Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1964, p. 5

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iineiieiiniaeieieee a ee ITBY And DISTRICT Manager: John Gault ' Whitby Bureau Office: 1 TWO YEARS, LESS A DAY © 11 Dundas St. West Tel. 668-3703 John Dyer, the 17-year-old youth who terrert#€a Columbus for an hour one night in June, was convicted on four separate charges arising from the inci- dent here Tuesday. He was sentenced to Ontario Reformatory for a maximum of two years less a day definite, and three months indeterminate. Magistrate Frank Ebbs, on urging of both Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck, and Defence Counsel Tom Harris of Port Perry, added the recommenda- tion that the boy spend his time at the Brampton Training School for Boys. The above sentence was as- sessed on each of three charges: assault of OPP Constable Har- old Hockins, criminal negli- by the muzzle of the shotgun. Simpson drove away with $20 in damages. ARSON --Dyer piled furnMure halfway to the roof outside his mother's home and set fire to them. The furniture was destroyed, and the wall was badly scorched, ~--Amount: of damge has. stiil not been estimated. WHY DID IT HAPPEN? Constable Hockins, Mr. Af- fieck, and Mr. Harris pieced to- gether reasons for the normally-| subdued youth's behaviour. The officer told the court that there was evidence of excessive drinking -- with at least two older persons. He indicated some form of fight over liquor Columbus Terrorizer Gets Mercy Of Court with the older men, had trigger- ed the episode. He felt that these men had abused the boy. NEWSPAPER REPORTS ERRONEOUS Mr. Harris made a point of clearing up one factor in the case, He said that news stories on the incideat were wrong ia one facet: "There was no family disa- greement touching off the boy's actions." From this, he weni on to ad- vise the Court that it would be "very wrong if the youth were penalized in an institution where: he would be 'in contact with repetitive criminal offenders." THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, July 8, 1964 Rossland Speed Limit Worries Chief Speeding motorists on Whit- by's Third Concession (Rosslang road) are worrying police chief George Rankin. In a letter to the Town Coun- cil.on Monday he pointed out that the present limit on the road is 50 miles per hour, This, he thought, was much too fast considering the local conditions, A large number of children whose homes border the road Ice Cream Man -- _ StillIn Soup = © Whitby Town~Council's Fire and Community Services Com- , mittee is still undecided on. what action to take over the troublesome Good Humor Ice' Cream Vendor, ( ts Some weeks ago a group @ residents complained to the council about the possible "dan- ger to children" the man pro- vided with his business. The committee has decided investigate the way other muni- cipalities regulate ice cret vending. Then action will taken, walked to school by.the side of the Concession. Numerous worried parents, Chief Rankin went on, had com- plained to him about the high, rate of speed on the road. In his opinion the limit should be brought down to a more sober gence causing bodily harm to five people,. and arson, He was also given one month for wilful damage to the car of Bruce Simpson of Oshawa. All sentences were made eoncur- rent. Constable Hockins,. the arrest-| ing officer, was the only wit-| ness for the Crown or Defence) on the four guilty pleas. Mr.) Affleck had already moved the} dismissal of three other charges| - pointing a firearm, possession| of a firearm, and poinitnz a gun.| The officer described the cir- cumstances involved in all four charges, which resulted from} incidents about 9.25 p.m. on} June 19. | YECCH!!! see over the Dovedale subdivision has the people of the area up in arms. The Town Council started burning garbage in the dump recently and some of the residents of the area say being a neighbor of the Town they can't sleepr and that the Fathers' smokey, burning dump. Large, black clouds of filthy acrid smoke drifting "Whew!, what a terrible stench". Kerry Green, 362 Rosedale drive, displays his CRIMINAL NEGLIGENCE | stench is forcing them out of | Five people received super-| their homes. ficial wounds from three shot- --Oshawa Times Photo |gun blasts. They were: George; Harris, 26, of Oshawa (six pel-) lets in back); Arthur Ross, 81, of Columbus (two in arm, two in| distaste at being forced into leg); Wilfrid Griftin of Colum-| bus (one pellet); Mrs. Dorothy 'COUNCIL SLUM MAKING' CHARGED Burning Town Dump Garbage #4." --Dyer had inflicted the) wounds with a 12-gauge, pump- Nauseates Rosedale-Dovedale isi." defence against the accused. | smoke and filth was Mrs. Ethel) Mrs. Patricia Williams, 316,ing it -- until they plopped a) --Dyer had been drinking. He and BRIAN McCALL Green, 363 Rosedale drive. | Dovedale drive: "On two sepa-jdirty dump down in our back/had fired indiscriminately. (Times-Staff) "The thing is this:", she ex-jrate occasions, I got up in the| yard. "How would you like it if|Plained. "There are a lot of/night thinking the house was on "I can't even open a window ASSAULT : your home was smothered in|people here who have sunk an (fire. to get a breath of fresh cool) -- Constable Hockins was filth and smoke every day?"| awful lot of money into buying) "The smell permeated thejair when, it is 90 degrees in|slashed three times -- in the exclaimed the angry housewife.| houses. We in this house have|place and when I couldn't find! the shade. hand, back and shoulder in a "How would you like it if you) Spent over $1,000 on improving] a fire in my own house I went) "If I break down and open|successful attempt to wrestle went into Toronto for an eve-|the outside of our house and/ outside and looked at the neigh-|the window the filth pours in|Dyer into submission, : ning and a friend told you yon Oe oS end ee aan bor' house. Sa é and settles on my furniture." | "prior to this he and Con- ? J "We are 0! Bg even hang my wash- i peg ca --_ OCD wnat is only natural. But this|ing on the line--it comes down BEVAN CHAMPIONS CAUSE sn Pagoda g rag nr smoke ruins everything we do.| dirtier than when I put it in the One of the resident's main, sy thee revolvers. These angry comments were) 'Last week I used five or. six) washing machine, all covered in| Supporters on the Town Council) eae s hurled at a Times reporter) cans of disinfectant and clean-| black spots. lis Councillor George Bevan. In| --Wehn they refused, Dyer yesterday by a house ined ever * to try and get] "One evening the stench was|# Statement issued by him this had raised the weapon to his Rosedale drive, Whit.y. Shelriq of ti. sisoke smell. It did-|s9 pad I couldn't even eat." |Week he said: "Clause 3b in our shoulder, aimed it at Constable was gg Me ee Town|n't work. Mrs. John Stoneburgh, 318) ProP pine states that "No Heckins, and Lea by ine gh Council's garbage dump on i : | Dovedal tives ; iperson shall set, feed, or main-| --When it clicked, instead o' Hopkins street. " agro ane ig ooreingl el coakig Wik as Bie washing, 'ain or cause to be set, fed, or/exploding, the officers waded in Most days of the week, when) fri a 5 athed and put. on 2nd the paint and shrubbery|™aintain any open fire for the/and knocked the gun away. It enough inflammable garbage)? th clean clothes, When I got, 2round the house will suffer."| disposal of any material in such|was than that Constable Hock- has been collected, a town) 7 aoa ater that Mrs. Douglas Menzie, 359)/4 Way as to cause air pollution. |ins was cut superficially, by the employee puts a match to the) eer she asked where Rosedale drive: "I'm. lucky, 1. "I hope that our bylaw will|12.5-inch knife. His shirt and do my drying in a dryer, but 1|be passed at the next Council) undershirt were torn. pile en. She said I smelt like a : i bage dump. ; A ;rt| meetin d i der to elimi- . dale 28" : still have to cope with the dirt g. and in order to elimi-| tee ak ore ides one "Everytime they light UDP/and stench. . nate this air pollution, I am|WILFUL DAMAGE ( M " y sure, our chairman of the San-- --The aerial of a car belong- ; ' i that dump I have to close all proc ape. gee ethyl tisinfec-|the windows. The smel! is un-|BACK-YARD DUMP itation Committee will in the |ing to Simpson was bent by tant. They know that if there bearable. Sometimes pieces of| "'We just rent the house, but meantime take some quick ac-|the accused and the butcher : burnt paper an inch across fall|were seriously thinking of buy-'tion in this matter," 'knife. A window was scratched their homes will soon be smoth-|on the house and garden. It's) ; is a wind blowing off the lake ered in filthy black smoke. | terrible. How would you like it?| ' "A woman was telling me the) lf D f other day that she woke up Se = e e] ] i I lg am By CHRIS DENNETT, BREAKING OWN BYLAW What really annoys the rate-| feeling really ill from the smoke) payers of this area is that sed ge She just couldn't stand e e town council is breaking its own|/it anymore. cmos "Soi *oraet saat" "Ren cones soe BEATS Gun-Aiming Rap time ago the council instituted) its very best to make this area a bylaw limiting the amount ofjinto a slum." smoke any home or factory can Despite offers for time to en-cile, apologized to Holmes, and| He said he only wanted to get push into the Whitby atmos- gage Counsel from the Crown,|shook hands with him. |his wife and children, ranging phere. | |Antoon Obdam went on alone.in| He claimed, after hearing the|in age from one to 10 years, During the last two months! 0 oug | his case before Magistrate|officer's evidence, that he had|back on the property to the council has been the by-, |Frank Ebbs here Tuesday. not pointed the gun at anyone, "straighten things out". law's main offender. | Obdam, 32, of RR 2 Pickering,|but just waved it around. The) His wife told the Court. that To make matters even more) |was aquitted on a charge of|foreign-born farmer said he) here life on the farm had been farcical council is now pushing or e y |pointing a loaded firearm at a|thought he had the right to pro-| argument after argument' a further air pollution bylaw |police officer, despite an early|tect his property. land that she had gone to stay through the officia' channels. |guilty plea. He paid $50 and) The guilty please were struck,| at Grimbergen's. And all the time it is pushing] s jcosts on a charge of assaulting) at Magistrate Ebbs' direction. more and more smoke into the| 1 ewa la police officer, rather than| 'You walk right into the line| She said that, when she called Davedale and Rosedale sub-| spend a month in jail. lof fire, he told the officer, 1|her husband for permission to division. : , ' lwasn't aiming at you, I didn't|get the children's clothes, he » Sc B Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck, | ¥45" g = | A "J suppose we are breakin Whitby Public School Oe eine a position which was|know what you wanted. |was drunk, and swore he'd our own bylaw," council cler g i | x request for safety sidewalks on} ot required of him, gave| Constable Holmes assured the| Shoot anyone who came on the Jack Frost 'admitted. "I don't/every street gts rei Hag, Obdam a series of opportunities|Court that he had stated his| Property. know quite what the position jg considered at the last meeting +, obtain a lawyer, with repeat- | business. + Constable Holmes agreed that but I should imagine any resi-\of the Town Council's streets oq offers of remand, and time.| "I wish you had shot me at|the accused had been drinking, dent could take us to court over committee. "Pll go it alone," was the|the time," Obdam muttered) but doubted that he was drunk. it." | It was felt that due to the) reply. lunder his breath, Mrs. Obdam paid the $50 fine. He went on: "We are offend- "magnitude" of the request the Constable Tommy Holmes of | SiG aE ing these residents, But 1 don't committe should write back to the Pickering Township Police GH N EATS think we should take all the the Board and ask them to sub- Department told the court he blame. {mit a list of priorities taking) had been summoned to the) 104 LUPIN DRIVE BLAIR PARK PLAZA "] think the Lake Ontario|into consideration the volume|Obdam farm July 1 by the wife] Steel Company should take ajof traffic, the hazards it caused! °f the accused. part of the blame for this/and also the number of chil-/ He went there, he said, . in| Nothing Down--6 Month to Pay trouble. The trouble is that the P order to insure the estranged) dump is too small. We have to oy See ee ees. spouse the right to enter the} SPECIAL! burn the garbage otherwise the Also the committee request-| house without harm, and obtain (Cut and Wrapped) ould be filled in. no ed the Board to re-submit its! clothing for the four children. oe ae |demand next year when it could)' The officer was greeted, he) HIPs 60s_« 9, 453i. "The Council is looking for be included in the 1965 esti-|continued, by the muzzle of a} BEEF EXTRA LEAN another site. But it has not mates. It was pointed out that|22-calibre rifle, aimed by the! RACKS HAMBURG ome up with any yet." no funds were available to do|accused from the netherside of Especially - angry about theithe job with this year's budget.|@ Panel truck which blocked 3 |the driveway. kick-bruise on the knee, and had| All Meats Government Inspected his shirt stained with mud and -- Fully Guaranteed -- "Don't 'come any closer', ye Obdam was restrained, : . PHONE 668-4633 BROCK - WHITBY Evening Shows At 7 and 8:20 iV shoot. This is my property and I know my rights." His finger was on the trigger. The weapon was cocked. "T'll make it count," the of- ficer was warned. It was fur- ther learned that Constable! Holmes had been invited to "shoot me', "MARGARET RUTHERFORD IS THE FUNNIEST While he occupied the accus- ed's attention, the Constable a said, John Grimbergen, an uncle ALI ~Tiae Mogozine of Obdam's, slipped. up behind d the truck and knocked away the single-shot rifle. A struggle between the po-| liceman and Obdam_ensued,| wherein the former received a| MEM ACATHA rors STEVE. BRIGID' NOUEE i in PRENTS «ER CinemaScope MetroColor |the boy's environment prior to|Citing display of immodest) 4 t. write to the Township and fle He asked that the time served) 30 miles per hour. with these men may have touch-|pe jn Brampton, where the} ed off the crazed spree. boy's Grade 9 education could "His conduct was quite out of|pe furthered. | character,' he added. "Normal- ly the boy is shy, introverted."| This request, however, created a small problem for the Town 7 ces . «y,,,|Council. They could certainly; His Worship agreed: "You! comply with the Chief's request; e get yourself straightened out, ; Dyer was quoted as saying,|and then you'll be ready to take vi Cause oC "Tigeaae after he was in custody: "I'your place in society", Cool. know I have done something ne awful, but I don't know what". | And under the provisions of ' The Crown quoted a letter of NEWS IN BRIEF lthe Highway Traffic Act the "SERVE COLD ON THE ROCKS OR WITH YOUR FAVOURITE MIX" diagnosis from an Ontario Hos- Torney one cay ee oe pital psychiatrist establishing {limit in go, ter at to a that Dyer was not psychotic RAPS IMMODESTY acre ve nh the differ. His actions were attributed to a) VATICAN CITY (Reuters) --! oT, ye rere cillor tom: "sham-rage reaction under the|Pope Paul VI has criticized|r awards" pane make the influence of alcohol', films which draw their attrac-| ii yit 32%." : Mr. Affleck also described|tion from "uninhibited and ex- After discussion it was decid- WE PAY A BONUS OF INTEREST FOR - _ REGULAR SAVING © Five Year Monthly Instalment Guaranteed Investments Earn 514% Interest VICTORIA - and GREY - adoption by the Dyers as "trag-/Scenes." Many film producers, | i "pi 2 if 8 actors, critics and spectators ask for their views. "These charges are serious BE Barth pga 9 amen 7 I'm not minimizing them -- but! sg i gee PP tc ag aa |der,"' he said Tuesday, speak-| I would ask for some considera-|ing' to Italian Roman Catholic One-Stop " ' | tion on the sentence," he fin-| srojectionists at a special audi-| ished. | DECORATING lence, H INDIAN PARENTS TO EXCLUDE SOLDIERS SHOP Mr, Harris told the court that fi OTTAWA (CP) -- The $10 John had never officially been| monthly allowances for 16- andj] © Wallpaper and Murals ° stage gf the Dyers, and that|17 . year - olds attending school] @ Custom Draperies e boy's parents -- of Indian/wiji be paid to parents resident] @ Broadioom and Rugs e ry -- -- had maltreated|in Canada only, Welfare Minis-/] @ €,1.L. Paints and Varnishes im. ter Judy LaMarsh announced in} Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points This maltreatment, he added,/the Commons Tuesday night. | DODD & SOUTER had once involved taking Jobni This will exclude parents who| away from the Dyers for a per-|are servin g with Canadian| T R Decor Centre Ltd. U § T : Phone 668-5862 iod of time. jarmed forces in Europe. In) He theorized that these fac-|Canada, parents will be allowed! | : 107 Byron St. 'S., Whitby || 308 Dundas St. W., Whitby - rere TTS tors, in conjunction with the|to apply retroactively for the | drinking bout and the argument allowances until August, 1965. | ¥ . x * 135 Brock Street South, Whitby IS SELLING OUT! "ALL STOCK MUST BE CLEARED" "FANTASTIC SAVINGS" | ALL SALES FINAL , (NO EXCHANGE OR REFUNDS) SPRING-SUMMER ad WINTER CLOTHING GIRLS..Infants to Pre Teens BOYS..Infants to 12 yrs. SALE STARTS -- THURS. JULY 9th 9 am. Obdam was quoted as shouting. | it was learned, he became do-

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