Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jun 1964, p. 12

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--_-- . penreae ise oe + inane ean O CSSA ERENT NE ECE a eS Tek pebieth mbes hy Mek Church Women met at the home|the older hymns that they of Mrs, F. Bray with Mrs. M.|contemplating removing Gilroy presiding, the' hymnary. The meeting. Mrs. R. Scott and Mrs, G,/brought to a close with Scott had the worship and Mrs.|Gypsy basket sale. G. Corner} and Mrs. McCor-) mack were\in charge of the pro-! LAKE DISTRICT ram, Miss Barbara Pereman 'Three counties make up favored with two accordianjarea in England known as solos. : 'Lake District -- Cu , Mrs. Corner gave a talk on| Westmoreland 'and Lancashire. ------------= and coffee. Rev. Christopher E. Dugan BA, BD, of Tyrone was guest | minister for the Sunday morn- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 27, 1964 _ ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Scripture--Acts 10:23-35; Ephesiang 2:11-22; 4:1-16. Columbus UCW Unit Bowls miter COLUMBUS -- The E ng, The M gers sang several unit of the United Church numbers before retiring to the Women and guests met at the| Christian Education Hall for the bowling alleys recently in the regular meeting. Oshawa Shopping Centre. Rey. R. H. Love was the guest After bowling they returned to|minister at Tyrone. ° - the home of Mrs. S. Sobil andj The East Unit of the United) The Baha'i World Faith The Spirit breathing through the Holy Scrip- tures is food for all who hunger. God Who has given the revelation to His Prophets will surely give of His abundance daily bread to all those who ask Him faithfully. Sy Alfred Buescher Hear BROTHER BILLY Over WHLD RADIO 1270 K.C. » Niagara Falls, N.Y. 9:30 a.m. Daily ' HARMONY UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., B.D, Minister LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE HOUR ee SUNDAY -- 5:30 to 6:00 P.M. ? CKLB -- DIAL 1350 GRACE LUTHERAN | PARK KOAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister" Edwerd Nelson, Assistant ee {I : In. God's eyes, unbelieving Gentiles were separated from the God-fearing Jews. Through Christ's sacrifice all gain access to God and become equal members of God's family.--Ephesians 2:11-22, As fellow-members of that body of which Christ alone is the head, every | believer must observe his duties | to fellow-men and. fetlow-Christians. j Paul beseeches his Ephesian converts to be worthy of Christ; reminding them of their "oneness": saved by the one Lord, having one baptism, serving one faith in one Church ruled by one Spirit.--Ephesians 4:1-6. nelius, a Roman centurion, is told by an angel to send for Peter. Peter arrives to find Cornelius has gath- ft neta ee For further information write: OSHAWA BAHA'! COMMUNITY ie due Gat ka Fered his friends and relatives to hear 4 SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 Organist and Choirmaster | } | Vicor i him also.--Acts 10:23-35. |their acceptance of Christ's sac- |others, urging them most care-| DEAT tween them was abolished. one body, ruled b irit. S S Pa l L ] Ans Msg egg aspirin during the First World p the same' Spirit, and both are|ate never to forget this "'one-/one of the great contemporary By R. H. RAMSEY beseeches his Ephesian con- In spite of these basic factors| with another Yale student, Stod- 'wide fellowship, with every|fore Peter proceeded to offer tian virtues within the realm of these gifts is assigned by the NEW MISSION dent after incident bearing this\jphesians assigned to this les- is charged with the duty of per-|_--- = Some 10 years after the As- then proceeds to emphasize the up the. fabric, of Christian so-|crafty deceivers within the, informed him of the dawning of|could not partake of the prom- the body of Christ is that they|Christ, relating Christians to ; LECTURE them as one through the| But when they receive Christ, ® Golden Text: "Now therefore Shiites: Khe yauhen BIBLE LESSON irifice for them, lfully to "keep the unity of. the| By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Minister: Rey. W. A eal They were reconciled as,They have been saved by one | war = Scripture -- Acts 10:23-25; hear the Gospel and to enter "0W fellow-citizens in the house- Ness." sbsirect artists. ® One of the glorious facts of|friends were not yet actually inverts to walk worthy of the binding them together, God has\darq King, to produce the song! "Christian standing on an equal|them the Gospel and the for- humility and patience with Lord, Himself (v. 12). Th SAN ae | ; e Lutheran Church is to 'out, One such incident has been' son, we find Paul describing the sonal service to his fellow-, siety Church itself. veension of our Lord, the Apostle|fact, that as unbelievers, these| 1) ciety u s SUNDAY, JUNE 28 Ei aes fn Which: tie Chirch|ikes to lereci may become believers "even\one another in a body of which R Frank Johnste Bt of Christ. they become members of God's sae cohen tcl --Ephesians 4:7-16. GOLDEN TEXT: Ephesians 2:19. 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL |}; SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00. A.M. Kindergarten and |} iny Tots | 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship SUNDAY. SCHOOL The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper 11:00 A.M. The Sacrament of Baptism DIVINE WORSHIP 8:00 P.M.--Sunday Evening ||] 7:00 P.M. WED. Sod-Turning Cerémony for CHURCH SCHOOL New Church 7:40 P.M, WED. A Hearty Welcome To A | WORSH IRS SERVICE Albert Street United Church (Albert St. and Olive Ave.) REV ALBERT E. LARKE, Minister - Supply - REV. S$, J, HILLIER Organist-Choirleader: Mrs. C. A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M.~--R.M.T, 11:00 A.M, MORNING WORSHIP Rev. S. J. Hillier Little children cared for in the nursery Sunday School sessions at 9:45 and 10:45 A.M, servers Erie St., off Simcoe S. (Next after Bloor St.) 2 ees ee 10:00 A.M, --- SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES, 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--Service at Pine Orchard Camp WED.---8 P.M, PRAYER & BIBLE STUDY A Warm Welcome Awaits You ess ROSSLAND ROAD 1042 Rossland Rd. W. East of Garrard FREE METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, Kenneth E. Goodberry, B.S.B.D, 723-7760 9:45 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE -------------------------- CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Corner King and Centre St. REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER LION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH | J) MR. Katingon,Croni-Cheirmanr Temporary so of Worse: DR. S. J. PHIL LIPS SCHOOL >1MG9E PEN TECOSTAL CHURCH ] ] :00 A.M. ree 245 Simcoe St. S. Pastor: REV. R. A. BOMBAY "What Have You To Begin With?" PASTOR: REV. D. N, HABERMEHL, B.A.M.Th este usenneesaer oe Care provided for small children during service 10:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL EVERYONE WELCOME 8:00 P.M.--WEDNESDAY--PRAYER MEETING 8:00 P.M.--FRIDAY--FREE METHODIST YOUTH Ethier Je are no more strangers and Horeigners, but fellow citizens With the saints, and of the household of God."--Ephesians 10:00 A.M.-- SUNDAY 2: 19. Pastor Wm. Lewis "WHERE THE POOR ARE RICH" (Rev, 2:9A) 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Plenty of Parking at Centre St. Church At the same tithe, Cornelius, @ Roman centurion and Gentile, "was told by an angel to 'send to Joppa for Peter, who would @nstruct him in becoming .a 'Ohristian. * Cornelius did so and, while "waiting for Peter's arrival, in- senor -- St. Andrew's United Church SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS Minister; THE REV. JOHN F. G. MORRIS, BiA., &T:M., Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M. 11:00 A.M.--CRUSADER'S CHURCH PARADE and PASTORAL SERMON 7:00 P.M.--Rev. HOPE SMITH OF EVANGEL TEMPLE, TORONTO 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP "THE SPIRIT GUIDED LIFE" Come and Join Us In Worship Today DENOMINATIONAL BROADCAST: BACK TO GOD HOUR (EACH SUNDAY CKLB 9:15 P.M.) CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ab Fae | tvited a gPoup of his friends and *kinsmen to be present when a Branch of Rnigettiateg eo ane se "Ree the 6 rage Peter arrived. It is obvious that| in BSL: Wines Of SHEL Setanta geccllge. 4 > saelgeeed OPEALARL : ADEQUATE OFF STREET PARKING! ; GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. AT 211 SIMCOE §T. SOUTH 230 Gibbons Street . ce | On the Cross, Christ atoned|Spirit in the bond of peace."| a s s for the sins of all men, both, He reminds them that this E t 'Jew and Gentile, and through unity is already established by/ . very ris lan 1véen Him, the ancient enmity be-/God, for the whole Church is|_ Midland, Mich. -- Robert R Phone: 725-387. : Dreisbach, 75, who developed brothers in 'the eyes of. God; |Lord, by the same act of faith) : : lgained access to God through|and similarly baptized. They; New York -- Stuart Davis, 69, 4 : ars | ' hold of God. wiickin ¢ Wallingford, Conn, -- Alonzo Ephesians 2:11-22; 4:1-16. the kingdom of God. | In Ephesians 4:1-16, Paul first DIFFERENT GIFTS Elliott, 73, who collaborated } |. Though the centurion and his christian doctrine is that in the|@ State of salvation, they were high calling they share in pb - pind ye Pe men with!The Long, Long Trail. Sbody of Christ there is world-/carnest seekers after it. There- Christ, mentioning four Chris- ifferent gifts. The purpose of|------------------ jane spiritually. Throughout|giveness of sins in Christ. Sa = Pas pr song of ™ start a new mission in Trini- fhe book of Acts we find inci-| Ip the opening verses of the UNITED e faithful, every believer| 4.4 : " nd believers and to his fellow men,|0f Christ," so they will not be ated into.our lesson to- ' , : -- ed ss epee Senge ge Me ~~ and has some part in building Swayed by false doctrines or by (Oshawa Branch) Bruce Street. Side Entrance The ultimate destiny of the Ati this: terminat die te 3 4 - my " $ A > inher} y 3 4 f s erminates in e }- alin Fr papereng eae Oe aves plead lee a faithful in being built up into/affirmation of the Headship of 2:30 P.M.--Healing Service ould make no distinction be- 7:00 p.mi--Devotional Service | uno the stature of the fullness'Christ, alone, is the Head. 'ween Jew and Gentile, count--ON EQUAL FOOTING on family on spiritually equal. foot- CLAIRVOY ANCE gia RE REE RATES -ling with the Jews, because of Mrs. Isobella Ferguson 135 Harmony Rd. South 4 TO SERVE GOD! ALL ARE INVITED = : Sequally obvious that the small } scongregation he assembled to 11:00 A.M 11:00 A.M. ------ ---- thear Peter were men of a like MEMBERS OF THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORANGE LODGE Wed. Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M imind with Cornelius in the de- sire to become Christians. DIVINE SERVICE Reading Room Hours, Tues. 1:00-4:00 P.M. Excepting Holidays REVEALS MISSION Cornelius reveals the vision 6:15; P.M.--OPEN AIR Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You Simcoe South CKLB 9 A.M. Every Sunday 11:00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP At Simcoe Street United Church 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School RITSON ROAD PENTECOSTAL churcn | 11:00 A.M. 320 Ritson Road South Pastor -- Rev. N. Siblock MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M EVENING SERVICE ALL ARE WELCOME St. Andrew's and Simcoe Street Congregations: will. Worship together during July. which impelled his sending for Peter, and the apostle's first 'words sweep away the preju- | ey of centuries (vs. 34, 35). eter perceives: that men like Cornelius and his little company | mre, in God's sight, eligible to! 9:45 A.M. -- SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7:15 p.m.-Evening Service UKRAINIAN SERVICES: Sunday -- 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday -- 7:30 p.m. "THE FULL GOSPEL--BELIEVED---PREACHED" 7:00 P.M Salvation Meeting 2:30 P.M. TUES Home League FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A MISS JUDITH DAVISON, Boe. Mus. 11:00 A.M. dnd 7:00 P.M. ~ REV. JAMES MONAGHAN SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church in the heart of the city with the World on tts heart. MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B,A. Director of Musie: Mr. R. G. Geen, L.T.C.M. 8:00 P.M.--WEDNESDAY Bible Study and Prayer Meeting "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU AT THE ARMY" 9:45 A.M. -- Sunday School 11:00 A.M. REV. EARL SWANSON 11:00 A.M, "The Questing Heart" FIRST IN A SUMMER SERIES BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV. G. A. CARROLL, Pastor B.A., B.D. 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 o.m.--Nursery and-Junior Church Major & Mrs, Fred Lewis Corps Officers 133 Sirseoe South : _ Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada . EMMANUEL || - BAPTIST CHURCH . Corner Evangeline & * Philip Murray Pastor: REV. ERNEST WINTER | Catvary CENTRE and JOHN STREETS Postor--REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE BapristT 7:00 P:M, REV. PERCY PAGE TUESDAY, 8 P.M. -- THE KINGSMEN QUARTETTE of the Canadian Bible College, Regina, Sask ST, PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Corner of Cedar and Thomas Streets INCUMBENT REV. L. M. WARE. Phone 728-6736 SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 1964--TRINITY V 9:00 A.M.-FAMILY EUCHARIST Mr, R. Smerage, Director of Music Mr. G, Bateman, Song Leader Res. 728-2426 Church 728-2931 SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. -- EVANGELISTIC SERVICE REV. R. A. BOMBAY 'The Essentials of Discipleship' THE MINISTER WILL PREACH The Congregation of St. Andrew's will join in the worship, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--Departments for all children up to 8 years. who has had on. outstanding ministry as pastor of Simeoe St. |! Pentecostal Church and soon to take up his new duties as distriet Superintendent. | | | 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--COMMUNION SERVICE King St. United Church 129 KING STREET EAST : REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr. Ernest Fellows Student Assistant Mr. Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Organist Youth Department 10:00 A.M, Baby Creche, Nursery and Church School 11:00 A.M. j weal HA Tues., 7:45 -- CA, Service 11:00 A.M.-SUNG EUCHARIST Potronol Festival St. Peter the 'Apoitia NO CHURCH SCHOOL CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH ANGLICAN MARY AND HILLCROFT STREETS RECTOR: THE VEN, H. D. CLEVERDON -- PHONE 725-5795 Assistant: The Rev. J. D. Osborne -- Phone 728-0732 CHURCH OFFICE TEL, 728-8251 11:00 A.M. "FORM OR FORCE' Jeremiah 1:1-10 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M.--Rev. Robt. Lytle 7:00 P.M.--SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO Wednesday, 7:45 P\M. -- Bible Study and Prayer Saturday, 8:00 P.M. -- Prayer Meeting DAILY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Begins Monday, June 29, 9:00 a.m. Ages 5-16 Years xing st. PENTECOSTAL cnurcu 611 KING ST. W. E, Howard Kerr, Pastor "© Lord, Hear My Prayer" (Chenoweth) Mrs. V. Burdge Anthem: * "The Lord's My Shepherd' (Grant) 9:50 p.m. Friendly Chat over CKLB by Rev. H. A. Mellow ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH ---------- NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST, AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER -- REV. H. A. MELLOW B.A, DEACONESS--MISS SHIRLEY M, McKEE ORGANIST --. MR. J. R. ROBERTSON A.R.C.T. 9:45 AM. BIBLE SCHOOL | Sct: ALL AGES | g 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP} 7:00 P.M=EVENING GOSPEL | SERVICE | Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Bible Study! and Prayer Doily Va,pation Bible School June 29 to July 10 A WELCOME FOR ALL Office 728-5371 9:45 SUNDAY SCHOOL (Interesting closses for all ages) 11:00 A.M. -- WORSHIP 7:00: P.M. GREAT EVANGELISTIC RALLY GUEST SPEAKER AT ALL SERVICES Rev. DOUGLAS HINE-BUTLER METHODIST MINISTER FROM INDIA --- 8:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.~-MORNING PRAYER THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST. PAUL'S SIMCOE ST. NORTH KING ST. E. & WILSON (Pour dlocks 'trom King) Rossiond Ra. W. at Nipigon Rev. D. A. P. Allen, MA, T.C.D. Minister Rey. G. W. C. Brett, B.A Minister 454 Boder Ave. 728-6122 445 Beverley -- 728-6014 Mr. Frank Walter Organist and Choirmaster Nursery Care at 11:00 a.m. Service ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH || -- ee ee Hear the remarkable story of the present out- The Reverend Canon F, G; Ongley, M.A.--Rector ; gs ele The. Ravavend R. Eocks = 'Auident pouring of the Holy Spirit upon Ministers and ' Members of churches of many different denom- Minister REV. BD. R. SINCLAIR, B.A. Musica! Director Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M. 9:30 A.M.--Primary, Junior, Intermediate, and Senior Mr. Kingergargen and beginners 492 Masson Street -- 728-9178 11:00 A.M.--Primary - 11:00 A.M.--Baby Sitter Service (children up to 3 years) 11:00 A.M. "CHOOSE YOUR FLAG" Baby Sitter Service by the Come Double Club 9:50 P.M. ---- FRIENDLY CHAT OVER CKLB REV. H. MELLOW 4 JUNIOR BIBLE CLASS 11:00. A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Sunday School Awards Presented. Sacrament of Hoy Boptism 945 A.M.--The Church School ane Adult Bible Closs 9:30. A.M, Church School : 11:00 A.M. Discontinued for the Summer "JESUS AND THE BLIND MAN" : inations., SERVICES 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M, - 7:00 P.M. Thursday, July 2nd -- Holy Communion--10:00°A.M: (1:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP "BROKEN LINKS" No Evening Servite During the Surnmer. Come end Worship SERVICES YOU SHOULD NOT MiSS EVERYONE WELCOME (Nursery core provided) All Cerdiany invited. 7:00 P.M, with us. YOUNG PEOPLE'S

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