a SAaWOH SNOULSWYVE SAWOH DONOYULSWAUVe SAIWOH DNOULSWUVE SIWOH DNOULSWUVeS SAWOH DNOULSWUVES SAWOH ONOULSWUVe! x ee ee a See ae oe Zee a ew: CR ee ae ee am a a es = MSTRONG HOMES @ ARMSTRONG HOMES @CARMSTRONG HOMES @ ARMSTRONG' HOMES © ARMSTRONG HOMES © ARMSTRONG HOMES @® ARMSTRONG HOMES r s THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 14, 1964 73 > ' HERE ARE 6 NEW HOMES : o NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH a HOMES | IN EITHER KINGSMERE GARDENS or CLOVERGLADE GARDENS Every ARMSTRONG HOME Includes | THESE FEATURES AT No EXTRA CHARGE! ! . Copper tone heoded exhoust fon in kitchen, i13. Sidewelke instolled from frent te drivewoy ond side . Steiniess Stee! kitchen sink. a . Colored eeromie wall tile for bothroom ond colored |14. Foncy ceiling in living-room end dining-reom. -- 115. Ook floors throughout where Asbestos Vinyl tile le not WUVe S3IWOH DNOULSWY' yes . Valance boxes in living and dining room. installed. » Kitchen ss mee ere imported . Metol iren roiling installed on front porch where there ore three steps or more. . Double loundry tubs. . Forced oir gas heating--or forced air oi! heating. . All electric light fixtures. . 100-Amp heavy-duty electric wiring installed. . Divided bosements with recreotion facilities. 117. Copper toned built-in triple paper towel rock. |18. Cloy brick. 119. Built-in Kleenex dispenser. 120. Poured concrete basement (with lifetime Querontee). 1 hoga: im. . All service included: paved rood, sonitary end storm ia -" side ial sewers, individuol water connections, curbs. 122. Built-in renge ond oven . Front end side yard sodded. 223. Your choice of bow window or picture window. SOME PLANS PROVIDE 2 pae BASEMENTS SEE THE MODEL' HOMES NOW OPEN THIS WEEKEND --Aug. 15th & 16th--2 P.M. till 5 P.M. in BOTH CLOVERGLADE GARDENS KINGSMERE GARDENS and KING EAST TO ATHABASKA ST. 4 KING ST. EAST One Block past 7th Dey Adventist Church } -- tum south on Wilson Rd. turn south, watch for signs i -- just pest Gertrude Colpus Scheol | ¢ ° We Wish ARMSTRONG HOMES Eve Congratulations | FOR A QUALITY HOME | | RIL ay "SUCCESS _to the Buyers of LOOK = eae with their two marvellous a 4 "a ) A "Ct Cominsioks Seriees ¥ ANOR HOMES FOR A PLUMBING INSTALLATION & fo we Wiis teass'ta tae ® J. FOLEY Plumbing & Heating and STRUCTURAL STEEL eo WINDOWS e DOORS e GLAZING "You may never see the extra quality and craftsman- . a upplied to the Armst Home Developments to hel for all these new homes. ship that go into the construction of your new gravida Wa" ARC wis note of Se enetne hows G2 the Manor home. But the selection of Comrie prefabric- $ market. our pleasure roof and raft ith collor-tie used ; Gehdeitly ie ls eanMAR ie an Sete srk of a COOPER BLOCK LTD. pees PICKERING SASH care in the construction of your new home. STATION RD. -- PICKERING wih ae & MANUFACTURING 668-5911 or 942-1960 excellent RR No. 1 PICKERING 942-6707 home MR. JOHN FOLEY pS See | We Are Pleased en tatong -------------- _ our sincere developments pp e : . to have There Is no substitute for "SERVICE". We believe CONGRATULATIO S ; associated with our future is linked inseperably to the efficiency Small House such an excellent Played i with which we are continuously striving to increase . building development @ part Services to you, to help you do a better job, with a to | Designs " " . a e Comrie Lumber Co. Ltd, are proud to have supplied iia ie ad siete E White Prints rs » : Gatien. seemranmaness.. ose "SERVICE MADE US" ARMSTRONG HOM Shop Drawings ARMSTRONG | 'rr mind yeu that for all quality building products, do John Foley ees. eee : : as the quality builders do... Ta Interior Design HOMES It's Been Our Pleasure to Provide Armstrong We Are Very Pleased Homes with ao wide range of building materials Come to _ We Have Supplied for the gracious homes thot are springing up. in -- fo Have Sogn chosen to dp Be BELL ven both Kingsmere and Cloverglade Gardens. : | ) PLANNING and DESIGNING OF BUILDING MATERIALS | COMRIE a cries arose] | BEATING ys | FURNACE FUELOIL | MCGULLOUGH LUMBER COMPANY LTD. || LTD. for Armstrong Homes at peaaaetionman CONGRATULATIONS GRAYDO N HORTO N aaa McLau li i aa oe coal osaaeh : , Oshewa \ SUPPLIES LTD. 'PHONE 267-1161. MANOR HOMES ok ee es oe... 1 | TED BELL 723-2381 ab ting et ; 728-4688 ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES CARMSTRONG HOMES eC ARMSTRONG HOMES ¢ ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES @ ARMSTRONG HOMES | | _ et ~ail- | ° z a =x ° = ™ wn c 2 > YJ =i. wn =f FI c-) z >) =x ° = mi. ww @ > FJ = wn Ja | ° =z a =x ° = ™ w e > r] = wn =f ra] ° jz a is ° = mm ww e > r = w a |_R ° 1z a x ° = ae