i Sytaetiorisie "es ae me ¢ 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 11.--Articles For Rent 16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted BOATS - MOTORS, TRAIL- RELIABLE ERS - TENT and CAMPING WANTED PAINTER WANTED GEAR. Wilde Rental Service Woman Housekeeper We hove Rape jourd and Sales between 30 and 40 years to vob : 1415 Dundos E. ote cone ie charge of Upton's Paint Store \~, id, ' WHITBY S6ns226 | foumbeld: dam . = 25 Bond East 723-2977 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, child welcome, sy is SENIOR SALESMAN ireducing machines, sick room supplies.| Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. | CHAIRS, card and banquet fables, church! -- Please phone after 6 p.m. to call on stores, offices, garages, industries, «schools, hospitals, etc., 725-5225 our age ge rite ee - REGISTERED NURSE aisle runners Cleve Fox Rentals, 412) Sim required for Ontario Training THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 22, 1704" 26 : Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Building Trades |Mortgages PIGDEN ROOFERS lnerkgasear Intenes Ga corms EAVESTROUGHING sale purchased, Creighotn, Drynan and CEMENT WORK |Murdoch. (See "Barristers." GENERAL REPAIRS | SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT |Gardening and Supplies SOD AND TOP SOIL Oshawa Garden Service 1259 SIMCOE NORTH Phone -723-1161 Accountants BOB CLANCY'S accountng Service. Complete bookkeeping service, Wg Bond Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-760: MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS = Co., Chartered A 728-7527; Shopping Centre, Suite 215E, Ajax, 942-0890; Whitby 668-4131. LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Accountant, Su:te ug , Oshawa "fo 4h YALLEY oF, -- DEATH RODE THE $1X HUNDRED? AS TENNYSON wRofe I THE "CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE? 15 A UUSTIFIED EXPRESSION. AFTER THE FAMOUS SUSE | AT BALAKLAVA IX 1854, THE GROUND WAS LITERALLY COVERED WITK RUSSIAN CANKON BALLS. reet North. Call 723-2414, | 12--Articles Wanted SHAW te 'Musical Services |PIANO, reed, Pipe and electronic; organ jtuning and repair, instruments appraysed, iA. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, i i hone © Bowmanville 623-3610 West Hill 282-0943 Chartered Shop- i ping Centre, 725-9953. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND D 6O., th ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build- ing, 187 King --_ East, Oshawa, On- tarlo, 725-3509; $. Hopkins, CA; H. &. » Beadle, CA; C. thy CA, wn ge FRIEDLANDER and Co., ed Accountants. Lcensed Trustees Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 728-7371. WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered A countants, 114 King Street' East, Oshawa; Ronald R. D. Wilson, CA; G. Edmond Burrows, CA, 728-7554. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Ontario. Telephone 723-1221. 6 CEMENT WORK WALKS, STOOPS, FLOORS, CURBS, and PATIOS B. McLEAN Phone 725-5946 SAND, gravel, loam and will. | jto Ajax, Oshawa and area. 7. | Whitty 668-2660. Eric Branton, ELECTRICAL WIRING and repairs. | Quality work at a reasonable cost. Grand- view Electric, 62 Grandview South, 723-| 3125. ATTENTION farmers and all | Barristers-Soll-| owners! Get your plastering stucco Lg Mortgage funds|pairs done now by calling "Honest Mel"; Whitby, 668-3794, Barristers MACKEY and BAILEY, citors, Notaries Public. available, 362 King Street East, 723-1107, | JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, 8B CARPENTRY, cabinets, Arborite, Solicitor. Money to loan. Office, 14% King/bathroom and kitchen remodelling. I Street East, Oshawa, 728-6232. ing, wall and floor tiles. Telephone col- SREER AND KE lect 985-2674, GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli-' sf citors, etc. +14 King Street East. Dial /ALL 7 TYPES of bu building rei $, roofing, 723-2278, Resi e Phones: J. M, Greer,|chimneys, fireplaces, sidewalks, stoops, QC, 725-3368; Te: = dBA V. Keily, BA, BCL.| |Gordon May 128-0394, Hessen ~ JOFING, concrete ticors, flat McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, | jour specialty. New work and Solicitors. Clients' funds available -- for! |Large and small jobs. L. and H. first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street. North |and Construction, RR a 725-6937. 728-7336. Charles C. _McGibbon, Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Norman Edmondson. rooting repairs. Rooting QC; PLASTERING, new A. Woods, 143. Clarke Street, ) tucco, 728-3420. Delivered Telephone | REEL TYPE lawn mower sharpening and and| and repairs, shears sharpened. Pick-up delivery. 484 Montrave, 728-6879. scraps. 'Painting and Decorating Instruction Announcement We ore pleased to announce | that Atlantic School was ac- | credited by the Accrediting Commission of the National | Home Study Council meeting in session on January 23, 64, The Accrediting Commission has been approved by the U.S. Office of Education as a "nationally recognized credit- ing agency" under the terms of Public Lows 82-550 and 85-864 Each accredited school meets the following standards: 1, ff has a competent facul- ty, Ae offers educationally ond up-to-date courses. | It screens students care- | g ----|CHARLES A. BRADLEY and Sons Lid. UNS LIKE re oe DREAM ) | | (GENERAL PAINTING and decoratirg, ing and furniture re-finishing. | Telephone 728-0225, IN MS HEA GREEN Light In TAlLe (PERU) KE "RON. {Painting and wallpapering, Interior, terior, residential, commercial. F mates. Telephone 655-4441 Brooklin." Our 47th year in business. : Plumb H ites 1 THE i i NAMETER OF THE umbing and Heating oilevinging sti ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies, SUPERGIANT STAR Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd. " Plumbing Heating and Engineering, 255 i |Simcoe Street South. | 1,300,000,000 MILES. |YORK PLUMBING and Heating. Speciai- izing repairs, remodelling, Reasonable rates. Free estimates, 328 Simcoe South INSIDE. » VICTIMS OK "HEM, ME TRAFFIC BUG CARRIES A RED GE i + MA CAST IRON IMAGE OF A WOMA! is HUREMBERG WAS A SHUDDED WITK SHARP SPIKES On THE of ToRAURE WERE PLACED INSIDE AND "THE DOORS CLOSED © Rng Fearne Brolin fann 9A. Wert sghes rmervnn, {728-1731 |ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, new and used materials, Reasonable) | 2---Personal rates. Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, 'haensgidacipibioadiien : LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR) Suits---Dresses--Alterations Invisible Mending Rug- Upholstery Service . AJAX AUTO UPHOLSTERY | CENTRE | 10-12 PRINCE ST, 728-5311 Harwood North, Ajax USED CLOTHING SALES '9a--Summer Properties _ For Sale or Rent SPECIALS! Cottage ond Lots for Sale on Trent river south of Camp- bellford, lots are 75 x 200. Completely cleaned and seed- ed with plenty of trees. Good road and hydro, best of fish- im AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars for, Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought. Open Soturday all day. Phone 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. | 13--Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION TO LEASE Modern 3 bay, two years old, in south end industrial section of Oshawa. 7 to 7 operation incudes, a large truck bay which invites commercial business. Some excellent ac- counts now dealing with sta- tion. A fair rental agreement available. Present dealers dis- solving partnership. Ideal for licensed mechanic. | |duties. Call 725-0431. " | HOMEMAKER needed to care for school- | |40 and 55. Good home for right person. | School for boys, Bowman- ville. 5 day week, 3 weeks ennucl vacation. Starting salary $325 monthly. Apply in n person to superintendent. EXPERIENCED | kitchen heip. . Day | shift, No Sundays. Waitress for night shift. Apply South End Restaurant, Bloor Street East. WANTED -- a capable girl to live in, and look after an 18-mon' baby while mother works. . Light _ household _ its ote Cids WIN A TV MAKE EXTRA MONEY Win a portable TV set, while you make extra money, experience necessary. Sell pommel top.value Christma, Cards and Gifts. Earn big profits. Friends -and neigh- bours buy on sight. Write for free colour catalogue ig samples on approval, Special money- making plan for er iches, Clubs, Schools. Hi r-Warren. Co, Dept, 24, 411 Clendenan Ave., Toronto. \WILL exchange $40. week for hours of your time. Write Box 250, one, age twin boys, Preferred age between) Salary, 668-5764, RELIABLE housekeeper required. Pri-| irs room, live in. For further particu- a rs call 725-3930, _lé ERED ACCOUNTANT'S office re | RESPONSIBLE | lady fo take < charge of 4) quires first and second year students, children with tight household duties, chen lancet 728-7371, |mother works. For further information, | | telephone 728-1498. onto scaiiosisiiacbeiacaassdiibbaesacagse Iflock, married no children, mew modern. LADY | WANTED for general duties. Ap-| cottage, share in Profits, good helps ply in person to Sea Breeze Restaurant, |Cedar_ Knoll Farms, 'H, Vernon, Orono. pclae ana cu se anbate |TWO BODYMEN wanted, Must have Th, |EXPERIENCED waitress for coffve bar| |cence for small local shop. Good jand variety store, day work. Calj 725- 3932) ing conditions, and salary. Write to Box. lor apply at Smith's Coffee Bar, 317 Sim- | 206, Oshawa Times. tte ae |PLASTERERS wanted. Must be good, | REGISTERED nursing assistant and Good wages. Telephone Whitby Pe ebssat. aides.. Full or part-time for Glencedar| after 6 p.m. JACK MEIER BOX 293 CAMPBELLFORD, ONT. | fully for admission It provides satisfactory educational services. (Next SHIRTS LAUNDERED AND DODDS AND DONALD, Barristers and) RENOVATED Solicitors, etc., 69 King Street East. Telephone 723-2201. THOMAS H. |. GREER, | BA, Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, Building, 86 King Street East. to Harwood Cleaners ot rear.) . It has demonstrated ample | CHESTERFIELDS ro upholstered and|-- Re | student success and satis- re-styled. Free estimate. See ou: mate- Bay! ae rial_for recovering. Dalton Upholstering,| | action 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, . Its tuition charges are |CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, ve. reasonable covered like new. Get the best for jess| 7. It advertises at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe $.| truthfully Call 728-6451. Free estimates. ot finoncioll REUPHOLSTER and refinish your furni- Fe a high Arad he ture by J. and J. Custom Furniture. Free educational service. Nursing Home Ltd., Own transportation |18--Male or Female artage c E} \necessary. Dial 655-4931 or 655-4516 after| 4. 4 _Help Wanted : |V-J'S TRUCKING, any light trucking, cleaning basements, garages, etc. Open for contracts. 725-9843 or 723-6804. 728-6209. 7A LONDE, all types of cartage, Mortgage - funds available. Ridges, 839-4191. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MURDOCH, jours MOVING AND CARTAGE, Osh- Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Bank Of|,.. wnitby. Reasonable rates. Fully Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street! auinned and insured, 728- 3661, North, Oshawa, hag 3446; T. K. ag ee | QC, or residences: G. K. Dryna SiG. t. Murdoch; QC, 724/00; iinee [Dentistry Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and AGrS® siateK Dr. C. P..--Dental surgeon, 112 ments of Sale bought | sold ond arrenees.. r (a Street North, Oshawa. For appoint- MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L.'ment 726-5842 or 728-8441. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 26' KING Dressmakers Street East, 723-4697. Aiea aoe alan |DRESSMAKING -- Suils, paal, dresses. '¥S , BOYCHYN, and | WILL | alterations, slip covers, drapes. UP aries solicitors. pee King) |specially. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. | East, Oshawa; R. D. Humeheys,| | ci G. §. Boychyn, OC; W. A. Hillman, | na end Supplies BA, LLB; J.D. Humphreys, BA, LL [Gardening and Supplies Office: 725-1177. Residence: 728-4326, 75 BUG | CONTROL" | 4604; Whitby 668-1761. NHA and other/ KING BUG KILLER third mortgage funds available. HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barrister, Soli- DDT ond DITHANE POMOGREEN SPRAY citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times 7. Buliding, 86 King Street East, 723-113 GARDENALL. SPRAY MULTISPRAY i f Hable ft mortgages. Eoute's. Hyman, @C; Herbert 8. Hyman, ANT & GRUB CYGON 2E SPRAY BA | Building Trades WEED KILLERS eR 1 ANICIC CALCIUM CHLORIDE ED LANGLOIS | Est, 1909 2 Bee ' H.-P, PETER 5 653-1970 HU 7-0951 BA 1-8316 | RELIABLE woman fo take charge of four| HOUSEKEEPING | cottage < on Lake Dal- jchildren, 7.30 to 5.30, five days weekly. 5 a TT ~ ive, U Irymple Safe beach, good fishing D8 aw RENTING 12 store development. [Apply =), Resennte Dore, ee boating. Available Aug. 1-15 and Aug. 2\8rand new fireproot and soundproof) ERE hea to Sept. 7. Phone 725-2324 building. All electrically heated.| HOUSEKEEPER for elderly couple char/ ii -- ~ Good parking facilities, Available August} woman kept. High wagers. Write Box W7,) | egy ge lec ectric, a 1, Food store, restaurant and bank in|Oshawa Times. pe Tes and swim-ithis attractive plaza. For full details and = |ming. 725-2909. Or write Mailac Cottages: |rentals 'call Guide Really Limited, Real-|MIDDLE-AGED woman for nousekerper R 3 Burks Falls. tors, 16 Simcoe Street South, 723-1121. for one lady, to live in. Telephone Bow-| ive : | Removol of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Aug. 7th, 18th, & 19th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 Arlington Bustard or anyone|tages, Box 65, its courses "Three bedr20m cot- cottage. Inside ted F EXPE! good pay, Telephone Trejbal, veniences, Safe beach and wooded lot. | Price" $8,500. Alax_ 942-4000. 'Experienced Senior. and cost accountant estimates. Whitby, 668-5753 or 668-5376. BAPTISTE LAKE -- manville 623-5805. PHONE DIRECT tage and two-bedroom FISH AND CHIP truck for saie. jEryer': RELIABLE woman, with references, 30| | » grill, 728-2531 ' ; | We ore proud of this recogni- preg pede nh oat Hong conveniences. Good' beach. Available [formation ke cee Ee gh wil household 942-284] | tion of our school and train- rials. Workmanship guaranteed five last two weeks in August. Milihaven Cot- FOR Sila i Giawe TOL Gane duties. Live in or out. 725- | years. Free estimates. Credit terms, Mat-|WILL Mr. Bancroft. vin sesundas Street West, HOMEWORKERS, experienced on bicuses P. O. Box 550 ing programs, and we shall |tresses re-built. Furniture _re-finished.| knowing his whereabouts, please contact/ AVAILABLE June. | july, August and r Sep] Sree ys RA, 2 Dundas ~ es!) and shift dresses, call 728-0042 or come to S: einer joe se _ Molntain Oshawa ze Comoany, 287 Deans ties vreeosbwat at Brampton, 278-0261. /tember. Park Lane five-room efficiency! id 44% Simcoe Street North at tlona's ag Ajax, Ont, the -standards which are ex- Avenue, 0311. ery urgent. Good fishing. For full particu- making salon, as -- pabiad. 6 ei. Geeradited | lars write C-O Erinsville P.O. or itie| 14--Employment Wanted eas aie aes | HAIRSTYLIST school . Sales and Service 4 ang - REGISTERED nurse available for nurs- gh plant. AY et Cleaners,| Stanton sii ' \ - enna eerneemncsiassntacinte - GUEST home on the beeling duties. between 8 and 4, loor Str est, awa, | wi clientele ATLANTIC ae INC. [ River, Elderl Ih ly folk enjoyed. Registered| 728-3577. RELIABLE lady to taxe care of three) for downtown, We Harriman ONE CALL DOES IT A L 1 Bree ee Lo placa! write) CADY would like housexeeping lob in|children, part time, while mother works.| Wa President et : |aviet home for elderly "tady or gentie-|725-9554 or apply 89 Park Road South. rite I 25-7373 COTTAGES, "refrigerator, ~ rangettes, ri run- jman. or BOX 449 ing water, $30. and $40. Vacancies August |write C- iS Carl Smith, Newtonville. \17--Male Hel Wanted "ONTARIO jl} or C. Hughes, Picton Ontario Post Shara ve Help ¥ ited _ Oshawa Times EATON'S OF CANADA onic, br 16--F mula, bd ED "nurserymen for season, DRIVING LITTLE Lake at Colborne, new three-bed- \-- eventually room. and 'board, 1--Oil or gas heating installations PAN Sele DME ED aoeobad" ceowmanville 623-2837. Jerry S 2--Kitch -modelli ACCOUNTS ~ PRODUCTION sreNerdllandis on % itchen re-modelling = YOUNG lady or gentleman for record 3--Roor air-conditioner in installations 9c--Maerine Seukpinent CONTROL shop. Salling and cash experience necese Learn to Drive 1964 Models 4--Central cooling and home air conditioning | RECEIVABLE | Disc Shop, 5 fBY <n _peran aly. ud PICK-UP SERVICE | ROAD TESTS ARRANGED CLEARANCE 1964 OUTBOARDS | One of Canada's leading |20--Room and Beerd dependable craftsmen. CLERK "HOME BUILDER" COOPER SMITH | 173 ALBERT STREET 5 CO). 728-4169 16 Celina St 723-2 SPECIALIZING IN | DAVEY CONCRETE FOUNDATION | ' | 2312 -- | FREE ESTIMATES !_ TREE SERVICE Pruning,. spraying, feeding, bracing, tree and stump re- in ti _-- installation movals. "'The oldest and lor- K and L. Trenching Contrac- gest tree saving service in tors (formerly L. Haaksmo) the world'. elso trucks and front end Velonbone 723-1361 | loader available. | Oshawa Duol Control Cars Licensed Instructor Automatic and Standard LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic Cars. Professional Instructors OSHAWA AND WHITBY FERTILIZED Q Brooklin 655-4746 WEED TREATED fargae age gigs. Fe] AND ROLLED EZE METHOD | 728-6934 Septic Service --. |SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, "prompt service! rey |prints, 5--Bathroom re-modelling -- each installation by | EATON'S IN OSHAWA | «| 3--Pets & Livestock BEAUTIFUL baby budgie, ready for! training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 14 Elgin East. = Cozy J RANCH Ke Kennels. R Registered. | German Shepherds, puppies. Champion Surveyors _ bloodlines. Stud services. Boarding. Quar- |H. PLIM and TROLLOPE ,Ontario Land|ter horse, foals. Trailer Ashburn, Brook- |Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East, Phone|!in 655-4662. | 725-6881. |REGISTERED Dachshuna, one male chil-| DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN,|dren's pet, tnree fems'es to breed, two Ontario Land Surveyor, Gommercial biue|PupS. All haif price. Telzshone Bow- 11 Ontario Street, 725 5632. __| Manville 623-3430. Doe te Pes |PUREBRED GERMAN Shepherd, black ana tan, female, 14 months old, with or -- |without papers. | 623-5058 after 5: lon calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street| West, Whitby. 668-2563. Trade Schools -- 20% OF ALL MOTORS IN STOCK BOAT TRAILERS 500 A Frame ..... $140 700 A Fratne ..... $180 900 A Frame Wilde Rental Service and Sales WHITBY 1415 Dundas E.; 668-3226 5 HP outboard motor, 1961. dition. Best offer. Telephe 1¢FOOT CEDAR STRIP | 728-4234, Good con- and 'rail- $150. Good condition. Apply 14 Pine} Telephone Bowmanville street, Alan 942-1656, 4 ies located in the Toronto area, has several immed- iate openings for exper- ienced follow up men, capable of assuming, res- ponsible positions in ex- pediting supply from ven- | dors. A rnature married wo- man age 30 - 45 is re- quired ts reconcile cust- omer accounts. Applic- | ants. must have Junior matriculation and some | | accounting experience. | | Preference will be given | to applicants with Acc- ounts Receivable exper- ience. ucation is a desirable re- quirement for advance- ment opportunities with- in the organization. These | current positions offer at- Good strating salary and | company paid benefits. {centrally located, Call 72 |ROOM and board, home |TV, clean home, Telephone 723-2786, |NEAR DUPLATE | lunches packed, shift workers cocked manufacturing , Compan- |ROOM 'and board for nies gentleman 3-293. meaite close to South GM, and bus, quiet home" welcome, « English 32-1248 share rooms. Single. beds. 'ed, |$14 ROOM and board for men willing te Apply 47 |Brock E ast, |STORE FOR LEASE -- $i jSouth at Station on business 18 foot x | Telephone 725-6344, Suit Sie ae vital 50 feet approximately. |MEDICAL OFFICES for rent, 700 sq. fte. 725-5132, |For further particulars, Post secondary schoo] ed- |22--Offices, Stores, Storage: |STURGEON LAKE -- to rent from Aug- |POODLE pups, white miniature, register-| <5 8-3, bedr cottage, all ery ed, house trained, with needles, excel-| Veniences, completely furnished. Call flent breeding, sired by Cann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-2061, FIELD SODS QUALITY CARPENTRY, custom buill| kitchens and rec-rooms, floor and ceil-| ing tiles, painting, roofing, etc. Satisfac- PLEASE CONTACT: tractive starting salaries |23--Wanted To Rent with numerous Picked up .14e and delivered DRIVING SCHOOL ATTENTION -- ton guaranteed, 725-8576. 725-9674 Telephone 728-0881 | BULLDOZING and excavating. For rae estimate, 26 Hillcourt Drive, . Whitby) -- -- 668-5612. "| WEED FED KILLING an 'and Fertilizing, Resi- . dential. Industrial, General Lawn Spray)! HOME IMPROVEMENTS | roofing and' service. Phone 728-4974 for Oshawa, Co-| eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting| hourg, Ajax-Pickering, Bowmanville, Whit-|~ and general repairs. All work guaranteed.\. Bort Hope area. P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061. i= cee | YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chinte|Gan Nope Growin eenee neys built and repaired; gas linings in-! talled, roots repaired, Free estimates,|SOD, top quality, prompt delivery. Free! 723-2997 estimates. "Telephone 725-6552 or 723-9910. FOR TRENCHING and complete sep- NURSERY and field sod, cui dally, sand, tic tank Installations, cal! rank Brink,|toam and gravel. Armstrong sod. Tele. Hampton 263-2710. phone 725-5864, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD MINIMUM Better describea offers get faster results. CASH CHARGE 6 Consecutive days, original copy ~$4.13 3 Consecutive days, original copy 2.48 Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation as one word. IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE APPLIES. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15c While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers. to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage siieged to arise through either foilure ot delay in forwarding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise. Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each additional line, per munth (Not applicable for merchandise advertisements) DEADLINES WORD ADS. .. 5 p.m. Day Previous. Card of Thanks .... In Memoriams 5 p.m, Day Previous ; 5 p.m, Day Previous Lost and Found . 9:30 Day of Publication. Births and Deoths +++. 9:30 Day of Publication, Late Deaths . .. 11:00 a.m. Day of Publication (Page 3), CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 2 Column or Lorger ......5 1 Column Space ...+se+eee SATURDAYS: Word Ads . . Classified Disploy .... CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Cancellations and Corrections received after the 9:30 A.M. deadline will be processed for the following day's paper. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, not 'for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge tor a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the cose of display advertisements, The Times will not be held responsible for more space then that in which the actual error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement if ony inoccuracies in any form are contained therein. 10 a.m, Day Previous . 4 p.m, Day Previous 12. Noon For Monday 10 A.M. For Monday For Classified Service. Telephone the Direct to Classified Number 723-3492 For All Other Departments, Call The Times Switchboard, Rate $3.75 Per Hour FRENCH and Latin "tutoring, all, grades by | qualified teacher. Dial Whitby 668-8483. |Mortgages Ist Time In Canada 15 Year 2nd Mortgages CORONATION Investment Co. Ltd. The foremost Canadian Pub- lic Co. in the field, now introduces long term 15 YEAR OPEN Second mortgages: Borrow what you need' on the security of your home Repay in small monthly poyments over 10 to 15 years For full details, call '723- 2265, (after hours 728-3376) Schofield-Aker Limited 360 King St. West Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuation, Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association | SUMMERLAND SECURITIES | LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages ond Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast Service M. F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 | | | | | champion, reasonable. Must sell, Whitby, 668-2490 17 to 49 DACHSHUND puppies. Good blood lines. [Telephone 728-5089. Heavy Equipment | 5--Farmer's Column | Operators Custom Farm Work Are in demand for bull- dozers, scrapers, motor graders, draglines, back- hoes, and shovels. If you ed by top instructors right on the equipment. Don't delay enquire now. Write giving name, add- ress and telephone num- ber: NATIONAL SCHOCL OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION BOX F3 Out of town Forage harvesting, raking and baleing and combining. | Telephone | | Percy Davidson and Son 728-1343 CASH on the 'Spot. Highest prices paid] |for dead and crippled farm stock, Tele-) |phone collect. Hampton 263-2721. toh, jwill Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64. FEED for sale. High protein sileage oy vines). Reasonable rate. Delivered. 25) mile radius of Whitby. Contact Doug Millard, _Stokely Van _Camp, Whitby, 6--Auction AUCTION SALE SAT., JULY 25th TV--Radio Repairs of complete equipment for TV TOWERS | oe eee | Bowling Alley and Pool Room | consisting of Cash Registers, Filing Sys- Meat Saws, Refrigeration Units, Scales, Stools, Rang- Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 | TV TOWERS | Display Counters, tems, Grinders, Slicers, Cubers, and Freezer Lunch Counter, es, Sinks, Coffee Makers, Drinks Cooler, Freezers, 4 Brunswick Lanes, all bowling equipment, 2 billard tables like new. Balance of grocery stock. Also real estate of store and bowling alley build- ing, On approx. 1% ° acres lot also 2 storey home the property of Jim Grahom in | Village of Bethany. Terms on Chattels, | Terms announced at Bi | Sale of Chattels at 1 p.m. Real Estate 3:9.m, ae Cash, Real Estate | Antenna: Repair | TRIO TELEVISION | 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-5143 TV SERVICE DAY_OR EVENING 728-5286 HORSE TRAILER, custurn wuillt, 2 norse OSHAWA |tandem axle trailer, brakes, fully lighted, | $1,300, Terms S_ available. 725-0961 atter Ss ELECTRONICS : CITY TV towers, ¢ antennas, also | repairs. All work guaranteed. 511 Dean Avenve. Telephone 725-0500. SOUTHEND TV towers and aerial ser-| vice. Formerly Lake Vista T.V,, 484 Montrave, »_728-6879. Stanley Miller, Auctioneer | Peterboro. 742-3091 ~|7--Trailers HORSE TRAILER, horse tandem axle trailer, lighted, $1300, Terms available, afetr 5 custom built, brakes, ~two- | fully 9a--Summer Properties For Sale or Rent SWIM, FISH and relax on beautiful Buckhorn Lake. Quiet, picturesque area, mo- dern cottages, ideal for child- ren. Vacancies weekly: or weekends. Some August va- cancies. Also campsites. Phoneor write Cliff and Beg Penhale, Wood-Wharf Point, 1, Lakefield, Ontario, Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine specializing © W-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. / fRvEron | well digging and drilling, | Water! is eur product, Hampton 263-2790, ' 725.0961 People? Oshawa jquets | Facilities |sonabie rates bridesmaids gowns! Crinolines, tool) All new styles.) [Sergeant's Rentals and Sales, 725-2338, |headpieces, |10 FT, BOAT, 5 HP motor, trailer, com- plete, $150; 14-ft. canoe, $30. 655-3122. LAKE Modern all conveniences. 15. Dial 655-3738. "$CUGOG -- Washburn 3-bedroom waterfront 11--Articles For Rent | RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing. ma- chines, bike exercisers -- all $6 per month. PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning .rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies toilet auger PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding compres- sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers, finishing tra- wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, romset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger, oscillating sanders, disc 'sanders, belt sanders, floor sanders, acety- lene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders, STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Lt 223 King St. W., Oshawa _PHONE 723-3224 PARTY, BANQUET NEEDS Recuataese' line of new equipment Pick-up, delivery. Quality, quantity to meet any need. UNITED RENT-ALLS 352 Wilson Ru. S. 728-5565 Tubles and Chairs Mink Stoles, Church Aisle Runners Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses Punch Bowls, Coffee, Urns. Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritson s 725-3338 JENTERTAINING titty to one Tennis Club for weadings, kitchen, 723-2140, parties, bar parking BRIDES, veilst (P.S. | Formals, semi-formals. Garters ¢ \ Brooklin rea. cottage, Available from ae d.| hundred ban- | anniversaries. Rea- | | | | | | | 668 3361 LOC. 318 | Dunlop Canada Ltd. WHITBY, ONT. NATIONAL ORGANIZATION has opening for the area of Oshawa for FIELD MANAGER We require ambitious woman with good personality and car, for direct selling company for a name line of exclusive cos- tume jewellery. Previous ex- perience in selling interview- ing, training and managing desirable, but not essential. We offer complete training program and substantial start- ing arrangements. First year's potentia| $5,000. to $6,000 Apply in writing to BOX 13 Oshawa Times WAITRESS FULL TIME Experience necessary all benefits Apply by appointment TELEPHONE * BOVWMANVILLE 623-3373 : EARN EXTRA MONEY Show Canada's. finest line of Christmas cards, Wraps, No- vélties, etc, Over 350 items. For free, beautifully illus- trated catalogue, samples on approval and the fastest ser- vice, Jeandron Greeting Card Co, 1253 King St. E., Ham- ,ilton, Ont. SHORT ORDER COOK WANTED Day Shift, Apply MR. CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL Part Time. international 728-6848, my at MRS. KEIP | along WANTED TO RENT Young married executive transferred to the Oshawa area, requires 3 bedroom home by August Ist, TELEPHONE MR. BRENNON 725-3548 | THREE-BEDROOM | hous wanted, by September 1, jover 10. Before 5 telephone 728-9: "TEATONs \Bearooms with one child would like three. bedroom home. Whitby-Oshawa area, Refe OF CANADA jerences exchanged. AY Box 1001 Osh- Require an experienced |awa Times, Whitby, | TEACHER, tame requires bachelor Rug Salesman Besides _ selling, applicant apartment, near McLaughlin Collegiate, if Pomel: Reply 345 Bleeker, Belleville, should be able to measure ond prepare estimates for area-size ond wall to wall carpeting. company benefits. | Please forward a_ brief | personal resume includ- ing age, education, pre- | sent salary and exper- | ience to | BOX 11] Oshawa Times SEK SSRN et HAE aaaTAgS couple - desires small unfure nished apartment, self-contained, In resi |dnetial area of Oshawa, Write 915, Oshe }awa Times. |WANTED to rent, threebedroomed housed |in good location. Bowmanville Oshawa- |Alax area, Possession Aug. 30, References |available, 725-9837, | NURSE wants sa large furnished room with private entrance, use' of kitchen and close to hospital for 31st July, Phone |6-8 p.m. 723-1683, |BY SEPT 1, quiet business woman with _|car wishes to rent two large unfurnished rooms, © iences, close t |Preferably with fireplace. Has HD stove and frig. Will decorate, Write Box jN9 Oshawa Times. Dept. Shopping Apply Personnel Eaton's the Centre. TAX! DRIVERS Preferably between 25-40 ee ae Top edmingti, Abay 24--Houses For Rent MERCURY TAX (fo Reo sie --jrcnon ia in FEMALE help wanted, Apply in person, Envoy Restaurant, 725- 477) |For turer details telephone Hampton AUTO ee ee MECHANIC Tenredlately, Apply 136 Elgin Street ey Class ""A" Licenced Seven to nine p.m. daily. |25--Apartments APPLY: M. McLeod Bramley Motor PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS Sales Ltd. 1271 Simcoe St. N. POSTAL CLERKS. SAGUENAY AVENUE | $3630. - $4680. | Post Office Department (Park Rd. & King St. OSHAWA, Ontario District) Quiet residential street 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Stoves, frigs, parking, etc. Rents from $95.00 monthly. Adults preferred. For full particulars as io resi- dence, qualification require- ments and application forms, see posters on display at the National Employment Service and Post Ofifce. Apply béfore JULY 31, 1964, to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St ing with elevators, balconies, iT ii pact a agg Mit 7, \poot, ete. For full' details. call. exclusive ' H petition agents, Guide Realty Seabee "haialaaiag 64-T963, [16 Simcoe Street South, 72311: Phone 725-7272 728-9217 FOUR-ROOM duplex, veranda, parking 728- 3181, inain floor, with space. Telephone rooms, kitchen, large livingroom and bedroom. Phone aftsr 5 728-2486. ONE, two b and three room 0m apari- ments in Oxford Park Towers. New duild-