ee ee Te eis een ee te NB flashi the finish li : Cc tt icked 16 hits, mbe ; agen pf Bo nay Bn "a 10.8 oe SPORTS Corvettes Score wine page ed ton safe- Reme t When? goed onds, three-fifths off the Cana- . ities. By THE CANADIAN PRESS dian mark. Over Startires CORVETTES -- Nicholas, ¢;| J¢ DiMaggio joined tory with a time of 51.3. _ . However, a four-girl Hamil- tt I Starfires| Wilson, p; MclIiguham, 1b, Stra-| baseball's immortals 23 ton Spartan team got the vic. CALENDAR 10.7 in' a Goneral Actors: Sen'|chan, 2b; Cobb, ss; Gibbens,| years ago today when he f ior Ladies' softball game at eg Dubbiestein, If; Crossman, | hit safely in his 45th The best compliment the meet} naught Park on Tuesday night,| and Allchorne, rf. i ; urpass could receive came from Jack TODAY'S GAMES The winners scored single rens| SPITFIRES -- Olliffe, If; widget gate as Willie Griffin, also of Frederick, MD,| SOFTBALL |in the first four innings and ex-| Gibbens, 2b; Lyon, p; Thomas, Ma coach of the two Maryland girls. City and District League -- A| ploded for four big runs in the|3b; Anderson, c; Kule, ss; Cro-| Keeler in 1807. DiMaggio "It was a well-run meet,"|and W vs Oshawa Bad Boys,|seventh. P. Gibbens was their wens, cf; Clary, 1b and Van| went on to run thefstreak to Griffin said after the meet.|6.30 p.m. and Toronto Plating) big hitter. ' 1 Shendal, rf. 55 games. "The officials did a good job|vs Scugog Cleaners, 8.15 D.M. |e sectinereinceeaian 7 m " ee lining up the competitors as| Both games at Alexandra Park. the competition was very tough) UAW League -- Lord's vs for Debbie and Tammy." Parts and Service, at Alexan- Pi Sac gin Heat § the results: dra Park, 1 p.m. > -- Ngirhborhood Assoc. PeeWee snigerTornio Bon Mls. 2 denny wie -- poy vac may gerson, Toronto. 3. oerenny avis, ri Wi view at ngs Hy unny- nodisn 'Notive Record' end ties Cenadien|side at Bathe and Harman at Open Mark). North Oshawa. West Division Men's Open-Mile Run -- 1. Pete Mewett,'_ Lake Vista at Storie; Rundle Paice Woods, Oshans: Time aiei;{at Brookside; Thornton's at Men's 20-Mile Walk -- 1. Alex Oakiey,|Fernhill and Glen Stewart ati} Oshawa. 2. Felix Capella, Toronto Glad- mes at 6.30 p.m. Sone, Bruce Marbored, New. York, me All gai p Time; 2 brs. 52 min., 11.8 seconds, | BASEBALL JUVENILE WOMEN | Eastern Ontario Juvenile Sete. te tency Sinm dee em| League -- Courtice vs. Oshawa, Gen Laas & Ania Ver v: ng Alexandra Park, 6.15 p.m. don Lions, 3, Astrid Verduyn, Peterbor- ough. Time: 13.3. | } pitt yard Dasn hg i. Debbie. Thompeen,| SOCCER | rederick, MD, 2. Susan 5, Hamil- i i F fon Spartan. 3. Judy Dallimore, Ottewa Oshawa and gangs mer = Uplands. Time: 10.9 (Ties Canadian Re| (Second Division) -- rainia cord) vs Rangers, at Kinsmen Civic M0-yard Run -- |, Serena Doucette, Oak! Wamorial Stadium, -- 6.45 p.m. ville. 2 Marg Robinson, Toronto North! : York, & Janet Anstett, Don Mills, Time:| First Division -- Local 222 vs ns | Rangers, 8 p.m. , at Kinsmen Relay (4 110) -- 1. Hamilton Spartan. : 8, Torrie North Yorks 2, Oshowe Treck| Scuum -- | LACROSSE JUVENILE MEN Oshawa Minor Bantam nes IB ines, (oy fine', Set League -- UAWA vs Kinsmen, Live itap! chee Mason, Don Mils. Distance 21 #...6 p.m. and Jury and Lovell vs . On Lions, 7 p.m., at Oshawa's Chil- HAVE A CirCuS+.+ ; Lal uv r " U 1 1 "ign Kiigeirick, 'Bowmnenvilie. 3. sim) aren's Arena. at Your merry Daity Queen | Dodd, Toronto Olympic. Height 6 ft. Oshawa Minor Midget League 10-yard Murdies -- 1. Red Zanin, Wind- -- Dairy Queen vs People's ALEX OAKLEY, Oshawa's emblematic of the Canadian liant victory in the event, a eral Motors Public Melations) se. 2 fier Benton, oo? Mills. 3. Tim Clothing, 8 p.m. and Royal ae : Rae : Dept, ie shown (lett) MmakING "geoyera Run -- 1. Taimo Leps, Toron-|Crown Colas vs Genosha Hotel, brilliant walking ace, is shown championship, in the 20-mile highlight of the Oshawa Folk the official presentation on be- |e Treck Cub, 2. Leute Bridger; Toren-|9 p.m., at Children's Arena above (right) accepting the walking event, here at Alexan- Festival program, on Domin halt of the donor of the hand- !¢ Olympic. 3. Ron Field, Don Mills. Juvenile -- Junior League -- Col, R.§.McLaughlin Trophy, dra Park, following his bril- ion Day. Jan McNab, of Gen some trophy "oo-verd Dash --~.1. Dave Austin, Len-|Tom Cullen's Esso vs Brooklin, don Lions. 2. Steve Stewart, Toronto i Track, 3. Jen Cioe, Toronto Track. Time at Brooklin Arena, 8 p.m. }10.1 0 . . ' TwoMile Run -- 1. Dave Tong, Toron- FRIDAY' GAMES to East York. 2. Grant Osborne, Oshawa BASEBALL Treck Club. 3. Ken How, Toronte Olym- Eastern Ontario. Senior pic, Time 9:56.4. bs " j Relay (4 x 440) -- 1. Toronto Track|League -- Brockville vs Osh- |ehael Mason, Don Mills. Distance 21 ft../awa, at Kinsmen Civic Memor- | Spartan, Tiic 2°78.2 e ® sth Rediitatreet sce teen ial Stadium, 8.15 p.m. | eet DRIVER CRIPPLED LACROSSE TERRE HAUTE, Ind. (AP)--| OLA Senior League -- Brook-| |Race driver Johnny Dhite,|lin at Peterborough, 8.30 p.m.) ted rookie of the year after By GERRY SUTTON _|SETS FAST PACE Ipeted in the events held in sizzi-jawa's Pete Mewett win the\nie tmurthplace finish in the In (SOFTBALL ey greatest treats on earth Marathon walker Alex Oakley; Oakley, a member of the Osh-|ing summer weather, with a}Men's Open One Mile Run, eas- dianapolis 500-mile race last Oshawa City ad District --| came through in grand style for|awa Track Club and one of the/few showers interrupting the|ily defeating Carl Reid, who) month, may never walk again, Brooklin vs Scugog Cleaners, at) his hometown fans here at Alex-| best walkers in North America,| program, | teaches at O'Neill Collegiate but!) ,4 alone drive. His physician, Alexandra Park, 8.00 p.m. andra Park yesterday when he| set a fast pace for his competi-| [runs for Toronto Scarborough Dr. William H. Allen, said Mon- easily captured the 20 Mile|tors and had a time of two| TOP STARS HERE Track Club. Another Oshawa day that White's legs apparently Mich., driver suffered a broken! Walking Championship at the|hours, 52 minutes, 11.8 seconds,| Another main attraction was/poy, Bruce Woods, finished) 7), paralysed permanently|neck in a sprint car event here| International Juvenile Track|three minutes ahead of Felix|the Women's Open 80-metrelthird. The winning time was! ty) the 39-year-old Warren,|June 14 Meet, in conjunction with the/Capella from Midland, Ont.,| Hurdtes which had four world-/foyr minutes, 19.1 seconds. bi : i | i i i -|class athletes and saw the only| s t p | mene Som veenvel: who lis associated with the ro! record broken during the day.|THOMPSON WINS ; The meet, sponsored by the ronto Gladstone Club. | ¢ 3 | : f s . | 1 New York was|The top competitors were: Tam-| Debbie Thompson, also off Sug 4 KING WEST Th d d F d J | 2 d 3 + sone grains aoa ogg pa aa id of New York. was my Davis of Frederick, Mary-| Frederick, MD., is holder of the 4s urs a an fl a F u an ' : For his winning performance,Jand Track Club, Cathy Chap-\world indoor mark for the raise from the several thou- } : : | ' | - Ny : * cau fans and officials in at-|Oakley received the Colonel R.|™an and Marion Snider, both of/Women's 50 and 70 yards Hur- : GOLF CLUB | Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Step right up to tendance S. McLaughlin Bowl. Ian Me-|Toronto Don. Mills and Jenny|dles. She also has the world d 1 But the audience saved the|Nab, Public Relations Depart-|Wingerson, unattached from To-/100-yard dash record of 10.2 the spectacular, stupen ous, sensationa loudest ovation of the day for|ment of General Motors, pre-| nto. | Seconds. i ° 6 ze ' the 36-year-old Oakley when he| sented the trophy. 3 The 16-year-old Miss Davis is) She captured the Juvenile] By a chocolate sundae during this gigantic finished the final three-and-one- x 7, ' _\the holder of the United States| Women's 100-yard dash yester-| u © Dsiry Queen National Development Cay | half laps of the walk around samtis iG sauead -- 80-Metre record for Women with}day in 10.9 equalling the : : sale at your merry Dairy Q cen store, 1004 © Raga Und, Pal Oty Ate Ble Ul 4 the track an annual aifalt, |a mark of 11 seconds. | Canadien Juvenile Women mer ; King St. West ----- Oshawa The walk started with five} Oakley, who travels to Mont-| Miss Snider won the event injfor that event. e mark was "age" . = laps in the park, then the)reai July 11 for the 20 Kilo-\a fast 11 seconds as only one-\first set by Freyda Berman of ; by Stent Greens © 9 non field of 10 walkers made theit| metre Olympic Trials and the| tenth of a second separated the|Victoria, B.C., in 1957, : : wey along Golf street to Ade-| Canadian Championship, was in| top three. Miss Wingerson ended; Second in the dash was Susan ; ad Lee GREEN FEES } laide avenue, then up Stevenson! excellent spirits after the walk.|second also in 11 seconds and| Brooks of the Hamilton Spartan ji ' , WHITBY road to Rossland road, along} When asked about the race,|third was Miss Davis in 11.1.|Club and Judy Dallimore, cur- 5 Daily 1.50 Juniors 1,00 |} OSHAWA Highway od w? the "pi! Con-|the athlete said, "I walked my| wane e ety ~ Cesasion et conation exit gg Holidays and | i cession road, down Simcoejown race, when it was hot I| Native Record with her winning! tawa Uplands was third. ee Ww F Juniors 1.50 street south to Alexandra street| walked a normal heated race, | time, breaking the old mark of| The two U.S. stars also par- im" { rm niyo a. 4 " 1347 SIMCOE ST. N. DUNDAS ST. E. and back on Golf street to the|but when it rained or clouds|11:2. The time also equalled the|ticipated unofficially in the ; w he ane Kl ial 235 SIMCOE ST. S park where they completed the came out I speeded it up." Canadian Open Record. Juvenile: Women 4 x 110 relay, i" 1.00 each for all. owe Ik. About 210 competitiors com-! Other highlights saw Osh-irunning 220 yards each and| : ssi Le: : N' TRAVEL TIME!...3cco7se"5n _IMMEDIATE DELIVER 'dessainsesissinsanisne : gE: @ You've never had it so good . ,. such an excellent range of autos to choose from + « . packed full of features you'll love ! @ You Get the BEST PRICE for your trade-in ; . + « the most convenient, budget-wise terms from the G.M.A.C. Payment Plan. CHEVROLET THESE CARS NOW IN OUR SHOWROOM... ----_ . comme | oe eyes ae dean el ae <5 app OF YOUR CHOICE... TODAY... TONIGHT @ CHEVY II's economical compact. @ CORVAIRS, Sporty, so maneuverable © OLDSMOBILES, 88's, 98's and F85's, : CORVAIR ENVOY EPIC @ EPICS, Envoy's smal! wonder cars, "SERVING OSHAWA & AREA OVER 40 YEARS" the sensational new small : wonder car in a class of its own. LIMITED 725-6501