Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Aug 1964, p. 13

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at a AA I i ORANGE eg 2 ene e IR RE oN : ; : Se a pir DF aaa ay he Ue! OLDEST HOUSE NURSES SPIDER SILLERY, Que. (CP)--Jesuit:} HITCHIN, England (CP) -- who operate Canada's oldest/ccogrge Evans, house as a museum plan to con- : vert it into a missionary céntre|(r at this Hertfordshire town, The house, built in 1637, lies|is nursing a six-inch typidae spider which he is going to near the St. Lawrence River in [show to experts at London's this Quebec City suburb Con- structed of wood and stone, it/Natural History Museum, He laims to keep it alive for 20 is still largely intact. | Heer BROTHER BILLY Over WHLD RADIO 1270 K.C. Niagere Falls, N.Y. 9:30 a.m. Daily By Alfred Buescher God's People is to Worship ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture -- Exodus 25--40. mae 1 th Ut LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE | HOUR | SUNDAY } 5:30 to 6:00 P.M ! CKLB -- DIAL 1350 | ) AUD ati wu ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Corner of Cedar and Thomas Streets INCUMBENT REV. L. M, WARE, Phone 728-6736 When the Tabernacle is finished, God _ in the form of a cloud by day and fire by night, enters the Holy of Holies to guide the Israelites. Exodus 36-40. GOLDEN TEXT: Psalms 95:6, At Moses' request, the now - contrite children of Israel freely offer their talent and Jabor, jewels and posses- sions to God, building and furnishing the Tabernacle according to [lis in- struction, -- Exodus 35, j necessary materials from their! own possessions. While Moses is on Mt. Sinai, the Israelites worship a golden calf, Furi- ous, Moses orders 3,000 slain, but prays for their deliverance when God sends a plague as further punishment. -- Exodus 32-34. SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 -- TRINITY X! 9:30 A.M.- MATTINS ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH The Baha'i World Faith| eee. museum cura-\years, the length of time' the British Museum kept one. wer THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 8, 1964 13 ft HARMONY UNITED CHURCH | Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., 8.0., Minister Ross Metcalt A.R.C.T., A.C.CM, Organist and Choirmaster LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 . Rev, Philip Fiess, Minister Vicor Edword Nelson, Assistont SUNDAY SERVICES 45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 1:00 A.M. DIVINE WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. WED. CHURCH SCHOOL 7:40 P.M. WED, WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00 A.M, . MORNING WORSHIP A Hearty Welcome To All ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Temporary Ploce of Worship: DR, S, J, PHILLIPS SCHOOL (Corner Rossiond and Simcoe Sts.) PASTOR: REV, D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A.,M.Th, 10:00 A.M.--" LIVING TOWARDS TOMORROW" DENOMINATIONAL BROADCAST; BACK TO GOD HOUR (EACH SUNDAY CKLB 9:15 P.M.) Seen SSS BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. The Reverend Canon F. G. Ongtey, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R. G. Brooks -- Assistant Do not be content with showing friend- | ship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may | cross your path. | SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 -- TRINITY. XI SERVICES 9:00 A.M.--11:00 A.M.-7:00 P.M. Thursday, August 13th -- Holy Communion -- 10.00 e.m, For further information write OSHAWA BAHA') COMMUNITY | SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts, ENCOURAGES PLANTS The New Zealand government is to encourage the establish- Iment of fish processing' plants by lending money to anyone for was such a purpose GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST 230 Gibbons' Street | on | CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH ANGLICAN MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS RECTOR: THE VEN. H, D, CLEVERDON PHONE 725-5795 Assistant: The Rev. J, D. Osborne -- Phone 728-0732 CHURCH OFFICE TEL, 728-8251 SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. SPIRIT" Wed. Service (includes. testimonies) 8 P.M Reading Room Hours, Tues. 1:00-4:00 P.M. Excepting Holidays Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M. Every Sunday SERVICES 8:00 A.M.- 11:00 A.M. 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11;00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP God gives Moses exact instructions for building and furnishing the Tab- ernacle; enrobing and consecrating Aaron and his sons, who are named priests; and for the Tabernacle's sup- port and operation. -- Exodus 25-31. BIBLE LESSON STAR, STONE VOTE inin tte' Pecks ice) Tinh 0 ti | CH , Englan --, , j MEXICO CITY (AP)--Tlaloe, | Pour ships of the Seventh Cana-) The Tabernacle was finished) the centuries - old Aztec stnnelaian Escort Squadron ate to pay| 8 ; at the time when the Feast of) god recently moved to Mexicola week's visit soon to the| Tabernacle And Ritual the Passover was celebrated, all|City, received one vote in the/Chatham dockyard where sub-| done "as the Lord commanded Jyly presidential election. Movie|marines for the Canadian navy ; |Moses." Nothing was left to star Cantinflas got two. are being: built | 4 iman's invention, nothing added) -- =| 0 OW trict T ers nothing omitted. God was His | own designer for His Tempie By R. H. RAMSEY jor less an appendix giving fur-;which was to last 500 years. There are in Exodus two ac- ther directions on the function-| when all had been completed, counts of the Tabernacle--the|ing and support of the Taber- the very purpose God intended divinely revealed specifications |nacle, and the selection of the|/the Tabernacle to serve was for its erection, and the actual|craftsmen who will build it.| alized when He Himself. in account of the carrying out of|This section ends with a refet-|the form of a cloud, came down these divine commands jence to the observance of the/t, rest upon the Tabernacle, to The Tabernacle itself. was a |Sabbath, witch shneboonnp spe and go with the Israelites great tent, 30 cubits long and| the Israelites from surrounding|,. Moses had requested 10 cubits wide (a cubit being ap-|Powr BARONE. f ; ; ith Moses away on Mount) | 'i proximately 1% feet). In its in-\.0 35 the people asked Aaron Golden Text: "O come, let us nermost part was the Holy of te make them some god or im-|Worship and bow down; let us Holies, a 10x10 cubit square in) 6. who iniiptit guide them(kneel before the Lord our which the ark of the covenant/38° : ahs F maker."--Psalms 95:6 ,+{through and protect them in the oe whe ae age of burnt wilderness Aaron co-operated,) SS offering an e aver were 2 é zs 4 f suggesting they melt down their sages the: great court before earrings which he then fash- The 'terms '"'tent" (Exodus |ioned into a golden calf for 26:36), "tabernacle" (25:9) and|them to worship "sanctuary"? (25:8), all denote FILLED WITH PRAYERS the holiness of the place Seeing this the Lord Whatever the term applied,|wrathful, intent on destroying) - the Tabernacle was a placejall the Israelites save Moses.' where God revealed Himself in|This passage (Exodus 33) is glory; a place where He could|filled with Moses' prayers of be worthily worshipped through|intercession for his people. a priesthood and sacrifice; a} When the Israelites have been place where God would dwelljpunished, in part, for their) among His people, manifesting|transgression, Moses seeks a) Himself in the glorious light/new revelation of Himself. God) which filled the Holy of Holies.|answers, assuring Moses that} Exodus 28 has to do with the|/His own divine presence will go} clothing of the priests, all of/with him. But Moses requires| which is very important and in-!something more explicit. Will teresting. In chapter 29 we have directions for the consecration of the priest; instructions per- taining to his garments, the o® der of sacrifices preceding his consecration, then the cration itself, and a final word concerning the sacrifices to fol- low the act of consecration. PRINCIPAL FEATURES In addition to the sacrifices, there are three principal fea.) | tures involveg in this ritual: the ablution, symbolizing the ad for purity on the part of those engaged in divine worship; the| investiture, in whic and his sons were clothed in the) garments described in chapter| 98: and the anointing with sa-| cred oi], symbolizing the graces| and gifts of the Holy Spirit. | Exodus 30 and 31 are more! conse-) God go, not only with him, but with the people? He asks for no mere angel, but the presence of God, Himself, as incontest- able evidence that the Israelites) have found favor with Him and! are separate from all the people jon earth, Down from Sinai at last, |Moses and the now-contrite Is- jraelites begin the building anal | furnishing of the Tabernacle) according to God's instructions.' All the children of Israel gave} their time, talent, jewels and/ possessions to this great work.| h Aaron|HAD TO OFFER ALL | Had God chosen, He could have miraculously supplie all the materials for the building! of the Tabernacle. He did not do so because He wanted His! 7,00 P.M EVENING SERVICE ALL ARE WELCOME HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Harmony Rd. South Pastor Wm. Lewis 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 10:00 A.M. 9:45 A.M» SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING SERMON "THE MISSION OF THE CHURCH" Come and Join Us In Worship Today SERVICES 1] A.M. and 7 P.M. Albert Street United Church (Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV, ALBERT E, LARKE Organist-Choirleader: Mrs. C. A NAYLOR, A.T.C.M.---K.M.T. 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP _ THE REV. A. E. LARKE MINISTERING Little children cared for in the nursery Sunday School Resumes in September DIST CHURCH Minister: Rev, W. A. MeMillen Phone: 725-3872 FREE METHO Erie St., off Simeoe S$. (Next efter Bloor St.) 10:00 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES. 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE WED.--8 P.M, PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY A Warm Welcome Awaits You | ROSSLAND ROAD 1042 Rossland Rd, W. East of Garrard FREE METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, Kenneth E. Goodberry, 8.$.B.0, : 723-7760 9:45 A.M.~SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP NO EVENING SERVICE THROUGH JULY AND AUGUST 8:00 P.M.--WEDNESDAY--PRAYER MEETING 8:00 P.M.--FRIDAY--FREE METHODIST YOUTH redeemed people to offer all the) - -- Sunshine Follows Shadow | By R. BARCLAY WARREN Life has both sunshine and shadow. I've had- some extra sunshine this week. My doctor says I may preach at one ser- vice on the 23rd of August. That will be my first in 21 weeks. The last was on Easter Sunday This sunshine reminded me of my 13th day in_ hospital when shadow seemed to. pre- dominate. I asked my doctor concerning some cherished plans for the weeks ahead. One con- cerned being guest speaker in my hometown at the centennial of the founding of a church in which my great grandfather and other ancestors had played an important part. The doctor's answer was a kind but firm "No." Still further in the future was a general conference to which I had been elected dele- gate for the first time. Again the answer was "'No."' Then to soften the disappointments, the doctor added, "But you can write."" I was very thankful for that. Never have | so much appreciated the privilege of the open door through newspapers It has contributed to my re- covery After the doctor left, 1 did some serious thinking. There was no use of crying about the disappointments, But how could I use them? In my last book I had written about limiting the Holy One of Israel (Ps. 78:41) One man said, 'There is a line of activity for the Kingdom of God for each of us. If I fail to come to that line, my con- science troubles me. If I go beyond that line, my body troubles me." Since Jesus Christ has come into my life, | have found it very difficult: to refuse any opportunity for service in the Kingdom. Why hadn't I been smart enough to see that now in my midfifties, by body was protesting against the pace? There had been warnings but apart from stopping shovelling snow and other strenuous phy sical activity | had paid little heed. Then I was stopped by a coronary thrombosis As I surveyed the situation that day in hospital, I decided not to chasten myself unduly. [ had been sincere, bul unwise I was thankful to be-alive. The severe pain had gone. | would learn the lesson. Perhaps I Always) learn from the experience of others, and not just be average and learn from experience I've had a refreshing view of life these months. There is |more human kindness in the world than I ever realized. 'A friend suggested a good use for the 500 cards I have received But, really, I can't part with them. They played too impor- tant a part in my recovery. /Thanks again for the best of; medical care and for all who prayed. Many who prayed I have known only through this column Thanks be to God who is all- wise and almighty and whose merty is everlasting! e , TO SERVE GOD! AUGUST ? 10:18 AM.-- OPEN AIR 11:00 A.M Morning Worship 15 P.M.--OPEN Simcoe South . AIR 7-00 PM Salvation Meeting 2:30 TUES Home League PM 8:00 P.M.--WEDNESDAY Bible Study and Prayer Meeting » "A WELCOME. AWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY" Major & Mrs rec Lewis Corps Officers 133 Simeoe South ' might belp some to be' wise and) THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. LUKE'S SIMCOE ST. NORTH Four blocks frorr E ng Rossland Rd. W. et Nipigon Minister Rev, G. W. C. Brett, B.A m 454 Bader Ave. 728-6122 inister REV, D. R: SINCLAIR, B.A Musica ector Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, 492 Masson Street -- 728-9178 11:00 A.M, 11:00 A.M, Guest Preacher MR. PETER GILBERT B.A No Evening Service During the PUBLIC WORSHIP Summer Come and Worship with us All Cordieny invites. ST.. PAUL'S KING ST. E. & WILSON Rev. D. A. P. Allen, MA., T.C.D. Minister 445 Beverly -- 728-6014 Mr. Frank Walter Organist ana Choirmaster 9:45 JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP (Nursery care provided) 7:00 P.M YOUNG PEOPLE'S NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH REV, H. A. MELLOW, B.A BAPT s Judith Davison, Bac 11:00 A.M_N Mus. Musica (Simcoe N. at Rossland) 7:00 P.M.--FIRST BAPTIST (812 Hortop St.) (1) "A NEW MAN" Through Him we both have access by one Spirit Come worship with! us FIRST IST CHURCH REV, FRANK SWACKHAMMER COMBINED SERVICES Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A; Minster for August | Director ORTHMINSTER UNITED OUR BASIC CERTAINTIES (1) "THE CERTAINTY OF GOD'S PURPOSE" The Characteristics of a Christian unto the Father' EMMANUEL © BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Philip Murray \ Pastor: REV. ERNEST WINTER | Catvary CENTRE and JO }11;00 A.M, 9:45 AM.-- BIBLE SCHOOL! 7.99 P.M 11:00 and 7:00 P.M : ee REV. HAROLD HOOPER ' -- REV, JOHN | 7 P.M. SERVICE BROADC. 7:45 PN Wednesda AND PRAYER 8.00 P.M Saturday, WELCOME FOR A Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada Baptist HIN STREETS Pastor---REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES BELL --REV. JOHN BELL AST OVER CKLB RADIO B ne Study' and I ayer Prayer Meeting CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Corner King and Centre St, REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER Mr. R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster Centre Street and Westmount Joint Summer Services During August in Westmount United Church, Corner Floyd & Rosehill Blvd. Minister in Charge: Rev. FRANK WARD 10:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP Care provided for small children during service EVERYONE WELCOME Plenty of Parking at Westmount United BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV. G, A. CARROLL, Pastor Mr. R. Smerage, Director of Music Mr. G. Bateman, Song Leader Res. 728-2426 Church 728-2931 10:00 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. -- PRAISE AND WORSHIP 7:00 P.M, -- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Postor ministering at both services TUES. 7:45 CA WED. 7:45 BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER ot. Andrew's United Church SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Minister; THE REV. JOHN F. G. MORRIS, B.A,, §.7.M,, Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M, "Simcoe St. and St. Andrew's SUMMER SERVICES 11:00 A.M. "LIVE WITH LOVE" Mr. Morris is in charge Little children cared for in the. nursery Sunday Church Schoo! resumes in September NOTE -- VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL IS CANCELLED SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B,A. : Director of Music: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M, COMBINED SERVICES FOR AUGUST Simcoe Street and St. Andrew's Worshiping Together in St. Andrew's United Church ot 11 A.M. each Sunday Minister in charge: Rev. John Morris King St. United Church 129 KING STREET EAST REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr. Ernest Fellows Student Assistant Mr, Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Organist BABY CRECHE 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. "THE END OF THE BEGINNING' Mr. Ernest Fellows ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH RITSON ROAD PENTECOSTAL cuaurcu 320 Ritson Road Seuth Pastor -- Rev. N, Siblock 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:15 p.m.-Evening Service UKRAINIAN SERVICES: Sunday -- 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday -- 7:30 p.m. "THE FULL GOSPEL---BELIEVED---PREACHED" ad 2'MG95 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH T 245 Simcoe St. S. Pastor: REV. R. A. BOMBAY SUNDAY 10:00 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--"GRIEVE NOT THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD" 7:00 P.M.-EVAGELISTIC Tues. 7:30 P.M.--Youth. Meeting Wed., 7:30 P.M.--Bible Study ond Prayer ALL ARE INVITED! » nea KING ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 611 KING STREET WEST Office 728-5371 E. Howard Kerr, Pastor 9:45 AM. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL (Continuing throughout . age groups) 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Hear the Pastor's Inspiring Message 7:00 P.M. DRIVE-IN CHURCH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (West of Loblow's) the Summer interesting closs for all One Hour of Inspiring Singing, Music, Gospel Message PASTOR'S THEME "FOUR STEPS GODWARD YOU SHOULD: TAKE" Drive in this Sunday WELCOME

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