Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jul 1964, p. 25

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= Trap-Shooting Popular At Orono Rifle Range ORONO -- at the Orono Fish and Hant Ciab's rifle mee Pon! to be popular the area. Both men enjoy the sport equal ability in shattering clay birds. , Pistol target shooting a feature at the range again both men and strive to improve their ability. Bob Henderson, representing (Canada) use. During the evening Orono Club held their regular meeting in the municipal build- ing where again Bob Henderson was present showing films of trick shooting and also a film on the mallard duck, FAMILY SPORT It was interesting to note that trap-shooting is a family sport. Here at Enterprise the wooded landscape provides a_ pleasing setting for the club, and even the children find interests. ORGANIZED PLAY This year, as in the past, the Orono. Amateur Athletic Asso- ciation is providing organized play and recreation in the Orono Ouimet Admits French Station Not Cash Maker OTTAWA (CP)--CBC Presi- dent Alphonse Ouimet said Tuesday the publicly - owned corporation does not expect to eam much revenue through the operation of CJBC Toronto, as . French-language radio sta- tion. He told the Commons public accounts committee that what the station loses in revenues by dropping its English-language operation will be offset by re- duced costs of operation. "What we will lose in reven- ues will be completely compen- sated by reduced expendi- tures," h etold Alfred D. Hales (PC--Wellington South). New French station in Toron- to will be fed from the CBC's French-language radio network. Park during the month up to July % from Monday to Fri- da the realize this opportunity and send the children along to the play-, ground, Orono Police Trustees Meet ORONO The Orono Police Trustees held a short meeting recently with little business to conduct. Other than the water project everything seemed to be either completed or well on its way, The chairman reported that last week the OWRC had pro- mised to have all in readiness for the engineers in order that they could proceed with the final plans, The trustees aut- horized the chairman to again phone the Water Resources Commission to see whether or not the engineers had been re- tained as had been promised. Thursday morning it was learned that the engineers had as yet not been hired to comp- lete the plans. With this know- ledge the trustees are arran- ging a meeting with the OWRC to discuss hiring, of the engin- eers and to endeavor to get the project rolling. At the present time the trus- tees are dissatisfied with the progress of the project and ex- pect to meet with the OWRC this week. MORE FOR CYPRUS STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Sweden has decided to send another battalion to Cyprus for service with the UN peace force and has contributed $120,000 to the \force's maintenance fund. Kedron Brownies Honor Retiring Brown Owl KEDRON -- Mrs. Rodger|Road North, Tuesday, July 14, NG gy OG a mip aee in so OP GINO SPP AO ly natin th ti ee 3 shede: si Caio 6 PORK CHOPS FRESH, ALL BEEF HAMBURG MINCED THINLY SLICED BEEF COOKED HAM MAKE DELICIOUS HAM SANDWICHES WITH JANE PARKER SANDWICH BREAD ENJOY THE HEARTY FLAVOUR OF A JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE TONIGHT JANE PARKER RAISIN PIE LARGE 24-0Z SIZE ~39 Reg. each 49¢ -- SAVE 106 dane Parker, Jelly or Reg. Price each 390\-SAVE 10s FRESH KILLED CHICKEN CUTS LEGS, - THIGHS, 'b BREASTS CHICKEN WINGS CHICKEN LIVERS CHICKEN QUARTERS (LEGS AND BREASTS) YOU CAN SE pgp SELLS ONLY RED BRAND BEEF pany, 1 | +33 45. 45. IT~YOU CAN TA THAT THAT COU SHORT CUT, SRD TO STM HIB PRIME RIB ROAST SHORT CUT, FIRST 2 RIBS PRIME RIB ROAST ALL BEEF SHOPSY'S WHINERS MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA | w2, ran o enue 8X BRAND, RINDLESS SIDE BAC SUPER-RIGHT VAL PAC MAPLE LEAP, VAC PAG : SIDE BACON wou SEA SEALD COD FILLETS SEA SEALD STE IT THE EAT \N THE ME U SUPER-RIGHT Gives YO 65% 07% rAd b3% Vito phe Be COOKED HAM vac pac sore Ge SMOKED HAM STEAKS 64049 SUPER-RIGHT, SMOKED, THICK SLICED FOR BROILING tb phe 3 De HADDOCK in BATTER 140: 43 ! AT LEMON ROLL och 29e dane Parker, Sliced Reg. Price loaf 270----BAVE Ge ITALIAN BREAD erie 2c Bishop, retiring Brown Owl of|at 3:30 p.m. The supper will be the 20th Brownie Pack, was|pot luck. Admission for those surprised with a party at the/from the church will be 25 cents home of the new Brown Owi,|for. both children and adults, YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE AT A«eP Mrs. Ronald Lambert. { Besides the present Brownies, | a large number of the girls who} have been members of the pack during the last four years at- tended, and a special guest was| Mrs. J. L. Bird, commissioner of Rosslyn district. Mrs. Bishop received a fiat basket for cutting flowers, and a hand painted barbeque set of hat and aprons. The Mothers' Auxiliary ser- ved a lunch of sandwiches and cookies, climaxeq bly a large cake iced in chocolate decorated with yellow brownie insignias. BIBLE SCHOOL Kedron Bible Vacation School will be held on July 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. for children be- tween the ages of 4 to 11. The school is being directed by Mrs. Orval Jackson The Hi-C group is making ar- rangements for the Sunday School picnic this year. It will be held at Geneva Park, Ritson with pre-schoolers being admit- ted free. Admission includes ad- mittance to the swimming pools. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Werry, and children of Cutknife, Sas- katchewan, are spending obout 10 days of their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry. WORLD'S FAIR TRIP Mrs, Charles Thomas receritly jreturned from a trip to New York which in cluded a visit to the World's Fair. Mrs. Peter Wilson entertained the pupils of Mrs. Bill Rosnak's Sunday school class to a swim- ming party and barbeque re- cently, Junior hostesses were Debbie Wilson and Patti Ros- nak Guest. minister at the morning |service of Kedron United Church on Sunday, July 5, was Rev. C. A. Mustard, B.A., D.D., of Toronto, and. the soloist was Don Allman who sang "The Ninety And Nine'. Jane Parker, Pineapple Twist Reg. each 48e--SAVE 4 COFFEE CAKE each 3 De dane Parker, Plain, Sugared or Cinnamon Reg. Price pkg 290--S8AVE 6 CAKE DONUTS okg of 12 2 Je It's New! -- Jane Parker Cookies pkg of 24 Be COCONUT MACAROONS Jane Parker, Hot Dog or kg of 8 HAMBURG ROLLS 21339. A&P Can Save Y MARGARINE MOM'S COLOURED KRAFT, CRACKER BARREL MILD. CHEESE DUNCAN HINES (11 VARIETIES) CAKE MIXES 4 iv OD vars A 5c Ze BM ou Money on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables : WATERMELONS SAVE on CANNED FOODS at A:P FANCY QUALITY A:P TOMATO JUICE 55 CASE OF 24 TINS $3,90 CHOICE QUALITY Reg. Price 2 tine Sie--SAVE 100 AsP CORN cum sm 711 99 WITH PORK IN CHILI SAUCE Reg. Price 2 tine 9e--SAVE Te CLARK'S BEANS 3=+~«4% CASE OF 24 TINS $3.92 -- SAVE 76e MITCHELL'S VITAMINIZED Reg. Price 2 tine 37e--BAVE Fo 31m Qe Good Size APPLE JUICE Red Cutting Durham County Agricultural Calendar For July, August Wednesday, July 8, 8 p.m. --jtour, leaving from the Ontario Department of agriculture,j/department of agriculture of- Bowmanville, junior farmer ex-/fice, Bowmanville, at 8 a.m. ecutive meeting. Saturday, July 18 -- District! Thursday, July 9 -- Millbrook) junior farmer field day, Morrow| 4-H calf club and North Durham Park, exhibition grounds, Peter- 4H silage club, from in front! boro. of Cavan General Store at 8.45 Tuesday, July 21, 9 a.m. -- a.m. | Soil and Land Use judging com- July 15 to 17 -- Margret Steer! petition, All 4-H corn, grain and -- Stockton, Manitoba, Inter-|notato club members are to at-| provincial 4-H club exchangeltend. Registration at Durham| member will be visiting Dur-/Farmers Co-op, Orono. | ham County at homes of Shar-) Wednesday, July 22 -- George! on Tamblyn, Orono, and Kath-| Arnold, farm management spe-| tyn and Lois McHolm, Wel-|cjalist, Brighton, will be in the come. county July 13, 1.30 to 4.30 p.m.---| Wednesday, July 22 -- Dur- 4-H Forestry Club Tour -- study/ham and Northumberland Dairy of reforestration of sub-marginal|Princess Competition will be farmland, woodlaqt, and plantjheld in the Cobourg Arena, management, also tree identifi-/ starting at 7.30, The entrants cation, ~ for the Durham Dairy. Princess July 13 to 17 -- 4-H Leader-|title are: Mrs. Margaret ship week -- Federated Col-|Coombes, Miss Kathryn Mc- Teges Guelph, Durham dele-/Holm, and Miss Barbara Lee. gate is William Olan, Millbrook. | Thursday, July 23 -- Millbrook Tuesday, July 14 -- Durham/|4-H calf club meeting. } County holstein club twilight) Monday, July 27 -- Durham! r-eeting at farm of Ben Brown,|4.H swine club meeting. Bowmanville, Hope 4-H calf) Tuesday, July 28 -- Durham club and Durham 4-H dairy club/4-H poultry club meeting. members to attend Tuesday, August 4 -- Durham Tuesday, July 14 -- Harvey/4-H silage corn club meeting, Wright, Soils and Field Crops) Wednesday, August 5 -- Dur- specialist in Durham County. |ham 4-H potato club meeting. Wednesday, July 15 -- Field| Monday, August 10 -- Dur- day, Ontario beef improvement/ham 4-H beef calf club meeting. Association, OAC, Guelph. Tuesday, August 11 -- Dur- Wednesday, July 15 -- Dur-jham 4-H grain club meeting, ham, junior farmer monthly; Thursday, August 13 -- Tour, meeting. Time and place to be|Durham 4-H dairy and Hope announced. 4-H calf clubs, Wednesday, July 15 - .27 | Tuesday, August 25 -- Pro- Miss Margret Steer -- Stockton,/fessor E. C: Hunt of OAC, Manitoba, 4-H Interchange dele-|Gueilph; to visit 4-H poultry gate in Durham County club projects and address: a| Thursday, July 16 -- Durham/meeting of the club members| 43 beef, sheep and swine clubs|in the evening at § p.m, | ac 63 Q- ORANGES ==" 259 GreenBeans 229 Celery Stalks 2-25: Grede New Crop, White, Ne. 1 Bradford Marsh Grown, Large, Firm Meade, Ne. 1 Grade Ontarie Grown, LETTUCE == 2-29: POTATOES -+-69 A COMPLETE LINE OF FRESH NATIVE GROWN 'MERCHANDISE * * ARRIVING AT OUR STORES DAILY 5-LB CELLO BAG Pascal, Ne. 1 Grade OUTSPAN NAVELS, SWEET, TASTY ROLL-ON DEODORANT Reg. Price bti 700 --- SAVE 10s Ontarie Grown, New Crop, Chicken, Turkey or Beef Reg. Price 4 for 800--BAVE 120 MORTON'S MEAT PIES 5 t-0z pias 99 Faney Quality, Sliced SPECIAL? A:P STRAWBERRIES 2. 15-02 pkgs 7 Se Reg. Price bag 480--SAVE 4e AsP PEAS & CARROTS 2b poly bag 39 THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD, FOOD STORES A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY REAL VALUE! -- (Ginger Ale, Kola, Lemen-Lime, Orange, Root Beer) COTT'S Beveracts 6 wri. Qe Buy by the Case and Save! -- CASE we 24 TINS $1.88 DRAGON BRAND, SPARE RIBS & sour TROZENy SEAL-A-WAX for priservinc LUCKY WHIP _ visser toppine NEWPORT FLUFFS INSTANT PUDDINGS 40, aszorn CHOW MEI CHUN KING CHICKEN, BEEF OR. MUSHROOM (WITH NOODLES) 14-0z Foil Pack 7 Qe Hb pkg 160 2%-oz pkg 2Ye 5-¢t pkg 3 Se 2. pkgs 330 large divider pack BQe CASE OF 24 TINS $3.92 -- SAVE §2¢ SAG aes =F ASPARAGUS TIPS =~» 3% BAN Hod Ye ANACIN Rep. Prise bt 600 SAVE 100 bil of 60 5%: DRESSINGS sis Guim QQ PAK-O-TEN 32.52% ass 3Q LICORICE v0 evn tonnte De . nea LOW, Low PRICES KETCHUP 2ninuc$3. FAGAL TISSUE" "3 cag: on FILLINGS 45..u.49, os! CEREAL" »..,35, OM'S BLEACH sus...'39) a ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, JULY 11th, 1964

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