Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Aug 1964, p. 12

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| {12 _THU OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Avpust 15, 1964 Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 o ee 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 12--Articles Wanted 16--Female Help Wanted ,17--Male Help Wanted SHAW ta ES S S E RV AUTO WRECKING CO. pied peak MEN | | , ae Ports for sal, cleo Soop es Make money in With some warehouse ind metals, ht. experience. Able to assist ; Bot anes Sets re day to spore fern anes in opetoticn GF eee ments Building Trades Jerdening and Supplies _[Plumbing and Heating . oo, ! ak ra gga ig a WRITE warehouse. ED LANGLOIS Fertilized Weed Treated Att woman est nd hetting.supetiog. " . bo apa 'canopy P.O, Box 2, Columbus Reply in writing giving full a a weer tae crear] HOME BUILDER FIELD SODS __ [eure een, and" Evaners. per USED MOVIE GAMERA scuen proise| OF Telephone 725-9696 | '#tails to: We Speciolize in iE for and oh. In olf, 2904 condition, Tele- : -- aon pom hee tos MT or picked us ic and pH ombeary he Rug- Upholstery Service /jf 5 tes wanes" 7 "a -- aie, bassinet. 2" preaperovn, and tereting oan' BOX 15 ; SUSEAT HOUNAE Chartered Kastor 728-4169 AJAX AUTO HAs Mo ' balan to 0. Training free. Apeiy" in parson! ~ OSHAWA TIMES ot ee ew et 725-9674 UPHOLSTERY Se ee SCRAPS. |!2--Business_ Opportunities es. Are, mr gen" bud "Bou CLANCY'S "Accounting Service, CENTRE Sor'scune HOUSEKEEPER for elderly Ukramion Saree MS aor | Lawn seRvices | ferveed North, Ala PE eae SERVICE | ERNE ye eee "HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter x rwi , 3 Serrano eae] MOON TI ot | oom nay, arg, | NM Seay Comes Botte STATION ites ya a PRES] AUTOMOBILE at rear.) fro, rues Se Wea CO driveways, parking lots, and CALL 942-0301 , Rinna AR Colt Me, Henan, re tune tu Cee B. McLEAN vacant lots. RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Eeted| Q- ee T Walmsley and Magill. Ltd, FR z = experienced. Guaren- PAINTER YALE, FRIEDLANDER 'and "CO, "Cher. ; 25-59. TELEPHONE 725-9871 . '|!lshed 17 years. Complete range of mete- " : 1$ ANY HAIRDRESSER -- ; tered tants, Licensed Trustees In Phone 725-5946 ri Pree eames aranteed five i r POMAL ie d opportunity teed sale, and conevianien, '4-hour TiN ER, Mat- . Goo week. 728-0662. Employment RouTatyit Kian: WATERS "ond c& 164 King Street cote |PLASTERING, new ang repaira, stvee®ldening ferviess, "aldewok slabs, patio! S& 5 oes RELATED To Excellent location cAR -- MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS and Co./A. Woods, 143 Ciarke $treet, slabs, flag stones, planters, dry walls, Oshawa Uphostering Company, 287 Dean A 4ME AARDYARK, All ' a Chartered Accountants, 728-7527) sand, gravel, lawns seeded, sodded, fer-/Avenue, 725-0311 won 1 A DENY. OF AFRICA replies confidential Nov 'ete, Over 350 APPLY -- Sone ra ult 215E, Alax, 942 Cartage tilized, one a roiling, pruning, hedge REUPHOLSTER' 'and refinish your turn DE S . ¢ be me eid iMiustreted cata jertilizers, trees, hedging, nUrs-ltyre by J, and J. Custom Furniture, Free AMETIGER 15 SUPPOSED fo POSSESS Write ee eo , LA LONDE, ail types or cartege, Baylery stock, Phone 7207787 r Sclimotes: 'Whitby, 668-5753 or" 6t8-St6. ASPIRIC AND 1$ WORSHIPPED OM "his NO. uiaton rection Cort 1 Coy, 1280 King GANNON'S Ridges, 639-4191 Barristers CHESTERFIELDS ond old chairs, re| S18 ACCOUNT IN SIAM, O Street East, Hamilton, Onta EREIGHTON, _ DRYNAN, MURDOCH Hilv-ers TRUCKING, env lon trocking, | Marruction covered like new, Get the best for jess en oe : BOX 14] AUTO BODY Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe §. A 17--Male Help Wanted oe ae eer nae eee wi gee olay il, Call 728-6451, Free estimates. OSHAWA TIMES aries, 723-6804 or Simcoe Steet Nort, Orhewa. asi page a ONTARIO CHESTERFIELDS 7 ond re | 2--Personal "pe veg 4 Ly slg OW RENTING = Wess domicomer "D 728-9: 'awa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fu styled. Free estimate, See our materia AGE AND EXERCISE. Tr or oaie or Ken Brand new fireproof d indi FT 1 me ae equipped and Insured, 728-3661. DRIVING for re-covering. Delton Upholstering, 75 Sr Geckos, Meet ro gg d Nort ner- buliding. Alt slecirically hestes, oes SHI EATON Ss in OSHAWA 4 Charlee Street, 725-7212. vous tension, etc. Also facial message. COTTAGE LOT, approximately 100 ft»! parking facilith A 1 7115. Mortgages and Agreements of Sele ' -|iake frontage on West Twin Lake, Safé|Pouq Spprac ties. Available August 1. ; bought, and sold and arranged, Dentistry SCHOOL Sales and Service elle gla Masseur, 716 Cedaripgacn, Hydro and road to lot, Reason ae ee ft aeratia" Hie CHEMIST CAMERA DEPARTMENT HUMPHREYS ; BOYCHYN, end WILL-) oe BIALEK, OR. "6, P= Benin waronon, Pr Bentel eoreeen : . oble, Ti TN, rentals call Guide Realty 'Limited, Real MAN, Barristers, solictors, 344 K 186), 2 Simcoe, Street North, Oshowe. "For Learn to Drive 1964 Models |TV TOWERS from $39.95. Roof antennas|ip ANN BARBER, or anyone knowing] <> LAKE, Bobcay cot-|t0rs, 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-1121, An Oshawa plant has @ vo- requires a man who not only street, East, Oshawa; R, D. reg ooiniment aur from $19.95, Alex, Bay Ridges, Picker-|her whereabouts, does not contact 728) to rant grom AJgust ath, $45 and cancy for shift chemist, can sell photographic équip- $, Boychyn, OC; W. Hillman, A Sg Ing, Whitby and Oshawa, Two-year guar|gino by the 28th of August, 1964, her af 5 weekly. All inside conveniences. Dial! ]4_ deg' not ne BA, fis; ie fi eH BA, LI. PICK-UP SERVICE 8s weekly. 1 Employment Wented i Shecaienh pareg scbie' bal ek tes ae antee on all work, 942-0637, will be sold for rental arrears. 4604; Whitby 668-17¢1. NHA and othe REPAIRS and insteliations on dri |washers and ranges. Free estimates, Call Sales and Service COTTAGES FOR RENT. Sturgeon Lake,|with progressive company. General and| have @ working knowledge and advise his customers on 8. hou Office: 725-1177, 'Residence: 728-4326, 725 Drapery Service ROAD TESTS ARRANGED GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer oer ACCOUNTANT is avaliable for position} cessary but applicants should 'apery third mortgage funds available, tracks and venetian blinds, Phone Dual Control Cors 720-1742 four miles im Bobcaygeon, All con-|cost accounting, also _ systems design,| of industrial chemistry, this hobby. Apply Clients' funds available for mortgages. Dressmoki: WASAGA, housekeeping cottages located em: m. 581 Simcoe two: eek: ies Fi tn FW ones ai, fy| Oshawa 728-6934 725-7373. Sa' Meat redisetl ea Patsy by ete dio | Eaton's of Canada citors, etc, il4 reat, Gast 'ea! GRESSMAKING = ullay coals," Grosses, TUTORING E ATON'S OF CAN ADA ball, small games. Openings from AUgUS | aeping machines), desires, permanent poratony Fig a ore anne -SWARTE and RONALD L. they opel Gil Sirdar Asedeiiie Tutoring. College, 2--Kitchen re-modellin ment of any Kind. Age 17, cheuttr I Street Reel, 7A. ; mence, All ages, grade, sub- 4--Central cooling and home air conditioning SPECIAL aa ee ere OSHAWA TIMES Metal Finishers dent's own textbooks, private Mortgage fynds available, a for rough woter, Must. be WIN RALSTON PURINA ROUGSON and BASTEDG, "Barristers, Tad BASTE: vane PEST CONTROL or group, E ATON'S IN OSHAWA sold for actual construction MAKE pn ig OE COMPANY APPLY BOX 45 Homes, factories, apartments, necessory, Sell exciting top-value ' J Don Oshi 232 aie 725 9871 AR STREIP:--17 FT. East, awa. . - EZE METHOD COZY J RANCH Kennels, Registered CEDAR STRIP:-- ' on approval. Special money-making Building Trades SIFTO ROCK CRYSTALS WELSH PONY, cart and harness. Alsol BARRIE 728-4455 CEMENT WORK PURITY DOG MEAL LEARN TO DRIVE |Trade Schools 114 Elgin Gest. will take up to 35 H.P, motor | We are looking for ladies who West Hill 282-0943 MASTER DIET automatic cars. black and silver grey. Apply Ferguson's one Neveneer. pany benefits. Gostlin, 1302 Dundas Street East, dependable lady, with seven 723-2278. Re Uy 'Phones: : Fittl \ . i specially. Mrs? Tome, \ toy fe Write' Surtsige 'Viloge Batak Bae "cad vertisement will be held in Liscensed Bodymen SWARTZ, Na cases tee ite Notaries. cence, Tom, 668-85 HOMAS Wi, GREER, BA, Barrister, Exterminators jects, Reoding, Math., Enge 5--Bathroom re-modelling -- each installation by Pa EDEL SEE Solicitors. Clients' furids available for) Fleas, Roaches, Bed Bugs, pic 3--Pets & Livestock Christmas Cards ond Gifts; Earn JOSEPH PB. MANOAN, | WA W, GC, Solicitor. sca embed ag jarr Soll y e ly i chor oaren uc Mo Surveyors Diodes, Stud service Boarding. var |. 22,ELECTRIG, SINGLE LEVER | Frecworren Cs, oepr aivali_ | , FOURTH CLASS WRITE BOX 141 PELLETS lephone 728-0881 [H. PLim and TROLLOPE, Ontario Landi western saddle. Telephone 725-0772. PIGDEN ROOFERS nok SAN OS Telephone Biryeors iin Siest West Phone TOYS, FUN $$$ ENGINEERS TAXI DRIVERS GENERAL REPAIRS PURINA DOG KIBBLE BLACK YEARLING pony stallion, quiet, PRICE $365 want to earn extra Christ- 42, Some maintenence ex- th Ki__ CARPENTRY, cabinets, Arborite, KIBBLE DOG FOOD Professional a 17 to 49 BA Service Station, lust east ot Taunton.) -- Foster's Chicken \ Villa}. We will-train. you os 0 party COMPOSITOR required for plant In weate ern Ontario, Must be CALL up, makeup, lock up si sualitied in HYMAN AND HYMAN, "Garriter, S0I-lvinitoy 66-3794, Licensed Instructor and $85, weekly. €211)Write Box 447 Oshawa Time. T ition is on a three @REER_AND KELLY, Barriers awn, 468-5085, steam-bath and shower house, ping-PoNG-|vears' varied office experience (re typ| full details @s to. age, edu- Sco Teeter Tor ener Ns Kelly, BA, BCL: specialty, Mrs? Toms, Whitby, 688-2372. Write "Surfside Village, New: Wasega anuined foe weil 'aerckiabeel Money 0 loan, Henry Block, 26% KING). Vooslerv, 10 Henry "Street:| Summer school soon to come . 3--Room cle-conartionel in installations 9c--Marine Equipment ee ee "baby anne aed der BOX 143 T stole ond Bolcing, 96. Kine Street asl, 7204200 PRESTO ign Apa dependable craftsmen. and built tested and proven 15--Agents Wanted Spray Painter first age, 37 King Street iat or (3rd) Beetles, Moths, Mice, Rats, ACADEMIC SAILBOAT, \ 9 FT. .6,8. SLOOP, Win @ portable TV set, while you OSHAWA TIMES CALL 723-6701 * (RTT a ce ae eee aa teenie teamen Soe] BARRIE 726-6208 | So sett iene on rig | WHITBY, ONTARIO ISERVICE STATION citors, Notaries Public.. Mortgage funds Gardening and Supplies OLS, WINDSHIELD, COMMON FINE SALT 75 Per Hour BEAUTIFUL baby - budgie, ready for ifice! !! B EAVESTROUGHING | "DOG FEED" Rate $3,75 Sacrifice!!! New Boat Selendis iain ah a Preferably between 25-40 Phone PURINA DOG CHOW Oshowa Driving School ATTENTION she Bowmanville 234, ae ¢ Regular sells for $575. mas money by working even- perience preferred, Good MERCURY TAXI bathroom and kitchen remodelling. Ceil- REGISTERED Chihvahva puppies, 8) i ' , The ; 623-2262, he p Buildings 6. King Street East, 72-117 Automatic and Standard ONE CALL DOES IT ALL Bowmanville reve mon Se Bae ae Cod | momen ere horseshoes, badminton, volleybatl, base-|i,, ing, bookkeeping, swit Announcing the opening of 1--Oil or gas heatin yal Beach or phone Elmvale, 738-R4 YOUNG MAN desires permanent employ-' confidence. firm in Oshawa, Whitby. Buliding, 86 King Street East, 726-6209. Char! Cc. Hy ike extra money. No experience QC; Edger F- Bastedo, @C) Norman H.| etc. : TUTORING COLLEGE [Septic Service make extra, money. HOPKINS STREET money to loan, Bigg Ws king Street West, Whitby 668-2563, manville 623-2251. Pom Pal a gh A is | looking for ATTEND ANT available, 36% King Street East, 723-1107. ' N SC OOL DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, |ter horses, foals. Trailer Ashburn, Brooke Clndiar Rea, Sere C jal blue ; TOP, ETC. WATER SOFTENER SALT DRIVI G H COnarte Fa aie Strosty gpl A lin 655-4662 - aaa ag STATIONERY OSHAWA TIMES training, talking strain, Apply Mrs.Broad, Top earnings. éowmanville 623-3610 PURINA DOG MEAL reasonable tates, standard and MEN PUREBRED GERMAN Shepherd puppy, PHONE 728-4581 ings, September, October starting woges, excellent com- 725-4771 'f weeks old. Also Boston' Tertler' puppies} 18 FOOT, cabin cruiser, 1 year old, sieeps| demonstrator to sell a full lect m2 ten east Cooper Smith Co. OSHAWA _AND WHITBY Heavy Equipment and miniature poodle pupples. All puppies ie ty pec dh i yely Eretor. line of toys and gifts, WHITBY 668-3343 'sons | istered. Temporary needies, 728-9122. SAND, GRAV Toam and fill, Delivered ART CLASSES -- Lessons in ol! painting reg ready for water. $900, Financing arranged, j fo Alax, ve. and area. Telephone 16 CELINA ST, by Whitby artist "Car! Clark" fo) begin Operators FWO-YEAR-OLD sorrel filly. Telephone|Teieyhome 720-1006, ng arrang Commission, car essential, 725-7053. Whitby 668-2660, Eric Branton, week of September 14th. Those Interested 0 inve: ut, deliveries or H AW. A GROCERY CLERK, chain store, = rite "Clark Studie', 325 Brock Street ° CABIN cruiser, 21 feet, two Thirty Horse-| collections, Call ; lenced | ' YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim 723-2312 oe ety a 'esi' caeaaty "aner| Are in demand for bull- |wanteo TO RENT by September ist gruler, 21 set, two Thirty Hees: ions. Call now OS berienced If possibie. Good starting salary, built and ired linings | in- Three bedroom' house for family. School-|Power , ; Sill rote repaired, Fre etimates, DAVEY BR ss dozers, scrapers, motor |r t*tnitdren. References. M needed, Tele-|dition. Very reasonable at Oshawa Yacht Oshawa 728-3608 GENERAL manogor. Basin's Fd arty Aloe 723-2997. TD Mortgages raders, draglines, back- |phone 725-8608 after 5 p.m, TAL REQUIRED immediatly, four men > QUALITY CARPENTRY, custom bulit EE SERVICE 8 . and shovels. If you 12: FT. 6 INCHES Peterborough boat with HOSPI work four houre er day. os 8 an ge bf a P ' . Phy Be iii Kitchens, and rec-rooms, floor and cel! runing, spraying, feeding, ed by top instructors right |4--Sportsman's Column _ [17 of, motor, $120. Phone Bowmenvila HAIRDRESSERS Bonus, Ales. chanento fain Ing 'les, painting, roofing, ste. S8HI818C] bracing" tree and stump res Mortgage Money cn the equipment. Don't DEW WOR MS _ |nunasour, tet, manoaony moved REQUIRED Hos a vacancy for on exper- [nent stat: For 'srmoininoant alt air oar movals, "The oldest and lar- A lenced bianca JE i En. OME IMPR S$, roofl id : ; lywood with 50 HP Johnston electric.) With and without experi BARBER WANTED, 890, Weekly. Pald HOME IMPROVEMENTS, ing an gest tree saving service in Available delay --- enquire now. Fee eis tie ele Rl Mut aly 3 ph oa Page" dene ab ew my. e.4 savesiroughing, carpentry 'werk, painting] gest tree Low Interest Write giving name, add- FOR SALE separ conver tee and Flo] cont alr Styling, 110 | ACCOUNTANT _ |iteatane time irs. All work teed. ond Haig" brace Fret To pone Telephone 723-1361 d teleph num- King 6 USED CAR Clean-up man for large deab ress' and telephone Telephone 723-7112 Monday T enat Gace Ga ean oes ing "05. 8631 ership. Apoly 'o. perecn to BH ag hyd ler-Dodge. BULLDOZING For free 5 Satimates,, 26. Millegurt. Brive, Whitby, Velustion, Arranged ber: to Saturday 9 - 6 P.M, Live HP Evinrude and trailer; Té-foot cruis- Hospi sset Doug, Hart, 216 postin VO naw BLUE GRASS SOD RESIDENTIAL NATIONAL SCHOCL OF Balt Company, 859 Nelson er, fully equipped oe HP mar. WANTED -- A capable girl to" live ia pi a ete gigi Whitby. Northside 'Chrys CHIMNE and re-bulit, roofing "ALL GREEN" CITY AND DISTRICT HEAVY EQUIPMENT treet, cury w rallery a and look after an 18monthold bab nd repairs, sidewalks and stoops, F. Mc- with 50 HP Johnson, at More-lwhile moth Ks. LI C.A. student. Please send @ |18-----Male or Femal: fam. Nek Geers. Goaw.--__ NURSERY SOD GROWERS| SUMMER PROPERTIES OPERATION Dee ae fever, remem 'ber, Diu ne, Cae™O hcl CA. student: Pleas sand 0 Male or Formele HOUSEBUILDING, " 'andes, 2 EKEEPER good gs pi he ye te gg feneations, cape N. Ri we at Out of town enquiries invited. CASH on the spot! Highest prices paid 1é' FIBREGLASS BOAT, 35 HP motor,|natured elderly Waren Ih Taken: Must ations and experience stating -- ay yg unten Villg Nate ois Pratt tote nena wee] ana tar, 16 clan tet live In om romm Liberal time ot. Oil! salary required and when | OPPORTUNITY CARPENTER works new, and repairs, OSHAWA 725-9674 Mortgage Brokers Association |TV--Radio Repairs will Fur Farm, Licence 333C-64. Treat Palebhone Port' Perry See-7O8?. RLOWELY" orton or pensienee Tor Tisth D Young Men and' Women fay cement blocks. Telephone 728-768 a e ily, sai SOON cae A Sanasiod URS any pnd Tal 000 cod aa iy, sand, SIDE delivery rake, John Deere, $375] 7 aoe plywood boat, steering, 18 HP|household duties, No heavy cleaning, Wishing to Become ed, reason Sprayer Solo, 60 gallon, 3hitch, $700. ej Live in. Two children, iré : fen Oe E I | F S outboard and 'trailer. Complet 9 children, one school age.| Director of Personnel ors ail prices labour ony, THAN. Gee, >mone_ 728A TE Br Gat Fiaen SUMMERLAND V OW R $400. Buldvker RAR, Whitey $50, Telephone 72979160 *|Telepnone Dunbarton éana7s Directo CHARTERED = toe ches eins Fee r PRESTO FARM SERVICES -- Whitewash: WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE. if you) Oshawa General Hospital AC CAL ; SECURITIES Economy and synitewash-! a 4__ Articles For Rent would. enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day COUNTANTS ing, fly control; weeds--pastures, brush, chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops.\GARDENS pioweo with Gravely Roto ing, fly Be D calling regularly each month on a group Minimum Educetion - \plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104. fence rows. Don Mountioy and Lorne of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on @ route MN Gordon Mays 728-0394, pas. ae LIMITED Deluxe Tregunna, Phone 725-9871. RENT ALS to be established in and around Oshawa Senior Matriculation Priced to suit your budget FOR SALE -- Good clean oat straw, -- Whitby and ar ewilling to make ight| AN established general CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 112: Simos $t,, North TERMS ARRANGED _ |peled._Phone_7as-082 OF ALL KINDS _ |imetesSestcot? a's rer Ave Pe peye youd pie' Telephone. 728-7527 m io = -3568 CEDAR POSTS, poles all sizes, Also cedar Montreal 32, Route will fo $5.00 GP WORD MINA icsisat tulad tress for, heagen etc. Rhone ©." Emil) REDUCING EQUIPMENT: -- [per hour. '| ified man to take over os TEACHERS WANTED i ff t foster results. AW. a deblsdl aclbiatd massaging belts, rowing mo- |EARN $23. WEEKLY plus a free ward AA for Life Depart : Better describea offers get foster results. 4 chines, bike exercisers -- all robe in your spare time, Just show Fash-| 'Manager tor Lite Vepart- tenders, pa yan m CASH CHARGE f SUPPLY LIMITED |S--Auction $6 per month, vestna, Nemperiees: Necowaneenyanre| ment, Excellent opportun- | tutoring in your spare time, 6 Consecutive days, original copy ....- $3.75 $4.13 PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe North American. Fashion Frocks, Lid,| ity for the right man -- | Mornings during Aug. and 3 Consecutive days, original copy 2.28 fj TO semnece YOUR 361 GIBBONS ST. cleaning rods, pipe vise tris |3425 Industrial Blvd, Dept. $-1720, Moni including salary, commis- evenings and Saturdays dur- i i '° rea Que. Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviotion as one word, TO REMODEL. YOUR HOME? 728-8] 80 AUCTION SALE ee pipe sf wet. od EXPERIENCED "wolltess tor collee bar] SIONS NG complete fri re Pegg" term. Phone IF. NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES, eee yer ae toilet pe a. and variety store, Telephone 725-3932 or| benefits, Write Box 733.6 701, utoring College CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15¢ TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS TV TOWERS Having received instruc- | PAINTERS EQUIPMENT --- |:0B Smits 'Cotes Bar,"817" tinct] "The Oshawa Times, na SPERTERCAS ae While every endeavour will be mode to forward replies to box Let's discuss, without obli- J tone frork 2d Sinieae St stabladders, clurinunl exten: Sarat rpecrcitcc full details of sect Gage tre nine hurseryian m9 numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no geren, your financial plans: and . ° sion ladders, ladder jacks, |eviveuty 7 Senor Tuan, fee, Taree Satire nein elephone motile May tJ -- liability In respect of loss or damage zlieged to arise through r 10 to 15 Year long- A t a Re air S., Oshawa, | will sell by steal seoffolding compres | Pléaible 'hours, Modest. investment, Call en Trejbal, (Magali tbie either foilure ot delay in forwarding such replies, however caused term 2nd mortgage with low nrenn pal Site aaeion en Marva: sors, spray guns, wallpaper anytime after 2 p.m. 725-6016 TEACHER required for TAT Soul, Fa for toral echeol, Pas whether by negligence or otherwise. Interest and small repayments r streamers, tarpaulins, blow |RELIABLE housekeeper to care for four "SERVICE STATION further informatini Mrs. W, Bull, secre Professional listings only, 3 lines per month if may prove much easier for TRIO day, August 20 at 7:30 torches, Ri ller toni ohildren, two school-age, Live ~ week> pata RR 2 Orono, 30-R-1, Each additionc! line, per munth |. 16 your budget. TELEVISION eth: BUILDER'S EQUIPMETNT -- livia: vn Ten See "wenn! |= MANAGER WOH SCHOOL slvr cpable of WipE (Not applicab'e for merchandise adver semen cement mixers, finishing tra- All replies confidential. Grade ten roto see Please write CORONATION 171 BOND ST, E., OSHAWA A quantity of: refrigerators, wels, wheel barrows, electric |femily, live in, permanent fo right party. : Wes 4 Hee eae Times tating remunerse ad ; ' vibrator, gir compressor, |Telephone 723-1604, DEADLINES INVESTMEN 728-5143 electric stoves, in good con- jack hammers, hand trowels, |GASHIER -- Chain store experience If BOX "41 20--R ma Bebed WORD ADS 5 p.m, Day Previous. C0, LTD. dition), continental beds, water pees ane heat- ere Bight Aire. resneger,Besetirs OSHAWA TIMES i at ta : "as te A Canadian Public Cor TV i c ers, steel scaffolding, electric doo Two TRuG 00M ARD for gentleman. ogi t of og sernes' eos oes 4 . - Day pie ps neue ehh a SERVICE dressers, studio couches, cof generator, ramset, power |RULL TIME housekeeper "for elderly ggg, weekly. Kwrite Box 'Sa. Oshaws Hleges. 'Telephone "Tex eoetent iteion pee igor ond. Pound. -. 9:30 Day of Publication, SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, pat N24 a fee tables ond other articles | rollers, electric hammers, lin. ralephone Whitby aeasaz | umes CAKESION STRAGT, AT -- Roan oad Bethe ond Deas ah 30 Dey of Publication, 360 King St. West . 728-5268 too numerous {46 Ametion: masonry saw, building jacks, THREE TO FOUR ambitious board: for Po gentlemen, wiling te share * 9: need- ortar mixers, mortar boxes, ed to to our on staff. in Trainin ate. Late Deaths , . . 11:00 e.m. Dey of Publication (Pose'3). | 795 265 (after hours 728-3376) OSHAWA Terms cash. Cliff Pethick | chain hoist, mifer saw, elec. |22----Male Help Wanted lprovided. Anply 299 Simcoe Street South|Eoum General Motors, . A tric plone, tarpaulins, 14° ROOM AND BOARD gentleman, cae pe bere vsss+s+ 10,¢m, Oy pie | MORTGAGE ELECTRONICS _| Autoner. tendo, "ane sand "Go Navy" Final coteiliss mn Space TO. 4 pam, Day Previous LOANS SOUTHEND TV towers ond aerial ser- biaster, powet tamper, power vy ROOM view Formerly Lexe Vista TV, 484 J--~Trallers post hole auger, oscillating nice gentleman. . Parking, ig Bg lb: SATURDAYS: Moneys for an mortgages ents sanders, disc sanders, belt On, over and under the sea, the Royal Canadian | Telephone 728-3350, composing operations, tion, Leaman Printing, Guelph. 022-4961, nates Miso ilable to:-- : MOBILE HOME -- f le, E , fl i = J. 12_Noon For Monday | Interest at 7 Well Drilling--Digging _[!2r0e, comfortable, "excelent contton Tone welding onauite °50o | Navy operates in three dimensions as mit server the Two SIWOLH rooms and board fap Mort: 3 iso room for wil cer nies wat, by Conte Teivina lod ' Complete with a amp. electric welders, nation and the' cause of peace. To keen, fit young Share. Parking, ett 2% ose to No charge for valuations Winch tlle, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut] attachments, oll tangg%etc, Phone 728-1845] ° ST AN'S Canadians who are ready to work hard and learn packed) five-day week. 720-4/im CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS Mortgages and Agreements Se Wea Woy Skit' Sy En ge Mg quickly, Canada's modern sea-going service offers |Rerm tnd "Roped een Taaphon 9:20 AM, DAY OF PUBLICATION, | | yl muen SES MARES YO nn ua * Hr Shrpening ord Reno Ltd] rn ppertntiareereing a tay ache en rte Hations ond Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. rvice "wet lu is exciting fu . Deadline will be processed for the following day's poper. a F. SWARTZ 2--Personal baal in Properties PHONE 723-3224 day! If you are between 17 and 25, single and wenn ive a - 26% King St, East ___For Sale or Rent Tables and Chairs physically fit, visit or write to your Naval Recruiting -- |poard. Near Duplate and REGULATIONS Oshawa, Ontario LEN PULLAN foe gn yen Me be Aged Mink Stoles, Officer at the address below. Retain' etarreet "ane eral soaking The Oshawo Times will not be responsible for errors, In advertise- 723-4697 (ENGLISH TAILOR) to rents 'one lot at $10. per foot lake- Saute Aisle Runners 25 ST. CLAIR AVE. EAST Telephone Bue ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not for more thon |PRIVATE and corporation monies Tor ali] CUSTOM TAILORING |Phone gona" % Peterborough.) ye is Coffee Urns : . ' IROOM for young Teay. Soard: Fd optional, one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the /mortgagess mortgages and agreement of = Beimriciy WORSTEDS _ |FisH a _ , » TORONTO, ONTARIO Ronaand and Sim Simcoe street die tor @ single insertion of the advertisement in which |$#!® Purchased. Creighton, Drynan, Mur- and vacation on Rice Lake! Re- Sargeant's Rentals tet aetndl TERETE IE price chorge doch and Victor. (See "Barristers'), SUIT & DRESS Serve now at Cedar Cove, housekeeping PLEASE SE' ME WITH 217 CHURCH STREET -- For gentle error occurs. ' cottages. Safe beach, spacious grounds.) 463 Ritson S, 725-3338 ND (OUT OBLIGATION, FULL DE. men in clean home, Good meals. Downe The Oshawa :Times reserves the right to classify advertising |Musical Services ALTERATIONS Family accommodation, two- or three- ' TAILS OF CAREER nt te" NOW 'AVAILABLE town and north General Motors, 725-2879, b » with refri 3 , ER: according to Its proper classification, PIANO, Teed pine end elecironicy orem} INVISIBLE MENDING |fotets, eter $90, weekiny sans orth bear ee care Woe Senacet Taples, church RC bree eng llc ge In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be [tuning and repair, Instruments apzraised | - 10.12 PRINCE ST. So ath 'eaak, Date eae = os ene, "lSimcoe Street North. Call vad NAME eds, packed lunches. Whifoy, 660-2368, held responsible for more space thon thet in which the actual 728-5311 Frisken, Harwood, Ontario, Phone 4R4. or gowns! Crinolines, error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advere Optometrist AVAILABLE June july, August and Sep-\"™ Vere Pe, Carry. WONT: PRESS. 5 'k 000000460 606600000000 des ka eeathe Smo fising motter correctly, but assume no liability of odvertisement Removal of superfluous hair, |tember. Park Lane five-room efficiency|"ormals, semi-formals. All new styles rt tf ony ineccurocies in any form are contéined therein. & RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe! A) tig Murduff will be in. {bungalows Good fishing. For full particu-/Sergeant's Rentals and Sales, 725-3338 PROV, Business North, Suite & Oshawa, Tele lars. write C-O Erinsville P.O, or tele-|WHEEL CHAIRS; hosplall beds; we kers, ' oe People , Aug: 7th, 18th, & For Classified Service. os OF tae Gott toned: (phen aes maaveing, macnines. lack room suppiier.| LAST SCHOOL GRADE SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED. ..... | Sing the Proisea -. sges|A'd Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, HALIBURTON -- colteges d Telephone the Direct to Classified Plumbing and Heating on these dates for appoint- {cn the lake. Inside conveniences. Sate|RNTERTAINING = filly to one hundred ot Oshawa Number 723- 34 ALC TYPES of repairs and remodeling,| ment. . beach, Boats included, $45, and up.|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban . Times Classified Fer Al Oter Deportmers, Call The Ties Swichiowe, [ia*Guinte de™'Bus sachs] | ELECTROLYSIS is Pog Sg, Pi a ace" ne Royal Canadian Navy oe Foley. sonable rates, 723-2 I. t Wor Closed oupiey sees eeeeees 10 A.M, For Monday se wewervercccesceeesceesecses AGE. ceecnsees

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