Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Jun 1964, p. 7

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A HIGHLIGHT of the 1964 Alumnae Association's annual dinner and dance tendered to the new graduates was the presentation of life member- Lv? ships to the class of '39. Those receiving the life memberships were: top picture from the left: Mrs. Vera Etliott (Green- law), Oshawa; Mrs. Sybil Kemp (Gibbs), Oshawa; Mrs. Marion Avey (Green), Nor- wich, Ontario; Mrs Hazel Best (Trew), Burlington; and Mrs. Winifred McRae (Wat- Alumnae Association Dinner And Dance Climaxes Week Of Graduation Festivities Saturday evening saw the cul- mination of a week of activities marking the graduation of the Mary Peterson, 2nd vice- president; Miss Mary Atkinson, Ist vice - president; Mrs. Jean|Mater, mentioning the deep bond) ackie announce the engage- Mrs. Phyilis Kofmel, class of \'49, proposed a toast to the Alma Class of '64 from the Oshawa! Warren, treasurer; Mrs, Miriam|which through three years of General Hospital School of Nurs-|Beach, soloist; and Mrs. Kay) close work and study developed} ing, at the Alumnae's annual dinner and dance tendered the munity Centre. Approximately 400 alumnae) Members and graduates sat down to a turkey dinner served at tables centered with baskets of red and gold. chrysanthe- mems, flanked by red and gold tapers, softly glowing. Miss Phyilis Crawforth, presi- dent of the Alumnae Associatio in her words of welcome, wished the new graduates much success and personal satisfaction in whatever branch of nursing they| chose to follow. "'Each year the} Alumnae anticipates seeing the graduating class radiant in their| beautiful attire and this year is; no exception." she told the Class| of '64 and introduced the gradu- ates as follows: Miss Shirley Andrew, Ajax; Miss Ruth Bom- bay, Oshawa; Miss Bonnie Cook, | Oshawa; Miss Rita Coulter, Bob- caygeon; Miss Joyce Crosby, London; Miss Patricia Davis, Hampton; Miss Carolyn Dun- ning, Granby, Quebec; Miss Edith Dunning, Granby, Quebec; Miss Marguerite Dykstra, Osh- awa; Miss Barbara Eveniss, Oshawa; Miss Judith Gray, Osh- awa. Miss Judith Grierson, Oshawa, Miss Bonnie Haines, Oshawa; Miss Pauline Haugh, Trenton; Miss Shirley Hicks, Picton; Miss Judith Hiscocks, Fenelon Falls; Miss Donna Irwin, En- niskillen; Miss Diana Jacenty, Oshawa; Miss Edith Jackson, Coe Hill; Miss Pamela Jones, Whitby; Miss Ina Kiezebrink,} Port Perry; Miss Patricia Kins-| man, Oshawa; Miss Marie Lav-/ jolette, Columbus; Miss Helen) Laxton, Oshawa; Miss Doris) Lees, Oshawa; Miss Christina! Macdonald, Wellington; Miss Caro] McMinn, Cobourg; Miss Sandra Morrison, Haliburton. | Miss Joan Ormiston, Bowman- ville; Miss Barbara Patterson,| Smith Falls; Miss Joan Rora-| beck, Belleville; Miss Donna} Russell, Lindsay; Miss Joan} Black, accompanist. Other Alumnae officers seated|marked on the deep sense Of|/Donald Kossatz, son of Mrs. graduates in the Kinsmen Com.|With their classmates were in-| responsibility toward all pany | Emil Kossatz, Pembroke and troduced as: Mrs. Florence|kind that became a part of any), jot. Mr. Kossatz. The Litster, past - president; Mrs. Ruby Heard, recording secre- tary; Mrs. Hilda Gatchell, assis- tant corresponding | secretary; Miss Doreen Millson, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Peggy Wilson, assistant social convener; Miss Lois Harris, program convener; Mrs. Bea Murphy, and Mrs. Mazp Anderson, remembrance committee; Mrs.Jackie Tanton and Mrs. Dorothy Colleran, assistant bulletin editors; Mrs.| Eunice Stocks and Mrs. Edith Mountjoy, membership commit- tee; Mrs. Margaret Holden, Mrs, Jackie Tanton, and Mrs. Mrs. Eileen Keane, group lead-| ers; and Miss Helen MacDonald, pianist. TOASTS Miss Gail Vigodda, class of *63, in proposing the toast to this year's graduates extended the good wishes of last year's gra- duates and mentioned that the class of "64 had started their training three years ago, full of enthusiasm and had kept it throughout their three years of hard work and study. She asked them to keep it as they continue in their nursing career, what- ever branch it might take. Miss Shirley Hicks replied, thanking the Alumnae Associa- tion for their help and kindness to the class throughout its train- ing, and pledged the support of this class to the Alumnae. Mrs. Mary Beach, class of 62 sang two very suitable selec- tions "Que Cera Cera' and "He" accompanied by Mrs. Kay Black of the same class. FORMER GRADUATES Miss Crawforth introduced the graduatés of former years with Fy |.| No longer be annoyed or fee} ill-at- ja good representative attend-| 2° ys! ye ance from each year, with spe- cial emphasis on the classes of 1939, '49 and '54, who are having their 25th, 15th and 10th year reunions. in a nursing class. She also re-| jnurse. Mrs. Telford replied, compar- ing a nurse starting on her| career after graduation to a ship sailing from the harbor, "To today's graduates, life is a voy-| age, touching many ports," she said, "giving each nurse a chance to go on to greater know- ledge and growth. |LIFE MEMBERSHIPS isented to nine members of the class of 39 by Miss Jane Cole, class of 15: Mrs. Marion Avey (Green) Norwick, Ontario, rep- resenting the class introduced \the other eight members as \Mrs. Vera Elliott (Greenlaw) \Oshawa; Mrs. Sybil. Kemp (Gibbs), Oshawa; Mrs, Hazel {Best (Trew) Burlington, for- }merly of Oshawa; Mrs. Winni- fred McRae (Watson),. Oshawa; Mrs, Maxine Holden (Beare) Oshawa; Mrs. Bessie Bellamy (Law) Orono; Mrs. Gladys Row-) lands (Page), Scarborough; and Miss Mabel Niddery, Brampton. Mrs. Avey recounted some of the humorous happenings while her class was in training and spoke of the long hours on duty Life memberships were pre-| Wemen Jo Aldwinckie, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 8, 1964 7 The Junior and Senior Choir son) Oshawa; lower picture: Mrs. Maxine Holden (Beare) Oshawa; Mrs. Bessie Bellamy (Law) Orono; Mrs. Gladys Rowlands (Page), Scarbor- ough; and Miss Mable Nid- dery, Brampton. Times SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT and Mrs, Herbert Mr. M. ment of their daughter, Jean- ette Aileen, to Mr. Sherwood wedding is to take place: Sat- urday, June 20, 1064, at 7.30 p.m. in Ebenezer United Church, DURABLE PEWTER Modern pewter is somewhat softer than brass or bronze, but jis one of the most durable met- als and resists oxidation almost indefinitely. s RE q ? thea | WIFE PRESERVER , To re-string beads, line them up on a strip of. cellophane tape first. They won't roll around; the jobs easier, especially if beads are graded in size. of Conant Public School enter- tained the members of the Home and School Association at its recent meeting at the school, The Senior Choir, under the di- rection of Mr. Paul McIntosh, entering competition for the first time, placed fourth in the recent Music Festival while the Junior Choir under Miss Diane Rodgers, also entering for the time, took first place, with the highest amount of points in the city of Oshawa. Both choirs sang three selections for their parents accompanied by Mrs. George Drynan. Mr. Mcintosh and Miss Rod- gers were thanked by Mrs, Wil- liam Tymchuk, retiring presi- dent. Mr. R. D. Peel thanked Mrs. Drynaa. | the business and all reports) were given. Mrs. Tymchuk thanked the executive and mem- bers for their help with the an- nual Field Day. Mrs. R.A. Donald instalied Junior Senior Choirs Entertain At Home and School Assoc. -- Tymchuk with her past-presi- dent's. pin, uniforms for the school. The chairman, and. her assistants, Mrs. T. B. Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. ing executive and Mrs. Tym- chuk for their help the past year. Mr. Peel announced that ticipants from one school. and industrial arts, Mrs, Tymchuk presided for|the members and parents. June 25 at the school where sented. Mr. William Kellington's class won the banner. the new officers for the coming season, and presented Mrs. A chairman and committee were appointed to purchase new committee is; Mrs. D, E. Roter, Toan Smale. Mr. Peel thanked the retir- the Conant School would receive a shield from the Jaycee bicycle roadeo, for having the most par- A display of home economics made by Grades 7 and 8, was viewed by Mr. Peel announced that the awards day would be held on bars and trophies will be pre- Q. live normal lives? received transplanted kidneys. for more than 2 years. . posal Q. Does breast feeding have figure? A. There is no evidence that during pregnancy should find baby or not. Questions directed to Science Box 97 Terminal "A", Toronto, then as compared to the present day. | The singing of the school song] composed by three former stu-| dents and Auld Lang Syne sig- nalled the end of this part of the festivities for another year and the room was cleared for dan- cing. H | Helps You Overcome 'FALSE TEETH | Looseness and Worry use of loose, wobbly false teeth. FASTEETH, an improved alka- line (non-acid) powder, sprinkled on your plates holds them firmer so they Teel rob oe eee Avoid embar- Tassment caused by loose plates. Get PASTEETH at any drug Tounter. Rutherford, Orono; Miss Linda Sanders, Oshawa; Miss Frances Walker, Camp Borden; Miss) Judith Whitbread, Oshawa;. Miss | Gail Whyte, Willow Beach; and Miss Barbara Woods; Willow- dale. HEAD TABLE GUESTS Miss Crawforth introduced the head table guests as Mrs. Mary Telford, Director of Nursing and Honorary Presidentof the Alumnae Association; Mrs. Janet Skaife, Bulletin Editor; Mrs. Ruth Courtney, social con-} venor; Mrs. Eunice Bowman, © Dishes--Cutlery--Glasses © Punch Bowls -- Coffee Urns Silver Tea Service Sets Silver Cand-Intea Trays MINK STOLES -- MINK SHRUGS SARGEANT' corresponding secretary Mrs.! 463 RYTSON RD. S. -LET'S HAVE A PARTY! WE RENT © Tables (Cord and banquet) Chairs S RENTALS PHONE 725-3338 LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 © FREE. DE pesieal_ irre" <5 ES GIFT KIDNEYS Do people who have received a 'doneted" kidney A. A world wide survey shows that 244 persons have were alive. Only 3 have lived with their gift kidneys . 100 lived less thon one month. Doctors say that there is room for a certain amount of optimism but that the operation is still highly expérimental and should be performed only by skilled surgical teams having elaborate facilities ot their dis- LACTATION AND THE FIGURE effect on the configuration of the women who have nursed several children moy eventu- ally develop slack and pendulous breasts. Usually, if milk production is not prolonged and the breasts are adequately supported they should regain their normal shope when lactation ceases. As to the "figure" in gen- eral, a woman who does not gain weight excessively ing her weight after delivery, Your telephone is the shortest line te prompt prescription service. Call us for free pick up and delivery service. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. 723-4621 As of last September, 92 ony effect on a women's nursing has any ultimate breasts. However, little difficulty in -regain- whether she nurses the Editors, P.O. Ontario, .. LIVERY @ WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN! ! Woolworth's Fa SPECIAL This Week ORANGE TWIST ~DO-NUTS 63< mous SPECIAL Delicious LEMON FILLED SPONGE CAKE Topped with Coc, This Week Fudge 45< Icing. Two or three tier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 You're in love, you're engaged, and you couldn't . until you see divinely beautiful bridal gowns from our heavenly array for Fall and Winter weddings. Come in, choose your preference .. . for the happiest day of all. Elegant fashions for every member be happier . . of the wedding, too. Pranklins OF OSHAWA , 64 SIMCOE ST, NORTH PHONE 725-6682 | FASHION AT GOES UND a | Not just another stretch strap! ADJUSTABLE S-T-R-E-T-C-H STRAP BRA This is the bra you've been waiting for... straps that not only s-t-r-e-t-c-h, but are adjustable, Beautifully designed by "Exquisite Form" with embroidered cotton cups and Lycra straps that will not bind or curl! White in sizes 32 to 42, A. B. C. cups $ COTTON LONGLINE VERSION 6,50 only Special Purchase LADIES' BRIEFS 4 pr for $1 First quality, fancy weave, rayon tricot in 3 styles. Choose band, lace or elastic edged legs. White, Medium, Large or Over-Sized STORE HOURS: Daily 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thursday & Friday: 9:30 - 9 p.m, PHONE: 728-4626

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