Thought For Today If you could see a 's thoughts, he'd groom them like he does his hair. VOL. 93 NO. 158 he Os OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1964 wi emgage gey eee GtTrs t Weather Report Variably 'cloudy overnight and Wednesday with a few scattered thundershowers. Winds light. Authorized os Second Class Mall Pest Office Department Ottawa and for payment of Postage in Cash, SIXTEEN PAGES HOT OPENING Four hours after Bob Thom- cial Drive with his records, as opened his mew furniture one of the few items left un- store in. Vancouver it was damaged in the $125,000 fire. wrecked by fire during the He says he'll fing a new store weekend. Here he picks his and hold a fire sale. way across east-end Commer- --(CP _Wirephoto) PM Emphatically Ayes Fight Centers In Alabama BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) --|pools at Brunswick, Ga., were Negroes ran: iito scattered|closed. pockets of resistance in testing | A white government worker the new Civil Rights Act Mon-|socked a Negro who took part day and_ integration | MALAYSIA WO0S WEST ARMS AID leaders|in desegregating the cafeteria mapped .plans for intensified|in the state capitol at Baton campaigns. especially in Ala- Rouge, La. | bama. At St. Augustine, Fla., State Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.,!Attorney Dan Warren said he announced in Birmingham that has obtained warrants for the his staff members would go tojarrest of at least four white Tuscaloosa and Selma, Ala., to/youths involved in a Sunday as- begin assessing the situation in/sault on six Negroes. He said these cities. He said his South-|the warrants carry the charge ern Christian Leadership Con-|of assault with intent to mur- ference would concentrate its|\der. The Negroes were fishing efforts tin Alabama this sum-/Sunday when attacked. mer, SHOOT WOMAN Meeting with King's group to. 4 young Negro woman at "re-evaluate summer plans intending a voter registration light of what has happened in/rally at Moss Point, Miss., was response to the civil rights bill") shot and wounded Monday night of Racial Equality and the Stu-|Auythorities at a Pascagoula dent Non-Violent Sepetinain hospital said Ella Mae Stall- Committee. __|worth, 19, was in good condi- At Selma, 55 Negroes and six/ tion, whites were jailed when civil! At Pahokee, Fla., rights forces launched a neW\Negroes and white persons voter registration drive. drove through the community | «at Birmingham, U.S. Dis-/on Lake Okeechobee breaking jtrict Judge Clarence Allgood store windows. Police said they jcontinued indefinitely a Negro/also stopped about 100 Negroes request to prevent police from|from marching on the down- interfering with peaceful dem-'town area. onstraitons at Tuscaloosa, WILL COMPLY $11-Million Suit and hotel On Rights Law | At Tuscaloosa, a majority of| |Tuscaloosa's motel Joperators issued a statement jsaying they would comply with! ATLANTA (AP) An Ate were members of the Congress|hy gunfire from a passing car.| % gangs of | Rahman Solicits Help At London Conference the Southeast Asian conflict. Anastas Mikoyan, Soviet first deputy premier, last week gave |donesian aggression and meet/Russian blessing for Indone- The' several charges against|lic knowledge only in January |r came Licost Mdessips oss Fr cei peliey vended 8 against) v "> |the federation's ers. jagainst Mataysta and promis the doctars are based on dif-|after members of her family 'e50 én ty ferent types of circumstances|Pursued reports that it had Tunku Abdul Rahman, Ma- acacly and wena der which a death must be been caused by a clamp and)/@ysian prime minister, said he) The tunku eartir told a press a pate Y 8 brought the matter to the at-|Will take his search for assist-/conference he was mainly seek- Mectsrate Butler, in dismiss-|tention of the coroner's office|#"ce to the conference of Com-|ing economic help but his coun- iio the' Ave: remain charges|here. |monwealth prime ministers|try also needs a number of hel- aetna! Dr. Plewes pi with; Following the inquest, sixjoPening Wednseday and tojicopters for use against Indo- the defence that the offence|Charges under various sections|President Johnson in Washing-/nesian guerrillas in the Borneo would consist of failing to re- the Coroner's Act were|ton later this month. ae. Papa port a death and that the doc- lodged against four hospital] Canadian Prime Minister . . 3 Quit Viet Nam Clamp Death Inquiry Clears Chief Surgeon coroner of one death. {death last Nov. 3 became pub- LONDON (AP) -- Malaysia |served notice today it is seek- ing Western help to ward off In- DR, PLEWES jthe federal law. | Negroes integrated businesses jand facilities in Fort Smith, Ark.; Charleston, Greenville and Myrtle Beach, S.C; Mem- phis, Tenn.; Ocala, Plant City, |test of the newly - enacted civil\Plewes head surgeon at Tor- lrights law. lanta motel has filed an $11,-' 000,000 damage suit against the : doctors, Hospital Administrator|Lester Pearson was asked at a ae ak ee tien Eric Willeocks and Dr. Kenneth| press conference today whether Lone aqguitted S di OB Rai cse i ys, ome he ee to yond one er TIP AG Seer eae _| physici w -laysia the a was seeking. sl augzeted Crown Coun erating team" on Oct. 18. Dr. He replied: "| Moscow Tells Crown was taking the attitude a Tumi "-- deat | "We are spread pretty thin in s that "if you can't hang him by|oate, : "terms of men for international ashington the feet, you'll hang him by the, Petes baoe ae he ue 1 ial | | fost every area | INDON (Reuters)--The $o- The original acquittal in Dr.| College Bans |the world where there are these| viet Union has handed Britain Plewes' case was registered by| operations, a draft message calling on the the magistrate on the grounds T D t We should however, do|United States to withdraw U.S. that the Crown did not prove WO VOCTOIS what we could to help in/forces, military personnel and that Miss Morgan's death had} v ' federal government in a court) TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Burns not. been reported to a coroner.) For Ever | Magistrate Butler's abrupt onto East General Hospital,|ruling, in a case that had| TORONTO (CP)--The discip-| The suit, filed for the Heart/was acquitted today on five|raised a public furore several plinary committee of the Col- |strengthening Malaysia's jand Dunnellon, Fla.; and Mer- jidian, Miss. . eton Rolleston, motel president! coroner Negroes were turned awayjand a lawyer, asked the Commonwealth's Value | By ALAN HARVEY ference he has attended as LONDON (CP)--Prime Minis-|prime minister, though he hasii, Qeaja, but integrated four ter Pearson, fresh from Canada often been on hand at previous) jthors if for So oka agit -- aa pesicgratacs i sapte ion Two drug store soda foun- A section of the/ ) * P |tains closed in Hopewell, Va.,|law. lp e Moday at Buck) Cirson told reporters he has|and A hotel shut down in'Jack'| 'The Heart of Atlanta. Motelin, Le ¥.°* "im eeting. lasting|"one or two plans" for in-| iss., rather than comply|has been the target of repeated fhout three-quarters of an hour,| teased technical assis tance|With the law. jdemonstrations and sit-ins by of the jney - General Robert Kennedy/ during an operation. \from enforcing the public ac-) of all resulting in East General of Atlanta Motel Corp., by Mor- charges of failing to notify a} months death ° , U.S.|woman after a surgical instru-| the from one eating establishment|pistrict Court to enjoin Attor-|ment had been left in her body) de |_ Th ittal by Magistrate Peek ee: ler Med Dr,| aw had argued that Dr. Plewes ining|had no responsibility to report ren ent death of the woman to 'a death of Patricia Morgan, 32,| Coroner, but 'had not 'suggested Hospital Nov. 4. He was acquitted of the last ago over allegations| lege of Physicians and Surgeons a|that medical men covered up|has recommended two doctors causes of. some hospital|be banned forever from prac- aths, came as a jolt to both tising in Ontario. Reed Hunter, counsel for the college, said. Monday night a three-month ion has also prosecution and defence. Defence Counsel D. K. Laid- de- fence in tenms of training and equipment, But there is a limit to what a small country could do." arms from South Viet Nam, Tass news agency said today. Tass said the Soviet foreign ministry handed the draft mes- sage to the British ambassador to Russia, Sir Humphrey Trev- elyan. Tass described the draft as a "from the co-chair- men of the Geneva conference (on Indochina) to the U.S gov- SEES RED THREAT | The Tunku told a British tele- vision audience Monday night that Soviet promises of help for President Sukarno of Indonesia had brought a new element to been recommended forthe third | physician. ernment and all other govern- ments who had 'taken part in Mr. Hunter said the commit- there was no evidence that ajtee recommended that the report was not filed. Prosecutor/names of Dr. Leo V. Roy of the gpnference." | Britain and Russia are co- Court Acquits took place in a first-flour "au within the Commonwealth. Negroes were turned away|Negro and white civil. rights 00) ce -flou - " He reacted with animation Family's private apartments, [hen asked whether the Cane | A court official sa'd the| monwealth is losing its value. Queen and the prime minister} "No indeed," he said empha-| undoubtedly had "quite a iot to| tically. *"T think it has a new talk about" in view of the|value." Queen's visit to Canada in Oc-| Although this is Pearson's tober. first conference as premier, he Pearson went to the palacejis an old hand at such gather- within hours of arriving at Lon-jings, having attended as ex- don airport to attend the 13th\ternal affairs minister. Im 1948 conference of Commonwealthihe played a useful part in en- prime ministers and heads Of|gineering an agreement by state. It is the first such con-|which_ "/mained in the Commonwealth CPR Express ing technical assistance, a sub- jject that promises to become jan important topic of the con- ference, A 72-year-old.) Winnipeg man as ' was detained in hospital and 13 TO DISCUSS PLAN others were treated for minor) The Canadian proposals, still injuries when the CPR's trans-jin the tentative stage, will energy town. cluding joint financing of a Detained in hospital with un-/number of Commonwealth proj- determined injuries was M. A. ects in technical, scientific, ed- Anderson: He also was reported ucational and medical fields. went off the track but remained Whether Canada's controversial upright in the derailment. Cause new flag might be discussed. of the accident is being investi- As this matter now before gated. Parliament, references to the the front four cars and the train Pearson gave the impression proceeded after about three anada is approaching the con- hours' delay. The accident oc- ference with a wait-and-see at- curred about 4:35 p.m. EDT.. titude. after achieving independence. Leaves Track "T don't continental passenger train, The likely be put forward' during to be suffering from shock Pearson had a scheduled au- The train was heading for! flag were cursory SCRANTON LOADS SALVO FOR BARRY think I should say he Is Pearson declined to elabor- ate on Canadian plans regard- Injuring 14 J : g '4, any more about that. now," CHALK RIVER, Ont., (CP)-- said at his airport reception. Canadian, was derailed Monday discussion of a new British near this Ottawa Valley atomic plan for mutual self-help, in- 'A dining-car, four sleeping dience with the Queen _ this cars and a dome-observation car afternoon but declined to say Montreal. Passengers in the de- Questioned about the confer- railed coaches were moved to ence which begins Wednesday, for the second time by a white| workers. chairmen of the conference. | Tass said the draft was drawn UAW Officer Hoolihan said. there was aj Toronto and Dr. Robert K. Gra- restaurant owner Racist And Lions | Issue Simmers TORONTO (CP)--The smou!-jlitical nature" ublican India_ re-| dering issue of Alabama Gover-| lated to the club's objectives. nor George Wallace's scheduled speech to a Lions: International convention here Thursday heated up further Monday when| groups announced plans to stage tigation." the service club's president said) a demonstration when the gover- the invitation still stands. | The Toronto Labor Committee jon Human Rights asked Presi- dent Aubrey Green of York, Ala., Monday not to let the seg- regationist governor address the annual convention which gets under way Wednesday. A telegram from committee chairman Eamon Park said the invitation was an open insult to Canadians because of the gov- ernor's strong segregationist at- titude. Mr, Green replied: "No thought is being given to the withdrawal of the invitation."' Earlier Monday the Lions' 31- member board of directors passed a resolution which noted that for many years it has been the custom of the president and president-elect to invite the chief executive of their native state, province or country to the an- nual conventions." The resolution also expressed confidence Toronto will extend a warm welcome although efforts have been. made. to link association and this convention's purposes with subjects of a po- in Atlanta,| Ga., and city-county swimming} "theling first charge Monday. __|"clear contravention" of the|ham of Palmerston, Ont., should Dr.. Plewes was one of six/Coroner's Act by Dr. Plewes.|be erased from the college reg- jpersons--including five doctors} During an inquest into Miss|ister. |--faced with a total of 40)/Morgan's death in February,| The full, 15 -- member college jcharges as the result of the Mr, Hoolihan charged the case|council will also consider July woman's death. had beén "swept under the rug"}22 a recommendation that Dr. Following his acquittal, Dr.|by the hospital, but hospital au-|S. Z. Strulovici of Toronto be! Allan Noble, assistant chief pa-|thorities denied this. |suspended for professional mis-| thologist at the hospital, went| The cause of Miss Morgan's'conduct, Mr. Hunter said. | lon. trial on the first of six FAST TEMPO DRAGS A hearing on the suit has been) set for July 17. charges against him. As in the case of the head | tried for failing to report a Business Slow . On Forces Bill PLAN DEMONSTRATION death 'under such circum-| Last week about 20 Toronto stances as to require an inves-| The groups formed "the emer-|Dr. Plewes, argued today in| gency committee of five' which|seeking dismissal the - re-| asked for a meeting with 'Mr.|maining five charges, that the Green and other Lions' execu-|Crown was trying to make six tives to discuss the governor's|offences out of. the single of- visit, The- meeting was rejected.|fence of failing to notify the The. committee includes the sia ie ae a Canadian Anti-Apartheid Com- mittee, Home Service Associa- tion and. representatives from i ee the Toronto and District Labor the 'Ton 5 Still Missing Governor Wallace is travelling NEW CASTLE, Pa. (AP)-- to Toronto in a private plane,| Fiye employees of an explosives but it is not known when he will manufacturing plant that was land rocked by a series of explosions About 80,000 Lions, wives and and fires Monday are missing. children have converged here so. The five men, are Eugene far for the official opening of Rudesill. 35; Gerald Wingard, the assembly Wednesday with a 30; Donald Schenker, 38: Wilbur giant parade down Toronto's Robinson, 39; and Clarence main thoroughfare and also a). | big splash -- the painting of Claypool, 63; all of inew Castle.| Yonge Street with Lions' gold) Four explosions--all within an and purple colors. hour--ripped through American There will be 68 bands, a bugle Cyanamid's 535-acre tract, lo- that are unre- nor arrives at Maple Leaf Gar- SEBS DISMISSAL dens to address the Lions. D. K. Laidlaw, counsel oL to pay youth allowances to those aged 16 and 17 who remain at! school or who are disabled. | The 'allowances will mean an| annual $120 to parents of these! children, ' | The Commons did get through its clause-by-clause committee study of the defence bill Mon- day: | |ASK MORE DETAILS But Conservatives continued to hammer at Defence Minister Hellyer for more information on By STUART LAKE OTTAWA (CP) Progress was slow Monday as the Com- mons tackled the first of six legislative items the govern- }ment hopes to have passed in jthe next 24 weeks. | The government is-trying to |clear the six measures and get back to the flag debate by about July 23. A summer recess jwould: follow a flag vote. | Prime Minister. Pearson said last week he believed the bill! setting up a single defence chief} A ; to replace the present three sued thes eae po ie chiefs of staff could be ap-|pate on third and final reading proved within hours, jof the measure. Third reading But the bill, which took up is usually a formality. three days of Commons time} [eq by Opposition Leader earlier in the session and sev-|Diefenbaker, the Conservatives real meetings of the Commons | warned that putting a single defence committee, occupied the "military superman" in charge corps, 19 groups of baton-twirl- ; " Foy | ult S¥a-hour 'Monday sitting. -|of the forces was a dangerous majorettes, 23 uniformed | "ated five miles west of New) jt wilt be the lead-off item|move and had been found un- delegations and 59 floats in the|Castle and 80 miles northwest on the. Commons agenda again| Workable in other countries. parade. of Pittsburgh. today, Due next week is a bill' They accused Mr. Hellyer of Plant Explodes, Back Rights Law, Blast Birchers SAN FRANCISCO (CP-AP)--| Governor William Scrantonjhere Monday night that he wants the republican party plat-|thinks the Republican party Romney said on his arrival|founder who once called Presi-! Eisenhower a Communist! dent supporter, but has said he |not answering all of their ques- tions and of giving misleading answers to some, Mr. Diefenbaker demanded) that Mr. Hellyer supply more| information on the announced $100,000,000 savings to be de- rived in the next 10 years from |Integration of the forces. Scranton's backers also were|the grounds that the public ac-|record in support of the new Gordon Churchill (PC -- Win- reported in line for another set-|/commodations and equal em-|civil rights law. But in a ruling by Representa-|ployment sections were uncon-\avoided any mention of the "mister talked of a stream- lined, unified force but didi't she Mipeg South Centre) said thel§ form to condemn the John Birch! should make 'it clear it opposes| knows many good people amongitive Katherine St: George of|stitutional. | constitutional issue. |up because North Vietaamese BRANTFORD (CP) -- Raiph/Foreign Minister Suan Thut MacBride, 45, an international] 'has sent the co-chairmen of representative for the United|the Geneva conference a tele- Auto Workers (CLC), was ac-|8tam about new actions by the quitted Monday on an impaired| United States, aimed at further driving charge. jextending ,ageression in South Magistrate John Shillington|V!¢t Nam. dismissed the charge after a 90-| Tass added that Suan Thui's minute hearing. jtelegram "reports facts which MacBride was charged March|in the opinion of the. govern. 10 after a police cruiser fol-|ment of the Democratic Repub- lowed his car several blocks to/lic of Viet Nam demonstrate a parking lot behind a building/the intention of the United where he has an office. States to extend military ace MacBride said he had gone 21\tions to the territory of the hours without sleep before his|Democratic Republic of Viet arrest. |Nam."' Society and uphold the legality/extremism but that he' opposes of the U.S. civil rights laws,)any specific denunciation of the both demands aimed at Senator) John Birch group Barry Goldwater. Representative Melvin Laird Bul Scranton got the cold/of Wisconsin, chairman of the shoulder from Michigan's Gov- Platform committee, said in an ernor George Romney, a key interview he also is opposed to man in the stop - Goldwater sp sd such declaration in "i ne plallorm movement. Scranton had said in a letter to Laird: "I feel the platform should contain an outright condemna- tion of extremist groups of both the left and the right and that it should name the John Birch Society as an organization of which the Republican party specifically disapproves." | Goldwater has criticized Ro bert Welch, the society's) CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE 725-1133 FIRE DEPT. 725-6574 HOSPITAL 723-2211 the Birchers. The society, which has head- quarters at Belmont, Mass., de- scribes itself as an "educational army... .-dedicated to oppos- ing thee Communist con- spiracy." New York, the convention par- liamentarian, that rules of the House of Representatives will! govern convention actions. The platform committee adopted similar rules Monday night. CONTROLS SPEAKERS The parliament@rian's: ruling would mean that Laird would control the time and designate} the speakers on both sides for convention debate on any pro- posed amendments to his com- mittee's platform recommenda- tions Scranton, governor. of Penn- sylvania, hopes to win the re publican presidential nomina- tion by holding enough dele- gates to keep the heavily-fay- ored Goldwater from getting the required 655 votes on the first ballot. Then. with probable switches on the second. and other ballots! form declaration about the con --if they are needed--Scranton Stitutionality of the civil rights would hope to grab the nomina-|bill, Gdldwater' voted against tion himself. | the Laird is opposed to any plat- visers, made it clear they ex-| tion of the platform committee Mon-\of exile In Washington, Goldwater's AGAINST MOON PROJECT 3 Pe it would be accom-| § campaign manager, Deni-| "mong other council recom-/"y)) 0) 7. . : son Kitchell, said there will be) mendations was one that the sue Werth ex Gee a fight if efforts are made to United States drop the 1970 isled thé G sald Mr. Hellyer| put thé constitutionality issue in|@eadline for putting a man on tid fsa Commons when 'he| § j the moon and cut expenditures i O00 gration would eliminate| in this field, which Mrs. Luce|,;"'. S¢tvicemen. It now was said is not "primarily scientific Known that up to 80 per-cent of in its objectve." these would have retired or left She reported the councl fav-|'h Service without integration ors further tax cuts "if, the/SAYS MORALE LOWER |budget is kept close to balance| Douglas Harkness, former and federal spending is re-|Conservative defence . minister, | strained." The council opposed|Charged Mr. Hellyer with lower. "further concessions" in the|ing the morale of the forces. Mrs. Clare Booth Luce; for-| Panama Canal dispute arged a\/The defence department iiself mer congresswoman and am-jnew presidential statement of|didn't. know what was happen- bassador to Italy, recom-|policy for the Far East andiing. And Mr. Hellyer himself mended at the opening session recommended 'taking the wraps | seemed unaware that) many S in their efforts-to raid|/highly - qualified officers were the platform The issue assumed added pro- portions because Scranten and Senator Hugh Scott sf Pennsyl- vania, one of his principal ad- pect to carry it to the conven- floor to add to 'the emo- tional atmosphere there, VIETNAMESE WOUNDED - member of Vietnamese special force, bristling with weapons, carries a comrade who was wounded when a Viet truck convoy north of Toy Ninh Sunday. Ten men of the group were injured by the guerrilla action. A legislation in the senate on|day night that the party go on'Cuba, leaving the services. f ry | Cong mine exploded under a --(AP Wirephoto) 4 ;