Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jun 1964, p. 14

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ph Bh Sa a te seta tee Aah dee cet, tle Ki Sith, Min ek. eats cai ets, Ss Ata AF EAPO SB ne od ainketnen eee %--The Outer Limits | 63--Don Messer's Jubiles | | 4--To Tell. The Truth 5:00 PM --Star Route 1 oones Finlay's Case Book 1i--Family Theatre =| 4--I've Got A Secret ay laa Matinee 4:90 PM. ¥--The Early Show | Polka Party 9--McHales Navy 4:30 PM THE OSHAWA, TIMES, Seturdey, June 27, 1964 100 Pm" ] 1l--Lueky Score Matinee 7--Afternoon Show 4--Meet The Millers 2-Divorce Court 1:39 P.M. 1i--Love That Bob. $--Caravan--Part 2 63--Razzle Dazzie 4-As The Worls Turns | "4 sive O'clock Snow 2:00 P.M. | 2Yog! Bear | 4--Vacation Playho li--Mid Day Matinee | $:30 P.M. 9:00 PLM. 9--Channe! 9 Theatre 6--Space---The New Ocean Age Unepoanne 6-4-3--Password 3--East Side Kids --The Tex 6-3--Playdate 2--Loretta Young 3-The Rifleman 4--Danny Thomas Show 1:30 PM. ace bi 130 PLM. 6--Citizen James pt 4--News With Van Miller sic selvaua oe ' wr > en Oe | 4--Star Performance 14 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffaie | WBEN-TV Channel 4--Butfalo WEBW-TV Channel 7~Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 8--Rochester 9--Kiddo | 63--Vacation 'Time | 4~Leave It T> Beaver 3---Popeye MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M. 7--Wagon . Train &2--Disney's Worle of Color 7--Empire 63--Chorus Anyone 4--My Favorite Martian 6:00 PLM. %--Meta Presents 'This is The Lite J--The Holy Mass 6--Church Service 4--Camere Three 11:30 AM. $2--The Doctors 7--Day in Court Conviction 12:00 NOON Vi--Oral Roberts %--Itallar Journat layhouse 7 é--Live and Learn Weather Sports 2The Answer 12:15 PM. 9---Cardsello ress 12:30 PM. 1--Bachelor Father 4--Cameo Theatre 1--Comment and | 643--Ed. Sullivan } tothe Bible Today Heart 4--Adventurous Missions 2~Sacrd %--Dougias Fairbanks 6--St. Lawrence North 2--Family Playhouse 5:30 OM. 9-7---Arrest and Triai @2--Grindl 9:00 PLM. $-6-3-2--Bonanza 4--The Celebrity Game 9:30 P.M. | 4--Brenner 10:00 PLM. 1}--Richard Boone %--The Hourglass $2--Dupont Show of the Week. 7--Dick Powell Shaw 6-3--Horizon 4--Candid Camere 10:30 P.M 4--What's My Line 11:08 PLM. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News; 63--Movie Matines Party 3:00. P.M. 9--Theatre $2~Another World 7--Genera) _rlospital 63--Take Thirty 4--To Tell The Truth 4:30 PLM. $--Thestre $3--You Don't Say 1--Bar 11 Movie 9--Mickey Mouse Ciub #--The Match Game 7--Tralimaster 63--Mademoiselle de Paris 4-The Secret Storm 2--Captain Bob 6:13 OM 4--Headline News 6:30 PM. 11-4---News, Weather, Sports B--M-Squad 6--Summer Magazine 4 POM \--Pamily Theatre 2--Huntiey Srinkiey Report 1:00 P.M §--Farmer's Daughter 8--Invisible Man 1-6--News, Weather, Sports 4--Zane Grey Theatre 3--My Favorite Martian 2--Bachelor Father 1:30 PLM. 9--Outer Limits 8-2--Movie 10:00 P.M. |11--Steve Alien Show 9--Dr.: Kildare | &2--Sing Along. With Mitch - | 7--Breaking Point 63--Inquiry 10:30 P.M. 6--Explorations 11:00 PM. 11-9-8-7-4-43-2--News; Wee'her and Sports 11:20 PLM. 9--Metro Final 7-4--Late Show 6--Night Metre 11:30 P.M. 11--Music %--Dougias Fairbanks 7--Late Show | 4--The Fugitive | 4--Bast Side, West Side Here, 1S.NO WAY "To GET HIM NOW, Epo? 19 THERE, LAREPO Pass 4@ ale lead --eight oS pow A fine declarer must also be=*" a pessimist if he wants to maim... tain his reputation. Comanel The player who -- it 1ORnn granted that suits break" normally or who stakes the out- come of a hand on the result of JANE ARDEN a finesse, without at least at- .. tempting to overcome bad luck * if it exists, is not really a fine declarer. He must learn to wor ry if he wants to get the most. out of the cards. -- Take this hand where South ~~ jis playing four hearts. If he is not a worrier, he is likely to jlose the contract. It would seem natural to win the spade lead in dummy and take a heart finesse. The odds are high that East, who opened the bidding, has the king of hearts. But if South takes the heart finesse at trick two, he down. West wins with the king and has no choice but to shift to a diamond, East cashes two diamonds and later gets the king of clubs to defeat the con- tract one trick. : The really careful declarer would probably make the hand by playing differently. He would win the spade in his hand and play the queen of hearts at trick two, He would not mind losing, the trick to East because the contract would not be in danger if this happened. The likely losers, with East having the king, would be a heart, a club and a diamond. In the actual hand, South would probably "steal" the con- tract by this method of play. West would find it hard to be lieve that East did not have the ace of hearts (singleton) and he would be likely to duck the. queen of hearts, Having gotten by this hurdle, our pessimistic South, having allowed for the possibility of the king of hearts, would cash the ace of hearts and then take a club © finesse. The defense would now find it impossible to collect more than three tricks. On Monday: B of a series on the recent World Bridge Olympiad. NEWS IN BRIEF RECOGNIZE FLAG - OTTAWA (CP) -- Scuba diy- ers have won their fight for rec- ognition as a class apart from other water lovers. The trans- port department announced Thursday that it is revoking a . regulation that made the scuba divers' flag the standard marker for buoys at swimming areas ' 1:00 P.M. | 11:20 PLM. | %Metro Final sf ngs Miniature 7-4-Late 7--Discovi | ery 2-Award Theatre | 6--Speaking French 1:30 PLM. | 1:20 P.M. %--Late Show n 6--No Hiding Place 9--All Star Theatre | F--igsues and Answers MONDAY 63--Country Calendar 9:00 A.M. 4--Armchair Adventure | 4~Captain Kangaroo N--Wrestling 100 PM 7---Hollywood Palace li--Sunday Movie 4New Phil Stivers Show 9--Theatre i +s hedpeniabid Show |. 4--Directions "64 4--Popeye's Playhouse | 42. A raccoon- 10:00 PLM. i 1 Mi . 6--St. Jean Baptiste Day | 2--Mike Douglas Show | like animal *+--Break' int Parad yer io i | «Playhouse 9190 A.M. 13. Let in 10:29 P.M. 7--Tennessee Ernie Ford | 44, Attempt 11 Shlecueter. 10:00 A.M. | 15. Youth 1~Ensign O'Toole %2--Make Room .For | 17, Sloths $--Juliette ye re werd | Daddy | 18. Exalted 11:00 PM Keynotes Ca NR-B-7-6-4-3-2--NOw., | 20, Worshippe Weather? Sports | 28. To sound, asa whistle 27, Rot 28. Means of communi- CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. A sleeveless wrap 5, Unable to hear 9. Together | 11. City: Fla . Small norse . Finish 5. Father: Am, affect. 24, Strange 5. Girl's 25. Lubri- name cate 7, Hawaiian 26, Foot starch digit . Butter, 28, Flemish lard, suet painter . Ship's . Divide, kitchen as . Small a children: US. . Succor Texan ranch mark 22. Tubert So. 9:00 A.M. 2:30 PLM. &2--Major League Base Yesterday's Answer bal! MICKEY MOUSE 35, Comic sketch $7. Off i8. Nothing character more than Celestial 3, Pass- 39. Malt bodies able: beverages . Affix sl Half ems . River in . Hawaiian Greek Scotland island letter EEE Y le 4 LA T\ FEB) (ass CREPUSCULE L656 6 Y Si ow BS | ANGLAIS SE RETIRENT, | 7--Girl faik | 63--Count of 3:30 P.M. | Monte Cristo 4--TV Hour of Stars 4--Calendar | 11:18 P.M. | 4:00 #~ | 10:30 A.M. | t--Answering Service li--Bn France | 82--Word For Word 62--Saturday Night af 7--Bowling | 7--Price is Right 6--Heritage 63--Chez Helene 4-1 Love Lucy 11:00 A.M. | 1i--Musicalle | 9--Cartoon Party $2--Concentration 7--Message | | $--Loretia Young Theatre 4--The Real McCoys 1:30 A.M, 4:30 Pm. Pioneers 9--Douglas Fisher 63--The 20th Century 4--Film Feature 5:00 P.M. W--Famiy (nestre 9--Platform 7--Wrestling 63--International Zone ~~ --Part | 4-CBS Sports Spectacuiar| {,teven Part 3 j 6:30 P.M. 7--Missing Linke $--See Hunt 6--Girl Taik 62-GE big ogg 4--Pete and Gladys 6--Some of Those Days 'Planet Gerth | 12:00 NOON | |1t--Albert J. Steed Show | i 6 P, ae Pe | %--Caravan 9--~Sgt. Bilko Jig Show of Week | $2--Say When @ 7--Maverick | e--Mister E 2--Portralts of My People) 4 twentieth Century | 6--Elwood 'Glover 10:08 A.M. 3--Route 66 | 4-News and Weather | 2--Meet The ress | i--MeMaster University | | 12:15 P.M Presents 6:30 PLM. | $--Catholic Service | 11--Rawhide 4--Speaker of the House +--Cartoons | 9--~Walt Beni 12:30 P.M. 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 6--My Three 18 t Social Christianity | 4--Mister Ed agp a with Uncie 10:30 AM. 2--Pic-A-Poika P< A 4~Uncle Jerry's Club 1:00 P.M. Consequences 2~This is The Life | 63--Hazel é--Movie Matinee 4--Search for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 11:00 AM. P | 4--Quiding Light | Movie cation 29. University officer 280. To turn, as milk 31, Belabors 33. Ship's call for help Blockbuster Movie 4--Fred Astaire Thestre 12:30 A.M. 4--Tight Rape | | 'SUNDAY 9:00 AM. 4--Popeye's Playhouse 1--Cartoons "Y'At GAGNE UNE AUTRE victors "Se VAMTE LE LAISSANT 1,944 HOMMES CHAMP DE BATA! 4h o SADE Qui x fs ie HIGULANDERS REMSISSENT A GRIMPER DE LEUeS 3,600 L'ABATTIS,.; POUR fire TRANSPERCES LES FRANCAIS courte PAR LES BAYONNETTES ENNEMIES. 3TT MORTS ET BLESSES. SISONVe --" wo % a o~ West's having " \ LES mL 0S 9 OL \ CWRI51LLVE BE WO IW 968) TANS " Lcomtyaey HONOPAL X ; 7:30 A.M. i--€n France t--The Christ ZG, Y Y Oe r90 PM. 'Leta Telk With 1--Specia! Movie S--Mr. Novak Father Meehan DEMONSTRATOR SPECIAL BUT AH CAIN'T SEEM TO WARM ITUP/? WISH'T AH *UMM/'-COULD" BOILED, SHMOOS TASTE LIKE. CHICKENe+== : The CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 266 KING ST. W. 723-4634 SURE / | WAS MEANWHILE + ++ VISITING TH PLUBLO 7 = Fully Equipped Low Mileage DEMONSTRATOR PRICED *3296 N PETER ! ON THiE WAY HOME, T 1964 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 4-DOOR HARDTOP Lic. No, B 96500 MARK, HOWLL WE FIND THAT KID IN THE MORNING P SHIP TO VISIT OSLO (AP) -- The Norwegian three - masted fullrigger Chris- tian Radich will visit seven Ca- nadian and U.S. centres this" year. The sail training ship will visit Montreal and Toronto. Cas nadian authorities have ac- corded the Christian Radich @ free trip through the St. Law- rence Seaway. ISSUES WRITS LONDON (Reuters) -- The Daily Sketch in a statement Thursday night said it had is- sued libel writs against Ran- dolph Churchill, journalist son of Sir Winston, and The Specta- tor weekly. The newspaper's statement said the writs were issued in connection with an ar- ticle by Churchill in the current issue of The Spectator. SALLY'S SALLIES THE LONE RANGER © King Feature Syndicate,-Inc., 1964. World rights reserved. HOW ABOLIT A DATE YI THERES A'BIG AFRAID... TONIGHT, DORIS? V BLACK CAT IN THE BLACK CATS ARE ro) Becerra MUGGS AND SKEETER 45 Lf ( SECONDS, --_-- e. | e ; fe GOODBYE \ FOREVER! , \ keeps on going out for help. He's tired before the season ave JULIET JONES @ King Feataree Syudicate. Tac. 1066. World rights voverved, ----------_--_ BOY--WHAT A COME, DEAR--JUMP SWELTERING INTO THIS TUB HOT DAY! OF COLD THAT'S ENOUGH- ~ ; I'M COOL y ey y WHY & BIG, HEAVY COAT IN SUCH HOT WEATHER? ny, --_-- WELL, IT 1S KINDA WARM, GRANDMA ERNIE CAY és LUMBER / ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS FREE DELIVERY "lt it's LUMBER call our NUMBER" | PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. © King Fesemoee Spain, Yon, 1964. Weld shen mmr

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