Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Aug 1964, p. 15

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} }se one lock from G.M. 6 APARTMENTS /One,two afd three bed- eens ' tee A odvoroge =p lo- Ag deposit on tO Agents ea 127-=---Real Estate for Sole dryer, $112. per rove ae $16,000, Terms. Call Hamp- ia ie ai jjeated In cent. Call Lambert Real 27--Real Estate For Sele 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale 27---Real Estate For Sale ait angaiapetnmlnaaitian apni: oe Pangan - THE OBHAWA TIMES, Feidey, Avge 14,1964 19 beet cattie' farm, with fast trout stream, T-room brick ACRE beet cattle fect Fun- hay trout stream, frat "ortek naane. Price $16,000. Terms. Call Hampton 263- ; 2021, PRIVATE, half, ith win arte! fateh, ee 6 tea i at i Dial sea A at ae ta Toad 606 Stewart Street, Whitby heat, "five for quick sale! pungaliw. k bof North Whitey bn Doravan eres nerst TSS. (collect. Re I Estate, awe fl only. ye GUIDE REALTY ttre renee wae LIMITED REALTORS 16 Sireoe St. S., Oshawa 723-1 121 Aeartrenes to Rent inge, vefrigare. tor, drapes, hot ond eold water, Elevator, linttercom sér- _ ya yaar" 349 Marland. Metta a sh pg ert = two. bee e Sab. aaulis hiv. teephone iieaee™ ment, Brlyare Suit aula Bhosle. ait Arthur wparimént in apartment iulaing, all lances, angle f parki CH laundry facitties I tape Pe "a Savits only. at two rence te Upper four: ° ie soar hree-room apartmen' ry vallable tember 1. Alj Chevvanien 5 ayaa sl 'ephr Patkiny facies oF rage, , i cofimuting distafite, €b1i unfurnished apartment. Private bath end entrance. Close to bus Stop. Adults only. Call 725-8352. SMALL unfurnished apartment, Simcoe| -- Street South district; also furnished rooms, ek ga fo share. Parking. Tele- phone 725-29 ONE aubhopal an in new. Whit- ce pecan syncs. , reriger- $89 monthly. Dial eat moran AND CHILD, infant ae to share go bmn Day care avaliabie; Telephone 723- THREE saa 7. Hath, Oe Mogg treet anytime. ce rt gyenstd parking 'ance. App! three-bedroom ly 517 Drew Won 'apartments also onerbetronh All eee ag TWO unfurnished at he for Fent. fe tral eet ly 169 Warren Ave- om |nve: abuAeems For Rent Available th private Rome Coll betweefi 5 and 7 p.th. 82 PARK RD. N: 728-867 | afternodhs 1: mi |LARGE furfilthed room, sepi eo pre Ag! near be! 4 Ba CUR Aner py BA "art Ee iy eins gg? Pai eo pe. 5, 1 Room To Rent for Sunn hg . Telephone parking space. Telephtne ) es, lines; hot plate, - H in. hate 'Abatbingrs, plaase, 12 Elgin treet East. SINGLE ROOMS for gentlemen with car. Pontiac Inn, west of Taunton Road: SINGLE FURNISHED Room for 'ieadily lamar. Barking. OF bidck Weekly. Telephone ATTRACTIVELY _ FURNISHED ROOMS | D. W. McQUAY, REALTOR 313 BROCK STREET SOUTH, WHITBY, ONTARIO 668-5868 APARTMENTS NOW RENTING We now have five three bedroom opattmertts for Déceriber Ist Sécupatey 6f $150.00 monthly, light, heat, hot arid cold water, ete, ofl inclusive, also, teh two bedroom apartments all inclusive et $136.00 monthly, Excellent central locotion, Call Keith Lune ney. Not just one, but two == 3-bedroom bri¢k bungdlows with privoté drives Ghd landscaped lots at $12,500.00 with only $1,000.00 down payment, Call Keith Lunney. Lovély 2:bedroom white clepbosrd bunddlow with gréén frim @wnihgs and sunporch, Beautifully terraced and cared for yard, Private drivé, gobd location. Asking $13,500.00 with $150 00 down poyment, Call Keith Lunney. Larte séven rooth older horne in the southern part of Whitby 6h a Spacious lot with vegetoble ond flower gardens, fruit trees and liloes and pleAty of lown for children. Asking $12,500.00 eash. Terms dtrongéd, Call Keith Lunney For SALE of RENT -- Large Store with four rodm apartment @véethead. In central location on the moih stréet of Whitby. Storé méosurés 20' x 50'. Stéckroom treasures 20' x 45' and o 2-ear garage 20' x 20' with parking ot reer. $20,000.00 with terms. Call Keith Luhney TROUT STREAMS FARMS BUSINESS ACREAGES COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL LOTS SINGLE 16 rent, Apply after 6 p.m: 16 574 recat Avénve, SINGLE rooms, for géntlemen only, close 6 South GM; parking Space. Apply 25 Bivision Street. oe ROAD NORTH, 428--three single furnished, kitchen Fiiliee. Ap- er 6 Bm. at Above iM, closé to North Gén- Gowhtown: Telephone 723- ply 'UR' eral Motors and 9895. LARG furnished room, close 16 A oo r sharéd by tWo, If town WhIBY. Can Be desired. $10, tery. Whitby, tie tart |WHITBY: Large furnished room, close to or pgiad can be shared by two. Telephone cr furflahed For na, Oe with two single Saon, private "here: 108 'Le: Salle after 6 or 728-1239 anytime. eras STREET, - room. Su es Cléan th' Front room. Sult 1 eldphoie FaE-ats fe Hore Street, ree, wel js Aen lh i] FURNIS tt apart ae valting basement i ral gl also = Bed-titting Battment_ apertmen tl ol i Pool, j pa Se. Phone 723-4712 Or 728-0422. lovee sia ator Sntr: Bina "Beverley Sireet, ou ea Ee ott zs. " SINGLE furnished room for rént. fpely 256 Court Street or aA toes A594 EOANIMD Bttiaay, Cetivale™ vai, rtable Herman. -- Priv ry sre alte tion. ABply 231 paises Y. 1 jacious, fur- rea fe Dieleake Parking Eloke 16 Hovdailié; also 8 apartment. Teléphone 723-2066: t¢ CABILLAG SOUTH; one idrae furnish ed la with stove ~ trig. Telephone 726-99; | nlghed available. basement rs Sean Reltnde 4 le Tierney, 5207, Ki jars. Realtor in Centre, Retriger- Sept. 1. PI apa util ogee OT gg i, Tee pre 728-4386 neji clete cau sinaded p.m. -|97-Real Estate For Sale hae two bathrooms and :| room. Apply 117 ee Boulevard South BALSAM = Sik-roomed Brick clad House, all conveniences, on % acre land, fruit trees, aryl i steeen 'and barn. Telephone Claremont SiVE, ciébh siroom home with bedufiful récreation Ayallable Mig l} ' rea Street Ni --" '~ OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS HOW IS THIS FOR VALUE? 4 BEDROOMS Just $18,225.00 for o beoutiful 2 storey Home. Largé living foot, fathily dihing room, provincial kitthen, céramic tiléd bath with vanity as well as 2 pc. washroom attached gorage, fully de- decorated. North é@nd location, immediate possession NORTH END $17,245.00 - seeing is believing. Let us Show you this raneh bungalow with attached gardge, full sized Separate dining room, kitchen with notural birch cupboards, tiled 4 pe. both, 3 bed- rooms, louvered doors, exhaust fon, fully décorated, many extras: See Ht today You could bé moving to-morrow H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 BAGOT ST 728-1679 Salésinah ori site (Sommerville ond Orchatd View) this weekend 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m WHY NOT SAVE $500 NOW! Order your Komé for the Wintér Works Programm: Over 50 homes to be built. Bungalows, Duplexés. Your choice of built-in ranges, walk-out basements, Thrée locations: East, West, South. CONTACT: W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 King St. East 725-1186 DAINTY SWAN By ALICE BROOKS This swan, crocheted in pine-| apple design is 60 lovely, filled th fruit, flowers. The swan is crocheted in heavy jiffy cotton, then starched Stiffily, The body measures 64% 12 inches. Pattern 7019: crochet directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coifs) fér thig pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice' Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario residents add 16 sales tax. Print) plainly NAME, ADDRESS. First time! 3 FREE PAT- TERNS in big, exciting 1965) Néedlécraft Catalog! 200 designs! --smart stoles, jackets, toys, afghans, linefis, evety- thing! Sénd 25¢. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt patterns--piecéd) and applique, for beginners, ex- petis. Send Oe new. PATTERN NUMBER,| hats,| PRINTED PATTERN OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEK-END LOW DOWN PAYMENT OFFICE ACCOMODATION GUIDE REALTY 723-1121 $7,900. is the full price on this wéll maintained 2 bed- toom bungalow in a choice réa just off Simeoe St. . New roof and récently redecorated, 3 pe. bathroom. For full particulars on4 dn appointment to inspect this comfortable little home call Jean Peacock anytime at 725-4330 SPOTLESS § room bungalow on Fourth Avé. Lot 59 x 112 ft. zoned commercial. Moder kitchen 3 pc. bathroom also extro kitcheh in basement Asking $2,000 down payment. HUDSON AVENUE Vacant. lot 153 x 112 -ft. Priced at $3,000. APPLE HILL 3 bedroom brick bungalow with 'largé bédrooms and modefn = kitchéh, ~-- Private paved drive and brick gar- age. Recreation room is 35 x 13 ft. and features o bar. Askirig $15,200 and carries fer $100 per month Includ- ing taxes. | For rént in récentiy rerioue: léd Gd rédecoratéd centrally. locatéd building. Bright busi- HesS Guortérs with parking suitable for any type of office or agéney. Ist Gnd 2nd floor suites available. Rénts stort at $85.00 per month inelud- ing heat. APARTMENT SITE Large 66 x 160 ft. lot idéal fot @n apartment building. Good rental ared tiosé fo transportation, etc. Asking $3,500 down payment: There aré fwo homes on property bringing a presént monthly income of $150. Asking $3,- 500 down payment FULL PRICE $11,200 3 bedroom brick bungalow on 6 déép lot with good vege- table garden and toc! shed, Home has .modern kitchen, hot water, oil heating and high basémént with laud tubs and fruit cellar. Only bloek to bus and stores WHITBY 10 réom duplexed insu! briék home with geragé oh @ corh- mercial corner location. 76 x 130 ft. lot. Only a couple of blocks Off Main street. Priced at only $16,900 ELIZABETH CRESCENT 6 Foor Brick bungalow with attached garage in this pop- ul6F Grea of Oshawa Large living room, dihing room with doors \@ading to pédito and METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St, East Dial 728°4678 RAVINE ROAD brick extra 4 pe. bath, Could ena. ly' be converted to living quarters, 6 ROOMS -- $7, vd for py, fonts now, Poe po Bo ATHOL EAST Older Reid 6 room brick pie nd ---- phe Blocks from 'aii ery Pits iaett ROOMS --= $1,500 DOWN Located Of large déép eorti= er lot with fruit bay new gotape, ete, Listed ot $11 BOO. Possession Sept, 1&t. VACANT APARTMENT LAND Will --_ aecommodate 130 suites, boil tests indicate ex- €éllent construction site; Ask- ing $65,000 RAVINE LOTS In varying depths t6 250 ft. All underground sérvités in. Close in. Controlled area. List ed 4t $7,500. COUNTRY HOME 27=0Real Estate For Sele . 29-- Automobiles For Sale -- Three bedro6m brick burig- alow on Highway 7 and 12. City cénvénientes, Hardwood floors. Aluminum storms ond PRIVATE. ao ae bret nd ikitchen, Iby. (668-5019. la ted yord. Whit: BEFORE stg gy feéreation mee 500, ACRE HORSE FARM rome, en hevoetn 4. bed- ining x 43, full. con- YOU BUY. GIVE BILL ATRY! Seven room modern frame |F house with white asbestos sid+ surrounded by tall pines. mee poneled living room wi moder kitchen 4 a 'ed cottage at West Beach, For Sal cae $a Gh Shes ake Bowmanville. information, please call 725-8132, bite: omgpe eu drive, Alumi storms ri num ois sore, filed kitchen 725-8773. and beth, hone stone iy go Ultre rooms, 2 baths, large bed- leorly new bath, fenced for horses 25 miles from Oshawa, Priced $29,500 with $1500 down, PRINCE ALBERT > -- storey brick home. with nierces siutoble for 2 fort! ilies; 6 &xtra building 1 Priced $13,300, with $5,000 down, i Mrs. Murphy, Box 1 28--Real Estate Wanted R 2, NURSING HOME 29--Automobiles For Sole 1962. VOLKSWAGEN Economicél! fornily ear, 1959 OLDSMOBILE 4.50OR, HARDTOP Sued ra epee aire Sale Price $1095. 11959 METEOR ° 4:DOOR SEDAN Economical 6 eylinder with standard 24 room solid brick jag in Sunderland, Steam heat. Furnished with all equipment, Plenty parking spate, Priced to sell due to sickness. Call GEORGE S. STONE COLLECT 985-2632 PORT PERRY Representative for H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Bob Johnston Jack Osborne Ken Hann Dick Barriage LIST AND MOVE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- REAL ESTATE -- -- INSURANCE -- -- MORTGAGES = 3 PLEX Lovely brick ineomé home, in best of condition, loeetéd on Burk Street at King St. Wes! $255.00 moth ineome; Hot water heatéd, garagé, must bé "Asking $18,900.00 good down payment. Call Mr; Jock Appleby 728-5123 oF 723-3398, modefn kitehén with lots of cupboards. 3 bedrooms oré a good size. Full basement, good water supply, Lot 86 x | 250 ft, is portiolly wooded. "| Full price is $17;400. | For full particulars eall 723- 1121) "Open daily 9 o.m. to 9 p.m 725-4330 | 728:0768 723-2106 | 723:2537 723-7183 725-4330 728.0208 725-4362 723-1121 728-5581 725-3454 Jéan Peacock Edith Gifford Ellouise Hoggard Lloyd Corson Richard Young Lucas Peacock Ernest Mueller Anthony Siblock Kénneth C Toms Steve Englert Roy Flintoff John Hutehuk 723-9266 Léon Mahitius 723-1121 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Reditors, 16 Sirneoe St. 5 Oshawa Blvd. N. & Rossland Rd. W. Area Enter from Ritson N 3 Bedroom clay brick bungalow $14,975.00, hollywood kitchen, mohogahy cupboddds and trim, ceraimic tile In beth, storms ond Srééhs, oluitinum storm doors, lawh sédded, close to bus and Schools, Prepaid services - See us thers Or call 728-7328. KEITH PETERS REALTOR 103 KING STREET WEST REAL ESTATE LTD. DEVON PARK Situated at Athol St. East; neor St. Gertrude's -- six néw homes under construc- tion with N.H.A. financing. 63 well a& 15 serviced lots" évailable for the home of your choice. For more in- formation call Howard -Me- Cabe at 728-6286 S. D. HYMAN SNAP THIS UP | By ANNE ADAMS Snappiest way to start a new season: step into, button up the erispést casual goifig! Make it yours in Dacron, cot- ton; rayon blend. Printed Pattérn 4531: Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 18, 18, 20, Size {16 requires 9 yatds 39. inch fabrié, FIFTY CENTS (50c.j in pert} {no stamps, please) for this |pattern. Ontario fesidents add |e. sales tax, Print plaifly} |SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS,| STYLE NUMBER. Send ordét t ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Timés, Pattern Dépt., Oshawa, Ontarid, NEW! 300 sparkling designs, |5 exéiting fashion and fabric! \féatures plus couple far ONE) |FREE PATTERN = @fhy oné! fb choose! Send for new ett inter Pattern Gatalog, Dial 942- ona" oe 942-4261 Private Sa 4 Bedroom Bungalow | | | Must Be Seen to be Appreciated | Spacious kitchen, large living room, with divided dining area, study, two finished rooms in the base- ment, detached garage. Well. landscaped grounds Home only 8 years old. Located on Highway No. 2 between Oshawa and Whitby. Asking Price $21,900 WITH $5,000 DOWN For Further lAformation Telephone WHITBY 668-3769 NEWCASTLE $12,500 5 acres with 4 room low did Garpert, Home in spotless condition: Modern PICKERING VILLAGE $5,500. cosh buys this com- forteblé little bungélow with new bathroom, Ges heet, gar- @ge Gnd big lot. Now vacant! PICKERING AREA $11,500 Full price. This 3- bedrooni Bungalow with ot- fachéd garage, 4 piece both, Fireploce. Lot 85 ft. x 275 1961 CHEVROLET IMPALA Corivertiblé, colér réd with white top, outemetic trens- thission, radi6é, power brakes, power steeritig, washers, white woll tirés @hd discs, 1957 CHEVROLET HALF TON Pick up truck, ih excellent condition. 1955 FORD HALF TON Pick-up trutk if excellent bsclaeiiag! Roy W. Nichols Used Car Lot Courtice and Béwmanville 728-6206 623-2556 Open 9 af, till 9 pir: #, Closé to everything! BAY RIDGES $12,000. Full price. $1,000 Down 3-bedroom, Large liv- ing room. Kitchen with din- ihe efe6, new __ recreation room, Carries $102. monthly. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilséh Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 1958 FORD FAIRLANE SEDAN Powerful V:8 engine, @utt- matic transmission. Radie én whitewall tires. $ 5 95, 1958 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR COACH Finished in Romon with Alaskon white top. 6 éylif- der stondard transmission, $595. 1958 PONTIAC 4:DOOR SEDAN Automatic and radié. $795. 1958 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR COACH Equipped with & evtindee gine, radio whitewall tires, Min been 10 be Oppreciated. 1957 PONTIAC 2-DOOR COACH 6 cylinder, standard trans. mission dnd whitewell Hrés, A nice clean eer, $495. 1957 FORD FAIRLANE 500 SEDAN, V-8 éhginé, Gutemétic Hane mission and whitewell tires. $495. Immediate possession, Ask For NORM. WOOD W. J. NORRIS REALTOR * "2.3364 AJAX fi kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 4 pc. both with vanity, eléétric heat, Just listed. Be the first to inspect and hake on offer, Ask for Mr. Roy Yeo at 728-5123 or 725- 3317. | BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simme6e Street North Open Every Evening $500 BONUS We are taking ordérs for homes to be built this | wihter under the governh- ment bonus plan. DON'T WAIT FOR INCREASE IN PRICES BUY NOW AND SAVE $490 (FULL DOWN) To Oné N.H.A. Mortgage 1:30 p.m. t65p.m. Ranch Bungalow CHEVROLET on warranty; sd nie 1960 AUSTINGG KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 668:5891 Céts Bought dnd sold Liens paid off Trddé up ot down Always top ja jon. Radio, ely ber phone 725-3843, 961 CORVAIR MONZA, wnitewalia, OPEN HOUSE jzsisr rear ahga thes Telephone 728- e DAILY REFRIGERATOR tédium sized, $25; lectric stove, $20, Both In good condi- 555-4936. tion, Dial 1 n 7 12. general books, Phone 725-3843, GRADE 9 TO 11 English Books, All Grade "Gbod condition, Tele ie FT. Canoe, ew. condition, $175 or nearest offer: 28-0049, s Follow Wilson Rd. North to Adelaide ond turn: two blocks east. BABY articles: bi 7 ti tenda seat Teh 10; 1 aad and @ 1957 PLYMOUTH | 2-DOOR COACH Y-8, stickshift.. Color, Geld, A real good buy for only $245. NO DOWN PAYMENT "it een: ikeblient _epndi- pies many @xtras, alt on 668-5871 ii ae re ti In ex: cellent "ye ae New Re ; 1988 $i a ning roars, A bargain at nite 668-8693, Whitby JOSEPH BOSCO P iS FT. canta Lakefield boat, steer- ing, remote cont Hi horn, navy anchor; ight, electric lle oars, NO REASONABLE GFFER REFUSED Bill Whittick MOTORS LTD. 1250 Bundas E.; Whitby 668-5872 tonverttbly good -- " he fae bert bigs acid Ni phone Port Perry; 1963 CHE' i Telephone Brooklin 655-3964, and large boathouse on Water Street, Port Perry. Asking $475 or nearest offer. 725-0855; hone (Continued *% Pate 2) REALTOR 728-7377 $13,990 FULL PRICE 3 and 4 bedrooms, storms; screens, fully decorated, cols oréd bathroon fixtures, elee- tric Heat available, twin sinks, hollywood kitchens, lot sodded front and rear, trees, choice of colors throughout. Roads, sidewalks, curbs, sewers and water in ond pre- paid by builder, Located i io ey or MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. G. ARMSTRONG énd SON> le "ACRES, Concession 4, éide road 20-31, ipnitey Township, Schoo} one mile, Mr. $14,500. Three-bedroom brick Fy oll, Heat: Bown ogi years old, 728-4731 PONTYPOOL, ONTARIO, Seven - house, fydro, large tot. near high low taxes. $3,500 with $1,500 down, Bal- ance on @asy terms. Apply Sam Manette, telephone Bethany 56 R 11 W, EXCLUSIVE, clétn Six-room nome with two bathrooms and beaut'ful recréation room, Apply 117 Oshawe South. KINGSMERE GARDENS MOVING ~ COMING EVENTS MUST SELL ! ! $1,400 DOWN Three bedrooms, largé ar- tistically decorated _living- room and. modern kitchen, Aluminum storhs dnd séreéns, asphalt drive, gorageé. Small Backyard all féncéd and waiting for junior. rice $11,000 possession Sept. 15. CALL RAE R. JONES REAL ESTATE BROKER DANCE at THE BEACH HOUSE Saturday Night 8 -- 12 FEATURING THE SCEPTERS Admission 75¢ 668-8841 PRESENT 30 Rew homes €6nsisting of splits, bungalows and two storiés Of Serviced lots Sver- looking the City of Oshawa, Every home features a built . in stove ahd oven, complete decorating os well ag N.H.A. finahcing. For more ihforma- tion phone 728-6286. LET'S TRADE Your present home, lot 6r tar Can be considered o& @ Bown Payment of @ new home Built by Hogenboom ' Construction on Wilson Road North S. D. HYMAN Aanineiie 7 "IN PERSON Saturday - August 15th 8:30 P.M, TO MID-NIGHT "THE MELODY-AI RES" tt NORTH OSHAWA COMMUNITY CENTRE DANCE % ha AYME ond iia taste D¢ for members 728-6286 Prespyterion Chore sins sot ih Dany; August 17 at 1. S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED » Freék, Whitby, 668-478), iatow, hree room STE, THERESE, QUE. 5 room bungalow with goragé lauAdry tom, family room in basement on fully lond- scaped lot. Near sehodls, churches, shopping centre ahd tating. A few minutes from hew G.M, Plant. Low down Al it \NADIAN be ot, Foi Soe entire and © re yea at nnual Pichte, mt q LM Sunday, August 16 at 2 ee THE WHOLE FAMILY n)ey the Oshawa re District an "A nival Feir, to be fi held Thursday, Friday ana Satur- Rebekah Lédge No. 3 TOWN and COUNTRY SUPPER ot at the home of ANN HOLT, Céuttite, Wed., Aug. 19, 4:30 p.m, Adults $1.00, Children 75e BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, AUG. 15th 7:30 P.M. 20 Games = $8 Share the Wealth 4==$40 Jackpots te @6 1--$150 Jackpat te 6 =| Cheildren Uneler 16 Not Admitted $7. JOHN'S PARISH BINGO Corner Bloor E, & Simede Every Fri. at 7:45 P.M, 20 Games $10 one he Jackpot 57. Nos. Promises to be the best yer. day, August 20, 2) and 22, Plah 16 attend; Jackpots ahd Share the Wealth Poyment with terms, Write: 745 BATISCAN ST., DUVERNAY MTL, 40 QUE. in THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, with built | 'or more ene call Si. aha 723-7335, Stove and oven, aluminum storms ahd) fenced back yard, only $12,900: Good- ,. MIlén Real Estate | Fireplace. Neéds some repairs. Large lot, |garage. Must be sold to settle estate. Make an offer, Call Jack Sherif, Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-6286, FIVE-ROOM brick 'bungalow, east of Wilsoh Road South, Clos Schools,' reed down. Take ovér private mortgage, Oshawa Tirhes: * |FOUR: BEBROOM 3 ior choice Lor, | North further Information, 723-3955, Soh, by 102ft. Located Of Oshawa sreoae Centre, For $9,500 at 6¥2 per cent. Write Box 138, ome. school, on Harrhony Road South: ol teat, $. DB. _|S0LIp clay brick bungalow with 3 bed- | Coons In Pickering Village, Téiephone r Bay Ridges 839-3226 afier seven p.m. PRIVATE. . Whitby, Thrée-bedrosm bung Hon. $12,300. NHA pency, Dlal66e-5697, Owner transferred. | Blow. Excelent loca-| ortgae. Early eccu-| MONSTER BINGO Over $500 in Prizes SATURDAY, AUGUST 15th AT 8:00 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS All prizes doubled Gn admission ticket

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