Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Jun 1964, p. 15

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Bob Allison Grabs BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS | Jets Upset Leats. gcse. sx monynan anigay By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Kansas City (Bowsfield 1-3) at scored two runs, including one} Ed Bauta came in relief ) on . National League {Boston (Wilson 7-3) (N) { . > (Wilson on a wild pitch. Johnny Powers)to get the % avi WL Detroit (Bazan 3-1) at Wash- In W k d J t Ib 4 bob bP ye gy Rye Bag Ey A L Batting Le ad As sassr ii Sota eeken OUST ea Se cate eres race Se Philadelphia 42 26 . (Only games scheduled) |; che and ibs. power Pittsburgh reife Intcnation*' Learue | BY THE CANADIAN PRESS |ends. of their twin bill sgaiellish' emitenshies tool Deeland ae eee ae , Cincinnati 33 Ct L Pct.cpi|. it looked like a golden 'oppor-|the Suns Sunday, 5-2 and 3-1 af-| Vineyard and 'Nelson Chittuim to! ° in ag J wl sad ne-man Chicago 33 «C Jacksonville \31 ..581 .--.,| 'unity for Toronto Maple Leafs|ter losing a 4-1 decision Satur-/halt the Suns, Vineyard scat- gang hee 'on pic fg ha their ins B Chi Win St. Louis 36 36 Rochester 574 1 |t0 Pick up some ground in the/day. - ;tered nine hi in hi S eat 1cago Milwaukee vie Toronto 557 2. |International League consent! Syracuse Chiefs dumped At-\game. in = aye eg _ peg rages Tgp eye home ' race over the weekend. lanta Crackers twice Sunday, tum gave up five hits in oe opener, No. 19 <a Houston 39 Syracuse 551 2% By DICK COUCH sebrew--and sida ghine wancrenshd: ia longus-leadiig Rpr/Los Angeles 38 Buffalo F "5433 Leafs went into the weekend|12-3 and 8-4 after losing 3-2 Sat- in the nightcap. , | New York 53 284 24%|Richmond "fo 9%4| 'tailing Jacksonville Suns . by|urday, and Buffalo 'Bisons' split ted Press Sports Writer/no exception. After Zoilo Ver-|figure to 59. : | 8 Saturday's Results Columbus ' 420 1114|0ne game and three games in| with Richmond Virginians, win- ALUMINI bs OSHAWA Bob Allison hasn't done mucbisalles' eighth homer shapped aj broken-field running since his|3-3 tie in the seventh inning, the|RUNS UNEARNED New York 6 Milwaukee 9 Atlanta 324 184 fort wt reg _ afl oe rs Sree g «Aly ae ag college ane ol but he's ier preceded Allison's shot] The Orioles sent Washington omen ' hig yea 2 ' és Saturday's Results a ve straight in their owa) mond er Buffalo 11-2 in the cutting a swath through|with a two-run, 410-foot wallop-|reeling to a sixth strai ht Joss| Philadelphia 4 St. Louis 9° oronto 2 Columbus 4 nded oe American 'League pitching to-\his 27th, into the bleachers. -- |py pushing over a wong a ais Cincinnati 2 Pittsburgh 4 Buffalo 1 Richmond 4 BE ge? - a ; Roca tail-|day's game 4-1. : FREE PAR 5 ins tags ne Elsewhere, Baltimore Orioles|earned runs in the eighth. John Los -- be -- 9) Atlanta 3 Syracuse 2 doubleheader ban Gay ater cg) Sy agg three sacrifice, ay REE PARKING Allison crack extended their winning streak to|Kennedy booted a grounder and : unday's Res Jacksonville 4 Rochester i downing the Leafs 4-2 Saturday jeues an ree double plays to) ' ' Cincinnati 6-6 Pittsburgh 2-5 Sunday's Results patasiiey tr Gs Lah ahiece the opener for Frank Bork, | ALUMINUM Aluminum Combination his 20th home run in Minne-| iy games and their | lead ; : gu Don Lock dropped a fly ball), ' sota Twins' 0-3 victory over Chi-ltp {eur with a 64 victory ove peed Philadelphia 5-2 St, Louis 08 | Toronto 2- then unleashed R w v tt : ' 0 2-1 Columbus 4-3 : : } unleashed Rex Johnson in| ry over|after Brooks Robinson's leadolf| 1, <1on 2-4 Chicago 10-1 Buffalo 2-2 Richmond 11-1 |chestér Red Wings took both'the second game. Johnson had] AWNINGS STORM-SCREEN. cago White Sox Sunday, extend-| washington Senators while the] single. New York 6-0 Milwaukee 7-9 Atlanta 3-4 Syracuse 12-8 ing a consecutive game hitting! second-place New York Yankees | AL streak to 19 and lifting his bat-|qivia eS} Tom Tresh hit a grand slam|ts Angeles 0 San Francisco 1/ Jacksonville 2-1 Roche F bye DOORS \divided a doubleheader with|homer in the eighth inning of! probable Pitchers Today - tht oc! ee | Ba ig a V4 C SOY VOU. ¢ ENCLOSURES ; puttalo Sas "To Save C @ Cash-- ting average to .340, tops in the! Detroit i 3 inni , { Tigers, winning the Al the opener 'as the Yanks over-| Cincinnati (O'Toole 6-4) _ at, Rochester at Buffalo | STORM-SCREEN + x fopener 8-6 and losing the night- . The 220 - pound outfielder-|can 6.5, took the Tigers after two hom-|Chicago (Burdette 4-1) Jacksonville"at Columbus = | Jones wes applying for « position yracus: pl ; DOORS-WINDOWS turned-first baseman is the hot- ers by Don Demeter and an-| Milwauke chnei E | bait hesiber in the tuaiors, with| nonce, "wert # Dee from| other by Dick McAuliffe had/st. Loui fear ge hg igs | : f 9 464 mark since June 12, when Cleveland Indians 8-5 and 4- of tral . is (Washburn 3-4) (N) | games scheduled) ; examiner | Siar tomy ca » whenland Kansas City Athleties| Power etroit to an early 6-2) Philadelphia (Mahaffey 7-2) at : makes you think, Mr. Jones, thet |] . PRIME WINDOWS blanked Los Angeles Angels 4-0) 1¢8 |Houston (Bruce 7-4) (N) | , you would be @ success os @ || CMHC ACCEPTED Gates Brown's seventh-inning| _ Pittsburgh (Gibbon 5-2) at Los) diplomet? » 2 | 'Well, I've been married for ten FLEXALUM longest hit streak. 'Willie Mays|;, a dogle game of San Francisco Giants and Ed . \nomer broke up the nightcap. | Angeles (L. Miller 0-1) (N) i ti | : year," Jon lied 7 e '" es re eo downed Washington 3-1, Is it that Wite. still thinks 1 "Aig sick |i SIDING Bressoud 0 | On Saturday, Baltimore) | Sa ; game ot Saga -- oe : the| Felix Mantilla hit two homers Poin York (Fisher 5-6) at San| Allison's season average has| Yankees edged the Tigers 5-4 in in the Boston-Cleveland opener, ve ae (Bolin 2-2) (N) 4 friend." joomed 50 points, from .290, 10 innings, the Twins jolted Chi- Frank Malzone slugged a pair American League BACK Ba JALOUSIES during the burst. He has hit/©@s° 5-3 with Killebrew and Al-|in the second game and Dick), W L Pet. GBL : How diplomatic can nd seven homers and as many dou- lison again supplying home Radatz came out of the bullpen) sa timore 45 643 ~ again? i Weil, | may not be Bay Re - sunk bles, driven in 11 rans and Tuns, Cleveland whipped Boston|twice to save Red Sox victories [New York 40 588 4 If it's backache that's j matic but I'm just 'san ¥0 ee PI MMATONS FOR scored 14 for a league-leading|+2 and Kansas City nipped Los| Two unearned runs and Diego |yinneco 7 mm bothering you, due to urin- right out and state that | think || CK-UP TRUCKS total of 55. Angeles 2-1, ending the Angels'|Segui's five-hit pitching helped eS "i 528 8 ary irritation ¥ , we do the finest dry cleaning ser- Big Bob is the league's ail-|!J-game winning streak. \the Athletics stymie the Angels.| ropes 38 486 discomfort, then Dodd's : vice you can get. We take par- Cleveland 33 485 K lls can help bring | ' 4 ticuler. pride in the work we do ber star first baseman but in Min- Minnesota scored six runs in|After Lenny Green dropped a . 7 1. Di nesota he's just the No, 2 mus- Sunday's seventh-inning upris-/fly ball in the first inning, oe aaa a 7 478 og ag hig | ' end I'm sure our many ; q 471 help relieve the conditi | BOB EAKINS satistied customers will testify to | ie [__. Ane St esr cleman me -- a D covinaee Jimenez doubled a run Washingto 29 392 thet. Hope 'il be lington, who joined the club only|/home and Bill Bryan followed) , Ld "4 ing the backache. Then | : ™ came one of GETS 27TH HOMER la vow 'days ago, of bis firet vic-|with triple, Nelson Mathews|<*0ees Clty 20 #4 00 sou fel beter andrea bet ven The big guy is Harmon Kil-|tory. Killebrew"s homer in-|homered for the Athletics \et hy gret a Lae can depend on "4 iia AGE Aimee * hair te andi mi sctinctacamee neaieramntyieisniranerenem | a New Yor | 'a Kidney Pills, 9% >, eienir SERVICE| | PHONE 728-1633 \Baltimore 3 Washington 1 * 95 ATHOL ST. EAST--OSH, i AWA SWEEP SERIES Cleveland 4 Boston 2 Chicago 3 Minnesota 5 penne \Kansas City 2 Los Angeles 1 Sunday's Results é e é 1 nt \Detroit 6-6 New York 8-5 rs | Baltimore 6 Washington 4 |Kansas City 4 Los Angeles 0 ~ |Cleveland 5-3 Boston 8-4 Chicago 3 Minnesota 9 e : Defeatin Dodger fines, (racial bs) a Minnesota (Pascual 9-4) at |Baltimore (Roberts 5-4) (N) By HAL BOCK Howard made a spectacular;paced by homers by Willie Star- peepee whet = | ] | ' land (Kralick 8-2) (2 Associated Press Sports Writer|catch saving an extra base hit.|gell and Jim Pagliaroni. | th | to Billy O'Dell, ajBut Jesus Alou, running for | Thanks y Chicago got home run power|hit homers for Houston. Ron) ' i Kuenn, scored | : ft pitcher with a pain in pone neni pon gpa Dh a trom Ernie Banks, Billy Cowan|Santo tied up the nighteap with : to ache all over when they look] The Phillies made six prices Oke SON eee ee ua Cine aon ewan ae wae at the National League stand-jin the second game and the/against the Colts th the ouane "y the thn ch ae or war O ings. O'Dell, sidelined most of|Cards unleashed a 14-hit attack, 7 re he season with the neck ail-four of them by Bill uiteck, Jot Bateman and Walt "Bound'Bond's 'second homer ot the dey. Short overcame three more ment, put the crimp on a ninth-|7 : fnning Dodger rally Sunday and|Philadelphia errors for his first- preserved a 1-0 San Francisco|S2™me me be hapless field- victory that boosted the Giants|,"é 827° | 08 erpnia 1% etrors | ' jin three games, by ; saved myself so into the league lead and downed) phe Braves d : the world champion Dodgers oe ce aint akat es much worry and |the first inning against Met : Ppseeer diag gem blanked the)th 'i wana we lee tare L oa bY the ithen held off a late New York ander - Stark's. Furn- Dodgers for eight innings before/rally for their first-game_ vic- : the Giants got a run off Donjtory. In the second game, Rico ace Parts Replace- Drysddle on two hits, a walk/Carty and Hank Aaron ripped ment Plan. Why r Owlando Cepeda's sacrifice|three - rum homers and Tony : don't you? . Herbel : more needed just three|Cloninger fired a six-hitter. outs for the victory. He| Pete Rose stroked three didn't get them. straight singles to pace Cincin- Ron Fairly and Frank Howard|nati's first-game victory. The} / opened the Dodger ninth with Reds' second baseman had aj y V4 singles and Giant manager Al-|string of seven straight hits bro- Cys i vin Dark lifted Herbel. O'Dell ken when reliever Roy Face came on and his neck felt no in the fifth inning better when John Roseboro e Reds completed the bunted for » hit loading the|sweep exploding for five runs in 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA pe anee |the third inning and then hold-| \ 725-3581 But O'Dell bore down and fed ing off a late Pirate surge Jim Gilliam a slider which helpwmw ---- popped up. Pinch-hitter Lee) Walls fanned on a fast bail and Maury Wills bounced out, leav- , Ing the three runners stranded. "The pitch to Walls was high," O'Dell said after the game. 'But I guess it looked good to him." = GIANTS SWEEP SERIES It looked great to Dark, whuse p peg eal the coal game = ee tries in 18 BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN ! ! right past Philadelphia Fie Plies sipped to second DELICIOUS DELICIOUS ... FRESH ee cots, ares BOSTON STRAWBERRY eet eecsing tha, cgeene 54. CREAM PIE TARTS Bisewhere in the NL Milwau-| kee Braves swept two from SPECIA New York Mets 7-6 and 9-0, Cin- L cinnati Reds ended a five-game | SPECIAL This Week Pittsburgh winning streak with This Week € 6 Pe ee ¢c or a double victory over the Pi- rates, 6-2 and 6-5, and Chicago and ---- split, the Cubs win- 1 th ti ning the first game 10.2 and the wo or a Cals taking the mghtcn ged or three -- cakes -- Order One Week Ahead 0 innings. Y ORDERS. PH - The Giants pounded the Dodg- ONE 725-3421 ers 9-1 Saturday while the Car-|---- dinals clobbered the Phillies 9-4, Chicago shaded Houston 2-1,) § Milwaukee out-slugged the Mets) 9-6 and Pittsburgh downed the) Reds 4-2. The Giant run Sunday came in the eighth after singles by Harvey Kuenn and Willie Mays and an intentional walk to Duke Snider loaded the bases. Cepeda cracked a Drysdale pitch deep to right field and Wingerson Shines In Cleveland Meet CLEVELAND (AP) -- Jenny y ; Wingerson, young Toronto track j BIG TASTE star, was a triple winner in the Amateur Athletic Union central states women's track and field : ghampionships here Saturday. Ge, o She captured the 220 - yard FLAV O UR dash ip. 24.6, the 80-metre: hur- dles"in. a record-equalling 11.5 and the shot put with a throw j : of 39 feet, eight inches. q Miss Wingerson was named % \ TISF/ L\CTION top athlete in the meet CLAY RETURNS si ear te | everything you expect in an ale -- always home Tuesday after a visit to ' Africa. Clay said he had to be Mrs. H. Lock of 113 We i h . st Sth. St., Hamilton, wes the lucky wi back in the United States for a/ recent draw when new luxury buses were on oe Mr. Chen. Keine, Fehidee ted convocation of the Black Mus- 7 ums on Friday. i eo: Me, as 'Mt Locke the tickets for « free trip for two to New York end the World's Feir

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