Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1964, p. 7

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THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Carefully-planned changes in your methods could save time, energy and money now. Make no drastic alterations where things are running - smothly, however. You may surprise some unusual ideas but, before trying to put them over, be sure that they are workable, |FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday, 'your horoscope indicates that, ® while your job.and financial af- MISS BETTY POLOZ (Award Winner) MRS, WALTER BESTWICK (Incoming) MISS MADELINE KELLY (Retiring) Guests From All Over Southern Ontario See Installation Of Soroptimist Executive er should be tried, he appeared; Soroptimist Citizenship Award . If this court] to Miss Betty Poloz, a Grade 13 bares Ge "court ar ghtiorhe student of Central Collegiate In- With guests present from the Soroptimist Clubs of Peterbor- ough, Brampton, Scarborough, 4 ' ? \ tral Toronto, North Torontoh- York brought in a verdict of guilty, | stitute. The citation was read and Humber - Credit Valleys,|the accused still had the right of}hy Mrs. Olive Petley and a The Soroptimist Club of Osh-' appeal of the judgment to the} cheque presented by Mrs, Jules awa and District saw its incom-|Court of Appeal and could final- Perrault, chairman of the Pub- ing executive installed by Miss|ly appeal to the Supreme Court/lic Affairs Committee. Gladys Neale of the Torontojof Canada and in some cases as; The Citizenship Award. is Club at a dinner in the Genosha/a last resort might seek clemen- given to a high school student Hotel last Thursday evening. cy from the Government of Can-| who showed not only good schol- . Seated at the head table were ada ,since the administration of arship but outstanding leader- honorary member Mrs. Gordon|criminal law was a function of/ship in school activities and Conant, Miss Neale, president,'the Federal Government. community affairs and had be- Miss Madeline Kelly, immedi-| mr, Affleck quoted several|come a project of all Soroptim- ate past president, Miss Evelyn cases to show how'the evidence! ist Clubs' in Canada and the Moore, Mr. W. Bruce Affleck| was assessed and the law inter-|U-S.A in order to emphasize the and incoming president MTrS.| ,eteq in order to protect the| worthwhile things which teen- Walter Bestwick. laccused as an innocent person|asers were doing in contrast to GUEST SPEAKER until evidence was. produced to|the usual activities which were Guest speaker for the occa- prove that he was guilty beyond often publicized to their detri- sion was Mr. W. Bruce Affieck,|any doubt. __ {ment crown attorney for the county In pronouncing sentence in Miss Poloz had won the gold of Ontario. His topic was '"The|!€ss serious crimes, considera-| honor pin of Central Collegiate Administration of Justice' and tion was given in each case to) Institute given to a student earn- e proceeded to give the bene- fiat living in Ontario where! inal. eae ea years and the bronze medal for the system of law-making was "The four basic institutions injthe most outstanding contribu- stable and where the accused|our society which mould char-|tion to the school. She had was considered innocent untillacter," Mr. Affleck said, "are|been active in the school choir, proven guilty through evidence] the home, the school, the church drama club, library, student which left no shadow of aland the dictates of convention; council, being president last doubt. where the -- < the i hd pel og ¥ age i ret xin rk j 'o>, and customary behaviour have played volley a and asket Pa ogg sige influence." ball. She had been a CGIT lead- was suspected of a-major crime) , Before sentence was passed,/er in her church. In addition to to insure that- the accused's| due thought was given to whe-|all of this, Miss Poloz had work- rights were protected : ther the prisoner could be re-\eq after school, on Saturdays " " rare formed and rehabilitated; what)ang during vacations ro" °~ First", he said "before @ deterrent effect the sentence'that she had shown uncommon wesrent fbr errest could be ob-|would have not only on the responsibility and maturity and tained sufficient grounds have prisoner but on others wholwas a worthy recipient of this to be shown before a justice Of| might be contemplating a simi- award. Coated Bo PigAiermne ya lar crime; how society could he iis dari ' ely |protected from another suc NG EXEC iE a preliminary hearing to see it Crime and what retribution the Officers installed for the com- Poi vet = niggers to so-|ing year are: president, Mrs tame before a grand jury of| blll peggetn song Me aa gig seven 'to decide whether or not| CITIZENSHIP AWARD sat ipereiieat ieee, Oreiie the prisoner should come to) A happy event of the even-| couch; corresponding dairs trial. If it is decided the prison-ling was the presentation of the tary, Miss Jesamine Payne; recording secretary, Mrs. Har- vey Wilson; treasurer, Mrs Matthew Gouldburn; directors (one year), Mrs. R. J. W |Mackie and Miss Evelyn Moore; \2 years) Miss Grace Winnell and Mrs. Harry | Willes. "a SOCIAL NOTICE RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Gerald |Shangraw, Ridgeway avenue, will be happy to receive their ifriends and relatives at Fernhill Park Clubhouse at 8.00 p.m, on Saturday, June 27, 1964, on the prisoner should make ciety. lthe factors that made a crim-|ing first class honors for four 'fairs could be lagging tempor- jarily, within another month you 'will enter an excellent period for advancing these matters. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 22nd, 1964 7 ANN LANDERS Grannie Makes Dear Ann; I am a woman al- most 60 and I am tired, fired, tired, My two daughters keep me on the brink of total ex- haustion. ; Last week I had their five children at my '1ouse over the |weekend. The gifls and their husband went off to play dupli- Door-mat or Grannie? Choice | I woh a posture award at | school last year and I am very |proud of it. The girl said I walk as if | am advertising my- self, She suggested I slouch a |little and hold some books or a purse in front of me. Do you think this girl is right and that she gave me good In fact, the weeks bteween cate bridge. The three-year-old| 4 ia69 * | July 30 and Sept. 15 will be ex- advice?--LILA leellent for all Cancerjans on |practically all fronts. Not only wil you see adefin- ite improvement in the afore- mentioned pursuits, but the per- iod wil also be highly propiii- ous for both travel and social | fought with each other con-) interests. During the last two weeks of |September, it would be advis- able to consolidate all monetary gains since, with the exception of possible "breaks" during the first week of October and the last week in December, you lwon't see another uptrend along these lines until next March, when you will enter another fine cycle. In fact, to find your ledger in balance by the end of 1964, you may have to do some stiff retrenching in late October and throughout November. Those engaged in such crea- tive fields as music, painting and the drama will find the months of. August and Septem- ber highly productive; also next January. Where romance is concerned, your best periods will include July -- highly auspicious for marriage--late August, late Oc- tober, next February, April and June. Beware of deceptive influ- ences in sentimental relation- ships in late September and early December, however. A child: born on this day wil! be endowed with the talents needed to make~a_ sucucessful physician, surgeon orlinguist. physician, surgeon or linguist. HELPED SCHOOLS Canadian LODE chapters in 1963 spent nearly $46,000 on | got into the kitchen cabinet and 'cut himself with a butcher i knife, I had to rush him to the hospital for stitches. The 7-year- old fell down the stairs and jraised a lump on his head the 'size of a tomato, The others stantly, At least four nights a week I am asked to sit with either one set of grandchildren or the other. When my daughters enter- tain they expect me to bake |rolis and cakes and pies. | am never invited to their homes as 'a guest. It's either "Come to sit..." or "Come to cook and bake." My husband gets furious with me because I am an' easy mark. What can a mother say?--Help Needed : Dear 'Needed; A mother can say, 'Your kids are your re- sponsibility, just as you were mine, Please don't invite me to your homes to do your cooking or baking or to sit with your children. When I want. to do something for you I will let you know. Thank you very much." Dear Ann Landers: I'm a 16- year-old, hazel eyed, honey blonde who just happens to measure 40-22-36. I have plenty of boy friends but the girls at school are cold and unfriendly. This really does hurt me, Ann. Besides I get bored with boys all the time. I asked a very nice girl in my gym class what is the mat- ter with me, She said, "It's the way you walk." When I was at summer camp a few years ago we practised walking with books on. our heads. and now I am in the habit of walking with my head | Dear Lila: Some of the girls may hot like the way you walk, but this is not your real prob- lem, People respond to the way you treat them--this goes for girls as well as boys, If you) |make a genuine effort to show, girls that you are interested in| their friendship they will warm| up to you. | PS.: Since you have already | won the posture award, Doll,| you might relax a little and not) pull your shoulders back! QUITE so much. | Dear Ann Landers: I have been married for eight years to! a man [| loved and had faith) in. We have three children and want more, My husband's sister was my closest friend. I feel that she has done me a serious injustice and I'm heartsick over it. If I am wrong please tell me and I'll try to get over it. Last week I found a lipstick in my husband's pocket. He confessed that he has been see- ing another woman for about six months. His sister has been letting him bring this woman to her home during the afternoon.; Although I am: shattered 1) have forgiven my husband and intend to give him every chance to straighten around. Now, what about my sister-in-law? Am I! wrong to feel she was no friend to me?--BONNIE BELLE Dear Bonnie Belle: By offer- ing your husband the use of |her home, your sister-in-law | gave an affirmative nod, plus} a helping hand, to the whole shoddy business. Tell her how you feel. HOUSEHOLD HINT Lemon peels will make your 2,165 schools, including 32 in high and my shoulders pulled|tea towels whiter if you boil Labrador and 63 in the Arctic. way back. ithem in a kettle together. | | WORLD OF Beauty AWAITS YOU HERE! moles and permanently Removes warts, superfluous "hoir and_painlessly by ELECTROLYSIS New Kree Imperial Machine now installed for your con- venience MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawe at the Genosha Hotel June 22, 23, 24 PHONE 723-4641 4 ' MARRIED RECENTLY neath, Ontario, to Michael Tutkaluk, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tutkaluk, Oshawa, with the Reverend J. K. Moffat officiating. Simcoe Street United Charch was the setting recently, for the marfriage of Lois Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sandercock, Rose- --Photo by Garnet Belfry VON BOARD MEETING The regular meeting of the} Board of Management of the Victorian Order of Nurses, Osh- awa, was held in the Board Roo#n of the City Hall, recently. The chairman, Mrs. Charles Russell presided, Miss Helen Boddy read the minutes and the treasurer, Mr. F. A. Meliveen, gave the financial report Miss Isabelle Sorley, Nurse- in-charge, gave the nursing re- port for the month of May, when 461 visits were made to 70 patients, 23 of whom were admitted during the month. 457 of the visits were to give bed- side nursing care. The relief nurse, Mrs. Hubert Durant, worked three days. Miss A We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Girl's Sizes 7 to 14 COTTON PYJAMAS sme sroon. LQ SPEC. AT 0.D.H. @ MAIN FLOOR « choice of red bi Canodian made. Ke Sis bad tg 6x. SWIM TRUNKS TUES. & WED, ONLY ot 0.D.H. @ MAIN FLOOR » TUES. WED. ONLY Ladies' Co lue, o black. Compare ot 1.49, TUES. & WED. MATCHING be happier . ... MATERNITY SHORTS Compare at 3.95 "ONLY at 0.D.H. 2.5 5 @ MAIN FLOOR » of the wedding, too. OF OSHAWA SPECIALS OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. DAILY -- SATURDAY UNTIL 6 nadian Mode Boy's "S! TUES. & WED. ONLY at 0.D.H @ MAIN TOPS only 2.55 DENIM JEANS Wabasso Sanforized, Compare at 3,95 You're in love, you're engaged, and you couldn't until you see divinely beautiful bridal gowns from our heavenly array for Fall and Winter weddings. Come in, choose your preference ... for the happiest day of all. Elegant fashions for every member Franklins. PHONE 725-6682 Adults Only Allowed Specials im Rider" 2.44 FLOOR » Martin, Public Health student from the University of Toronto spent the month with the branch Men's "Slim Rider' DENIM JEANS Compare at 5.95 onvr noon. Sod J \I E> NSZZNS LADIES! No Boby Sitter, No Car Fare IR. BERNARD $ TUES, & WED. ONLY et 0.D.H. @ MAIN FLOOR » Z\\ WICKER TYPE CLOTHES HAMPER Assorted Colors. Compore at 8.95 ONLY at 0.D.H. e@ LOWER LEVEL » TUES. & WED. 3.88 Best Quality "Thermos" PICNIC JUG 128-02. size. With foucet Compare ot 6.65 ony oon. 4,66 @ LOWEK LEVEL ONLY at 0.D. RESDAN Dandruff Remover Reg. 1.50 Size. TUES, & WED, 88° @. LOWER LEVEL @ ¢ Te%ting Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME rsvowner OOMAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE AT 1038 KING ST. W. GARRARD RD. APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 a A aD UR! "SS Y VINIENY ZEEE CF A TTT ANA CVV ERO SOPOT OIE to ae at a ge oe haat on Adjustable Stretch Strap BANDEAU BRA .B.C. cups, sizes 32 to 38 3:95 Embroidered Nylon sheer bra by "Rose Marx" with "Wonderfill" Dacron foam lined cups to give gentle shaping. "Lycra" sides. and under cups -- low back. Lightweight, easy to launder. White, New, Lightweight Uncovered "LYCRA" GIRDLES (a) Longleg Panty Girdle 6.98 (b) Panty Brief 3.98 Girdles by "Rose Marx" with front panels of embroidered Nylon sheer over taffeta... back panels of satin elastic. Small, medium or large. Also available in... Pull-on Style 4.9? Panty Girdle 5.98 + : : WALKER'S PHONE: 728-4626

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