woe eres or Le ee ee ey PTS pr eee engeee etre agine -- hoe trace fe secon scaepenat tn tet Et EE A A ros i ; po ae wah g 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 24, 1964 strocture with marble, patnt-ispecial agents of 16 are Brotane ings, mosaics"and stained glass| who talk in a f in a complex that would cost/monotonous voice New York Rabbi Mangin "2° ore... ew or gin Magnin, one leg up on a cor- ee ner of his desk, his voice boom- ling, impetuous, crackles with quotes like: . ; "¥'ve long out the old techniques of the et g|minister should be a human be- ing. He hasn't got: a private telephone line to God. '| "I resent ministers who know '|it all, who make themselves re, ae THEY'RE = Z i A compact make-up kit with the essentials you need for complexion care. KeePlthe traditional Aegan ot SS i ' . Blue brocade pattern plastic container with pink water-proof lining and le toa" sania" iterio ian. Ne. ' COMING... oe : dome fastener. Each kit contains cleansing cream, Velva cream, skin and The Anti-Defamation ' ; ' 4 ; me ea sinh n sense _,« Are You? ) ann" hand lotion, Velva Moisture Film, lipstick, cream rouge, eye shadow, tis- a oe 0 8 i. at sues and a booklet regarding beauty care. Shop soon as this offer is the displ uli rty. : ; KS : : a Rpm eed egeeb rn geet = available for a limited time only. self a past district president of E i = ' 5 ¢ Om bagi tions are more NE . luman : as ; Special, complete e WHO ATTENDS dome of Day School, Sept. 8, ond Night School, Sept. 9, will attroet . Temple, which he helped build ome Deed & seemual t- ambitious and able yourlg men and women who wish to BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 312 PHONE 728-7373 in 1929 -- he speaks spontane-)". cited it. The tableaulf lity for rewarding careers -- and who want direct, prac- ously, from the heart. 4 want ax fsck tical training within' their means, Intensive courses shorten To prepare, he reads end- ~ the term of study, without sacrifice of quality. lessly, eti finding time|BORROW CHURCH this by peeing his rt. on| Twice each fall -- at Rosh WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES? q nit rege st i iet side street. In the pul-/Hashana, the Jewish New Year,|M Advantages of a Business career: You will be needed, os there he ignores his notes. and Yom Kippur, the Day of is a shortage of qualified Secretaries, Accountants, ete. You ¥f he runs dry, he stops. His|Atonement--the overflow from|-- will be able to advance, enjoy security, many fringe benefits. "Don't|Magnin's temple fills Imman- re Me wi . ge of our You will prepare for a uel Presbyterian's 2,000 - seat definite career goal. Time-saving courses. Modest tuition. sanctuary. Modem air-conditioned classrooms, Experienced teachers, | : This is a _ bit of reciprocity ae >i , Mi ob . sige a inthis mi Hig Blunt, warm - hearted, in- going back 40 years to when terested in your progress. placemnt for graduates. Hig! formal; heavy-set, with amplelpoth congregations were lo- est recornmendations from employers and former students. double chin; 73 but more like a|cated downtown. The Presbyte- vigorous 50, Dr. Edgar Fogellrians' aging building was con- FALL TERM SEPT Sth Magnin is: demned, so the next Sunday i ® Spiritual leader of a 102-year-|they rented a theatre. old congregation that includes! «what foolishness!" Ma: 2,500 families, Jack Benny andj saiq when he heard of it. Our REGISTER NOW ! Eddie Cantor. temple isn't used on Sundays. H Leader of -- | oom in|Come on over and use it" THE the western es. The Presbyterians did, for 00 A "dear friend," in the words|several weeks, until they got CANADIAN SCH L 728-7081 g James Se ink new quarters of their own. OF BUSINESS ; an olic Arch-| Magnin's book-lin p of Los Angeles. od te bonis tor of the toe 52% Simcoe St. N. -- Oshawo "A fine scholar, a real gentle-lple, an imposing, tan - colored oF ' man and a wonderful 'Seigh-|- cones AK aN Special Purchase ! Women's and Teens' Peterborough | L' . | ee Village Boots USW To Try ms, Blacks | [é "=! | And Oxfords 2 Members ' invites YOU to Favored by the collegiate crowd for wear on and PETERBOROUGH (CP)-- A-Clark's Desert Boots | Men's Casual Favourites Soa Workers af Anecica : their For Men! (CLC) will be tried for at- ¢ : or men . « » Hush Puppies off the campus this coming year. Styled with fpenrting to wndermine | the ne. a I Cloths que Biba ge mee As you know, Hush Puppies are light and suede uppers, natural plantation crepe rubber 5141 ed ae eis har <A" shoes, Featherweight and flexible, pracy Mas gos een oe soles ond esis, aieo featuring ¢ saa negotia i oh hers : they gre peframtiesly relenirg. No- hug your foot so gently that you'll inate struction for all-day-long comfort. Make your peel i ogni a i 2 pe a Rego fui tai notice they're on. Treated with Scoteh- selection from boot (c) or oxford (not illustrated) - Gerry Reeds, d to resist stains ond ; i H local, said Saturday the two Teg hs plantation crepe soles and heels. - 12, heciewe) gen pirycs ve models. Putty beige or charcoal. Sizes 5 to 9 in- men, whose names be woald } Suitable for all informal wear. th the croup: cluding half sizes and size 10, medium width. not release, wo vy s Beige colour in sizes 6 to 12, C to , B--3-EYELET TIE OVERLAY VAMP... a union court Aug. 29. : . : The union charges the two er E widths in the group. the all-time favourite. Sand brushed ta collaboration ith as é } uppers or black glove-soft leather uppers. EATON \ ; third, sought to destroy the con- } i (Not tH a is : jot IHustrated) SLIP-ON . . . Light stitch Special Price apo Bn Boo _ Fashion focuses on splendid fur trims Penix 3 4 95 apa eit Coiours of sand 95 Ow i. c. e nd ---- shed a. G g for the greatcoat and sensational tex- power a oo a bagi En : tured fabrics for the town suit to herald EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 237 BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 937 PHONE 725-7373 failed. fg : , @ season of sophistication. Witness the Union and management came j to terms Aug. 5 on a new three- ' +) 4 new elegance of effect and ease of line in their softened silhouettes, their splen- ng want g Racy fa did shapings and their self-assured good toral, Radio and Machine Work- a : ' ' si ies (CIC) bere, charged 0 : : looks. Discover their drama, delight in one union member leaked sec- their newness and note their flattery for ret information to the Canadian : General Electric management yourself. in our just-arrived collections. durin gotiations f ; ie gy gt wee Make your selection today, a small de- Gg dh gg age po posit will hold. Ceylon Eyes "aN\-4 COLOMBO (Reuters) -- An' f Wye emergency cabinet meeting dis- : p : a \ ne at LILLE cussed a draft bill to set up a press council and press tribunal in Ceylon as recommended by! @ press commission in an in-| terim report, usually réliable| sources said Saturday. | No decision was reached and) 'the draft will be discussed again this week, they said. The commission's other main recommendations were the f f break-up of newspaper groups . : \ i and establishment o's national si Vy OFF! news agency to handle -local ; j \ es ---------- MEN'S and . p | i 7 | Clearance of -- - Fur Fel paigned against the commis-| yt ur e t ats sion, and it was boycotted by the| } i hi ' $ rt Shirts : or = netianal \ \\ ens po onl sme Wer « sore ae groups whe iaime d no aa \ Mais ° of smort new styles. Fine quality fur felt Ordinarily 5.00 to 6.95! ond brushed fur felt hats . . . styles in- their participation in the pro- Hi | a ceedings. clude centre crease, pinched front, and -- Handsome short-sleeved sport shirts in the new London taper models, All have MATTRESSES + . @:Wite fone of styles erid\aclous las matching bands. New Fall shades of : : cluded in the group are button-down, gronite, black, olive green, thunder MATTRESSES 4 4 popover ond regular shirt stylings, As- grey, black coffee or navy blue. Sizes 2 , \ : ' sorted potterns of stripes, neats and 6% to 7\a. ' MATTRESSES . , fancies in predominant colours of blue, tan, olive green, wine and grey. Sizes BIRKDALE SPECIFIED, 9.95 -- ; small, medium, large or extra large; ~ EATON Price, each......... HUNDREDS TO but not all sizes in each style or colour. BIRKDALE DELUXE, 13.95 et | / SEE THE NEW FALL STYLINGS Pisa ee... BoB 4, 4,63 eae ' ook ae KNOX, " Tremendous Savings! ! B LAC K S FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN... Gach oa Reccsseeseees QD from $13.00 . cakibe Wein ite NOW ARRIVING DAILY! SATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 228 PHONE 725-7373 WILSON 72 SIMCOE ST.N., | 725-1912 | *e : FURNITURE'S we ee eee STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m, Monday to Saturday. Open Thursday and Friday Until 9 EAE AF eg s - & La ke New Arrivals For Fall . . . ' MATTRESS PALACE 20 Church Street -- Oshawe |