@® ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES ARMSTRONG HOMES -C ARMSTRONG @f| ~ | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Auguat 14, 1964 nasi . sca , . ne se i ; : "TC ARMSTRONG HOMES eCAR MSTRONG HOMES @AR MSTRONG HOMES @ ARMSTRONG © / Eg THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, August 14, 1964 7] ( = yp CONTRACTORS and SUPPLIERS : Your co-operation Gentlemen: Thanks to ur : It's been 0 Pay t MEMBER as proved to Pino have put theres in time to Keep Oe OSHAWA upp paiestin received the BUILDER'S : : at Prork flowing ae es in m 5 Central Mortgage = ASSOCIATION And a specio!. ards of inspection tainin 3 ilding program: in both materials -- high standards ag feel quite 43 istent : With such Come ed by aegis will be truly proud ® | lade d workmanship, Oshawa an or Cloverg confident the ct sith Kingsmere Gardens SHERWOOD RD. the home Gardens. Sincerely, PICKERING onny Qrmstrong 3 President € a Phone Homes en 942-2401 i IN KINGSMERE GARDENS This is but ONE of the magnificent new homes now open for your inspection im the quiet, restful and ever-so-pleasant surroundings of Kingsmere Gardens, located in the south east section of Oshawa. it's here you'll find just the model of home you've been searching for, in an area you'll truly enjoy living in . . . at @ price that will really surprise you. Pay us a visit this weekend . .. we'll be pleased to see you @nd fill in ail the details, CHARMING DEVELOPMENTS For Your Inspection This Weekend SAT. & SUN. -- AUG. 15th & 16th "Two Magnificent Developments Designed to Please YOU" Kingsmere Gardens, Clovergiade Gardens . . . these are two masterfully planned relaxed living developments. You'll find homes built to a high standard of periection . . . include many "extras" not usually found in houses of this price-range . . . and in a wonderful voriety of plans carefully chosen to provide YOU with the features you want most. You simply must see them to appreciate the value. cece eI Map ia cm ; Members of our staff will be on hand at both sites to help you in any way possible this coming HOWARD McCABE HAROLD SEGAL : weekend. Answer questions, explain features, discuss costs. And then we discuss costs with Vice President & Sales Mgr. you, we supply EXACT FIGURES. No "'if's, but's or maybe's", no hidden extras will crop up later. We stake our reputation on it. * Be our guests this weekend. We'll be pleased to see you. HAROLD SEGAL VICE-PRESIDENT & SALES MANAGER "Speaking for every member of the S. D. Hyman Real Estate Staff" EXCLUSIVE | neers, «69. D. HYMAN "other IN CLOVERGLADE GARDENS - , 2 Pp till 5 e id A bright, new sparkling development thet offers you se darn much for so little investment. It's surprising, but you'll find s ad bl 2 this area includes ali these living features . . . close te schools . . . close te churches . . . shopping only minutes away » yet provides the perfect quiet and comfortable living standards you expect when you buy your home. Drop in and sea these excitingly designed homes this weekend. We'll fill in all the details for you, A_ lovely suburbon development. Drive along KING EAST to ATHABASKA ST., one block past 7th Day Adventist Church, TURN SOUTH .. 4 follow the signs. | Beautiful @ CLOVERGLADE GARDENS Armstrong Homes Close to Schools, Shopping, yet quiet. Travel : SOUTH on Wilson Rd. off King St, East... just EXClusive Agents past GERTRUDE COLPUS SCHOOL. S REAL SEE , D. HYMAN = : . ye tro, ACTUAL ~ 323 KING ST. WEST -- OSHAWA PHOTOS THESE ARE BUT TWO eink Te OF NEW OF THE HANDSOME NEW gy © dete Seonae : HOMES HOME PLANS AVAILABLE © Glen McKinnon @ Bill Sworbrick INSIDE! @®ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES @ ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG BOB STEVENSON YUVe SIWOH DONOULSWUVES SAIWOH DNOULSWUVE SIWOH ONOULSWYVE SIWOH DNOULSWUVE SIWOH DNOYLSW SIWOH OSNOUL BILL SWARBR'CK LES HALL DOUG GOWER GLEN McKINNON @eARMSTRONG HOMES @ ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRON \z a ° = 9 r 4 ° 4 7 " | 4 < e 7) wu = °. = 9 y 4 ° 4 e ". = (4 < e nw uw |= ° = o Zz ° ie Ke " = ae < e " aa = ° = Oo y 4 ° jae - r,) = (4 mi ® 7) erry = ae) = 9 Zz ° [4 e " = 4 < ° 7) Lad = ° = 9 z ° x ~ n = ee < e @ S3WOH DNOULSWUVE SIWOH DNOULSWUVE SIWOH DONOYLSWUVE SIWOH DNOYLSWUVES SIWOH DONOULSWUVE SIWOH DONOULSWYUVE @®ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES @ARMSTRONG HOMES