Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1964, p. 15

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'6--Femate Help Wanted URGENT ! We are in need of two mo- ture women who are wiling to 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted 25.--Apartments 27--Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sele 27----Real Estate For Scale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 31,1964 1§ to F veloc, ne Sey aie 7m Fee EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canada's finest line of Christmas cards. Wraps, Novelties, etc. Over 350 items, For oe SERVICE STATION work for an lient wage. If you are in' good health oble to be on your feet daily ond have transportation to end "from our plant. Please come in ond see us today... No phone calls please. "A Future to Share' ATLAS TAG CO. "OF CANADA LTD, 72 BAYLY STREET, AJAX, ONT. "SILK FINISHER -- samp! on approval and the fastest service, Jeandron iggy | Card Co, 1253 King it, Hamilton, Ontario. MANAGER WRITE BOX 43 OSHAWA TIMES SENIOR SALESMAN to call on stores, offices, garages, moteis, to care for three smell Ferenc preferred, Tele- CHARTERED Accountants' office re- quires. young lady qualified to enter CA Course or equivalent, Telephone 726-7371. 17--Male Help Wanted industries, s, tals, etc., our engineered lighting products. Ag barrier, car necessary, Side-line or time. Highest commissions paid weekly on automatic year-round repeat business. Pige 4 Premium Prog: will make '64 the biggest of our 20 ful business operations in protected territory of Osh: trict now open, For complete information write Hi-Test Corporation, 206 King West, INDUSTRIAL FIRM with Branch in Port Hope requires applicants for position in marketing operations, OXFORD PARK TOWERS One block from G.M. South Plont 86 APARTMENTS One, two and three bed- room, August 15th pesses- sion. Balconies. Elevator Service Fully Equipped Kitchen Broodloomed corridors Swimming Pool Take advantage of choice lo- cation by making deposit on lease now. Exclusive Agents" GUIDE REALTY LIMITED GUIDE REALTY Tae vy2) $1,000 DOWN PAYMENT Comfortable living con be yours in this well maintained 2 bedroom bungalow in a choice area just off Simcoe St. North, New roof ont re- cently redecorated iE bathroom. Full price $7,900 For porticulars ond to in- spect call anytime Jean Pea- cock 725-4330. VAGANT. LANG Commercial lot cn Highwoy No, 115 with 150 ft. high- way frontage. God well, Ideal for a service station or a trailer camp, Some trees on SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 BROOKSIDE ACRES Looknig for a lovely six room brick bungalow? Look no further -- this bungalow is only four years old and hos everything one could wont, The first thing to catch your eye is the vestibule, It is spacious' and the flag stone floor gives it on air of ele- gance. You wil love the mar- ble mantle fireplace in the liv- ing. room and the twindow sliding doors in the dining leading out to the potio. The best in broadloom covers this area. Three lovely bedrooms and a deluxe bathroom thet Hamilton, Ontario. TAX! DRIVERS -- "Preferably between 25-40. Applicants should be twenty to twenty-eight yeors of age with University training, Also must. haye ability and initia- tive to fill supervisory posi- REALTORS Must Be Experienced ' Top 'Wages. * APPLY 723-1121 16 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa this well situated lond. Ask- 'ing $7,500, full price, | COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE spells luxury. The kitchen is so pleasing with ample cup- boord space, built-in oven, counter stove ond frig, The home is decorated and land- Top earnings. Appy MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 2 Married Dependable MAN WANTED To learn to sell automobiles Ideal working conditions. Apply 'in person ot Nicols Motors Sales Ltd. 146 Brock N., Whitby ~ SERVICE STATION MANAGER Stote age, experience and | other qualifications to | BOX NO. 31 __Oshewa Times CHARTERED Accountants' "office re-| {quires ie stuccnt qualified to enter Aduits only. August 1 CA Cov se. Second year. s'udert,|Whitby 668-8031. \Faliphione 728- i. A apartment, |WORKING MEN WANTED, "No "skill or : |experience necessary. Must be sober, in ergil Immediete good health, free to travel. Salary. meals, transportation, sleeper berth pro- TWO- BEDROOM vided. Apply in person only to Hudson, Sells and Gray Circus, Centen-| included, 'apart- pais Park in Whitey, Saturday, August 1, | 728-7680. Box TWO-ROOM apartment, with use of r tion following on the job training, Salary 'based on ed- ucotion and experience. All benefits. A challenging op- portunity to the right man. Write in own handwriting stating age, education, ex- perience and salary desired, BOX 13] Oshawa Tirnes "Classified" NIGHT CLEANING MAN Good Wages All benefits. RADIANT Cleaners Oshawa Shopping Centre TELEPHONE 725- 1023 exira money? "$50. 2 and more, ¢ can easily be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends tad neighbors. No experience necessary. Our. exciting, full-colar catalogue pines i easy to.get plenty .of orders. Send no} money. Write today for Christmas cards approval and free catalogue. Monarch| are Co,, Dept. 16, 217 Cannon, Hamil-| THE VISCOUNT 300 GRENFELL New building, modern two bedroom apartments. Avail- oble July and August, For information see superintend- ent Apt. 111, THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave. Arsiinis or on building site after 5 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER for elderly cou couple, se | kept $125 Pe tae Telephone 725-9852 between | A P.M. LADY "tor ~ busy Joctor's office. Irregu- lar hours (five nights per week). Typing and some telephone experience, preferrea but nof essential, Ali replies kept confi- dential. Apply. in own handwriting, stat- Ing age, marital status, previous office experience and saiary exncteed to Box 128, Oshawa Times. | RELIABLE woman to live in and care| for two children. Evenings and week-/ eds off If desired. Phone 728-0550. HOUSEKEEPER required full-time for a motherless home; Duties include genera! house organization and care of two school-) age children. Completely modern home! and separate living quarters. This is a! permanent position with ample time off. Starting salary $160 per month commenc- Ing September. For appointment call Mr. Wilson 728-5157. RELIABLE WOMAN to care for dren while mother works. Live in. oon sede |Oshawa Times, OPENINGS for __ Sxperienced pao. -~- wiht, <A AS la Full rt-time, Apply resge Ca Cid, Oshawa Shopping Centre. 116--Female Help Wanted SWITCHBOARD RECEPTIONIST Pleasant married woman for -interesting position, Telephone experience not necessary, as we will train but, must have typing ond would prefer shorthond. Usual store hours, full benefits, lone and two bedroom apartments, frigerator, stove, water, drapes, swimming pool. hi-fi, elevators, Whitby 668-8560, TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment. For appointment Possession, 623-3373 Flying. Dutchman Motor Hotel CARETAKER wanted for smail ment house. Good position. Write 326 Oshawa Times, BARBER wanted, $90 weekly, paid holl- days, steady employment. Write Box 127, steam heat ion, Di apartment Self - contained. - 18--Male or Female Help Wanted _ reation room, private bath, Available n $65 monthly Apply 383 | Phillip Murray. |OFF WILSON ROAD NORTH, ¢ one-bi jroom apartment. Stove, refrigerat |washer and dryer. Available August Telephone 728-8508. MAPLE GROVE. -- Tele SENIOR DRAFTSMAN To develop details for office ond commercial interiors in designers office located in | wa, Three - ly decorated. Children welcome. phone 728-5824, ments with free parking, Electronica' Guide Realty Limited, Realtors, 16 Si ith coe Street South, 723-1121 wih JONE-ROOM apariment, fully com- Solary commensurote capabilities. Address plete information to: W. M. Caldwell 264 King St. E. | Oshawa, Ontario | middle- -aged lady or gentleman. ler. phone 723-5804. |TWO-ROOM apartment, available Stove supplied. Apply 356 Ritson South THREE-ROOM apartment, Telephone 728-0769. SPACIOUS two-bedroom Saguenay Avenue Apartments. APPLY MORNINGS 9 TO 12 TO: MRS. BOWMAN CHERNEY BROS FURNITURE unfurnisht "apartment Adul electrical heating, hot) balcony, | new apartment building. Central location. | Call oat Mr. Oshawa and Whitby, $90, heat and light! Telephone | throughout bedroom apartment. Range and refrigerator, New-| Tele- |$100. PER MONTH. One-bedroom apari- y heated. Above the new Windsor Plaza. furnished jwith refrigerator and stove, Sultable for Abstain- Apply 200 King Street West or tele- now. Road = yet just minutes from the city. 6 room brick bungalow with etteched garage on Elizobeth Crescent. Cathe- dral ceiling in living and din- ing rooms. Hollywood kit- chen ond 4 pc. tiled bath with vanity. High basement with lots of room for iecre- ation room, Lot 86 x 250 ft, and portially wooded. Full price $17,400. OWNER ANXIOUS TO SELL scoped. Move in and start living. You will not have to spend a dollar more. Priced at $24,500. Call to-day and inspect this value. / GET IN STEP Join the Morch to Beau Volley. Beautiful 4 bedroom brick and stone fronted 2 storey home with garage. Now nearing completion. Lovely ceiling to floor stone fireplace in the spacious living room. Two bothrooms -- 4 pc. up and 2 pc. down. Completely landscaped. Don't wait. Let your agents show you this home to-day. | Try your offer on this mod- | ern yeor old brick bungalow with electric heoting. 3 bed- rooms, 4 pc. bathroom tiled ond with vanity. There are 2 finished rooms in basement nicely panelled ond with re- cessed lighting. Located near King St. East in a fost grow- | ing area of new homes. Full .| price $15,900, MITCHELL CORNERS ot Taunton Rd, Lovely 6 room 2 storey brick and frame home, Lots of extras including broad- loom, built in Toppan range, breakfast nook, 2 water pres- Sure systems, Koolvent awn- od ings at front porch and elec- or, tric re Lorge lot, Priced 1} at $17, rel Put your tools away! Here is a home made to toke it easy. All the back breaking jobs are done for your con- venience. A modern bungalow in a very desirable area. Taxes are only $326.00. TOO MUCH HOUSE FOR YOU NOW?~ Perhops you'd be happier in a smaller home or apt. We.have families who NEED a larger house . . . and you might be surprised ot what they'll pay for yours! See us about selling --- buying -- renting -- or exchanging! HCWARD STREET 2 storey income home with five bedrooms, Large kitchen 15' x 15'5', Home in very good condition, List Price $14,900 TWO BEDROOM BUNGALOW On large lot west area $146.34. Low down payment. day to make an offer. "in| ed.) ba | ec.| ow | FOR RENT Ideal tool and die shop. Ap- proximately 220 sq. ft. of floor area complete with of- fice and spray booth, Excel- lent location, LARGE LOT Nearly new 3 bedrom brick bungalow with atteched ga- rage. Broddloom in living room with floor to ceiling stone fireplace. Kitchen hos built in stove and oven ond lots of cupboords, 2 acre: lot thet con be divided for another lot. Just 20 minutes im- in north Toxes only Newly decorated. Call to- 6 ed, ts 80 King Street, East. HAIRDRESSER WANTED HAIR STYLIST For new large exclusive salon. Must be qualified to "receive, highest salary and commission, All replies 'téonfidential: * Our, Staff has been Informed of this Position. For Interview Call 728-1043 Large ultra modern salon. Must be fully experienced and | licensed, For excellent oppor- tunity APPLY MR. FREDERICK, RITE WAY | BEAUTY SALON Lansdowne Street West, Peterboro 742-9991 TEACHERS WANTED _| PART TIME Teochers earn extra money tutoring in your spare time. Mornings during Aug. and evenings and Saturdays dur- ing school term. Phone Lt arti a College lincluded in furnishings. | THREE-ROOM, iment. couple, $85. monthly, only. $102.50 per month. Phone 728-0777. MOTHER AND CHILD. infant preter- red, to share alilidrid Day care avail- able. Telephone 12% FURNISHED or araiea a apartment. |Would prefer renting furnished to desir- [able tenant. Three large rooms, and elec- ¢ equipped kitchen and bathroom. One | tri [flight up, front apartment at 104 Brock Street South, Whitby, Front and rear en- trance, wih parking space for one car. |Most desirable for two adults. Television Hot water radia- |tor heated at $110 furnished or $90 unfur- nished. Immediate occupancy. Owner will }be In Whitby on Friday, July 24, collect 447-8189 for appointment to inspect. In- |quire at Whitby Tile Centre. Apartment |may be seen between one and six p.m. |Any other time phone Toronto ~~ self-contained heated apartment. Stove, refrigerator, TV outlet. Suitable for two adults only. 725-1470. Telephone NORTHEND--furnished basement apart- Laundry 723- 3093. BACHELOR apartment for rent. decorated, downtown location. facilities, Suit working "Newly | Immediate | from awa via paved roads. DOWNTOWN 17 room brick hime with go- rage presently used os oa rooming house. 60 ft. in front zoned commercial. Ex- cellent 'ocation on King St. West just 2 blocks from Sim- coe Street, OUTSIDE THE CITY 6 room brick bungalow on 4 lerge lot with a big front lawn ond fenced reor yard. Gracious entrance hall, pon- elled living room with fire- place. Separate dining room and efficient modern kitchen. pc. bath- high basement with forced air oil heating. Gorage. An exceptionally we!l kept home just minutes For full particulars Cal! 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. 728-5868 728-2233 723-2894 728-3376 728-2870 723-7996 723-1358 725-3867 728-1066 725-0201 Steve Macko Moible Boudreau Margaret Lee Ralph. Schofield Allan Thompson Charles Chaytor Marg, Hall Irene Brown Bill Johnston Reg Aker Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King St. West Free Parking HARMONY ROAD NORTH) METCALF 40 King St. E, Dial 728-4678 $15;900--8 rooms Georgian style brick, 2 storey, close to schools and downtown shopping, call us now 'this home has mony extras, $12,900---6 room brick e, modern kitchen ond both; good location. See this one today $14,995--New clay brick REAL ESTATE LIMITED CHECK THE PRICE! CHECK THE VALUE! 27--Real Estate For Sale LIST AND MOVE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS ---- REAL ESTATE -- ----- INSURANCE --; ~~ MORTGAGES -- SHOPPING CENTRE 4 yeor old, 3 bedroom, §$ roomed brick modern bunga- low with 4 piece ceramic bathroom, plus additiona! 4 rooms with 4 piece bathroom in basement, Well kept home. Only $12,900.00. To inspect call Mr. Jock Appleby 728-5123 or 723-3398, 29---Automobiles For Sele S PAID FOR Good clean cors, Trade up or down, Liens peid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421. TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. BUYING 'OR SELL SELLING TED CAMPIN (All 5% room bungalow, $1,883 down to one N.H.A, mort. gage. ' BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD, 101 Simcoe Street North ____ Qpen_Every Evening MOTORS 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road)" - 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 APART RTMENT | building, consisting gt 15 modern apartments, well built, good | ing building in centre of Oshawa, heer, as Marina Apartments, adu.t tenancy with never @ vacancy, Sor sale at §,400 per suite. Down payment and terms to sult. McGill Real Estate Broker, 728-4285 or your broker, $13,900--Nice 5 room clay brick home, large lot, 2 baths and 2 extra rooms in base- ment, Must be sold. See it and make your offer now. $14,300----Worthwhile 52 room clay brick bungalow, finished rec, room ---- nicely decorated only $3000 down. $14,500--Smort house on a forge deep lot. 5144 room cloy brick: bungalow, with EXCLUSIVE, clean six: "room home with| two bathrooms and beautiful recreation! TRADE your present. home or lot or cal boom Construction. Call Real Estate tra., room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South, | ple OLDSMOBILE hart on a new five-room bungalow by Poget|chanteaiy sound, $325, 5. D. Hyman|1960 CHEVROLET ui |age, sedan, pear, KELLY DISNEY pee Cae T. WHITBY --~ 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down ___ Always | top quality op, automatic, power brakes, body . Me é, hana broadloom, nice decoration, poved drive and many extras, Very anxious to sell, Make your offer now, EXCLUSIVE, clean six. "room home with) |two bathrooms and beautiful recreation | 72 lroom. Apply 117 Oshawa Bovievard South, | 1960 & BLUE volkeswagen |MAY 1 SHOW you one of the nicest|COntact Les Kaytor, 1K money' down, will Higa '3-3898. bs acouy ute, ed conan anytime, |the greatest of care. with attached garage. room. Broadioom and split-level france, Only $18,900. with terms, Campbell, tor, 723-7377, |PRIVATE SALE. Four bedroom. split! level home. $2,500 down. Take over mort- gage. 251 Lupin Drive. Telephone 668-8014) +! Whitby. $14,900. THREE-BEDROOM, three-vear- & old brick bungalow, oll heat, Wilson. |@f Adelaide area. 728- A731, $16,900 -- Terrific ranch bungalow with exceptional lanascaping basement gar- oge, rec. room finished, 6 rooms all modern See this home tonight it must be sold, Neil Summer Cottages, New and resale houses, Lots, Commer- cial and Apt. land. What's your requirements? We have them so call us now for prompt attention to your real estate needs. PEN EVENINGS TILL NINE DIAL 728-4678 |awa. |$12,500, Don Stradesk! Realtor 728-8423, |x 110. Sale price, $5,900. Bullder's terms, Ken Hann, Joe | Jack. Osborne | Mago, tial down payment or cash. 725-3773 ATHOL Street East, | Oshawa, Eight 1 cel |rooms. Double garage. For particulars, | 72: |telephone 728-9504, ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 INCOME . €10,500 Monthly income $155.00. 2 storey brick with 2 separate on smaller Oshawa property as jalow, Near schools. |mortgage. Dial 668-5377. 100 ACRE beef cattle farm, |ton 263-2021, |100 acres rolling land including 20 acres |r jand large house. Full price $19,000. L Weinberger rm "KINGSMERE i 1 Arthur apartments including stove ment. Ca i } Htor, 1. and fridge in each unit. 5 [Rea tor, 725-8851. minutes walking distance from the 4 corners. cou NTRY BUILDING LOTS brand new and now under way. nn 19: three-bedroom and one two - bedrooi apartments. Full price $17,950. ile 725-1015. Joseph Bosco Realtor homes in the east end, Owner-built with USA BOUND, Six lovely rooms cylinder, Patio off living|ical shape. $500 or best offer, Call en-' tween 6 and 9, 723.9017, |1969_ MONZA | USED CAR par! _ |1953 CHEVROLET i] WHITBY -- $13,900 three-bedroom buNg- Good Condition, . Excellen _,|buyer, Located cl BEAUTIFUL FARM --near Biackstock,|inG, Y acre of land. Telephone 985-2429 |down payment, easy terms. Will also con- [Seering and partlers, -radio, |sold this weekend. [ATTRACTIVE money-making duplexes,|C4n be financed, 728-5211, 1958 Pontiac, automailte, é 4 good tires. Excellent be 725-1015, Joseph Bosco, Real- i Vi VAUXHALL, radio, whitewalis, buck 8. Seats. In good conditi hone 0p 9 lon. Telep' Spider convertible ir, ke' new. Make a2 we king Gan" jes fo make frail $i Blso_used tires, 0 phe Street East ter 4, 723-2281, ia VALIANT sedan, radio, automatic, SHACRE FARM, nine miles from Osh-|EXCellent condition. Trade accepted, Wi Hydro in house and barr, creek,|finance. Call 728-6747, ged kl |1950 VAUXHALL, 4 6« cylinde: In iN Good cone BEAU VALLEY Jot, orivateiy owned «a'|ditlon. Call 725-8337 between Nn 6 P- M7 p.m, 1957 9 TRIUMPH T Telephone 723-1194 lat aS oe ae oveaes THREE-BEDROOM brick bungalow with|4rlv garage, Huron Street, aluminum storms 1964 CHEVROL' el and screens. Tiled kitchen bath. Substan- mileage. Reasonable, nie. Telephone 725- les e Hardtop, wire wheels, overs adi foglights, _ Cah 732-4268, ir automatic, low 725-7634. .|1943 AUSTIN Healy Spr vrile with radio, Ex- $1,250. Télephone lent condition. 3-1157 between 9 - S$ pm. Air. Avtomatie, t ' radio, 6 per cent NHA} |tires, Best offer. After five call M_ 728-5048 |PRIVATE SALE. Make offer offer. Large Large with fast/house with finished carport running trout stream, 11-room brick/tion room, bay window in. kitchen. Elee- jhouse. Price $16,000. Terms. Call Hamp-|trically heated: interior finished to sult and recrea- lose to schools and apply 219 Queén Street, Port Perry. eeieereenereneel of picturesque bush with farm bulidings| CONVERTIBLE, 1961 -¢ Chevrolet impala, Ow |v. lor, automatic, power - brakes, windows, automatic wash- whitewalls, 23,000 original Immaculate condition, Must be $1975 or best offer. ites. 599 CHEVROLET, 4door, sulomatic. ™M Good condition. Asking $525. Aoply 170? NeilltCharies Street,P ort Whitby, 663-4267, 100x214 deep; some larger. You may stort immediote construction on anyone of these of your choice. Some as low as $2,200.00. ACREAGE Suitable for - factory -- sites, motor hotel sites, including woter and sewer. Access to the 401 highway. Right here in Oshawa, Call us for full porticulors. $9,300 4 room bungalow with 2 finished rooms and 2 piece washroom downstoirs, Close to North G.M. and hospital, Many extras included in this home, Large backyard, Act fast for this one. 1953 CHEVROLET two door, quite | reason able. Apply ioe i ont Inn, Thorne 9--Automobiles For Sale VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service . 449 Ritson Road South Om 8.7 A00FE) |1958 CONVERTIBLE is Minor. © rat jorris. Minor. [1953 INTERNATIONAL haif-ion truck |celient little cor, $300, Apply after {good running condition, $150, Telephone) 5m, 725-8575. | 725- 8519. |1964 GMC truck, 4 ton pickup, Perfect! |condition, $2,000. Telephone 723-4042, |1956 FORD Victoria - hardtop, @, matic, four barrel, duals, radio, A-1 con- |altion Telephone | Whitby 668-4706, vod ne condition, Please Nikeonans |1961 CHEVROLET Biscayne in asia \condition, radio, automatic $1,400. Horne's | Esso Station, Simcoe Street North, 725-5402 VAIR automatic, radioy 725-89: |1963 CORVAIR |9500 miles. $1700 cash, Telephone 1960 CHEVROLET four-door hardtop, red with white fop, automatic, V8 iApply 255 | Tresane Apartment 5. Ex- six |1960 CORVAIR 700, standard, radio. Good Good tires, whitewalls, 's. Wish to trade for older model full car, Call Whitby 'wuto- | 668-8122 after 5.30 p.m. }1959 CHEVROLET, body In good shape, | $775 cash, T. one after 6 p.m. 725-2928, |1959 'pontiac V8 four-door | hardtop auto 1955 CHEVROLET, Best offer. Mus |matic transmission. Power kes and) formi |power steering, radio. In good condition, (pa. ee dh ano Si |Apply 420 Simcoe North, st sell Ajax |1957 DODGE Regent V-8, 2-door stande: rd, |DUAL IV BBI set up for 19551987 Cadil- Cealt | Phone includes manifold, carbs, linkage, |2°ey_ 2nd white, $350. i ethic $11,900 5 room bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, close to bus and new shopping plaza will soon be opening, Close to all schools. Try $1000.00 down. Guy Belt Bill Horner Doug. Wilson Ralph Vickery Dorothy Wood Bob Johnston Steve Lehan Steve Zurba Pauline Beal Hertha Kirk 48 Simcoe Street, South, across from Post Office. lac, Heodipetae ends *,|1962 CORVAIR, one owner, vary" cleans automatic, big engine. T 725-6032, | Telephone 7 1958 PONTIAC four door, automatic, |SPORTS CAR, 1960 Austin "Sprite, new |motor, white wall tires, radio, windshieid|condition. Must sell immediately asking $550. Telephone 725-4398. Has both hard top and soft top, Condition, $695, terms, Phone| WRECKING '52 to's) Chev's, Ponllacay Buicks, Old's and Fords. Telephone 728- 8938. 1985 FORD Coach, standard transmission, In good condition, $150. Telephone 735 2683. __ 723-670 |possession. Telephone 728-8300, EXP! ED nurserymen tor season, (ONE: BEDROOM apartment fer rent.| good pay, eventually room and board, Cupboards and stove in kitchen. Parking Telephone Bowmanville 623-2837. Jerry|and laundry facilities. Apply 221 Arthur Trejbal, arns Avenue, Street. MANCHESTER | Credit Union with person. | al chequing accounts invites applications 26-----Rooms For Rent ieations. Box tad erookin "| ATTRACTIVELY -- FURNISHED ROOMS HAIRDRESSERS. Wages 50-50. Modern |Shop opening on King Street West. Art's Available in private home Call between 5 and 7 p.m. | Hair Styling. Telephone 728- 5444, TUTOR required for ~ public school stu-| dent in subject of mathematics, during menth of August. Telephone 728-4114, | 82 PARK RD. N. 20--Room and Board 728-8671 | OOM AND BOARD, home cooked meals, JRNISHED ROOM for rent. Apel mt television privileges, clean home, close to ia p.m, south GM, parking space. Telephone us 3 = 723-2786. [COLLEGE Avenue, near South General et, sig ne sn Motors. Four-room unfurnishad apart- ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman. Lunches packed, parking, television priv-/ [ent "Telephone 7203130. nd dda ileges. Telephone 723-1671. ¥, = Bees |NEATLY furnished dduble room in pri-| pacer olathe ier petionen. H Roa 10 V vate home. Separate beds, near yall Pe ef TST. "VALUE if | share, single beds, centrally located, |OUs and i ranch bunga- pet hs ha ly ay, 723-6073. prt Close to Conant School. Situated on -------|TWO men to share room, home privil-|® NUge, picturesque Jol, we offer you the ges. Phone evenings 728-1514 daytime.|NoMe of your dreams. A large living-| 22-- Offices, Pra Storage °° 1921 "i Y bag with inti, area, a kitchen. beau-| ies atl lo --. jtiful an 9 ere are three. good-| MEDICAL OFFICES for rent, 700 sq. #./ TWO FURNISHED singie rooms for "rent.|sized bedrooms, a large attached" ga-| al further. Particulars, _Phone 125+ 5132. |in clean, new district, Close to hus. jrage and @ walkout basement with fa- 3 'Ladies preferred but gentlemen welcorre. | | cilities for recreation and other rooms. For full information telephone Menry '23--Wanted To Rent ens [There are lols of 'extras, too. numerous Stinson, 75-0243, Carl Olsen, Realtor, _. |TWO_ UNFURNISHED bedrooms in pri- to mention. The price is surprisingly| of 'f vate home, parking spaces, near|!0W and the owner would consider zlso\ WHITBY five-room brick "split level. jshopping Centre, 374 Elmgrove Avenue, lm Peli M bok as Property as part pay-|Landscaped. Close to schools. Full price} . Call for appointment Arthur) $12,500. Carries for $86 monthly. Principal, | ONE FURNISHED bedroom with kitchen| Weinberger, Realtor. 725. B85), 'Interest and taxes, 668-2998, on private floor. Suit one girl. Bloor and) Hi Simcoe area, Telephone 728-7443. | A COUNTRY SETTING FURNISHED housekeeping room in quiet| home, central, suit gentlemen. Available! immediately. Call 723-9225. | -With city conveniences, this 1500 sq. ft. bungalow is in spot- less condition, feotures 16 x 9 kitchen - 2 bathrooms, Rec room | panelled and tiled - fully landscaped with lot 93 x 150, low taxes | | from downtown Oshawa. Open daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Best cash offer takes, OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN" GARDENS G. ARMSTRONG and SONS PRESENT 30 new homes consisting of splits, and two stories on serviced lots over- looking the City of Oshawa. Every home features a built in stove and oven, complete decorating as well as.N:H.A, financing. For more informa- tion. phone 728-6286. S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED For full particulars call 723-1121 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 728-0208 723-1121 725-4362 728-5581 725-3454 723-9266 725-8068 | washers. lovely | 728+ 2741, |1964 "CHEVROLET "Malibu, $1,000 and jtake' over payments Gr best offer, -Sflll junder warranty. Fully equipped, ermine white with red interior, low mileage. | 728-5444; evenings -- 728-6760. |i982 - AMERICAN "Plymouth, @ good radio, | maret and tires. Asking $80. 725-6356. equipped, tilt steering, seat belts, radio, |1985 CHEVROLET 2-door coach, é&cylin-|728-9059. der, standard .transmission, unusual ty | i964 ACADIAN convertible V8 automatic, |clean interior, very low oll consumption.|white walls, wheel dises, windshield wash. | Telephone 723-4300, ers, radio. $1900, Take over payments of | 1958 PONTIAC station wagon, low mile |S: 728-8169. jage, new paint fob, sound, |reasonably priced,. Will trade. \Call 728-6983. Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Richard Young Ernest Mueller Kenneth C. Toms Tony Siblock Steve Englert Roy Flintoff John Hutchuk Leon Manitius Jean Peacock 725-4330 Edith. Gifford 728-0768 Ellouise Hoggard 723- 2106 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Realtors, 16 Simcoe St. S, bungalows 1963 CHEVROLET Super Sport, 327 ene gine, automatic transmission power For Professional Services, GO ACTIVE. List your home with, ACTIVE REALTY LI- MITEO, Realtors. TO QUALIFIED a consider (Continued on Page 16) COMING EVENTS ST. JOHN'S PARISH PURCHASERS $595.00 FULL DOWN $13,790.00 6 Room Brick Detached Bungalows MUST SELLI Owner leaving city. Desir- able three-bedroom brick bungalow, just |six years old, contains large modern kitchen, family size, good sized living: | |room, ceramic tiled bath, oil heat ng.) large size fenced yard, Priced to sell./ |Carries for $91 monthly including taxes. CEDAR PARK HAMPTON Open Week-Ends and holidays for Picnics and Swimming Corner Bloor E, & Simcoe Every Fri. at 7:45 P.M, 20 Games $10 and $15. Jacqpot 55 Nos. $150. Jackpots and Share the Wealth OPERATION! NINE 9 NINE Dx9OxOxOxOx9x9 WANTED TO RENT in Oshawa or Whitby. Four bedroom house. Immediate occupancy. « Excelent ences, Call 668-5811 8 am, to 5 p.m. THREE-BEDROOM home required by school teacher for September, Preferably --| McLaughlin Collegiate vicinity, Write Box FURNISHED room, parking 'space, near) |302, Oshawa Times. South GM. Telephone 728-2660. | pusiness couple requires one bedroom ONE-ROOM, suitable for working girl. apartment on or before August 15. No Near hospital, in quiet home. Telephone | children, Telephone Monday through Sat- 728- 4301. phat ltosl $7. WEEKLY. Light housekeeping room. NEEDED IMMEDIATELY by young fam-| Furnished and linen supplied. Woman pre- \tly, four- or five-room house or suite,|ferred. Private entrance. Hospital - High| approximately $75. per month. Telephone School area, Phone 725-8792. Brown's Bread between 8 a.m. - 6 p.m., as sont 27--Real Estate For Sele LET'S TRADE \in Whitby, for October occupancy. Tele- lot | | | | refer- from available now, parking, at 89 Oshawa Boulevard South. Telephone 728-0236. Storms and screens -- Twin sinks. Sodded front and rear -- curbs -- sewers -- side- walks and paved roads ~~ fully decorated -- hollywood kitchens etc. -- can carry as low as $95 monthly, in- terest, principal and taxes, Located in Whitby and Ajax. 942-0221 MANDERHILL REAL ESTATE LTD. FARMS FOR SALE 100 acreas--good grain and pasture land. 7 room house --barn 45 x 65 --- 3 good wells. Close to village and shopping. Immediate posses- sion -- $11,500. Terms, MURCHISON, SANGSTER & FOLKES,/ LTD,. REALTORS Fenelon Falls, Ontario Phone 89 _ KINGSMERE GARDENS, + one year old NHA resale. 2 storey, 4&bedroom home with attached garage. Priced at 414.960 | , for quick sale. You must see this one!| For information call Jack Sheriff, Hyman} (Real Estate, 728-6286, FURNISHED room in clean, quiet home, | - this house must be seen room --~ Ask. for PAL FOR A TOT By ALICE. BROOKS Delight a tot with this pussy- cat -- so soft, cuddly and BIG as a baby doll. | Dress playful puss 'in overalls) and shirt so a toddler can take, him along. Easy to make. Pat-| McCullough Dr. 3 bedroorm bungalow with large livin modern kitchen with dining area. Full price $13, 308. Audrey Moore, Froncis St. 1525 sq. ft. of attractive living in this split level home, extra lorge living room with stone fireplace, dining room, attached garage. Ask for Audrey Moore. 4839 sizes 2-8 Nad | WEE SKIMMER By ANNE ADAMS | phone Oshawa, 723-5014. tern 7320: pattern of puss,) Ask a little girl, and she'll] two.8eDROOM home with one or two clothes, directions. tell you it's the greatest fun|acres. to rent or buy within six miles| % ¢ b adius of Whitby. Telephone Whitby | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) tibet iit a ", ees - 60-5126, : spin o at's. why|-- for this pattern (no oo. this low-waist skimmer with |24---Houses For Rent please) to Alice Brooks, care Of|,iton trim is such a hit. as MADISON AVENUE, 514 | The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft) Printed Pattern 4839: 'Chil-|Shopping Centre. Three-bedroom bungs- Dept., Oshawa, Ont. Ontario|dren's Sizes 2, Down Payment b 4, 6, 8. Size 6|itgernatacs tin "urea et | : residents add 1c sales tax. Print/takes 15g yards 35-inch fabric.|aquits and one or two children oxanace Construction on Wilson Road PATTERN NUMBER | FIFTY CENTS (50c.). in coins|728-0981. : Bt ee ~"l(no stamps, please) . for this /BRICK "HOUSE -- seven rooms on ADDRESS. peatiora, Ontario residents add} retin a ae Oe) 3 FREE PAT-)2 Sales tax. Print plainly}-- exciting 1065| \SIZES NAME, ADDRESS, 25--Apartments S. D. HYMAN 200 de-} |STYLE NUMBER. TWO-ROOM furnished apartment, very Send order to ANNE ADAMS, |clean, available immediately, Suitab'e for) 728-6286 young couple or two nurses. 723-9990. [Fours BEDROOM bungalow, around "$800. TURE ROOMS, cell 2 canto East end. Taxes only $158, New THREE ROOMS, self - contained apart-| ce and one of the prettiest kitch- | "pil alo _ Wilby 'aan ee Hens In. town, We know you'll ike: this | pre Murray Boyle, 723-4270. Joseph | PARTMENT, three rooms, $80 manthiy,|Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377 | bat and water included, Apply apartment! -s55 Gown jor neat abadroom bunge 301 Cordova Road. ee low, full price $6,900. Nice lot, centrally SLOVER ROAD, 54 -- Three-room, un-|located in nice residential area Act fast urnished basement apartment, Private|on this one by calling Murray le, entrance, Telephone 723-6223, 723-4270, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 726-7377. - bungalow in immaculate condition, bright kitchen, finished rec,' room with bar and piano. Call $2500. DOWN Annes St.--3 bedroom brick bungalow featuring washroom off master bedrom, full 4. niece both, Oil heating -- one mort- qoge -- Ask for Pauline Hobbs, $18,500. Duplex--centrally located--each suite consists of 1500 $q. ft. living orea -- ultra modern large kitchen with loods and loads of cupboards --- 3 bedroms in each suite -- many many features not listed -- $4,000. down will buy Pine St.--$14,000.00 3 bedroom, 11% storey home featuring large modern kitchen and dining room, Nicely landscoped lot and garage --- close to downtown. Call now for an apt. to inspect. Lupin Dr large living room, to inspect. WATCH 0.D.H. AD ON SATURDAY MONSTER BINGO Over $500 in Prizes SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st AT 8:00 P.M. ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM SIMCOE STREET NORTH ADMISSION 50 CENTS All prizes doubied on"admissiwn ticket Your present home, or car can be considered os @ on a new home built Hogenboom Plainly North. NAME, First time! TERNS in big, Needlecraft Catalog! signs -- smart stoles, Jackets, eare of The Oshawa Times, hats, -toys, afghans, linens, | Pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ont. everything! Send 25c. NEW! 300 sparkling designs ar dren viernes ee § exciting fashion. and fabr DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 eatures plus coupon for ONF complete quilt patterns--pieced rREE PATTERN any on and applique; for beginners; ex-|you choose! Send for new Fall perts. Send 60¢ now. |Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c, Evenings call: Audrey Moore 668-4088 -- Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 Mr. Heitzner 668-8733 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. East Whitby 668-5853

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