Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jun 1964, p. 7

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WED IN ORONO Following their recent mar- riage in Orono United,Church, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allan Hetherington are making their home in Oshawa. The bride, the former Norah Grace Wood, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wesley R. Wood, Orono andthe bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan rssaitemeetio-ae Fenelon Falls. --Aldsworth Photography Wemen Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 9, 1964 7 SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. George E. St. Catharines, Mr. Fudger, Edward ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Charles an-|Taylor announce the engage- nounce the engagement of their|ment of their daughter, Patricia daughter, Joan Elaine, to Mr.|Jenice, Wilfred Crole, son of|Hursti, Mr. and Mrs. David Crole, St. [Nels Hursti, Timmins, and the to. Mr. Hamilton, son of Mr. H. Robert 0. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Munn (the former Lilian Lees), who left Oshawa recently to take up residence in Scotland were hon- ored at several bon-voyage parties prior to their departure. Mr, Munn was honored with presentations at social gather- ings given by the St, Andrew's Society, " which he is a past and the Toast- masters' cuts also the congre- gation of Westminster United Church, the Sunday School and his Sunday School class. The of- fice staff of General Motors Parts and Service division ar-| ranged a stag party which in-| cluded the presentation of a purse of money. Mrs. Munn was honored by her fellow-workers in 'the Accounts Receivable Dept. and by her knitting club. There were also several private parties for the popular couple. Graduation week for the Osh- awa General Hospital is always a week of class re-unions. Mem- bers of the class of '44 gathered at the home of Mrs. R. John, H. Jeffrey, Golf street, for lunch- eon which was followed by a tour of the hospital. Celebrating its 15th anniver- sary, the Class of 49 were en- tertained at luncheon by Mrs. Grant Glover, RR No. 1, Osh- awa. They made a tour-of the hospital in the afternoon, On} families gathered at the sum- mer cottage of Mrs. Stanley Russell at Caesarea. The Class of '54 met for lunch- eon at the home of Mrs, Alan Skaife, Rosmere avenue, They toured the hospital in the after- noon and after the dinner-dance were entertained by Mrs. Rob- ert Hambly, Woodcrest cres- cent. The Class of '39 celebrating its 25th anniversary was enter- tained at luncheon at the home of Mrs. James McRae,' Osh- awa boulevard north. A tour of the hospital and afternoon tea was followed by presentations of life memberships to the class at the Alumnae Association dinner. Mrs. Frank Punter, King street east, and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Hunter and children, Kim and Jodi, Hillsdale avenue, at- tended the 90th birthday party last Saturday, June 6, of Mrs. Bea: Hunter's mother, Mrs, Mary E. Ames, at her home in Ethel, Ontario, when over 200 friends and relatives called in her honor. Congratulatory mes- sages were received from the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honorable Lester B. Pearson and Mr. Elston Cardiff, MP for Huron riding as well as many other cards, gifts and flowers. Miss Dorothy McCoy, Buffalo, New York, is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. G. P. Morison, Mary street, for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pace and son Andrew, London, Ontario, were weekend visitors at the home of Mrs. John Ashmore, Thornton's road north, The many friends of Mr. Er- nest McEwen, Oshawa, who un- derwent surgery yesterday morning at Oshawa General Hospital, wish him a speedy re- covery. HERE'S A CHANCE The lure and fascination of Sunday the classmates and their| the open-air bazaar is as old as |Baghdad and as new as shop- |ping centres and plazas. The jnext bazaar in the Shopping \Centre is slated for Thursday, | June 11, from noon till 9.00 p.m, and women's organiza- |tions who would like to have a table of goods for sale in the centre court should contact Mrs. Marjorie Martin in the admini- stration office immediately. SAW FIRST RACE Ascot has enjoyed royal pat- ronage ever since Queen Anne drove over from nearby Wind- sor Castle to attend the first tace in 1711. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly. It relieves son eee: The marriage is to|late Mrs. Hursti. The weddi i on Saturday, July|will take place on Saturday, ieee at 3.00 p.m. Sotamba in St.|/June 27, 1964, at 4.00 p.m. in Anglican Church, St./First Baptist Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT | Mr. and Mrs. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George S&S. D. V. Corby|Mooney, Montreal, announce the announce the engagement ofjengagement of their youngest their daughter, Diane Carol, to|daughter, Kent Bromiey,|Edwin Luther (Ted) Vickery, Mr. Thomas Beverley Sandra, to ingand d ort in speeds up healing of the 'adored, inflamed tissues. One Senmemateal case history after another reported "'very strik- ing improvement." Pain was promptly and gently relieved... actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. Among these case histories were a variety of hemorrhoidal condi- Announce New Healing Substance... Shrinks Piles, Checks Itch Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids... and repair damaged tissue. many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue. Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. In addition to actually shrink- ing hemorrhoids, Preparation H lubricates and makes elimination less painful. It helps prevent in- fection which is a principal cause of hemorrhoids, Just ask your druggist for Pre- son of Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth| only son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bromley, » Sudbury, Ontario.|/H. Vickery, Oshawa. The wed- The wedding will take place on|ding is to take place on Satur- Saturday, June 27, 1964, at 7.00\day, June 27, 1964, in Dominion- p.m. in St. George's Memorial|Douglas Church, , Westmount, Church, Anglican, Oshawa. | Quebec. tions. Relief even occurred in cases of long standing, and most im- portant of all, results were so thorough that this improvement paration H Suppositories or Pre- paration H Ointment (with a special applicator), Satisfaction guaranteed or your was maintained over a period of money refunded. WLBANK Bell CANAD AMS, Bring all your personal credit needs 4 LOW-COST 'LIFEJNSURED LOANS, Main Office, 38 Simcoe St. South: JAMES McCANSH, MGR. Oshawa Shopping Centre, King St. West: Branches elso ef Ajox, NORMAN McALPINE Mgr. Bowmenville, Whitby Plan A GRADUATE Miss Dianne Olech received her Bachelor of Arts Megree from the University of Toron- to in graduation exercises last Thursday, June 4. Dianne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Olech, Ritson road south and is a graduate of Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate. Miss Olech platis to continue her education at St. Patrick's School of Soeial Welfare, University of Ottawa. --LeRoy Toll JUST AN OCELOT MONTREAL (CP)--A woman walking with her grandson in Mount Royal park recently spotted what she thought was an unusual pet going for a walk on a lead with its master. "A leopard!"" she cried excitedly. "An ocelot," corrected her grandson calmly. "A member of the jaguar family." Dear Ann Landers: Thanks for straightening me out. I al- ways thought Winston Churchill and the late General Douglas MacArthur were great men, but after reading the column in which you OK'd the nutty. the- ory that smoking to an adult is '|what a pacifier is to an infant I have changed my mind. Ac- cording to your theory these ')men were actually grown - up babies. The person who wrote said small children can suck their thumbs and drag a dirty blan- ket around "but adults would be led off to the loony bin if they did such things, so smoking is their substitute. It's difficult to understand how grown-up babies tould be- come world leaders. Since you are so doggone smart I'd ap- preciate your explanation. Thanks for reading this let- ter which I'm sure will get no further than the wastebasket.-- JHP of Richmond Dear JHP: Mental capacity and leadership qualities do not equate with emotional stability. (Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Cas- tro.) Many leaders in the fields of science, art, medicine, and finance were, and are, brilliant thinkers but at the personal level their lives were and are, a mess. History is replete with exam- ples of accomplished people who were so poorly adjusted Genius Oft Beset By Emotionalism that they eventudlly killed themselves with the help of a high window, a gun, a bottle or the gas pipe. Dear Ann Landers: Recently you printed a letter from a teen-ager who said she had a million freckles and hated every one of them. You told her about sandpaper surgery, warned against quacks and so on. Will you please print this letter and perhaps wake up some of these foolish kids? What in the world is wrong with freckles. The lovely woman to whom I have been married for over 15 years has a million freckles and I love every one of them. In fact, her freckles are what attracted me when we met at a picnic 2 years ago. Freckles are part of a girl's personality. They give her that natural, sun-kissed look. Freck- les are wholesome, out-doorish, frank and honest. Any girl who would bleach a freckle, at- tempt to cover it with heavy make-up or, heaven forbid, re- sort to surgery has rocks in her head.--Voice of Dissent Dear Voice: Thanks for the greatest testimonial for freckles since Doris Day lugged her first $1,000,000 to the bank. Sev- eral men (no women) wrote to express the same point of view, but you did it most convinc- ingly. ter from the woman who was Dear Ann Landers: That let-|} mad at her rich aunt shopped in August for who me laugh. I have a age who does something similar. It used to burn me up, but after read- ing your letter I see the humor in my own situation and feel a great deal better about it. My friend is a grand dame of considerable means, She no longer drives her own car so I frequently take her to the beauty shop, to club meetings and to church. Every Christmas it's the same old story. With tears in her eyes she says, "I love you too dearly to insult you with a commercial gift. I want you to have something of senti- mental value." She then hands: me an old snuff box her grand- father used, or a piece of ga og that has been sit- Everyone of her gifts has : into the attic or ah trash on Pay Until Fall! 723-1149 Sour cotta '5 ives entertainment. It a fresh : you for STORE... ALL Your Winter Wearing Apparel at FANNING"S Launderers and Dry Cleaners Fur Storage, Regular Storage, Box Storage, Bag Storage, All Garments are Cleaned and Hung Up In Vaults, Nothing to Call FANNING'S 25 ONTARIO ST., OSHAWA Garments Stored in Fannings' Own Vaults. AWAITS YOU HERE! Removes warts, moles ond peg ly pepe "ELECTROLYSIS ss ei rt MARIE MURDUFF Will be in Oshawe ot the Gonosha Hotel June 8, 9, 10 PHONE 723-4641 ay a New from B-A 20/7. extra tread [to strengthen tir. saculd: oo) ORDINARY TIRE DESIGN CROSS-SECTION Driving on today's heavy-traffic, multi-lane roads is really tough on your tires--specially onturns and curves, where most wear occurs. With every turn of the wheel, particularly ifyourcar has powersteering, the shoulders ofyourtires haveto bear extra punishment. Now B-A has developed a tire with extra protection where you need it--along the shoulder of the tire. B-A tires provide 20% extra tread at this point of greater wear. Tested and proved on the international racing circuits, this new wrap-around tread design assures you of improved driving control on the road, plus thousands of miles longer wear, Every B-A tire is backed by B-A's no limit than 6,000 B-A dealers, The new B-A Courier is available in all popular sizes and types, from $20.80* Ni acaba BY B-A CLEAN ACROSS cananammcee A ! where you need it most LENE EA He Saas ile A remarkable tire advancement that extends mileage and improves road control road hazard guarantee, honoured by more . of

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