Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Aug 1964, p. 4

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<THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thoredey, August 6, 1964 Six Capable Leaders Supervise : 150 Youngsters In Ajax's Parks AJAX (Staff) -- Every morn-|Ohristine Wilson. All are Ajax dake 21} 'eas agar ¢#2 CRAFT CLASSES at Lord Durham School produce an array of animals. In the bot- tom picture, from left to right, ere Mary Anne Mills, Jenie Gartland, Steve Jones, Patsy Curtis, Cindy Gartland and Gordon Cybulska all enjoying their work. Inspecting their projects is Diane Raveny, who supervises all the play- grounds. In the top picture a fng, when the weather' sports. There is no charge for this service to Ajax mothers and mothers are invited to watch their children and relax. PLAY SCHOOL In the mornings, from 9.30 until 11.30 there is a "'play- school" for children from four to eight years of age. Here they are instructed in the making of everything from kites to paper animals. There are also sing- songs and baseball coaching periods. From 2 until.3 p.m., there are craft classes for all the young- sters up to the age of 16. After that there are field events, base- ball and volleyball games. : All supplies for the program are provided by the Ajax recre- ation committee. They include paints, glue, construction paper and plastics as well as the usual sporting apparatus such as vol- leyballs, baseballs and bats. At each of the parks there are two supervisors, a girl and a boy. At Cedar Park are Mr, D. Lawence and Miss G. Gibson. =) At Exeter Park are George Ox- enholm and Diane Falby and at Lord Durham Park in South- wood are Paul Koenderman and nice, six matronly ladies visit Ajax's High School students. ye 'Linco! Sham said Wednesday the ex- ee, y morning st 9.30 a.m. Pe grow | -% ec Poo agg fp ee Ag She is in charge of the program- ming and orders equipment everyone is welcome. Even the/for the playgrounds. She also trains new instructors for play- ground duties. The Ajax swimming pool which was opéned three years ago has greatly affected the at- tedance of the recreation. pro- gram but on an average day from 50 to 60 youngsters still attend each of the parks. SIMPLE RULES The program is open to any- one as long as they follow some of the simple rules such as no bicycle riding in the parks and no golf or hardball playing. There is no charge. The summer program lasts for seven weeks. This year it began on July 6 and will con- tinue until Aug. 23 when a clos- ing ceremony will be held in the evening. The children will be putting on a special show for crests will be awarded to those most proficient in their sport. casualties have occurred to any of the supervised youngsters for which credit must go to the in- structors whose average is 17. No Audley Church On Aug. 23, Sept. 7 tars took the church service here on Sunday morning. There will be no church or Sunday School on Aug. 28 and Sept. 6. Mrs, Lee Darwin, Santa Monica, California, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Pratt. Susan Richards spent last | week with her cousin, Heather group of girls are shown broad jumping at Exeter Park, also under the supervision of play- ground instructors. --Oshawa Times Photos Dedication Service Held At St. John's, Blackstock BLACKSTOCK--In St. John's Church Sunday, a dedication service was held for two cruets for communion which were donated by Clare Evans Wilson, in memory of his wife Beatrice Irene Wilson, who passed away very suddenly last fall. In the United Church, Mrs. Harold McLaughlin sang a solo, "How Lovely are Thy Dwell- ings." Open: sessions of Sunday School are being held in the United Church this summer. Last Sunday, the adults went to the basement after the open- ing exercises and saw a film "Decision Saturday" while the) younger members heard a tape of the Explorer Story. | Len Carson, Kingston, and Miss Sandra Scholfield, Toronto, and a friend had Sunday lunch with Rev. and Mrs, P. Romeril and Dennis. Miss Scholfield and Mr. Carson conducted the ser- vices in Nestleton and Cadmus, Sunday morning and are to take the services at Blackstock and Caesarea Sunday, Aug. 9. Both these young people are students from Queen's University. PERSONALS The Anglican ladies held a successful bake sale at Casearea Saturday. Glad to report Mrs. Edna McLaughlin home from Oshawa Hospital and Gardham Trewin from Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Berry, Oakville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. Walton War- mer, Virginia, U.S.A., spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer. On Thursday, several of the Larmer relatives dropped in for a visit. Mrs. Wm. Van Camp and Miss day, July Wednesday|and family visited Mr. St. Catharines, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and family for a few days and called on the rest of their rela- Mabel Van Camp returned Mon.|tives. Sunday they picked up 27, from a pleasant' Miss trip to the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright spent Tuesday and Wednesday touring various places of inter- est in and around Ottawa. Don visited the Bill Fergusons, Leslie Ann, the Garnet Wrights, Chery Mrs. C. Hill and Harold, the Walter Wrights. Mr. Vine Cain, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Ed Harris. Mr. Willard Skuce, Fleetwood, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin during the week. Mrs. Bertha Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kewin, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ginn, Orono, were Sunday visitors. Elizabeth Thompson and Nancy Dowell are with Girl Guides at Camp Adelaide. Cap- tain Gwenith Thompson inspect- ed the camp last Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs.. Jack Rahm returned Saturday from two weeks holidays at Bolsover. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford Jr., Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs. R. Ford, Sunday. ATTEND WEDDING Mr, and Mrs. Reed Heaslip, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Camp and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow attended the Rich - Campbell wedding in Omemeee Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy and Mrs. Walter Manning and family and Mr. Gordon. Man- end, Bonnie and Paul remained for a week, Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Wannon, Elaine works for Miss Aked, Tyrone, and went to Cobourg to call on other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb and family, Oakville, visited her ,|ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S\army for 186 acres of land in , | Richards Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Art Brown, Jimmy and Ricky have returned from a 10-day camping trip at | |Presqu'ile Point. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morgan and family, Toronto, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Izatt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Chester Pearce and Richard, Locust Hill, visit- Fred Puckrin, on Monday. SHILLING RENT HALIFAX (CP) -- Since 1886 the City of Halifax has paid an- nual rent of one shilling to the Point Pleasant Park. For many years military authorities were satisfied with the equivalent in Canadian currency, but this year park commissioner Gordon E. Smith presented Lt.-Co). Leo- nard Atack with a freshly minted English shilling. returned Monday from a motor trip to Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner, Lorraine and Janet have return- ed from their trip to the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunsmore and Beth spent their week-end with friends in Durham and attended the Vessie family }mother, Mrs. Sunday. Falls. Miss Agnes Swinarton, Miss Mary Swinarton and Mrs, Dor- rell Corps, Toronto, spent Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wolfe and sons. Arvella Henry, 'epiapaape aie: Mr. and Mrs. Wes Pearce andj Mrs. G. Crawford returned Mon- ! day from a holiday in a cottagelff @] M ALLEY! at Woodland estate, Healey 1 picnic. JAMES | Construction Ltd. 723-7122 @ Homes @ Additions Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Assel-\p @ Offices @ Remodeling tine, Douglas Floyd and Colls Upneanesiieeamninammenians CIRCULATI Mountjoy, who 723-3474 Coe re aerial, For Convenient Home Delivery --Call-- ON DEPT. CHAIN LINK FENCE | ey | aot ga, Go = Oshawa Hires] 36% ve wi $9.85 FIRPLY under the po Me committee a» Windfall Oils and r Y Consolidated's dealings in Wind- been a playground! shares, Arrow Mines For A Report NEW YORK (AP)--Like some TORONTO (CP) -- The Tor-|TU2aty People William Zeck- onto Stock Exchange has asked] enough manage ment of Consolidated] gents Golden Arrow Mines Ltd. for quiet. But unlike up-to-date financial statements ordinary People, Zeckendorf, flamboyant fash- by the end of August and has closed dealings by that firm foner of the giant Webb and Knapp real estate firm, is bat- tling debts in the multi - mil- lions, : Fore more than a year, the business world has. watched him trying to tame a real es- tate tiger suddenly turned tol alle, beet aiaph. sal Mrs. MacMillan told the ex-|'e! traffic, project delays a change that Consolidated owned|ther ailments have beset him. 120,000 shares of Windfall on| A real estate empire that was June 1, 1964, ang bought a fur-|the largest in North America at ther 38,000 shares for $30,778. pay fe Peg = -- "All these 158,000 svar e last year. have Ri 'sold for i torn April, reports said, back-pay- amount of $354,907," Mrs, Mac-|ments had amounted to $32,- Millan told the TSE. 000,000. Three subsidiaries have ' gone into voluntary bank- PB polo ---- sonst es tuptcy, the latest two this week. S Q TS= President Howard Gra- from Consolidated President Viola MacMillan concerning In The Multi-Millions if creditors don't press too hard. He announced a plan Friday under which, he said, he is seeking to sell $50,- 000,000 in assets to realize $20,- 000,000 profit. He says that if creditors co- operate, by year's end he should be 0.k. again, Creditors want to co - operate, since Webb and Knapp, Incorporated is worth far more alive than dead. Zeckendorf arranged the deal that saw the United Nations rise from eastside New York's old slaughterhouse district. He was a figure in Tpnver's im- pressive court house square de- velopment, in a big Montreal complex, in urban renewal pro- grams in New York, Los Ange- les, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Pressing Plan TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- dian Campaign for Nuclear Dis- Ban Bomb Group sists: wis Cuatn » 3. Immediately Communist China. and ing her admission to the , Nations. Chicago and Washington, D.C, EXPORTS HEALTHY New Zealand's ovezscas ex- change transactions in the last the parents at which ribbons and During the past four years no AUDLEY--The Rev. M. But- Windfall shares rose from a| 2¢Ckendorf says he can make/fiscal year show an over-all sur- 1964 low of 31 cents each to a plus of. 14,500,000. high of $5.60 on rumors of' a/Township property had been -- John Ovens, 0.2. rich copper strike mear Tim-| disappointing. mins, The stock closed Wednesday Last Friday the shares de-|at 73 cents a share. Consoli- clined from $4.15 to $1.04 in|/dated rose from a low of 20 OPTOMETRIST heavy trading after President/cents a share, when Windfall G. A, MacMillan (Viola's hus-|trading' was hectic, to 65 cents 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA Dr Scholls band) said assays from the first}a share. The stock closed Wed- PH. 723-4811 FOOT POWDER hole drilled on the Prosser|nesday at 26 cents a share. CASHWA ANNUAL MIDSUMMER | SALE! NEW SHIPMENT BIG 4' X 8 UNGROOVED 4 M.M. SAVE SAVE SAVE 9" x 9" "VINYLFLEX" STRICTLY NO. 1 QUALITY VINYL ASBESTOS 2' 6" x 6 6" : ™ MAHOGANY | cousinarion je= | |rtooR my. TILE i C }.~ In carton lots of 112 Ea. Bi \ pieces iy 4 Other Good Colors'. :.. 7%4¢ ea. PANELS JUST 9Y%4c SQ. FOOT $2.96 Sheet ANY QUANTITY Complete with 2 storms, screen, Hardware and Closer $20.88 PREFINISHED WHITE CEILING 3/ac % FULLY PREFRAMED 12" x 84" PANELS -- sust ark eg | TILE =". a 34. 210" x 610" $9] .99 ey. foot Full foot --_----. IN LOTS OF 10 CARTONS | 3/16" SELF-STORING DOORS OR MORE 10%c FT. *21.88 ana °22.99 SMALLER LOTS a poe GRADE "A-1 QUALITY 210 LB. CUSTOM MADE DeLuxe Redivue BUFF, CORAL OR GRANITE SELF-STORING VISIT OUR YARDS SASHLESS SCREEN & STORM YOU'LL SEE WHY PEOPLE {Not the on, SHINGLES DRIVE UP TO 250 MILES ae oe 2" x 2! $9 4] AND MORE TO SHOP AT ETS pectecd. "and . WINDOWS "CASHWAY" TOIL On oer Me 26" x 2'6" "" sees OPEN DAILY 8 to 6 SATURDAYS Till 5 p.m. FIRST QUALITY ONLY SH, .80 PER SQUARE 21s SHALLOW WELL ANY QUANTITY BUILDERS AjaX YARD SPECIAL PACKAGED PICNIC ON ROWE STREET SOUTH 9x6-16' DRY Water System . TABLES OFF HIGHWAY NO. 401 : yt AT INTERCHANGE 66 No. 1 SPRUCE Sh 9.80 $1 3:95. PHONE 942-1221 BROOKLIN YARD Corner Highways No. 7 and No. 12 PHONE 655-3313 METAL BARN ROOFING As tow' " 89 o. IN LARGE QUANTITY SBy-30 IN LIFT LOTS FOR HOUSE, COTTAGE OR BARN JOBS SAVE ON LUMBER Y%" PLASTIC PIPE $ 1 97 Per 100' Roll THIS IS NOT THIN WALL enor !! KEEP COOL ! ! This Summer -- Warm Next Winter INSULATION BATTS <2 cartons or more Q" 90 SQ. FT. PER CARTON 5 3 4 7 e EACH a" 60 SQ. FT. $3.37 per carton 4 > 4 2 OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER § coop ractory GravE Vy" x 4" x 8! SANDED BiG 100' ROLLS 83.29 ANY QUANTITY 42" pert $99.75 6' T BAR POSTS PER CARTON Smaller Lots .

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