Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Sep 1964, p. 18

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A FINE TIME TO BE TELLING US DUMMY, AFTER I ALMOST LUFE OVER 'THE CONFOUNDED THING... eg ee {s i W 18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 5; 1964 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channei 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrle SATURDAY EVE. 6:00 PLM. --News 7--Early show 6--Countrytime 4--Wrestling 3--Mr. and Mrs, North 2--Superman 6:30 P.M. 8--The Bible Answers 5:30 P.M, 9--See Hunt 7--Rocket Ship 7 4--Out of the 4--Planet Garth 2--Children's Gospel Hour; 3--Piayhouse 90 10:30 A.M. 6--Kingfisher Cove N--En France 6100 P.M. 4--Look Up and Live 9--~Sgt. Bilko 2--This is The Life 7--sig Show of Week- 00 AM. pet oti ead 4--Twentieth Century 2--Meet The vress 6:30 PLM, Ni--Rawhide 3--Ripeord &--This is The Life 2--Billiard Champions I---.S. Navy Reports 6--Church' Service Mediator Considered -- For INCO WINNIPEG (CP) -- Premier Roblin said Friday the provin- cial government is considering three-week-old strke at the In- ternational Nickel Company mine in Thompson, Man. But he said it will be more feasible for the provincial gov- ernment to study living condi- tions in Thompson after the strike is eettled. About 1,700 milers and sur- face workers at the Inco mine appointing a mediator in the/ aja) j mic; to investigate the high, cost of living in the isolated éne - industry town 400 miles north of Wnnipeg. He also|(T asked about the possibility of CONTRACT By B. JAY BECKER record-holder in =" placing a moritorium on mort-|mast dealer. gages in the town until the|Bast-West vuln ble. Strike is over. Mr, Roblin said that the re- quests which fell within provin- jurisdiction would receive careful consideration to see what improvements could be] effected. BARBERING 1964 LONDON (CP) -- Barbers at two shops here no longer ask: "Short back and sides, sir?" They psychoanalyse each cus- ont age 4-Camera Three 9--Walt. Disney went on strike Aug. 12. tomer by asking detailed per- Lg ot ie ocald 11:30 8 Set FS Premier naotin wee replying|sonal questions, filing the an- 'i --Sir Lancel 1:00 P.M. by letter to a letter from Len|swers with a sketch of his pro- wq Fe ean show| Prbpectrum uh yee ew Stevens, Prairie regional super-jfile. Each man's hair is then Ne' rt cee: 7--Mind Over Myth y bah ig visor of the United Steelwork-|styled to project the personal- AN f ME | 4-UB Round Table Panel) 3 or ot Year ers of America (CLC). ity he would like to show the J } 2-~Dragnet &--The Christophers Mr. Stevens asked the pre-!world. 1:30 P.M, vend enact CROSSWORD 1--Club 11 D warty E2--The Lievtenent | 1---Oral Roberts 7---Hootenanny &--Fellx The Cat 6--The Saint 7--Playhouse 7 4--The Lucy-Desl Comedy) $--Live and Learn ive away A : 3--Danger Man 4--News; Weather AoROsS BS has ararerrem (least some information about oo . Prop aS Rec Cw hand to the player who becomes -inme nome 6. Vered | : SS Ag el a declarer. This knowledge may | 12:15 P.M. $--Sunday Movi 5. Jump DOWN iatow BI 4---Industry On Parade Joana and" Trial 9. Great Oe ee menue "| gage in the play of ie on 8-2--Grindl artery LAF DNOMME TRI all hands, but there are many cas Wee bos 9:00 P.M. from the. lj;where the opening bid is the 7:30 P.M, 9--Mr. Novak &-2--Disney's World of Color | Opening lead -- queen of hearts, ' The player who opens the bid- ding and later becomes a dé- fender is bound to 7--Empire 6-3--Chorus Anyone 4--My Favorite Martian 6:00 P.M. Sports 643--Ed. Syilivan 2--The Answer 4:20 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 9--Donna Reed 8:30 P.M. 9--Movie Bishop 8-2--Joey Bis! INIVIAISIAI ie Welk Show INIVIAISIA Ga--Beverly Hillbillies | $2Dougles Fairbanks | §-632--Bonanza heart : principal guide to the winning St. Lawrence North 4--The Celebrity Game 10, Bulging line of play. Ach hag Patani 9:30 P.M. jars cheese [GIVES Take a case like th eer en li=tave. Gop Will Travel | 42, Oneofa 29. Witty. smiles ee where South is ie doar ae coxa series remark RMSE do "oe | idee of steps 31, Silver Yesterday's Answer er potential teste see N--Naked City 13. Discomfit two diamonds and a club -- and 4--The Defenders 9:00 PLM. Napoleon's 9--The Hourglass ele 4--Cameo Theatre €2--Dupont Show of 14.Musicnote 7, Boy's the problem is to find a way of | cutting one of them off. Obvious- 62-Movi 6-3--Great Movies 9:30 P.M. arm i i ae | 7--Dick Powell Show ; er 8. Minister 11--Spotlight athe Pleardy Affair 18 Lizard f ly, 'declarer t | heart ; 9. A thin; 36. Raise, as ys ae tee ee | 9--All Star Theatre 4--Candid Camera J and a club, so the issue narrows down to saving one of the did- V--Wrestling 7--Hollywood Palace 4~--Summer Playhouse | | 20. Total ; | 7-Issues.and Answers ¢ of value poodles | pond ak Pg amount 11, Kind of for sale 6-3--Country Calenda 4--What's My Line 22, All correct: mili 39. Draws mond Josers. . 4--Baseball Game of the itary cap 39, Let's say West leads the queen | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) 28, Novice of hearts, which holds, and an- 10:00 P.M. 4--Gunsmoke 10:30 P.M. 11:00 P.M. Week ie Cons short, 16, Boy closer 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--N Werther Bports, Fre bia ia | Weather, Sports 25. A Spanish- ie (2 other heart, which declarer 11--Sunday Movie | W120 P. type jacket ' : | twin. 8m Theatre |g gp' anee™ PRL ruffs, It takes no great imagina- tion for South to realize that N--Biockbuster 9--Twilight Zone 11:15 PLM, 11--Block Buster Con- 7--Chavtauqua '64 7-4--Late Sh 30. River 2--Award Theatre helad East's opening bid includes the ace of hearts, king of diamonds tinued 6--World of Sport 11:30 P.M, 81. Spread out : P and ace of clubs, plus some of 9--Metro Final 4--Sunday Playhouse. 8-2--Saturday Night at 2:30 P.M. 1--Musi¢ in line of he Movies, | 7--Dialogue ico 'show battle: mil. the missing intermediate cards. 3--Mavie | 3:00 P.M. Fete A at ds Ae 34. Dress This makes it appear probable 110 PM | 7--My Little Margie | 7--Ensign O'Tooie 37. Roman 9 that two diamond tricks would 'Sgclaty anes | &---World of Sport aneny 38. To brown. be lost by leading low towards 6--Sports 3:30 P.M, aie Aas in the sun the queen, which would be the ite hk | 7--The Deputy | 4~Captain Kangaroo 40. Disfigure normal way of dealing with such é--Fred Astaire Theatre | 'Tour of Store 9:00 A.M. 41, Mi a combination, Instead, South of distance attempts a different line of play 44. Parrot in order to give himself a better chance, a He plays a club at trick three, losing the cueen to the ace, East returns of clubs, taken with Declarer now ruffs a... .a pursuance of a plan to endplay East. South then enters dummy with S |a trump and ruffs the seven of hearts. This sets the stage for the critical play. He crosses to dummy with a a trump and leads the king of GOOD HEAVENS! HE BVEN ILL FIND OUT HOW THAT STORY Cc : : siaai ' hearts. When East covers with KNOWS MY BUREAU RAN A LEAKED OUT, BUT THE DAMAGE IS Then they breathe 4 sighoF relief as... | The royal jet-liner wings eastward over the fi f '] 19 |} nate tows ry ic the ace, South does not ruff, but 6, Island of coins 32, Banishes 33, Tibetan ox 35. Declaimed MICKEY MOUSE |11--Schnitzet_ House 7--Jack LeLanne Show 4--Popeye's Playhouse --Mik 2--Mike Douglas Show point: abbr 9:30 A.M. 47, Leave off, 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford asa 10:00 A.M. syllable 4:00 #.M 12:30 A.M. ' N--En France 6--Tight Rope | 7--Bowling SUNDAY | 63--Country Calendar 9:00 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 4--Popeye's Playhouse l1--Tiny Talent Time 2--Cartoons | 9--Dougias Fisher 6-3--Adventure | 9:30 A.M. 4--Travel 11--Ed Allen 49. A playing N--En France 100 PM. 8-2--Make Room For marble 2--The Christophers 8:09 P. Daddy 51, Suiting 2--Portralts of My People, \|--Famnuy theatre | 7--Girl :Taik torial | 9--Platform 63--Count of mal 10:00 A.M, | 7--Wrestting 62. Vexed N--Italian Journal 4--CBS Sports Spectacular 46, Compass © King Fentamee Syadirate. Inc. 1964, Workd rights reserved. Monte Cristo 4Calendar QUIET SURVEY ON THEM-- || DONE NOW-- WHAT HURTS IS MY il and O'fara retun the ONLY HE HAS CONVICTED || PROMISE TO ANNIE HAS BEEN pera Tiara to Princese ' Ths places ton as cone THEM AS CRIMINALS BY VIOLATED ~ WHAT MUST SHE jophia's royal bodyquatd 1. where bi sitkt lhl ce dhaloonn Si oa Sees -- from the king, or else yield a ' ruff and discard. Either way, South makes the centract: : mh Monday: Another Famous land. i : K iy ' ; "i s Fil | la BY) ag | Anti-US. Film On Cuba Trip y (-SHORE GLAD HE . WASHINGTON (AP) -- The DIDN'TAX ME IF ff i, 24-year-old leader of a U.S. AWAY, yn cio Fag ed Read student group that visited Cuba AFTER AY, Our-- said Friday he cheered with the GOTIT Sf) others as he watched an Amer- ican plane being shot down in South Viet Nam in a Commu- nist propaganda film. Edward Lemansky of New York also told the House of Representatives committee on un -.American activities that there was some talk of students trips to Communist China simi- lar to the excursions to Fidel Castro's Cuba during the last two summers. He tossed in frequent lectures complaining of oppression in the U.S mistreatment of Cuba by the U.S. and American mis- deeds in Viet Nam. The committee has been at- tempting, among other things, to find out who financed visits by the Americans to Cuba. The Americans went to the Castro-run island without state department approval, (At least 45 Canadian univer- sity students also spent the summer in Cuba on a working visit, Their trip was_ organized by the Toronto-based Fair Play for Cuba Committee and fi- nanced by the Cuban govern- ment.) SECRET AGENT X39 TONTO AND | DIDN'T Ye START THIS --- / THE LONE RANGER [J I'M GOING TO LEARN TO ae WHEN I GET TO COLLEGE. IIA RUN..KICK.:AND PASS GOING TO BE A TRIPLE-THREAT SCAT-BACK ON THE FOOTBALL TEAM! DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER Rf Niel; HOW ABOUT LETTING ME PICK UP THE CHECK TODAY 7 NOOO... LEAVES 202 SURVIVORS BUT ISTILL JOLIET, Ill. (AP)--Funeral 5 services will be held Saturday MYSTERIOUS ABOUT /, 4 for a 90-year-old Joliet woman THAT, 1S THERE? © - wi; |who died Wednesday leaving re ey (y"| |202 immediate survivors span- UNBABETAND i} . ning four generations. Mrs. PEARS | ; Nancy Jane Alstott is survived by seven children, 51 grandchil- dren, 129 great. grandchildren and 15 great-great grandchil- dren, Mrs. Alstott outlived eight other children and her husband, William, who died in 1945. SALLY'S SALLIES T'LL PAY FOR MINE, AN! YOU'LL PAY FOR YOURS! JULIE--WHATS GOING ON AROUND HERE? HONEST, I FEEL SOMETHING OOZYS HAPPENING RIGHT UNDER MY NOSE! 2 A GENTLEMAN! IT'LL BE LIKE IT ALWAYS |6"" JULIET JONES MOSTLY BY DONNA AND MIKE, AND THEN EDDIE HEARN SHOWING UP AND TALKING TO YOUIN HIS CAR~NOTIN 4 Teo (, HELL?" 6fAD i iH, t bi MY, SON. iN > Mper™ nNnG ' Wee eee i \ ing Features Syoidicate, lac, 1964 Wadd Gights vencrved | "Sure, I kmow what ed lib means. I studied Latin ence,"

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