Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jun 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: John Gault Tel.. 668-3703 'SKIPPER LOTTON STARS Eleventh-Hour Score Sinks Credit Sailors By CLIFF GORDON A goal by big defenceman Ken Ruttan with less than five minutes of play remaining Sat- urday night, gave the Brooklin Sr. Lacrosse Club a 9-8 win over the Port Credit Sailors at the Brooklin arena. Captain Glen Lotton led the Brooklin attack on Saturday night as he snapped~out of his scoring slump to pot five goals also picking up one assist. Hard working Don Craggs chipped in with a pair of timely goals and he also had an assist. Ken Rut- tan had one, as did newcomer Charlie Ludlow. For the losers, it once again was hard working Paul Hender- son who came to the fore with a trio of goals, Brian Ahearne had a couple with Geo Olah, Demytras and Bill Allen with aces, WIN GIVES. LEAD The win was a big one for the Brooklin team since it gives them a two point lead over the St, Catharines Athletics who were dumped 15-11 in Huntsville Saturday.. It also gives the Brooklin team a 3-1 record over the Sailors, so far this year. The game on Saturday night, while billed as possibly a real griidge battle, never got out of hand because both teams were ~ concentrating on getting the win as the very close score indi- cates. Although Brooklin led at one time 4-1, the Sailors were never really too far off the pace, and at times had the local team bottled up while threaten- ing to take the lead. Brooklin held the slightest of leads at the end of all three periods in the contest, 4-3 at the end of the first 20 minutes' action, 5-4 at the end of the second stanza and then came back in the final frame after having the Sailors tie the score twice, to edged out the close hard fought win, Brooklin have a very heavy schedule this week three games in four nights, They play a. holi- day fixture in the Rose Town of Brampton against the Seal- iTests, on Friday night they travel down to the Liftlock City for a battle with Cy Coombes and his Speedy Erns and then play back here on Saturday picked up five assists. for his) fine night's effort . . . Saturday, night's game coming up, should attract by far the largest crowd| of the season so far, despite folks will be starting their holi- days. They all like to see the rough and ready Brampton team led by such fellows as the Thompson brothers, the Wan- less brothers, Richardson and) Booth just to mention a few. . '| Speaking of winning, the Hunts- ville Hawks now that they have) tasted a win, have racked up! two Saturday night wins in a row at home. . . Don't sell this team of' young fellows short,| before this season is too much older. jnight against Brampton. The |Wednesday night game, in| Brampton, will be the first |meeting of the two teams and | will set the stage for the big game here on Saturday night. There always is a lot of rivalry between these two hot-beds of | lacrosse. JUST TALKING . . .Another good crowd took in Saturday night's game and was treated to |some good, close, hard-fought |lacrosse . . . Many were amaz-| ed at the fine stick handling of Glen Lotton, the local captain, |and the fleet-footed work of col- lege star Grant Heffernan. He Retiring Teacher | | Wan det Ley- Oosterweld Vows Taken Whitby Emmanuel Reformed Church was the setting Satur-| day, June 20, 3.30 p.m., for the) marriage of Ann der Ley, Kitch- ener, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van der Ley Whitby. She was united in marriage and Mrs, RR 3, Moorefield. Rev. R, Katerberg of Dray-| ton officiated at the ceremony, | Mrs. H. Reinders, Drayton was at the organ and accompanie the soloist Miss Francis R@in- ders, Drayton. JUNE'S NEWLYWEDS Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Evans they will be heard from a lot,! Currier, who were recently married at St. George's Angli- can Church, Oshawa. The bride is the former Pat- ricia Rosalind George, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. George of Whitby, and the groom is the son of Dr. and borough, Mr. and Mrs. Cur- rier were both graduated this year from the University of Toronto and are at present travelling in Italy and Greece. | Upon their return in Septem- ber they will resume their studies for a Masters degree at Varsity. aE 'Summer Piano Students Play At Baptist Church Piano Recitals by pupils of;"Theme from Moonlight Sona-|students from Britain will take|ter Halton, Reeve Quantril, and to|Edith Mary Summers, ATCM,|ta" (Beethoven. Gordon Oosteweld, son of Mr.}|RMT, assisted by Paul Arm-| Solos: (a) "The Lark in the/festival in India this summer|Brother Murphy. Martin Oosterweld, strong, soprano, pupil of Elaine| Morn" (Irish Folk Song), (b)/'to show that thé Common- }wealth idea is far from dead."| Broughton, ARCT, were held) "Little Jack Horner" (J. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, June 29, 1964 (Contributed) On Sunday, June 21, the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows Eastern Star Lodge 72, Whitby was dinner host to a busload of high-school students from Alabama, _ Florida, Georgia, Kentucky and South Carolina. The students visited Whitby on their way from the United Nations. These young people were part of a contingent of the nearly twelve hundred high-school stu- dents from the United States and Canada, taking part in. the 15th annual "Uniteq Nations Pilgrimage for Youth' spon- sored by the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs. LEARN ISSUES While in New York the stu- dents had the opportunity of ob- serving the United Nations in They quarters of member UN Nations, where they talked with staff M. members. They studied at close | NEWS IN BRIEF SHARE PRIZE MONEY RAWDON, England (CP) -- |Miners at this Leicestershire lcolliery are to share £8,000 prize money after winning the National Coal Board's safety {competition for the second year running. YOUTH IN FESTIVAL LONDON (CP) -- University part in a Commonwealth youth Tuesday evening, June 23 at 7|Dick) With apologies to Handel,|The festival will be held in con- p.m. at Whitby Baptist Church. /The following pupils took part qin. the program: Timmie Peleshok, "Girls and Boys Come out to Play'; Bever-| oa Paul Armstrong. Elizabeth Atkinson, 'To garet Matthews, 'My 3 Greensleeves (arr. Silvester); Margaret Smith, junction with the 'annual Indian a| Universities Festival. Wild Rose' (MacDowell); Mar- Lady SEEKS JAPAN LINK MONTREAL (CP)--The eco- "Caprice|nomics department of Sir Oddfellows Host Dixie Pilgrimage hand some of the issues facing the general assembly this fall. Time was given, while in New York, for a visit to the Empire State Building, Radio City Music Hall, the World's Fair, as well as a boat ride around Man- hatten Island. SCHOLASTIC MERIT The students taking part in the Pilgrimage for Youth are generally selected from among 16 and 17 year olds, sophomores or juniors in high-school, who vie with one another through examinations, interviews and public speaking contents. The winning award includes the pay- action, were briefed on political, ing by the Odd Fellows and/or Rebekah Lodges, of a town or district, of the expenses while | jin New York and the cost of | |the extensive bus tour. | The head table comprised | C. Everett Murphy, | district deputy grand lmaster district 41; Sister Geer; |Reeve Everett Quantrill, repre-| senting the town of Whitby; | Mrs. Quantrill; Brother H. Att-| wood, grand guardian, Grand} Lodge of Ontario, district sec- | retary-district 41 and master of | ceremonies for the dinner; Sis-/ ter Attwood; Sister G. Halton, | lnoble grand rebekah 132; Mr.| Halton; Sister W. Tizzard, vice grand rebekah 132; Mr. Tiz- zard; Brother R. . Johnston; Mrs. Johnston, noble grand eas- tern star lodge 72. After dinner, speeches were made by Brother Johnston, Sis- Brother Geer, climaxed by The full-course hot meal for 55 was provided by the Odd| \Fellows and prepared by the Rebekahs under the direction of Sister Halton. One-Stop YES! 7 HAVE THE NEW Instamatic cameras! Instant loading ... amazingly low price! Loads instantly... automatically +++80 you get good pictures more easily than ever! Just drop in the Kodapak film cartridge -- the camera is instantly loaded. No dials to set, no focusing, Takes color slides as well as black-and-white and color snaps. Built-in flash holder keeps you set for indoor pictures. COMPLETE OUTFIT Instant-loading -- Handsome styling Here's automatic ease of use plus fast lens and shutter ready for any picture situation. Drop- ping in the Kodapak Cartridge loads the camera and sets film speed. Electric eye assures cor- rect exposure. No guesswork. Shutter speeds from "B"' time ex- posure to 1/500 for fastest ac« tion. Beautiful continental styling. COMPLETE WITH LEATHER CASE 105.00 'Honored The bride, given in marriage|jey Smi NG g ; g ge ley Smith, "Country Dance ade'. (oes): dunia by her father, wore a_ white jin): " Jat Mat- ) Ah fi tact gown with full skirt of net,|(#2%4"); Jane Bryant, "Tam-|thews, «To the Rising Sun' /here hopes to establish a close Mrs. Lillian Hairfield, of Dun- a border of lace, scalloped neck bourin . (Rameau); Sheilah) (Torjussen); Richard Lunney,|relationship with its counter- a ee ee ee i "Hornpipe" (Peer-/German Dance No. 1" (Beeth-/part at the University of Tokyo. ' d- lily-pointed sleeves. A|Matthews, : ; jing from the teaching profes. i Y, ennie ' "0 .*9! ay, \Ja ft sited to students n g profe: ; son); . 2 Clowns" oven). Japan is often cite students |sion, was presented with a sil./CTOwn of pearls. and crystal|son); Mancy Hickey, "Clowns "Sicili-|here as an example of rapid 7 beads held her shoulder-length (Kabalevsky); Vicky Wilde, Duo for two pianos: 4 f Woe pate eee veil. She carried a bouquet of ae = gyn pm Jenne" (Bach), Janis Matthews economic growth. 7 (Seuel-Holst); Brian McClure,| na Edith Summers; Steven FEWER BLIND (CP) Held In US. cently. pink roses and white carnations |"aifemande" (Haydn): Robin "Pop Goes the Weasel"|Peleshok, "Introduction and WINNIPEG There (Harris); Lynd ajwere 1,441 blind persons in Man- KEY WEST, Fla. (AP)--Five| Mr. Earl Fairman, supervis- Bloat oll bah oS ve ba Minto, men and one woman were ar-|ing principal, made the presen-| 014. Milas Sonus Gaeta (Poole); Earl Brasier, "'Bal-/Fugato" -- ( ; I : 'rested Saturday when they lay/|tation at a tea Wednesday, June| "19° 'Moorefield Baa Migg lade" (Burgnuller); Donald Speers, "Minuet in G" (Pade-|itoba at the end of 1963, reports down on a highway at the en-|24 at Dundas school and thank- Nh da Hi 1 re on f 18S! andrews, "Tumbling Clowns"|rewski); Louise Pogson, '"'Im-|F, S, Nickle, chairman of the trance to Key West during a(ed Mrs, Hairfield for her serv- HAs able We a gt Writ. (Frost); Arthur Puckrin,,/promptu op. 90" (Schubert);/board of management of the demonstration by peace march-|ice. "She has always had the strafed une "|"Rhumba" (Weybright); Pam-|Larry Pogson, "Reverie" (De-| Manitoba Division of the Cana- ela Gibson, 'The Swallow'|bussy); Lynda Hall, "Valcik\dian National Institute for the aifte Gf tie hove and witli at by, and ring-bearer Peter De ah adda pts (Burgmuller); Wendy Wilde,|(Mokreys). Blind. The figure represents a Vries, Oshawa. ; -h-|heart and can be proud of her : ; ie ath. sates to fall So. police pupils and of her three|PINK ORGANZA "Allegro Vivace' (Kuhlau);| Quartet for two pianos: drop of four per cent from 1962. 1 bial lfine sons, all of whom are| Matron-of-honor and brides- John Reed, "Waltz" (Kabalev-|Louise Pogson, Lynda Hall, geyeeeemees pecan : teachers, a tribute to their mo-| Maids were dressed alike in|sky); Catherine Brasier, 'Pix-|Larry Pogson, Edith Summers, ra and gg troopers were) iF oo. example." pink organza with a lace paneljies' Good-Night Song'|Overture to "The Merry Wives Ss 2 etihond in an attempt tov Wiss Kathleen in front of their dresses, Layers | (Brown); William Seto, "Al-|of Windsor" (Nicholai). si ne pay to aon Dave Deney of of tulle net topped by a flower|bumblatt" (Beethoven); Judith: =n adford Lyttle, leader of the sig Mat-|George Williams. University DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom and Rugs @ C.LL. Paints and Varnishes © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby Peace Pilgrims KODAK Instant load ...electrie eye ... budget price! Drop in a Kodapak film car- tridge, and the camera is loaded instantly . . . automatically! Elec- tric eye automatically gives you the proper lens setting for the film you've chosen! Shoot color slides, color snaps, or black- Camera Luxury model...equipped for every situation! Finest of all Instomatic cameras! Gives you instant, automatic Gordon F. Osborne Real Cunningham Estate, Whitby wishes to Brock formed their -headdresses, They Ann Pinch, "Toccatina" (Kaba- group that started its march originally from Quebec City with the announced goal of reaching the U.S. Guantanamo navy base in Cuba, left the remainder of Street School, who are leaving Whitby, were presented with gifts by Dwight Swerdfeger, principal of King Street School, on behalf of their colleagues. |carried pink roses and white/levsky). carnations. The flower girl was | dress ed:in white, with a blue|TWO PIANO DUO Richard Lunney and Steven Sasn. Albert Oosteweld, Moorefield|Peleshok, duo for two pianos, Oshawa Folk Festival | announce the appointment of Mr. Fred Van Den Broek as salesman for their firm. and-whites. There's never a dial to set. Electric eye even tells you when to use the built-in flashi COMPLETE WITH LEATHER CASE loading with film in Kodopak cartridges, plus extra-fast lens and shutter speeds for hard-to- get pictures. Lens is 38mm #/2.8 shutter ranges to 1/250. Also, full electric-eye exposure control . . . built-in flash... aw tomatic flash exposure control, - CAMERA WITH LEATHER CASE 133.25 was best man and the ushers|""Ave Maria" (Bac. .-Gounod); way and went to the city jail to| Miss Florence Heard, princi. were Corey Van der Ley, Zee-|Shaoon Law . "Prelude in C| JULY {st arrange bail bonds for the six.|pal of Dundas street school, land, Mich., and Peter Ooste-/Minor (Pachulski); Vivian Har- ALEXANDRA | None of those arrested was Ca-|presented gifts to Mrs. Elaine W¢!d, Moorefield. ris, "Waltz" (Shubert); Crystal the demonstrators on the high-- OTHERS HONORED Mr. Van Den Broek has been associated with Rieger & Os- borne Insuranse as special re- presentotive, selling all lines of Insurance. His many friends will be interested to hear of his additional appointment to Real Estate selling in Whitby, Oshawa, Pickering .and District. 61.50 nadian. Potesti < For the wedding recention, Peleshok, "Seven Good-Hunored ---- Smith, who are leaving' the| held at St. John's Hall, Whitby, Variations" (Kabalesvsky); Su- Colborne Dominates _ Champions Field Day Whitby's Primary Schools'|Hentche was the senior girls'! yo; , ;: ; "Field Day of Champions" on|champ with 13 points, Dein, ime tee we a ee June 19 included individual/Osterhoyt was second with {nh the junior division (boys) champs from all elementary eight, Tony Reimer and David Ross Catholic and Public Schools in In the intermediate range,|<coreq 15 points each: for St the town. Pat Carswell and Colleen Jen-| John's and Hillcrest. Larry Colborne street was the over-|sen tied with 10 points, followed Kennedy of Palmerston had iL all senior winner, with a total by Debbie Majcher with seven Gary Dudley of Hutchison won of 135 points. Kathleen Rowe Wayne Toffan and Gerald|the juvenile division with 11 took the junior division with 61 Anderson of Colborne tied for points while Ronnie Kennedy of points, closely followed by Col- runner-up in the senior boys' Palmerston had eight oe borne and Hillcrest with 57 division with nine points behind 'The boys broke aval exist- « The remainder of the junior Ron Love's 20-point effort for ing records in the contest, while| division was as follows: St.) Kathleen Rowe, the girls smashed six. John's, King Street, Palmer-) Brian Wyatt secured runter-) Sai ston, on ror R. eg spot with nine points in the chinson, Brock street, and St.| intermediate section, behind| 1. Brooklin: G. Lotton, Theresa's. Kathleen Rowe's David Nichols! . xvi" Heffernan Kathleen Rowe was runner- (25 points). Ruttan, Heffernan i ; ivi- ros i Port Credit: B. Ahearne, up ph gigs in beg agg In the girls' intermediate," '\igersen, wepaixy sion wi points. St. John's,| Kathleen Rowe took both spots| 4. Brooklin: G. Lotton, Palmerston, Dundas street, King} on the strength of 13- and eight- . Boone rages street, and R. A. Hutchison fol-| point efforts by Barbara Weath-| 5 por Cet. Vie aerson, lowed, erup, and Jayne Mason respec-| 8. Ahearne Colborne athletes took eight tively. Oa lied Parr ral 2.16 | Sucrows top, and runner-up spots in the, Kathy Hood took the juvenile jernan 110% Allen' 17.007 Holyday" 128, individual point-getting. Elonaihonors for Hillcrest with 19 Demytras 13.15, Baker 13.35 a een Ne Te ae SECOND PERIOD 8. Brooklin: Craggs, Burrows 6.35 9. Port Credit: Henderson 9.10) Penalties -- Kapasky 2.28, Olah 5.06,) Bruce 8.35, Heffrenan, B. Ahearne 10.07, Crawford 12.40, Ruttan 13.59, Allean: 14.20, B. Ahearne misc, . 14.50. THIRD PERIOD Port Credit: Demytras, Olah Brooklin: G. Lotton, Heffernan Brooklin: Ludlow, Bruce, Doug Vipond . Brooklin: G. Lotton: Crawtord, Heffernan . Port Credit: Allen . Port Credit: Henderson, Kapasky 12.41 Port Credit: B.: Ahearne 14.50 Brooklin: Ruttan, Craggs, G. Lotton 15.20 Penaitie Olah 5.29, Doug Vipond 7.57, Henderson. 8.40, Tran 11,40, Tom- jchisen 13.35, Allen 15.10, Kapsasky '™is- }conduct 15.10, Ludiow major, Holyday Imalor 15.02, | W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Ample Parking Facilities STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments «+» of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby Instant load ... electric \ eye... auto film advance! No camera was ever this auto- matic before! It loads instantly... automatically . . . with pop-in Kodapak film cartridges. No threading, no fumbling. Electric eye makes proper lens settings for you. Built-in motor advances film. Even indoor shots are auto- motic--pull up the built-in flash unit, and you're set for flash. WITH LEATHER CASE Initamitlic S00 Camera Most complete Kodak] Instamatic Camera Camera loads instantly with film) in Kodapak Cartridges. Film ad- vances automatically because of a unique motorized film ad- vance. Electric eye sets expo- sure. You focus with a built-in - rangefinder. Fast #/2.8 lens dnd shutter speeds to 1/250. Signal tells when to use the built-in, pop-up flash. Automatic flash ex- posure control, You don't have to play a sport to be @ good sport 110 Dundas St. £., Whitby 668-3410 GOOD SPORTS . Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCE ST, S. DIA 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Enjoy Carefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY ert Martin, who is leaving Dun- turquoise dress, white accessor-|"Waltz in A flat' (Braham); Maurine Brown Neuberger | marry Dr. year buds. She was assisted by the |(Hummel); & ee. Cay . Hospital, |matching bolero, white acces- | YOUR 'the second marriage for both.|Heard's school administration to Vancouver, the bride chose a S p 0 Bs T ger, in the Senate aftr his| agement and child handling) wr. and Mrs. Oosteweld have Weekly Events! CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! BASEBALL Wed., July 1, Bowmanville at Whitby, Centennial Park, PEE WEE HOUSE LEAGUE Thurs., July 2, Attersley Tire vs Silvers Wed., July 1, Whitby at Bowmanville Wed., July 1, Whitby at Cobourg, 6.30 p.m. |the mother of the bride received san Bryant, "Sonatina op. 88 SENATOR TO WED das School to become principal | , da corsage of white rose-/Ruth. MacMillan, "Scherzo"' (Dem. Ore.) will ; 4 All expressed their thanks for rns ath vee oe Washington July 12, the Boston|joyed their friendships here.|cories and a corsage of pink CALENDAR Mrs, Neuberger, 56, succeeded| and thanked her for all she pink two-piece suit with white death March 9, 1960. Solomon, | during the "five happiest| established residence at RR 3 » This Programme Presented By The Local THIS WEEK'S WHITBY BANTAM LEAGUE 6:30 p.m, Mon., June 29, B ond R Transport vs Kiwanis All games at Centennial Park, 6:30 p.m. Set, July 4, Whitby at Peterborough, GIRLS' TOWN LEAGUE teaching profession; and to Rob. i, guests wearing a two-piece|No. 1 (Kuhlau); Susan Reed, BOSTON (AP) -- Senator at R. A. Hutchison school next poy." Peggy Bowyer,' Philip Solomon, a psychiatrist ica bie di t db oe M\the gifts and said they had en- dhe Sicleia Gite cee Globe said Monday. It would be|Mr. Martin praised Miss|roses. For her honeymoon. trip -- of -- her husband, Richard Neuber-| had taught him on school man-! and blue accessories. 50, is divorced. years", of his teaching career. Moorefield. Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! SPORTS EVENTS oad Tues., June 30, Whitby af Port Hope, 6:30 p.m Fri, July 3, Whitby ot Bowmanville, 6:30 p.m Tues., June 30, Lyndview Construction vs. Hicks BA WHITSY PEE WEE ALL STARS EASTERN ONTARIO MIDGET LEAGUE on., June 29, A. J. For Home Delivery of Ontario County's Only Daily Newspaper PH. 668-3703 SUMMARY FIRST PERIOD 1.05 3.30 ah ,<Ss==------- WITH LEATHER CASE . Horack vs Fleming's Auto Service, Dundas Street School, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 30, Bill Martin Motors vs. B and R Transport, Centennial Park, 6:15 Wed.. July 1, Flemings Auto Servce vs A, J tennial Park,' 6:15 p.m Thurs., July 2, B and R Transport vs Bill Martin Motors at Henry Street Higt® School, 6:30 p.m. LACROSSE -- Brooklin Senior Lacrosse ---- Sat., J Brampton at Brooklin, Brooklin Areno, 8:45 p.m WHITBY LAWN BOWLING CLUB, Friday, July* 3, Twilight, 7:15 p.m. Mixed Doubles WRESTLING EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT AT THE OSHAWA ARENA HOOKER & SONS LTD. YOUR BEST DEAL ON NEW AND USED CARS No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR 3, 5.51 9.51 12.20 14.24 Heffernan Horack, Cen- 15.12 uly 4 BROCK -- Whitby Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:20 Last Complete Show Begins at 8:20 Port Whitby Texaco PETER HUBER, Prop. @ Tires and Accessories @ Free Pick-up and Delivery COR, VICTORIA BROCK ST. S. PHONE 668-3471 IN THE FIRST @EGREE 4.09 6.46 7.20 9.05 ond takes his turn... 28 KING STREET EAST : OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M, 723-4621 BROOKLIN 655-4811

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