. Ltd. bas 723-3553 ESTATE in the designs and finishing of the vacation homes enced, To om Gualtiy Carmel Thursday or Friday, Better describeo offers get foster results, Sept. 10 or 11, CASH CHARGE | introduces lon tet A fal | i fe ig - term 15 DAY OR EVENING be on the main island or one of the small islets all joined with ¢ Seren tie png a oe 225 yest | YEAR - OPEN - Second 728-5286 WHITBY good roads. Hydro is available and telephone cables are now pil 6:30 and 8:30 P.M, | HILL-CORNISH et : : | mortgages, Borrow what you . ALL HOUSEHOLD 'being installed. A number of beach and pork areas are reserved Thursday or Friday, Count eoch word, initial, figure or abbreviotion as one word. need on the security of your Hay. Dl ers Ps i Séotombr 16 orth gers, Separate commercial area is PEE hha Bs IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. home --- Repay in small OSHAWA | under development and available for lease or sale, including | COOK, full time and waitresses park ELECTRIC LTD. CLASIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 50c | monthly payments over 10 ELECTRONICS FURNITURE, including | . store, marine and Neusikeening Suites eceommmenaten, time and full" time. Apply at' Cosch . | to 15 years 2 SEE : House ere rent in Whitby or call 668- i While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box | Ls |SOUTHEND TV towers and serial ser/ Stove, Refrigerator, TV 4592. after 5 p. faguire ie oie My i For full details, call : numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no vice. Formerly Lake Viste TV, 480 RELIABLE hy to look" atler "fur lability in respect of loss or damage alieged to avise through 723-2265, (after hours 725-3376) /Philip Murray. maaan. etc., also LAKESHORE LOTS oi Clie mater works, "and do chis 19 oie take plan either failure or delay in forwarding such replies, however caused SCHOFIELD- AKER SIFY. a TOWERS. antennas, also re-| EXCELLENT VALUE AT ight household dutles. 728-9195. pe pedi ype Sypris whether by negligence or otherwise. pairs, werk queranreed, 61) Dean! EXPERIENCED short order cook. Day ndustri Professional listings only, 3 lines per month ; Limited fends ncsteancibt sts | 1961 BLACK FORD FAL- $2,000.00 to $3,500.00 Stee Southend Restaurant, tronics background preferred. Each additional line, per munth ' 360 King St. West |Well Drilling--Digging CON ee on, loshating gravel driveway, cottage site cleared, improved beach PART-TIME wallress required. Apply| Please apply through DEADLINES MORTCACE _ liiinelisem! Waren tt chant osc Rasy, gl : CARTE eer oes NATIONAL in %eInch tile. W. Ward, estnut} many other articles. : a en Tor , ; ne I '3 WORD ADS... 5 p.m. Day Previous, MORTGAGE -- = TERMS CASH SPECIAL OFFER i fo. io working two 't more ae EMPLOYMENT Card of Thanks 5 p.m, Day Previous LOAN S | 1--Women's Column nings 8 week. No collecting or delivery. SERVICE In Memoriams 5 p.m. Day Previous | PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-| | As little as $200.00 down (Minimum 10% to approved buyers). |Fap7oqp, MPessit.. For interview 'cali , Lost and Found ++ 9:30 Day of Publication. | Moneys for first mortgages -- |dressing, 39% Pine Avenue, Telephone} THE FOUR-ROOM BRICK | $43.00 $40.00 Monthly on Five Year Purchase Plan. EARN EXTRA MONEYS Comaey| . 314 Simcoe St South ei ond Uaathe oun be 30 Pay, 2t Publication: Interest at 7% 725-5363. VENEER BUNGALOW Subject to deeded building restrictions - Two years to build, fea ne ot Crise nd Wraps, . " H iy " gy ra 2--Personal WITH GARAGE, will be uttuly 'hoisted eanieeie' sorte]! ~© YOUNG MAN CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: . No charge for valuetions - put up for sale the same : on approval and the fastest service, : 2 Column or Larger ....... 10 @.m. Day Previous Mortgages and Agreements LEN PULLAN day. FOUR SEASONS VACATION HOMES attach Ga Tete coe, tP aid for 1 Column Space +++ 4 p.m. Day Previous purchased. Stylish 2 - 3 - 4 Bedroom Custom built RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER fo mind Moneys for second + (ENGLISH TAILOR) TERMS, 10% dow day of cae : four children and do light househo! SATURDAYS: Fost sevice, | CUSTOM TAILORING | 'le, balonce in, 30°days, gg i me aaa al a dais Uwe' oreo ase aaa! MAIL DESK Word Ads. s++++ 12 Noon For Monday M. F. SWARTZ BRITISH WORSTEDS Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp. ee and General Office Duties eee Chol 10 A.M: For Monday 26Y2 King St. East SUIT & DRESS eo young mon. Bxeelln? "wpertuniiys ai - A Oshawa, Ontario ALTERATIONS Auctioneer, Loyal Pogue, sone Helene sara Crete. Mr. WIiKinson Alex) AGE 17-21 YEARS CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS | 723-4679 INVISIBLE MENDING R. D. RUDDY, OC, Med ise NEED aaiee mone A ond Hore ae Full Foundations Mi fj i > PRIVATE Administrator of the Estate easily be earned by showing our fabulous inimum of junior matricu- 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION | mortgages; py Bg 10-12 PRINCE ST. Priced from about $3,200.00° . Christmas. cards, gifts, toys, fo friends| lation required. Excellent op- Concellations and Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. |sale-purchased. Creighton, Drynan, Mur- 728-5311 8--Hunting © { » and neighbors. No experlence necessary. portunity for advancement. Deodline will be processed for the following doy's poper. doch and Victor. (See "Barristers.") wale Our exciting, tulbcoler catalogue makes} Full range company paid " Removal' of superfluous hair, |ART'S GUN REPAIR, 18 Bond Street BUY THIS FALL! Be ready for a full season next year AND-save {1,008 12 spied ae bitatne tet benefits. Apply in to: [M 1 Servi M. M il '+ |West, Oshawa. Rifles, shotguns, pistols, y' money. Write today for Christmas cards! Pply Person REGULATIONS usica rvices lorie Murduff will be in Jancient and modern, bought, sold, traded,| the sales tax increase effective this December, on approval ahd free catalogue. Monarch : PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic) organ Oshawa, Sept, 2], 22, ond repaired, 7289731, Hours 90 9; Saturday : Card Coy OOK Ths 217: Cannan Hat STAFF PERSONNEL I jtuning and > Instr Phon I ud : : Ln Ng edt big tr gag penn wry, eee iA lading, "alex Py ial acelenass pen Ei a ee et Ten Model Vacation Homes Open Now. OFFICE girl, Experienced typist. Book- DEPARTMENT Be f : a, one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, mor beyond the Vere aes Se 9a--Summer Properties coeplig ore tee experience preferred. price charge for a single. insertion of the advertisement in which 'Optometrist ELECTROLYSIS For Sale or Rent. Directions to Emerald Isle: WAITRESS WANTED. Apply Th parson Te DUNLOP CANADA error occurs. IF. RICHARD | BLACK. OD, 16 Simcoe] 723-4641 WASAGA, housekeeping collages located) Two hours comfortable drive from Toronto. Recommended route: |The Terrace Restaurant, 120 Brock Street LTD The Oshawa Times reserves the right to clossity advertising iphone mi Oshawa, Tele PERMANENT fmong shady evergreens, right on the) Highway 401 and 115 to Peterborough then 7B north to Bridge- _ | North, Whitby. on. sf Specias. . Pag ie Halr- according to. its proper classification, | Satiahat seth eee 'este Talley north, Cross Chemong Lake Causeway, keep right and follow AITRESS REQUIRED, 5 rer 4 ah and WHITBY, ONT. In the case of display odvertisements, The Times will not be |Plumbing and Heating ca wf ~Schasaa GROSS Car ltohe al Comiminion, swalieyeetl, bere.| signs 6 miles to Emerald Isle. sales information office. « tar Campbell Genoaha Hotel |WANFED -- Tool Derlencea held responsible for more space than 'that in which the octual | Sine [RIO REQUIRED Oshawa Shopping Cen-|ball, small games. Openings from' August : h eae dae "engineer e experiences |YORK PLUMBING and heating. Speciar|tre to Scarborough General Hospital, Law-|15 0m. Rates reduced in September. For further information call Toronto 364-5500 COOK in small country ro) dining} nau ve tall and exhaust pipe jay- error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver-. izing repairs, remedellin e rit riside Vil N : room. Telephone Coboconk 454-3301, out work. Must be able to design various {'zing jodelling. Reasonableirence Avenue East, Arriving 7.45 a.m.|Write Surfside lage, New Wasega 00) ep! raed loi tising motter correctly, but assume no liobility of advertisement rates Free estimates. 328 Simcoe South,| 728.4258. Beach or phone Elmvale, 738-R4. PART-TIME cashier required. Apply Gen- neat eroluient coer ae. "gig it ony inoccuracies in any form are contained therein, aei73), - HOUSEKEEPING cottages, electric, in- osha Hotel, King Street East, Oshawa. ditions, fringe: benefits, etc, rl Bhat fe Clad tore tee Poca, gone Remnah|o--Pete & Livestock Mi Smarties] BOWES & COCKS LTD, _[eeitusmemtnse sero msc lge esi uty, Wt aa Pa ies |rale. Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J.J@ERMAN SHEPHERD pupples, slx|RR 3, Burk's Falls. : Apply. Whitby, 2 mes. Telephone the Direct to Classified | Foley 'iublaasis ba oy at rg gl ge EAL : ° WILL exchange $40. per weck for 18 AVAILABLE June, july, August ands pours of your tiene: Write: Bax 23, 'Osh Number 723-3492 ALL PLUMBING: and heating supplies.|9!>: nek Mitchell positon spare -oopstax |e ar Lane nares eitcieney REALTORS 17--Male Help Wanted awa .Times. i elephone 725-3521, Harold H, Stark, Ltd.|LOV ty hi @ German. Shepherd puppies. |bungalows. Good fishing. For full particu. Two TRU ivers, tor "route work, K \ \. For All Other Deportments, Coli The Times Switchboard, Jplomeng He Heating and Engineering, 255) Males, $6. $5. Come see themilars write C-O Grinsville P.O, or tele Peterborough -- Lindsay -- Bancroft apg sich sig waite Box. 238) Oshawe| cas vs pan] i ae He Ai , nt treet South, aver tes veubents Dial 263-2450, Phone 4785, Times, » Alax Hardware, arey Alte Shapping "ecee: The foremost Canadian Pub- | su You may' drive right to your door gt Emerald Isle. Wide oiled work in cosmetic plant. Call lic Co. in the field, now TV SERVICE | 1014 Centre Street South gravel roads bring you from the mainland to your lot which may 725-0544 {