> depth of-about 1-inch all around, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 31, 1964 25A leaving centre hollow. Cover gt geo ee well, | FRESH CHERRY SQUARES| Mix cherries 'aged -- Gradually blend the 2-3 cu sugar; aransfer to o shallow wil " P| 16 Ss ae ee aes 8"? square pan. Pour over bat- syrup with cornstarch and a %¢. sugar i few grains salt. Bring to a. boil ter, spreading mixture higher and cook stirring constantly|1 egg, separated at edges than centre Bake 35 until mixture has thickened and|1_. tsp. vanilla min. in moderate oven, 375 becomes clear, 3 to 5 minutes.| 1% tsp, salt ' deg. F. Serve with or without Add the % teaspoon lemon juice 1% tsp. baking powder aia gal ste phe d - aaa rry sauce, or whipped cream to strawberry glaze. Cool and mix gently with thawed fruit to|1% ¢. sifted flour Sol Wie Nabe te tee ceemell GE give avi, we ms 0 hollow ice cream Pp es, sw : oe mold and return to freezing or sour PRESIDENT ELECTED eT ae 10 min- 14 8 poss extra - MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Jur utes, to se ng. shortening until creamy, | Bernt f Denmark Make a meringue of €gg/beat in sugar, egg yolk and nese gel sie Oat whites, salt and sugar. Place/vanilla, Sift together dry ingre- y P cake on a board or heat-proof|dients; add alternately to first| 'the International Bar Associa- serving ee be -- ice| mixture with milk. Fold in egg| tion as successor to Loyd cream out on cake remove : 1 ' i fo iL Cover with pond ringue, ety white, whipped stiff. -' Wright of Los Angeles. : well to board. Bake in a hot , A PARTY, PRETTY DESSERT (450 deg. F.) oven, unti! mer- [,™ 3 % & a ingue is lightly browned, 3 to 4 mo Eskimo Igl 00 For Desse rt . Serve immediately, 12 eee ae aw A'S MOST COMPLETE NOTE -- A small size igloo - may be made, in a 3-cup bowl, Well Surprise Your Guests --_--{ tg itt ice, cream ad package frozen fruit. Quantities Most people love to eat Baked | 2/3 cup syrup drained 'rom galt x et ptt 10 eat Alaska but many don't , have berries the fruit should be used. Mer- the courage to make it. It's not} teaspoons cornstarch ingue should be made with 3 Teally as difficult as it looks Few grains salt egg whites, 6 tablespoons of and is well worth the trouble ~~ sugar and a few grains salt. for the delight it gives your| % teaspoon lemon juice Size of cake layer must be cut guests. The home economists of (with strawberries) ts fit top of mold or bowl. the Consumer Section, Canada| 4, ¢88 whites Department of Agriculture sug-| 7 teaspoon salt LA GGS iD gest this novel adaptation -- aj ,% Cup sugar 7 s Party Igloo" made 'with van-|1 SPONge cake layer The average hen begins ty-/ RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE Lid illa ice cream and either frozen (7-inch diameter) _ ing eggs when it is about 20 to raspberries or strawberries. The| . Line a 6-cup bowl (7-inches in| 22 weeks old and lays about 250 1015 KING ST. E. 725-6551 "igloo" shape is obtained by diameter) with aluminum foil|a year under today's modern packing the ice cream' and| 4nd pack with ice cream to a' conditions. fruit into a bowl. When ua- molded and topped with mer- ingue it indeed resembles an OPEN THURS. AND FRI. Eskimos' igloo. To speed up the preparation, the ice cream may be molded UNTIL 9 P.M, ahead of time and the fruit glaze prepared. The meringue should be prepared and brown- ed just before serving. PARTY IGLOO ~ 1 quart vanilla ice cream ul 3. packages (15-ounce) frozen cars Y lf raspberries or strawberries e 5 Laquies- i th +~q our past nine mon oT ete Arete sales due ue a ena i ings. It's both quality and saving ; ee see ets and our pledge to continue to do so for many years to come. . isa You always pay. less at ROGER'S ; be ae pe yo oe » finite reason why! Take a store slightly ou Fain x val area -- add small space -- a ae Ae eta ' by limited sales staff -- you now have Low s in business we have means we can sell our Lower Overhead simply snd still make a reasonable merchandise at much lower prices profit. | : ke a point et shopped ROGER s, mak | < dering ow final decision on any If you have not as uite confident you'll be pleased of doing so before you 'ance purchase. We are q appliance p ou dell .«- fake her ; out to dinner tonight Sincerely, Rogar. Annavt. LEVISION rar aay RADIO -- STEREO APPLIANCES i by ' by } re FLEETWOOD - ROGERS MA- Westinghouse -- Sunbeam pAcCLARY-EASY JESTIC = DUMONT - wee General Electric -- Philips KELVINATOR DEMENDE - SONY (portables : Eureka daca iteetndhctadach charset acetate bedded SALLLILILLLI LILLY TTT Tee eT Tee FLYING DUTCHMAN BOWMANVILLE $ At the Cloverleaf--401 -- 8 Secccevececccncnccecnceees GODERSGOTHTBLOOS Pry iiiiriiiiti ity ROGER APPLIANCES %334°%;27"