Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jun 1964, p. 9

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CLUB RECOGNIZES BRILLIANT STUDENT _ Mr. William Depew, Lib- erty Place, Bowmanville, is "one of 35 talented young peo- ple chosen from across Can- ada, to attend the Royal Ca- nadian Institute'Summer Sci- ence Program for 1964 to be held at Lakefield, Ontario in July. He is a Grade 12 stu- dent at Bowmanville High ANN LANDERS Desperate Mother Forgets Family's Love Dear Ann Landers: I just finished reading the letter from Desperate Mother, the woman who felt that she had botched up her life so badly that her children would be better off if she killed herself. I lived through such an ex- perience when I was a child. Please print my letter in the hope that this mother will see) it and change her way of think- ig. My father was a severe alco- holic. He tried to dry out sev- eral times and succeeded for as long as six months, One day, after he had fallen off the wagon and was in the depths) of despair, he came home and shot himself. When mother rushed upstairs she found him} dead. | My father did not understand that we loved him in spite of his failures and weaknesses. There are no words to describe THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, June 30, 1964 9! School and is the son of Mrs. Thomas Depew and the late Mr. Depew. Mrs, G. A. Rundle president of the University Women's Club of Oshawa and District is seen here present- ing him with a cheque for $70 toward meeting his ex- penses. The Education Study Group of the University Wom- H&S Entertained By School Choir At West Courtice The West Courtice Schoo] Choir opened the June meeting with three numbers, "God Save the Queen" and "Finlandia" in three part harmony and "Broth- er James' Air' in two part har- mony. The choir consisted of pupils from Grades 4, 5 and 6 and was under the leadership of Mr. E. Barr. The singing was well done and the parents present were very proud of their children. Mrs, Edward Nesbitt presid- ed. Mrs. John. Leger read the minutes and the treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. Leslie Noble. Room count was won by Miss P. McQueen's Grade 4 room. Mrs. John Leger, presi- dent-elect, asked for a council representative for 1964-65 term. Ayone interested please con- tact Mrs. Leger. The speaker for the evening was Mrs. Douglas Caverly, Red Cross swimming instructor, who spoke on water safety. Mrs. |Caverly said all members of the family should know mouth to mouth rescue breathing = en's Club of Toronto did the | preliminary investigation which demonstrated the need at iti oe asibalen Mrs. for qdaitions! eppertunity far |Caverly also stressed the fact hee pellets and [it a herent ee © | sibility to teach their children oA agg Aictigen Gopal \the water safety rules and to see wurst is his favorite." With that Lucille went to the kitchen and fixed Benny a sandwich. What I want to know is this: When we invite the boy for din- ner again, as I am sure we must, shall we have a sand- wich ready, or serve him the same food everyone else gets? --NON-PLUSSED Dear Non: Make no special preparation for Benny. If he jasks for a sandwich again, let your daughter fix him one. It may point up to her in a dra- matic way that Benny has some rather odd habits which will re- quire special handling. Dear Ann Landers: My hus- band's parents are grand peo-| ple. We get along fine. Our only) problem is such a minor one| that I feel like a ninny com-| plaining. | Every Sunday we have din-| ner vy in'law's h After die .er we adjourn t. the living the feeling of utter desolation when a child realizes his love was not enough to make a parent want to go on living. This is the most devastating form of rejection. I sti grieve for my. father ang will, to my dying day. So please 'Ann, tell Desperate Mother to put herself in the hearts of her children before she considers doing such a ter- rible thing. -- A FRIEND. Dear Friend: Here is you letter. I can add nothing. You room. where everyone plugs their eyeballs into the TV. They will watch anything that moves. During the commercials they make a feeble attempt to ex-| change a few meaningless sen-| tences, | After several months of bore- | dom I decided to bring a book} along. Last week my mother-| in-law said: 'Why can't you| enjoy TV with the rest of us?) Why must you set yourself] apart?" I did't answer her because jent, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, I. K. Mac- Donald on Wednesday, Septem- ber 23. @ FOX"S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE @ @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE @ that they attend water safety ing to sponsor Mr. Depew. | classes, Mrs. Caverly's talkt was j --Oshawa Times Photo linteresting and beneficial. Refreshments were provided) UNITS GROUPS by Grade 1 mothers. ' | PAPER REPLACES METAL AUXILIARIES British housewives are follow- ing the lead set by their -- /American counterparts -- dis: CHRIST CHURCH WA 'posable paper bags are replac- (Martha Branch) ing the traditional metal gar- The June meeting of the|page can. Martha Branch of Christ Mem-) -- = orial Church was held at the s. Gibbie re- home of Mrs. N. C. Millman ana|Tecemtly, and Mim | the members enjoyed a pot luck) POE' v hers decided to con- luncheon. Two guests were pres- iibute to the Diocesan Board Mrs. John Osborne and of the W.A., on a yearly basis. Mrs. Norman Laughlin. A rummage sale will be held The business meeting-was con-) 144 ral) with Mrs, James Mc- ducted by Mrs. W. H. Gibbie./Cansh as convenor, assisted by In the absence of the secretary,|Mrs, I, K. MacDonald. the report was given by Mrs.| L. V. Walker, and the treasurer's report by Mrs, R. C. Day. | Mrs. N. C. Millman, in pres-) enting the Advisory Board re-| port mentioned the Schneiders' | Chorus, under the sponsorship} of the Men's Club, will perform in Oshawa: on October 23, Mrs. W. H. Gibbie and Mrs. A. R. Garnett attended the| Deanery Conference in Whitby' Ronald W. Bilsky, D.C. |) CHIROPRACTOR | Neck and Shoulder Pains Nervous St6émach 100 King St. E. 728-5156 || oa 725-477i-- OSHAWA'S LARGEST TAX! AND U-DRIVE--OVE AT YOUR RENT-A-CAR PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE GEO. RUTHERFORD. (Oshawa) LTD.--14 ALBERT ST. : : MERCURY TAXI | | AND MOST MODERN R 30 CARS AND TRUCKS SERVICE! $1.00 A DAY Capture the Moment with @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE e@ @ FOXS STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE © @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE @. FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE Starts @ FIVS JSNVUVIID IGIM-3YOLS S.XO4 © e By x04 iy © FWS-JONVUY3ID AGIM-3NOLS S _@ FIVS JONVUVIID IGIM-3YOLS SXO4 © oe Bridal Portraits and Albums expressed yourself as only ajI didn't know what to say.| person who has lived through|Please tell me, is it rude to the experience could. Thank|read a book if one is not inter- you. Dear Ann Landers: You think you have heard everything? Well, listen to this: Our lovely daughter who has had two years at Smith College is now going with a big ox who wouldn't be welcome in any school if he didn't happen to be a football player. When my hus- band met Benny for the first time he squeezed his hand so hard my husband had to go soak his hand in a basin of hot water. We had Benny to dinner last jested in the TV show?-- |SQUARE PEG | Dear Peg: It is not. If you'd rather read, you should be al- jlowed to with no needling from the vidiot section. Harmony H& Honors Graduates The Harmony Home and School Association entertained | |the Grade_8 Graduating Class/| at a banquet recently at Har- STUDIO | @ PHONE 723-3680 e House, Church, Studio Reception McLaughlin Coal & Supplies | THURSDAY, 9:30 A M. LS S.XOd' © week. When he looked at the . cornish hen placed before him|™0ny United Church. he said, "I don't eat stuff like) The tables were decorated this. Could I have a peanut but-| with flowers of the school col-| ter and jelly sandwich?" I) 0s. Seated at the head table asked my daughter if he was| Were: The Reverend and Mrs. kidding, She replied, 'No, all N. T. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. he eats is sandwiches. Knock- Rupert Harrison, Mrs, Roland ---- announce -- Faster 24-Hour Delivery Service -- With our Fleet of -- UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 43, held its weekly meeting with the president, Mrs. Norman McEvers, presiding. Mrs. Alyn|dents:' Donna Hoskin, Elliott reported on the recent bers who helped in the packing of treats and those that visited and distributed the equivalent of 400 bags to the veterans of both! world wars, who were in hospi- tal. | Deepest sympathy is express-| Fleming and Mr. Robert Shef- | field the guest speaker. | After the dinner Mr. Rupert) |Harrison asked Donna Hoskin} to thank Grade 8 mothers for| providing the delicious turkey supper. Mr. Harrison spoke a few words, then introduced Mr. Roland Fleming, who presented awards to the three top stu- Dallas | Hart and Susan Canning. | Robert Sheffield, vice-principal | of Donevan Collegiate, who ad- / dressed the students. The evening closed with en- tertainment provided by the stu-| dents. RADIO-CONTROLLED DELIVERY TRUCKS! ! {uct Plan = Automatic Weather-Controlled Delivery i "Turn To Modern Living With Oil Heat" TELEPHONE 723-3481 | McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Lid. 110 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA ed for Mrs. James Smith whose mother passed away recently. The annual picnic for mem- bers and their families will be held in Geneva Park on July 5 and buses will leave the Legion Hall at 1.00 p.m. A meeting of! the picnic committee will be held on July 2 at 7.00pm As this was the last meeting until September 8, a Straw- berry Social concluded the eve- ning with Mrs. Perry Smith in charge of refreshments. LONG IN TOOTH VANCOUVER (CP) -- People will some day keep their own teeth for their lifetime, says dentist Col. Robert Shira Speaking to the B.C. Denta Association convention here, he said science will eventually solve causes of tooth decay. OSHAWA ESTIVAL © FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE e DOMINION DAY © JULY 1st ALEXANDRA PARK @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE ° FOXS TWO LOCATIONS: 7 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ® FIVS JINVUVIID AGIM-IuO JINVUYI1D. IGIM-3YOLS SXO4 © = e@ #1VvS © FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE @ @ FOX'S STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE SALE ©@ .

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