ate call [32--Articles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale Toa rs Cine) <b BO nn ULASSIFIED il Ho VERTISING ~ JULY i 2 + 'Ee af f i (Continued from Page 27) 29---Automobiles For Sale SPOT CASH PAID FOR. Good clean cars, Trade up-or _ down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 1958 CHEVROLET convertible, V-8 auto- matic. Power steering. Power brakes. Best offer. Phone Ajax 942-6604 after CHEVROLET piscayne, low mii age, sedan, standard 6, black, $1100 money down, will finance, Telephone ; : i ly f FF i i i i f : E] ly : i i df il its 2528 HI 3 ll ? i : i . 28 ;|boro. Telephone 1963 CORVAIR, Sh 7 is|2_ tone, automatic, $1,300. Dial Brooklin, 655-3359. 1953 PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, standard. peed. condition' Telephone" Aewmranvule '52 to '59 Chev's, Pontiacs, WRECK Buicks, and Fords. Telephone 726- NG © Old's 1956 FORD Fairlane, automatic, radio, heater, Oondiiton. $295. full price. 3604 St. Clair Avenue East, Scarboro, Ontario. 1955 CHEVROLET %-ton pickup with long in condition, Ne rust. Barrymore Road, Scar- 267-5932. ~ BEDNAREK Ya Block South of SALE 15% DISCOUNT on specified _ PAINTS, VACATION SUPPLIES, ' HOUSEWARE, GARDEN TOOLS FREE DRAW . for the Whole Family at HARDWARE AND VARIETY 450 SIMCOE ST. S. the Oshawa Dairy OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF MRS, SARAH E. NEWMAN The funeral service for Mrs. Sarah Edith Newman, who died at the Toronto General Hos- pital Friday, July 17, in her 77th year, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel today at 2 p.m. Kendalwood Seventh-day Adven- tist Church, conducted the ser- vice. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The pallbearers were Hugh Mash, John Conlin, Mike Sisson, L. Dunn, R. Robinson and Tom Buchanan. LAVERGNE M. FALLIS Lavergne Mulligan Fallis, a former Millbrook town council- lor and Cavan Township asses- sor for 15 years, died July 17 FUMED oak buffet and White treadie, sewing machine, Both in good condition, 'Cheap. Telephone Whitby 668-3976, WE BUY, sell, trade used furniture and jappiiances, Goold's Furniture, 215 Dun- das East, Whitby. 668-5481, RUG 9 x 12, green with pad, in new con- dition. Apply 145 Ritson Road South, side 1956 DODGE, radio, running cond}. tion, best offer; also terfield set, new- ly covered, black and white. 723-5001. CASH register. Refrigerator, pie case, salad table, dishes, etc, Used refrigerators 1958 CADILLAC Convertible, fully power- 'ed with all Cadillac featurse. Red with black top and red and white interior. Drives like a new car, Trade or terms. (2), typewriter, Telephone 728-9504, BROADWAY drums, red glitter. In good condition. Best offer. Telephone for infor- mation. 725-4210. 294 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, T 466-4646. TELEVISION tower special, 40-ft, struc: all channel antenna, in- 9,500 miles, price $1,900, 125-8955 before 5 o'clock. ture, staled and guaranteed by experts with 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television. 1962 HILLMAN Super-Minx, fully eqipped, East for service in the » July %4, at 2 p.m, In- ry. 1a Gen- ly 21, 1964, husband Miss Mabel Branton (Madeline), widred), all of 1956 CHEVROLET 1% fon pickup In good condition. All original inside and out. Color blue. 28 Barrymore Road, Scar- boro. Telephone 267-5932. 1962 CONVERTIBLE Impala 6-cylinder, standard transmission, radio, $2200. Ex- cellent 793 Grierson 728-2328. Telephone 728-5143. $5. DOWN buys any model Canadian made bicycle, All sizes, all models, From $34.95. Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. STRIKE IT RICH! Sell Things PERMA FOAM MATTRESSES -- Com- fort for allergy and backache sufferers. Free trial. Low prices. Terms. 725-8762. SEWER PIPE, used steel, standard size. Telephone-725-5121. 1960 CHEVROLET, Biscayne, 33,000 miles, Ermine white, wheel discs, new white walls, brakes, shocks. Absolutely "like new" condition. Sincere enquiries only. Telephone 728-4714, 1957 CHEVROLET Convertible, V-8, au- (Joy) of Yeo of ; Oshawa General Hos- iy Be 1964, Mary. Barrett, in her : widow _ of ba ere mother of Mrs. E. J. 0 WKarnioen) and grandmother 728-3978 after 6. 1964 FORD Galazie 500-XL_ convertible, fully equipped, brand-new. Private deel. Telephone 725-5127. tomatic, power brakes, radio, heater, 4 new tires, turquoise bive with white top and matching interior. Trade or terms. 294 Danforth Avenue, Toronto. Telephone 466-4646, 1960 VOLKSWAGEN je luxe, white,biau- punkt radio, excellent tires, auxiliary heater, ri motor, cally A-1, sound little car. Telephone| see ehelia Ann, Resting at the Gerrow 1958 PONTIAC four door, automatic, Good condition, Must. sell immediately asking 725-4398. Tell it to the World with WANT ADS ! RANGE Gurney - heavy duty, 4 burner, 21 inch, in good condition, $30, Telephone 725-5730. LAWN MOWER headquarters! New and used, 2 cycle, 4 cycle electric or gas- oline, from $15. up. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. ect West, Funeral Chapel, 390 King Sti t.| with R ee ears: $550. T Oshawa, High Requiem Mary's of the People's Church. Tver oa CORVAIR automatic, radio. Musi sell, best offer. 170 Park' Rood ft, BOS. day, July 23, at 10 o'clock. South. TENTS, trailers, sleeping bags, stoves, picnic jugs and coolers. Best prices. Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond You Don't Need, Through An Oshawa Times Classified Ad. 723-3492 Ireland Add 400 To Cyprus Force at Cobourg General Hospital. He was in his 80th year. Born at Millbrook, son of the late David Fallis and Hannah Mulligan, Mr. Fallis lived all his life in Cavan Township ex- cept for the last two years spent in Cobourg. He married the former Pear! Georgina Tinney at Millbrook on April 19, 1922, Besides farm- ing, he was an implement deal- er, He lived at the Fallis Line, the Seventh Line, Cavan Town- ship and Millbrook prior to go- ing to Cobourg. In addition to his long ser- vice as Cavan Township asses- sor and his two terms on Mill- brook's town council, Mr. Fal- lis was a member of the Public Utilities Commission and a war- den and Sunday School super- intendent at St. Thomas Angli- ean Church, Millbrook. Mr. Fallis was a 50-year mem- ber of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, No. 308, a mem- ber of the Golden Sheaf Re- bekah Lodge, and the Millbrook Lions Club. Mr. Fallis was predeceased by his wife. Surviving are two daughters and two sons: Mrs. Met McMahon (Beatrice) of Co- bourg, Mrs. J. J. Shannon (Nan) of Toronto, David of Oshawa and Kenneth of Millbrook. Also surviving are a sister, Miss Jessie Fallis, Toronto and two brothers: Harold of Toronto and Frank of St. Albert, Al- berta. The funeral was held Monday, July 20, at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Millbrook, Rev. W. Pastor M. M. Gutman, pastor of] p. FUNERAL OF. JOHN ASHWORTH The funeral service for John Ashworth, who died at the Osh- awa General Hospital in his 83th year, Saturday, July 18, was heid today at the Arm- strong Funeral Chapel at 3.15 .m. Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister of Northminster United Church, conducted the service. Inter- ment was in Mount Lawn Ceme- tery. The pallbearers were Don Moffat, William Ryder, Robert Marks, Albert Marks, Peter Chase, and B. Chase. J. F. ORVILLE SHORT J. F. Orville Short, 435 Al- bert street, died at the Oshawa General Hospital, today after a short i!!ness. He was in his 70th year. The son of the late Mr.. and Mrs. John Short he was born in Oshawa in 1894. He has been a resident of the city all his life. For 40 years he was employed by the Robson Leather Com- pany in Oshawa. Mr. Short is survived by his wife, the former Lillian Scott; four daughters, Miss Mabel Short, Mrs. Alfred Branton (Madeline), Mrs. Douglas Bran- ton (Mildred), all of Oshawa and Mrs. Ted Fernley (Joy) of Toronio. A sister, Mrs. Bertha Yeo, of Bowmanville and seven grand- children also survive. He is resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home for the memo- rial service in the chapel Fri- day, July 24, at 2 p.m. Rev. John Porter, minister of West- minster United Church, will con- duct the service. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Police Fail Jail Banks MONTREAL (CP) -- Police are keeping a close watch on Hal C. Banks's home in subur- ban Pointe Claire after two fu- tile attempts Tuesday to appre- hend the deposed president of the Seafarers' International Un- ion of Canada (Ind.) and take wey Today's Stock TORONTO 11 A.M, STCKS By The Canadian Press ++ toronto Stock Exchange--July 22 .. (Quotations in cents unless marked. $, %--Odd lot, xd--Exddividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrents. Net change Is fro. previous boarddio5 cl9sing sale.) INDUSTRIALS 1INet Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 200 47 535 $31% 31% 31% -- Ve 35 43% 4% 100 $4834 48% 48% 50 $78%% 28% 28% 25$101 101 101 --% 700 $17% 17% W%4--% We 14% + Ve 16V2. 162 17% 175% Alum 4% Alum 2 pr Anthes A Anthes C pr Argus Arg C P pr 500 [14% Atlan Acc 225 $162 Atl Sugar 100 $17% Atl Sug A 169 323% 235% 23% Bank Mont 7a 66%4 6678 + Vo 74a 742 53% 58% + 45 45 7% 572 572 $13% 132 13% 25 $50¥2 50¥2 502 225 $i 7a 1% 1568 375 375 375 +10 BA Oil 412°$34 34 34 BC Forest 115 $33% 3342 3342--V BC Sugar pr 120 $19% 1934 19%--% Brown 730 $17%417%4 Wik -- Ve Build Prod 205 $36¥2 36% 362 Cai Pow 200 $2394 23¥2 23%4-- CD Sug 50 325% 25% 25% -- Ve Can Malt n 525 $21% 21% 21% + Ve C Safe 4pr 7220 $96%a 962 962 Brew 965 S11% 11% 14+ Ve C B Al A w 90 170 170 170 C Chem-w 700 785 785 785 C Colli 63pr $19% 17% 19% $662 6512 $10% 10% $22. 2 pr Bowater pr Bowater Brazil U U Vv Vv $46 $13% $1536 $57% $55 $11% $10% $9 $38% 4% 13% 15% 57% 5% W% 10% 9 38¥2 Ww WwW Ww Coronation Coron 2 wis Crain RL Cygnus A Dale Dist Seag D Bridge Dom Elect Dofasco Dom Dom Dom Dom Dom Econ Inv Exquisite Falcon Fed Gr pr Fleet Mfg FPE-Pion pr GMC 140 --10/] Al 62% + Ve Va 40 «(140 $62% 62% $21% 21¥2 $12% 12% $25% 25% 86% 6% $11%4 11% $22%4 22 110 $23 22% 15 $27¥2 72 800$12 12 720 $8 8 201 $74 74 74 125 $29% 294 29%4--"%e 66 8 4Va-- Ve 2 Stores Tar Text P; 500 66 50 $54¥2 Sél¥2 5. z10$102 102 10: 2100 $12% 12% 12% GL Paper 150 $27% 27% 27% GN Cap B w500 75 75 75 --§ Gr Weg G 100 $16%e 16% |6¥%e-- % Hd Chem A 200 $ll¥% 11" lla+ % Hardee 500 98 % +1 VM 7% Hawker-S 300 $7% 7 V4 -- Vo 10 $100%2 100¥2 192 + V2 Globe A T Hawker pr Trans PPL Un Gas Wainwr WCoast Tr Weston A Woodwd O Cem w 1000 4 ira Sec 2 lau F Va S'S 369 $18% Shell | pr Shell 1 wts 425 789 Slat B 5% pr so) Southam $: $256 25% 500 $12% $42V0 $19% $9 $23% $10% $10% $13% 35 Corp B in Steel ersatile ic G Tr alk GW $37% $18% $17% $19 $10% Pacific est A wts A Iminex Pas non Ye 23% 23%-- 000 44 438 rh 330 161 28 $19% 825 rovo Gas Spooner Stanwell Teck Corp riad Oil 1 Ne Stock 'Sales High Low a.m, Ch'ge L Lay 1% = 6 1246 12V-- 6% 6% 1512 15¥e 18% 45 1% Wat % 2» 2 Nea 66¥2 12% 12% 23% 23% 0 $27¥ 390 390 +5 330 9 «+1 330 156 2 2 WY 19% 825 825 --5§ 54 +1 of = 6 2B 2 -1 25% -- Ve $18%e 18% 18% + Ve 3 SB 100 $58 366% 66% + 42 19% Wht Ve 9 os + %) t Marke i i 5 i ; H $8 #3 A an oe 2 Bi geese eBsnsebe.s.38 +% geese fall saspebo asd sasrSSo.8.5 5u2iee3 = poasges 835 =B3 sB2zeuge8 HERE me Se sy 5ede 53 stth ltt 3 2. ; 3 538 S28 08s eaadd 38e8see S338x8 = = > gy - oman . EELigerrrt iri ittd exBeces3 eS. SoBe sicenSZER8 888 SeseSversssurks oSy Bsuskisy esa8 103 26 15 245 248 56 +1 15% 200 1 oO HY 1900 12% 124 12%4--1% 1000 21% 212 21%4-- vy +1 2 12 7 9 a2 egg sBsa = 8s 8eBeSea8 B58 go8s oy Bsgsz 8EsB = 3 > 4 3 er Street West. WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- Sregorys cemetery. gS 300 $19% 19% 19%4-- Ve 1050 $19 «19 «619 Harpur of Millbrook was assist- Hyg him to prison. Home B 3 OTTAWA (CP)--External Af- LOCKE'S FLORISTS 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian Funeral arrangements and floral requirements for ll occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING S pales SERVICE PHO! wad HOUR 18-6555 Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW NERAL HOME a STREET. WEST TELEPHONE 728-6226 hard eight-cylinder, automatic, radio, sacter, "wnitewalls, discs, seat. belts, original owner. 728-3013. ture or anything you have. Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. The City 30--Automobiles Wanted CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? 33--Market Basket DELICIOUS Montmorency cherries. Pick (og own. W. H, Gibson, Newcastle 987- Sell vour used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the' New Car dealer and "SAVE" PICK son street, north-east of Whitby, one mile north of Highway 2. 25 cents and 30 cents per quart. Mr, Kuenen , your own strawberries, on Ander- TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS OF JORDAN FLORISTS We will be closed for vaco- tion, Uuly 27 to Aug. 3rd) THANK YOU $ ALL CASH $ NEW potatoes for sale, wholesale prices, M. Van Dyke Ist road west of Ashburn: First farm on right side. Phone Brook- in, 655-4753. For clean cars or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid ff. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Roya! Hote] WHITBY 668-3331 LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. 220 RASPBERRIES for sale. metie raspberries. Ready picked pick yourself at Chomko's Farm. Tele- phone 668-4606, PICK your own raspber: son Street North-East mile north of Highway 2, Mr. Kuenen, CHERRIES, $1.10 per basket. Pick your own, Turn north on Lambs Road, sign, just before Training School. Large Willa- or you ries -- on Ander- of Whitby, one Robert Friedrich, Bowmanville, y 75c. watch for Wentworth East. 725-1181. OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto Wreck- 34--Lost and Found ers, 1175 Nelson Street, want cars wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4225. 31--Automobile Repair OSHAWA Tuneup Centre offers expert carburetor and auto electric service, 222 King West 728-0817. TRANSMISSION Specialists -- Transmis- sions are our only business, 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339. 5 [LOST -- German swers to "Polly", white and brown. Vi- 728-5781, LOST -- Two lawnchairs, one green, one short-hair dog, An- cinity Trull's. Road, Courtice. Telephone yellow. Yacht. Club 725-4313, 36--Legal Sunday. Vicinity of Oshawa behind boathouse, 723-3718 or fairs Minister Martin said Tues- day that there is a round of meetings going on among na- tions contributing to the United Nations force in Cyprus. He said in a Commons reply to Opposition Leader Diefen- baker that he met representa- tives of Ireland, Sweden, Fin- land, Britain, Australia and New Zealand Tuesday. There would be further meetings to- day and Thursday at New York. Mr. Martin noted that Ireland has agreed to add 400 men to its Cyprus contingent. Mr. Martin did not state spe- cifically the nature of the meet- ings but they are understood to concern future action of the force in event of a continued arms buildup by Greece and Turkey in the island. Mr. Diefenbaker asked whether any extra authocity has been given the Canadian contin- gent. This authority had too often been emasculated. Mr. Martin said additional powers had been given the UN force in Nicosia about a week ago. ed by Rev. Frank Lee of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Co- bourg. Interment was_ in . St. John's Cemetery, Ida, Ont. Pallbearers, all members of IOOF, No. 308, Millbrook, were: Edward Nattress, Richard Wood, Donald Lang, Wilfred El- son, Eric Fallis, Marshall Lar- mer. Relatives and friends who came from a distance included Mr. and Mrs. Kayler, Langley, British Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ray, Sunderland; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fallis and Miss Jessie Fallis of Toronto. FORTUNEAU (FORGE) BIRD Fortuneau (Forge) Bird, 930 Olive avenue, Oshawa, died of a heart attack at his cottage near Wellington, Ont., Monday July 20. He was in his 70th year. He was born in Kingston, Ont., in 1894. He married the former Adelaide Yeomans in Kingston in 1918. He was a resi- dent of Oshawa for 42 years. For 14 years he was employed by Sklar Furniture Company in Oshawa. He was an_ active member of Holy Cross Church. Mr. Bird is survived. by his A writ of arrest has been taken out against the burly for- mer Montreal waterfront power, still vice-president of the SIU of North America, to begin serving a 30-day sentence in Bordeaux jail for contempt of court, The first attempt by bailiff Andre Landriau to serve the writ was rebuffed by a woman, apparently a housekeeper, who said Banks was not at home. Mr. Landriau then returned the 16 miles to downtown Montreal to obtain a Superior Court search warrant but when he re- turned Tuesday night, Banks Horne Pf Hur Erie Husky Imp Oll Imp Tob Ind Accep Ingersoll A Inland Gas Inland G w Int Bronze IBM new Int Nickel Int Util Inter PL Int Stl P Inv Syn A 350 350 350 $66V%e 66Ve 66% $9% 9% I% $51%4 51% 5158 -- Ye $135 13% 1358+ Ve $23% 23% 23% 100 $10 -10 10 +% 700 $8% 8% 8% 100. 99 9 90 215 $3 «623 22$505 505. 505 170 $87. 87 87 --% 245 $27Ve 27 27% + Ye 80 $89% 895 89% -- % 100 345 345 345 275 $66%4 662 66% 100 $22% 22% 22% 300 $8% 8% s+ 300 55 50 75 175 15 $21%% 21% $9 9 ITL Ind pr Jefferson Jock wts Kelly wts Labatt Lafarge 175 1+ 9 ----% 290 B 560 704 Lafarge wis as 2 2 2+ LOnt Cem p $13%e 13% 13% was not in his home. The writ was obtained by lawyers for the Upper Lakes Shipping Company, which had prosecuted Banks in a civil ac- tion for contempt of court. Banks was convicted of allow- ing SIU members to picket an Upper Lakes ship in Trois- Rivieres, Que., in defiance of a court order. The former SIU boss,' ousted in March by the federal board of maritime trustees in control of the union, is also awaiting an at Detroit's two daily newspa- pers moved into its ninth day today. uled. Mediators said. both sides were on call. Free Press have been closed Detroit Newspaper Strike In 9th Day DETROIT (AP) -- The strike No negotiations were sched- B Nama Cr 2000 Black Bay Bralorne Brou!l Reef Brunswk Buff Ank Bunker % 1000 ive 22% 160 53° 52 Atl C Cop Atlin-Ruf Bankeno Bankfield Barex ase Mets aska B-Duq Beliteerre Bethim ibis 000 1500 15 35 49 eee} $12Ve 12¥e-12¥e + Ve Vg 13 «12 3 18% 18% 84+ v7 +5 +a +H 670 665 670 26¥a 26% 262 -- Ve 39 3% 39 +1 15 15 385 «(385 "e #" 919 920 48 149 1 1 1% --2 22% +12 v7 +5 saess8 seges88ee85 anges8Bs.83s $F Seeee83eee2 e38s 485 420 440 --38 140 133: 133 «133: «2 00° 8 8 8 1000 17% 17% e+ 1500 27 26% 26¥2 8000 20 20 FOREIGN YRADING 100 6:5 615 615 300 410 410 410 Leitch +78 Sherritt The Detroit News and Detroit since a strike called by the In- ternational Printing Pressmen's Union Local 13 and the affili- ated Plate and Paper Handlers Union Local 10 the night of July 13 over terms of new con- tracts. IN THE MATTER OF THE CHANGE OF NAME ACT, REVISED STATUTES OF ON- TARIO, 1960, CHAPTER 49, AND AMENDMENTS THERE- TO: AND IN THE MATTER OF THE CHANGE OF NAME OF WILHELM FRANZ SAM- ULSKI, ELISABETH SAMUL- SKI, SONJA MARIA SAMUL- SKI AND FRANK GERHARD SAMULSKI. TAKE NOTICE that on ap- plication will be made on Thursday, the 13th day of August, 1964 at ten-thirty o'clock in the forenoon E.D, S.T. under' The Change of Name Act, RS.O. 1960, Chapter 49, before Judge Alexander C. Hall, in his Chambers at the Court house in. Whitby, Ontario, by Wil- helm Franz Samulski, of Osh- awa, Ontario, to change the name of the above persons to Wilhelm Franz Sanders, Elis- appeal of his conviction and five-year sentence after being found guilty of a charge of con- spiracy to assault a rival union officer with intent to wound, maim or disfigure. wife Adelaide, four daughters, Mrs. Garfield McKnight (Doris), Mrs. Walter Beattie (Ethel), Mrs. Phillip Wales (Margaret) and Miss Harriet Bird, all of Oshawa, one son Leo of London, Ont., five sis- ters, Alice, Marguerite, Delia and Marion of Kingston, and Mary Rose of Watertown, New York, and two brothers, Leo and Billy of Kingston, 14 grand- children also survive. He is resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Requiem High Mass will be sung in Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church, Thurs- day, July 23, at 10 a.m. Rev. M. J. Darby will conduct the service. Interment will be in Resurrection Cemetery. . Prayers will be held at the funeral home Wednesday, at 8 p.m. 32--Articles for Sale | HAVE A SECRET WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16% BOND W. 728-4401 Patio Stones, Screen Blocks, Sand, gravel, top soil, stone, Plastering materials wall- boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- ing, Tile 668-3524, SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED Fuel and Builders Supplies _244 Brock St. S., WHITBY, Ont. CHORD organ, .ike new; 24" Moffat range, mew condition; >uffet, arborile; wringer washer, A-1 mechanically. For best offer, Whitby 668-5126. Chef, like sew, with ali at- fachments; 22 Stevens rifle, somi auto- matic, like new. Bowmanville 623-3495, washers, $35 up. omatic washers, sud saver, $75 up. Heavy duty 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS WRENHOF -- In loving memory of & : daughter, Karon Lynn Veenhof, a ssed away July 22, 1958. Co. oftbe in the arms of Jesus, M: _jafe on His loving breast, there by His deeb ler Aweetly thy soul sI 5 ed by Mummy and 5 and Sandra. g MONUMENTS--MARKERS were 1 RIMAR long Vi MEMORIALS Surface' 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA which EVENINGS FICE 9054 002 728-6627 CARD OF THANKS RAILEY SUSPENDED Cincinnati (AP) -- National League president Warren Giles suspended Pittsburgh infielder Bob Bailey Monday for two days for what he termed a "bumping incident" with um- pire Ed Vargo in Sunday's Pittsburgh-Milwaukee game at Milwaukee, Giles said Bailey and Pirate coach Frank Oceak also were fined. New Technique May End IN THE ESTATE OF DAVID FANTHAM, deceased. PICK 68 WELLINGTON, New Zealand) (AP)--New Zealand selected a team of 60 men and eight women Monday to compete in the Tokyo Olympic Games. Eleven sports are represented. The team includes two present Olympic titleholders --- Peter Snell in the 800-metre run and Murray Halbert in the 5,000. All claims against the es- tate of David Fantham, late of the Township of Pickering, in the County af Ontario, who died on or about the 17th day of June, 1964, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 28th day of Au- gust, 1964, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. SOLOMON -- The family of the late Thomas H. Solomon wish to thank their many friends and neighbors and relatives for all kindness shown them in their recent bereavement. Thanks to Rev. Mr. Arthur Magee, minister of Centre Street United Church for conducting the ser- electric stove, $35 up. Electric dryers, $65 up. All makes and models. A'! re- built and refinished. Fully guaranteed for 3 months. Delivered. Free instatiation on automatic washers. Some units to be. seen are in Oshawa. Call Caesarea 984-4926, collect. abeth Sanders, Sonja Maria Sanders and Frank Gehard Sanders. DATED at Oshawa, this 6th doy of July, 1964. DATED at the Township of Pickering this 22nd day of. July, 1964. COMING EVENTS | OSHAWA Nightmare Of Surgeons WASHINGTON (AP) -- That The method was developed by vice and his many visits to the iiCAMERA bag, curtains and bedspread, iso to the Gerrow Funeral Home fot the! iadies' rings, men's nylon shirts, top coat efficient and kindly manner in condvet-| and ties, well tile, jacket heater, ralling, ing the funeral. Also fo the boys of GM {| Simplicity dryer, planter, garden arbor, iment 85 and 8%. Also Dr. Russel/iog! chest, rabbit, bantam chickens, pigeons, seed and pens, cherries and dew worms, Call after 7 p.m., 728-1165: 1% WEST with stand, one year old, $135; Go-Kart, ex cellent condition, $100. Telephone 723-4047. CAR PARTS. Wrecking '55 Buick, good motor, automatic transmission, etc. Call 668-3042 or 985-2916. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appil- ances. Name brands at biggest discounts anywhere. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture fines. Your author- ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West. 728-9191, ENCYCLOPEDIA Americana 30 volumns children's 10 volumns, 10 natural science world atlas. Reasonable 728-5089 TV TOWERS special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture with ail channel antenna, installed $50. Oshawa TV Suppy Ltd., 361 Gibbons Street, 728-8180. GOOD used clothing, suits, coats, dresses, trousers. efc. Reasonable prices. Len Pullan 10-12 Prince Street 728-5311, DISCOUNTS! Apartment size ranges, re- lfrigerators, GE, Gibson, $123.88 up. Honest Cal's, 424 King West. 728-9191. Dr. Joseph Moody of Elliot Lake, Ont. He enlisted the aid of Professor Richard H, Tom- linson of McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont., health physicist at the university's nuclear re- actor establishment, TAG SPONGES Tiny quantities of radioactive cobalt--from two to 10 micro- curise--are_used to tag surgical sponges. A combination of ra- dioactive cobalt and aluminum is incorporated in the rivets of surgical clamps. The tell-tale radioactive sig- nals from the surgical equip- ment can be picked up at all times by a standard radiation- detection instrument known as a scintillation counter. "This technique" Dr. Moody told a correspondent for the medical newspaper, -"'wil! not only safeguard against instru- ments forgotten in the patient but can be applied in other ways." LIONS CLUB BINGO WED. NIGHT $1,200 in cash prizes Jackpot Nos, 54 and 55 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION Children Under 16 Not Admitted NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENINGS 7:45 at ST, GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Game $6, $12, 20. May be doubled or tripled nightmare of all surgeons and surgical nurses -- the fear of leaving instruments and sponges inside the patient after an operation--may be eliminated by an atomic-age technique. Canadian doctors, it was re- ported today, have developed a seemingly foolproof method of tagging all instruments and sponges with a radioactive ma- terial so they can be detected at all times, even when hidden from direct. view. Thus, according to a report in Medical Tribune, a news- paper for physicians, "A post- operative check of instruments and sponges may be made sec- onds before the closing of an in- $170 IN JACKPOTS cision . . . to ensure that none Door Prize $15 have been left in the patient." OSHAWA JAYCEES Monster BINGO Thursday, July 23rd David Fantham and Albert Corbett, Executors, by Cecil R. Crawford, 4 Richmond Street East, Toronto, their solicitor. McGIBBON & BASTEDO, Barristers & Solicitors, 20 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. Solicitors for the Applicant. KINDERGARTEN ENROLMENT TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY The T.S.A, Board of East Whitby is giving consideration to the possibility of operating Kindergarten Closses ot Raglan School as of September, 1964, Interested Parents ore asked to register their children in writing, giving number and location in East Whitby Township, to the Secretary before August Ist., stating preference of morning or afternoon classes. It will be necessary to show that child will be 5 yeors of of December 31st, 1964, before attending depal and Ward 16. | The Solomon Family.) Now is the time to Sell that Outboard Motor boat trailer or any other boating accessories. The following ad appear- ed in the Oshawa Times Classified Columns and the boat and trailer were sold the first day. 1959 SCOTT motor 110 hp 14-foot Peterborough - strip boat steering wheel and con- trol, 1960 Tee-Nee trailer PRINTED PATTERN SIZES 12%-22% A Radiant Original FLATTERY OF RUFFLES A cool cascade of circular ric? Tissue faille, crepe, linen, ruffles is fashion's freshest, shantung are all fine. Printed: most feminine detail -- as ; F : Pattern M108 is available in' t pictured in Printed Pattern Half Sizes 12%, 14%, 16%, M108. The diagonal neckline is a favorite Radiant desigm. 1844, 20%, 2244. Size 16% re- BUY and sell, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South. 723-3771. full price, $450 cash. Str Telephone Ready buyers are eagerly waiting for them. . Let Classified Ads help CANVAS awnings, curtains, canopies, Complete service. Free estimates. No waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll- cators chequewriters, | comptometers, files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, ser- vice, Largest stock, budget terms. New and used, Low overhead, jow prices. Bill Raglan. you too. 723-3492 BUYING or selling furniture or appli- classes, closses. There is no assurance t arranged for the coming schoo! "ranged, after the Boord ascerta The Board will provide no transportation for these hat Kindergarten classes can be | year, Much remains to be ar- ins if there ore enough children enrolled to warrant two classes per day. Please do'no enrol a child unless tendance is to be maintained ances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 263-2695. T.S.A. Board o @ serious effort for good at- f East Whitby 1 -- $150 20 GAMES AT $20 -- 5 GAMES AT $30 $20 PER LINE PLUS $50 PER FULL CARD 2 --- $250 JACKPOTS JACKPOT NOS. 50 and 55 $10 PER LINE PLUS $200. PER FULL CARD IN 50 and 55 NUMBERS THIS WEEK PLUS $25 CONSOLATION PRIZE $150 TOTAL PRIZES GUARANTEED IN THESE TWO GAMES EARLY BIRD GAME JACKPOT radioactive needle ments against a bone can .be spotted, and instruments other- wise lost or misplaced could be located." bility of hazard. to operating- room teams from repeated han- "For example, the tip of a that frag- Still under study is the possi- sleeveless, feature and the most slim- ming for the fuller-bosomed, half-size figure. waist, all is slenderness. Note the back of the skirt --see how paneled seams create a nice flow of smoothness over the hips. Choose your sleeve version with season in mind -- shortsleeved now and for tranition time, three- Below the uires 35g yards 39-inch fab- ric, Send ONE DOLLAR for: - Printed Pattern M108 to Pat- tern Department, The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add 3 cents sales» tax. Please print plainly YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. Next week -- Watch for a Prominent Des: BABY CARRIAGE, only used once, white and Good 'e blue. buy. Fer information $1.00/dling of radioactive in- EXTRA PRIZES ADMISSION] struments. J. H. Pascoe--Sec.-Treas. IDOOR PRIZES Oshawa RR No, 2 D.R. Clark--Ghairmon igner Pattern 1 RED BARN, OSHAWA quarter sleeves later on, Fab- by Rembrandt, Vy