Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jul 1964, p. 13

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Aaa inaniryansneenace teins ig sprite Be wate An been pi a OE HD BA EE GOOG Se oT Se bes: z gh will spefey te wa. next year to again to dispossess Italy, the peren- nial champions, y « . 190 AM 2:00 P.M. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 25,1964 73 ol ue N-Mis ny, Mating 8-2--. y re CONFOUND NOU, GOL, STOP IT! I fi Se Linke #-Password STOP IT, 1 sAv! | L, FeO oi! | EA ho ' ' 4-Pete ti 2:30 P.M. e : (2100 NOOW $-2--The Doct CHCH-TV Channel 1i--flamilton =CELT-TV Channel 6--Toronte) ¢_yoonday Report 7-Day In Court. WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffaie WBEN-TV Channel 4--Bultalo | $2--Sey nen a i WKBW-TV Channel 7--Bufiaio WRUC-TV Channel 8--Rochester| ¢--Eiwood Giover a0 4--News and Weether we CFTO-TV Channel 9--Toronte .. CKVi-7V Channel 3--Barrie &2--Another World stecsnar f to Howse | SAS fetes 'TURDAY EVE. s--Cartaons or jouse | 4--To Tell * 6100 P.M. 'Lame Unto My Feet talieand 12:30 P.M. 3--Summerama a ; Social Christianity = en Vi--The Buccaneers 1:30 PM. . J=Barly Show 101) AM. international Show. %--Playtime .with Uncle | 9_thestre $--Countrytime 4-Look Up and Li time : resting ihe tee use ereein Geery | PMT | scans See ie . SMP. and. Mrs. North! - 4300 am. - &-Search for Tomorrow | 6--Movie Manne Pee teter's Tak With |i) pewmue Ya45 P.M. 4-Edge of Night 6:30 Pam. Father Mestiia Wen Blaney 4--Qwiding Light 4:00 PM. | $--Wagon Train ints Wrestle 4--Mister Ed Movie N--Bar_ 11 Movie K | '| G=This ts The Lite 7200 PM, vgedltinge ee eee 8 PM ; Sheen | | 3-Ripcora 7--The Holy Mase 8Bill Dene Show bere aya F--Trailmasier | \---Family Theatre oK75 { . , 2---Billlard Champions 6--Church Service 6-3--Haze! 5 Bay ies hi &3--Mademoiselle &2--Huntiey BAITS "0 OPEN THIS LITTLE BOX AN' BL I gst Any Ny é' os PAM, 4--Comers Three stasis Sai sor de Paris Report e WHAT POPS DP, : iT verse Poad--News: Weather: | 11 comment end Mig ring 44--Republican Conver | $=TNe Seceet Storm 1:00 Pain The bidding: - 4 Sports Conviction Page Prag ton ¢ 9--The Farmers Daughter | West North Bast : 1100 PMA. "| $--Spectrum 8-2--Disney's World of ie PM. 4:0 PM. 7-6--News, "Weather, Pes 16 Pas 24, "The Dave, King show| 7--Mind Over Myth Color Vi--Love That Bob 9--Kiddo vray Pass 2@ Pass 2@ } 62--Hancock 4--The Way J--Empire 9--Caravan 63--Vacation Time 4~Zene Theatre Pal 4-UB Round Table Panel) 2--Sacred Heart &3--Chorus- Anyone 4A: fhe World Turns | 4~--Leave It To: Beaver | 3--Shannon Pass 3 Pass 386) a) &-Oragnet (2:00 NOON 4---My Favorite Martian | .3.--Movie 3--Popeye 2--Have Gun Will Traevi | 'Pass hy Pass ; :} 1 PM, 1i--Oral Roberts f 4:00 OM. 1 3 ican tinnenent coin. reenre | o43--e0. sullivan CROSSWORD Pass S& 4] t-Hestenenny tive an? Coaen 1m Pam, oe ee 7} 4--News; Wea! $--Sunday Movie . | one | oe ' JaArreat ahd Trisl DOWN DOWN This was Board 60, the last | 2--The Answer €-2--Grind! 1, Curved 1, Removed hand of the match between Italy ia) 8100 PMA. 12:15 Pm 9:00 P.M. 5. First man the bones . paaeaes yg PA | Congress | &6-3-2--Bonanze 9, Kind from, as jand the United States te de 7 | x J re a ae 4-The sg Game 'of dog fish pried ya world ~. q $2--Joey Bishop +t . pahelor Werher i 130 PM. 10. Any 2. Banish- pionship. was also bf J--Lawrence Welk SNOW | 9 "Dougias Fairbanks | 4--Brenner seemingly ment 11,268th hand to be io FI on tease 6--St. Lawrence North 10:00 PM. occult 8. Girt's the Second World Olym- Fee re ice. [thcRichard. Boies power nicknaime piad, a giant event ig 9:00 P.M. y Play d 9--The Hourglass 12, Like 4. Woody New York in May with 30 na 8-2---Movie 1:00 PLM. 8-2--Dupont Show of | &3-Great Movies i1--Continental Miniature | _ the Week | an old perennial tions entered. : i eee > " "9:30 PLM | 9--Album TV J; Dick Powell Show ae peers epg in result ble a. 4 ov 1 oS «/THEN We HADA BIG » a i 7--Discovery | | se ic. abbr. 7 a foregone con lusion w - > 2 ARGUMENT! an ToHolywood Palace | "Film Feature ae oa | 'pilefabric . 6, Any split last hand got under way. I 1 2 4--Summer Pityhouse 1:30 Pe 63--Question Mark 14, Vendor ulse: was ahead 146 interna' 10:00 P.M. | 11--Spotlight 'acehete Ay Line 15. Greek India nymphs 34, Conceals match ints to 112 at this Fi Pree | 9--all Star Theatr v Matures ~ 4--Gunsrn letter 7. Chills and 26. Sure 35. 1 7--Issues and Answers 11:00 P.M. point, but the players did not b. 10:90 P.M | gaccuuniry Calmnaar ree i ase 17. Dutch fever 27. Candle 37, Seneagie linow the score and were still 2 11----Biockbuster 2:00 P.M. | : commune 8. Fogging power: 39. Jason's ahip fighting hard on the last hand. Fi 9--The Twilight Zone 111 piny Graham Crusede 1:20 P.M 18. Sloths 9. One ot 4 abbr. 40. Peruse Th h 7--Ensign O'Toole |" Directions "64 | 9--Metro Final 21, Part of stationsin. 80,Nautical 42, Self e United States lost 12 11:00 P.M. | 6--World of Sport | 7-4--Late Show "to be" baseball chain 43. Lair IMPs on the deal, though some- 2 11-9-8-7-6-43-2--News) | 4--Sunday Playhouse _ | 2-Award Theatre 22, Steadf: : . what unluckily, Their North> 2) Weather: Sports | 11:30 PM. : _ Vi la Ia A / o |7 , had Bac en pop \ esa tae 25, Happen Y, South pair, Mitchell and Stay- 1--Block Buster Con- | §2--Malor League. Base-| 6-No Hiding Place 28, An a VAD man, had reached six clubs at Minuet } pall MONDAY eer the first table on the following 9--An: vice } ' Sa--Sarurday Night at | 3:00 P.M. Ld na pina 29.Happening die V/A wading: The Movies 11--Sunday Movie | 4-Captain Kangarce a w 6--Nigh) Metre | 9--Sports Specia! | 9:00 AM. again an Zz i 'est «North Bast South Movie | 7--Mv Little Margie | 7 Jack Lakanne Show again Pass 1@ Pass 19 - 1100 OM. 3:20 P.M. | 4--Popeye's Playhouse 31, Hesitation 7 i Pass 2 Pass 4 %-4--Late Show | aetv Hour of stars |* Ke ape * sound Pas 5 Pass 6 Fe 6--Sports 3 me | 9:30 AM. 32, Cunning y : ¢ nae ew. | rein | %--Tennessee Ernie Ford| 33, Tibetan Y 'The cotitract was certainly @ Pt 6--Fred Astaire Theatre Sowing | 10:00 A.M. gheep a reasonable one. at $ 12:30 A.M. | &3--Country Cslender | ¢.2---Make Room For 36. Devoure the. North-South cards, it 6Tlaht Rowe 4:30 P.M | tt" bag pro BS clear that e slam would i reiubeiotat acosuotas tshier | &3--Count of centipede' f= made far more-often than not, 9:00 A.M. | 6--Time For Adventure | , --Monte Cristo 41, Ventured st However, in the actual case, the Popeye's Playhouse | 4--Travel Films | 44. English East-West cards being divided 2--Cartoons 5:00 Pm. 10:20 A.M. atte the way they were, the slarh 9:30 AM. eer fit see kane 45. Scorch could not be made, Mitchell N--En France | 7--Wrestling | 63--Chez Helene 46. Strong two trump tricks and w 7--The Christophers 4--CBS Sports Spectacuiar| 4! Love Lucy | winds ~ |down one, : 2--Portraits of My People 5:38 PA 11:00 AA | 4% Agas Forquet and Garozzo, the 10:00 A.M, | 9--Sea 'Hunt 8-2--Concentration used h h : Mc ea ss TE err Italian North-South pait, hg pens tetas | S plent Bae ' | 'é-Loretie Young Theatre in signs stopped somewhat rel @--The Bible Answere | 3--Playhouse 90 | 4The Real McCoys 48. Poems at five clubs after six of bidding. They made exactly --_ five, adding one more triumph to a series of good decisions 7 they had made in the final ses- ion Lek! A | ' i 1 Had the East-West cards been o Ble ae divided more favorably for de- b¢ 4 clarer, twelve tricks would have 7' BEST Cnt ng been made and the U.S. would AR : have 'gained 18, IMPS' instead <p Hr] 8 . The final score Oo would have been 146 to 125 Lj instead of 158 to 112. e hq fe | | fad nn COUPLE EXPECTING -- - LONDON (AP)--<Actor Pete? Sellers and his bride of seven months Britt Eckland, are exe pecting a baby in January, says The Daily Express, Sellers, 38, still is recuperating from & heart attack he suffered in Hol- lywood last February, six weeks after he married Miss Eckland, 2l-year-old Swedish actress. "TAINT SO,SON. TH' WORLD bbc ot 1S KINDA ONE HH A SINGLE LIVE LEFT IN TH' VALLEY O'TH' 'LSHMOON- a ty death toll in the cholera epi- demic in central India has risen to 113 since July 1, authorities reported Friday. More than half the population of 60 villages in Maharashtra state has been inoculated in an effort te stop the outbreak, centred about 200 miles northeast of Bombay. SALLY'S SALLIES - y LI'L ABNER THE LONE RANGER FE Be bad © A] 2 8 | z wa | S o g | 3 ( "Oh, aay! Your head mast here HOW DOES | TARNATION/ ALL YOU HAVE TO D0 1 THIS THING | GIVE IT HERE, 16 HOLD IT LIKE -- You WORK 7 A YOU PUMBBELL . THIS o ieitoa i SERVICE STATION Deed AVAILABLE fashion & i= EXCELLENT opportunity for rection} right man, Good gallonage, : god location. tions } All Replies Confidentiel dressin WRITE BOX 43 Thirt} = Oshawe Times this pat to Alice Oshawa tario, tario r Sales ta SOME OF THE tf I FOR rey ape' Parevre | |{( aeeeLL ne aaa Mg hfe ag Maiad OH,HELLO, ROGER... | | HLGRANDMA.. | | GOODNESS. NO... IT JUST YOU me c A Y ro WILL DRIVE US --\\ 77 PEOPLE THERE | | My FACE EVERY ef I DIDNT KNOW WANTA HEAR SOME| | THAT ?... 'T GOUNDS SNOOZIN' / E v ¥y i oe geri, | agers | state Sea rar) neeetete'| (Vaareer A ral SASH i Ble 3 yeay Pas ; { : DOZED OFF C(neconoen Fy b> : | fg ) 9) 0 kS $ =) - > fy iF hits "cry = ~~ and ROOFING got eS = eS ay ¢ OME Sen DELUX 3 FREE DELIVERY | pe korg s "it i's LUMBER, ners, eg cell our NUMBER' 4 a i PHONE 725-1121: 53 ALBERT ST. ry ni

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