(cso A Win Berth Oh | TELEVISION LOG |Olympic Squad WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffuie | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buttalo| Four marksmen captured berths WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buftalo WRUC-TV Channel Rochester |on the Canadian Olympic team CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto .. CKVR-T'V Chansel 2--Barrie eae earn tney won, is. FRIDAY BVENING | 9--Arrest and Trial 2:00 PLM. trials here." 1:00 Pom. menage 'iene 2--Richard 11) Gary McMahon, 32, of Dart- 'joPive O'clock' Matinee SATURDAY gob ig mouth, NS., and Bill Hare, 29 is a, V---Sir_ Lancelot of Ottawa, will carry Canada's 7The Early Show 42 boneye's Piaynouse Vadis eg colors in free pistol shooting] 2--Magilla Gorilis heise Co 4:00 PM. while Gil Boa, 39, of St. Cath- 4:30 AM. Bie fm arines and George Marsh, 25, of itive stoege 5:00 Pam. Manage = lified in 'the 'small- randegea Scaering " T*! | Pive cross-Canada pistol fin-|ot% it Vi--Btorytime with jeer +h eoe | oe with Motdahon scoring 1000 out u ssshe Tell t sco 090 ow preter Coder OAM, of a possible 1,200, Hare had a 2--Today 1964 s-Meta Presents 1,078 total to beat out third- os Pm opeye Wegrand Jy 4--Headline News gy oe eter - show. ag ee -- 6:90 PAM. een: apes 4-Ted 'Mack Amat rifle range 1t-4-3--News; Weather; 10:00 A.M. Hour gina On the " Boa, a world gold medalist in rifle Ot N-tweklebenry Houne SATURDAY SVE. . 6--Town Crier--Pubite 9--Cartoon 6:00 PLM. nai 1 axle, "yews CROSSWORD 0:4) Pan. ick Draw McGraw | 7--Early Show 6~Countrytime Prater Brinkley bigdog 4--Wrestling 7 N--Club 11 Dance. Party ' 1200 OM. P--Toastmaster Junior ime oe 2, eadd Goa befor There 8-2--Fireball KL- 4:30 Pom. : 4. Laberates ' FacNews Weather, ene Ae" | $Wagon Train fi 5.Genusof 28, Land Sports Playhouse Br phveeny § blue grass W: T : Sorrectured Flickers 11:00 A.M, 2--Billiard Champions 6. Father of Die 3 9--Meta Presents : : Git WATE Ie [S RRIA ead cae: $2--Dennis The Menace | 48 PM. EDM aE (STON bass -4-4-3--News: Weather: Dirett IV iF 6-2 Internationa! /--Cartoons } pport 7. Rub hard . ODT INMMAIPIEIS lose only a spade trick. ff = ea wa a : dailies 14, Hagles' 11, Impudent However, let's assume that Distriboted by King Features Syndicate. : The °s ! f UH- FoR. <--S 4 ; jae Greer MeWiniice 11:90 4M. \1--The Dave King Show newta 13. Guided one of the opponents shows out * YOU Fg . %--Cartoon Party 63--Hancock % i the fi 1 MINNI6 I FF : 6:00 P.M 7--Matty's Funnies UB Round Table Panei| 16. Employ 15. Pigpen ; on the first heart lead. If it is Bs z Dragnet NO! YOULL GET SOAKING 4 11--Combat 4-Roy Rogers 17. Abraham's 19. Roman y 37. Mongrels revving cod is no iggy t se -- 63--A Place For Every-| 2--Fury * 1:30 PM. birthplace money ( since North's queen can now be ™ (coorv1) | * ee k aes, (hing 12:00 NOON ee cee | 18. bleroed 20. Monetary trapped. If it is North who > 5 ' : 4 a -- oar PM. $2--Bollwinke ieee witha band A . Coup shows out, you will then have 7 9--Anay Griffith --Bugs Bunny 6--The Saint sword hailan to lose a trump trick, ( +2-00b Hape pg gg | er keg ng Comedy | 21,Receptacle 22. Continent: x 3 will still make the pod wih hod 63--The Defenders 1 Pam } f for sacred abbr. abbr. cashing the king of diamonds 4--Route 66 : ¢ instr * Mh and ace of hearts and playing ' fi 0 P.M, % Ni--John Bradshaw 9--Donna Reed '. 2a 9:00 P.M. 9--Up The Garden Path iin ax" 24. nage four rounds of clubs. If South Awl, Ite a " \ ; ee - I--Jamberee 8-2--Mr. Wizard tlie 5 ruffs at any point, he will have Za . Sn ek . | apart aia ieee f oper Sea Web Show " Prey oe eats en ee ee : sf stealameee . artoons ht awr eas ; if he does "not ruff, you can YA ~ Solet's Sing Out 1:00 P.M | 'othe Derenders | St" Overs pe throw him into the lead with a 9--Let's Sing Out | 31. Over: poet. <Z - $-2--That Was The Week | 11--Hobby Time With 7:00 PLM. Ss kncaker trump to achieve the samé re- sult, x | . Jane Gray 8-2--Movie : a maple p anion Zone eerie acuash pel Mahige $4. Monotonous Note that if you make the | F "i | 9:30 P.M 38, Exist mistake of playing the ace of 10:00 P.M. 4--Rural Review f i--Steve Allen | -B'wane Bon Le . hearts at trick two, the contract "it 1:30 PM. PR roehdb gd dep i ' es down if it turns out Mouse ba 7--Roller Derby | 4~sommer ik: ith has the king of spades eve | eee oo wimg , and no hearts. ur! er I 4 4-Alfred itcheock Hour 2--Telesports Digest | ppc is yw eg y Aap ab the 1:00 P.M. ele | n-Breekburter tft posta spade finesse at trick three, Il Naan eerie Ta vBaseban Geme of | 7 Ensign' O'Toole py Seize bed aid 90 and lost tie fineaee, pachdly "elas the Week 11:00 P.M. 49. Tidi you would probably go down 1:15 PM. | $Theatre | 19-6-7-6-4--2--News 50, Lean-to later on, losing a trick in each ava Mg : | 2--Parade of Champions} Weather: Sports . x suit, Sa-News and Sporm | hm) PM. HAS PAM. DOWN Instead, after winning the 11:20 P.M. | a Ay Ph ergata bet Buster Con 1, Clique heart return at trick two, ej 7-4--Late Show eB er Gh to al UR EP 2 Jewish the ace and another diam +31 11:30 P.M | Tbsbell Gime ot the} Pacseturday Night at month If North has the king, the queen pon Late Show Week ' The Movies of. diamonds develops into the additional trick we need. Sa woe ~ If South has the king, the effort to avoid a heart loser " @rincticns a er its lard crue . fails, but there is still a bi gre OH, SURE =YOURE THE|| IF THAT'S THE WA | ange substance on THERES Welt. of making the contract e HAPPIEST LooeN rs Y/ tiie carpet. OF the antetoom to Princése Soptids uta. A Lap eun rr tHecusH? spade finesse succeeds. Play BUNCH OF PEOPLE YOU CAN AND STAY AS LONG. THA gZ -- ) e diamonds of the 4. AS YOU CAN SSW IT LooKe xe ames offers two chances to I'VE SEEN IN A LONG make the contract instead of ae 40 Teachers 'Will Attend News Workshop By BRENDA LARGE OTTAWA (CP) -- Ways to use the daily newspaper as an edu- - cational es will ge yore by IN HIS RIGHT REAR AT EXACTLY 6:05 A.M.-- ' a group of some 'anadian MOLAR IS ATINY INSIDE HIS SLEEPING HEAD, Sinai7 biaore , pasty Dome and United States schoo! teach- TRANSMITTERS? THE 'BEASTIES' BEGIN TO SING PUEBLOS I e PETER, é LADDER ~. ape * ssp 3 vert arene 8 - e teac! piper NA: : workshop on "The newspaper in the classroom" at Carleton Uni- versity. The workshop, sponsored by the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association, started last year under the direction of Russell A. Wendt, chairman of Carleton's psychology depart- ment. Mr. Wendt, now dean of students at Carleton, is to direct it again this year. The 18-day program of talks and discussion groups is aimed at acquainting teachers with the varied information available in WELL; DID YOU FIND ou 4 TAKE BATHS ) e 14 [17S LIKE GRANDPA 4 @ newspaper for use as a teach- WITH ME! H HORSEHIDE s 6--Mr. Magoo MICKEY MOUSE vee Syudiente, Inc, 1964. World righte reserwit © King Few > ba =z 2° o ina bach oot & eel SECRET AGENT X93 © King Features Syndicate, Inc, 1964 World rights reserved. IN HIS LEFT REARI MOLAR ISA TINY 1-WAVE-LENGTH RECEIVING SET' LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER IWHATSS AILING YOUR FROG?) ei, SAID IN HIS LETTER... ing aid. : hey will be shown how to use newspaper stories to illus- trate lessons in such subjects as current events, social studies and geography, WILL HEAR TALKS The teacher will also hear talks on journalism from a num- ber of prominent publishers, journalists and university pro- fessors. : These include: T. E. Nichols, vice-president and publisher of the Hamilton Spectator on edi- torial policy and interpretative liber of th a Winnipeg Tribune, S % - / / / Sis 294 0 e peg june, MASEY AN ERIEND HY Ne? Mig Mane , > . ye AE Mop onvaenae on the role of the foreign cor- 15 EEK JONES, AN! HE LIVES OUT , pope 3 OR. CHET DAVIS WORKS THROUGH THE NIGHT ad MOVED FORA J Alt.] |respondent; Guy LaMarche, _ IN THE EWAMP! iiss Ne = : RECA: ON THE SERIOUSLY INJURED EVE JONE: ail f aol qaniihe Montreal La Presse on the press ' by Th \. WY e f } Mf / A ° . Pi' OS Fer: ee Ye eb A megrveevine| TRUM RL | [ee ee ae A / wn Va thur on "politics and the press." The professors are Wilfrid Eg- gieston, director of Carleton University's department of jour- nalism, and Dr. T. F. S. Me- Feat of the University of Tor- onto's anthropology department. SALLY'S SALLIES DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER YOURE ALWAYS | [$9079.98 MAKING 'THO a petty stain nif ; DID HE GIVE HERA ' Ze, PRescri THAT CASH-BALANCE | FIGURE T GAVE You hi ee ees) "Our fiexible mike is especially designed for statesmen, " |} emturee Symdvcate, ime, 1964. World nghie weerred. L