12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, August 24, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 : | 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 14--Employment Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted _ |22--Offices, Stores, Storage ' ~ By RJ. SCOTT [ect mito ths en ie BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTOR o eres "awa | OFC OA. Trades Gordening and Supplies _|>lumbing end Heating |B mitng at | | hewn, Yeleghone Ted Ave u tired of look- | In Times Building CEMENT WORK Int' ana grove Arnsrong Su: Tove sives. Pret eta Son agro Ml Qh ; | aT, Whi rae te IE oh aes CONTACT. hone -725-5864, for re-covering. Upholstering, 78 : | RELIABLE couple desires position as \ FLOORS CURBS end WEED KILLING and fertilizing, Residen-|-vuee Street: 7207212 |perlonced, Telephone mit." "| Are you fed up. trying T. L. vv ILS O! PATIOS - Hy fe, one. a oi tor Osawa, cooours,| tuQ-Upholstery Service WOMAN will mind" children by dey-| to beat the competi- B. McLEAN Klux Pickering WhitOY: REUPHOLSTER and ee ied sis elaaa bees gel BR 8 a AT THE TIMES Port Hope ares. ture by J. and J, Custom rare, Eee . Free Phone 725-5946 Whitby, 668-5753 , 6--F. Wanted Do you want to make : pas, FOR TRENCHING and septic| instruction CHESTERFIELDS ond old pg re : t emote Hele We more than a mere live FOR aya "lait Frank Brink, Hampton 2630710. covered like new. Get the best for less ing? ONTARIO: |e.Maes rere ie eee & Ah LABORATORY * Light gusto bul 7827; Ca : SEES perramE PTET Hf 80, we hove vacancies Ing Stree' a A rtage RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts, Estab ' aaa TOHITS MO MOVING AND CARTAGE, Osh- DRIVING ished 17 years. Complete range ot mate. bing ad ps pases sem geo} sto 5 ans "9 rier: Apply 298 ALBERT WOUNAK, Chartered --Aesoa-lewe, woity, Reasonable ratees Fut oe. eras erean tev, Prince ret ute 4 Grows |eqvoped and ire, 6360. SCHOOL Yeats at me ccih" roentorg refinished $f Se, work. Ws Nee ae | 'elephone --723-' V-d's fully insured, light trucking, clean- Oshawa Upholstering Company, 287 Dean q t SERVICE CLERK i appointments, Pp 'Accountant, Suite Ease i wie ae | Learn to Drive 1964 Models [avanve, 700, / irs pn wae ine cba | WHITBY otfces for 5 5 exclusive ~_ rent Ping Centre, 725-9953. _|(A LONDE, ail types of cartege. Bay PICK-UP SERVICE Sales and Service : HE or fia BIGGEST DOUBLE: BASS Two positions are avail- lutely no competition. Our fully equi s Street BOB CLANCY'S Accounting "= inaction ROAD TESTS ARRANGED --| Fy "TOWERS from $39.95. Roof antennas Mi | a= sé vancent | OF vions EVER BUILT WAS MADE FOR. ble in: our organiza: sales program makes it pos- downtown. Srey Ren 78908. Y from $19.95, Alax, Bay Ridges, Picker- y PA . A CHICAGO ORCKESIRA 1X 1908. ane ga sible to close one out of facilities. Apply 292 Ki 'West, 725-0397. Res, 723-7605. Dentistry Dual Control! Cars ing, Whitby and Oshawa, Two-year guar) ire HAs Pal fos yee HIGH AMD MEASURED tion three presentations Steak Wass 1 Pl ing 7, OR. C, P. -- Dental } Licensed Instructor antee on all wor! * on : M2. simcos Street North, Oshawa, For Automatic and Standard GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer rls 1A Wl te ma ; One involves the phy- - CALL ° 725-2734 appointment 728-5842 or Res. 728-844). Washers and ranges. Free Cal sical testing of rubber Oshawa 728-6934 ioctl 2 \9a--Summer Properties prior to its use in pro- MR. SANDERS I pate ona i hina on drapery Septic Service For Sale or Rent duction. The other is ao bei To Rent tracks "and venetian blinds, Phone TUTORING SEPTIC TANKS cleanea, promot service! REGULARITY STURGEON LAKES beocyoun cn| ¢ basic starting jop in 723-5001 WANTED modest home, "two or three le doch, r f " e ." be 'acter references if re- 715. Morigen of on cal, Walte: are, Seems ee tages for rent from Avgust sth, $48 and) our Financial Division. quired, abstainers. Call anytime, 72% bought, sold a "arranged. D ki Announcing the opening of |West Y A {$55 weekly. All Inside conveniences, Dial i TUESDAY 9120. aoa WU GREER, BA, Barrister, ptinoecene cacctiom wer} 'Ncodemic Tutoring College. | Surveyors pean. i _| Applicants must have Ae ara THREE-BEDROOM modern house viein- Solicitor, Notary, 303, 'imes SSMAK: alter 5 . TD ini } Fi 0 ™M., ¥ by, Oshawa,. Wanted. to it by Building, 86 King Street East, 728-4209.|F. G. Gostlin, 1202 Dundas Street East,| Summer school soon to com- [Soy EWAN AND FLEISCHMANN, PROBLEM . |9c--Marine Equipment a_minimum of Grade F erste i eee eenaa ries Mortgage funds avaliable, f Whitby, 668-5085, ____:} = mence. All ages, grade, sub- [Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue 12 education .. Rox 0%, Cohaws Time, McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Boarristers,/ORESSMAKING -- Suits, coats, dresses:) jects Reading, Math., Eng- print, 1 Gatario. Breet: 722°. For easy, natural regularity CABIN cru abode' Outderis! Porm Horse | WANTED IMMEDIATELY, Teepars. <heme teats wesliable., toriapecstions, sip cavers, (apes, Pi | , H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land) 1 seiicicue NABISCO 100% _|aition. Very reasonable at Oshawa Yacnt.| Good starting salary | Alex. twebadrost Senses, all Sreean: rst 7 Sirget East (3rd|speciaity. Mrs? Toms, Whitby, 688-2372. lish, Science, etc., from stu- |curveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 4 te oO lhaven. 725-4945, : R AMEN L Family with two adults and two school hoor) eT. C AKING -- all kinds of ladies'| dent's own textbooks, private . |725-6081 BRAN, ie nk go0d-tasting pe ee sur AT mahogany mauliea and . company paid ge children, Telephone 728-3568 Saturday QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, ec Norman H.| wear. High quality work. Call 668-8463, --_--_--__-- cause it's the only bran cer- |R v. t= ft, mahogany ' benefits. IRON WORKERS of after 6. or group. ! plywood with 50 HP Johnson electric. Mrs. Voogiarv, 1110 Henry -- Street, Trade Schools ecl flavored with fruit juices! |aauty Tee Nee trailer, full equip- URGENT. Older house with three or four bedrooms required by quiet Rely on bran's bulk for gent- Convertible top and radio, Tele- Please reply to: Experienced: men wonted for |Desreoms: required viet re of ive. easonable . money fo loan' OMice 10s King Street y ACADEMIC ATTENTION | ie, noturel" regularity. "Ger |S East, Oshawa. 728-8232, Exte dn stoi TUTORIN OLLE ATTE T O delicious NABISCO 100% poli home MBE ae Staff Personnel Officer the fabrication and installa- [ences if 'needed. Telephone 728-3146, MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers-Soli- mroranperers U G Cc LL GE N BRAN ot your grocer's to- |17]---Articles For Rent tion of interior and exterior |THREE BEDROOM HOUSE wanted, Osh- "se Notaries Public. "Mortgage funds| DREST(C) PEST CONTROL! CALL 723-6701 | ME oon DUNLOP et oe ee earner, toate avartabié, 3072 King Street Basi, 725-1107, cones 9 small reliable family. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HiLL-| Fleas, Roaches, aden Bugs, 17 to 49 | RENTALS NLUP Steady employment. Apply small re fam MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King| Beetles, Moths, , Rats, EZF METHOD | Heavy Equipment LEN PULLAN CANADA LTD JENSEN WELDING Feat aa canter cue tea eee oh SS an | OF ALL KINDS | : LING a hoe Bx tia, Soe momen on, Aig atggly agig 3 DRIVING SCHOOL| Operators CUSTOM TAILORING ne EQUIPMENT -- | WHITBY and STEEL ante Tei eaaioa apaTiRaRT by ote a | eens Are in demand for bull- | BRITISH WORSTEDS | 'ossging belts, rowing ma, | SUPPLY LTD. [Sacer 1st oy tami of you. xcaiont pls 2 Bes dle : ines, 5 isers -- oll | manure "g Sana saa ROHALD 4 A | Telephone 728-0881 dozers, scrapers, motor SUIT & DRESS $6 per Po pga oS | oe __66 RUSSETT AVE. RESPONSIBLE' vault couple, ho famiy, eee, Ste' Steck, oa 'cine Gardening and Supplies Rate $3,75 Per Hour | graders, draglines, back- ALTERATIONS PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe | __ ONE CHEF also ~~ |W3nts '9 rent house in Whitby or Oshawa. oe ee, ere" | WATER. SOFTENER SALT | LEARN TO DRIVE | hoes, and shovels. If you | !NVISIBLE MENDING cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- i SHORT ORDER COOK | tHree-neDRoom tome | * id, hes, pipe cut- wanted. Couple SiFTO ROCK CRYSTALS apes ed by top instructors right 10-12 PRINCE ST. Sen pice' Ovenig | ee "TOYS, FUN $:3°$ VOYAGEUR liineslee" Gaeta "eee Temeaue Bor AGA FINE SALT Oshawa Driving School | cn the equipment. Don't By 728-5311 toilet auger. We are looking for ladies who : RESTAURANT Telephone collect Coboconk, 454-3682, "DOG FEED" | automatic cars | PURITY DOG MEAL | Professional Instructors | REE AND KELLY, Barry PURINA DOG KIBBLE | 728-0091 | reasonable rates, standard and delay ae enquire NOW. tables AND GENTLEMEN of Oshawa PAINTE®'S EQUIPMENT -- want to earn extra Christ- TWO- OR Micgearetotafgy avesusl house or Wri iving name, add- |and vicinity. Modernize ypur fali and| Stepladders, aluminum exten- mas money by working even- NEWCASTLE apartment, unfurnished, we or white bedhead wate num [Snr werdrebe. Bring tt up to ate by sion ladders, ladder jacks, ings, September, tober CALL 987-4231 pe ge hdl, 38 of three. 'Reason: Te - allor. years In Oshawa ¢ 4 % 728-6370. ters, Soll- | steel scaffolding compressors, ond November. sinc vaitors, te Hd King. Street, East. Dial PURINA DOG CHOW | OSHAWA AND WHITBY fercollant work. werkarianstipe: Goleman <a aes aMiSaper sfaonic URGENT. Three or foul r teed at reasonable pri: Special: i ¥ ied In Whitby Osh: by family prices, ecializ! A 7 4 ft or jar 723-2078. R NATIONAL SCHOCL OF, |doubie-treasted suits. "Remodelled® to} ers, 'tarpaulins, blow torches, We wilt train you os @ party TAXI DRIVERS with good references, Brooklin 655-4671, M. Greer, * - iTUTOR -- Qualified experienced teacher,| po sss Terence V. rally ba Bc |all subjects Grades 1 fo 8. For further HEAVY EQUIPMENT single breasted. H. Sheriff, talior, 37) propone torches. demonstrator to sell a full | ; ; Pref, - ie KIBBLE DOG FOOD |information, please call 723-1484, OPERATION Men ka ee BUILDER'S BaVIPMENT, og line of toys end gifts. "Tie cin@er Aan 24---Houses For Rent Building Trades IC S . h C LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A. Dancing| BOX F3 cement mixers, finishing tro- Commission, cor essential. : TWO-BEDROOM house on lake, Thickson | School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Pre-| cians | ae stoc' wels, wheel barrows, electric i ' j M Road. September 1. References. Rr. ED LANGLOIS | ooper mit 0. School, Kinderdance, Fridays, Seturdays,| Out of town enquiries invited. Pets & Livestock vibrator, air compressor, jack pi Hg oven ss ERCU RY TAXI Richardson 300 Wellington 'treet,' tlhe: | Masonic Temple, 723-7253. A : % , 546-9058, HOME BUILDER | 16 CELINA ST. | ------/TV--Radio Repairs boleovh A bo ge i ike hammers, hand trowels, water 725-4771 ston, 546+ Tet | | --._.| EIGHT-ROOM country home, nine miles We Specialize in 723-2312 Money To Loan age children, References if needed. Tele- it ca by eu -_ Oshawa 728-3608 GROCERY CLERK, chain siore, experi: beg in tee Road, 1% baths, oil Concrete Foundations i lSAYMENTS TOO Nien? 1T" "or phone 7%. 8608 after 5 p.m.« | scatrolding, electric generator, jence if possible. Good starting salary,| heat, garage. Suitable one or. two fam vee nee | V BLACK GELDING, ps Ara ramset, power rollers, electric ----------ennencenscncrteneenenccenenenn Chance of advancement. Apply store man-ijies. Dial Hampton 263-2433 after six. 1 R T good credit I'll lend you up to $5,000. 7 Id, good] * "728-4169 BLUE GRASS SOD cut payments in ¥4 or less for consolide- |games horse. Best offer yTelepboné %3-| hammers, masonry saw, build- ager, Bassins Food Market, Ajax. FIVE-ROOM house, central, $95 monthL. Free Estimates 2 i ; taek i EXPERIENCED MEN requi Septem- Barr shy congo Trot, asa soc meet le sigAUTie UL wey --womgia fea "ier sine Wane cee perenig | EXPERIENCED |floor cleaning duties, write. Box 0 on Ser can Pag recanaaa i CARPENTRY, cabinets,, NURSERY SOD GROWERS Mert bathroom and kitchen remodel Townline N. ¥2: Mile North ortgages | wks |provided. Apply 299 Simcoe Street S 9 | TERMS ARRANGED Cozy J RANCH Kennels. Registered} post hole 'auger, oscillating awa Times, Your Local eres page oP ag OSHAWA 725-9674 : NEED MONEY' | bertgerave Tres ree Ps ating no | sariders, floor sanders, acety- Must be able to opérate |Mmediately. Excellent opportunity. W. Mc- |lin 655-4662, lene welding outfits, 200 bookkeeping machine ond Auley Realtor, 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 300 GRENFELL QUALITY fa yelled custom bull?! FIELD SODS TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? | SUPPLY LIMITED _ [vice ana clipping. Telephone 668-4105, v7] ' | counts payable. For appoint. 18--Mal ita ; ' je or Femole h two kitchens, recrooms, floag and cell! TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? | Whitby. | STAN $ ment coll New buildng, modern tion guaranteed. S inlature, 12 weeks old. Chi tock, | js Taree UI NG emiicac ae anda oe eager Picked up 14c and delivered 20¢ Let's discuss, without obli- |grintath i ondiclne ropa ad 223 King St. W., Oshowa | 728-77) j bans ty hte hha poner gc su t perintengen . . foolings, etc. A Our 10 to 15 Year long- | males. Reasonable. Telephone Ajax 942-) oad repair: | Teachers eorn extra money 1S 'or free tutori 5 'stimaress 26 Willesort Drive, rhitoy, PRESTO term 2nd mortgage with low | PHONE 723° 3224 | RELIABLE housekeeper, live-in, private Oring in your spare time: THE DIPLOMAT | ~ neice ian --| 1645 TV TOWERS |BEAUTIFUL, healthy D. training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, Broad,| miter sow, electric plane, tar- |THREE.TO FOUR ambitious men need- and Priced to suit your budget |114 Elgin East, paulins,. sand blaster, power WOMAN REQUIRED | ed 10 add to our sales. statt. bets 25--Apartments bo wall - floor tiles, Telephone col of Taunton Village i Foun ise Ibioodlines. Sted services' Besrding, Guar.) sanders, disc. sanders, belt REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, wanted Im The Viscount stalled; roofs repaired. Free estimates,| Fertilized Weed Treated YOUR r 723-2997. | ed bag de ey ws |POODLES, miniatures end toys. Stud ser-| Mp, electric welders. must have knowledge of ac- ---- ing. fies, painting, roofing, fe. Satie] -- Check sods before you buy! TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS | 361 GIBBONS ST |BEAUTIFUL POODLE PUPPIES, while) Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. Help Wanted bedroom apartments. Avail- ras, si Samer 67 . 725-9674 gation, your financial plans: 728-81 80 CHIHUAHUA pups, seven weeks old, z| Enter 2! Burk st during 48-5612, interest and small repayments Mornings during Aug. and Tables and Chairs | Gal sascavon after 9M Fo: Cena evenings and Soturdays dur- 340 Marland Ave. pci H |pies, registered. Males and female. Cheap PLASTERING, new and repairs, stucco, LAWN SERVICES may prove much easier for i i hool Phi 728-3420. Mink Stoles, ing school tesm. one . Church Aisle R |RELIABLE LADY wanted to babysit in Academic Tutori Coll GHIMNEYS: new and rebuilt, roofing| Lawns, weeds, _ fertilizing, Church Aisle Runners |her own home. Reply to Oshawa Times,| c Tutoring College =| | your budget and for quick sale, 723-1365, | Son Res oohewe, Ste | vocent Wis | Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses |Whitby, Box 203. 723-6701. Anytime or on building site | A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, CORONATION | Antenna Repair |4--sportsman's Column | con Cann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061. vacant lots. | ' Punch Bowls, Coffee Urns. |EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canada's after 9 pan, Se eee Pe errs Tecemrone 7asseri | INWESTIMENT |e eis DEW WORMS | sargeant's Rentals [ttnittoe crrameher.asel INTERESTING | Apartments To Rent painted, reasonable prices. Also inside : | | york, at prices labour only. 725-7297. Ge0.|T ey BOWLER, Landscaping and Gar CO. LYD. TELEVISION | FOR S ALE | 463 Ritson S: 725.3338 | sinety ieatretid. < logue, samples pcsltlan sbasliok, tea. subi. | and 2 tadesahceanenanes " Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 1253 King) as desk clerk. For person hav- now being completed. Occu- dening Services, sidewalk slabs, patio) A Canadian Public Company Mckee RENT! ! ! Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. ing the right personality and pancy from Sept, 15th. Range ALL TYPES of buliding repairs, roofing,|slabs, flag stones, planters, dry walls, In Oshaw i laces, sidewalks, stoops.|sand, gravel, lawns seeded, sodded, fer- n Ushawa area co! Z : t chimneys, fireplaces, sid " to Saturday 9 - 6 P.M. Live New name brand professional |AT ONCE! Housekeeper, family of four| appearance. Write Box 450, refrigerator, drapes, hot-and equipment In Willowdale. Mother blind. Write Box| Oshawa Times. cold water. Elevator. --Inter- po Ml ld oc tlippin "rertilizers, ru teen' helt rs SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD 728- 5143 Bait Compony, 859 Nelson ipping, , 5 ) 360 King St. West Seas ST RR ene eeransara aga': r Street. 402 Oshawa Times, com service, Dy gid 349 Mar- HOUSEWIVES! An exciting new lob may -----| land, 728-1544 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA | Telephone 723-7112 Monday | | tay cement blocks. Telephone 728-7680. nae inn can eEiccr OF cat than | 723- 2265 (ofter hours 728- 3376) TV SERVICE | secuiace | UNITED RENT-. ALLS i Mir dale CARPENTER work, new, and ha ery stock, Phone 726-7787. MOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing and | We. rent. most a EXPERIENCED nurserymen Tor season, eavestroughing, carpentry work, Pe ee ewnneees cote DAY OR EVENING |5----Farmer's Column | most job sn geen gs Fog Reet cht Blond joo hE, 95|9000 Pav. eventuaily room and board. COMPLETELY FURNISHED basement 'and general repairs. All work guaranteed.|GARDENS plowea with Gravely Roto Mort age Mone | 7 Voninlinvoachigimetnetcaeeis | Miedo scion ysoial base Ee elephone| Bowmanville 623-2837, Jerry| apartment, In. new eg Ogg <4 P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Street. 728-2061, 'plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104. gag ¥ 4 28-5268 | Custom Farm Work | 728-5565 Fo Naty eae, OC elvery.|, Ped) Trebal, Mearns . Avenue, laundry. facilities. Close to South GM, j i u! 728-4997. | Available | Forage harvesting, raking and Cor. Wilson Rd. S. & Olive -- |7942: TISING RATES OSHAWA | baleing and combining. |B8RIDES, bridesmaids gowns Crinolines;|EXPERIENCED WOMAN for small 20--Room and Board [furnished cpartwent with beth, Aveliente CLASSIFIED ADVER Low Interest ELECTRONICS Teleph headpleces, veils (P.S. Garters, too), For.|SN&ck bar. No night work: No Sundays.|BOARDERS WANTED. Good home for|August 29. Telephone 'after elght, 25 WORD MINIMUM -- a ccieadiniia seule - |mals, semi-formals. All new -- styles,|APPIY_ Immediately. bg la ey Barbe-| two men 'willing to share room with 'ea Sunderland! 65R1 He ig ae Y Valuation, Arranged TV SERVICE CALLS Percy Davidson and Son Sargeant's Rentals and Sales, 725-3338, |qWer_Park Road South, 723-7463. beds. Packed lunches, Whitby 668-2368, i Sate Ree Te Better describea offers get foster results. RESIDENTIAI | WHEEL CHAIRS, hospiatl beds, waikers,| WHITBY resident requires elderly lady/ROOM AND BOARD for respectable '| with sane," Please' rile: Dine: Hodtat "4 TAL 2 95 728 1343 reducing machines, isck room suppiles.|f0 come in and look after three schoo-|in family home, 4 blocks from downtown, 18. El. Avenua. Nilveniag CASH © CHARGS. CITY AND DISTRICT | FoR s . faceted a! ie cad eatin Cam | ee eee || FWO-ROOM apartment, tornlahed, private | @ ALE -- 5 atter 6 p.m. a cpreutive cave signe! Sor 335 "h opt SUMMER PROPERTIES Calls taken until 8 p.m. -- |fome bred. Fifteen two jo gang pcb vl eid Tonnies |COCAL ARTIST desires models. Part-laouple rooms sult & ore nilee eho (entrance, centrally locate 9 Ty out, 3 age pang ag POREABN. cote in ee VACANT LAND | TV ENTERPRISES. LM Shoe, and over. Fordlavets, parties, wesc theaanes Hime. All ages. Please write. stalng par. |single beds, parking, Close to South GAM. sara fete om ; omnes? : Cou . ai, tigure J 4 iy , ig ti over $! lerge pak woatatoge sey " > tor and disc; No. 2 hay rake; piston Facilities, | ber, kitchen, parking. Rea- e. Cares Studio, 325 Brock North, ROOM AND BOARD, or room ee ofr! rooms turnished or unfurnished, Front IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. - -- nae 723-3553 __}#Br4¥ pure with spray boom and. valir: paneer ms ae aoai ee two, mew will to share, room, "Phone| and" reer' entrance Barking, hedfe. ortg ssociatio | CF mS REN Py ge a ® s CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR ic ortgage Brokers Association |SOUTHEND wv Towers "and roe psc vont LB cial lig Maal Praga Seen egy pd aples, church | WAIRDRESSER for general work re Row AND BOARD Kr . jone Co! oront While every endeavour will be made to fogerd replies to box |Monirave, Tam-s79. "Sit '¥* "@4\Kuenen, Anderson Street, Whlity. Phone|Simcoe Street North, Call 722-414, |guired.. Good wages, permanent, pestion.| AON Atte, BQzNO to, hospital, North Hae ou tunture, one cane numbers to the advertisers as s00n as possi we accept no pow : 5955. Apply ln pores Hl Senegal Anotocac twronks 4 writers, eee. Os ame liability in respect of loss or damage alieged to arise through SUMMERLAND ipelrs, All "work "guaranteed" si1°'Decn| CASH on the apott Highest prices paid 12--Articles Wanted ae opportunity Yor three women|ROOM AND BOARD = = Gentle-| Telephone 728-4265, either foilure ot delay in forwarding such replies, however caused Avenue, Telephone 725-0500. jg ok an aon eet SA tae D opportunity for Nem proris |men, willing to share. Close to Gu: Tele OND aR BROGIE _nariment whether by negligence or otherwise. SECURITIES . ' will Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64. | AUT Flexible hours. Modest Call|/Phone 725-6278. building, stove, refrl ae Se Professional listings only, 3 lines pe: month per LIMITED Well ll Drilling----Digging PRESTO FARM SERVICES -- Whiiewash-| UTO WRECKING CO. [anytime atter 2 p.m. 725816 aay eaeliyy Waving. Included, Tele- phone 668-391. ial sid Each additional line, per munth +s : WELL D by Ing, fly control; weeds--pastures, brush) Wants Cars for Wreckin 5751, i t ! f "Don Mount S- |17--Male Help Wanted = [Phone _ 728-5751. FIVE ROOM APARTMENT, laundry a ere for ere edvertiooments) 112 Simeoe St. \Nortt |Street pooh MWe 0563 ro Peal Tregunna, "Phone nen" - idee Parts for sdie, also scrap iron -- A ROOM AND BOARD for two quiet|facilities, parking, | stove, 'ator, : and metals, etc. bought, gentlemen to share, fiveday week. $102.50. monthly, References fired. Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 | CEDAR POSTS, poles ail sizes, Also cedar i Is, P ats /1--Wi ees € Phone ¢. $m iO g ood riparking, Close to South GM and| Baby welcome. Call after 6 putt, 728-2949, DEADLINES Eerie ale mi | 'omen's Column trees for hedges, ete. €."smimm,|_ Open Saturday all day. Phone Sp rtin G s Shopping Centre. No drinkers, plesse. TwowWBGNl apartment, aaa WORD ADS . .:. 5 p.m. Doy, Previous. MORTGAGE _ ew | 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. Dept. Manager icon; nesr south GM, Apply 648 Oxford Sire : i ii ROOM AND BOARD in new sub division|near south GM. Apply 645 Oxford Street. student Special 9e--Summer Properties ag Mg Bs Bag OE hawa Centre, Young|FHREE-ROOM _unturnished am +s I, Previo a honky ae -- ened Asi hgog LO. ANS | we ' Bar Sale or Rest price offered. | Write Sebastian Hohmann,| Better than average girl litte My Private bath, file feors: ght wiring wiring. Lost and Fourd ... oe KH of Publication. | OR 2 EKS ONL DISK HARROWS ai salary for the right |room AND BOARD for gentleman. |Stove catlonel, Adults only. ieoth | Mo f a Births and Deaths . : ¢ Publication. interest fgg shaadi aicoeaan BACK-TO-SCHOOL DRIFT-INN CAMP wanted for garden oe toh el man, Experience essen- [Lunches packed, parking, television priv-| Blvd. Late Deaths . Vi: 00 e 'm. ton (Page 3). - ze 133 js ; ie lleges. Telephone 7: Open Mortgages On South Bay of Lake Nipis- tial in merchandising, 26--Rooms For Rent e No bonus sing, Housekeeping Cott: SOOKE. used, In good clean condition. * rae CLASSIFIED DISPLAY | Noeborge tor vivctis | COLD: WAVES | fetanateserenina, Coiteaes, Teton Ain: Rais all types. of sporting 21--Room & Board Wanted /riaiisneo ran. saan or ay 2 Column or Lorger ....... ? Day Previous Mortgages and Agreements veniences, Safe sandy beach . equipment. Must have [GENTLEMAN wishes large room with|Quiet home, 203 Chadburn. Phone Day ' | e : cial H ste istian home, Osh 723-7370. 1 Column Space 4 : Previous purchased, | For Public, High School and jd children, good "Vidnines 13--Business Opportunities ability to promote for Pickeriea Tarek, seo Sept. fe write Moneys for second mortgages = | College Students . veers recreation facilities SATURDAYS: |. Fast Service ELEPHONE 728-0808 | PROFITABLE BUSINESS Word Ads secon' 1 Nem fo Rae | MO Qwante | $ Classified Display ........... 10 AM. For Monday | 261% King St. East 6.50 Spenser a poe ON RITSON RD. Hwy. No. 2 & Kendalwood|We be 16 Oshaws Times Sine . . room, voter i beach, All conveniences, Faciilties includ: Oshawa, Ontario ~ Near 'South General Motors bus. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 723-4697 | Moke, Your Aapointment Todey. |ieetaam, saouten, Setepaie Geel you take orcr a busy ence 728-733] 22--Offices, Stores, Storage |\20" 500" cata Miers Cachet you take over.a busy concern ---------- ing |723-1878_after 6 p.m. ball, small games, Openings from August = 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION PRIVATE 'and corporation tenied for aii] _ Telephone 725-9572 18 on.""Rafes redvead "in. Sepiember.| Excellent Catering Services FOR APPOINTMENT __|wiin$ room aporimen above, Aiso oe SINGLE" ROOM wiih coking Taio |mortgages; mortgages and agreement of} Write Surfside Vill N Concellations ond Corrections received after 'the 9:30 A.M. |sale purchased, Creighton, Drynan, Mur-| Beach or phone Kimvele, yaa. "| Profit shows over $15,000 jand showroom, Can be used for any/suitable one or two gentlemen. | ' J, doch and Vi a a busi storage space. Ol! heated.|possession. Apply 310 Rossland West, Deodline will be processed for the following day's paper. | : cr Ween SRerriciers"). | Barbara S ~ FISH and vacation on Rice Lake! Re| yearly. Recently remodelled. TOOL AND Phone 728-8674. ™ Whitby oy 6aa-Staee |Musicol Servic SetMin bets Soe aes nousekeeping} seating capacity 35, For more ; REGULATIONS ce Feu Beauty Salon _ [femb'scconmesstion *twr: of Swree| informtion all Horry Bates DIE MAKERS - |18--Male or Female 18--Male or Female The Oshawa Times will'not be responsible tor errors, in odvertise- | [tuning and repair, instruments. ao2ralsed | pc tanap lay lll pated gh el Sige Pe Top wages for top man, L & B Help Wanted - Help Wanted ments submitted otherwise thon in writing, not for more than |A: Hiddink: Alax 942-1664, 75 CELINA STREET October .15,, $40. "with boat. Dally $8, - Fabco- Industries Ltd, : one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the \$6. Folder. J. Frisken, Harwood, On- W. T, LAMSON mee ¥ | price charge tor a single insertion of the advertisement im which (Optometrist PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-\'relo. Phone 4R4. r | LANSDOWNE ST. E. error occurs. |F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe|%Tes8I"G- 396 Pine Avenue |FOR SALE -- Double cottage at West REAL ESTATE. LTO. | PETERBOROUGH ONTARI Street N * | 725-6365, |Beach, Bowmanville. Will accept car as 9 The Oshawe Times reserves the right to classify odvertisi na ee ere t t W aSlFOR SALE valuable -¢ roperty "building | ; , : clas ing |phone 723-4191 ----|down payment or trade on property 'injand equipment, King and Gibbon: Pres- Call' Osha ; accarding to Its proper classification. sl ie cee ae --|2--Personal Osnowa,_725-012 ently modern lunch counter, suitable for| ee 933 RITSON RD. SOUTH In the case of display advertisements, The Times wilt not be 'Plumbing and { Heating Pai, [AVAILABLE June, tuly, August and Sep.jother business, Telephone 723-2742. | 725-3249. after'7 p.m * held responsible for more spoce than that in which the actual |ait types oF ve sone. Park Lane, fveremn eficiey Pas oe ALL TYPES of repairs and remodeling, Marie Murduff will be in |bungalows Good fishing. For full particu. 14--Emplo ment Wonted - SALESMAN required for selling sierlor occupies, The publishers endeavour to repr all adver- | i y' | . error Pp produce a jnew and used . materials. Reasonable Oehaws, Aug. 31st, Sept. Ist lars write C-O Erinsville P.O, or tele jand' exterior ornamental railings. Must R full d t-t hel the Sal D tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement |rates. Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J. & 2nd, fd Beare titel |phone 4785. PETER PAN Dav Nursery. Qualified day\be able to take job measurements ac- equires tull ang part-time heip in the Sales Dept. i uracies In ony form are contol j leo pony --~cone|care, 7.30 a.m. = 5.30 p.m, 581 Simcoe/curately. Car essential. References re- j H if ony inace ined therein <a --heatingaapstig | o" these dates for appoint- |CorvagE nS Pict Pg By Doth, Tae levired, Sieedy peettion. "Gelary and Gan] TO CGlL-on homes in the city and rural areas. Actual For Classified Service ele 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd.) ment |Four room apartment upstalfs. Sult|RECEPTIONIST with medical Sibert hand writing to Box seh, : Oahawe In own! selling experience not.necessary as we will give full Tel one the Direct t Cl Fi Plumbing Heating and Engineering. 255 ELECTROLYSIS farnily with 2 children. Harry Chinn, 268jence would tike part-time work In doc vovlbecns . cm leph cs] assitied Simcoe Street South. 723-4641 Hillside Avenue. tor's office. After 5 p.m. and Saturdays.|TAXI DRIVER, neat appearance, Contact guidance and training Anyone interested please call Number 723-3492 YORK PLUMBING and jheeting Special- | HOUSEKEEPING" coifages,eleciricy In-|7255? ibis ntattiobis hdd 0 at. office or phone 723-1163 for appointment qT 4 izing repair; |PERMANENTS on n special Page ~Hair-|side facilities, fishing, skling and swim-' BARBER, middle-aged, with certificate,|WILL exchange $40, per week for 15 " For All Other Deportments, Call The Times Switchboord. lretes. Free est mates, 328 'simese' South, {9 ssing. 36 Pine Avenye. Telephone) ming. 725-2909 or write Mailac cottages,;wishes pert time employment. Write Box|hours of your time. Write, Box 250, Osh- Tsi7H. RR % Burk's Falis, 217. Oshawa Times, awe Times, ¢ \ Xs a Ss an nil sie i PAR . S109, Ri ' volume. Box 114 Oshawa Times. PARK RD oe ET gee Te Rent, for HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER, male, wishes|723-1830. d board in home with pleasant ae Apply K-Ma rt wurreunsings within 15 miles of Oshawa. Pe dita tig el pe pee preferred.