Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Aug 1964, p. 5

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Y And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West | WHITB Manager: John Gault Tel. 668-3703 Pictured above is Ivan Lacrosse to Captain Glen Lot- being the smallest town in the best-of-seven Eastern Canada Fish Filchers Flounder, Fined 22 Fins The theft of four fish, fished from another man's privately stocked fish pond netted two fishermen fines totalling $110 in Whitby Magistrate's Court, Tuesday. Ronald Lawrence Heward, 23, 918 Centre street, Whitby, and Michael James Mulligan, 346 Rosedale drive, Whitby, appear- ed before Magistrate Jermyn charged with theft under $50, and petty trespass. The court was told that the two men entered the private property of Oshawa business man, Cliff Mills and were ap- led with trout caught in his pond on Con- 'cession Nine, Pickering. Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck said that the theft of fish from a - privately stocked pond was the same as stealing something from a man's liy- ing room. He said that Mr. Mills had gone to considerable expense and trouble to stock the pond that would have been void of fish otherwise. He cautioned the men that , |had the offence occurred inside] @ the town limits, at night, they would have been charged with the serious offence of Prowl By pass. The fines of $110 each, $100 for the theft, and $10 for the trespass charge, made the four fish worth $55 each to the two men. Magistrate Jermyn. told the fishermen that after a man had gone to the expense of provid- ing himself with a retreat, he } | By CLIFF GORDON Catharines Athletics got sweet revenge last night for the 12-4 defeat handed them here at the Brooklin arena on Wed- nesday night as they trounced the same local team 12-5 at the St. Kitts bowl last night, The win knots the best of seven series all up at one each with the third game slated for the local arena tonight at 8.45. In the other series Brampton downed the hard fighting Peter- borough Speedy Erns 14-11 in ct oh at the end of the first period and then went on to bang home bers five goals in the second period without a single reply from the local team and appeared to have the game all sewed up. However, in the final stanza the Brooklin team did manage to gat a rally going and did score three goals as Hanna, Crawford and Glen Lotton found that Mc- Cready, good and all as he is 'on his own floor, was not the big zero that many of the. local team thought he was (or it ap- peared that way as they failed four speckled), Night, and not the petty tres-| to put one by him). Sweet Revenge For St. Kitts As Brooklin Take A Tumble 6 a Sy . 10 -- St, Kitts, Moore, Howe. 1) = St. Kitts, oo Penalties -- Craggs misconduct 3.48 19.22; Heffernan 10,40; Douf V' 2 minors 14.13; Damico 14.13; Bruce 16,11. ira 12 -- Brooklin, a 13 -- Brooklin, Crawford, Tran.... "we G. Lotton, 15 -- St. Kitts, Thompson, Damico, 16 -- St, Kitts, Roy, Moore 17 -- St. Kitts, Berge, Hind, Howe. . Penalties Doug Vipond 6.44. THE OSHAWA TIMES, = : Seturdoy, August 15,1964 § | Galloping Anthrax Kills Off Butfalo FORT SMITH, N.W.T. (CP) 38 Anthrax, an infectious disease which can kill all warm-blooded animals, was reported Friday in @\the Alberta portion of Wood Buffalo National Park. Northern Affairs Minister al \T aing has ordered "harsh measures" to combat the dis- last. three si} Anthrax in the nd| years has killed 1,000 buffaio in the park, which juts into the Northwest Territories. JUST TALKING: The game tonight will be perhaps one of the most telling of the series. | It always appears that the team that gets the jump-in the third m game (if they are right) will 2 go all the way... . The Brook- f lin team have a tiger by the , tail right now and will need % plenty of box=effice and vocal # support to take these pesky "A's to task in this the fore- runner of the Eastern Canada finals. .. . So fans, plan to be on hand and bring a friend, with all the added expenses and fines that have ill-fatedly befallen the Brooklin team they need Your . Whitby Churches all the support they can get. SUMMARY Ist Period 1 -- St. Kitts, Moore, Berge 2 -- Brooklin, Heffernan... 3 -- St. Kitts, Roy, Carr.... 4 -- St. Kitts, Berge, Moore, Roy 5 -- St. Kitts, Berge, Moore, Roy the first game of their best-of- F ; jseven semi-finals. a Gary Moore was the big gun | Pe) 15.07 | DON CRAGGS 17.20 | # EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN ROSSLAND ROAD 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A,, B.D, Miss He Newton, Deaconess Mrs. J, L. Beaton, A.R.C.T, 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP "OBEDIENCE" ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Ww. J. S. McClure, B.A. Minister Mrs, P. N, Spratt, Organist Rev, 11:00 A.M, DIVINE ton of the Brooklin. Senior La- world ever to win a senior semi-finals which is currently \for the St, Kitts team as he | Davie of the Ontario Lacrosse crosse club, This is the second year that Brooklin have won the league honors and they now hold the distinction of Association Executive present- ing the Lionel Conacher Trophy, emblematic of the league championship in Senior tied at one game each, Third game of the series is slated for the Brooklin arena tonight with game time called for lacrosse championship. The Brooklin. team are currently should not be forced into hav- |scored no less than four goals | ing to bother with people ru ning all over his property an stealing his fish. n-|5 q| an jm waging a real battle with the St. Catharines Athletics inthe 8.45. Anderson High Girls Take Top Awards Top students at Anderson | Jane Delaney, Music. High School on the recent Upper) Allan Halton, Geometry, Tri- School results were Sandra Jack|onometry and statics, Physics. of 11 Dundas street ceast,) Lynda Hartman, English Lit- Whitby, with first class honours/erature, Botany, Zoology. in six subjects 'and three second) yon Holliday, English Com- _ class honour subjects, averag-| yocition, English Literature, Al- ing 77.4 per cent on her best) cobra, Geometry, Trigonometry eight papers; and Marion Niel-|and Statics, French Authors = R.R. a eng ed with French Composition, five firsts an ve seconds, A averaging 75.8-per cent. Both oe hreys, English yeme tees pion eo emering Sandra Jack, English Com- WHITBY PERSONALS | | | | Mr. and Mrs, Ken Clark, Ed- monton, Alberta and Miss Doro- ithy McKay, St, Catharines, Literature, Algebra, Geometry,) Were recent guests of Miss Trigonometry and Statics,|Janet McKay, Centre St. South. Physics, Chemistry. 4 Gail Robertson, English Com- Mr. and Mrs, Greg Rivers, position, English Literature, Al-|511 Stewart St., are celebrating gebra, Trigonometry and Statics|their 22nd wedding anniversary Physics, French Authors, | today, August 15. Their friends French Composition. wish them every happiness, | Mary Lou Robinson, English Composition, English Literature, 5 aes Iistory, Bolanys Zoology, Lat t,t, ig a the ome of i ition, | yj) ; ; Authors, Latin Composition,/Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Smith, 510 French Authors, French Com-| Euclid St. position. Mrs. W. Smith of Udney spent} Mr, Affleck said that the fis : could be proven to belong to\Pete Berge each scored a pair. \the property owner because no\ Wally Thorne and Brian Thomp- : entry or exit was available to|son each added aces for thelr |the pond and the fish there had|night's effort. |to be stocked, | There was narry a repeat | --|scorer on the Brooklin team as Mr. and Mrs, William Lee, iGreen St., spent. ten days in |Brockville where they visited |relatives. They are now the byes of Mr, and Mrs, Asa Lee Pat Baker in the' Brookiin hy Detroit, Michigan. cage played a heads up game Mrs. Dorcas Short arrived on|but did not get the protection Thursday at Toronto Inter-|that is needed especially against national Airport and was met|the "A"s in a game that means by her son and daughter-in-law, |45 Much as this one did. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Short, after] The Brooklin team, without visiting in England for the past|the services of their big police- three weeks, jman Ken Ruttan on defence also | \with the absence of Chas. Lud- Mr. and Mrs. David Snoddy,|low, were somewhat short- 310 Palmerston Ave., and chil-|handed as they headed into last dren David and Carolyn, enjoyed/night's encounter. The St. Kitts a two-week vacation at a -cot-|team after taking a real trounc- tage at Bass Lake, jing from the Brooklin team de- Glen Lotton each managed to dent the rigging behind Me- /Ready on one occasion only. d got the helpers on three / ore, Ron Roy and the ever 7 | dangerous Gary Hind along with ; {Grant Heffernan Don Craggs, | |Bob Hanna, Red Crawford and § Li Ey. y. eee. were| Position, English Literature, Al-| Ronald Scott, English Com-) Marilyn, daughter of Mr, and successful in the Grade 13 sub-'gebra, Botany, Zoology, Latin position, English Literature, Al-|Mrs. Frank A, Roberts, is, cele- |Authots, Latin Composition,|gebra, Geometry, Trigonometry|brating her eighth»birthday to- French Authors, French Com-\and Statics, Botany, Zoology,|day. Her friends wish her . 'nueis ' Physics, Chemistry. many happy returns of the day. gebra. s| Robert KoStiuck, English Com-| John Spellen, English Com-| : "y ' Thomas Barrett, English|position, English Literature, Al-|position, English Literature, Al- diccnee Lites --_ gong om jects: Michael Barrett, English Com-|frenc position, English Literature, Al-| Position. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Sonley recently returned from, a trip to Moosonee on James Bay. Present guests at the Sonley's residence are Mrs. A. Tarling and her daughter Elizabeth of Toronto, Composition, English Litera-|gebra, Geometry, Trigonomet:y|gebra, Geometry, Trigonometry ite : | 4 4 '4 4 ; spending a two-week vaca- ture, Algebra. and Statics, Physics, Chemistry,|and Statics, Physics, Chemistry, | sion motoring to the Maritimes| Lloyd Sondly and Wayne Yar- Clarence Burton, Englieh|French Authors, French Com-|French Authors, French Com- Composition, English Literature, | position. : Algebra, Geomtery, Trigonom- Edward Kulka, Music. etry and Statics, Physics,Chem-| Clayton MacKay, Al gebra,| istry , French Authors,French Geometry, Physics, Chemistry,|gebra, Geometry, Trigonometry} Composition. French Authors, French Com-| Lola Cappell, English Com- position. ie, position, Latin Composition, _Anna Mary Mcllwain, Eng-) Betty Casselman, English -Lit- lish Literature,History , Geom- erature, History, Commeinian t , French Com-)\' + ps lay _ Marion Nielsen, English Com- Lucille Curl, English Com-|Position, English Literature, Al- position, English Literature,|Sebra, Botany, Zoology, Chem- History, Geometry, Botany, Zoo- istry, Latin Authors, Latin Com- logy, French Authors, French|position, French Authors, Composition. French Composition. --| Raymond Reeson, English position, David Thomson, English Com- position, English Literature, Al- and Statics, Zoology, Physics, Chemistry. Heather Vipond, English Com- where they will visit Mrs. Paul's|foware spending a week's va- mother, Mrs. James Gunn andjcation canoeing in Algonquin other relatives in Halifax and/|Park. vriadretacndle caries Mrs. Steve Peleshok and chil- Billy Reid, son of Mr. andjdren, Steven, Crystal and Tim Mrs. Bruce Reid and grandson|spent two weeks at their cottage lof Mr, and Mrs. Jack Reader,|at Big Island. Mr. Peleshok cided it was high time they got back on the winning road. They did just that in fine style as they stalled the Brooklin attack at almost every turn, The homesters held a 4-2 lead WORSHIP Nursery and Kindergarten 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH (COLBORNE STREET WEST AT CENTRE) Minister: Rev, John McLeod Orgonist: Mrs. W. E. Summers, T.C.M WORSHIP SERVICES 11:00 AM. and 7 P.M. Guest Preacher: Reverend Percy Buck Former Missionary to Bolivia Under The Canadian Baptist Foreign Mission Board Bible School meets at 9:45 A.M. Prayer Meeting: Wednesday at 8 P.M. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED HEBRON CHRISTIAN REFORMED ELIZABETH CR., NEAR THICKSON RD. N. Church of the "BACK TO GOD HOUR", every SUNDAY 9:15 P.M, CKLB Rev, J. VanHarmelen, B.A., B.D. Mr. Wm, Bouwma, Organist SERVICES A'. JST 16tt 64 10:00 A.M.--Mr. John' Tangelder of Lindsay 4:30 P.M.--Mr, John Tangelder (Dutch) 7:00 P.M.--Mr. John Tangelder GLEN LOTTON EXCHANGE REPORTERS TOKYO (AP) -- Japan and Communist China have agreed to exchange nine reporters as resident correspondents, it was disclosed Saturday, The agree- ment was negotiated by govern- ment party politician Uenzo Matsumura, who has been ac- tive in promoting telations with Communist China. It follows the arrival here of a semi-perma- nent five-man Chinese trade j ig QS MEND-N-FITY OUT WITH THE 0, INWITH LE ote { 'MODERN PLUMBING | THATS SURE TO position, English Literature,|is celebrating his seventh birth- Geometry, *tty., French Authors, French) History, Botany, Zoology, Latinj\day Monday, August 17. His| Authors,.Latin Composition,|friends wish him a happy birth- French Authors, French Com-!day. EXTRAMURAL CANDIDATES | Mr. and Mrs. William Bou- | man have visited for a week | Lyle Kivell, Chemistry. Michael Newland, 'History. cat es cae Bg pgp . ., an gZranddaugnter, r. an George Locmelis, English Lit), John Smith, Kent St. Mr, a _'and Mrs. Bouman will be spend- Whitby PD Win New Pay Scale A new wage contract has been agreed between the officers of the Whitby Police Department} 2 ' : : and the town Police Commis-. OTTAWA*(CP) -- The immi- sion. . gration department has stepped The new contract, which was\up its efforts to stop criminals signed this week, comes into from entering Camada, Immi-| effect on January 1, 1965, Under the new agreed pay) scale Whitby moves up to having one of the highest paid Police Departments in the area |" : : f A full sergeant at the top of pete rarely cma the scale moves up from $5,810) over this problem, especially per annum to $6,100, a rise Of|in. illegal entty of persons who $290. ; jenter to canry on organized A corporal's wage goes UP! crime. from $5,575 to $5,855. First class| constable climbs from $5,335 to $5,600. Second class constable moves from $5,095 to $5,350 j in 19 id." Thad class from $4,685 to $4,020/sp0" s known. he sald: | oe and probationer from $4,210 to sion and. are within the juris- $4,420. . jdiction of immigration legisia- Retroactive pay will also be! tion will be subject to the pro- paid from the ist of January|yisions respecting deportation." this year, when negotiations for P. B. Rynard (PC -- Simcoe a new pay scale were first open-| ast) said that if Hal Banks, en between the local Police As-|deposed chief of the Seafarers' sociation and the Police Com-| International Union of Canada mission. (Ind.), is a fugitive from jus- gration Minister Tremblay said Friday. He told the Commons during debate of his department's me assure the House ijthat persons of the kind under Ottawa Steps Up Drive To Keep Criminals Out discussion will be denied admis-| ing six months in Canada and jare at present in London, Ont., visiting one of their daughters. Recent guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Smith, 909 Bayview Ave., were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lamoureux of Ha- cienda Heights, California, Their tice and has fled to the Uniteg| children Cheryl, Marty and Greg States he should no longer be|2ccompanied them, Other leonsidered a Canadian resident,|Sucsts were: Mrs. A. E. Cousins) 'land Mrs. Arnold Dove, Bramp- |, Mr. Banks has been sentenced|i,. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Guy, |to serve 30 days in jail for eal i , | the Misses Carol and Cathy Tuy | jtempt of court but has been!.ng Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mur- missing since an arrest Wal-| dock of Brockville. | jrant was issued for him last) ~ |month. He is due to appear in) Mrs. Joan Denyer and Mrs.| jcourt Monday in connection/Shirley Ross were co-hostesses| |with another case. at a miscellaneous shower held) | Mr. Rynard said Mr. Banks\at the home of Mrs. Denyer,| has landed immigrant status)gi2 Byron St. North, in honor] jand if he has left Canada to es-\of Miss Donna Metherell who! cape justice he should belis to be married August 29 in |deemed to have lost his Cana-'st, Mark's United Church, Whit-| jdian domicile. iby, to Mr. Gene Sandison of He asked Mr. Tremblay to ex-| Ashburn, amine the case and then if Mr. Banks is out of the country and| Present were: Miss Linda should apply for readmission,|Harris, Mrs. Caro] Wilde, Miss he should undergo the same/Ann Avis, Mrs. Eleanor Simp- tests as any other first-time im-|son, Mrs. Diane Short, Mrs. migrant. The Conservative did Lucy Harris, Mrs. Sally Stuart, not believe Mr. Banks would be)Mrs, Marion Sandison, Mrs. able to qualify for admission./Alma Metherel, Mrs. Wanda iGray, Mrs. Lois Phillip, Mrs. Barbara Hunter, Mrs. Donna Ross, Mrs. Carolyn Allan and 'Would Welcome BROC Evening Shows at 7 and 9:05 WHITBY. Feature Starts at 7:20 and 9:30 Recommended As Adult Entertainment A bold, blushing, Cape 'ic bietait ait A Seven Arts Production sans Met NMIRMCOLOR . " GELLER LAP LE! SOM ESL A IELLTE LS: Starring - CLIFF ROBERTSON JANE FONDA @ ROD TAYLOR q Goldwyn Mayer |Mrs. May Dawson. The hostes- Germ War Check |ses served a dainty lunch. UNITED NATIONS (AP)--| Mrs. Mary Zona, Poe Credit, The United States told the|was @ weekend guest at the United Nations Security Council|home of her daughter and son- Friday it would welcome an in-|i-law Mr. and Mrs. Allan Short, | vestigation by the World Health| 935 Centre street north. -- |Organiaztion or the Red Cross into Cambodia's charges of) chemical warfare by Amer-| icans and their South Vietnam- | ese allies. It called on the Cambodian) government of Prince Norodom Sihanouk to agree to such an international inquiry. South Viet Nam, Cambodia's neighbor, denied earlier that it Family Monuments Created To Individual Requirements FFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST |STA was using poison powder in ac-| |\tion against the Communist \Viet Cong. Cambodia charged| such powder scattered in the frontier area killed some _--s | bodians . | ra |joined his family for a week. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Trupish of} |Rodney were dinner guests at |the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. ©. Shearer, 215 Perry street. Mr. and. Mrs. William Snod- don and family, Michael, Randy, /Timmy and Jeffrey, 218 Dove- dale Dr., have returned from a two-week camping vacation in Algonquin Park. | | } 568-8 761"137 BROCK 3} | RAWALPINDI (AP) -- More | mL & than 2,000,000 grass-eating fin-| gerling carp from Red China| have been purchased by Paki-| stan in an effort to free. lakes| around Karachi from dense| weed growths which choke the 'Please YOU, RED CARP ») MONDAY AND TUESDAY CARNATION EVAPORATE.D water system. TOWN OF WHITBY DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Town of Whitby has for sale $91,000.00 -- 534% Debentures Maturity 1 to 15 years 1965 to 1979 Denominations $1,000.00 100.00 and accrued interest. Applicetion forms may be d ot the Municipal Office, 405 Dundes St. W., Whitby. Debentures dated August Ist, 1964, to be delivered September 4th, 1964, JOHN R. FROST, Clerk-Treasurer Town of Whitby Price $ WARREN J; MOWAT, Mayor Town of Whitby THE TORONTO DIOCESAN CHOIR SCHOOL ELEVENTH ANNUAL SESSION CHORAL EVENSONG All Saints Anglican Church WHITBY, ONTARIO AT 4:00 P.M. SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 1964 The public is cordially invited 668-3552 b BUT MILK * Sove Bex POWER- Canada, FIRSTGRADE Cusameny R ip. PRIN' x Save Y ar POWER %2:/c:/GRAINFED BEEF FRESH MINCED

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