Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Jun 1964, p. 15

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Male Help Wanted |22--Offices, Stores, Storage i97---Real Estate For Sale (27--Reol Estate For Sale |2/--Real Estate For Sale |27--Reel Estate For Sale [27--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 1, 1964 15 29--Automobiles For Sale ,29-----Automobiles For Sale gigi ema Whitby and Ajox | GUIDE REALTY |SCHOFIELD-AKER| METCALF SPOT CASH ncnRLeOR, Sar getter MANAGEMENT | fe roms, wosrcom, my | ED. DISNEY es fs -- 723-2265 REAL ESTATE ~ PAID. FOR ponent to "sueaintone: "Cores. te LIMITED Good Trede 18a) MERCURY COMET --converiia, TRAINEES | saea"tiots ain Bue. REALTOR $950 DOWN 723-1721 Pp antac™ down Liens pod oft [ae gem, tema 9474, 18) Kuarst, Eo One NLH.A. Mortgage | COUNTRY RANCHER | ILLNESS FORCES SALE ste ni DODD MOTOR SALES ---- 9474, 187 King St. E. ge : nee MEDICAL oice Tor rent, 700 0 9 723-2333 Carries $79 Monthly Juye recently listed this . poeta _ py Badig en Dial 728-4678 314 Me ce yc SUT, eS See ee eee fi i further 'iculers, 'phone choi 3 be brick bun- 1957 CADILLAC, coupe de Ville. Must Be Pacific Finance a am : 1 ond P. Built in ranges ond || golow with ottoched gor | Area. Priced to sell ot only BUYING OR SELLING [tu Gauuhee: Save ms ome Tae j imi 23-- / 7. id screens 22 ft, living room feo- $10,300.00, with very reo- ROSSLAND MANOR phone 25-5555 Credit Limited pt rece = a <4 Sie poy Wtoat windates peor notural yet fireplace sonoble down poyment, A Ready for your possession, TED CAMPIN - by recently transferred executive if sult One block east of Ajax Plaza. ond gient picture window very homey home. | know Completely finished. We just 30---Automobiles Wanted able large three or four bedroom home| Grovel leat « 75 wee overlooking the beautifully you'll just love it! But call have 3 homes left in this MOTORS Ne are looking for sharp |by July' 1. Please telephone 723-1407. costed BE on gh Re H. GRIFFIN landscaped yard. 264 ft, deep Yoon would you! oréa which is s0 hondy to | 607 KING ST. ---OSHAWA $ ALL CASH $ Execurive ife, hildrén, wish g i i y schools, . hopp Gane: "pt gail whe Ad "7 ni ae nan a FH a eae within 0 ~ government tested. Small Real Estate Broker an Masking' it day aahs F ie FOUR YEAR OLD ee ae "aol pied ot 2 Wilson Road) deol'up or down we oe Irena neve eptin toy.) "Tees On Property Ajax 942-3310 V.LA, - Walknut | basement BUNGALOW hove single and double ga- TEGAAPS Rou T203074 d in opti to buy if . : finance experience, |}. .ctory, Good rent will be. paid. for Whitby 688-5371 with 'good recreation room § Bedrooms, Hollywood. Kit- roges, and 1,304 square We T | [ D E N ice' MOTORS LTD. make appointment to see. Reply to Mrs. they Modern facilities including picture a LS : , chen, lovely Living Room, Ud 6 ee ST. rs. "84 Pembroke Street West, ig office building, 2700 window already _ installed, \ ; ;, come completely decorated « Pembroke niars." |, feet, Good lot on highway | DRIVVATE SALE. | Summer is the time to spend | PEN" pag recreation, room | ready to move in your tum | CAR AND TRUCK | "Wii yrs ot : wT a ee 300' x 150', An investment outdoors and whot better ; what' they | , HITBY 3331 These positions offer WANTED to rent double gara ba! facilities, Home newly de- ture and t's more Y RENTALS iately. Please telephone 728-7954, =| for the future, : ploce than your own . corated. A borgain for only ore priced ot only $19,600. SMALE VAUXHALL "wanted. Mua ba To wanted. Must 1--Excellent opportunity FURNISHED house required for July | Lovely ranch bungalow with yord just 10 minutes drive $13,400.00, See this one! with $4402. dowa> Callie Cll Moles ond 'Modeled Phone 725-2987, possession, for one or two months, Refer- itl beoutiful view overlooking from downtown Oshawa, Fuil 'bestecleiniede today os there are not too CALL 725-6553 145 for advancement ences. Will pay $200, monthly. 7252911. 200 com, form at Jonetvillg fate ail cay Located on price $18,900. \ GOING TO SELL ioe F naedy ae pia 14 Albert Si. 5 CARS WANTED WANTED -- two furnished rooms, for : , large lot, 75 x 200; attrac- -- 2--Solory commensurate middle-aged An Christien fi write| acre form ot Janetville. q nds landscaping, three bed- | LAKE SCUGOG COTTAGE your old home ond hove @ into. VOLVO PAE me Buying gr on ate with experience with See nen ve rooms, separate dining room, 5 'room fully furnished sutn- new one built? Then paw ie BURKE ST. SALES AND SERVICE Talk "eget he New pelt Goons, Sees ch | guce"Tomine Rar: "" | fav Rares eens, | Mt cates ot Fine Pout | O* yer Valor 'eege | fergaonk, $11,200 wih | JAKE ond BILL'S | Cer Desir ond "SAVE: 3--Profit Sharing geet ee ee huts beste 3 churches, end, mas View -- oe ee 'i orea second to none tn the $1,500 Geen you oo. te '-- tee TED CAMPIN MOTORS ourse, Price d R i pubis city, ot prices you can offord. room neral Repair and i pao 24--Houses For Rent § rote Done in Bethany Vile Will consider reasonable of- ro te no ve We will appraise your present Hit er ecataa an wee Auto-Electric Service cae ae nee aie Res. 22S S874 5--Group, Life, Disability FIVE-ROOM house in Bowmanville, all fer, at the lake by acting now. home, no-obligation. ing, separate dining room, 449 Ritson Road South wasn "Aighenl 'prices Sand. and medical insurance conveniences, $70 per month. Available : PHO Full price $5,900, Irete drive dha 4 Oshowa 728-0921 entworm ast, 725-1 July 1. Call Bowmanville 623-2926 342% acre building lot « NE 725-2987 WHITBY--ADJACENT private drive and garage, an: KELLY D OSHAWA Auto Parte and hate Wredane 'Cor necessary, mileage ree Myrtle, Ont. Pea ieee | PARK ROAD AREA TO WHITBY DISTRICT room for a lovely garden, ISNEY 1178 Nelson Street, want cars. for s for wrecks imbursed, For appointment 25--Apartments ROSSLAND ROAD WEST -- Six-room, é ; HIGH SCHOOL -- ADDISON ST USED CAR LTD. oan, 7as-2\8 or . SELF-CONTAINED ~ apariment. Avail] 9 f ith j ranch style bungelow with attached ga-| 3 bedroom brick home with ' - 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST e ake Witcher wet ears wi an : 1, : room frame with pond sit@ |rage, Broadioom in living and dining private drive ond garage. Under 4 years old. 6 room Now this was a_ builder's WHITBY -- 668-5891 Wortworin Baal Serna ce able June Telephone 728-5036 CALL $80----ONE-BEDROOM apartment, _cen- Buraton, Orit Avell re al gay ge gl Separate dining room and 3 clay brick ranch bungalow model two years ogo until Cars bought and sold tral, heavy wiring, TV. dutlet, -self-con 725-7003. pc. bathroom on main floor, with ottached garage, Pro- the present owner walked in Liens paid off 32--Articles tor Sale |tained. Telephone 728- 4733 For Details --- Call John Sandy WELL T GAUED tal Fibibode Gk kaw: Large enclosed sun aphaie fessionaly landscaped lot, L- and took one look at the Trade up or down é ie MR. MORGAN [Taeencon ie hh jor included 725-8010 or Ed. Disney 728-6954 |galow, 'enclosed verandah, Small rec| G00d garden, Bus Kae Full Abaca lying: seep" and bah planning of it ond bought it | Always top qual quolity tery te WS or ee ville, ae and rattronralt | iniuee in basement. Two extra rooms Shopping Centre close, Fu ing room. Bright kitchen without delay, Since then he | igs, METROPOLITAN riibh 728-1306. 7] |Beaut ful surroundings 2 7 penpibie Upsieirs.. Gil hurnacar 7V sewer, price only $10,900, with eating area, Three good- has added many extras which | paint, new valve job, ideal 2nd po wet 0 «| } t double garage. ir schools and parks, sized bedrooms, Ceramic tile really bring the volue of it up sell, 99 Connaught, 720.7902, Must aoe -- % Bh tee red, one MK. ea) FOUR-ROOM y apartment, private bath 10 minutes' walk from centre of city. ' i 9AM. to 5 P.M. room, top floor, private entrance. Apply OENERAL STORE, x priles from OF | ow taxes and heating costs, $9,500; PRICEsREDUCED bath, large modern vanity considerably. But now he is |i9§7 HILLMAN, 4door sedans new clutah,| $140. Also Porter "Cable skill aur Tit |119 Annis Street, Whitby [goods hardware. Post" Office. Present|$1/500, down and balance on one mort- 6 room brick family home ond mirror, Basement is div- sacrificing. this home at a peg coil, In good shape. $495 or best oe rear eis ei paogh $9, asking $50. [ONE and two bedroom apartments, in|owner for 30 years, now wishes to retire,|9ege 10 sult purchaser. Phone 7251468, with garage in the Dr. Phillips ided with none, ~ price unbelievable on occount ae sie sao a ben nd bm cei Sard s ve __-|new buliding, All modern conveniences.| includes 7-room house with bath and oil| ae floor, A home: you prou i i VICK hardtop, in good condi in cabin cruiser, home made, Phone 668-0560 furnace, Financial statement shows jeowne bright con extra lore en Soro! at plas Knry own and wise *o buy ot this ching $12,500 port itd radio, automatic, one owner. $600, Tele.|4 Lie Austin pete $150 or nearest Real Estate | BASEMENT apariment, couple only, pri econ 'neal Estate. Broker, 728-4288 dOwN.|celient garden. This house is clean' and| Seporote py Ele yi in low price of $17,300, (5% $7140 deus to eee had oe phone 723-2694. Telephone ; vate bath and entrance. Bus at doo . rener |nigely decorated, Full price $8,500. Cali} bedrooms, Sc , bus an ; ) , ") you. } 1959 VAUXHALL Cresta, sedan. Excellent ps SALE: Allis-Chaimers tractor, 194 Hydro $70 monthly. Phone 723-3307, SECLUDED scenic two acres, Oshawa-|Wilf, Hawke, McGili Real Estate Broker,| store all are close. 'Ideal for mortgage). think, but not too long, be- condition. Low mil Telephone|™odel, in good condition. Price $400, Tele. Representative |Whitby vicinity. $2,500 full price.| 728-4285 the fomily with small child- couse it carries for only |728-0749. phone Brooklin 655-3517. 26--Rooms For Rent |HU 99726 Toronto, = BEDROOM, modern brick bungalow.| ren, LISTINGS $96.00 monthly including |i961 CORVAIR Yor sale, radio, heater,|PHILCO combination automatic washer a | $1X building lots, facing Bloor and W arge bright rooms. Paved drive, Close THE EASY WAY TO SELL toxes. So pick up your phone | whitewalls, 2-door coupe, in good shape.|#"d Gryer: chrome bird king Bi ond 1 ain Seip LOSES TERE AD BEI om train for branch mane |good home. Occupancy July 1 -- will Columbus, Ont. of living space, and Position open for creative & i. Suitable f tments. Water, sew-|to b id schools. Asking '$14,000 with Call 728-2065. both nearly new. Telephone 723- a oo am ed ATTRACTIVELY hers, sidewalks, Apply 448 Ritson,' Rowd|82,000 down. McGill' Real Estate Broker, BUILDING LOT When you wont to chonge "s cat for appointment to inst CHEVROLET convertibe Carinae Talore abornan) best advantage. Late model FURNISHED ROOMS |S : ina --___--| Just ot the city limits in the homes, you'll have plenty of se spl power steering, radio, white walls, $2200|4°Y@r, $40) two gray rugs and pads, 1 d north west area, 74 x 200 problems, os it is without Bowmanville 623-3463, and 9x9; one pair drapes, " ft, long, 13 m, car on neat puperance es- 'Available in private home ft. Asking $2 000. worrying t SELLING APARTMENT LAND 1956 METEOR, bball two pair drapes . "ue seniiai, Commission, To; con Call between 5 and 7 p.m, : YOUR HOUSE, Let an ex- At less thon $450: per suite |discs, radio, A-1 conden $395, 728-7959 Cateie Mea craps. -- fidential interview call: ' } ICE COMMERCIAL do thot! Wi Situated rth end. In quit te, 82 PARK RD. N. GORDON OSBORNE ah CORNER on UNTIL. 0 ieee a 'high "aonaed ores, ete taal. wrtearain. "a otis, ea Telephone!| \Size 2, S000 col Sher a. 5.30 p.m. 678. faul Ristow Realtor between 10 and § pm, 22544. 728-8671 si St. North. 50 x 150 get you the desired _ RE- going price is oround $500. ine" PONTIAC 2 a WRINGER washer, good condition) 3 Randel Tee Bid, SE ee are ev eam tenner | oS Sneha cata (rae ete See rat cia 'ade Y Motors, Telephone 723- § ' i condition, Loner . 1 : 3 15 FOOT 7 teari noel, gee is St. E 9 FURNISHED bed-siiting room, close to 218 Dundas St, Ei Whitby Dial 668-8831 Full price only $12,000, isso Yes! : today eae roa newly overhauled. | windshi spe dels BO at 'and trailer, Jp ------|hogpltal, Lady preferred. Telephone 728 TE---ROOMY That's whet you'll exclaim SHOPPING CENTRE -- |tap, radio, four, new. tires, One owner,| (102 only 12, times. $700 or best' offer, BARTENDERS 700 KING STREET WEST -- Light pilot ete 3? Oe et on en tee BLOCK te Hees aide Be cyan esa TELEVISION 3" television -- D li of this one, Lovely ond | 17" housekeeping room, refrigerator and JUST OUTSIDE OF OSHAWA WELL LOCATE ; omic -- 3 place you'll Consisting of approximately Lemate Seinen ehaat ae 8U-lconsoles, 7-plece gree | 261, For steady employment in f ite steering, range, very coral: SuNsole ter one 3 bedroom bungalow on. Wii be proud to have and to 24 acres ond located in on |power brakes, radio, whitewalls, spot. peel l ahs oe Cocktail lounge in Oshawa jor two, 728-9272. lai lh @ lower tax oreo. This modern white clapboard three bedroom son Rd. South, Private pav- hold. A real long low ronch area of high demand, 800 {less upholstery, $1675. Telephone 728-5275.\0r qurnace pipe Experience preferred, but we |FURNIGHED ROOM, will on or fwo,| bungalow with specious 70' by 215' lot is about B years old. ed drive with garage und ste q 1 ly. Telephone Whitby 668-3804, ' bungalow with attached gar- ft, King Street frontage. 1960 FORD convertible power equipped.|windows, hall tree, cre 'ved 'yto tein' Ihexpar- pS Teles ee cm pr - pasene poing oe doy --. oT good canes also seal hon preg 23 foot living room pay, New paint, 31550. Pri Private, Tele- Ps ncn "hand at Rg eon ienced opplicants,.Good sal-.|nace, bath; in villages Oshawe 28 mile! "To 10° acter bedroom 12' by 13", all nicely decorated including ad ecraene: 4c. bath plus complete with broadioom ond | OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE |i9g-GHuVROLET ;Fa00r 6 eviinger,|"™'s sults, sine 38 to. 40, 2. reversible j » Murphy, Realtor t) arvin , , : ae rf i é ; 3 i ory and benefits. Apply, [Netpin,, 'Nestleton, 966-4694 garden landscaping, hedges and other practical extras, including stool and shower in basement. Three 'haw Aer sehen 2 Dial 728-4678 standard. Call between 1 p.m. and § pum, ty in "inindon strech. Teleprone Stating oge and references to iGNe FURNISHED bedroom, single or] |6 by 24 garage. Full price $12,500 with $2500. down pay- 19 ft. living room and large tras ih oiler Pencil pis 725-1433. double. Apply 118 Tyler Crescent or] ment and monthly payments of $75.00. kitthen. Priced at $14,700. cords Ailattncoibnle. duis: Maat 8 Jock Osborne Ken Hann 2 motor, standard, power window, wagon, © Owens special, 4 ff. tower sirue 728-0130 after 4, Dick Barriage Joe Maga SP®/ture with all chennel antenna, installed BOX 7, eter tenes ao HIGHWAY FRONTAGE | ian aio, Nak'e | Pet Bop, w Meee att Asin ment Sati hy , 6 al ' Oy a ie OSHAWA TIMES its Dundes Street West, W nity. 668 5442. BUILT IN BABY SITTER HERE 472 ft, on Highway No. 4 see this one Ne, automatic. Apply after 5 p.m. 555\TENTS, trailers, sleeping bags, sloves, at Manchester. Vacant lan For full setheutars call 723-2265 peal Bisihenll picnic jugs and coolers. Best Prices, Bond cle a "quill ulpped _ house- & a ay OY Bye oD Agi el et nied at Bp 2 moat cane sult Maal an central.| The self contained compact efficency apartment ottracts the laid out in 12 lots of the 1953 AUSTIN A40. Good running ¢ondi-|Terms, Dominion Tire Store, 48 o 4 dustry, and your future appears to be/Apply 58 Nassau Street " right kind of tenant to sit with your children if you buy this Village of Manchester. Ask- OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to ion, '64 plates. $75, Dial 725-8519. | Street West . lagnant, we would like to talk fo yOU-\eq@wigHeED room avaliable. Running! solidly built 3 bedroom brick bungalow with garage in centre ing $11,000, Will consider a |1956 PONTIAC two-door hardtop Vé sticki|THREE ROOMS of furniture, only $298.50, 'and W. Drive-in's of Canade Ltd., re- close to i trode on 0 bnugalow, 9 P.M, RALPH VICKERY | shift. 1957 Oldsmoblie hardtop avtomatic,|No down payment. Discounts. for cash. " seiecanah NA Se Canagrae aie te on Sits i k tr additions! men to train os essietWalet .TV lounge, parking, | cime |) of Whitby with obout $3250. down payment. Apartment income All_in good condition, Telephone 725-8602.|Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191, taxes, heat, and part of r monthly payment on this Peg yo abe cen Mey vaygrh | Lh 9035, roa x m Why a Fi ng bags ' large 'hock 'breoking CHURCH BUILDING Margaret Lee .. 723-2894 1955 BUICK special automatic, radio, me-|TYPEWRITER, lable; one standard; # Grade 10. Must be 22 to 32 years.|TWO SEPARATE furnished housekeép- - 'i h HR cro living $0 reosonable, , \ Ralph Schofield 728-3376 f fj h : chanically good. Phone 725-4861. also IBM electric typewriter, two-total neat. in. appearance, a self-ling rooms. Men preferred. Apply 119 home payments when you can hove rn living of and attached brick bungalow. Allon. Thompson . 728-2870 or Tiner omes i963 METEOR, Al condillonyyeaio, |°83" revister, adding machine. Very rea- nd desire more responsibility,|Agnes Street. Not very often do we see a kitchen so large ond so full o 'Good condition with' 2 ofl a Sree « ae ehe windshield wockors, one near aLaay ey sonable. 72a-4004. wst yer ae veoh atten tone| souTH ap i a cupboards. Let us show you before it is too lote. fired gther > oy pry ne Mark Holl * 533-1358 best offer. Call 720-6708, rad ior anyning ya heve, Te The ur ied jpedrosm,, Privere meters. Excellent for a Scou a. se8 ins7 7 te, Good starting. salary. Opportunity eriieman nly. Call 722-1359 all ote FH a lene Pauline Beal ., 725-0239 $14,900. aor, ererd' raeninetea. meme Oe Traaing Post Store, 446 Sieve street Iving details of complete background. . a P ! Brown ... 725-3867 wi TEALTHY, 'reliable single _man, under ling 'space. Telephone 7251904 STUNNING! SPARKLING! SPACIOUS! building you want don't fail |' Sieve Macko \., 728-8868 | 4 BEDROOM RANCHER /fisw sue acne et exellent, col » help wi . Hiv. ae tre : to see us about this one i >, help with sheep and garden. Own l'\|EURNISHED ROOM for lady only, cook- Adjectives foil to describe this custom built achitect designed Price teduchd for quick iala, Maible Boudreau 728-2233 This eusomband has over | 1959 PONTIAC in very good condition a @ quarters, Reply in writi 1 i lernen, Cedar: Knoll Farms, RR, img srlcioges, Ue Weyer: FO Wey.) bedroom bungalow on Cochrane Street, Whitby, From the Reg. Aker ..... So eb 1800 squore feet of living or baat often, Colas aan ei Wa Store, 48 Bond Street West. i 728-0042, ; toa ne etna single beds, Parking,| moment y¢u enter this richly broadioomed 26' by 16'. living 5 MINUTES WALK TO mill ee i spoce not counting the large | Saturday, Whitby, 668-3419, |\8--Male or Female Suit 2 ladies or 2 gentlemen, $74 Crerar| room and continue through the functional dining area and fine GOLF COURSE 360 King St. West. Free Parking recreation room: facilties and |1984 CHEVROLET convertible, green, (Continued on Page 16) Avenue, fomily size kitchen you will be impressed with the delightful double garage, Just needs to customized, A-1 condifion.. New licence. Help Wanted TARGE. furnished room with two singié| interior innovations. The. massive log burning open fireplace Very seldom do we have the be decorated and landscaped, | Telephone 725-7404. | s, suit two, willing to share, Apply| house hunt in opportunity of offering on Only $85. per month with |19%1 CHEVROLET BeiAir sedan va bed: immediately takes your attention if you like to e Earthy Concdien pene 'Gor: y $ pe pial ii BE a ani 88 Cadillac Avenue South | flick i $5500. dowr a the dusk hours. What a sight meets your eye as the fire flickers 10 ; n, He tty gh " WAITRESSES FURNISHED oom with in walkine di | and the soft decorative star lights sparkle around you. The jin oF land paeaphonte i the ' viceable car a oan. A ao a COMING EVENTS WANTED pratucee: 'phone 726-3690. cleverly constructed stone water fall filled with myriads of lush cy Homie hes. tea" cane KEITH PETERS phone 72-3317, green plants will give you thot lively Fated feeling Pal the pletely modernized with wide WHITBY pied METEOR, oreo wane ~~ ING i - by eet le wildest af winter days and a cooling refreshing atmosphere os fi : » V8, standard, radio, walls, 4 Fn va Taw ond 27--Real Estate For cial i summer heat draws on, What o déal this is with a king size ery Ay oe cha phog Realtor 728-7328 $10,500. we aie _ 726-0118. B O lp wt heavily tiled bathroom, 2 car garage, built in bedroom vanities, hy fel 'i jationwagon, with rebuilt 1 11 p.m. to 7 a.m, neavily ti gorag mous family kitchen, notural 103 KING STREET EAST Large seven room home in motor, fifteen thousand miles, automatic, St. Gertrude s XPERIENCED | nurserymen for season, problems here and so handy to school and churches, A good pod pay, tual nd boa' em Drowhone Bewmenciie ania. sone -- REAL ESTATE down payment. necessary. reibal, Mearns Avenue. ---- INSURANCE -- / paved drive, mahogony kitchen cupboards, and living green f lo Fy livirw room, Reaui bod: Kk: also LIST AND vette RD grass and shrubbery. Full price $28,900 with $5,000 down, Cartin tall olen sdty separ~ a ae e Brooklin 655-3109, oe i cin A di * Short Order Cook WITH THE CHECKERBOA ote dining room. Good water quire a substantial down pay- |1960 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, tourdoor U itorium E Shit supply, 2 solid bonk barns | TAUNTON RD. 6 room bun- | ment ond seller will hold |Standard. radio, mechanically 'Ropi0s TO-NIGHT heey ae cuban, B 0 L A H 0 0 D KING ST. --6 ROOMS, FIREPLACE 7 pues ysl Bagi ae in peornnge = gpg mortgage for balance with [Agnes Street. hi, L | i i nm condition wit! 'orced air. oi! easy terms. SENOSH On lovely quiet street in Whitby, Full price $15,900 for this range view, Asking $5,000, heating, bathroom, good barn, Meg Shenae ae ae a sare Rae wal ot ? A 4A HOTEL B R @) T H E R MS quality home with sunroom, recreation room and other built in and owner will carry the bal- henhouse, garage and excel- pecinditla lt A cic AT FAREWELL features, Trim landscaping; gorage, mony extras, No subdivision ance on one mortgage. lent garden soil, Asking $12,900 1955 PONTIAC V8, floss ti posi-trac- FREE ADMISSION For full lara call 723-112 $2500. down ond one open i ; : f Hon reat and wedy, shoftets. One owner,) « t lack fot ee 1 | rerteaea: for. the 'balenae. Choice of four beauties [Telephone Whitby 668-2344. mn th lg age per, daily 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. : 1985 CHEVROLET V-8 2,000 miles on r tor. Standard fi ; R KCORDIAN AND GUITAR teachers, -- MORTGAGES -- GUIDE REALTY LIMITED one $2900 oo exhaust New Tires, radi rohanicaly $20 Fowenenlh ve -- bd i OF part, time, Please state quel GLENGROVE ST. OSHAWA 16 Siméoe St. S See NO tranert this TE RL das Eations to Box 43, wa Tires. r ee ; utifu' room brick home 1957 TRUCK four-ton international, Phon F NORTH WEST | The young executive will be pleased with this compact 3 bed- Your Guide To Better Living without delay, between Osh- RETIREMENT SPECIAL _ |723-268. " Fernhill Park Bingo 10---Room and Board $800 DOWN room home with cosy fireplace in this prestige Oshawa district. §|----------__--_________| wa and Whitby with coloured $9,500 1959 CHEVROLET, coach, @-<ylinder, POM and board for gentlemen willing] Four room insul-brick bungo- This home has been built long enough to have all the finishing 50 ACRES tile bath with vanity, NOR- oid rp eon 47+ ated an Cal ater| At Our Clubhouse share. Lunches packed, home privii- H Ba forthe tatired touches, yet not too eleggnt to be expensive, Extra good work- DEN cupbeards in kitchen, Two bedroom bungalow with Ty di es. Call 728-2717. el = int. Built monship and fine materials used throughout, Completely fenced of bush land in Calvin Town- attached garage. Asking oil furnace and nicely decor- iaoapaaiig Guarotee AN i ine ne mpegs ° pee ae BOARD. are od pacha, Path one dan Asking 'only yord, paved drive, fine decoration, Full price $18,900 with thio $3,500; to sell of axe $2500. down. ated and landscaped. Only _|of oll. Call Western Oi! Company 725-1212, 7:30 P.M, Sharp Bivctorg Bot Gener: $5,950.00 ful price, Corries $3500.00 down. ehense (or at ose 4 $1900 down and sixty five [OSHAWA TUNE-UP CENTRE offers ex- 20 Regulor bo ie] for 60.00 monthly on one ge property in per month, pert carburetor and auto electric service, ; age je legge' wit $0 girs wi os ph 4 saeig or outside of Oshawa, Terms $1000, DOWN -- Equipped 222 King West, 728-0817, $170 in Prizes P7602. * Ed Drumm ot 728-5123 or $82 MONTHLY can be arranged. Reply to: store with 4 bedroom home, - 900 Iuisoloneare our only business, 1058 sine kala POM AND BOARD for gentlemen, five) 725.9345 < brick construction, hot water 7 . coe North, Phone 728-7339. Shore The Weolth-- ; , lunches ' : 4 f yeti, Trane coahe meais, fu PRINCIPAL, INTEREST, TAXES : Classifed Box 9 2 anne, aeveme, east end NEW RANCHER 192 CHEVROLET, two-door, 6 cylinder, Free Admission (OM AND BOARD for gentleman, will- 8 SUITES On this lorge 3 bedroom semi-detached brick home on Empress ; Oshawa Times SORT -7328, pie nal a a ee New q 16 Cea Sl Simcoe Street Sovth.; This modern brick apartment St. In Ajax. Immaculate condition and near all schools, Living ltwo-srorey brink; Resin wast ca, This lovely _--_ prorat 1960 GMC V4 ery with ne KINSMEN BINGO pemnee house is « sound investment. room 15' by 19'. Kitchen 10' by 11' and all bedrooms quite y est, near home is completely 'orat- propai % re aig gga ay Iwate All tenonted, private parking spacious. A fine home for a young family ot a low price of M855, and franspertation. Telephone) NEWCASTLE--$500. DOWN ed and landscaped, hes at- Separately. "Apply "320" Hiicrot" Street TUESDAY 8 O'CLOCK Hind 10 iy week Wunches packed.| -- well located, For mora por- | $10,900. Try $1000. down payment with $100, monthly if | 7 Small acreage with about | tached gorage ond ail: this PRES ADMISSION bre, fiveday week, lunches packed. : poy' FURNISHED room, suitable tor two} 1400 ft. of road. frontage, for $4000. down eer eat heen re EXTRA BUSES ° if ticulars call Mr, Charles Ron- you haven't got $2500.00. brothers, friends or one single gentie| $2000, full sad pb sO ele Ni Bt oh ge I. Jackpot Nos. 54, 51 rer kine 728-5123 or 728-3682. man. NO excessive drinking. Call: 7284067 sentinne Cal nazess, eeee. Many extras! EARLY BIRD GAMES --Offices, Stores, Storage EXCEPTIONALLY clean and ta | KINSMEN Ms sm rge_ four- | 1957 DODGE V-8, standa i COMMUNITY ltd Fain OFFICE, on maine ALBERT ST. DESIRABLE WHITBY LOCATION -- $13,800 |eercem rick none. *Competey ns __, STORE AND APARTMENT jnty "irene 'owners Will 'ccept best] 109 COLBORNE ST. coklin. Specially perioned ean, $11,900 tease ene eves pig 13 athroom, Ga-|BUILDING lot 61 | fh x 281 ff. trees i lining | $10,000 DOWN offer. Telephone anytime 728-9191, sid change to. suit. Telephone And a home you will be so pleased to move into with o gracious le e real big mod-jone side, Taunton Road West, $1,800. 1959 PONTIAC i 54451, Just listed, 6 room 2 storey | oo Thie a w jar [ert kitchen would detight any woman.|Phone 728-3033, --~ ae) pa liber ng ewe Mr WOODVIEW ppealing appearance. This 3. bedroom bungalow in the popular | quiet street and nice grounds. Make this 2 This ten year old building is |'0% V& engine, automatic transmission,| == COMMUNITY CENTRE 'ORE for Tease Simeoe Street South,| brick, income home, two bed- south west area of Whitby immediately gives you that feeling of [home a real gem, Only $15,900. with|BOWMANVILLE three-bedroom bungsiow| in excellent eondition and |"adle:one owner. P Nf any busi. se Me approximately. Telephone inn. ae yl ha gab confidence and dispells any fears you may have had about in- [BOS Ruaitor, Sandan, eee leah ow. Crewtord "riti0n ts. "lien 'Reai| St0re is doing a fine busi- |194 a srecieg, re setarmnel ome ida | : : vesting your money. The well kept jarance both inside and a u : are i Berewe provecteds rece, - | main floor, modern kitchen, out wilt be sure 10 delight you. Need ehog it $3000 down here SIX-ROOM brick home, "also two finlah:| =e . et --. iy Parga joc Beslan TONIGHT 8 "p. M. bed-sitting room, three pc. . ' * Jed, rooms in attic, oak floors. In excellent|VLA Modern three-bedroom bungaiow,| (79° . rn. For @ | i9s¢ PONTIAC, 6 cylinder, standard, bath on second floor. Close coneition. Apply 234: Bruce Street, large living room and kitchen, Half acre) 900d investment you better [radio, $795. Good condition. Apply 1376| RED BARN So GN Ahels Gad short walk Lor 75 x 27§ approximately on Thickson ae wel lencanons wn Newt investigate now, ' Simeoe_North, EXTRA BUSES bs .oca WHITBY to downtown, Manthiy poy WHITBY -- 3 BEDROOM -- $9,500 ----_| Zot 40s Telvnane_72s-498s___ ita "sy "ao" minute from "GM sch ine PONTIAC, "Aperican, aor harg|__EXTRA BUSES men i arr >) ie lant, Aski 13, +3 "f 7 . RA CLASSIFIED this point th shen rs sald ont On Brock street. "A few blocks from centre of town with low |fronting highway No. 2 and Ol. Callleroker: 'yuramse MOO! neal cae CALL 728-5157 eee re Stee CAIN ABA | Mn Ray Yeo at 728-5123 or taxes, good garden, new furnace, good decoration, About $3000. Hebese 3 $13,900. -- NEW BRICK splitlevel bun- , 3 PONTIAC, 7 ; RIDING 725-2217, down and $50.00 monthly for balance, Beat the high rent costs |MOUSE. seven rooms. new ail TUrnAGS.lOalows, See cur salesmen envalie every| 48 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa | hin, "oma conan eel "arowananie . fees Stones, big Blocks, with @ home of your own, T. Murphy Realtor, Call Marvin Nesbitt.|soupng, Suit. Gar. Follow, Park Reed | 423-7088. a9 per hour 'and, gravel, top soil, stone, ' Nestleton 986-4894, PRIVATELY 953 'servations ¢ 5 | © sales office. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728- owned, 1953 Pontiac, me Plostering materials, wall BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LTD, | ATTRACTIVE mone) making duplexes, |7377. appr i es y very good. Good rubber, Tele boards, Bricks, Cement, Roof- 101 Simcoe St. North |-----_------ eee RN Oe OO Oe ee oe or avap 7(28--Real Estate Wanted (ros 15. 725-2737 * 'i ree room = an one io-bedroom ive-room br' ome wi ing, Tile, Bar tv 3524, ' Open Every Evening apartments. Full. price $17,950. See sales-|three large "pedrooms. 'Close to bs Peace, paint "like new, After "$36 BUCKEROO RANCH SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED be a NI TREES AND SPACIOUS FAMILY HOME men on site, Follow Park Road South to\and school. Monthly payments $110.50.|WANTED good' two and three-bedroom) 1. lndge, Pa 6 by Hie Fuel and Builders Supplies INEWTONVILLE --4 bedroom home on 2 . Phillip Murray Avenue and our office,/Principal, interest and taxes, Contact|/bungalows for cash buyer, also buyer with SACS SO Gt SNL REN BNE 244 Brock St 5., WHITBY, Ont. |acres of land. Only $7,000 -- $1,200 down.| Joseph Bosco Realtor, 728-7377. |George Koornneet. Paul Ristow Realtor,/substantial cash for two-storey home.|1969 CHEVROLET impala Supersport 32) SWIM POOL W. Frank Real Estate Limited, Bowman-| Custom built homes being built on treed lots, near schools in the -- 728-9474 of 723-2859 evenings. Please phone Henry Stinson at 723-1133, /engine, V-8, automatic, power equipment, PR SALE -- some used furniture and ville, 623-9393, | CHOICE building lot in East Whitby, 100 725-0243. Cal Olsen, Realtor, 299) radio, seat belts. Call 728-9059. x trailer. Also room or room and board = RasemeSonlotinnd oii Town of Whitby. These beoutifully built 2 storey, 4 bedroom feet x 214 feet, water available. $2,200 or LOT FOR SALE on Arena Street, next tolKing Street West, Oshawa. d +. . OPE Siephone 648-2398. jTHRee. BEDROOM - bungalow with {nearest offer, Cash or terms. Telephone! 190, between Elgin street and' 1959 CHEVROLET 8- cylinder automatic N DAILY rie FANS Sigal Finished recreation room,| homes feature 2 bathrooms, a full dining room, architectural |723-7701, avenue. Telephone 728-9822.+ CASH BUYER, Lecce. for 'moderate|sedan. Very clean condition, $1100. After 25 calls. Walter Ward, Ch Set tp wiegons and doors. $14,000.) designed, attoched garage, Cell Whitby 668-5853 for further |QUPLEX, "sight "rooms, 9004 location. GRIVATE SALE. immediate, possession, with fireplace, In Mone 'Masson istrict he worn ee een. Ae 6-9 P.M lose to bus. condition. Write Bex ice = split-leve' ree rooms, " e = Wivtey, 660-3583 , fabs -- WEW thresbedroom brick bon.| -'nformation. 10, Oshawa Times. Bettvoorne, family room, dene fireplace, | enone 723-4975, i982 METEOR standard, 1959 Ford aut] BUCKAROO RANCH er oe sults coats Grosses Gin WK clemes cote see rl iOACRE lots, level, evertiowing stream ba ag pri oh | PY hiles For Sele ene oot" chllce. Se. ies Pore. stew : eration ane sewers sree Fitna ieamen on at every svenng uni dr Heese ar" Hampton' sn 'new' ngnway stantial down pavment. "Ne" Saturday 29--Automobiles For Sale |carc. coos transrtaio, e125. New ir] End of Rosslond Rd. E. jeci i Follow Park Road South to Phillip Mur;| OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE Full price $4,500, with 'terms, meGiii| Calls. 728-389 1957 METEOR convertible, new motor,|cences: Apply 50? Bloor East. R GE sale Tuesday, June 2, 1.30 bARTMENT FREE (0 retired couple or sie ert Bang our sales office. Joseph Real Estate Broket, 728-4285 DELUXE three-room brick bu bungalow, al-\standard transmission Good shape. Eve-|1957 FORD sedan, automatic, motor over-\p.m. Northminster Church Hall, sponsor- petiennee Fagg Bed ene osco, Realtor, 728-7 THREE-BEDROOM eres oe saga brick ached garage. North-east end of Osh-|nings,: 5 to 7, telephone 728-1909, hauled, interior clean, new paint -job,|ed by the 30th Oshawa 'Scouts, Ladies poly Box SEVEN hundred "down. Acreage of build 218 DUNDASST.E WHITBY 668-5853. [Name stone fireoiace and chim awa, Grandview Gardens. Call 728-0654.' i937 ACADIAN convertible, radio, white-|'" Sood. $475. Phone 725-8503. | Auxiliary. : Ne ee fl apeciaeat si Wrete| Dare Bg lie a pon ag bergala| ct. a: large lot, cine : separate i Dutch TWO-BEDROOM perme, Bloor wast rd i a Cates fransmiasin, Leet 1986 Fano, excellent condition, two-tone|RUMMAGE sale, Unit No. 2 Centre . schools, northwest . section. lephone | A nis forage i seats, ex: eason. reen, Fairlane yi lephorie 7858, Tuesday, June hone Whitby 468-8785, 'Hetherington 423-3637 , ; 720-9683, beat down payment, Telephone 725-847 seas priced. For Information eal 723-2074, " otter 43 p.m, i daa prs i . st ® ¥ =a

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