Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jul 1964, p. 7

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¥ AEE kh ANY EERE ONIN NSN een een ne oe oe aoe Oe gomeoee Got mem YO np tears yume: President of St. Joseph's CPTA tees and who helped with the Mrs. Stirling Morison Re-Elected |en e to the graduating class on behalf of their parents. Father beta A said the closing prayer. ee and cake were served by Mrs .Charles O'Connell, Mrs. Stanley Comer- ford and their committees. JUJU MODES pearl necklaces, and cobra-skin sashes. | Mrs, Stirling Morison was re- é |turned for the second term as president of the St. Joseph's CPTA at the final meeting of the ' season held recently in St, Jo- ; seph's High School Auditorium. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Diai 723-3474 Others on the new executive THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 7, 1964 EXCITING GIFT FOR CLENHOLME SCHOOLCHILDREN -- Members of St. Anthony of are Mrs. Gerry Forestall, re- Padua Circle of the Daughters gent, and Mrs. Clifford Har- of Isabella are seen donating per, vice-regent, left and musical and rhythm _instru- right. ments to the Glenholme School UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILI ARIES | Music Examiner | Guest Speaker KING STREET UCW No. 7 Mr.. Hugh Hutcheson. | vener, The Cheerful-Givers of Unit No.| A social time followed .with| ORMTA Luncheon 7 of King Street UCW held their|contests being won by Mrs. June meeting at Mrs. Percy|Frank Burrows, Mrs, Arnold; Mr. Court Stone, presiding for Langmaid's cottage at Kedron,|Gardner, Mrs. Ross Duncanson,|the Royal. Conservatory of in the form of a pot luck lunch./Mrs, Stanley Gomme and Mrs.|Music at the recent examina- Mrs. Howard Brown and the| Seymour Bigwood. |tions, was the guest at the Reverend L. W. Herbert gave a| Mrs. Ross Duncanson express-|luncheon of the Oshawa and scripture contest, which was|éd the thanks of the unit mem-|District branch of the Ontario very interesting. Two other con-/bers for Mrs, Bigwood's hos-|Registered Music Teachers' tests were also played. pitality. |Associaiton, held Adelaide The devotional period was| The first fall meeting will be| House. opened by scripture reading py|held on September 15 with) yr Stone, composer and spe- Mrs. Lawrence Allen, Mrs.|Group 1 in charge. for retarded children. Accept- ing the gifts are Doreen Car- son, 14, and John Wilson, 10, and Mr. John Liptay, princi- pal. Making the presentation --Oshawa Times Photo in nell; treasurer, Mrs. George Fairhart. The president, Mrs. Stirling Morison, thanked Mrs. Matthew Lapa who took charge of the St. are: honorary president, Sister ANN LANDERS various projects. The Reverend L. T. MeGough presented gifts to the students of the graduating class who were as follows; Nancy Allen, Andrea Conway, Michael Dee- gan, Ronald Downey, Donald Gannon, Michael Gurney, David Hickie, Brian McAdam; Kath- leen Michael, Robert Mitchell, Caroline Morison, John M row, Lynn Noonan, Catherin Bridal Portraits Riordan, Ronald saiter victoria -- NG Albums Ziglashi. | _-- by -- HOUSEHOLD HINT Always hang pleated wash-and-wears ing wet and allow to drip t's the water's weight that the pleats back in. ° PREFERS DARK The black fly, the vacation- er's pest, prefers dark clothing there is less chance of being bitten if you wear light colored clothes. Capture the Moment with Joseph's children at the field day held in Ajajx recently, and reported on the school field day which was held June 24. A plea for a Brown Owl for the Brownies for next fall was 4 made by Mrs. Morison and any- or parking facilities. We must|one interested in this rewarding park our car on the street,|)work was asked to call Mrs. sometimes three or four blocks|George A. Robison on Taunton from our building. \Road, Two homeowners live-in ovr, The attendance prize was won block. They have driveway and|by Sister Beatrice's room for garages, Last night I parked 1ay|having the most parents present car in front of one of these|at the meeting. . homes. The owner came out; Mrs. Morison briefly reviewed and: said, 'You'll have to move.|the various activities of the As- This space is reserved for our|s¢ ciation for the past year such friends." I moved, as Fei Peng --. pan- Does she have the right to re-/¢! dis 1s GEOUD Sia . serve the parking places in front and the reduction in the number ing behind the door--listening.|of her home? She says she does of meetings as an experiment. She said nothing. because she is a homeowner. Mrs. Morison thanked all the After the woman left, mother|Right?--VAL potion a Site cas a called me to the sewing room| pear Val: Wrong, The woman|*<. n pie : to have a little talk. She started| may inh the rst teh she| tose who worked on commit- Beatrice; vice-president, Mrs. Dennis Noonan (second term); His Mother's Advice 7a Brings Rich Reward Jian secretary, Mrs. Robert McDon- Zz Dear Ann Landers: I am writing about the woman who was fearful that her popularity was based on a rare talent for passing on gossip. She signed her letter "Blabbenmouth" and closed by sayirig, "I don't like myself very much today." May I add something which may be of value? When I was a child I over- heard a friend of my mother's confiding an intimate family problem. Mother saw me stand- Father McGoungh encouraged jthe children to continue their | education and extended to the) students, parents and teachers, | ee ee be behalf of | sTuDIO |\Monsignor Paul Dwyer and the) . [Reverend Alfred G. Quesnelle. |@ "ov Church. Studio Reception Mrs. Morison thanked Father | © PHONE 723-3680 © McGough for his kind words and| by saying, "Son, if a friend left|doesn't own the street. You \a pocketbook or a wallet in our|have as much right to park in jhouse you wouldn't give away|front of her house as she does. her money, would you?" I re-lif she doesn't believe you, she plied, "Of course not." can ask the chief of police. Mother. continued, "Well, to)" day a friend left something in) CUSTOM SPREADS our home which is far more) ,, : precious than: money. It is her! EAST LONDON, South Africa secret. If we give it away it|(AP)--Some African tribal cus-| would hurt her terribly, Wejtoms say only unmarried would be hurting ourselves, too, women may have the bare) because we always end up sad|l¢som look. A paper here sug- when we do things that make gested missionaries, who for 300 Electrolysis | Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair, Over 18 Years' Experience MARIE MURDUFF will be in Oshewe et the Genosha Hotel, July 6, 7, 8 | jcialist in keyboard improvisa- Bernt eee oe tars, Maree, OF NT GUT I Nk cealons "ay lecturer, Jeffrey. Mrs. Clarence Scott and) The closing meeting of the] Having Sasentiy Sanat " Mrs. Ross Glover gave readings. | Mary Parker group Of St.lpoard of Examiners this was Mrs. C. A, Quantrill offered a|George's Guild was held at the/nis first time in that capacity. vote of thanks to Mrs, Lang-| home of Mrs. Eric Green, Rag-l1e spoke briefly on some of maid for her hospitality. bo he iggllet aga form of 4|the decisions an examiner must KING STREET UCW 8 . Mi : |make. He also stressed the de- The table decoration was a} ; ; eins : velopment of a student's per- Mrs. Wilfred Harris open-jlarge bowl of beautiful roses.) onality that it may be seen in ed the regular meeting of the|Visitors included Mrs. : ' J Ardent Workers, Unit 8 of King|Parker, Mrs, Harvey Skinner! iis persormance. eo of bag sta- Street with prayer. |and Miss Phyllis Stubley. Fewigres =e ay eres 5 ap Reports were given by Mrs.| Twin sisters Cynthia and Eliz-|\me increase in the number of Gordon Reeson and Mrs. Jack|abeth Bird, nieces of Mrs.|PUP iS i Ping music, -THees Chamberlain. Home and hospit-/Green helped to serve the lunch pied : ees i pre: al calls reported were home 18,/and were very entertaining. AI-|f hig Me ime pasts erica hospital 89. jter a brief business meeting Fide - eS ec oy Mrs, Amos Hartman, a mem-|Mrs, 0,.C. Richardson thanked » ig honey fhe Ribar Cr a ber who lives in Whitby and not)\Mr. and Mrs. Green for their\"°™ n ices oF - 3 ag ee able to attend, often was sent/kind hospitality. a wenn. already feeling a card signed by all those pres-| ent. FIRST BAPTIST WA Mr. Stone was introduced by Mrs, Harris announced she| The WA of First had accepted an invitation from|Church met at the home of|/Gany Booth expressed Unit 10 to attend their mepting Mrs. Edgar Anderson, Simcoe|thanks of the teachers. in October. street north. Miss Willard presided ove Tickets for the 'Feast of the| The president, Mrs. Ralph| short business ae ey 'oto: Seven Tables" an annual event|Hopson, opened the meeting ining the luncheon. Mrs. Jan to be held September 11 can be/ prayer. Drygala was appointed to the bought from members of the) Mrs. Anderson took charge lets of vice-president. titled "Joy", "God is Not Far'|The treasurer, Mrs. Anderson} the Beauty of the Earth" with|The secretary, Mrs. Walter The chapel of Northminster from the study book. |be held in Lakeview Park, July | bridge. Mrs. Lowery and her group| Refreshments were served. land Mrs, George Stonebridge of hostess to members of the Fel-| Westmount United Church re-| The bride, given in marriage was held in the recreation room.|}committee. sories, and a corsage of pink) the uCcW, the devotional period taking the)---- The devotional period was\scripture lesson from St. Mat-| : taken from the Scriptures Isiah\thew's, chapter 13. | Mary Bilenduke 55 and Psalm 16. Readings en-| The business period followed. and "June" were given by|gave an encouraging report,| G. W. Stonebridge Mrs. L. D, Lowery and Mrs.\and it was decided to give aj : Joshua Kinsey. donation of two hundred dollars} Married Saturday Mrs. Charles Silver sang "For|to the church mortgage fund. Mrs. Reeson accompanying her, Wellman, read the minutes and|United Church was the setting at the piano. thank you letters. last Saturday, July 4, for the Mrs, Lawrence Muldrew gave) Next month's meeting will|marriage of Mary Jane Bilen- an interesting talk on Indiajtake the form of a picnic, to|duke and George William Stone- Congratulations were extend-/14. | 'Phe bride is the daughter of ed to Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ed-) Mrs. John Barber, who madejMr, and Mrs. John Bilenduke of gar in honor of their golden|the travelling apron, started it)Winnipegosis, Manitoba, and wedding anniversary. lin circulation for three months.|the bridegroom is the son of Mr. served refreshments. ie | 4st SCOUT GROUP AUX, | Oshawa. KING STREET UCW The ist Oshawa boy scouts} The ceremony was performed Mrs, Seymour Bigwood wasjput on a strawberry supper at|by the Reverend H. A. Mellow. lowship Unit (4) of King Street/cently. lby her grandfather, Mr. Harry United Church Women at a pot; Supper was prepared by the|Kotyk, wore a white boucle suit luck supper held recently in her/Scout Group Auxiliary an diwith full-length coat; a white home. The buffet style supper|planned by the men's group)balmacan straw hat and acces- A, welcome guest was Mrs. L.| Scouts serving were Jim Pol-jroses and white carnations. | W. Herbert. A short business meeting fol-jter, Bob Buffett, Dan William-|fejdpurg of Oshawa attired in alcan go visit lowed with the worship servicejson, Ted Arnold, Douglas Stu-|oang ink oot bouc being Jed by Mrs. Thomas Goch) art. Brian Bent and John Black |°2" "esl site bat coveie ic| assisted by Mrs. H. B. Arm-| Proceeds from this supper pink organdie petals with white strong and Mrs. William Eddie.|and a car wash which was held), cessories ; Perry, announced plans for a|towards summer camps and ge Pee forthcoming wedding anniver-|canoe trips which are being held], Mr. Jerry Prusinski ac ted as sary and also a wedding in July./during the summer months. A oa : Volunteers for these projects future car wash is planned for fe a bevy eld were secured by the social con iduly 11. (Pater Tullook. Nash Road, Cour: tice. To receive the guests the bride's grandmother chose a two-piece suit of pale pink jcrepe, beige flowered hat and jaccessories, with a corsage of pale pink roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a two-piece linen suit of lemon yellow, black veiled wedding) band hat of- braided straw and/ black accessories anda corsage | of yellow roses and orchid) shaded carnations. | The couple left on a short hon-| eymoon, the bride attired in her wedding ensemble. On their re- turn, Mr. and Mrs. Stonebridge will reside on Oshawa boulevard south. HOUSEHOLD. HINT | When baking, make it a habit to place a piece of aluminum) foil, shiny side up, under, every) pan. It's far easier to catch the) | dribbles than to clean the oven.| i | ! { FOR THE FINEST IN Custom Made DRAPES SEE M. & C. Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 BEAUTY IN THE BUD ter of Mr Hyde Mr. and Mrs. Kuzma Yackno- vets, Benito, Manitoba | --Aldsworth Photography | and Mrs Kippen, Ontario Alex and of This young beauty is Shelly Denise, the six - month - old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pe- ter Yacknovets, Roxborough street. She is the granddaugh- Baptist|Miss Helen Willard and Mrs.) | Dear Curtain: I agree you've jare far from nutty | If your husband doesn't come Hock, Rick Canfield, Dave Sla-| 'The bridesmaid was Miss LisalSt@¥ With the children so you Her corsage was) The group leader, Mrs. Jackjrecently at the scout hall, go white carnations. | PHONE 723-4641 for appointment on these dotes other people unhappy." years have tried to cover rural I never told a soul what I African nudity, might find work heard that day. My mother's'to do in America and Europe. jwords made such an impres- jsion on me that to this day I| AT Anscus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY of gossip. Keeping my mouth shut has become a way of life. 282 King W., Oshawa ®@ Tel, 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre I have profited from this les- . . ' . Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum lson which I learned early in life. Perhaps this is why I have |maintathed so many lasting and icherished friendships. -- OLD \LOCK JAW Dear OLJ.: What a wise and |wonderful mother you had! Not lonly was her philosophy sound, | |but she has a most effective way of teaching you personal) integrity. Thank you for shar- ing her wisdom with us. | Dear Ann Landers: My hus-| |band was sent to a large city) 300 miles away to set up a new) office for his firm. His assistant) is with him and they share an apartment, I've never met his assistant but I've heard he is pantgeacrs handsome and a wild man with the women. | I wrote to. my husband re- cently and asked if his assistant was married. He replied, "I don't stick my nose into other people's business. I wouldn't ask the guy if he is. married and he wouldn't ask me such a personal question, either." | This got me to thinking. My lhusband hasn't been home in lsix weeks. (He promised to get j|home: every other weekend.) |Since when are a wife and five \children considered "too per- jsonal to talk about?" | I have a hunch these two are lliving it up -- like bachelors Maybe I've been alone too much land I'm getting alittle nutty Please set me straight.-- CUR- |TAIN OF DOUBT Rug Cleaning WATCH FOR JEWELLERS MOVING SALE See Tomorrow's Paper ! been alone too much--but you to wonder iwhat's going on home next weekend, make ar- rangements to have someone him and have a nice little talk. | Dear Ann: apartment which We live in an has no garage | LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 For you who love the feeling of silky-smooth cotton--this bra is it --and more! With unique non-curl Stretch straps of Lycra*, With the most beautiful fit you've ever worn. Why? Because of designers who understand you. Because it's a Petal Burst Stretch Strap! Style 1282. A, B, C. 32-38, White. $3.00, *Du Pont's registered trademark NEW COTTON | Cer Gurr!" STRETCH STRAP w Wondor-bra' BUY WONDER BRA "PETAL BURST" AT fashions for Summer & Early Autumn | Sey these wedding gown fashions now on display 'in our bridal salon, The most wondrous new creations in J) such an excellent range of styles. . . plus delightful |] fashions for the "mother of the bride', the bridesmaids | and maid of honour, will moke your wedding complete in every detail Moke Your Appointment for A Private Consultation Call 725-1912 | 31 SIMCOE ST. S. E ATON'S IN osHAwA WARD'S DRY GOODS 725-1151 LADIES' WEAR LTD. | BLACK'S 72 Simcoe North Open Friday Evenings Until 9 O'Cloek | 68 SIMCOE N. SPORTSWEAR "* SIMCOE LADIES WEAR sowmanvits KAYE'S

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