HOME DESIGN No. 405 This modern brick veneer bungalow, without carport, could be built on a 40-foot lot. The living-dining area fea- tures fireplace, large picture window and a built-in-china cabinet. While there is a front door opening into a ves- tibule, the family will invari- ebly use the side entrance venient to all parts of the W-3n12 EOROOM 10-10% 9-0 sDROOM pre ae UVING 2 DINING W-5n8-9 ¢ TG] sproom e 0 OT ib etx 12-0 ° A TIGHT LINE Archery Hunting Is Gaining Popularity By KEN ROBERTS When this time of year rolls around, our mind turns to the Fall, its leaves and hunting. And, hand - in - hand with this sport goes a sport that is gain- ing more and more popularity over the. years -- archery. This sport has thrived to the point where advanced seasons in certain areas of our country are set aside for early hunting. Deer hunting with a bow and arrow can be one of the most chal- lenging feats a hunter can ac- complish. The bow and arrow differs greatly from the rifle. The rifle) hope to close the gap. kills by shock, but the bow and; A greater knowledge of ani- | | with great care and silence, ten- nis shoes are excellent in early Fall. When moving through thé! bush, step on your. toes first, feeling out the step then lower the weight of the body to that foot. The reward you seek can be! lost in one careless step. If you, come upon a deer in a Fall set- ting with dry leaves making up the forest floor, stand perfectly still. Any movement in the dry leaves will give your presence away. Instead, watch him close- ly, when he moves, you move, synchronize your steps with his,| only in this manner can you a deer is hit he will spring from the spot where hit, if he hears) no one in pursuit, he will soon stop to rest, once down, assum- ing he is hit well, his chances of} recovery are slight. So wait your time, then track) him down, he should not have wandered far. Under no circum- stances leave a wounded deer to bleed to death, a person who allows this to happen does not deserve the title 'hunter'. An interesting point to men- tion is this advanced season alloted to archers. This boon can tack on an extra two weeks to your deer season and greatly increase your chances of meat THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 5,1964 17 Offers Scenic By Claude Henault-Barash MONTREAL (CP) -- In the Laurentians 80 miles north of here there's a forest glade where you can listen to the whisper of wind in the trees, the chatter of birds in the brush and the keening wail of high - revving engines running \through the gears, Sound incongruous? The or- ganizers of Canada's newest sports car racing track, Le Cir- don't think so, and the 15,000- odd fans who attended the first race, a minor event Aug. 2, {seemed to agree. | The idea of a track in this area was brought up in 1061 when three Laurentian business- men got in touch with officials 'of the Montreal Motor Racing) cuit Mont Tremblant-St. Jovite,|; Quebec Autosport Track -- Skill Test Eugene circuit which, because of its surface of holes with con- crete trimming, was chasing away both the more exotic ma- chinery and the crowds. A deal was made and the businessmen, who now num- bered 50, each put up $1,000 while the MMRC chipped in $6,000. After six weeks they had a track designed by club drivers, touched up by internationally known experts, including Sterl- ing Moss, and covered with $70,000 worth of pavement. CAN BE LENGTHENED The 28-foot-wide circuit, at the bottom of a natural amphi- theatre, is built on two levels with several demanding turns coming on the downslope,when th e traction is lowest. dicey corners are'many and straightaways few: 3 Spectator facilities are na- ture's own, with tree - shaded viewing areas about 10 feet .|above track level, out of the way of flying coachwork and giving a clear view of about a third of the track. The only other major evi- dence of man's handiwork tn the area is the $30,000 control tower, built by an oil company, and a bridge leading to the in- field rea, constructed by a brewing company. - Located between a lake and a river, the circuit offers ex- cellent swimming facilities. There are also camping grounds. For those who like comfort, however, there are some 4,000" hotel rooms available within a three-mile radius, There is also a highwayleading to the course and a train station within 10 minutes' walk, At the time of the Aug. 2 event, which put the first layer . Note the extra wash- rodm near this door, also stairs to basement, Bedrooms have high windows for. pri- vacy plus sliding doors on wardrobe closets, Bath has vanitory and its large linen closet is also accessible, from hall. Kitchen is average in size, but excellent, planning has produced compact work centre and ample storage space plus. snack-bar! Stan- datd Blueprints for this de- sign No. 405 cost $15.00 for thé first set and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Canada by re- turn mail. (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax). Now available at this Newspaper Office (or from ad@ress below) is our new Design Book entitled "Sub- urban and Country Homes de- NOEs cisteaccisvassdescteceyessdvcedeovcecencsseoceus signed for Canadians," price | $1.10 tax free. This 1964 Edi- Address tion includes information on FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN GRAYING BATHROOM TILE jquite difficult. At large wood-|bugs are best controlled by re- QUESTION: How can I whiten/finishing materials dealers, or;moving female box elder trees a bathroom white tile floor|large paint and hardware stores,|in the area; the bugs apparent- which is Jecoming quite gray?|special mahogany stain remov-jly thrive on the seeds of this ANSWER: Scrub the tile withjers .are available; these kits tree. a strong hot solution of triso-|contain three solutions, instead' Best method for getting rid-of dium phosphate (keep the solu-/of the more usual two-solulion the bugs, indoors and out, would tion away from any painted sur-/ wood bleach kits. be to have a competent exter- faces as it will soften the paint.! BOX ELDER BUGS minator do the job. Follow this by ample rinsing é : QUESTION: We are bothered STAINED STONE FIREPLAC with clear water to remove all trace of the cleaning solution. {with those nasty box elder bugs' QUESTION: We hav st old Prat aaahave: bp invited: 'he wenlee G OLD STAIN in our house. Could you suggest Pid which . ha econ ig page el =i this. Seay abies A a National lee : : [something = cm ah get rid/ dark-colored in places from the oe League city Wednesday, Oct. 7. : ave alovely|of them indoors? Is there any- smok : ; SREE MATC | Q y smoke from the wood burned in a, 2° MATCH BACKS TAX | f ie coat satin lined.All wool fabrics-Tweeds, * | eae ree me ate : Mohairs and homespans,Sizes 8 - 20, old chair I am attempting to|thing we can do to get rid Of the fireplace. The stones are dif- (AP) Ken i. The ~-- as = Sie se the 2 the house ferent colors. What can we use Venturi, the United States Open) NEW ORLEANS (AP -- Aj the stain, are mahogany.|as well as on the trees to remove the smoke stains? titleholder, and Tony lLema,|U.S. federal appeals court Wed-| ~ 2 i Sve. wed rae diferent yard before they get to the) ANSWER: Etching and clean- winner of the British Open,/nesday. upheld United States) LESS THAN PRICE of wood | : ing preparations (not containing agreed Thursday to meet in a/tax assessments of more than) as @xtensive sanding but I am) ANSWER: 7 Sees bugs nig muriatic acid for stone and golf battle of champions for the $1,000,000 against former heavy. RAI NCOATS unable to remove all the old ter homes in the fall for shelter masonry surfaces are widely benefit of the American Olym- weight boxing champion Inge u tyl f hich te ch i fn. Is th th you\during cold weather, They go ; ; phd PRs shape bli ft ahaa > Hg bd fg stain. Is there anything you rs gc Ww h Y 8° available at masonry supplies at\pic fund. The offer was made/mar Johansson. The asses Fopling, Checks and novelty fabrics, could suggest that would b outdoors again when warm jarge hardware stores. These by Fred Corcoran, business ments grew out of purses re-|-- Sizes 8 - 20 ceived by the Swede for fights) LADIES' ALL WOOL SLIMS Ladies slims in plain or novelty fabrics, Colours; Black, Brown,Grey and blue. Sizes 8 - 20 arrow kills by hemorrhaging:| mal lore is required by the bow Slee The swiftness of your kill will be|hunter and familiarization with| 0" the table. Along with being a ee determined by the location of/your quarry is a must, study | take #3 a ciphers' pee e a arose ia the shot. Preference is given to his habits. As mentioned before, | NEXT WEEK: Th Tit ii ' 7 the chest cavity of the deer. At/dry Fall leaves are a great) wie. on archery rs aa mat aor ial this location, you have an excel-|handicap and, in some in-| oon somali deer hanting iP! 12 lent chance at many large)stances, these conditions make! sid iB deer ANE. jarteries and veins, as well as/stalking. impossible. Here still-| one and haif storey, split ,the possibility.of puncturing a hunting 1s reverted to. Situate level, two storey colonial, and' |!ung. At all times try to avoid yourself on a runway that ap- dupiex homes, Also included | 4 belly shot, for a deer may live,| pears promising, making sure in this book are full details only to suffer for endless days.) you are upwind from the prob- |? on how to order Blueprints. The mechanics of raising and) able approach of your game. letting fly an arrow play an im- A ean re Merete ie portant but not the only factor, PATIENCE A VIRTUE in your successful quest -- stalk- The most important point for ling correctly, is the secret! The 4 bow hunter to remember is hunter must' be more stalker|Patience. Patience at a time when your senses tingle. After than mere archer. Due to the (CO Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book shortcomings of the bow, stalk- You have shot your arrow and think you have hit home, your of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Jing the quarry within short Mail reauests 10c extra, (Please make remittance (range ig essential, visually 10) immediate reaction is to bolt payable to The Oshawa Times). lto 25 vards. jafter the game. Wait, don' go 5S chasing after him immediately. |GREAT CARE NEEDED If you are relatively sure you | To get within range it is essen- hit, sit still. Remain in your spot tial to move through the bush) from a half to a full hour: Once SPORTS IN BRIEF SETS RECORDS ing to play an exhibition with- MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Yurijout any remuneration, all pro-| Viasov, Soviet weightlifter, seticeeds to go into the Olympic} three world heavyweight rec-| chest. | ords Thursday at a competition i nee ' in the Moscow region. He added SETS MEETING NEW YORK (AP -- Com- a staggering 38% pounds to the N ( sy record for the total lift, rais-;missioner Ford Frick an-| ing 1,278%4 pounds to eclipse/nounced Wednesday that the, |his own previous mark of 1,240|annual meeting to make ar-|-- pounds, Other records were 432|rangements for the World Se-| pounds for the press, beating/Ties will be held Thursday,| KE his own previous mark of 424%, 'Sept. 10, at his office. Eight) "|pounds, and 37534 pounds for clubs, four in each league, The 1.6-mile course, which of-| of oil and rubber on the circuit, ficials say could easily be ex- the facilities were not com- pleted, but officials are confi- dent they will be ready in time for a big race scheduled for Sept. 18. |Club. Negotiations continued un- til this year With little tangible evidence of progress. tended to 2.5 miles, was con- Then the MMRC found itself structed with a view to cutting faced with a choice: Build a\down the advantage of high- new track or repave the old St.!powered cars. As a result the a * LABOUR DAY SHOPPING PART Y FEATURING DOOR OPENING SPECIALS IN BETWEEN SEASON 1 e COATS 88 Many styles from which to choose, Each EACH « -- Cost of Building and Financ- ing jn Canada, Heating, In- sulation, Constructional De- tails, ete., plus many out- standing new designs--Ranch, fhe Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, CORO ener eee eee nee sees reese ese eseeeeeeeeessseseee REGULAR 359.98 « 00 EACH REGULAR 19.98 more successful? weather arrives. They feed only -emoye smoke and § y | Sane > dak . . 4 Soot, as well|manager for both golfers, who ANSWER: Removal of oldjon plants and do not attack),, other stains and dirt. Follow said Venturi and Lema are will-'in the United States. | mahogany stains are usuallyistructures, food, etc, Box elder|)sh¢) instructions carefully. THE HOME WORKSHOP Labour Day ONE CENT REGULAR T0 7.98 99 EACH REPAINTING BASEMENT QUESTION: Our concrete! basement floor, painted 'brick jred'"' is wearing out in places }and looks awful. Would like to SHADOW-BOX CUPBOARD)! paint it light gray. In order to | , |d0 a good job, would the old PATTERN ete. };paint have to be removed? If | 264 | ee | > «| $0, what, should I use? [f not LADIES' NEW FALL BLOUSES Ladies new fall blouses in white or prints,Sizes 10 + 18 REGULAR 298398 46 EACH necessary to remove the old paint, what paint is best to use to cover the "brick red?" '| ANSWER: It is not really - *|necessary to remove worn paint. PATTERN 230 . ; | | By. RUTH W. SPEARS : y take off any flaky or potentially 1 ee WITH ince cithn| WHAT A SHADOW - BOX flaky paint. 'These machines easy reach but not' cluttering| DOES for choice pieces of china|can be rented from many hard- the top is popular with home will amaze you. Experts long! ware stores or appliance service miakers. The one shown is a|sifce discovered that the depth/organizations. I am assuming popular workshop project too brings out both colors and con-| that the wearing off is due to because it is easy to make. tours. Pattern 264, which gives normal traffic and age, rather Pattern 230, which gives actual-|2" actual-size guide for making} than dampness working up sizé guides for cutting the tap- the shadow box shown here, is|through the concrete. With a ered legs and shows the simple as oe good rubber base cement paint, ; ; : | : ' iver} . me te 4 construction steps, is 50c. It) ay contains acwidevoriety of vn dg may well be enough to also is in Packet 26 -- Useful ; : 7 " full-Size designs for $1.75. ne Tables and Stands for $1.75. | Send orders to The Home ae, eae JAM ES I Sénd orders to The Home Workshop Dept,, 10'MALLEY! , = Workshop Dept., The Oshawa , ane, Oshawa Construction Ltd. Times, Oshawa, Ont. Times, Oshawa, Ont. 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions LADIES' ARNEL TRICOT PETTI PANTS Many styles from which to choose in. white, pink, blue, black, red.Sizes S--L GIRLS' CRINOLINES Girls full crinolines in nylon, cotton or polished cotton with fancy trims. Assorted colours,.Sizes 4-6x GIRLS'SHORT AND 34 SLEEVED BLOUSES . Girls blouses in easy to care for cotton, Choose from plains, fancy styles and beau- tiful prints,Sizes 3 - 6x, TODDLER.BOYS 2PIECE LINED SLACK SETS Fully kasha lined slacks,1/2 boxer style, zipper front opening,2 pockets and match- ing long sleeved t-shirts,Sizes 2 = 3x, BOYS'2 PIECE LINED SLACK SETS Kasha lined corduroy slacks and plain, long sleeved collared t-shirt,Sizes 3-6x. BOYS' FULLY LINED JEANS Textured cotton fabric, fully kasha lined, full boxer style and 2 pockets,Sizes 3-6x REGULAR 198 29 be on the safe side, it is a good shai idea to run a floor-sanding ma- chine over the floor, which will REGULAR REGULAR 1.98 00 FANTASTIC SELECTION OF FAMOUS BRAND NAME LURES Buy One Lure At The Suggested Each REGULAR 3.98 66 FLYING 'TICKET' MONTREAL (CP) -- Pilots flying out of Montreal Interna- tional Airport. now must take spetial precautions. In a move to minimize noise from the big jets, airport officials requir: delinquent pilots to prove an emergency existed or be sub- ject instead to ticketing -- a foreed study of a course in noise abatement. . Buying or Selling! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President @ LUCAS PEACOCK See-Treas. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 aa List Price. SPECIAL I For Just A Penny Get Another Lure Exactly the same. @ Offices @ Remodeling ee ee REGULAR 1.98 A Fantastic Saving! BOYS' TEXTURED COTTON JEANS Boys' 1/2 boxer style jeans, zipper front, dome snap front fastener and 2 pockets Sizes 7 - 12 WHILE THEY LAST REGULAR 2.49 - Hundreds of Models! Dozens of Colors! * PLUGS ° SPOONS * SPINNERS °° FLIES STOCK LIMITED -- GET YOURS EARLY! Lnrnedivle Debirery. Wise Home Owners insist on "HYDRA-PRESSED" Concrete slabs for Patio and sidewalks. Eech slab is precision made under 400 tons of pressure giving for the first time ever, superb quality at @ price you will like, "Hydra-Pressed" slabs are frost resistant too. With our complete range of sizes and colors, you now heave the widest choice of designs for your Patio and Sidewalk. Cell us todey or visit our plant for complete information and price. Lid seca # 5 QROWE [0DAY for JOUR FREE BROCHURE OW PATIO DESIGNS PF Fea idee VIMGRET PRODUCTS LD OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OEE sronrinc COONS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6537 655-3311 If