Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jul 1964, p. 8

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-\band and I need an outsider's -|man goes out once a week with leach other) this is not consid- Dear Ann Landers; My hus- opinion. Please put your answer in the paper so he won't say I forged your name on a letter. Thank you. Is it adultery if a married a woman who is also married and whose husband works nights? There is no sex in- volved. My husband swears to it. According to him, adultery involves a married person and a single person. If they are both married. (even though. not to ered adultery, no matter what happens. What is your verdict? --Little Egypt Dear Little Egypt: Your hus- band is wrong. Adultery is de- fined as a sexual relationship between a married person and Hubby's Nights Out Sound Too Dull UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARTES Medal, Citation S.A. HOME LEAGUE The Home League meeting this week was held at Lakeview Park, in the form of a picnic. A good number of members came and thoroughly enjoyed the cool breeze from the Lake. Mrs. William Given was in charge of the games and con- tests and a great number par- ticipated. Many children were present and they too had races and games. All the winners re- ceived prizes, Mrs. William James and her committee were in charge of the delicious supper. Everyone went home tired but. happy. Next week's meeting will be in the charge of Mrs, Frank Buller ang the members who attended the Home League Camp at Roblii the facts to make it appear as if the one who repeated the story was actually the liar, This person has caused me many sleepless nights, I'd ap- preciate your counsel.--Victim of a Forked Tongue Dear Vic: Liars seldom have one target. You are probably one of many. People learn who is who and what's what, event- ually, and then the lies are no longer. believed. Your best protection against | Recognizes IODE the treasurer's report and the} weport on the tag day was a) The National Chapter of Can- financial success. Mrs. Arthur|ada, LODE was recently pre- Wigston read the correspon-|sented with a medallion on be- dence. An outing was planned/half of the Chairman of Inter- for July 14 for a visit to the|national Co-operation Year Pioneer Village. A bus will leaye| (Canada) in recognition of the terminal 10.30 a.m. its contribution over many years The next meeting will be held|{o the purposes for which In- at the home of Mrs. Eva Tag-|ternational Co-operation Year gart, 170 Simcoe Street South,|has been founded, The Citation September 18 at 2 p.m. Teads as follows: Prizes donated by Mrs.|_ "We-honor the Imperial Order Brately and Mrs. E. F. Fallon| Daughters of the Empire as an were won by Mrs. Thomas|@Ssociation that has never been Loreno and Mrs. Charles Gibbs.|Narrow and parochial, an Order} that understands that while} Shoserit am, ayy were served bY| charity begins at home. 'our| . home is the whole wide world) and our family is the human} family... } "For its work of relief during! Crispy Chicken another person who. is not his spouse. The other person can a lie is your own good charac- ter. It's a. waste of time and energy to try to defend your- self against this kind. of an as- sassin, Dear Ann Landers: Please help a. desperate mother of six. Our oldest will be 18 soon, She has another year of high school left but she doesn't want to fin- ish. In this state a girl of 18 is legally able to move out of her| Lake. SILVER CROSS CHAPTER. The Remembrance Associa- tion, Oshawa Silver Cross Chap- ter, met at the' home of the president, Mrs. Herbert Brately, Whitby, recently. Mrs. Jack Hogan read the minutes and Mrs. Charles Gibbs high school diploma and the Comes To Table In Mushroom Sauce Crispy Chicken Baked with] Mushroom Sauce is highlighted by a rich, brown crumb coating that seals in the succulent juices of the poultny. The recipe makes four or five servings, Beat an egg with one table- spoon of water; place it in a and after two world wars, for' its measures to relieve suffering after war's devastation in Eu- rope, after famine, flood, hurri- cane, volcano and earthquake in Armenia, South East Asia, Eu- rope and the Caribbean . . . Hong Kong, Morocco and Jor-;the best service developed for dan... 3 Canadians at home should also "For its medical aid program | be offered to others beyond our to India: scholarships, medical|shores and for demonstrating Studies, supplies, textbooks and this belief in action for over a paediatric ward . . . "50 years." ; "For its support of education | by a program of scholarships bringing students from Ghana, Nigeria, India, Pakistan and The West Indies to Canada and OPTOMETRIST for its library program to 50) 142 King St. East schools in the Caribbean... | "In. particular. we honor the! 723-2721 1. E. JOHNSON O11 Order for its recognition that' Capture the Moment with Bridal Portraits and Albums House, Church, Studio Reception @ PHONE 723-3680 e Save The Children Fund, sent to! needy children in Korea, Ja- "For the shipments to bel maica, Italy, Greece, Germany, | For The Finest Meats and Pastries North American and European LITZ | Value of a higher education. rooms in 2 tablespoons mar-|| garine or butter in another. pan. | Stir in 1 cup evaporated milk, and 4% cup water; heat, stir-| ring, almost to boiling point. Season to taste; pour over i ri r single. arents' home and do as she) , : TY, aeagarlg Raabe i ag ta eshte h ae 'wit pleases: | Since she is of legal age| Shallow dish. Dip in it pieces of ee i ekly "sexless"| Her father and I have talked,| there is nothing you can do to|chicken (3 pounds cut-up fryer Song r the. penin's husband| bribed, pleased and demanded| keep her at home. So give her a pmol a 0% the pieces with catches up with him the guy is that she finish high school. We) YOUr blessings and let her know ie 4 read crumbs -- about not likely to discuss word defin-| offered to finance college or oe wigs A -- She'll ead a * ae hese es ? j | itions. ay just give him a business school but she is not" "ing on her own is rown them in % cup mar- chicken. Bake, uncovered, in \ belt eer worse interested, She wants to leave/"°t so glamoroun as she garine or butter in a heavy skil-|pre-heated moderate slow oven @ SPECIALLY egg epee ag: BWM: PLANT 8 | Dear Ann Landers: How does|/home this summer and get a thought. When She does come |let. Place the browned chicken) (325 deg. F.) 40 to 50 minutes, | "DOWNTOWN one protect himself against 'a|job 'doing anything" so she home which will he soon, Ijin a single layer in a shallow|or until chicken is fork tender.) 2 SIMCOE ST, N. liar? Please don't tell me fo|can be on her own. hope, please don't say "we told|baking dish. |Sprinkle with parsley or pav- | 728-5487 avoid him. I would like nothing} All this is beginning to show YOU 59. Saute % pound sliced mush- rika. Serve hot. better, but it is impossible. We|on me. I'm losing weight and TS corte ---- |have the same friends and our|can't sleep. What can we say |paths are crossing constantly. |or do to make our daughter This person is vicious, cruel] understand we love her and and clever. His tales have aj/want what is best for her?-- j quality of believability because) Desperate Mother jhe skillfully manages to hook; Dear pg Please don't ex- ial 4 jthe lie to a couple of half|pect a few lines from me to NAMES HORSE |nere. The building will house truths, repair a relationship which has MONTREAL (CP)--Mrs, §. J.|the Montreal Stock Exchange; | have faced him on a few) been coming apart at the seams Langill has named her most|where her husband has served) occasions and asked why he|for years. Unhajwpily you've promising colt Place Victoriajas chairman: The colt's sire|told so and so such and such.|been unable to make the girl after @ skyscraper being built! was Victoria Park, He denies everything and twists|understand the necessity of a Style [ I I - "WEDDED HAPPINESS daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Tremblay of Montreal and the bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bara- bas of Vonves, France. --Mary's Studio OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1111 SPECIAL PATIO The: marriage of Huguette Tremblay and Steven Barabas was solemnized recently in St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church. The bride is the ADD EXTRA FUN © AND ENJOYMENT TO OUTDOOR LIVING with Natura! Gas Treat yourself te the ultimate in patio pleasure . . . modern living d with ges. Bothe your patio with the mellow warmth ond gracious designs of a modern gos light . . . install @ handsome, practical and permanent GASGRILL by Arkla for new and-delightful experiences in both cooking and eating. A wonderful pair for @ wonderful summer in your own back yard. RUUD ARKLA "Embassy" Add @ touch of distinction to your patio with this graciously fashioned @ "EMBASSY" LAMP @ INSTALLATION $164.00 this price cover: 50° of gas lines, installation within - THE EMBASSY RUUD ARKLA "CABILDO" 2 This handsome lamp says "Welcome" with @ soft, pleasant greeting. Perfect for your patia ~ Classic black with gold anodized trim. COMPLETE PACKAGE @ GASGRILL @ "CABILDO" LAMP ® INSTALLATION this price covers installation within 50' of gas lines, | | -- or-- IT | GASGRILLS by ARKLA »+~@ NEW idea in carefree outdoor cooking! Prepore yourself for a completely new and delightful experience in both cooking ond eating! Gasgrilis do so much more than ordinary chercoalers, and with none of the bother or expense. You will quickly discover how Gosgrill's variable temperature control opens up a whole new area of cooking never possible with charcoal, Then comes o whole new experience as you try smoke cooking on your new Gasgrill. This permanent installation is always reody for. action . . . lights instantly, is trouble free, provides steady, constant heat under your 1 control, p ceramic ore gos-heated providing thet charcoal flavour - NO CHARCOAL REQUIRED. Put your order in to-day! CAN BE FINANCED ON YOUR GAS BILL (Gonsumers' (as 29 CELINA ST. OSHAWA 723-3468 ee A eh oe Call for Brading-the quality ale thats strong on flavour

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