Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Aug 1964, p. 4

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4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday; August 19, AGE EE ER A IR ET ERIE LRA Gt ith Merk heh 8 nt teteteg, "POETRY Rod Wilmot, Ajax high school student, will be reading his poetry at Toronto's Bohe- mian Embassy Thursday i night. Rod, at 16, has already had his works published in the SESSION has contributed articles to the | Oshawa Times Teen Talk and a story about poetry to a To- ronto newspaper. He is shown here at the Embassy where he has_previously read. _ Oshawa Times Photo Right Smell Wrong Place Saves Youth BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A 17-year-old Oshawa youth, who caatinod that it was beer on his clothes a police officer smelled and not beer on his breath, had a charge of drinking under age dismissed in court here yester- day. Robert Henesy, of LaSalle street, was told by Magistrate R. B. Baxter that it was a change to hear a story that could be believed in a case like this. Henesey claimed that Con- stable J. Stuart, OPP, could not have smelled beer on his breath on June 6, because he had not been drinking. "A passenger in my car had been and had spilled some on my clothes when he offered me a bottle," said Henesey. Constable Stuart told the court he had spotted a car parked on a gas station lot at the Oshawa Town Line and when he ap- proached he saw three bottles) of beer being thrown from the! vehicle. Henesey said the bottles be- longed to his friend and another man who had given the two of them a ride after his car, Henesey's, had broken down. 2 Phony $20 Bills Passed -- | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A second phoney $20 bill was passed in Bowmanville during the weekend. Police Chief Bernard Kitney lsaid the first was passed Aug. 5, and the latest Aug. 14. "Both bills are of excellent quality and are hard to detect from genuine} bills," noted the Chief. poetry magazine Amathist. He The numbers of the two bills| are M over E 6254747, and M| over E 3262038. | 'Eloper Convicted a a Assault, Car Theft in Garbage Pail BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Town and provincial police here continued to search today for sleeping and nerve pills, lost by a Toronto woman on the Bow- manville West Beach Sunday Town police report the purse, BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --| | Hampton area where he asked a A youthful 'eloper" from the| woman in a house if she would} Bowmanville Training School|help him as his car had run was remanded in custody onejout of gas. week after being convicted in} "The woman feeling sorry} court Tuesday of assault. and) for -- gave him a ride in her car theft. car but as they approached the}, A F ; David Finis, 17, evidence by|s% station. Finis . grabbed her| i, which, the Rite mexe, oer or OPP Constable F. Dryden,)#™ and told her to keep driv-/ 5256 pail on the beach, The yor gg Ong i from the "hi whnian pills were missing. Police warn sc July 23 kept driving} the pills could be dangerous 1f| "Bloped from the school?"|until she saw -a car coming up/taken by children. aasked Crown Attorney G.| pening her, stopped her car,|------_____--__---_ voastle. jumped out and ran to the other) 7 peo way or escap-|Cat:, Finis fled across the fields| FOLLOWED GOLD 'Yes, he ryt ms oh Dry. |te the farm house of Harvey, Half of California's gradua- ed,' answered Constable Magill, RR 1, Enniskillen, jting doctors left for the Yukon fen. where he stole the car,' stated) |gold fields after the Klondike £1 -- Pe oor he ran) the officer. 'strike was announced. away and got married,' answer-| ed the Crown. Magistrate R. B. Baxter said since this was his second "elopmernt" maybe he should) be here | on & charge of bigamy| instead. 'after running away from) = school," continued the offi- , "he made his way to the Judgment Reserved Toronto Youth Burned Cottage To The Ground BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- An| Constable Evans also told the 18-year-old Toronto youth, was|court that further investigation |placed. on two years probation|at the home of Bodnieks turned yesterday after being found{up the playing cards and the| guilty of arson and breaking and sign. - entering with intent. In putting Bodnieks on vecien| Ralph Bodnieks was remand- tion, Magistrate R. B. Baxter ed on June 22, to the Toronto|told him that if he didn't mend |Psychiatric Clinic for tests. The! his ways he would put him away) ltests proved he was not men- for a long time. BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Magistrate R. B. Baxter re- served judgment Tuesday in the case of five men charged|informed by the Caesarea Fire\it." with possession of stolen goods nd breaking, entering and theft. . Frank Laroche, 200 King) street east, Oshawa, who plead-| ved guilty in court last week to 'break, enter and theft, was re- nded until- Sept. 1 for a pre- ntence report. He was not 'charged with possession. The other four men pleaded ot guilty last week to both Tie and elected to be tried Magistrate Baxter. David Fier, 18 Fleet street, Bow- imanville, re-elected yesterday his way in, tally ill OPP Constable George Evans testified on June 16-he had been Department that a cottage on Lake Scugog had been burned tothe ground and arson was |suspected. "On June 13 the accused and another man went to Caesarea to attend a dance. They were parked by a cottage owned by) a Margaret Taylor and the) other person in the car Danny McLellan, had fallen asleep, said the officer. "Bodnieks went to the door of} the unoccupied cottage, forced He later re- stole a sign, play-| "T think part of your trouble lies at home and I hope .your parents can do something about -- Girls' Tears Plans| Hockey Practice AJAX --The Ajax Fleming \Chelletes, girls hockey team, jholds its first practice of the {season tonight in the Bowman- jville arena. Any girls interested in playing from the Oshawa area should contact team manager Don |Hercia at 728-9543. The practice will be held from 8:30 p.m. to 19:30 a.m. "EXTRA STAMPS | al STAMPS Yj 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2 STAMPS Q STAMPS 29 STAMPS me _ STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-02. JAR SKIN CREAM / WOXZEMA COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-OZ. JAR MOTHER PARKERS INSTANT COFFEE COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL, OZ, BOTTLE LIQUID DETERGENT SUNLIGHT COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 25-02. TINS CLARK'S IRISH or BEEF STEW MIT COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 6 FL. OZ. JARS LIBBY PREPARED MUSTARD M14 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 11 FL. OZ, FIGURINE FUN BATH SOAKY MIT COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15 FL. OZ. TINS HUNT'S CHOICE WHOLE UNPIELED APRICOTS M20 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8-OZ. PKG. McVITIE & PRICE MacVITA BISCUITS M23 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15 FL. OZ. BOTTLE LIQUID. CLEANER LESTOIL M26 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL. OZ. JAR WETHEY'S PURE ORANGE MARMALADE M29 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO PKGS. BETTY CROCKER FROSTING MIXES M32 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7.2-07. PKG. BORDEN'S INSTANT WHIPPED POTATOES MIS COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-L8. BAG ONTARIO POTATOES M38 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 EXTRA STAMPS a EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS o0 1 EXTRA STAMPS rr 20 EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS rk di 20 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4-18. BAG PURINA CAT CHOW M2 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF FOUR 15-OZ. TINS yuuew my WITH PORK CLARK'S | BEANS M6 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-02, PKG. BETTY CROCKER ANGEL FOOD MP COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF FOUR 10 FL. OZ. TINS HEINZ TOMATO SOUP M12 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE PKG. OF 30 SHEER PLASTIC STRIPS BAND-AID MIS COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2 BOTTLE SLEEVE 24 FL. OZ. BOTTLES LIQUID DETERGENT MIG COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OWE 1-LB. ICE BOX JAR JACK & JILL SUPERMOGENIZED PEANUT BUTTER M21 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24-02, PKG. FARM HOUSE FROZEN APPLE or P | E $ RAISIN M24 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 6 FL. OZ. BOTTLES PATERSON'S WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE M27 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL. OZ. JAR ST. WILLIAMS PURE APPLE JELLY M20 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16 FL OZ. JAR 'CLUB HOUSE SALAD OLIVES M33 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF THREE 2-07. PKGS. COORSH SMOKED CORNED BEEF M36 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-L8. BAG ONTARIO COOKING ONIONS M39 COUPON EXPIRES AUG, 26 STAMPS rk EXTRA " STAMPS i) EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 20 STAMPS 2) STAMPS 20 20 2) Double Your GREATEST \Wifloney Back! Guaranteed! if not completely satisfied with any fresh meat you buy PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG, 19, 20, 21, 22 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE FAMILY SIZE TUBE TOOTHPASTE CREST M1 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4 FL. OZ, BOTTLE HAIRDRESSING WILDROOT M4 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 11-02. PKGS. QUAKER STATE FROZEN MP? COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8-0% PKG. BIG ""G" CEREAL LUCKY CHARMS MIO COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 48 FL. OZ. TINS STOKELY'S PING PINEAPPLE - GRAPEFRUIT. WK M13. COUPON EXPIRES AUG 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE KING SIZE PKG, DETERGENT FAB M16 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 60's PKG. TENDER LEAF TEA BAGS M19 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2}-0Z. TIN KING OSCAR SARDINES M22 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE PKG. OF 30 'TOPS IN POPS SUCKERS M23 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9-02. BAG BEAVER FRESHLY POPPED POPCORN M28 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 7-01. PKGS, BiG "G"" M31 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 128 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 19 TWO 15 FL, OZ. TINS AYLMER CHOICE PEACHES M34 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 3 ONTARIO GROWN GREEN PEPPERS M37 COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO HEADS ONTARIO CABBAGE MAO COUPON EXPIRES AUG. 26 SPECIAL! LEAN LOIN PORK 49: a SPECIAL! IMPORTED LAMB ::BASKET SPECIAL! Heat In The Bag--Ready In 3 Minutes COORSH CORNED BEEF ....... RIB END 3¥-LB. AVERAGE CENTRE eye aa ROAST, CHOPS, STEW 2-02, PKGS. SMOKED SPECIAL! LOBLAWS COUNTRY STYLE 69° PURE PORK SAUSAGE... . 49° LOBLAW PROTEN* BEEF CUTS AVAILABLE ALL DELICIOUSLY TENDER & FLAVOURFUL Boston - Denver - Manhatian - Penthouse ALL COMPLETELY BONELESS & EASY TO CARVE Niagara *REG'D. USER OF T.M, THE CHILDREN'S FAVOURITE! DELICIOUS TREAT! SEEDLESS 9 39: FROM CALIFORNIA! No. 1 GRADE! SWEET & JUICY! BARTLETT PEARS ... FROM WASHINGTON! No. 1 GRADE! 43; PRUNE 1 GARDEN FRESH! ONTARIO GROWN! GREENTOP CARROTS 3. 25¢< SERVE A SALAD EVERY DAY ! WONDERFUL SELECTION OF ONTARIO GROWN SALAD INGREDIENTS NOW IN ABUNDANT SUPPLY GOOD SIZE 'and asked to be tried by judge ing cards and left. and jury. His request was turned and set fire to a chester-| Branted. field. led exhibition games and entered Walter Waugh, RR 3, Bow-| "He went back to the car,|several tournaments. This year Smanville, was remanded until awoke McLellan, and told himlit is hoped a girls hockey league Sept. 18 for a pre-sentence re- \to get © out of here. cit lean be formed. E i a Roy Henry, 48 King strect|gu a --_ =| NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER-DODGE ... Whitby @ LUCKY AUGUST SPECIAL GREEN CATALOGUE fwere both remanded unl nexi| Now Available 'Tuesday. % Gordon Fowler, 170 King VISIT LOBLAWS TEA & COFFEE BOOTH @ireet west, Bowmanville, who) FOOD PRODUCTS BUILDING 'was charged with perjury last eek in connection with the pos- Pr cont case, was remanded out CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Toronto, Aug. 21 to Sept. 7 The Chellettes last year play- SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS CUSTARD SQUARES BARTLETT PEARS... SPECIAL! RASPBERRY or STRAWBERRY E. D. SMITH'S PURE JAMS SPECIAL! HEINZ FANCY TOMATO JUICE. occ SPECIAL! HEINZ SWEET MIXED PICKLES ...... SPECIAL! Fancy Medium Small Grean Giant SPECIAL! CEREAL 5 ox, 53: RICE CHEX2 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS 'KITCHEN PRIDE" SPECIAL! LOBLAWS GOLDEN BLUEBERRY PUE 137:.59¢.- csc. MQ 33: LAYER CAKE ............-- crc SPECIAL! FROZEN OLD SOUTH SPECIAL! LOBLAWS RAN y ef MADEIRA CAKE sah 37: ° GE JUICE MOST Pe amg SHOPPING CENTRE STORE NOW OPEN WED., THUR. & FRI. TILL 9:30 P.M. DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN THUR. & FRI. NIGHTS TILL 9 P.M. 24-BIS. PKG, 29: 9-FL. OZ. JARS 39 33 39: 20-FL. OZ, TINS 2 48-FL. OZ, LGE, TINS 'Strike Shuts 'Paper Plant 'At Hamilton | HAMILTON (CP) -- The Ap- leford Paper Products Limited plant closed here Tuesday after 220 members of Local 540 of the Printing Specialities and Paper Products Union (CLC) went on trike. C. §. Glassco, plant general manager, and Ronald Tozzi, un- jon business agent, sdid they are willing to resume talks at oe time but Mr, Tozzi said the lks wotld be useless unless the company was prepared to increase its offer. Under, the previous contract which expired March 31, rates for men employees ranged from $1.41 to $2.38 an hour, and for women from $1.30 to $1.50. | 32-FL, OZ, JAR 1961 DODGE "PIONEER" One owner Automatic since new; high performance slant "6" Engine; 3-speed torqueflite Transmission, custom radio; windshield washers; mirrors; white wall tires; 2-tone tur- quoise and black; low mileage. An outstanding 'car! An out- standing volue! LOW DOWN PAY'T - 6% BANK RATE INTEREST "Be On The Safe Side . . Enjoy a cup of LOBLAWS PRIDE OF ARABIA. COFFEE or RED LABEL TEA served with LOBLAWS FAMOUS MA- DEIRA CAKE only 10c. i receive a. coupon redeemable at your Loblaw Store for 50 "LUCKY * STAMPS when you purchase a ound of PRIDE OF ARABIA COFFEE or OBLAWS RED LABEL TEA, 10-FL. OZ. TINS 12-02, PKGS. . Deal With Northside" Northside Chrysler-Dodge (Whitby) LTv. 916 BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY 668-3368 See "LUCKY GREEN" Booth in the C.N.E. Food Products Building

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