. 3 \ * ihe 2 = «© il ate ieee deal Ba arcs ees ee eee i a st yg ey WEES ea ee Ge Oe re Or |their original positions this sum-|which the Druids put them |mer by a team of archaelogists.| thousands of years ago. |Stones of the prehistoric monu-| Stonehenge was built some 'ment fell after the frosts and|time between 1800 and 1400 BC things over after I have. fin-|answer and pays: attention to it.|doing something on one's own. ished. Of course, a mother can dry} This world is filled with emo- Expert Replacing Please tell me what to do.ja glass better, or sew a hem|tional cripples who can't make) : ng | Ancient Stones i s ighter--she's had years of} ; j é s ' it known that he is in debt uplIt's a real problem.--HELPED|'traighter--s '|a decision or--having madé a) winds of winter and now theland is'one of the most popular TOO MUCH experience. Far more impor ldecision--are never sure it was is in. to the legal limit. 'tant than the shiny glass or the Some of the huge s'ones of Ministry of Public Building andjancient monumen' Britain. Should I tip off the chief ex-| Dear Helped Too Much: You| straight hem is ey feeling ofthe, right one. They had'stonehenge on Salisbury Plain, Works has directed that they be|Last year it was visited ecutive who would have/hope your mother reads my achievement that comes fromimothers like yours. |England, are"being replaced in returned to the positions inimore than 322,000 people. and I am furious on their ac- count. It is embarrassing for one friend in particular to have 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 29, 1964 wy Beauty Without Brains Won't'Help This One Dear Ann Landers: I am a 30-year-old man, good-looking, well-built, well-read and well- travelled. I have devoted so much time to cultural interests, music, art, and literature 'that g the business aspect of my life. As a result I have very little money, I would like to meet a fine woman and get married but this poses a real problem, I cannot stand homely women and I can't afford to marry a poor one. I have met dozens of women with money but I just can't look at them for more than 10 minutes without feeling|union and goes around telling it would not be worth it. everybody (after three marti- The beautiful women i've|nis) who owes what? known are all searching for) This is the situation in our someone who can set them upjorganization and it is more in style which of course, I can-/than I can stand. I am a mem- not. \ber of the credit union but I I am serious about this Ann.|do not owe them anything, Sev-|when I dny glasses or silver- I am not a crackpot, I haveleral of my friends do, however,!ware. Lots of time she dries the man removed at once? ADAMS ANNUAL Frankly, I detest him but I don't want to be responsible for a family man losing his job. Your advice is wanted,--B.1.X. Dear Bix: If Loudmouth has been talking through his marti- nis for several months, his days are numbered, Keep quiet and let one of the injured parties give him the axe. Dear Ann Landers: I'm a. 13- year-old girl who has a prob- lem spelled MOTHER. 'I love her but she is driving me nuts, Ever since I was a small child my mother had to help me do everything, whether it was homework, sewing on a button, selecting books from the library, or choosing the right dress to wear to a party. Just now mother asked me to look up a number in the phone book. I looked it up and she said, "That doesn't sound correct." She then went and looked up the number herself. I feel as if I can't do anything when I dry glasses or silver- she stands right behind me many qualities and could make a woman very happy. I need some outside help, Do you hap- pen to know of anybody. I will be happy to send a picture.-- Qrx. Dear QTX: I have a picture. Please don't send one. Why don't you forget about money and beauty and tny to find a girl with brains? There should be a least one working set in each family and I see no evidence that you have any. Dear Ann Landers: What do you think of a man who has a job as bookkeeper in a credit LOTS OF HOT WEATHER STILL TO COME 9 SPORTSWEAR 170. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE | - RU ////Z WZ ® TOMORROW ® FRIDAY SUMMER DRESSES -- 5.00 Regular to 10.98 : Z .00 Regulaf to 16.98 1 y .00 Regular to 24.98 @SLIMS @ JAMAICAS ® SKIRTS @ T-SHIRTS 2.00 3.00 4.00 5 In Most Cases These Prices Are Less Than FINAL 3 DAYS BERMUDAS @ SHORTS ® BLOUSES @ POP-TOPS @ SAILING JACKETS My @ SATURDAY NUN wET7 77, SS My QUAM; WS me j Qty @ SHIRTS 00 6.00 Half Regular Price ALL BATHING SUITS R EDUCED AT REDUCED PRICES -- ALL SALES FINAL -- PLEASE OPEN TO 9 P.M. 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SERTA MATTRESS & BOX SPRINGS 25% OFF. 129.8 Floor Samples : S Yi REET \\ 22" LAWN MOWERS 4 Cycle, 3 H.P. Motor, List $89.95 19" LAWN MOWERS 4-Cycle 2% HP Moin a 566: bist $7698 oo oi ei COTTAGE SPECIALS Used Chrome Suites. $] 9.95 All Summer Furniture Reduced to Clear Umbrellas, Tables, Chairs, Ete. Good Condition, Peacock Plate Glass MIRRORS 20% OFF "My QQ Mp Various Sizes 5 Year Guarantee /// TyTN AEARANY