1G THECEHAWA TIMES, Therndey, Jung 25, 1964 3 Girls Attacked, Teens Questioned oma Calls (MP Says 10 For Efficient | Co eae ; | Communities Transportation Vancouver icp) -- D»| Pollute Lakes {net identify the communities in| the written reply. | Dr. McMillan noted the Inter- national Joint Commission had made a strong recommendation that the dumping of raw sewage and other waste in the lakes be discontinued. dian National Railways, Wed-) orpaWA (CP) -- Ten Cana-| Mr. Martin said the IJC pro- nesday called for national poli-\qian communities with a com-|gram relates only to the con- cies that will promote an effi-/hined population of 232,850 dis-|necting channels of the Great OTTAWA (CP) -- City police/fingers' in her mouth andicient and comprehensive trans-|-harge untreated or insuffi-\Lakes. In Ontarlo, jurisdiction four or five|stretching her lips down so she/portation system in which the! cientiy - treated sewage into thelover water pollution abatement her." backs CRITICIZES PTA lice at once. were left with welts on their/tem. One parent was critical of the| national interest and there is a Parent-Teachers Association --|critical need for increasing which sponsored the picnic--for! tay and better understanding not reporting the incidents to p0-/5¢ a1) aspects of transportation "These people are trying t0jtional policies in respect to it. brush this off as a minor inci- task fa Canada, Mr. dent," she sald: "Bot my child pd was both physically and men-lcient and dynamic transporta- tally hurt by this. She thought|tion syaten "within which the or men were going t0| various elements work smoothly the nation being the primary ob- ver Board of Trade that trans- couldn't yell. Four others hadjyarious elements work together/Great Lakes, the Commons was|rested with the Ontario Water whips with thongs and beat|smoothly 'with the welfare of|informed Wednesday. Resources Commission. | . ' The information was given Dr.| He noted that pollution of Ca-| Parents seid the children|jective of all parts of the sys-\w. Hf McMillan (Welland), nadian waters by oil from ves-| * a medical doctor, by External/sels is: covered by regulations Mr. Gordon told the Vancou-| affairs Minister Martin, who didjunder the Canada Shipping Act. portation is closely bound to the and for clear and consistent na- Gordon said, is to build an effi- together, powered largely by Peter Burtyn, vice - presidentithe incentive of private profit STOP a DURING THE EXCITING OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE VE ® =" aa SEE attending a St. George's School} UNITED NATIONS (AP)-- . plenic in Hampton Park off Is-|The U.N. Children's Fund ect M. & C, Dry Goods Rug Cleaning Park Drive in West Ot-| mates in a-new report that it & Draperies tawa when the assaults took/sold 32,000,000 greeting cards 74 CELINA STREET place. around the world and cleared PHONE 723-7827 Said one unidentified mother: | $1,900,000 on them in 1963, com- "Two boys held my little girl./pared with 26,000,000 cards and One gagged her by putting his| $1,600,000 in 1962, AT ch," |of the PTA, said he did not re-/and controlled mainly by the S- y\ j -|alize the tengo were as wi checks of competition; but with , ious at first as later turned|the welfare of the nation being : j out to be. ||the primary objective of all CARPET COMPANY 7 "We notified police as soon as|parts of thesystem, we returned home," he said. 5 One of the children first be: | 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel, 728-6254 came alarmed en she saw ' "| boys ahead of her al carrying FOR THE FINEST IN | Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre g jsticks. 'She started to run, bu ; ers. [Several of them caught her,"|{™ Custom Made Broadl Tile-Linol oe ofthe are require serra nem ment er" I PES roadloom-Tile-Linoleum : them| DRA | girls of about 10 years old, were) CARDS GREET WORLD at? , a lot more to look forward to Starting Today | 3 DAY OF BI SAVINGS! June 25" to J LOTS OF FREE PARKIN OPEN UNTIL TONIGHT & FRIDAY P.M. BIG TASTE HUSKY FLAVOUR REAL SATISFACTION everything you expect in an ale -- always